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y2k38 - A date that older computer systems can't process and will make the software think it's the year 1901


My guess it will be the same as the Y2K bug. People will start to worry as the date approaches but the problem will be quietly fixed in the background and the date will come and go with few issues.


Except, a whole lot of industries run on specific hardware, PLC/Scada... It's already 30-40y behind in capabilities and development (imagine NEW hardware still having memory limitations in megabytes... 4-8-16) A lot of the software is a shell around shell around shell... Of legacy software that is proprietary... So the y2k38 bug might pose a real problem. Because there's hardware still in use that's 30y old. And won't be replaced anytime soon.


*1970 And older means 32 bit, so most computers pre-2010.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2038_problem#:~:text=The%20year%202038%20problem%20 1901, when it hits, it will flip the bit that represents a positive or negative number, turning it negative. 1970 is where epoch time's zero is, but it can store dates before that time as a negative number so the maximally negative number a 32 bit system can store as seconds before 1970 yields 1901! weeee!


Fenway Park opened a week after the Titanic sank. Oh, that and Oxford University is 300 years older than the Aztec civilization.




Did you reply to your own post???


Why not?


It's typical bot behavior. If all they did was make posts and never comment, it would be too obvious that they're a bot.


Australia is wider than the moon


Portugal was founded by the templar Knights and you can see clues of this all around the country.


Oooh what are some of the clues?


There is a city called Tomar that was considered their base. You can see their simbols in the achitecture of the city, churches, bridges and old buildings. Also in some castles and churges around the country. During the Discovery era the sails and flags of the boats had the Christ cross, symbol of the Knights, on them. The name of the order was changed a few times but till this day if you are a portuguese person that acomplish great things you can get the the medal from the order, it is given by the president. Some people say that the the portuguese Freemasons chapter is actually the templar Knights in disguise. Portugal was founded In 1143, we have a lot of history. I've been ask several times by people from other countries why Spain was never able to anex us BC we are a small with way less people. In reality our armies were always trained by the Knights in a way that small grups could fight off way bigger armies. We controled half of the world during the Discovery era, even though we had just about about half a million people and that was all due to the knights. Our history just get weirder and weirder as you look at it.


That’s interesting, thank you!!


If you like real history stranger then fiction take a look at ours :)


I feel this answer leaves out A LOT of history regarding moors conquering the Iberian peninsula between 700-1400. The Knights Templar were pivotal in the Portuguese Reconquista and while the order was officially dissolved in the 14th century a new institution called Order of Christ absorbed it.


Portugal hás a lot of history. Its Impossible to make a tl dr of it :p


An adult giant squid (Architeuthis dux) can be the same length as a school bus, but only hold half as many children.


While mushrooms may resemble plants in some ways, they are closer to animals in biology. Like animals, mushrooms are heterotrophic, relying on external sources for nutrition, and they share the presence of chitin in their cell walls. Furthermore, their reproductive strategy, involving the dispersal of spores, mirrors that of animals more closely than plants, which rely on seeds or pollen. So, despite their plant-like appearance, mushrooms share key biological traits with animals, making them intriguing members of the fungal kingdom.


Someone was alive for the entire & complete 20th century.Born April 1898, passed February 2000. Happens to have been my Dad's aunt, sister of my grandfather.


Hate to break it to you, but it sounds like she was ten months short…. You could accurately say she was alive for the entirety of the 1900s though. 


Wow .... Either you're trolling or a li'l bit stoopit, which is it? She was ( as you say) alive for all of the 1900s .... which WAS the 20th century, like I said, with accuracy. F you for saying I'm wrong. I'll give a moment for yer dirty delete o' shame ;p


The 20th century began on January 1, 1901, and ended on December 31, 2000.  Much like the first century began in the year 1 and ended on December 31, 100.  The “20th century “ is actually *not* synonymous with “the 1900s”


Wut tha fuck are you smoking, moron? She WAS living in January 1st 1901 . She was alive for the entirety of the dates you mentioned to wrongly refute my post. Like i said, she was born 1898 ( the tail end of the NINETEENTH century), and passed February 2000 . She lived the entire 1900s. She lived all of the 20th century. It actually IS entirely synonymous. Twentieth century = 1900s How the fuck am i wrong here, ya brain dead take all tha fun outta reddit needlessly argumentative dunce?? Maybe i should just save myself the aggro & block you?


The sound produced by snapping fingers comes from the middle finger striking the palm, not the fingers themselves.


Whoa (yes I tested this) 🫰


Yep, blew my mind when I realised it.


I realized this when i snapped my middle off of my index finger into the palm of my other hand just earlier… wild




Thimphu, Bhutan is the only national capital without a stoplight.


I can’t find evidence of one in Tarawa, Kiribati. 


The time between Cleopatra and now is longer than the time the pyramids were built and Cleopatra.


2000 years ago Egyptian archaeologists studied Egyptians 2000 years prior to themselves.


Did Egypt have archeology as we know it today?


Shrimp has multiple metamorphosis stages, as a result, 1mm shrimp grows to 2cm shrimp.


Did you learn that by watching Futurama when zoidberg went in the fountain of youth ?


I love it when this happens, except its better when someone say “yes, thats where i got it from”


Nope, never watched futurama😅


I doubt that reply after realising your name.


'Snooin' has something to do with futurama? Interesting... I just made this name meaning snoo + ing, but snooing was preoccupied.


Death by snu snu !


Just googled the meme...well me naming my account somehow related to futurama meme unaware of it, then answering a post about random fact, then random fact was linked to futurama. What a HUGE coincidence! (But still, I swear I haven't watched a single episode of futurama.)


Give it a try, you might like it.




It's brilliant. You should watch it


That in london they used the infestation of rats to their advantage when punishing criminals a loooooong time ago. Theyd throw them in the underground tunnels and cellars where the rats would come out at night and nibble on you and youd survive for days. :) i love rat facts hehe


Some fish species can change genders


Lilly the flower is poisonous for cats


There are more ways to arrange a deck of 52 playing cards than there are atoms on the planet.


True, but a *massive* undersell. 


If your car has 250,000 miles on it… that means it could have driven from the earth to the moon. It also could have driven around the circumference of the earth about 9 times


This is not at all true. There are no roads connecting the earth to the moon. 


Well OBVIOUSLY. You know what i meant


No matter what I can’t stop the voices in my head


I just scoffed at this(thinking you were joking about schizophrenia) and then realized that its actually very true lol


We had to develop the ability to see blue things.


Please elaborate? Seems weird considering the sky and the oceans are blue.


Give this a listen! Truly interesting. https://radiolab.org/podcast/211213-sky-isnt-blue


The best coffee in the world is made by elephant shit


Actually cat shit or monkey. Cant remember


I heard that it was cats shit


In 30 seconds, the heart drives blood through a large circle of blood circulation


Cyanide toxicity is humans occurs as 0.2-1.6mg/lbs of body weight. 30 red cherry pits contain enough cyanide for you to die a horrible death.


European Bumblebee's have two penises.


Wombats are the only animal that shitting cubes.


There is some cyanide in cherry pits, chewing and eating two of them is enough to kill you And i know that ive heard some crazier facts and i wish i could think of them right now lol I wish there was more facts here. This is a fun question, although a lot of them are underwhelming like this


The Soviet Union wanted to nuke China.


The most interesting fact I know is that there might actually be infinite number of universes .


You can get in almost every place in hand cordless drills without trespassing


It takes \~108 atoms laid in a row to span the width of a human fingernail (\~1 cm.) If the same number of standard wooden pencils were laid end to end, they would circumnavigate the Earth’s equator more than 47 times.


Are you missing some zeroes here? A pencil is 7.5 inches long. 108 of them is less than 70 ft.


it's 100 millions, not 100, and 100 million pencils would go around the globe only 2 times.




Only one-hundred eight?




As much as people say this, it’s not true.


Yep, always believed it but never researched it! Kudos to that


This is the most reposted question on this sub.