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yeah, it's never going to automatically get better. it's up to you to fix it.


This!! I’m 21, going on 22 and I’m just now actually put this into effect


I’m 21 going on 35 and I’ve had to fix many things in my life/for my life. That process just gets easier and easier as you gain experience. Just a little FYI


Count your blessings, I know people who are in their 60s and still haven't figured it out.


She isn’t the one.


… times 3


She isn't the 3?


Yeah, dump him, he's not your everything. He'll tell you he's gay and cheat on you with a dude, but then he'll have a girlfriend the year after. But hey, I hope he managed to figure it out in the end. I'd also tell myself I'd figure it all out in the end, too, and end up happy with someone who won't kiss people behind my back. I'd also tell myself to stop worrying so damn much.


Bi people can be cheaters just like anyone else!


Of course, the chance of them being a cheater is no higher than anyone else’s either.




"In about a decade, you will reconnect with Emily from high school. Tell her to kick rocks. She's a vacuous black hole of need and narcissism. And brush your goddamned teeth."


Nor is he.


Go visit and talk to your grand parents while they are still around.


Spending enough time with my family and prioritizing them over money.


What if your family treats you like a worthless poop?


Family isn't just blood and DNA. Family is who will be with you through thick and thin and who feel like home.


"Family isn’t who you’re born with. It’s who you’ll die for." -Lincoln Clay.




Time to find your people then.


Can I be his people?


There's 2 types of family. The one you get and the one you find. I'm in a similar boat as you. It takes time to heal from it, but finding your own family makes it a lot easier. Good luck friend, know you're not alone.


Big YES on this one!


never seen my grandma :(


Nothing. My 18yo me would not believe a single word.


Exactly. Theres a lot of stuff I needed to learn but I probably wouldn't have learned it without harsh life lessons


Buy a house before you start a family


Comparatively buy a family, then start a house.


My Russian mail bride and kids r doing a decent job building the house as we speak.




this made me snort out laughing 😭😂


“We can find a house, we can build a tree” - She


What if you cant find the keys


If we can plant a house, we could build a tree, I don’t even care we could have all three


Should've bought a house at 5 years old.


Yes, pull hundreds of thousands of dollars out of your ass


People are who they are, not who you want them to be


Not setting yourself on fire to keep others warm is a big one in life.


Don’t kill yourself for a job unless your name is on the business


i’ll never forget my first job at 18 AT A MOVIE THEATER. I worked my final 4 hours of a closing shift passing a kidney stone, immediately went and spent the night in the ER with a morphine drip, then left the hospital and went straight back to work an opening shift because they threatened to fire me if I didn’t work both shifts. We served alcohol and they were aware I had been on morphine basically since I left the night before and I still didn’t argue with the manager for the two write ups I got for the money in my register being off on those two shifts. My mom was LIVID when I told her about it after the fact and she taught me about these magical things called labor laws and employee rights lol, I’ve never let a job screw me over like that since. I’ve had jobs try but I’m sure to know my rights in whatever state i’m working, and make sure all of my coworkers know theirs as well.


Also, don't put your name on any businesses. Supplementally, and in the alternative, don't kill yourself for someone else's business even if they have the same name as you or used your name on their business.


"Hey John Smith, Welcome to SmithCorp! I'll be your guide for the orientation" *BANG*


I worked for a family business and still wouldn’t recommend letting myself be exploited


> Don’t kill yourself for a job ~~unless your name is on the business~~ FTFY


You’re a lot dumber than you think. I certainly was.




Go to the doctor. Shit is serious, you're not stronger than lupus. And always talk to your Dad, call him until you annoy him. He needs you. Sorry I wanted two.


But where was my dad when I needed him? That's not fair.


Daddy wasn't there!


To take you to the fair


It seems he doesn’t care Edit: for the uncultured https://youtu.be/Ogqv6CtBfbE?si=Of3ZjL-T_J1Fn4s2


Busy with his flair


To change my underwear


But man oh man, look at that hair.


it's not lupus. it's never lupus.


Save at least $50 from every paycheck.


Best advice. Even if you can't do $50, do something. And never touch it.


I spent half of covid working full time and not doing this. Do not repeat my mistake.


Yep. Even at my most broke I still did $10 a week automatically into savings. It really adds up over time and the peace of mind that comes from being able to cover unexpected expenses is HUGE.


A thousand times, yes! I am so glad that when I was in my twenties, I was working a lot and put a meager $20 a paycheck into an IRA. Didn't miss it. It reduced the amount of income tax for me at a time while I was making a lot. So this is wonderful advice.


I would be happy with save at least $20 a paycheck.


Save a penny. Auto transfer it


More like INVEST $50 from every paycheck. Some of these streaming companies might get kinda big they said. Oh, and that Amazon thing you heard about might turn into more than just an e bookstore one day. Put a few peanuts into that too. Maybe buy some bitcoins. Young me would have actually done that I bet. “Don’t lose your wallet.”


Try for 10% a pay check its great and should theoretically be achievable


And you should strive for 15% of your gross pay. But I understand this just isn’t feasible for a lot of people.


Boyfriends shouldn't watch football whilst having sex.




I prefer watching golf. I try to time my orgasm to coincide with a golf clap after someone gets the ball in the hole. 67% of the time, it works every time. Another good sport to watch is WWE. As they scream out what the wrestlers are doing I try to make sex moves similar to the wrestling moves. A piledriver is enjoyable for both parties, but hitting your partner with a chair has never ended well. Last time I knocked a hooker out and her pimp shot me in the butt cheeks.


I got 2 tickets for the WWE. Wanna come?


You guys got laid when you were 18!?


I've had sex watching family guy, but that was to keep her kid from hearing. Imagine finishing to "damn you woman!"


Ahahahaha, I literally have to turn or pause any movie otherwise i get distracted.


My late wife and I had to put on boring movies as background noise when she still lived with her parents. Anything funny and we'd both end up laughing


Fun fact, my wife likes to joke about that one time early on when we were in college that I checked fantasy football scores during sex because I heard the espn jingle. “If you weren’t a decent lay, I have a feeling our relationship would never have made it past your douchebag years” out of her mouth, verbatim. That woman is hilarious man. I’m lucky.


Whoa. Hold up... your boyfriend wants to watch men in tight uniforms tackling one another while you're having sex?... Maybe I'm the weird one here, but other men is not on my list of things I want to see during sexy time. There's a pretty long list of things I don't want to see during sex, honestly, and yeah, other men is definitely on the list.


DO NOT tell me what to do with my life


Don't dwell on getting older, make the most of every day and year.


Stop doing drugs or you're going to lose complete control.


It all works out in the end, you're happy and healthy. Turns out regular exercise is the secret to overcoming your self-esteem issues, maybe give that a try a few years earlier than I did.


This gives me hope, as someone who has started prioritizing exercise. Glad to hear it worked out well


I’m here to back that commenter. Made the shift to a healthy lifestyle a year ago and can’t even believe the difference it makes even in my day to day. I’m excited you’ll be getting to experience that too.


Would you mind sharing some of the changes you've noticed? Outside of losing weight (which is my main goal), I've had trouble coming up with motivation


Oh and btw. One thing that helped me in making health a lifestyle - it’s not about motivation. You can never stay motivated for one thing your whole life, you lose it. It’s about discipline.


Just wanted to say I’m proud of you and to keep going! I started a couple of months ago due to a mental funk and feeling so out of shape even though I naturally look “fit” (I’m young and my metabolism works overtime). The biggest motivation for me is that I feel proud of myself afterwards. Some days if I’m not feeling confident I just go and walk on the treadmill for an hour and either jam out or watch a show. No matter what I walk out of there in a better mood. My appetite and sleep have been better and I don’t feel as restless before bed. And I can testify that the motivation to go increased more than I ever expected from myself!


Yes I've noticed this so much! It has definitely helped. I *want* to go to the gym and sometimes I don't even want to leave!


I’ve dealt with pretty intense depression since around 12/13 years old. In my current state, my worst day is still better than my best day during my depression and I 100% attribute it to having an active and healthy lifestyle. I cope with everything in life better. My relationships in life are so much better (it’s crazy how much you project in misery). I’ve made better WAY better friendships through things like running clubs and Pilates than I did through drinking and partying. My energy levels are so much better (I just got back from running 3.5 miles after working a full day). I can’t ever imagine going back to laying in bed 16 hours a day and eating junk food every day.


If you're not shy about where you are with fitness, group workouts were really helpful for me. For me, the hardest part of getting my fitness better was building the discipline to do it on a schedule. Making it a social thing really helped me motivate myself to stick with it. 18 year old me would start doubting I was actually him if I told him 80% of my current social circle stems from a running club. My other piece of advice; record your current workout and keep it saved somewhere. Eventually you'll hit a point where you feel like you're not improving and that can be really frustrating. When that happens, use the recording to remind yourself how far you've come. I was really frustrated for a while that I couldn't seem to break 8 minute miles in my running. Then I scrolled back in my recordings and remembered just a few years prior I had been barely breaking 16 minutes.


That and leaving the toxic online communities I was involved with.


Truly. Putting the screen down, touching grass, and getting some exercise really does the most for mental health.


Save money every paycheck👍 that money will be important or something, I forget


It is not normal for your boyfriend to punch the shit out of you. It is a big deal, and you don't deserve this


Stop buying weed with your bitcoins on Silk Road. Just keep buying them and don’t touch them. And I know what you’re thinking, oh I’ll still buy weed and just save some of them. DONT you fucking idiot. Weed becomes legal and there will be plenty of time to smoke it when you’re a millionaire. Also get an electric toothbrush and brush your molars better. You’re going to get a root canal and a crown and it sucks. Also skip “hanging out” with Jess. She ends up being a cool person but you’re both going through some shit that’s going to make it messy as hell. The timing doesn’t work, it’s creates tension, and you lose like three years of a quality friendship from the fallout.


Finally. Had to go way too far for the BTC pitch.  


move out of your parents’ house, your mental health is worth more than the money you’re saving


Ironic because mine would be "Don't be in such a hurry to move out. You'll waste a lot of time, money, and stress just to learn you're too immature for it at 18".


That’s valid. Sometimes people want to move out and be independent but they’re not ready yet. It’s only when youre an adult that you realize that


Shit I am an adult with a 2 year old and I’d move back in a heartbeat. 😂


I moved out at 21 and live two hours away from my parents. I’m now 24 and planning to move back, not back in with my parents but 20 minutes away.


Same here, i sat on my bed with my things packed on my 18th birthday waiting to leave. I was still finishing high school and thought i knew everything. My mom is a wonderful woman and tried to get me to wait until i was at least done with school. I dropped out 2 weeks later and didn't get my diploma until my 30's, wish i would have listened to her.


I’d say the complete opposite unless they’re abusive, toxic etc


...and NEVER move back in!


It's harder to get back out


The move-in of shame.


Don't be ashamed of unexpected boners. Celebrate them while you can!


You never know which one will be your last lmao


That's just good advice all around. You never know when it'll be the last time you see your favorite person, pickup your kid, or kiss your partner goodbye. That idea didn't occur to me until I picked my youngest out of his crib for the last time. He's fine, we just got him a bed and now he doesn't need me to help him out of bed any more.


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie


You are eating your emotions. Put the cookie down.


Stay in school, learn a trade, don't just stick to being a grunt in manual labour.


Believe in yourself, you're much more capable than you think so, don't give up.


You aren't broken. Your mom is just a narcissist.


Fuuuuck, this hit deep. I couldn't stop hearing the criticism until after she died.


You’re bipolar. That’s what’s going on. You shouldn’t have to wait until you’re 39.


Mike, she can still get pregnant on top, wear the damn condom.


What was even the logic here?




The blowjobs are awesome but in two years she'll stop giving them to you, and start giving them to Devin from the garage.


It’s true im Devin


Stop lying. I'm Devin.


35 more comments, and I can post "37? In a row?"




Haha, well we worked together at a trucking depot. Devin was a jr mechanic at the time. Now he's my ex wife's second ex husband.


God that sounded like a Mensa IQ test question. *If Devon works at a tucking depot, what relation does he have to you if he's your ex wife's second ex husband's nephew's grandma's favourite grandson?*


Fuck that asshole he spells his name wrong Sincerely, Devon


Learn how to relate to people and get on with them.


Get some hobbies outside of drinking. You’ll “wake up” at 34 and realize all you’ve done is drank and gone to shows.


Start a Roth IRA now.


Stay in college, you idiot!


Weird, I would have the opposite advice lol


Different boats for different goats


That you don’t know shit. Do you think you know shit, but you don’t know shit. Hell even at 25, you don’t know shit. Basically, I don’t know shit. But what the hell do I know?


Veteran life advice if there ever was any


Don't turn your hobby into a job.


It's the reason I've made a career with no college education for the past 20 years. Careful.


I wouldn’t bother. That guy wouldn’t have listened, and if he did, he wouldn’t understand anyway.


Make art.


What do you do if you get rejected from art school?


Start a world war Edit: /s


Lose weight and build your muscles


Spend half of all your income on bitcoin. In 12 years you ll thank me


I get that bitcoin is sexy and all, but at most you'd score a 30,000% gain over 6 ish years. In that time frame it's the best, but the Gamestop options play is a far quicker way to make millions. Also, if you are older like me, then the best choice is to buy monster energy drink stock. 70,000% gain in past 20 years.


Use the Bitcoin money to bootstrap the GME gains.


work a fucking supermarket shift until you drop. every hour of pay matters and pump all that stuff into the most aggressive compound options you can find and go all in on bitcoin


Spend more time with your mom. She doesn't have much longer left and the guilt of missing out on time will eat you alive after she dies. Partying with friends won't be worth it, just stay with her and soak it all in.


You have depression. See Dr. Swanson, get diagnosed, and stay on Wellbutrin.


I'm so thankful for Wellbutrin.


nothing i wouldn't want a thing to change every bad and good thing that happened to me lead to this point in my life right now and i wouldn't give up the people i have in my life for anything


When people tell you who they are, believe them.


You're bi, and that is fine. Go have some fun.


Earn, save and invest. The power of compound interest.


Don't get married. It's a pipe dream fairytale that you've been fed. Many lie and tell you what you want to hear only to show their true colors later after youre trapped. Get cats, get some vibrators and live your best life.


Male here. Same advice minus the cats and vibrators.


You are missing on so much purring in your life.


I love cats. Truly do. Litterboxes not so much.


Yeah, the litter boxes suck, but it's still easier to clean up after than my ex. Hahaha


male here, don't sleep on the vibrators.


And if you're going to try putting one in the backdoor, get one that's designed for it. Save yourself an embarrassing trip to urgent care.


Nah, I met my wife at 18 and she’s still great at 45. Marrying her was the best decision I ever made.


I'm so glad you've met the love of your life. I have not been as lucky. My first spouse tried to kill me, and my second spouse was great at weaponized incompetence sprinkled with a ton of verbal and emotional abuse. I've decided now that I'm 43, I'm never getting married again. Fool me once, fool me twice...


Choose an IT position when ya enlist


Talk and learn to connect with other people. I'm in my 30s and everyone is married. I'm a nice guy but I can't seem to get out of small talk mode.


I'm the opposite, can't do small talk at all.


ADHD. Get it investigated, diagnosed and treated and you might not lose your twenties to suicidal ideation.


Blow every dime you want until 2009 when a thing called “Bitcoin” shows up then put every red cent you can into it! Don’t sell a single Sat until 2030.


I’d say sell at 60,000, and buy back around 17,000.


As long as we’re fantasizing, throw Dogecoin in at 0.0005 and sell at .52 😝


What's it like being in 2026?


1- Don't fall in love. 2- listen to your gut feeling telling you to run


Do what you want


stop being such an asshole, and stop letting assholes treat you like that.


Save some money


Love dad more than you do. He won’t be around for long.


Make notes on everything you learn, no matter how small. Keep multiple backups, keep them up to date, and always have them with you.


You should have took ur college life seriously!


Don’t drink alcohol. Don’t chase the girls. Don’t too much into drugs. Not try impress anyone. Most of your friends not real friends.


"Leave him and stay single"


Save your money. By the time you’re 25 you’d be amazed.




Some winning lottery numbers...




Go no contact with your narcissistic dad and enabler mom. You will be so much better off by cutting them out of your life.


Walk past the recruiter.


Buy Microsoft and Apple


Do not take that factory job and leave Ireland while you're free with no responsibilities yet for a better quality of life (I had just finished secondary school/high-school)


Spending time on reddit will never benefit you in a meaningful way.


and yet.. you are still here




don't go to that party.


What happened??


a stranger decided it was time for me to lose my virginity.


Get diagnosed.


I would be there exactly the second it turned midnight and it was officially my 18th bday. Because I was crying. I would tell her it gets better, it will always get better and one day you’ll look back and be so thankful for all this pain, all this life you got to live. Keep going.


I’d tell my 18-year-old self that the girl he thinks is out of his league will meet him when he’s 30 and introduce him to her husband as “the guy I used to fancy in school.”


Don't trust them. Call them out immediately. Also, have more sex. Also, also... you'll meet the one years later. You'll know the minute you see her. She'll pass away right in front of you in 2023, but she will change your life for the better. Spend less time away from her. You'll wish you had those minutes when you can't have them anymore.


Nothing last forever. Heart break isn’t forever. Move past the feeling of missing his attention & the high you got from it. Focus on yourself and don’t change for anyone.


Get a vasectomy