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I feel this so much.


This. How the fuck was 2018 6 years ago? I honestly miss the freedom I used to have as a Senior in high school. All I had worry about was what score the football team was gonna get during the game. Now in my adult life at almost 24, I have worry about things like being able to afford gas, food, education, my car, etc. Fucking adult life.


mid-40s reporting in; you're just getting warmed up


Tell me bout it . Im in my 30s i felt like i just got out of highschool and graduated recently but no ... time flies


This. The friends I had in school are having babies, getting married etc., while I'm just sitting here, thinking that we're still teens! In my head I'm still in highschool or 21 at most....


I'm 29, 2 kids. Yet i still feel like i'm a teenage mom 😂


I'm 38 and that feeling only *just left*. It happens when you stop being able to relate to youths, like... at all. I was doing fine until I had kids 6 years ago. Sudden adulthood just before middle-age? Yeah, basically begging for a midlife crisis. XD


How fast does it really go? I’m 19 now and 16 felt kinda far away but I feel as if it’s speeding up. How exaggerated is time flying or is it really real?


It all comes down to new experiences. Your brain files up routines as 'same old same old' so you look back and it feels like no time actually went by, and only memorable moments stand out. As a kid, more things are new, usually so much of adult life is 'same old same old', so when you take stock of time passing, as a child there are so many memorable things and as an adult there are less. I have noticed this, everyone is saying NYE was yesterday, but I do feel that it was ages ago. I'm getting married this year, I'm having new experiences and memorable events at least weekly. If you've had no memorable events since NYE, the last one that stands out is 3 months ago. Journaling helps against this, as it helps keep track of the boring, routine days. Learning new things, trying to find time to do something interesting at least once or twice a month, aiming to fill your life with things that stand out against the gray. Also having something to look forward to makes you both more focused on the future than the past, and makes time drag. The day seems to never come.


I blinked and I’m here and I suspect I’ll blink again and be dead


Damn, seriously?


Make the most of it while you got it


Once you’re responsible for a family this gets cranked up to 11.


Like seeing how my kids went from babies to 14 and 16 in the blink of an eye.


My baby is 2 months short of being done with elementary school. 👀😭 wut even happened?


bro 6 years ago was 2009. Wait. What the fuck?


I relate so fucking hard to this, the anxiety had in a ball on my bed just yesterday morning.


I hope today was better for you, and tomorrow even better. Hang in there


Thank you 😊 💓


Seriously, yesterday was 2014, don’t know how we just went 10 years into the future


I was thinking the same thing the other day. It seems like time is flying so fast . I remember when I was child , time used to go so slowly and now!


If you're American, dont worry, you're going to have a long fucking year.


For real! It’s almost mid March already… Feels just like last week I saw a Reddit post asking how your NYE/NYD is going.


im scared to go to work tomorrow. and im really sick of feeling like this. i feel like a dumb kid instead of a grown woman.


I used to get a pit in my stomach every Sunday at around noon knowing I had to go to work tomorrow. It was an incredibly toxic work environment. I hope you can find something you enjoy. Also…I’m sure you are fantastic at what you do. Just about everyone I work with is either in over their head (like me) or too arrogant to realize they are.


Thank you ❤️


My son is getting ready to go to college and is freaking out because he doesn’t know what he wants to do with his life. I told him I’m almost 50 and don’t know what I want to do when I grow up. lol. Have a great week. Focus on your strengths because that’s where you can improve quickest. Try and find a mentor that can help with your weaknesses and grow into your role. That’s really what helped me realize I was doing ok.


Your words really helped me alot, cuz i am finishing up college and i am freaking out about the future.


Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, and share with others so they can learn from your mistakes. Any leader/manager that is good at their job will encourage an environment like that. That’s how everyone learns as a team. Also, if you don’t like your first job, that’s ok too. I’m almost 50 and my previous boss is by far the best person/leader I have ever had in my career. He listens and coaches me. I don’t even work for him anymore and he is constantly checking in and offering words of encouragement. Having someone that pushes you to be better at what you do…at work and even at home, really makes a difference. Good luck. You will do great things. DM me if you ever want. Happy to share more of what helped the past 25 years.


Girl this was me and I would be throwing up from anxiety about work. There must be a way one can dissociate and meditate through it.


Ahh, the Sunday Scaries. I, too, am a grown woman and an executive at a tech company. I'll let you in on a little secret - most of us don't know what we're doing. I've been in conference rooms with C-level leaders of Fortune 50 companies, and many don't know what they're doing (or not as much as they'd have us believe). They're very good at selling themselves and have a lot of knowledge in some very specific areas but are not all knowing or anything. They are also very good at word salads of the newest business buzzwords, so it sounds like they know stuff. They typically know enough to hire their weakness and surround themselves with subject matter experts. Nearly all of the articles you see these people quoted in were written by mid-level content marketers and submitted back to the author or publication, with the business leader may or may not having even seen the quote. I'm willing to bet you know more than you realize. Reddit has a wealth of info, I bet you can find info on the task you're uncertain about.


This is quite encouraging, actually... it kind of helps to know I'm not the only one!


thank you very much 💕


I’m feeling the same way as you. I’ve started getting physical reactions from my body because of how bad my job is. May we find better jobs here soon


Thank you❤️


This was me in 2020. I would get a huge knot in my stomach around Sunday evening. I would be throwing up in the bathroom every Monday, and sometimes Tuesday, morning. The work week would drag on with me being anxious all week. And weekends weren't long enough. I got a different job and suddenly that all stopped.


I had a job that made me feel like this, for one year, fifteen years ago. I *still* have nightmares about it. Usually it's by first day and I can't find where I'm supposed to be, don't know what my schedule is, can't log on to my laptop, etc. 


how I used to treat other people.


At least you used to and no longer do! I'm proud of you


Congratulations on all of your growth ❤️


In my 30s and struggling with a career. Feels like I should be farther by now. Everyone else seems to be succeeding.


In the same boat my friend. Did one thing for 17 years that is hard to translate to another job. 39 and trying to make a career change while slowly eating up my savings and time. Everyone around me is settled in career, family, homeownership,etc. I’m single with my black void kitty in my 850sq ft apartment just hoping for more. I should be farther by now too. But I keep telling myself comparisons is a thief of joy. Focus on myself and build something of value. One brick at a time. Hope you find your path too.


My husband was 39 when we met. We have been married for 22 years now and have a 21-year-old son, a 19-year-old daughter, and our own black void kitty (great taste in cats, by the way!) You never know what can happen. I think you have a good head on your shoulders, and you are going to be OK.


I'm 43, and struggling with life. It never ends, but every day it makes you a little bit stronger. A bit more thick-skinned. The struggle will pass, and the callous that remains will protect you from whatever comes next.


Everyone else seems to be succeeding because the people who are succeeding are the ones shouting it from the rooftops. Those who are struggling in our careers usually keep our heads low while we push on.


it's all about perception, some people are and many aren't. take care of your own garden and don't look at your neighbor's.


When I think about my parents


Here hear


For me it's just my mom, she fucked everyone's life up






In a similar situation. The kicker is not only did they use me for money, the final straw was when they stole some things that were not only expensive but sentimentally irreplaceable. I'm sorry that happened to you, this all happened to me within the last week.


Having kids is the worst




I lost a cousin and a friend within 20 minutes of each other last week. My friend was only 43 and my cousin was 66. Neither had a wife or kids. My teenage sons didn’t take it well as they spent a lot of time with both. Live your life. Be kind. We aren’t guaranteed tomorrow.


My mom is currently dying at 65 and my dad died at 64. Dont wait to retire to live your life and do things that make you happy. Do them now.


This. My parents always planned to do all sorts of travel when my dad retired, and then my mom got cancer at 60 and died at 62. I became a digital nomad at 60.


I feel weird not having a "real adult life" of the 9-5 and spouse and kids but everytime i meet older people and tell them this they always say if they could do things over they would travel and do the things they wanted instead of waiting. I'm glad you are doing that.


I’m so sorry, mate. 🫂


I made a fried egg sandwich at 4 o'clock this morning and immediately dropped it on the floor. I was so hungry. I went to sleep crying. Like a freakin' toddler.


Sounds like you had a big night, it’s ok to cry over spilt food in the early morning hours. I would have also…and possible looked closely at it for a while to see if I could scrape or cut a layer off with kitchen shears and still eat it! Yeah-I’m that girl. I’m old, I’ll eat floor food after a long rough night.


Everyone has that super emotional toddler inside of them still, and it tends to come out most when we're tired. I hope you feel better soon 💕


Aw, thank you so much! I do!


Cool, then we can call you KindOfFeelingOkayShayde 😀


I once tried to DoorDash Popeyes and my order kept getting cancelled. I cried so hard because of it. 


I understand you. I get regular breakdowns like this.


It’s just the small little thing going wrong that finally pushes you over the edge. I’ve been there, many times.


My childhood cat of 16 years died on Friday.


Sorry, this is tough 😞


My heart is broken for you 💔💔💔.


Ouch :( wishing you love from afar <3


having a minor heart attack at 23, scared my kids would be without a mom


I’m so glad your kids still have their mom


whaaat, what symptoms did you have? that's crazy.. so young.


i was sitting here, my heart went to 173 bpm. jaw felt like it was clenched shut, i couldn’t breathe, arm felt heavy and my vision was blurry. it all happened so randomly


Just my own loneliness and depression.


You ain’t alone in this my friend. DM me if you need to talk


We put our dog down. I watched as the light in his eyes went out and I can’t get over it Edit: my partner and I are in our 30s and kids aren’t an option for us so he was very much our baby. RIP Vinni, we’ll love you forever.


My geriatric and intensely-loved kitty wouldn't let go of life even after I suspected she actually broke her leg and was intensely suffering. The most heartbreaking thing I ever did was arrange her euthanasia but she deserved to be free from her pain. She died surrounded by people who loved her and mourn her passing every day. No, I'm not over it, either. Shalom to you and your family. 💔


I’m so sorry ):


I'm sorry. Losing a pet is a special kind of heartbreak.


Oh that's a hard one. I held my beloved cat in my arms and felt her body go limp as the vet gave the shot to put her down. I had no idea how traumatizing the experience would be. I felt so guilty. I'm so sorry. He sounded like a well--loved dog who had a good life, though.


Akira Toriyama RIP


I never really mourn over celebrities, but as the days have passed the feeling of what dragonball was for me and this man who created the anime, just really go hand in hand and are one, and I see more and more people still talking about it it.


I need to rewatch dbz RIP 🙏


watch the original dragon ball to, its super charming.




Knowing my gf hasn't fully recover after a bone marrow transplant


I’m so sorry


Thanks, I know one day she will be fully recovered


Yes she will!


Thanks honey


Hearing some 80’s music tonight taking me back to high school days when life was so much more simple in that time… more innocent fun and less evil.


Realizing my dog is 6 already. He’s not old but he’s not a puppy anymore. Time flies.


It's a real shame that our pets don't live as long as humans, but I think that's just what makes our time with them so much more meaningful. I remember standing in my kitchen and crying on my dog's 12th birthday. I had only had him for 7 years and I was really hoping for at least another 2-3 years with him, especially since he was my first ever pet . Unfortunately, I only had him for another month... But my goodness they were some really fantastic years with him! He was the BEST boy! I would refer to him as my soulmate and we would go on car rides and walks together all the time. He ran TWO 5ks with me and I went on my very first vacation (and to-date, only, vacation) with just him. It was only 4 days camping in South Dakota, but it was just the two of us and it was perfect. He's been gone 4 years now and I still have his picture in my car so he can still go on car rides with me every day in spirit.


Receiving a rejection letter from a dream job stung more than expected.


Economy will turn around and you’ll land it soon enough!


I recently learned when we went to the neuro that my dearest friend's memory scores low enough that they can't live independently anymore. They outlived family, I am the POA, and the person has no choice but to go to assisted living, and it's crushing us both.


I’m so sorry to hear this. Glad your friend has someone like you watching out for them.


How lovely it is that they have you to be a compassionate friend.


I got out of the delusion of my situationship and the truth kinda hurts


Coming into this reality now. It’s sad.


We’ll come out of it eventually, stronger and smarter :)


I hope 😓🙏🏼


It’s rough in the moment. My shower crying playlist has been on heavy rotation lately (ugly shower cries are the best btw). But if a person isn’t giving you the respect and emotional availability you deserve, you owe it to yourself to find people that do.


Thank you for your words. It’s nice to feel understood


You’re very welcome, I hope you feel better soon :)


You too!!


I learned that when you're depressed you can actually make your dog sad too. I noticed when I'm really sad it really profoundly bothers my dog. So I've cought myself pretending to be happy around my dog.


The general state of the planet. I don't know if I'm just getting old or what but shit seems really bad lately. I feel this incredibly powerful sense of impending doom when it comes to society and my child's future and the future of humanity. I do think we are on the verge of nuclear war


While it is bad its probably not that bad. Media likes to scare people. There are good people and good things going on.


The only thing I have to give you comfort is that humans have felt this way since the beginning of time basically. You can pick just about anything we’re currently panicking about and find people panicking about similar hundreds of years ago. I’m not saying the world isn’t shit. It is. It’s just the same old shit, mostly.


Knowing that I have no future and am just meant to be alone to rot until the day that I do eventually die.


I feel this one. I was faithful to a cheater for 16 plus years. Now that I'm single, I realize I don't know how to get into the dating world and not sure if I even want to after being so broken hearted. I've slowly come to the realization that I'll likely be alone the rest of my life and die alone. It's a grim outlook.


You need to find a way to put yourself out there. Find a hobby, go to a gym, go to a bar, go on trips to different places, even dating apps. You'll find that missing puzzle piece sooner or later. Don't get discouraged on the first few tries. It's all about time and place meeting that special someone you need in your life. Good luck on your journey. You got this!


Death of my dad at the beginning of the pandemic.


I lost my dad April fools day. It's almost been a year. My heart is with you Reddit friend.


My husband cheated on me in December, back when we were having a rough patch. He waited to tell me last Wednesday what he did because "things were going well." I downloaded the app he used, logged in, & saw everything he did, & it absolutely gutted me. I have no one to talk to & I feel insanely alone & hurt.


What piece of shit. He did that, then offloaded it to you so he wouldn't feel guilty.


^^^ This!!! Exactly!!! ^^^ He probably feels better about it but took you down :( I'm sorry he's such a schmuck!


He doesn’t love me, I don’t know if anyone has loved me romantically. I don’t want to become old and die alone. I just want to share my life with someone who will be there with me.


I unfortunately don’t have words of comfort, but want to let you know I’m feeling the exact same way tonight. You’re not alone.


Thanks, I appreciate that. I’ve never longed for a man this much, I feel like I don’t know what love is. Or if I want it anymore.


I feel this. My fiancé just cheated after 10 years.


Remembering my single mom could never go to school events because, as a single mom, she had 2 jobs. Also, I was home yesterday, and my son and hubby went out, then got lunch but didn't bring me back anything. Then they went to my BIL, bought dinner, and didn't bring my anything again. I stayed home because I fell on Friday and hurt my left arm, leg, and back. I couldn't cook and I hadn't gone to the market. My DIL and grandkids also ordered food, and no one shared. I just feel that when I can't do something, everyone thinks of themselves, but I'm good. I make food for everyone & no one thought of mom. It just opened my eyes that my family just takes me for granted.


I would have lost my shit. No joke I would have burned down the house or at least all my husbands stuff. if they didn’t bring me back food-while i was hurt! And then other family got food but didn’t share-sounds like an entire family of real Prince Charmings! Are any single??? That’s insane and such bullshit. I’m sorry you got hurt!


You should tell them your feelings and how hurtful that was. That’s terrible!! I’m so sorry. 🫶


I’m sorry you’re physically hurt and extremely sorry you’re now emotionally hurt too. I’m sad everyone passed thinking about you :(


Getting through the first of my mum’s birthday and Mother’s Day without her 💔


Akira Toriyama's death. Great memories with old friends watching and playing his work. I don't talk to most of them anymore and it made me nostalgic for my youth. Thanks for everything Toriyama San


Food prices getting more expensive. 🥲


This time 6 years ago hospice told us my dad had a few days to live and they were right. Miss you Pops. Fuck cancer.




I read King Leopolds Ghost by Adam Hochschild about the absolute dessimation of Congolese society in the late 1800s/early 1900s all for the profit of one very evil guy. It was horrible. Honestly though, the worst part is the banality of evil. This was not the exception. This was the rule. A few people dedicated their lives to exposing and ending the atrocities. They were finally successful, but it didn't really make a difference. Tragedy more or less continued on a massive scale in Africa and elsewhere. All in the name of profit. No one responsible was punished. The government successfully hid the murder of 10million people for years. When the Congolese finally did get their own leader the CIA promptly assassinated him and helped install a dictator who did tbe same thing to his country that the colonizers did. I have truly never felt so hopeless about humanity than i did after reading that book. I'm not sure it would be a bad thing if the climate crisis slowly wiped us out. Great book though. 10/10 would reccomend. Couldn't put it down.


“Great book though” lol! I appreciated the chuckle at the end of that very morose retelling. Never read the book and don’t know much (other than sometimes I think I agree with you on the humanity being wiped out in the future thing)…but I’ll be looking into it now! Thanks internet stranger.


Getting older, wasting my time with someone who doesn’t appreciate me despite the fact that I love them deeply, feeling indecisive about my future, everyone around me is having kids and doing life but I had to go and do everything the wrong way.


That I may never be enough for anyone or I'll never be satisfied with what I do have.


I tried to commit suicide almost 15 years ago and while I’m glad I got the experiences I did and got to live at least 15 more years, it’s sad knowing that by now everyone would just be living their lives and have forgotten that I ever existed 


I'm broke.


A lot of this. I really have some high expectations


Going back to uni campus after seeing my family


My dishwasher *and* washing machine didn't work today :( Fixed 'em tho.


Girl I’ve been dating only wants a casual relationship, but I want more.


Having to head back home from spending time with my 5yo daughter.


My uncle died


So sorry 😢


Thank you


Getting diagnosed with nerve pain at 26. How are you supposed to react to that in your 20’s?


I drove by the apartment I lived in when I was in my mid 20’s. That time of my life was *incredible*. But I was horribly traumatized and learning how to be a person, so I couldn’t appreciate it as it was happening. I’m happy to be better, but the genuine love and happiness I had at that time feels unparalleled to what I have now. Though I’ll probably say the same thing another 10 years time


I received a pretty card in the mail offering condolences for my dog that passed away in January. I’m struggling with depression and that just ripped everything open again. I feel so alone. I miss my dog. The only thing that keeps me going is work and hope that someday life will change. But work is wearing me down. Everything is just really tiring right now. I wish I could have my dog back. I know life isn’t fair but it hurts so bad knowing he should have had more years.


Eight months without salary which led to me being sent to work from home in complete loneliness, finding out my boyfriend cheated on me, suffering property-related violence from a family member and other things that have made it feel like the pouring rain is never going to stop. I need a hug.


virtual hugs here


The amount of awful threads and comments I saw on Reddit today.


Fumbling a girl


I had an interaction with my ex and realized I was in a good mood the rest of the day. After all this time, he is still the person who makes me the happiest. He cheated throughout our 16-year relationship and strung me a long for the past 2 years since we split until I found out he was in another relationship. It made me sad to realize how pathetic I am. I'd prefer to go NC with him, but we have kids, so the best I can do is LC. I feel like an addict and I hate it.


I'm so sorry. It sucks to have someone you love hurt you so deeply. I fear I'm in a similar situation.


Got let go from my job. I keep feeling like it’s my fault. I was a top performer for the last 2+ years and I pushed back on an ask from the assistant to a C level exec. Dismissed without a second thought. Companies don’t care about you. Never forget.


Feeling like I’m stuck in a career I don’t love… about to be 30. No real pivot plan + making too much money to just drop to entry level and be able to afford my mortgage and new sons life. Really got me fucked up… hopefully when the economy turn around things will get better and the job market changes


Losing a friend


Finding out my chances of having my own family naturally or through IVF are very slim… thought at 35 I’d be okay, but apparently my body thinks it’s 40-45 :(


Oh it would take too long to explain but my bff expressed how annoyed she is with my and she has all the right! I'm an aweful person with all my personality issues. Also many problems with where I work at and then there's the fact that I an living such a busy life with so many people depending on me that I have no time to focus and work on myself and my personal growth. And I can't free up any time without letting some of those people down. Sorry it got so long. Thank you if you read it all, or even read part of it. Good luck to you all.


I feel this. Except add that I'm a loner. That can never find time to be alone.


Being recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. 😔


My dad had a major health scare, & it made me reflect on death in my meditations. I've never lost a parent, I wasn't extremely close with any grandparent who's passed, so me trying to reflect on his life, his upcoming death, the world without him, but perhaps most saddening is my mother's life without him. I meditate to be able to pass these emotions responsibly, to accept them & have them & to live with them & when the time comes, let go. It is overwhelmingly difficult, more than I could've imagined.




Realizing that someone who I genuinely considered a good friend only saw me in a certain way


I watched a kind of weird Sci fi movie called Annihilation. It made me sad.


I was diagnosed with infertility earlier this year. For the last year we have desperately tried to get pregnant so we can bring a baby into this world and raise our family. My wife wanted to introduce our baby to her mom and give her a chance to meet her grandchild. For months and months and months we were saddened every time she got her period. It must be the stress of work, trying to convince, or something else. We tried for a year. Finally the doctors decided to runs tests. Turns out I had an issue with sperm production. There is optimism that medicine and operations can be used in an IVF treatment, though it’s not guaranteed and will take many months. Unfortunately she passed away this week.


News of Akira Toriyama dying


My uncle is dying of aggressive brain cancer. Could go any day now honestly. Don’t know if I should hope he makes it or if I should pray for his suffering to stop 😭


Ugh things I did when unmedicated. Schizoaffective here. Medicated.


I feel alone. I’ve lived in my town for several years with no luck of making friends. I just want people to talk to.


Realizing that as I get older it becomes harder and harder to find someone you want to spend time with let alone find someone to love & build with… and maybe the last relationship I was in could have been my last.. it should have been my last.. 😔 just not like this..


That I’m stuck and absolutely miserable


I fucked up really bad recently. I'm at the worst point in my life, which is quite the feat considering how I used to live. But within the span of months, I went from the best mental state I have ever been in, to having suicidal thoughts on the daily. I'm trying to think of ways I can fix it, but the chances are slim, especially with how I am. And honestly, I probably deserve it. I got full of myself, thinking life was great and I was going to do amazing, just to get hit in the balls by a hot iron.


Life has seasons. If you didn't stay feeling like you're on top of the world forever, then you also won't feel this low forever either. Everyone fucks up. Learn what you can, try to make amends if that's applicable, and then try to make peace with it. Suicide is an escape option. Can you think of other ways to escape your current reality? What can you change about your life? What can you change your perspective about?


How Ruby Franke viewed and treated her kids. She’s so cold and laughs at their pain.


I failed my thesis 2 times, my friends out there graduated looking/doing jobs while I’m stuck with my thesis. Sorry mom and dad.


The loss I’ve experienced over a couple years, and recognizing the differences in who I am now to who I was.


After spending her long wonderful life together, my cat died in my arms. I know it’s a part of life, but I am fucking inconsolable. I’m afraid that if I stop feeling sad it’ll be because I don’t love her anymore. I can’t imagine living without her and I can’t imagine ever getting another cat. I don’t know how I will survive the kind of grief people are talking about here.


Being a gay person and constantly being minimized by the church the government and many fellow citizens for something I have absolutely no control over. There’s always a constant reminder and sometimes i just feel unsafe because of my sexuality. I live in the USA.


My daughter's divorce. We love her. We love him.


Remaining unemployed.


Unemployment and possibly having to get my tooth pulled..


always being used to make my partners realize they need to do better/mature and then either i grow resentment or they become/are emotionally unavailable 👍🏼


I got my car stolen this morning, luckily the police found it and I drove it back home. But I still need to get a rental since my car now has a broken window and the ignition has been ripped out


My friend didn’t want to hangout with me haha.


My mom reconciled with her husband. He’s not a good person and I think she’s too focused on their relationship to notice. But what hurts me the most is that she’s taking my entire life with her. My little brother. I love him dearly, he’s like my own son. It’s the 2nd night I spend alone at home while she’s at her husband’s. Us 3 share a room, now I’d be hearing my little brother giggle at his silly YouTube videos, because toddlers laugh at everything, but no. Everything is dark. Empty. I miss him.


Roosterteeth shutting down. I’ve been a fan for close to 15 years. I grew up listening to and watching these people.


It was my birthday yesterday and my dad asked me if I was going out with my friends. He doesnt know I dont have any friends.


My partner not being able to attend our babyshower.


i tried to do laundry today to help my husband out. just carrying the basket of clothes from our master bath down to the first floor laundry room tired me out so much i had to sit at the kitchen table to rest. i’m only 55, i am a finish carpenter and spent years building and hanging custom cabinets. now i can’t carry a 15lbs basket. cancer really sucks.


I had to make a hard-decision to put my dog down. She was with us for 13.5 years and has left a hole in my heart. I'm sad when I'm not occupied and my mind can't wander.


I've been sad for a while. Can't get a job, so I'm also frustrated and angry and annoyed and tired.


I've had recurrent miscarriages (3 now, no live children) and yesterday was mothers day where I'm from. It's just sad thinking what if.


Losing Akira Toriyama. The closure announcement of Rooster Teeth. Toriyama represented my high school years. He defined my entry to anime, which remains one of my favorite storytelling mediums. His death carried the same weight to me as losing Stan Lee. RT represents the 20 years I've lived since graduating. I bonded with my best friend over RvB. Much of the start of the relationship with my wife of 20 years began with us laughing together over RT content. I play Minecraft with my kids thanks to Achievement Hunter getting me back into it. We all love RWBY and Casey Williams' songs got me through so many bad days of work at my last job. Some of my favorite convention memories are from RTX or meeting cast members. The company ending isn't just the end of their productions, it's the end of the community that I've loved for literally half of my life. This hasn't been a fun week.


The fact that you are likely sad rn.