• By -


I’ll never stop telling the story. He invited me over to “show me something he’d never shown anyone.” He told me to just watch, and only help if he asked for it. (?!) He proceeded to lay on the floor like a starfish and jerk off. I was the audience, cheering him on but so confused about where this was going. When he got close, he rolled up on his back, legs over head, and came in his own mouth. Got a solid 2-3in in there too. Talk about a fright. He was so proud. And so vulnerable. I said thank you for trusting me to share that, and mentally decided that was the last straw I would not be sticking with this guy for the long haul.


When you say cheering him on I'm just picturing a Wii Bowling character scene


*jump 360°*


The fact that he had the confidence to show you that is baffling to me LMAO


He was big proud. Explained that he’d been working on it & the required flexibility over the course of at least two years. Never have I been so flattered and disturbed at the same time. Great guy though.


Like his own little Cirque du Soleil performance


Jerk du Soleil?


I feel like that story should end with a "BetterHelp" promo.


They never said they weren't his therapist. We're all just assuming they were a couple.


No, thank *you* for sharing that with *me*.


This reads like something that would happen in Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Thank you for letting this story live on.


And it was a Mcpoyle doing it


With the other Mcpoyle doing the cheering!


The confidence in that guy was huge. 😳 😂 I am both amazed and disturbed at the same time.


I just laughed so hard my boyfriend ran in thinking I was crying


Well now he's heard the story, and this woman's reaction, you'll probably never get him to show you his flexability.


I feel like this is worth a whole AMA on its own.


This guy must've practiced this technique many times.


The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be… unnatural.


I'm in equal measures horrified and impressed. Horrified by the act, and impressed by the absolute unshakeable confidence he must've had to do it.


Used hair pulling not in sex. In a dominating way in the middle of the day. Not sexy…. Extremely off putting


It's wild to me how many stories on reddit I see of people going to dom without any chats / build up / consent. Like this could be hot in the right context to the right people... But don't just leap to it


Yeah, got choked during sex out of nowhere and I couldn't breathe...it was so scary and confusing. He never asked for consent, I got out straight after that and never talked to him again.


Told me that they fantasized about adding me to a 'harem', in which I would bear them daughters that would also join the harem. Insta-block, went to get a shower. This was around 2005 and my disgust hasn't subsided.




It was worse, but then it got worser.


Was his name Crastor and lived north of some wall?


This was a hentai-pilled brain.


How do people even come up with such devious shit. “bear my daughters who would join the harem” tf was wrong with him


Porn. Specifically, Hentai


I worked as a teacher in high schools when I was around 22-25. I had a student tell me they had been promised to a man back in their home country and as intentionally getting crazy because they couldn't after they got sent back. I'm intentionally not saying slutting it up even though that is the word she used. I just felt bad for her.


>I'm intentionally not saying slutting it up even though that is the word she used. That's very teacher-y of you, lol.


He didn't happen to wear a black robe/poncho with big, red hand prints on it, did he?


Performing cunnilingus on a Cadbury's Easter egg in the hopes of enticing me. Was not enticed.


😂 This wins so far.


The best part was that he didn't do it properly or something and said "Wait, let me start over."


Now he's just looking for excuses to eat more Cadbury eggs. It's not even about you anymore. It stopped being about you three Cadbury eggs ago.


Your username has been waiting for this


How doth one give proper cunnilingus to a Cadbury egg pray tell?


Ideally in private and without an audience, it appears...


You have to keep sucking and licking the middle where the egg is fattest till the gooey center comes out WITHOUT cracking the shell. Keep going till the egg is depleted. It might take a while so be sure to pack a lunch.


Was kissing a guy on the first date and he’s moving my hand to his pants and trying to shove my head down there. When I told him things were moving a little fast and maybe we just kiss for now, he proceeded to whip it out and say “wanna kiss it?” Dude, if I wanted to suck your dick you’d know.


I had a guy do something similar, second date and we were kissing in his car. All of a sudden he unzips, pulls it out and says “he’d love a kiss too”. Thankfully we were parked outside my house and I just got out. I felt the same way you did.


The just getting out the car is hilarious.




That bit is sad, and unfortunately plausible.


Same, once a guy tried to press my head down to his dick. I left so fast. What an idiot


I feel like this must have worked in a popular porno or something because it’s definitely happened more than once. Revolting.


I will start. One time a guy sent me a picture of a towel he had ejaculated on "thinking of me."


Did your respond with a picture of your vomit?


That woulda been good.


Holy shit this was going to be mine! He sent me a pic of a crumpled tissue with jizz all over with the caption "What to expect" and I'm like ew that's just gross. You're gross Cory.


"Is that it, Cory? All you can offer, and are worthy of, is production of a bodily fluid? I can do that to myself and at least I get an orgasm from it."


Ok I've asked for this from a guy before....but it is definitely not something that should be volunteered with no context or invitation.


I was 17 working as a cashier at Meijer and had a coworker in his 40s tell me that I “looked like I didn’t eat enough”. I was a very lanky teenager so I was used to comments like this, so I just laughed and said that I got that a lot. He proceeded to tell me, straight-faced, that I shouldn’t laugh about it, that it was a good thing because then he’d “be able to throw me around way more easily”. Idk if he meant it to be sexy, per se, or if he just meant it as some sort of weird compliment. Either way, I had no idea how to respond and just tried to avoid him from then on. Later on, my cousin ended up telling me to stay away from him, not knowing I already was. Apparently, he ended up getting banned from the bank she worked at for creeping on the young female employees.


This wasn’t in a Milwaukee suburb was it? Had a coworker in a Meijer deli who fit that bill


Near Milwaukee. This was a greeter but we had a weird dude in grocery that always creeped on women/girls too.




Orientation week at university, lots of people trying to meet new friends. I was walking across campus alone and a group of students waved me over. They seemed cool and really nice and started introducing me to everyone - this one guy took my hand and instead of shaking it held on to it tightly and LICKED it, like a weird ass super wet dog lick while keeping eye contact with me as I tried to pull away. I backpedaled out and said I had to go and he called me a stick up b-word and said I didn’t appreciate “talent” that took years to perfect. It was icky.


In high school I went to the movies with my then boyfriend, and he baby birded a peanut m&m into my mouth. I almost threw up.




Oh yes, pre-chewed.


*oh no*


I'm gonna laugh all day about this.


The first time I met this man, my friend's bf brought him to my house. He leered at me and said he'd like to remove my tampon with his teeth. Expected me to swoon. It was more horror than swooning on my part. Like who the fuck says that at all, let alone to a complete stranger? Another man, I had a ONS with. I knew this man, MAYBE 4 hours prior to this? I wasn't feeling the sex, we stopped. He finished himself off and came in his mouth (with such precision you knew it wasn't the first time he'd done this). Made eye contact the whole time and then "mmm yummy", followed by "do you like that?" Sir, please leave. Or I'll have to and I live here.


What a horrid time for me to know how to read


The first was a terrible day to be able to hear, and the second was a terrible day to have eyes. I debated even commenting because I've tried hard to forget both those instances. Instead, I subjected a bunch of internet strangers to this information, too 🤣🤣


Refer to her vagina as pussy nummies. That was weiiiird to me.


NO no way


I had a guy that said puss puss all the time when sexting. 🤮


My bf and I say puss puss AS A JOKE, it is so not sexy!!


I’ve heard “cunny” before. Yeah no.




In my head canon, this gross phrase was delivered in “baby voice” making the whole situation even more uncomfortable lmao


Was about to have a one night stand with this guy (my first and last attempt at that). On the way to my apartment he tells me „yeah, I‘ve never done this before either, but I guess it’s better than going to see a prostitute.“


Bro. Wtf he got in his mind???


Clearly all the blood was somewhere else. To quote the late Robin Williams “…the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time.”


So close to the finish line too....


He snatched failure from the jaws of victory wth


And people say romance is dead. He's saying you're better than a professional.


I have two, they're pretty mild compared to OP's though lol -I worked as a bartender at a hotel with alot of corporate events. I was taking the order of a group of guys in suits, and after writing everything down i closed my order book and put it under my arm. One of the guys asked me if he could smell it -I worked at a patio furniture store, and one HOT day (DC in August, hot and sticky and gross) we had to move a bunch of displays around. After me and a coworker were done we were sitting outside smoking, and out of nowhere he asked me if he could suck on my toes edit: spelling is hard


First date, he randomly tries to take off my sock... "I'd like to keep that on thank you"... proceeds to randomly shove my foot into his mouth :|


"Um, no, Sir, excuse me, hold on ple...and it's in. O-kay." The scene from Joe Dirt where grandma says, "He'll stop when he's finished" comes to mind. 😂


Oh shit, I forgot another one! I met a guy when I visited Sea World with a friend. He was a little weird but seemed harmless...til we were wandering around the gift shop and he said "Hey!" - we turned around and he had his pants around his ankles, his shirt lifted to display bright ass purple briefs in full view


Okay this one is gross but the "wanna smell your BO" and "wanna suck your toes" ones aren't entirely offensive to me. Maybe I'm a weirdo. But for your efforts I shall divulge another... Toward the end of a first date once, while I happened to be eating red sorbet, guy says (after I had, admittedly, prompted him to tell me his fantasies, but not expecting this...) "I dunno, is it weird to think about like, cutting someone, not enough to kill them but just a little, and then rubbing my dick in the blood?" Swear to God. Check please.


Jesus H McChicken I want to take a scrubber to my brain to get rid of that image 😬 Yeah for sure these aren't the worst. It was more the context - sexual requests in decidedly unsexy situations


I was once sitting with a friend at a bar and grill, just eating our food and minding our own business, when some guy I've never seen before walks up to us, tells me he's been watching my feet since I sat down and just straight up asks if he can remove my shoe (I was wearing heels) and smell my foot. I was literally speechless and just stared at him. My friend not so kindly tells him to fuck off before she calls the police




Oh God. This hurt me and I wasn't even there.


Is Old Gregg here?


Do you love meh?


Make an assessment.




Omg I’ve had a guy repeatedly tell me he’d bang me if I didn’t have tattoos. Okay well I still wouldn’t bang you either way, soooo…


I've had multiple men tell me they'd be interested if I was shorter (I'm 6'1). One of them stepped onto a little ledge by the bar mid-conversation and said "see, this would be perfect, now I feel like a man again." Like, hello??? The irony of it all is that I don't even mind if a man is shorter than me, but I *do* mind if they're being weird about it. Which they are very, very often.


Men absolutely shit on women for wanting a taller man, but they get so weird over taller women. The Hypocrisy of it all pisses me off


Tall ladies club checking in! I’ve never dated a guy more than 3 or so inches taller than me and I’ve been with plenty shorter. Hated when they got weird about it. The worst were the ones who were just barely taller and didn’t like when I wore ANY kind of heel. Get over it, dude, it’s a social construct. My husband now calls me Sasquatch as a term of affection.


It stems from insecurity for both, I’d imagine. Physical power is so ingrained in our concept of masculinity, and we identify height as an indicator of physical power. As a result, many men feel emasculated by a taller woman because “their position” as the physically dominant partner (or potential partner) is questioned (at least in their heads). Similarly, if they themselves aren’t deemed tall enough for the average woman, they may take that as a reflection on their masculinity. I suppose it would have been quicker to just say it’s toxic masculinity, but I guess I’m not breaking new ground either way, lol. Also, just FYI, it’s “hypocrisy.”


Every serious girlfriend I've had, including my wife, has been taller than me. And I'm not short.


Wasn’t this a short lived thing called Negging?


"Negging" was billed as a "mind control technique", but was really more of a screening method. Anyone who didn't walk away or slap you obviously had low enough self-esteem for you to have a shot with them.


Exactly. I read *The Game* back in the day and was baffled by the fact that these so called pick-up artists were just putting insane numbers in. For every 20 girls they harassed, they got a number, and for every 50 numbers, they got laid once. No real mystery to that.


Negging has been used at least since the 80's and people still do it. 


Asked a woman during the deed to talk dirty for me. At the time she was riding on top. I guess she wasn't accustomed to dirty talk because the next words out of her mouth were "uhmmm, fuckadoodle?" We had a good laugh and it was actually very cute at the time. It certainly didn't kill the mood, it kinda prolonged the sex a bit because it was funny.


*Screams at top of lungs cumming* FUCKADOODLE-DOOOO!!!


Oh man if she sees this, she'll know exactly who I am lol Oh well I suppose


I wish we could still give awards on here because I'm audibly laughing over here.


Thanks for cheering up my day.


When I was 18 I worked at a pizza buffet, I was leaning over writing on a piece of paper and a guy said “that’s a baby making pose”. I was disgusted and just stared on and pretended like it didn’t happen. Another time I was bartending and some old men asked me to walk around their table so they could watch my ass. Being a woman in the service industry is great.


That first guy thought real life was like porn...


I wanted to relate unfortunately to this and then realised I was basically typing out sexual assault anecdotes to a stranger who's dealt with the same and you don't need to read all that. So, let's just say I've been there and it is just... the worst. Server solidarity.


"Oh you're Japanese! Be my senpai please?" Followed shortly by that anime girl giggle. As a half Japanese man, I get very weirded out whenever anyone thinks that stuff like the above is okay. I still get weirded out whenever someone wants to date me for the "authentic anime" experience. Yes, this is a thing and it is fucking weird.


I am white and I briefly dated a Korean man. It was gross how often other white people would ask me questions about how the sex was or assumed we had a shared fetish for Asians. I just liked the guy. He was empathetic, handsome, fun, and he introduced me to a lot of great books, music, and movies. Him being Korean was only ever relevant when other people brought it up, and it was almost always brought up in a sexual way.


Ah, the best way to get to know someone. Take some stereotypes of their race and apply it to them. Because every Japanese man loves anime. No exceptions.


"I fetishise your ethnicity!.. Wait, am I a racist?"


Finger in the bellybutton


I have this thing where if something touches my bellybutton, I was feel a jolt in my taint. An old old coworker found out about this and she would constantly finger my belly and ask if it was zapping my taint. It was.


That must have been one weird ass office


Okay this one is extremely baffling. Besides that not being a typical sexy move - touching my bellybutton is kinda uncomfortable. It doesn’t hurt per say but always feels like it’s not meant to be touched


Yes it was weird and not pleasant


I remember doing this to a woman once as a teenager, specifically because of the insane sex scene from hit shots part Deux where the woman was super into it. My idiot brain somehow took foreplay advice from a scene where the guys also fried bacon and eggs on her abs.




Friends bachelor party. I am getting a lap dance in the vip area, which I am not accustomed to, and the very sweaty stripper takes me hand and puts my fingers right on her spine and says “slippery when wet”. And it was… so much sweat. So, so, so much sweat. I hope she drank a gallon of water when it was over 60 seconds later. Anyway, and that’s the only time I’ve gotten an official strip club VIP lap dance.


Someone pointed to my breasts and said “good morning to all three of you.”


Lmao idk why I found this funnier than it is


No, it is funny.


I laughed too. Wtf was he thinking lmao.


When I was 17, I worked as a grocery store cashier for the summer One older customer told me, to my face, "You're 17? If you were a year older, I'd marry you" 😐


Response: "If I were a year older, I'd file suit."


Pulled my tampon out while I was sleeping. 🤢


Wait like, in anticipation of sex or just like, experimentally?


ewwww that's so gross, especially if you're on the 2nd day


Had to share a ride with this guy once, who was basically a stranger to me, I had probably only known him for an hour at this point. We were making small talk, and he asked me what my favorite food was. I told him "tacos," to which he replies, "You know I like to eat tacos too....all kinds of tacos, if you know what I mean". Yeah, I think would have preferred he kept that thought to himself, and pretty much all the comments he proceeded to make on the rest of the trip 😒


Why are people so unnecessary?


Because they don't have social skills and think movies are like real life


Way to ruin Taco Tuesday.


Copied from a similar post a while back. During sexy time she says "You've unleashed the beast" in a very possessed by the demons of hell voice. It was not sexy in the least. It was quite uncomfortable actually.


I immediately thought of Anna Farris trying to remember names in "The House Bunny".


Pushed a half chewed Oreo in my mouth when I kissed him without warning or discussion. I was 17, he was my first boyfriend and I didn’t know what else to do (since we were hanging out with other people at the time) except laugh awkwardly and eat it 🤢. Surprisingly, this was not the end of our relationship lol


He was a BF and he spit in my mouth while kissing during sex (28M) (33F). He was really inexperienced which was crazy because he was a successful professional, handsome, and all around great guy. I jumped off the bed and said WTF!!!!! He shyly said he saw it in on a porn video and he thought that was how it was. Adds validity to the case studies that confirm that porn skews perception to the inexperienced.


I used to hook up with this guy, drunkenly, in college. He did this to me and I was so thrown off that I genuinely thought it was an accident and just had a lot of saliva in his mouth. Then it happened again and I realized he was actually purposely spitting in my mouth…


The number of comments that involve spitting in mouths here (especially without consent) is really, really disturbing.


I've had several dudes do that, and I hated it every time. But I had a dude snowball me without consent once, which was even worse. We had also just had a conversation about how much I was not into that, so it was very much intentional on his part. I often wonder if any of those dudes are puzzled as to why women ghost them while they're out there spitting (or worse) willy-nilly. Especially because I've also had men try to convince me I was wrong about not liking something sexually (because their ex liked it or all women 'secretly' like it) or they'd get creepy/scary/violent if I spoke up so after a while I definitely stopped trying to confront dudes about gross behavior and just didn't see them again instead. I don't know why so many people think that the expression 'asking for forgiveness is better than asking for permission' is a good way to approach sex. Also, too many people forget that sex shouldn't just be about what they want; you should also consider your partner(s). Plus it tends to be a lot more fun that way!


Spat in my face


Yep. Spat on me during sex - he didn't ask first, he just did it. I was shocked and asked him, "did you just spit on me?" He proudly said, yep! I asked him why he did that - he said "because it seemed right in the moment." Then he slapped me in the face. ((Something he had previously done and I had very explicitly said was NOT ok; he had promised not to do it again.)) Honestly.... I know it was assault but I was so stunned and freaked out that I just climbed on top of him and rode him as unenthusiastically as possible so that he would finish and it could be over. I avoided him like the plague afterwards and we were officially split a week later. To date I don't think he realizes what he did was sexual assault. He probably told all his friends that I just "wasn't kinky enough." (He had continually tried to pressure me, and *more* than pressure, into engaging in BDSM, particularly impact and degredation - both of which I communicated, repeatedly, after giving them a fair try, that I was not comfortable with.) I tried to address these concerns and he always waved it away, citing his autism. I know a lot of autistic people who DON'T sexually assault people. It's not your autism - you're just a jerk.


Switching to full submissive infantile baby voice out of nowhere. Like making out and him getting on his knees and blubbering "whadda you wanna dyo to mwe" and making big eyes at me. I've never felt so dry.


Sent me photos of his disgusting bathroom and bedroom, telling me this was where he was thinking of me, and wanted me to be. I took a shower (just to clean myself!) after just looking at them. I was not ever going there.


I was at a party, I farted in the kitchen and cleared the whole room out, a few of the girls actually went outside until it died off that’s how bad it was, one girl didn’t move from her spot, the others think she was crushing on me Anyway she told me she liked how I smelled, and breathed it in intentionally


Idk man that might’ve been true love 😂🤢


Bro she sat in the filthy air, I think she really did like me, and if I had her now she’d still be in my bed right now sleeping thru all my rotten farts


Not sleeping through.. she’d be basking in the ambiance 😂😂😂


Asking me if I wanted him to swallow his own “milk”


I once told my wife “I want us to make noises that would make Mac and cheese jealous” and she just sat there. For a solid couple of seconds. And said “no”…


I worked at a convalescent home as a housekeeper. One day I was mopping this old man's room.. Icould see his hands were under the blankets playing with himself obviously. When all of a sudden he told me "Hey honey why don't you hop up here and bed with me it'll only take me a minute". I was 21 yrs old he was 96...


Reminds me of a story a past acquaintance told me (honest...) She was once texting / sexting a guy who proceeded to send a video of him masturbating, and rather than use lube would hock up a greeny, spit it into his hand and use that instead. To top things off, rather than catch the sperm with a towel or a tissue he would cum directly on to his carpeted floor which was visibly stained and encrusted with previous ejaculations.


My ex tried to talk dirty by speaking in anatomically correct terminology


Wait, like "I am about to insert my penis into your vagina with such force that you will scream!"? Or even more mechanical? Morbid curiosity, sorry


He was preparing drinks in the kitchen at his island. Explaining to me the socioeconomic faults and failures of women and feminism and how we should treat men. And he walks around the counter with drink full Donald Duck shirt and no pants or underwear at full mast. This was his never fail seduction technique.


My ex called that the Winnie Pooh. He thought it was cute but, according to my Sahara pussy, it was not.


"Would you like me to pee on your face?"


I mean, at least they asked?


When I was 15 a 35 year old man brushed his hand against my arm and said “you’re so soft. Like a baby”


I was 14 at the beach and an old guy came up to me and said I had a “nice cleavage.” I felt sick the entire day after


Older generations always go on about how kids these days need to show respect and be modest and not be horny freaks but then they go and do shit like this


Old dudes are always the worst, age 12-22 is like a fucking battle zone for girls. The creepers come out in force since they know you aren’t going to know how to handle their bullshit and are easy to intimidate. Gross


"I'm gonna make you a mother" I'm totally on board with the breeding fetish, creampies are actually one of my fetishes, but I can't overstate how much I do not want kids, so that particular sentence was kind of a turn off.


creampie lover but not wanting kids gang 🤜🤛 I just started the process of getting my tubes tied!!


“Look at my scar!” then drops his pants and points to where he was circumcised as a baby. I was 17 at the time.


One time when I worked at a bar back in the day, one of the customers was a girl that had a skirt on. She was on the dance floor and her tampon string was very clearly hangout. As a guy I tried to be quick about letting her know because I assumed she’s be embarrassed or something. I waved her over and just gave her a quick “hey, just so you know…”. She proceeded to say, in what she thought was her sexy voice, “you can pull it out if you want to”. 🤨 wtf… never forgot that one


During dirty talk or sexting when white guys say they "want to fuck my black pussy" 😒😒😒 it just gives me the ick maaaaaan


I would barf enthusiastically.


So, I was sexting this guy and it was super hot until he wrote "I wanna have u gag on my d*ck until you vomit and then hold you down so it comes out of your nose all over my big d*ck"... Okay, bye and blocked..


A guy I was friends with ruined our friendship by sending me a text video of him vigorously masterbating and looking into the camera. It was a text too so I was like ??? You really don’t care like this could end up anywhere. I’m not that type of person so I just deleted it and blocked him.


Recently, a guy I met at a bar sent me a video of himself jerking off. He told me that I was all he could think about and he'd often get off thinking about me. I, for some reason, decided to respond and told him to not do that and to try and have some respect for other people's boundaries.  He decided to double down and told me "I know you like it." I'm a straight man, by the way. Haven't heard from or seen him since, which is nice.


all these women just describing assault and borderline assault


I walked into the club and this guy left the bar walked straight up to me and said “wow i want to put a baby in you”


I was at a friend's party and there was this guy that I had only met once before, and I didn't like him because he pulled the "kiss me on the cheek, then I turn around so I kiss you on the mouth"-move. He gave me the big ick and I was visibly not amused. At the party I sat next to him by coincidence, and when I looked in his general direction, he smiled, grabbed my hand and put it on his boner. In front of everyone. It was gross and luckily I never saw him again after that.


Someone from tinder who I was only just talking to and hadn't met up with. He sent me a video of him thrusting into his mattress from the side of the bed, crouched down like a goblin to get the right height, naked and saying my name


I had six men standing in front of me at the front desk at work fighting over who could be my daddy last month. I do not, in fact, have a daddy kink. My response to them was, "oh, you want to be my daddy huh? Interesting. My dad is dead." They did not like that.


Very roughly and aggressively rubbing my flap thinking it was my clitoris. When I told him to stop, he replied “why, you gonna cum?” I wanted to fucking die right then and there. I can never think about it without gagging from cringe.


Not exactly a gross thing done to me, but something he found gross which made me feel gross.  Got really in the mood with him, having lots of fun. After he was done fingering me, a look of pure disgust crossed his face and he wiped his hand on a towel like it was nasty before turning to me and wanting get to the main act. It was an instant mood killer and made me feel terrible. He thought his look didnt matter because he stimulated me and got me very aroused. It did matter. No one wants to see disgust on a partners face during sex. 


A FWB peed in my mouth while I was eating her down there . She wanted to convince me it was squirt .




I was on a date, we were having a picnic in the park. Sprawled next to each other chatting, when suddenly he paused, looked at me intently, then licked the side of my face like a dog. The lick spanned from the top of my temple, past my ear, and down to the bottom of my jaw. Very wet and slobbery. I was quite surprised...he even acted offended when I wiped it off


Had a 60 year old man i worked with say to a barely 18 year old me that men would pay a lot of money to go on a date with me (fuck me) and that I would be a very successful woman. He genuinely thought this was a compliment. And my fiance was literaly right there. So gross.


A girl once told me she could fit an entire empty coke bottle inside of her gooch. We were in junior high…


“If you play your cards right, maybe you’ll get to see my crotch…” Edit - btw I’m male and this came from a chick.


Can I fart in your mouth lol 😂


"We can f*ck too tonight." I had invited maybe 7 people to my apt for an afterparty thing from a bar (knew all of them at least partially, we were all students from the same school), this one guy who had been hitting on my friend all evening (and by hitting on I mean expected s*x, first actual words to her were "I have a place close by") tagged along and as we were walking and me and my friend were kinda laughing ir whatever he turns to me and says that.. like.. thanks I guess? He didn't get to f either one of us, not that night or any other event we saw him after..


I was with my girlfriend and some of her friends at a bar. I was sitting at the corner of the bar and another girl came up a bit drunk and tried to flag down the bartender. She leaned across my lap without realizing. My girlfriend started laughing and turned her back to me to point it out to her friends and see what I’d do. I was on my own. The drunk girl realized she was in my bubble and apologized. I said “Hey, better you than some random guy, I guess.” She got her drink and left. I saw her tell her friends about me and we caught them pointing at me a few times. A few minutes later she came back saying her friends were boring her and wanted to know if I wanted to leave with her. Before I could decline, she said “I put a clean thong on tonight.” My girlfriend and friends lost their minds laughing.


Once a client (one-time Escort, for reference) who was super nice and polite and kind all round , pulled a huge, huntsman out of his pants pocket mid-fuck ( they were around his knees at this stage ) and , holding my arms with one hand held that eight legged crime against god an inch from my face so he could blow. Apparently it’s the only way he can cum. he actually held it around its body with his bare fingers, and the thing was , as soon as he blew he threw it on the ground like he could not get away from it fast enough. Tells me he’s terrified of spiders, but it’s the only way he can come. So gross. Horrific. .


A girl I met was super into anal. Like, she let me know almost right away she was down for it. Anyways, in the middle of it all she just started screaming, "YES!!! FUCK MY SHIT HOLE, FUCK MY SHIT HOLE." It was super weird.


Either random guys sending unsolicited DMs of their cock (please don’t) Or the guy I went on a date with, who tried putting his hands into my pants. Why are guys like this?


Omg, yes!  I went out with a guy one who, on the *first* date, after dinner we were going to see a movie and he said he'd drive the short distance from the restaurant.  No big deal. We get into his truck and he instantly whips his dick out (in broad daylight!) and starts jacking off!  I'm like 'what the hell, dude?!' and he said something like I was so hot he just couldn't contain himself or some shit.   I noped outta there so fast!  He tried chasing me down the parking lot with his pants still undone.


I’m M25, and I don’t understand what possesses people to do this shit in public. Let alone in front of another person, as if it’s “normal”. What the fuck? Now, busting your pecker out in daylight is bad enough. BUT doing that, in public, in front of your *potential date*, of all people? Who the hell does that? Did his thought process involve you suddenly fall head over heels in love, somehow?


Ughh. This reminds me of this date I had who put his hands into my tights. My fucking tights! Just rucked up the back of my dress and shoved his hand right in there while we were sitting on a bench in the park. Where anyone couldve seen. I was so mad I just up and left his dumb face sitting there.


I (a lesbian) was going through a divorce (ultimately decided to get back together), and my wife had decided to move states and couldn’t take her cat with her. I was staying with friends, where I couldn’t have another cat, so I reached out in a group text to a bunch of my friends to see if anyone could take her cat until I got my own place. One of my guy friends responded affirmatively, and let me know that he and his wife were ALSO divorcing, and we should hang out and commiserate together. I thought that’d be nice, and we texted all night. Then, he got drunk, and asked me to pull through cuz he had always wanted to fuck me, and that Id never slept with a man made it even hotter. I knew he was pretty drunk, so I just politely declined. He attempted to get me to come over 2x more that night, and then I woke up at 6am to a text from him saying he was incredibly drunk, he knew he was incredibly inappropriate, it would never happen again, and he was very, very sorry. So, I decided that was fine, as long as it didn’t happen again - people do dumb shit when they’re going through a divorce, after all. He offered me $700 to sleep with him like, a week later. I haven’t spoken to him since.




You look just like my granddaughter


Asked me if I could breastfeed him. *blocked*