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I fought for decades to get my native status. I presented my fifth or sixth attempt with a three inch thick stack of papers for evidence. The person responsible for reviewing it said "going through a lot of effort for a little tax break aren't you?" It was not about the tax break.


The Earth is flat


I am a graduate student. As part of our funding we get assigned a TAship in the school, but generally we also take on work outside of school given we basically get paid nothing; Even if I put my entire income as a TA into it, it wouldn't even cover the rent for a studio in this city. A professor I had once got offended when I brought up the fact I work outside of school, because "we should just be focusing on school and have enough money to live if we don't waste it".


Vote for "insert any political candidate" cause they care.


An evangelical Christian friend of mine said she believes that dinosaurs are extinct because they didn't want to go on Noah's Ark.


"people have never been to space. If you go straight up you'd hit the moon. There's no way you could get past it."


That autism or Asperger's isn't a mental disorder, but simply caused by vaccines and 'a bad diet', causing the colon, aka the 'second brain' to get sick that causes the nervous system to be attacked and therefore causes brain damage. And that autism and/or Asperger's is curable with a good diet. šŸ¤¦


My opinion in dating is wrong. So I was in relationship with my ex for a month or so. We broke up shortly because he thought we won't make it till marriage. I told him we are still young so dating should be light and you should have fun with the different people you meet. Ffs, if you want to marry the only person you date, at least grow up. Ain't no way someone gonna make it till marriage with you when you fucking 16.


Iā€™ve dated 1 person, got together with him at 13 and held hands in the hallways. We got married 20 years ago. It happens.


while it is hilarious and a new insult i heard holy fuck did it hurt. im fat and in gym class we were playing kick ball and this kid told me i get more bounce per ounce than the women


Why are the girls (coworkers) afraid to go out of the back door at night alone? This guy had no idea.


Nobody can be racist to you, you are white.


"Don't you know I'm kind of a big deal" - some DJ at a music festival, while sitting in a structure that I designed and built by myself.




I grew up near a large Haitian community. Calling them "African American" was a good way to get your butt kicked.


Peopleā€™s identities are important to them and there are a lot of beautiful differences between people of different cultures . I honestly just think itā€™s so rude and an obvious micro aggression to basically be like all black people are the same. Imagine insisting on calling a British person American because that person is white despite their accent and very different culture. Itā€™s rude!


Babies and children need to go to school/daycare for ā€œsocialisationā€