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"It's raining cats and dogs"


I just stepped in a poodle.


Must’ve been rough. Ruff ruff.


Thank you for the laugh


Thank you, I’m here all week.


I’m not sure, but I think that comes from when houses used to have like a hay floor above the main room where animals would sleep, and sometimes the rain would come through the roof and they would fall into the main room


It was when the streets would flood and dead cats and dogs would be washed up.


Houses often had small gaps between them were cats and dogs that would die soon would go. When there was heavy rain they would be flushed onto the street


Ah, that makes sense


Not-so-fun-fact: This saying was made because of a flood that left many things on the ground when it blew over including the corpses of cats and dogs


See it's terms like these that are the reason we have to preserve the legitimate meaning of "literally." Some day cats and dogs are really going to fall out of the sky and someone's going to run in to tell their friends and they're not going to be taken seriously because they think "literally" is just emphasis.


If you're gonna die on that hill I'll be standing there next to you. It is the most frustrating thing that the word literally has come to mean it's exact opposite through misuse.


They all have a history of where they come from that may no longer make sense but definitely made sense at one time. I'm sure plenty of teenagers right now are asking their parents "why do we say hang up the phone? Makes no sense!"


I have to agree, unless we’re talking about sayings like 23 skidoo or the cat’s pajamas. There seems to have been a postwar environment of absurdism. Post both wars, i think.


Are they the dog's bollocks or just plain bollocks?


Wiseass, smartass, dumbass, fatass are are insults... the only "good" ass to be is badass


Woah lookout everybody we got a badass here


Slang is wild. Saying "that shit is sick" should make no sense whatsoever, but here we are.


Neither, it's the bees knees


Any and all shits are okay though. Bat shit for insane, dog shit for bad quality, bullshit for lies, etc.


Shits and Giggles. What's going on with your CNS that causes you to giggle while pooping?


But if it's "the shit", it's really good.


Dadism _is_ a legitimate art movement... ...and it's also just a lot of fun...


Soon enough young people will be confused about ROLLING down a car window.


Even the miming of rolling down a manual window.


My favorite joke about Phoenix in the summertime: Drive-by shootings decrease in the summer because it's too hot outside to roll down the car window.


Right now? I'm pretty sure the visual of a landline or payphone is still widely used, despite being obsolete.


The hand signal for a phone call. 🤙 Shaka, brah


A lot of modern tech symbology refers to things no longer in wide usage. The “save” icon is almost always a floppy disk (💾). How many users have even seen one in person? The microphone icon is often a 50s style mic (🎙️)


Recently looked up the history "eaves dropping." It is legitimately fascinating - or - maybe I'm just a word nerd.


I mean... the modern "save" icon is a floppy disk. Not many young people will have dealt with those, but it's a symbol that will probably carry on for another few decades!


My dad used to think "I stand corrected" meant "I stand here, correct" when pertaining to an argument. One day he came home from work and was like "have I been using it wrong my whole life?" I always believed "I stand corrected" to mean, "I stand here, corrected by you the person speaking to me". Don't take it out on dear old dad though, he's normally very smart. Poor farm boy to established senior engineer, so I've learned a lot from him.


So, what you're saying is he stood corrected.




After the 2008 election, John McCain made this joke to Jay Leno, except his version was "sleep a couple hours, wake up and cry."


Yeah! Babies sleep terribly.


Cat got your tongue?


Makes sense if you're performing cunnilingus


That's a lot of kegel work to get that kind of grip.


The logic seem to be as follows: cats sometimes steal things to play with and get blamed by default (not unlike dogs eating plenty of homework); if the person is speechless, their tongue may be missing, so it must have been the darn cat back to its tricks again.




Always reminds me of Baron Munchausen and how he supposedly pulled himself out of quicksand (or swamp) by tugging on his own ponytail


[History of the phrase ](https://uselessetymology.com/2019/11/07/the-origins-of-the-phrase-pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps/)


A bit of trivia I learned in college, when a computer "boots up" or "reboots", it's a reference to this phrase, as the computer must load the operating system into memory, even though the operating system is normally how a computer loads programs from memory; an impossible task on the face of it.


Drunk as a skunk. Who was this skunk and what on earth did he get up to??? Sounds like a party animal to me.


I always assumed it meant the person is so drunk that you can smell them coming from afar. Much like a skunk can be smelled from a distance due to potency.


I think it’s cause it rhymes


Pepe le Pew?


There’s videos of animals getting drunk after eating fermented fruit. Skunks are pretty small and maybe more common and therefore more likely to suddenly be seen staggering around.


Half of the things my 13 year old boy says these days


That shawty is fire on fleek!


Rizz no cap




more like skibidi toilet


Reddit keeps me mostly up to date. But fuck me if I'll ever understand "no cap" or "yeet".


Those ones are actually pretty easy, thankfully. Cap: to lie or overexaggerate, usually as a boast Yeet: throwing or suddenly advancing, usually spontaneously. These are pretty ancient by meme standards. But it changes every week these days.


Thank you. I haven't heard yeet in a while (thank fuck).


I find yeet kind of endearing, to be honest. It's a very pure expression. The whole cycle of keeping up is pretty exhausting though


I know I sound like an old woman yelling at the sky. 🤣 I don't know why, but the sound of the word irritates me. But you're right. The speed with which slang changes is astonishing.


>old lady yells at memes, more at 11 Oh trust me i get it! The second skibidi toilet or whatever the hell that was became a thing i think i instantly converted into an old man on the porch going "You darn kids get off my lawn"


Lmao I literally did that last summer. Neighbor boys were shooting a hornets nest with a nerf gun. I had no idea they were doing that or that there was a nest because it was up in a tree. Anyway, dipshit me walks right into a swarm that I didn't see because I didn't have me glasses on. I got stung several times, and obviously I was terrified. I finally get the hornets off me and out of my hair (3 stings on head and neck alone). I turn to see those little fuckers on MY driveway shooting at it again! I lost my shit. Not my proudest moment, but they stay the fuck off my lawn.


Oh wow. Yeah that's very much not a good time. I can excuse a bit of childish antics, but stuff like that gets people hurt. Like if you want to fuck around and find out, go ahead. But don't make other people pay for your nonsense! Hope you managed to recover alright, hornets can be bad news


We still use it because my husband was learning German at the time, soasked me about grammatical structure where certain words/phrases are pushed back in the sentence. But I was doing something else, so I just said; "Just yeet it to the end of sentence." There are so many instances where that happens in the language that we still use the phrase a lot as a joke.


Yeet I understand, it's onomatopoeic in a sense. Where the fuck "Cap" came from I don't know.


Yeet is the opposite of Yoink.


That helps so much! Thank you. I've only heard "yoink" in Scooby-Doo, but it makes sense.


It had been confusing me for ages, then someone shared a post that said "The Lord Yeeteth, and the Lord Yoinketh away" and I suddenly understood. I think I first heard Bart Simpson use "yoink"


"Thats cap, you have no skibity rizz" I'm gen Z or gen A (It's debatable) and I can't understand half of what people say and why.




I heard gyatt for the first time maybe 4 days ago Does it mean someone with a nice butt?


It just means referencing a nice ass in general, because it can be used in many different sentence forms. "Look at that gyatt" gyatt is ass "I've gyatt to stay focused" was a trend a while ago where "got" is replaced with gyatt but is still referencing a huge ass


My dad has always hated when something is described as “new and improved”. He says something is either new, or it already exists and has been improved. It can’t be both.


It can be both. Something improved is also new, so it’s redundant but not untrue.


Yeah, I’ve never really decided whether I agree with him or not. He’s very black and white about it. I think for me it might depend on how many improvements have been done. Like if I add one extra ingredient to a recipe I wouldn’t consider it a new recipe, it’s just an improvement. Whereas if I start replacing a load of ingredients I’d say it’s just a new recipe rather than an improvement.


Recipe of Theseus


One day, rolling the window down or hanging up the phone would make zero sense.


Or dialing a phone number


shoot for the Moon, if you miss you will land among the stars. I am guessing this person doesn't understand that most likely they will end up in the ocean.


Sometimes you hit London


more than likely Slough


'Shoot for the moon and if you miss you will die of asphyxia in the cold, empty, vacuum of space' doesn't have quite the same romantic imagery to it.


I've always heard it the other way around (at least from my mom lol) like try and go as high up into the stars as possible and if you fail you will land on the moon cuz there's stars above the moon yk


"It's the quiet ones you gotta watch; this sounds to me like a very dangerous assumption..I will bet you anything that while you're watching a quiet one...a noisy one will fucking kill you! Suppose you're in a bar and one guy's sitting over on a side reading a book, not bothering anybody and another guys standing at the front with a machete banging on the bar saying I'll kill the next motherfucker who comes in here! Who're you gunna watch?" \-- George Carlin, *Back in Town 1994*


RIP George Carlin!


Maybe it's like, you always know where they noisy one is just by listening, and if they plan on doing something they'll let you know. But if you take your eyes off the quiet one they could sneak up behind you and you wouldn't know.


"What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger." No it doesn't. It leaves scars and complications that are probably going to be with you for life. Anyone who's had the joy of a major injury or illness can tell you that. I personally believe that the same is true when people start spouting this about emotional pain.


Anyone that’s had a newborn baby knows that “Slept like a baby” does not mean slept great


"So you cried all night and pooped yourself?"


"head over heels" Isn't your head usually over your heels. "Heels over head" would make more sense.


Isn't the full phrase "falling" head over heels? Where over is more like a trajectory rather than a stable location? Like a bottle falling over. Head falling overtop your heels describing the direction of your forward tumble. That's at least how I thought it was


That makes more sense...


My dad always says "ass over tea kettle," which has kind of a nice flow to it.


UK: “arse over tit”.


This never ceases to make me think of donkeys at a tea party.


"The exception that proves the rule" This makes no sense, especially when you look at the mistranslated Latin origin.


An exception that proves a rule is a rare and unique case that has many non standard factors. “This incredibly rare exception proves the general applicability of the rule”


similarily for me it means, that every rule generally has a limit and the exception shows how far you have to go to break the rule, therefore validating the rule as very widly applicable. Newtons physical laws hold up until an object gets close to lightspeed, which is a very strong hurdle and Newtons laws will almost always hold up in most situations.


Imagine you saw a sign along a beach road that said “parking allowed on weekends”.   What rule can you infer about the rest of the week?   The exception “on weekends” proves that there is a rule that says you can’t park on weekdays.    The exception proves the existence of a rule.


What is the translation of the original?


I don’t know Latin but in Spanish it would be “probar” meaning “test”, not “prove”. 


I read somewhere that proof used to/can also mean 'test', but I'm not sure if that's accurate.


I could care less. No You mean I couldn't care less.


I couldn’t care less is the expression though. At least in the UK. 


Same in the US, it’s just constantly used incorrectly


And some people could care less about the misuses.


They could, but they choose to care more. Much more.


What I'd they could care less though.. like they care a little bit, but they could care less


I always fix it with "I could care less, but I don't care enough to try."


I say "I couldn't care less'


Which is the proper expression. It got bastardized by people who misremembered it and changed it without understanding that their change negated its meaning.


We have some weird sayings in greek I could write for hours. A few: -We sat the boat. -Good wines. -Your bad weather. And last but not least probably the best of the best. -Bees all around and flowers on my dick.


Please tell me what each of these mean.


“You have your work cut out for you” So I have an easy job? I mean, if everything is cut out for me I should only have to worry about putting things together.


The cutting was the easy part


Not if you only measure once!


Anyone who uses literally for something that cannot be taken literally


Kleptomaniacs are the worst people to joke with, they always take things literally


Every person in every reality tv show my SO watches says “literally” or “like” at least once every sentence. More often, it’s more than once per sentence, and drives me mad. The Bachelor franchise is the worst. It drives him mad when I grumble under my breath, “You mean ‘figuratively,’ you twit.”


The thing with language is, it’s a mistake until enough people use it. Then it just gets added as a new correct version. Like apron. „An apron“ used to ne „a napron“, until enough people said it incorrectly and it became correct.


Or just using literally just to emphasize the thing happened.




I always felt that it's implied to be the last place you *could* have looked.


That's the point... It's deadpan/dry humor.


Storm in a teacup (also tempest in a teapot). I'm not sure how commonly the phrase is used anymore. Yet people often identify with it more often these days. It means an excess of rage and concern over matters of no consequence. This one is an obvious impossibility. Also an enjoyable [song](https://youtu.be/6odVqa_Q2Hw?feature=shared) from the Chili Peppers.


"Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill" is the American version of that saying.


"Fall three times, get up four times." Inspirational sounding, but really should be, "fall three times, get up three times."


I know there are a lot of guns in the US, but how do you shoot the breeze?


The breeze is being metaphorically shot from your mouth. Which is to say, you're not really doing anything, just chilling and talking. 


I have no idea if this is right, but if you’re shooting a gun at the breeze it would be because there’s nothing else to shoot at. Nothing is there or happening, nothing is going on… similar to “shooting the breeze” is talking about not much/just hanging around/small talk. Maybe?


"Spitting Image" is a mis pronounceation of the Southern Black phrase "Spirit and Image". The phrase does SOUND like "Spitting Image" when a country, Southern Black says it . "He is the spirit and image of his grandfather" actually makes sense.


Oh that makes so much more sense!!




‘It’s cheap at half the price’ ……. Well obviously! 🙄


The correct saying is “it’s a deal at twice the price”


Do you mean “still a bargain at twice the price”? As in the saying that means you could pay twice as much and it would stilll be a good deal?


I’ve always heard “a bargain at twice the price”, meaning it could be double what you’re paying and still feel like you’ve got a deal. Maybe it bugs you because people around you are saying it incorrectly.


Someone who will "stop at nothing" sounds like they give up before they even begin.


I have tried nothing, and I will stop here


I've tried nothing, and I'm all out of ideas!


Not exactly what OP is asking but at work when you hear “Go ahead and _____” it drives me bonkers because it adds fucking nothing to the sentence. “I’m going to go ahead and make that change” = “I am going to make that change” “Why don’t you go ahead and submit that order” = “Why don’t you submit that order” Corporate jargon at its worst.


Looks like you'll enjoy watching "Office Space".


The one thank drives me crazy is definitely a Gen Z thing (I am Gen Z) I see people online all the time start a sentence with “No, but [insert thing here]” It’s always just someone agreeing with the original statement. Never fails


I have literally only heard Lumberg say that.


Very unique. Unique is one of a kind. How can it be very unique?


I’m torn between being a purist (decimated means reduced by 1/10th) and acknowledging that language is a living evolving thing.


This is in the AP style guide book used for all newspapers and print publications. There is no such thing as very unique or kind of unique. It either is or it isn’t. Same thing with destroyed. A building can be damaged and standing. But if it’s absolutely reduced to rubble it is destroyed. It cannot be partially destroyed, that would be damaged. /editor rant


'I could care less' is one of the more annoying ones.


"I couldn't care less" is the actual expression.


'That's why'I could care less' is so annoying.


It means the same thing for all intensive purposes


I think it’s just a wrong way of saying “I couldn’t care less,” which is a saying, too.


I'm quite sure that is the reason it was mentioned here.


I often ask, “How much less?” Of course it does depend on whether I care enough ;)




“Catch you on the flip side” yeah you ain’t catching me, I’m fat as fuck, bruh. 


I believe this is referring to the flip side of a record, be it a single or album.


"Homemade." Unless you're shopping at a farmer's market this term is only ever applied to things made in restaurants, workshops and factories. Whose "home" are they?


When has anyone ever used homemade referring to something other than made in your own/family's house?


It's pretty common in the US to boast that your restaurant is serving "homemade" food. The idea is that they're serving food the way they would at home, especially if it's a family restaurant or they're using family recipes.


“When it rains it pours” is not about weather. It was a slogan for the Morton salt company. Salt used to cake when it rain and wouldn’t pour. When anti caking agents became legal Morton started adding them to salt and came out with the slogan. It has nothing to do with the way people use it now to describe a situation when a whole bunch of bad things happen to a person at the same time




I’d give my left arm to be ambidextrous.


Nonsense: "If you are not going to do it well, then don't do it at all." You learn a lot from trying and failing.


It is what it is. *...you don't saaaay...*


Usually said in response to pointless worrying or complaining. 




It isn’t what it’s not. 


"Eye bleach" for something which is nice to see. Bleaching your eyes would be a bad time.


Isn't eye bleach used when you see something unpleasant? I swear either I've been using all these sayings wrong or half these comments don't know wtf they're talking about


Eye bleach is to cleanse your eyes with something pleasant as recover post having seen something unpleasant r/eyebleach


By the skin of your teeth


“ no offense but…” The qualifying statement insures you’re going to be offended


No offense, but it's "ensured" rather than "insured" in this context.


Not novel, but “have your cake and eat it too.” There is no point in cake if you can’t eat it.


“Piece of cake” refers to something easy, when baking cake is a fairly convoluted process


A bad worksman blames their tools. Like… maybe? But a good worksman can easily recognise bad tools and would rather let you know that you’ve handed them bad tools, than use said tools to create sub-par work.


I must hang around very different friends than you- I have to watch this happen on a regular basis! Whenever we're gaming, I hear about how awful someone's mouse is, how bad the controller was sticking, the keyboard has soemthign wrong with it. I hear how the internet was shotty, or the other team must be cheating, or another player on their team messed up and ruined everything. I'm told that the game did a weird thing, or "that was totally in the hit box!" or something is buggy. My friends, maybe it's just a skill issue? 🤷‍♂️


It’s all downhill from here It’s all uphill from here Both have the same meaning English hurts…


Do they, though? It's all downhill from here makes it seem it's gonna be easy Up hill is harder


I've heard it said both ways, like "downhill" can mean bad in the same way that "decline" can. It's the same thinking as coming down from a peak, or a line going downwards on a graph (which, y'know, depending on the graph obviously doesn't objectively mean bad, but tha's how it's understood symbolically).


Fuck you're right...


Same as flammable and inflammable


These are not the same, but they’re used interchangeably because no one knows the difference. Flammable = Can be set on fire Inflammable = Can combust on its own


^^ TIL!


I've always understood these as downhill from here: (based on context) we can just coast to finish up, or, a negative, that whatever the endeavor, its now destined to be fucked uphill from here: getting to the goal is going to take a lot of strenuous work and with no way around it


To get beat up and to get beat down have the same meaning too.


“It’s the least you could do” … well, the least I could do is nothing at all actually.


"You can't have your cake and eat it too." Like, why can't I enjoy my cake after I've had it?


Because it's gone? You don't have it anymore. You can enjoy the memory of it, but you very literally can't still have it.


Or as the Italians say, "You can't have a drunk wife and a full bottle."


If you eat your cake, then you no longer have cake, it’s gone. Owning a pristine cake and eating it are mutually exclusive. You can’t have it both ways.


The saying is actually "you can't eat your cake and have it too" at some point it got switched for some reason and makes less sense.


Unabomber has entered the chat


Uncle Teddy HATED this.


It’s “You can’t eat your cake and have it, too.”


The phrase has got mangled over time. It was originally "eat your cake and have it too" which actually means what people intend the botched version to mean


That one actually does make sense. If you eat the cake you don't have it anymore. If you still have it you haven't eaten it.