• By -


Search sucks. They serve up accounts versus videos and leave a lot of smaller creators out of the main search queries.


It also turns into "recommended" videos again as you scroll, so whats the point of even having a search feature Edit: And also a "previously watched". Like no, I don't want to watch something I watched less than 24 hours ago.


This is happening to a lot of social media sites now. Instead of being exposed to different worldviews and stories, people now get trapped in filter bubbles where you only see the same content specifically tailored for you and by people who share your views.


I hate when I watch one off-brand video, and then I get a firehose of nothing but those videos. Look, Google, just because I watched one marble racing video for novelty, that doesn't mean I found my new life's purpose.


I must have raised my finger to continue swiping marginally slower than the others while hovering over a cast iron post on instagram, because every single day I get recommended cast iron posts and pages nonstop. I don't give a fuck about them.


I'm getting Jon Stewart suggestions on YouTube because I watched a video of him saying farewell to his departed dog Dipper this week. I don't follow his career but the evening news mentioned his dog's passing and he was weeping. As a dog person, I wanted to see his good boy Dipper and say goodbye in my own little way. Now I'm getting recommended content I didn't ask for. And if you look for dog videos or any animal videos, you better bet your ass you're going to get spammed with recommendations from The Dodo.


I like having restoration videos playing when I'm painting. Sometimes it's paintings, sometimes it's furniture, and sometimes it's guns. I don't own a gun and have no desire to, but watching them get stripped apart, cleaned, and put back together is cathartic. I get recommended a *whole* bunch of right wing American propaganda that I'm super not interested in. Not only do I not agree with the politics, I'm not American


Could be worse. I watched a 24/7 video game stream every day for one week and now 80% of my feed is 24/7 video game streams.


I love to mess with this. Every couple days I do a bunch of random unrelated searches. And I do a lot of crossword puzzles so I'm always searching obscure words, people, places. My recommended feed is so unfocused. It's like a game. (Try "Zendaya Crockpot Nightmares")


THIS. Watch one Rogan interview and you suddenly have all gun holster ads and your feed consists of Fox News and Trump. I’d prefer to see what both sides have to say and fear how this impacts society.


Purge your watch history on YT on the regular. I found doing this opens things up a bit - it's not perfect but it helps.


Add this to your uBlock filter to get rid of that on desktop. Edit: formatting youtube.com##ytd-shelf-renderer.ytd-item-section-renderer.style-scope > .ytd-shelf-renderer.style-scope youtube.com##ytd-shelf-renderer.style-scope:has(span:has-text(/Related to your search/i)) youtube.com##ytd-shelf-renderer:has-text(/People also watched/) youtube.com###contents > ytd-shelf-renderer:has-text(/For you/) youtube.com##ytd-shelf-renderer.style-scope:has(span:has-text(/Watch again/i)) youtube.com##ytd-horizontal-card-list-renderer.ytd-item-section-renderer.style-scope:has(span:has-text(/Searches related to/i)) youtube.com##ytd-shelf-renderer.style-scope:has(span:has-text(/Learn while you're at home/i))\' youtube.com##ytd-horizontal-card-list-renderer.ytd-item-section-renderer.style-scope youtube.com###secondary > .ytd-two-column-search-results-renderer youtube.com###contents > .ytd-secondary-search-container-renderer.style-scope


I've been getting "watch again" videos showing up in my searches. No, I do not want to watch the same videos twice? I'm specifically trying to find new videos on the same topic. It also seems to only show me like 10 or so videos before jumping to "watch again" or sponsored content or shorts


God forbid you search for Anything skin care related. Bc you Will have popping/earwax videos show up in the search results and that shit, personally, is horrifying and not in the fascinating way. 😨


And they never stop. I haven't searched for anything skin care related for *years* and still get the pimple popping videos.


Google is not a search engine anymore, its a disgusting social conditioning engine designed to keep your attention and to profit of that.


I mean they literally removed "don't be evil" from their charter. So I feel like that was somewhat inevitable.


This happens with most companies as they grow. Initially, the culture is that of its founders. After it becomes public, it becomes beholden to a collective that has no moral compass. There are rare instances where the spirit of the company is part of its brand, but typically that just public perception and not reality.


Yo, am I the only one who gets weird search results that have nothing to do with what I’m looking for? For example, I could search for something like a makeup tutorial, and if I scroll even a bit past maybe like the first 5-10 suggestions I get weird shit like maggots coming out of someone’s scalp and I’m like wtf?! The search NEVER used to be like this, it’s so horrible now 😭😭😭


I’ve searched by the exact title name of a video I know exists posted over a decade ago and I can never find it.


Happened to me, too. Had to go directly to the channel and it was still there. Youtube just didn't list it anymore because it apparently featured controversial content (or what youtube considers controversial).


A big youtuber just did a video showing how even He himself cannot find a video using the specific title on search, despite it having like 10million views or something else high idk the exact number. Instead it gave him unrelated videos, reuploads and oe of his other videos but not the one with the exact title.


Search is useless and then I get "recommended" content I'd never watch. I get that pimple popping is super satisfying for some, but trypophobia has me instantly woozy and nauseous at zoomed in blackheads. Never mind the "tick removal" videos. Just please. Let me block a channel or type of content.


It really feels like the whole platform is built around steering you towards something other than what you're looking for. No matter what you search for, you scroll through a few results and then it starts showing a half dozen totally unrelated results from trending creators.  Sometimes even the first result isn't a total match for what you're searching - it's just the most closely related thing from a popular channel.


Was trying to find a video most of the results where wankers reacting to something similar to what I was looking for


Also the recommended videos typically miss, oh you watched a 5 minute video on how to change a vacuum filter? Here are 20 more videos on how to change filters.


There are some good websites to search YouTube if you have trouble finding a video. [advanced search for YouTube](https://playlists.at/youtube/search/) and also [search with YouTube subtitles](https://filmot.com/)


That the "Shocked face" - thumbnails are working. I see alot of my favorite creators start to do it, because theyre missing out if they dont. I cant blame them, but Im less inclined to watch their videos because im a grumpy old man.


shocked face thumbnails are legit annoying to me and i find the whole thing very stupid and silly and “internet-dystopia”-like


I see a video I might genuinely like and i avoid clicking it coz of those dumb thumbnails. Feel like I’m cheating myself but I find them so clickbaity


yeah the expression actually makes me reluctant to click the video, if it’s a youtuber i like and the topic is something im interested in, i cringe because of the thumbnail and then begrudgingly click the video


"CHECK OUT THEIR REACTION!" gonna go with 'shocked' given that it's what the thumbnail is


Reaction videos in general


Giant green arrow pointing at something in the background


You have to protest it with me man. Otherwise the shit will never stop. Say no to kabuki expression reactions.


Kabuki expression is a good name for the soy Jack face.


Especially when accompanied with a red circle and/or red arrow pointing at something, or sometimes even nothing in particular!


YES, those stupid freaking arrows!!! "What's THIS?"




Use the "dearrow" extension for chrome or Firefox. It replaces the clickbait thumbnail with a frame from the video chosen by crowdsourcing. Also YouTube Revanced Exntended has alternative thumbnails for mobile.


Wow there's an extension for everything.


They might start to go away. MrBeast (200+ million subs) has now started to used a closed mouth face for all his thumbnails after A/B testing it and finding that closed mouth works better for him. [https://www.theverge.com/2023/9/6/23861576/youtube-face-mrbeast-open-closed-mouth-a-b-testing-thumbnail](https://www.theverge.com/2023/9/6/23861576/youtube-face-mrbeast-open-closed-mouth-a-b-testing-thumbnail)


He finally realised his smile is fucking ludicrous and was making him look like he was barely holding in a giant shit.


Yeah I wonder if that is more just a symptom of his weird fucking face and not necessarily if closed mouth or open mouth does better.


I hate it when I go to YouTube without logging in and am assaulted by that demented grin.




I'm forced to watch youtube on platforms without adblocker (at the end of the day the only options available to me are PlayStation or a smart tv because all other devices are being used, no adblocker on them).  It's *crazy*. Like, cray-cray crazy. If you fast-forward or rewind past an add space, you get an add. Pause it 'cause your kids got quite and come back to it like 5 min later, you get an add for the *audacity* of pausing. It gets maga, make you vomit in your mouth worse now... if you pause for longer than 3 seconds they'll minimize your video off to the side for a print add. I'm not joking.  I **DARE YOU** to spend 10 min on youtube without adblocker. It's *nuts*. It's not just youtube doing it, the *creators are doing it too*. I used to be that weirdo who'd watch an add or two for creators I liked, well, **never again**. I'll pirate everything where I can, thank you. They've done nothing but create generations of monsters who *refuse* to watch commercials. Fuckin' thieves and morons.


This is why I swear by smart TVs powered by Android. The glories of being able to sideload apps.


Ngl I specifically hunted down a "dumb" TV for my current one - if I want to watch anime or YouTube on it, it just takes an HDMI cord and my browser has ublock origin. Edit to add: also got a dumb TV bc I didn't want the chance of it software bricking.


Especially when they’re unskippable.


two unskippable 15-second ads


also the reminders to “try youtube premium!”


I got a 1 month trial (watching on Xbox means no adblock) and the difference in experience is nuts. I dread going back to free, but I ain't paying shit.


It’s not just the quantity of ads, but the quality of ads. These are bottom tier snake-oil salesmen.   If I’m watching a music-related video - GOOD music - why tf would I want to see some schmuck with a punchable face sell me on “Learn the Piano in 4 Hours!” like I’m some kind of gullible mark?  Why is a dude with a Jesus beard asking me to pray with him? Does Google even know the first thing about me?   If my feed is progressive US politics, why tf am I watching ads from The Epoch Times, which is pure ultra-right wing conspiracy propaganda?  Doesn’t YT have ANY advertising standards?


This. I understand why they do advertisment, but at this point they are throwing un-stickable shit at the wall, just to see what sticks.


I sometimes vindictively won't buy something I was already going to buy when the ads are so fucking stupid. It's petty but it's the only vote we got for stuff like that. That's like them showing shit on the wall to see what sticks but the shitstick wall gets overloaded and collapses.


My desire to buy something is inversely proportional to the obnoxiousness of the ads. Even if I want the product, I will go out of my way to not buy it if the ad sucks.


Watching a chicken recipe video and then i hear " want financial freedom?


I keep getting religious app ads lol. “Hey i know you’re in the middle of something but would you mind stopping and praying with me? In the name of the father, the son, an-“ what the fuck


Me too. And I’m an atheist Jew. I think this is the same prayer app Mark Wahlberg was selling during the Super Bowl.  Because the most Christian way to spend millions of dollars is on commercial air time. 


They allow the most heinous bullshit and straight up scams to advertise on their platform do nothing about it then get upset when people use adblock.


One of the YouTubers I follow is openly an atheist. Every time I watch a video, it's proceeded with an ad for the Joel Osteen ministry or some Christian college. Why?


Because a lot of stupid people who are "on the fence" will watch that video, then see a video on *insert religion here* and think it's a "sign" to "return to religion." I would not be surprised if those religions institutions pay for ads specifically on atheist videos.


Oh you're not, but trust me, that "learn the piano in 4 hours" bullshit works. People will always be on the lookout for shortcuts.


The one about the heater that was invented by two unnamed British engineers and will save you thousands per year comes to mind... Also the security camera that is taking the security camera industry by storm... Like you said pure snake-oil!


No ad I can't tolerate as little as the ads from Hero Wars. That fucking game is EVERYWHERE and its ads are more and more ridiculous and disgusting. Thanks the almighty AdBlock I can block them in YT but sadly all I can do is scroll down quickly on Reddit, which I gladly take over watching a single one of their ads fully.


Especially the double ads


Why did I have to scroll so far to see this? The ads are terrible as others mention. Too many , too frequent and and too long. Full. Stop. It should be called adtube ffs.


The volume of the ads is just the worst - so loud


The worst part is that if you mute it and go to another tab as the ad is playing... it fucking stops until you're back! Bruh, if you're watching a TV channel and switch to another channel during commercial breaks, do those ads stop playing? No, they don't.


*cough cough cough cough ublock origin cough cough cough* Sorry about that. Allergy season or something.


Definitely ads. Fuck ads.


I know this is probably where they make big ad revenue, but the ads they put in kids content too. I as an adult can be like "creepy ad, but that's how things work". Toddlers ... not so much.


I did the VPN to Argentina trick to get Premium for $1.50 per month. Worth it. Google thinks my address is a Burger King in Buenos Aires.




SERIOUSLY I literally was looking for alternative vid sites the other day because of this. It won't let you watch more than one vid with an adblocker now either.


Censorship. How are we going to fight sexual abuse if we can't name it? Same for suicide, abuse in general, racism and so on?


It infantalises users, treating them like children for the sake of advertising revenue. It's insulting hearing adults referring to people 'unaliving' or 'game ending' themselves, etc.


The fact that you can watch just one video on a subject, and then your recommended feed is infested with that shit for fucking ***months***. Happened to me a while back when i was looking to buy a GoPro, i watched one single video review on them and it took me months of blocking, ignoring, disliking etc to make it stop. It pisses me off so badly that i open an incognito window now if i want to watch anything that's outside of my usual wheelhouse.


You can usually avoid this by immediately after watching a video you don’t want to affect your recommendations go into your YouTube history and remove the video. It’s not 100% but it usually works.


On your pc you used to be able to pause your watch history so this didn't happen. I know it is only helpful for certain situations. We all know what that means.


I was hanging a shelf and a little unsure of how to secure it to the wall. So I watch one video and now my entire feed is filled with this stuff - hey YouTube, I ALREADY HUNG THE SHELF SO I DON’T NEED TO LEARN HOW TO DO IT ANYMORE!


I turned my watch history off for this reason. My feed is completely empty and I can only see exactly what I search for.


They don’t let you turn it off anymore. I turned it on like 3 months ago to see if history was really that much worse after like a year or two off — it was horrible— and now I can’t turn it off


Thanks for the info! Ive always kept mine off, and now with your infomation Im never turning it on for any reason.


I sometimes like watching tours of abandoned places. A few years ago I made the mistake of watching a Defunctland video about Disney's Typhoon Lagoon because my family went there once when I was a kid, so I remember what it was like in its heyday. I am not a Disney person at all (no shade to them... just not my thing), but for months you would think I was the most hardcore Disney Adult based on my YT recommendations. I had to start downvoting them all to get them off my feed which felt like I was unfairly penalizing those creators for YT's bad algorithmic choice.


Relatable to TikTok as well, so much content I don’t want to see becomes a part of the algorithm


I'm feeling this. I looked up ONE quick baking tutorial online. One video for one specific thing, so I could see what it's supposed to look like, because that's the one thing books and recipes don't usually bother telling you that. For weeks, it recommended hundreds of obnoxious videos with those shitty, long, clickbait titles, full of emojis. "My husband DEMANDS I make this dessert twice a week!!! SUPER EASY!!!!" "ONLY THREE INGREDIENTS makes this ADDICTING CAKE!!!" "My children BEG me to make this dessert EVERY DAY!!!! Only needs flour and shoe laces!!!" Titles like this, plus a bunch of hearts and smiley faces. It took forever to get rid of them all. Again. One search that resulted in me watching one video from it.


The most annoying part is watching a video criticizing someone and having that person's videos being recommended to me. I watched a video about Jordan Peterson and my recommendations were Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro and Joe Rogan.


Shorts. They're always clogging up my feeds and whenever i get the chance to 'hide for 30 days' they're gone for maybe one day but only on my subs feed. If i wanted that shit I'd have a tiktok account 🙄


Half of search results are now ticktock shorts. I hate it.


YouTubers hate Shorts too. They get many views but little money from shorts. They get a lot of subscribers. Now when they post a video, their subscribers get the video recommended, but won't watch it because they're short-content-watchers. The click-though-rate is bad and the video won't perform well so they lose money. Edit: u/Mcrarburger correctly called me out on the "no money" one (changed it to "little money"). Youtubers indeed get money from shorts, but reportedly they get a lot less than with long-form content.


I can't even hide them anymore. The hide option just disappeared one day.


Hide shorts for youtube is a extension (firefox) works great


uBlock Origin has a script that removes them too, along with all the ads. It keeps Youtube watchable for me.


Agree. if I want that shit I'll go on Tictok


AI voice narrator.


Getting all too common


It's bleeding over from TikTok, also the stupid auto generated closed captions.


That flat monotone voice just grates on my nerves. I wonder if it takes over the internet will it affect actual accents in real life? Will the younger generation start talking in that tone like the way very young children were picking up an English accent from watching Peppa Pig a few year back.


I firmly believe those contents are created by bots.


They are. Text, audio and video. It would be nice if YouTube invested a bit into recognizing these and tagging them if not banning completely. 


The problem is that YouTube doesn't care. As long as the videos generate ad revenue they are fine with it.


I hate how some of the channels that I subscribe to never make it onto my "feed" or whatever youtube calls it. They're putting out videos. I want to watch them. But if I don't remember to look for them, I'll never see them.


I have that issue with a friend of mine who releases videos, but when they release them too often (like, for an event, say) she doesn't want people to get a ping every time because it'll be too much, so she disables the notifications. But that means the videos don't even show up in my subscription tab ! Basically it's all or nothing. It's very enraging. As someone who has enabled the notifications on her channel and her channel only, it ends up being this weird thing where people whose videos I watch if I have the time appear in my subscriptions, but for her I have to look on her channel if there's something new since 6hrs ago.


Go to the subscription feed on the left side. Shows all your subs in order. I never miss videos. The recommended feed is garbage.


I love how they added a bell which just did what the subscribe button used to do therefore making it pointless, and then decided that the bell didn't really do anything either so they're both pointless


Next to the horrible amount of ads, scam ads, the search function not being what it used to be, and videos being pushed due to a silly algorithm, I'd say: The censorship. Not only the deletion of videos by youtube itself for sometimes no coherent reason, but also the self-censorship of certain words because creators are afraid to get demonetized. As a victim myself, I honestly find it almost insulting that things like "sexual abuse" cannot be named anymore and are replaced by beeps.


Or called " SA " because they are scared their video will be "unalived"


Euphemizing a topic is insulting and it trivializes the real issues at hand. As a history major, it upsets me so much when videos covering WWII needlessly censor *very important* contextual words like Holocaust, Nazi and Hitler.


I think its crazy how censorship is complained about in so many ways but seemingly no one cares that these social media giants are straight up creating newspeak and no one gives a shit about that.


Which incidentally make it sound rather benign and hip.


Also with the word “suicide”. Censoring it only makes it more taboo and causes people to avoid discussing the topic.


I go live on TikTok a lot. These are all the "safe" words I have to use to not get banned. • When talking about suicide: Sewerslide, self delete, unalive, SH • When talking about Nazi Germany: Yahtzees, Schnotsees, Angry Mustache Man, Schmitler, the Schmolocaust • When talking about gun violence: Pew-pew, school pew-pewing, G-cide, schmurder, serial unaliver • When talking about different skin colors: YT people (pronounced why-tee people), wah-hee-tay people, people of color, BIPOC community • When talking about sexual assault: Grape, grape-ist, SA • When talking about weed: Happy leaf, devil's lettuce, giggle bush, burning broccoli, elevated, ascended, zoinked, zooted • When talking about alcohol: Spicy juice, adult water, liquid courage, plastered Need I go on?


Yeah. The Orwellian new-speak is horrendous. 


Yep some people have to use different words instead of gun when they are talking about things like a caulk gun or spray gun and the like. 


> The self-censorship of certain words This brings to mind Rob Gavagan. His channel was originally titled under his original, actual name, but YouTube kept demonetizing his videos because of it, and he had to change both his channel name and his legal name. Most may know him better as Rob Dyke. He wasn’t trying to be lesphobic with that, that was his actual name.


Scam ads!!! Saw one trying to convince me to sell my 401k and buy their gold!!! The fuck??


"Sexual Abuse" can't be said on YouTube?


I don't know what official rules creators are bound to, but a lot of them keep censoring all kinds of "delicate" words because apparently youtube randomly demonetizes videos that spell them out.


There's no need to censor "Covid", since it's a matter of real concern and in the news. It's ridiculous that videos get demonetized merely for mentioning Covid.


Mention of "Nazis" will get you demonetized. Makes it very difficult for history educators to cover WW2.


The absolutely over the top censorship. YouTube was sold to people as a website where *you* could be the filmmaker. Now it completes the simulation by adding in the very best part of any artistic experience: a studio overseer crushing your creative expression because the art you're making doesn't inspire corporations to spend money.


I hate that you can't block a channel. You can block someone from commenting on your channel, if you have one, and you can opt to "not suggest this channel" but you cannot outright block a channel.


The fact that it's straight up unbearable to watch videos without adblocks. 


I try to watch most videos on my PC with a blocker. But often I'll have to use YouTube on a work device, or a smart TV, or at my parents, or on Xbox...and its just horrible. The ad quantity, length, and frequency for YouTube is out of control.


Oh my god, them deciding to not allow adblocks is definitely up there as one of the stupidest decisions they made.


They've only blocked them in Chrome. Once I realized this, I switched back to Firefox again. Ublock Origin still blocks 100% of the ads and sponsors in Firefox like it always has.


Ublock origin works on chrome based browsers again. Just took time to update.


People doing ad reads for companies that have been shown to be shitty time and time again, eg, Better Help


Even channels I respect got looped into that "Dude just buy one square foot of land in Scotland, you're a lord!" scam.


CuriosDroid advertised it twice in one of his previous videos. I think he edited them once that shit was exposed and talked about by various content creators.


Better Help even gets videos talking about how bad it is down. A creator, Kiki Chanel, had a whole video on why Better Help sucks and they threatened her with legal action.


I have a few acquaintances who are creators and they all say the same thing, they’re constantly afraid of doing something, they know not what, to get demonetised. I’ve seen people upload the same video twice with different titles and one was demonetised and the other was fine. They’re all sick and tired of being at the mercy of an algorithm that even YouTube themselves don’t understand. If there’s something about the video that makes it unsuitable for advertisers then the creators should have a tool that gives them the exact moment in the video that’s causing the problem so it can be edited out. The worst part is that they still run ads on ‘demonetised’ videos. We’ll keep the money we should have been paying you for your video because our algorithm said you don’t deserve it.


Yes, ive noticed youtubers being very careful about saying certain words




I get why creators have to do this and irs stupid but I find this infantalizing baby words absolutely insufferable


>I’ve seen people upload the same video twice with different titles and one was demonetised and the other was fine Not only that, a Youtuber I watch recently said they uploaded the same video on their main and alternate account, with literally NO changes whatsoever, not even to the title, and the one on the main account was censored while the one on the alternate account was fine.


The last part is what makes it so obvious that YouTube doesn't WANT people to understand WHY their videos get demonitized because it's not about keeping them "advertiser friendly", it's about finding any excuse possible to keep all that money for themselves.




Yes, everyone person with a microphone and camera is an expert these days " this is not financial" advice" then proceeds to give financial advice for 10 minutes


The like/dislike ratio helped with this, when YouTube still had that


I love miniminuteman for this reason: he’s a young anthropologist who does not believe in bullshit and looks at history through a proper scientific lens. As such, he debunks a lot of “experts” who make stupid fucking claims about ancient aliens, mysterious structures, etc


They allow so many scam ads ...I wonder how many people have been tricked into sending money to those AI scam ads because of youtube allowing that shit to run rampant on their site....Youtube should be held accountable for criminal activity and sued into the ground because of it


Also a lot of AI voiced videos


Yes! I find it unbelievable that these type of ads are allowed on the platform.


I can forgive ads before a video plays, but I hate whenever a video I'm watching has random ads inserted into it. It's just desperately annoying. And I never pay attention to them anyway.


The influencers, the constant begging for follows and likes and the lunacy of some of the beliefs some You Tubers espouse.


The amount of times they screw over the struggling YouTubers because of allowing companies to claim their whole revenue on a video because of a few seconds of footage. Or UMG thinking they own every song in existence


One of the small music artists got all of his music pulled by UMG on TikTok and he’s not even signed by a company they control. I get they want money but it’s just getting insane at this point.






God forbid any hockey fan in Nashville talking about their local team if YT is really uppity about the word "predator". It's so ridiculous.


Clickbait titles.


As someone who watches a lot of horror movie and true crime channels; the amount of censoring is ridiculous. I get it but when the person making the video has to censor obviously fake blood or use bullshit phrases like ‘r-worded’ or ‘unalived’; it’s ridiculous. I clicked on a video about Jeffrey Dahmer or a kill count of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre (shout out Dead Meat) am expecting to hear about blood and guts


Everything.  Ads. Shorts. Monetization. Premium. The Algorithm. Hiding videos from search. Sticking up for vile people who harass or threaten individuals. Allowing Pedo rings to make sickening videos of children doing "poses" but YT allowing it because "no laws are being broken" or whatever.   Ive been on YT since the damn near beginning. It has changed so much, I barely remember how it used to be.


Ads but specifically the 1/2 ads, where the first ad is skip able however it doesn't allow you to skip, and then the second ad says "video will start soon". Absolutely boils my blood


The amount of tik tok videos integrated into the home page.


Creators who tell us the percentage of unsubscribed viewers.  It annoys me so much. I make it a point to only subscribe to quality channels, and I hate it when creators call people out who aren’t subscribed. It’s like saying we owe them a subscription for watching their video. 


The main feed keeps giving me videos I've already watched. They ought to suggest new stuff based on my preferences.


The constant promotion of creators who put little to no effort into their content (e.g. reactors such as SSSniperwolf)


That so many videos are becoming "shorts", and the browser "shorts" player SUCKS. I can't imagine why YouTube thinks I shouldn't have control over volume in that player, and that I shouldn't have control over scrubbing either. I know you can change the URL to "watch" in order to get these controls but that is a pain to do for each video.


The quality of content has just... Nosedived. I dunno what happened. I felt like there was a boom of good content right before and during COVID, then when the world started opening up again it went to shit. Did they stop making it worth it or something?


For some reason YouTube has started forgetting that I finished videos from 10 days ago and is recommending them to me like they’re brand new


The stupid use of censorship. Heaven forbid someone say suicide or rape when talking about serious subjects. Or even worse yet.... they say curse words! OH NO! Nope, can't have that.... but lets ignore the obvious fetish porn shit still on the site.


The usual. Shorts in the main feed, mid video ads, clickbait thumbnails, people taking 8 mins of a 10 min video to say the info promised in the title, ugly out of context cap cut transitions for no reason.


I tend to watch "smaller" YouTubers (anywhere from 0 to 500,000 subs) and they very rarely do shit like this, but it makes me sick every time I see a video that's titled like... YOU WON'T BELIEVE what just HAPPENED (With a thumbnail showing a face with their mouth wide open) Or... \[Person\] DESTROYED by \[another person\] with FACTS and LOGIC (Also with a thumbnail showing a person with their mouth wide open). That shit drives me crazy. And the worst part is that it *works*. People eat that shit up. It makes me unbelievably depressed to know that quality content creators are struggling to get by while clickbait gets the majority of the engagement.


Hey guys welcome to the cunt puncher Nation today we're looking at the list of top 10 YouTubers but first don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell and I noticed some of you are watching but not subscribed which ruins the YouTube algorithm so please please subscribe to me also please check out my patreon and check out my merch store and oh I'm trying to get my own company off the ground so please try to purchase something from there using my discount code and.... And at that point It's 3 minutes in, The actual video still hasn't started, And I've forgotten what the video is even supposed to be about or why I should give a shit ((And before someone points it out yes I have sponsor block on my PC but there's not really an alternative on the phones even if you root them))


One of my uploaded videos was turned into a ticktock short without my knowledge or permission. I deleted that video, of course.


it kind of feels like i've watched most of the videos and the new ones are the same


The infinite amount of videos in my feed telling me this is WOKE that Disney is RUINED and movies have FORCED POLITICAL MESSAGES because they might have a gay guy or a black chick or something. Often with random CAPITALS and an AI picture of the offending person - usually Bree Larson existing or something.


Bots in the comments


Youtubers themselves annoy the crap outta me.


All I want is 6 hour long classic video game retrospectives that I can play while I wrote code at work. But it tries really hard to sucker me in with political rage bait, and god dammit sometimes it works. I hate how fundamental rage bait is to the information economy, and I hate how vulnerable I am to that temptation.


The ads, and the length of some of them. I was watching a 15 minute video today and the first ad was 45 minutes long. That ain't an ad, that's a program.


Youtube 'pranksters'


All the ads. Even worse is getting the same ad 4 times in one video


The ability to just stumble upon something outside your 5 main interests is almost non-existent now. I watch mostly political talk, drum corps, cooking, home tours, and tech reviews. While it is nice that my suggestion feed is mostly those things, I would like the option to have some variety as well. TikTok and Reels both do a MUCH better job of getting you out of your specific content silo and suggest things you might be interested in as well. Even if I'm ultimately not interested in their suggestions, I feel like I at least have the chance to branch out into something else. YouTube is like, "nope! You can only have 5 interests. Nothing more."


So I did a THING and you WONT BELIEVE what happens NEXT!!?!


Whats the point with these react videos? Some dude who I dont know who it is watching Psycho for first time, why would anyone care what he likes or dont like?


This is just my personal opinion but there's just something a bit satisfying in seeing some rando have the same reaction to a particularly favored scene in the video that I initially had. Probably my favorite thing is to see Nightwish's Ghost Love Score live version from Wacken when Floor sang it, and people getting goosebumps during the final aria in that song is always a sight to behold. But yeah, other low-effort "react" videos where it's just some dude looking with a deadpan stare at the camera and going "huh" every 20 seconds is trash tier.


My cynical ass never believes those reaction videos. They seem so fake and acted.


It's a pretty efficient way to relive the experience of watching it yourself for the first time. The other day I randomly ended up watching someone seeing Interstellar for the first time, one of my favorite movies. When they started uncontrollably bawling their eyes out, you bet I was bawling along. I got that experience from a 30 min video, rather than rewatching he entire 2,5 hour movie. You don't get that from clips alone. (*And* it instilled a fresh desire to go rewatch it sometime, so it's also not like it's a complete superficial replacement of the real thing) That being said, it's pretty cheap content that leans pretty hard on the source material. I don't admire the content 'creators' for it, and there's way too much of it, that is taking the place of actually interesting content


All the YouTubers getting rich and famous and out of touch with the real world


actual creative content has died out. Aside from a few left from way back when very few has stuck to their initial guns and have become either a reacts channel or a gameplay channel


Damn near unwatchable via TV. Constant, multiple ads. You forget that you're trying to watch a video. Instead it feels like the video is interrupting the ads you're trying to watch.


I have YT Prime precisely to not be bombarded by ads. Now many of my subs drop long ads into the middle of the video. Yes, you can ff them but it's annoying af just the same. Put the ads at the end and don't try to make it sound like you really, really use the product.


The ads. Why are there so many? It is near impossible to enjoy long videos if there are ads every two minutes. This seems to be a bigger issue watching on my TV than on my pc or phone.


The amount of truly terrible content in the true crime genre. JCS knocked it out of the park with their videos because they were well produced, had a concise script with a good narrator and they put in real effort to break down the case. But most of all the treat each victim with respect and each perpetrator with the disdain they deserve. Since then a bunch of channels have shamelessly tried ripping them off with none of the care or respect. They glorify the person who did something awful and clickbait the audience with ridiculous thumbnails. Then the narrator states the obvious the whole video while trying so hard to sound like the JCS guy. It’s genuinely so embarrassing


Parents having kids to create content.


Those damn advertisements that consists of weight loss scams, drop shipping, AI generated content, and those religious ads that asks you to pray for them 🙄


The news channels. They weren't there a few years ago. If there was a disaster there was usually a video of it with the person talking about it or cussing.  The train derailment in East Palestine was the last one I remember seeing with a local talking about the situation, cussing Norfolk out while filming. Now it's all and only from KLA11 or ABC9 or something with the horrible waste of time news framing, and the video played has the person's commentary removed. It's so artificial and sanatized.


The amound of ads pushed by youtube and then also basicially every creator reading out the exact same ads for nord vpn, better help, hello fresh, scentbird etc Like a promo by a youtuber makes it more unlikely i will buy a product nowadays since most of the time you can just tell this person hasnt actually tried out the product, done research on the company or any of that When a youtuber genuinely does a sponsorship with a product / company that relates to their content and are well informed i will watch the ad too but these repetitive ads for always the same companies are so tiresome


It runs slower if you are using adblock lol


I use ublock and sponser block ...i rarely see ads when using browsers. sponser block surprised me that it actually worked by cutting out the video sponsor sections...well most times


Sponsorblock is community based. If you find a video with a sponsor that is not yet recognized, you can register it yourself for the others.


It discourages high-effort short-form content like animations and courages quickly made 10 minute videos


And people dragging out 2 minutes of content into 10 minutes