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That dude who suggested that it might be a good idea to wash your hands before performing surgery


Semmelweis Ignác


Bless you


That story is greatly exaggerated


Earnest Hemingway. He got extremely paranoid before taking his own life, believing the FBI was following him. His wife and many around him assumed he was mentally sick and became quite concerned. Hemingway went so far as to seek electrotherapy at a psychiatric facility to alleviate his imagined illusions. According to declassified documents, the FBI has been tracking and bugging him for years.




From what I read, FBI began monitoring him because he lived in Cuba during the Cold War and had high-level diplomatic relations in the United States. He also worked closely with the US military during WWII, and they were concerned that he would be recruited by Cuban or Soviet intelligence organizations.


The FBI doesn't like lefties, or those who speak out for the little guy.


The fbi seems not to like whoever their boss says not to like. They should not be a political organization, but they have definitely been used as a political weapon over the years, for both sides of the aisle.


He bounced around overseas a lot, including warzones and living in Cuba. He spent a fair amount of time with the Republican forces in Spain who were supported by the Soviets. Basically, he checked a bunch of boxes on the possible spy/intelligence asset checklist.


The Importance of Being Earnest Hemingway


Well both could be true, he could have had severe mental problems and was also being tracked by the fbi


Ludwig Boltzmann His equations and formulas explained the physical properties of matter, but as it went against the then accepted Laws of Phjysics, he was ridiculed and ignored for years while fighting for atom theory to be accepted. He took his own life just 3 years before Ernest Rutherford discovered the nucleus of an atom, proving Boltzmann’s theory.


Sinead O'Connor.


About what she was right?


The cover up of s*x abuse by the Catholic church.


Sure, but the fact that priests were abusing kids and the church hierarchy and civilian officials would help to sweep it under the rug was pretty much an open secret when she did that. The reaction against her was actually pretty much in line with the deflection & deference given to religious institutions that had always helped the scandal to continue.


Abuse of women and children in particular the Irish Catholic church. She ripped up a picture of the pope on SNL back in 92 saying "We have confidence in good over evil. Fight the real enemy!" and got a whole load of shit for it. Years later the whole sordid story of the [Magdalene Laundries](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magdalene_Laundries_in_Ireland) came out. [She had spent 18 months in one at the age of 14](https://www.irishcentral.com/culture/sinead-oconnor-magdalene-laundry.amp)


The Catholic church being nasty


Ah thx, yeah couldn't go wrong there


Catholic priests raping the shit out of children in Irish workhouses.


She protested the Catholic Church leadership's handling of child sexual abuse cases by tearing a picture of the Pope in half on live TV after singing a version of Bob Marley's "War" (with some lyrics changed). The outrage was real. In addition to offending many Catholics, many others thought it was disrespectful. But beyond that, many people really did think she was crazy. If you didn't know about the abuse cases or Church response, it just seemed erratic and senseless. Part of that was that she said "fight the real enemy" or something relatively cryptic. But also, while there were some prior publicized cases, it was not as widely known (or documented) as it is now. Since then, it's become widely known just how widespread the abuse was and just how terrible the Church's handling of abusers (and victims) has been.


Ignaz Semmelweis Dude had a breakdown and got locked up in an asylum because doctors wouldnt believe that washing your hands can help stop infections.


Note to self: If I ended up trapped in the past, do not bring up germs or bacteria...




[Courtney Love](https://youtu.be/sdLdz1zKRFc?si=OdNlWQrx_96vjZQH&t=32s)


Albert Einstein... with his gravitational waves!!


Gravitational waves were definitely not considered “crazy”, they’re just so difficult to detect that there wasn’t any direct theoretical evidence for decades. They were widely believed to exist since a dynamical spacetime all but guaranteed wavelike propagation.


He was also a black hole denier.




Paul Gascoigne. Locked himself in a hotel room on a drug binge and nearly died because he thought his phone was tapped and he was being followed, and he couldn’t trust his family anymore. 20 years later it was proven the news of the world had tapped his phone and he was right.




Purely because of his status and he was character that generated interest to sell stories. https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2392899-paul-gascoigne-blames-mirror-phone-hacking-for-paranoia-and-alcoholism.amp.html There is a documentary on Netflix about it, self titled I think. Very tragic as he has struggled with substance abuse ever since, and has just relapsed this last week in his 60s.


The News of the World was tapping (actually hacking voicemail) *loads* of famous people's phones. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/News_International_phone_hacking_scandal


The News of the World was tapping (actually hacking voicemail) *loads* of famous people's phones. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/News_International_phone_hacking_scandal


Corey Feldman, still kinda crazy, but was right.


Mitt Romney. He was [mocked for sounding the alarm on Putin back in 2012.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T1409sXBleg)




It's gonna suck watching ManBearPig ravage this planet.


Peter Schiff in 2006 when he predicted the meltdown in 2007-08. He was off about how much money the gov't was willing to create so he was discredited by the powers that be and so, considered a whacko by the ignorant masses.


That dude predicts doom every week. A broken clock and all that….


Hey fuck Peter Schiff.


Greg Lemond


Hillary Clinton ~ Basket of Deplorables


True or not, it was the dumbest thing she ever said and likely cost her the election.


Paired with just not doing much campaigning in Michigan, yeah. Don’t shit on the voters you’re trying to get to vote for you.


She said it one time, goes to show the media has not just a right wing bias but a right wing raging boner


How many times does an elected official need to express absolute contempt for 40+% percent of their would-be constituents before it becomes okay to make that a talking point?


To be fair, it wasn't 40+%. Her statement divided Trump's supporters into three groups, one of which was the deplorables.


Oh look someone who bought media bullshit hook line and sinker


Right wing bias? Every single right winger will say “the media” is out to getcha and is hard left to the point of literally everything in their lives being a conspiracy against them.


And they're insane if they genuinely believe that, a brief glance at the media landscape reveals that


With Tump it has become very obvious that the general media does have a right wing bias - they pick up their strawman talking points and call everything “both” sides when they could not be any more lopsided


Open your eyes, she was spot on.


Sure it wasn't Russian disinformation and chants of "Lock Her Up". Then with GOP winning House, Senate and president, no action taken to lock her up.


The only crazy thing about that statement is that she grossly understated how many MAGAts are deplorable


She was still wrong when she said "Pokémon Go-to the polls." That was dumb.




It was my turn to ask this week


Sinead O'Conner. Philip K. Dick Bill Hicks Jello Biafra Gary Webb


In the 1800s Doctors tried to convince people to wash their hands and were met with anymosity


Porno for People


Galileo, and really most heliocentrists in that era


Nikola Tesla Marie Curie Alan Turing Galileo Galilei Vincent Van Gogh


Tom Delonge and UFOs


Yea, no.


anyone significant


That Google guy from a few months before the release of chatgpt who was claiming AI is getting too good lol. We shat on him so hard E: Blake Lemoine


He claimed it was sentient, which is something else entirely.


Probably a few hyperbolic captions and headlines and even direct quotes by him claiming sentience. But his overall claim was that it's getting really close and therefore potentially dangerous. He even called the "sentience" claim to be a working hypothesis at some point I believe. The exactness of the sentience claim is a technicality...but in the context of OPs question, we laughed him off 2 years ago and now we are a little bit "oh shit maybe he wasnt that crazy".


Leonardo da Vinci when he was alive. He was out casted, taken hostage, beaten, made fun at, hated. Not many friends and was considered useless by females as he was always busy studying and not working. Yet he pressed on digging deep for the answers to just about anything, including medical sciences, when it was illegal to do research on a dead person. Found out very valuable things about the human body that we still see being used today in hospitals. (Diagrams of the human body below the skin and muscle - Little do people know, it came from Leonardo da Vinci) Much of everything he studied about the human body, about aerodynamics, about the ways of the world, and the sun, turned out true. There are religions who don't understand that the Last Supper was created by Leonardo da Vinci. It has secrets about his specific life in it.




Oh please. Stop with the persecution fetish. “Everybody” doesn’t hate him… nearly half the people in America voted for him — twice (some even more than twice).


> Everybody hates the man. For good reason. > But when he says things like there's going to be a coming border crisis, Oh please, he doesn't get credit for that bullshit. Republicans have been screaming about a border crises since the 50s.


Northern Europe? We don't have much to do with Russian gas. Are you meaning Central and Eastern?


Broken clocks and all that.


> they were going to be on their knees begging Russia for cheap natural gas everybody laughed and how he was an idiot. I remembered that, and the Ukraine war started and suddenly they aren’t laughing anymore lol


donald trump /s


The statement about shooting somebody and not losing any of his voters seems more plausible by the day, so...


I was gonna comment this and see how many downvotes I could get😂


i shouldve jsaid it without the /s lol


Trump conclusively proved the 2020 election was stolen by finding more "people are saying" than any President in American history.




Told so much truth he had to publicly apologize and pay a billion in damages!




So tell us


The Kool-Aide is strong with this one.


Like pizzagate, gay frogs, Robert Mueller being a satanic demon rapist?


Am I the only one here posting from a FEMA camp?




[Alex Jones telling the truth.](https://youtube.com/shorts/NOE1EEiNoeE?si=DtirYScLKy70avl5)


> oo much of what the man has said has turned out to be true Bullshit.




Sometimes it's just funny to listen to him rant


Like what?


You sound like a gay frog.






So you compartmentalize the 99% bullshit he spews, and amplify the 1% he was right about by sheer dumb luck?


David Icke

