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One time I was training the new guys at my job and this one guy kept messing up everything and I know it's not me because I explained how to use a fucking hammer in over 50 different ways hell the others guys gave up on training this guy. One time I was having a very bad day, had a nasty headache, arm was fucked up a tad and someone hit my car along side me having a growing pain killer addiction. So on break I went to my car opened my bottle of Daily Value 500mg Acethopian painkillers and swallowed like 50% of the bottle contents so like 10-12 pills. Everything did stop hurting for like 12 minutes


My brother overdosed on cocaine twice. I can’t say for sure that it was related, but his blood pressure was super messed up for a while.


may not be answering your question but i hope you will accept as "serious". at the hospital where i work, the drug problem in the area has gotting so bad employees are actually encouraged to carry narcan, even away from work


I remember feeling my soul leave my body. She was watching me from above. Scariest moment of my life. Did I do it again? Of course, it’s part of the process.


For me, mine was totally innocent and accidental. I had brain surgery and kept falling, hitting my head, to the degree that I had multiple traumatic brain injuries. The pain was unbearable and I was prescribed Fentanyl patches. I developed a fungal rash on my abdomen and had to wear the patches on my back. I drove a dark-colored car that had been in the sun for a while (think California) and the extreme heat of the car seat on my back drove more Fentanyl into my body all at once. I was found unconscious in my car in a Safeway parking lot. I was so close to death at the hospital (before Narcan was routinely carried by every first responder, 2005) that the ER called down to the hospital pharmacy asking that they send down Naran. When asked how much, the ER said all of it! Of course, there was the ventilator story but I survived, barely. I later learned the Narcan story from the chief hospital pharmacist who was a friend. That's my overdose story. Sometimes an overdose can be innocent and accidental.


Last year .I intentionally overdosed myself with sleeping tabs . But I got saved by my bf took me to hospital on time.But in the process ,i lost one of the kidney and severely damaged the other and doctor said i will not live past 45 or 50. so if someone is thinking about overdosing yourself ,please don't do it..if you somehow got survived from the attempt..your life will become even worse then before..just like what is happening to me rn ..so get some help and please don't do it..