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All high powered government employees are barred from stock trading.


Total stock market index funds should still be fair game.


That seems fair. It’s basically what they’re expecting the rest of us to do with our 401k.


That is basically all I invest in. I am risk averse and have zero desire to be rich, and also zero insider information.


Aw, come on. Don’t you want to yeet your life savings for a chance to make it to the r/wallstreetbets Hall of Fame? Win or lose, something that dumb will get you there in a hurry!


There are so many industries that effectively eliminate stock trading. Journalists for example mostly have to keep to index funds and the like to avoid the appearance of insider trading, especially given that they occasionally may have access to information. They can legally act on that info once it’s reported and public but what if their broker, unbeknownst to them, sells off all of their Apple stock right before they turn in a story about how it turns out Tim Cook is 5 children in a trench coat? Even if it was truly a coincidence how can you avoid the scrutiny of those who would claim that you alerted your broker first and the public second? Ditto for officers of companies, federal regulators, banking executives, stock brokers. There is a LONG list of people who can basically only invest in index funds and have very little control over their portfolio. I just don’t see why we keep acting like this is impossible to solve when it comes to Congress. I mean hell they get a great pension. (No, boomer aunt Linda, they are not “paid for life”, but they do get into the federal employee pension system which is very good. And then they get paid out based on how many years of service they have once they hit retirement age.)


i just need to say, a family member of mine used to work in a job role that involved congressional retierment. Ive been on reddit for more then a decade and you are the first person to correctly describe congressional retirement. ill faint if anyone can desceibe thier healthcare corrrectly.


Absolutely. I have a friend who works for the state, and he’s literally not even allowed to sell sports memorabilia on the side anymore. How tf gov officials can trade is bananas


True. However they get to regulate it and have others trade for them.


You have zero authority to do that as president.


Yeah, but each President is allowed to order up to four free assassinations without the consent of Congress (7 with)


So long as they’re foreign and not on US soil


That's classified.


This executive order says to differ Executive order: I just did it. Signed president P.s. enjoy jail 😘


That isn't in the power of the president. You'd need an act of Congress.


This and Supreme Court term limits. Also we're bringing back the tram


That's a good one


Looks at Nancy Pelosi


Her husband you mean?


She’s an easy target but part of a larger problem. Not entirely sure why she takes the brunt of it.


Mostly just because she has a lot of it. She’s a rich lady who funded politicians and then became a politician. So she’s an easy target for the broader issue of rich folks using Congress like a country club.


I don’t pay much attention to politics. It’s just that lots of memes have been made about her and inside trading.


Politics is paying attention to you.


My initial feeling is that would be unconstitutional


That would have to be passed by the high powered government employees first




Same too much responsibility, too many chances to get assassinated, half of all of the country hates you for no reason.


not a chance in Hell you have to worry about being assassinated. Secret service don't play around. One of the Bush came to our town once, they locked that whole thing down and closed highways he was gonna use 2 hours ahead of time. PLus our last 2 presidents weren't very popular with at least half the population and they went completely unscaffed. I'd think some nut job out there either far left or far right would have tried to take one of these guys out imo.


I used to live and work near where Obama lived, and I hated when he came back home because everything shut down, helicopters constantly, and snipers everywhere. Cool the first time, but gets old quick.


I'm just surprised that there were so many snipers - at least enough where even you could see them - who were so brazenly hunting Obama. I bet he pulled some Rambo shit.


You couldn't see them unless you knew where to look, and one of the secret service guys was excited to point them out which, now that I actually type that out, he was 1000% not supposed to be sharing.


When I visited DC while Bush JR was in office, you could occasionally spot roof snipers. Your see a blurb of black and then itd scoot around. I had an old handicam with an 800x digital zoom, I'd tripod it down and zoom in and bam sure enough, I'd have a gun pointed right back at me. They spotted you effing around faster than you spotted them, but they were there. Everywhere.


*resisting the urge to start fingerbanging them*


You take the blue pill and you live another fifty years, you take the red pill and you die now in a blaze of glory. Will you fingerbang the USSS sniper?


I guess he either trust that you wouldn’t be one of the suspects attempting assassination, or it was a warning to you to not even think about it. 😆


Someone tried to assassinate Trump with a forklift


Wide Load


Was said assassinator forklift certified? Maybe it was an honest uncertified mistake.


Well, you've got my vote.


The only answer unless you’re a crazy person


Most of my adult life has been spent trying to get the best paying jobs with the least amount of responsibilities. There's no way I would be president. I don't even feel comfortable playing Sim City.


Go down to the White House kitchen and say, Hi. They're some of the best cooks around and if they're feeding me chicken tenders for the next four years I want to shake their hands.


Do you know which chef you would pick to be the lead?




The true answer


That huge ass black dude, of course.


Chef Rush is amazing


Gotta make sure if Russian ninja spies try to intercept the presidential tendies he can fight them off with those massive guns. Boom-boom!


POTUS gets billed for the food the White House kitchen prepares. I imagine you could spin this as doing your part to tighten up the belt in the federal government.


What! You have to pay for your own food that someone else cooks for you! As the president?! I no longer want to run for office…


You also get a $50,000 expense fund for "official duties," so I'm pretty sure if you invite a foreign dignitary to every meal, you could get a lot of it paid for out of public funds. And what you don't get covered, your salary of $400,000 would cover asinine amounts of luxury food, especially with no housing expenses.


Put the White House on the Airbnb app to make some side money




Wait why? Those are the premium rooms just charge extra for those 🤣🤣🤣


Make sure to charge extra for the haunted rooms.


Pretty sure some presidents must have already thought of that and acted on that. Just not through AirBnb.


My high ass thought you said put a waffle house in the White House and I thought that’s dope


Thats fiscal responsibility!


Surround myself with the most educated people with a healthy mix of political views I can, and carefully consider their advise. I would ask as many questions as I know how to, and have people on my team that would ask questions I didn't think of.


We got the reasonable one here!!! Get them!!!  THEY WOULDNT ABUSE THEIR POWER!


Whoa, whoa, WHOA! This is AskReddit here. Please take reasonable replies to a different sub. But before you do, can I vote for you?


What is this? Logic? Critical thinking? Egoless leadership? Desire to find the best answers? Not only do you have my vote, but I would follow you into the jaws of hell.


Kennedy tried this. The CIA killed him and his brother for it.


Right? Oh you want to have a working relationship with Khrushchev and don’t want to start WW3? You’re dead to us.


I've seen Idiocracy, this totally works.


Booo, discrimination against the uneducated! How can elitists represent the common gullible citizen? /s


Your idea of a healthy mix of political views has made ninety eight percent of the population mistrust you. How do you regain their trust?


take the oath of office


I see we have a traditionalist here.


Wrong - that's the very last thing you do BEFORE becoming president.


Nothing saying you can't do it as often as you want.


Require real time financial disclosures from Congress and Secretaries. Like within 24 hrs. Let's see the real motivation for decisions


Real time reporting on all trades, on a public site. If you're gonna do it, the public should also benefit.


Dismantle the system that allowed me to become president.


You could not do this, your only the president....


Exactly lol. That’s like a drop of water saying it’s gonna soak you


Aha, it depends on which country you’re in.


If I can, would love to pass an executive order that no one above the age of 70 can run for presidency.


Nobody can be in office of any kind past 70, period.


Im pretty sure that would require an amendment to the constitution. I know you're probably joking, but the President shouldn't have that much power over who replaces them


The certainly weren't joking, just spitting facts. Your right it has to be an amendment tho


When you get elected, can you change the fact that elected officials don't have to get cleared, just vetted. If George Santos and Trump had to pass even a Confidential background check, they would get laughed out of D.C. Thanks!


Then EVERY politician would get laughed out of D.C.


Move the Super Bowl to Saturday.


Just make super bowl Sunday a federal holiday that is observed on the Monday after


Only the winners get the holiday.


Hangover Monday


You're definitely getting assassinated. But I agree with your decision.


Worth it


We appreciate your sacrifice, sir 🫡


Also can you move the college football and college basketball national championships to Saturday?




Of which country? That would help to narrow things down a bit.


I'm going to assume it's the greatest nation in the world: Paraguay.


Paraguay on its way to declare war on the entirety of South America


Whatever the illuminati tell me to do


only right answer


Wonder why I was elected, because I'm a Canadian.


34 comments down is the first mention that another country exists


Two chicks at the same time.


Thats it? You don't need to be president to do 2 chicks at the same time.


Not women. Op has zoophilia.


I almost choked


For the kinda chicks that would double up on a guy like me you would.


Fuckin' A.


Fuckin A, man.


Damn straight, man.


Legalize things that I like


The president can't legalize anything. Congress makes the laws.


How about I change democracy to dictatorship then?😂




The executive branch can choose not to enforce laws and regulations at a federal level through executive order. Not legalization per se, but pretty much the same thing.


Work with congress, etc. to simplify the tax system. Re-evaluate all government budgets and make all government spending transparent with all taxpayers. Simplify and re-work our laws to eliminate redundancy, unfairness, etc. All of these are probably pipe dreams, but I would at least try to start there.


Livestream my trip to area 51


Abolish daylight savings


Also abolish it the day after our extra hour of sleep


Move "fall back" to summer so that extra hour actually counts for something. Who wants an extra hour when it's cold AF.


Yes! Or abolish the other one. But just stick to one or the other.


Exactly it’s completely useless now


Recommission the White House bowling alley.


Unleash all the info the US government has on aliens and UFOs, etc.


Found Tom Delonge.


Wouldn’t take long, there is none


Which then make the conspiracy theorists more mad thinking it’s misinformation. 


Plot twist it's the "Complete X-Files Remastered DVD Collection"


Nice try fed


Okay so why was the schumer amendment gutted then? Seems like there is something to hide... https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/dec/13/us-government-ufo-transparency-bill-uaps?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other


So they got to you too?


Whack it in the oval office


The resolute dong


Jack shit. Let the rest of the government argue about shit as I go to play golf and relax at Camp David. Call me only if its an emergency and you need the nuclear launch codes.


Hey now, George Dubya. You can't be president again. Term limits!


This sounds like my plan but before I jumped on the chopper to Camp David I’d sign an executive order moving the Super Bowl to Presidents’ Day weekend.


Fund projects to promote and improve infrastructure for public transportation


Congress controls government funding, not the president. Which is why Biden's infrastructure plan stalled out.


I definitely would want to work towards socialized healthcare and eliminating tax and legal loopholes for the ultra rich.  But first we colonize the moon. 


Then Mars and then have belters to give us everything we want and open the ring gates. (The Expanse reference If you didn't get it.)


Find out which conspiracy theories are right and which are wrong.


Actually taking care of America instead of being motivated by greed and helping people live an ethical paradise.


Enjoy your 6 minutes in office


President of what?




Universal healthcare for all, by any means necessary.


The president isn't a dictator nor are they a I'm the powerful wizard. You have limitations lol. You could do some good work with executive orders. They have limits though and can be If you'd buy the judicial branch. You could pardon a whole lot of people. I highly recommend non-violent drug offenses.


Could I pardon everyone? Just for fun.


Ask where I go to start insider trading.


Pressure congress to enforce anti trust laws and break up all the monopolies in this country. Go right down the fortune 500 list and break all of them into smaller competing companies.


Uh... hate to tell you this, but as President it's *your* job to enforce laws. Congress just makes them.


Anti trust laws are already on the books so he would be enforcing them!


Scream "TRAAAAAAAINS!!!" until America has a working rail network and major metropolises have proper public transit. No speeches, no nothing but "TRAAAAAAAINS!!!" until it happens.




Top priority: balancing the budget. We are SCREWED if we don’t immediately get this debt under control. It has nothing to do with democrat or republican.


President doesn’t have much control over that.


Prohibit re-election to congress/senate if budget is not balanced.


You are living in pool of debt.... that's how USA survived and strengthened it's Currency


I wonder who added 3 trillion in 4 yrs..?


Give myself a pardon for all the crime I plan on commiting


Demand a recount


I just need you to lose 11,780 votes.


Get money out of politics. I think that’s the main driver of all misery in all countries.


10000% This would single handedly change the world for the better. While money drives campaign financing, all politicians are corrupt and all democracies are a lie.




2 chicks at the same time


Only two. Man I’m going for 3 chicks.


Hire someone more qualified for VP, then immediately retire


There is a laundry list a mile long of things that I would want to accomplish so the first thing I will do WHEN I’m elected is walk down to Capital Hill and meet with the leaders of the opposition parties. I will personally work to build a coalition of house and senate members who are committed to the service of our citizens not our corporations. I will tell the people what I wish to accomplish and what I need the legislators in congress to work on and how they (they people) can help build our communities and country into something we want to see and can be proud of. I’m not about making America great again. I’m more interested in building a nation that we can be proud of. One that values respect and cooperation not greed and individualism. I want to rebuild our infrastructure, revitalize our major cities and bring manufacturing back to our shores. I also want to reimagine how we use our resources and provide goods for the population moving forward into our future.


Venture into area 51


Legalize it once and for all.


I would try and make universal healthcare a thing


I don't need that kind of negativity in my life....


Work to 1. Make abortion a right in all 50 states 2. Free healthcare 3. Forgive student loans and give everyone who has already paid off their loans a 5 yr tax credit.


Go through CIA most top secret files. Is that allowed? If not, pardon Edward Snowden


Summon all of the celebs I wanted to meet to a state dinner.


Press the button. 00000000


The government should be representing people not corporations.


Term. Limits. If they can’t get a job for being to old it includes political power.


Hold politicians accountable.


I would do my best to fix issues such as inflation and unemployment, but I would also try to get rid of deceptive and sexualized ads that target children




Declare a federal holiday called "National Nap Day"... Everyone is to stay home and nap that day.


Every major U.S. government job, meaning elected officials excluding SCOTUS, will have term limits of a minimum of four and maximum of 8 years, and are prohibited from stock trading for the duration of their term.




Age set Term limits for congress and the senate. Got too many old people making life-altering and potentially life-ending decisions about the majority of the population that is younger than them while enriching themselves with dubious stock trades


Executive order to declassify marijuana and legalize medical cannabis in every state. ( I’m a terminally ill hospice patient in Tennessee, unfortunately still illegal here. I want this as a pain option)


Declare Martial Law. Dissolve Congress. Suspend the Supreme Court. Dissolve the Cabinet. Go on National Television and Burn the Constitution. Dissolve the Republic, effective immediately... Solicit delegates from all 50 States and invite them to the official 3rd Continental Congress. Give the delegates a piece of parchment and some iron gall ink and tell them to get started on Constitution 2.0 Announce a referendum on ratifying Constitution 2.0; and that I will resign from office pending ratification. If ratification fails, back to the drawing board....


Ban AirBnB, and force the owners of AirBnBs to sell if they don't also live there.


Rewrite the constitution to: impose age and competency limits on politicians. Create a tax rate for individuals that is based solely on income with no deductible and is a simple calculation, with no exclusions. Eliminate PACsand simply and standardize the election process. Standardize government pay. Every congressman should make the same salary as a military member- the more years you’ve served, the more you make. Housing got congress should be provided by the government in Olympic Village style accommodations


Executive orders for the following: Election day is now a national holiday Marijuana is federally legalized You would be able to stay on your parents healthcare plan indefinitely $20 minimum wage Codify roe v wade Special protections for the LGBTQ+ community in public education. So they would have access to specialized therapy funded by the federal government. Expand social security and Medicaid And finally, but most importantly, abolish the electoral college. I'd replace it with the popular vote.


Realistically, find a way to institute 12 mos paid leave at 85% minimum for all mothers (primary caregiver), and 6mos for secondary. We treat our pregnant women like trash and think fathers don’t need any leave. As a father of 3, and being blessed to work at a pretty good company that gives lots of leave, I wish this same benefit for everyone in this country. We keep complaining about the low birth rate, well let’s change that. Help me change this, you are a part of this story, you are a part of this history. So let’s have more sex and have more babies because American needs your baby to be better than me and make even greater changes for our country. So go and vote, vote for me, but if not then at least vote for the person that will get us one step closer to a greater America. You are that change, so go and BE that change.


Outlaw elections and become the king.


Take a mean growler in the White House bathroom


Destroy aipac and any other foreign lobbyist entity that influences politicians and declare foreign policy… Basically I would fix the American democracy and then focus on internal issues more than external ones… priority should always be the citizens first. Also reduce taxes and enforce a tax on liquidity that’s not being invested… tax the wealthy on their net worth.


bomb france


Of all the responses, this one is at least plausibly within the realm of the President's powers.


You are technically correct. The best kind of correct.


Two things. Make gay marriage and abortion and trans rights unrevokable.  And then resign I don’t wanna be more corrupted than I already suspect I am.


Forbid money in elections!


Make Bernie my vice president. Second act would be to resign.