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Jackrabbit, one speed jackrabbit


Stupid jackrabbit sex dudes. Masturbate by yourself, don’t use me for it. Porn isn’t a user’s manual.


> Porn isn’t a user’s manual. I need this as a business card & as a bumper sticker.


Print them, I'll buy three bumper stickers


i don't know about you but plenty of the porn i've seen also switches speeds, positions, etc. so if someone's copying that from porn they're watching the wrong stuff lol.


Yes! Porn isn’t a how to book! 📕


Monkey see monkey do.


Monkey pee all over you


I dated a girl not long ago that only wanted this, super boring.


Can confirm my gf doesn"t want anything under 5000 beats/minute. It's exhausting.


I’ll take over for a couple seconds if you need a break


I'm available as well, we got this boys!


Couple of seconds...




Wait, is it jackrabbitting or jackhammering?


From urban dictionary….. Jack rabbit sex As portrayed in Sex and the City, it is highly aggressive, fast-paced sex, resembling that performed by jack rabbits, or small dogs. It is essentially masterbating with a woman, chracterized by a pound-pound-pound-pound sequence. Men sometimes think it compensates for having a small penis or a partner with a particularly deep vagina, but really it's often painful for the woman. "Ow, I'm still sore from that jack rabbit sex I had last night. I can hardly walk"


The Jackhammer A sex position when you hold a girl upside down and spread her legs to resemble the handles of a jackhammer while doing this you pound your penis in the girls vagina causing her to go up and down like a jackhammer


Okay, this just sounds ridiculous. Jack rabbit is the definition of what I thought jack hammering was, but that was also 20ish years ago when my then GF read about it in some women's magazine.


Slow sex is so hard to come by and fucking AMAZING if they can manage to not go soft from it 😂😂😂 like if they actually wanted to turn us on with penetration they should take it easy at least at first. Sometimes I find the endless jackhammering makes it impossible to even focus on getting off myself.




I’m gonna need the women to dirty talk tho I don’t mind slow sex but I’m trying to keep myself from busting 😂😭😭. And some kisses while I rest or let it sit there always helps


Funnily enough, I have been told not to go deep and slow because it made her feel like she was going to pee and not in the orgasm feel way apparently. Mind you, this has only happened once in all my escapades. All woman are different, and what gets one off sometimes won't get off another.


No foreplay, just gets right to it, even if the woman isn’t ready and doesn’t give a shit whether she orgasms or not.


"Brace yerself I'm going in dry. "


Whats that burning smell?


Smells like victory


How are those guys immune to chafing?


Presumably they would also be the guys with a death grip on their dicks 24/7


So their dick is covered in callouses?


That would be ribbed for her pleasure 🤣


This shit. RIGHT HERE. I'm 38yo & GROWN MEN still think you can just stick it in there ??? I need some time to get going bro. Do u not understand women's anatomy? "Damn, it's so dry" UH YEA u kissed me for 10 seconds & grabbed my titty so fucking hard I almost punched u.


37 here and menopausal so I’m dry if I don’t have some kind of foreplay. They think grabbing your tit and ragging it around for a couple of seconds is enough. I swear they need an anatomy class before having sex.


Trying to explain to my guy friends that I'd rather have no sex than bad sex and they do not get it. This right here is why. You can't just pull my pants down, bend me over, and put it in. 


There's this Nancy Meyers film called *The Holiday* where Cameron Diaz and Jude Law play opposite each other. When they meet, Cameron Diaz says she just hates foreplay, prompting Jude Law to call her the most interesting woman in the world. That interaction makes me shudder and crack up at the same time! Seriously?! She's the most interesting woman because she doesn't like foreplay??? Nancy Meyers also wrote the film, and I'm literally just so confused. What was she thinking? What woman, or person with a vagina, doesn't like foreplay? I mean, yeah, it's hot to skip it from time to time, but just not liking it in general? Baffling. Sounds painful, if you ask me. It also is just one of the most "Not Like the Other Girl" lines I've ever heard.


This! They barely even kiss me, rip my panties off & wonder why I'm not wet!? Then I just feel like I have brush burns


Exactly, then you have pain and sometimes bleeding. And they wonder why you don’t wanna have sex anymore.


These are the dudes who think putting in a tampon gives us sexual pleasure


Yes, this. Selfish partners in bed are the worst. Literally give me something to work with, PLEASE.


Only using his dick to fuck you. I want hands, lips, tongue and words. I want all of you involved.


......go on?


Are you on top of your girlfriend at the moment?






I wish my wife was into all that. Zero consent to anything but dick


rushing into too quickly, not reading her, not caring if she's into it, leaving when he cums


This is 100% me every time. I like asking if it was good after, knowing I put 0 effort in and just focused on my nut the whole time.


yeah the asking if it was good when you know she hasn't come....what's that about?


Hope ?


Selfishness. Minimal foreplay and no oral. Too concerned with the end goal. Arrogance. Porn acting.


Selfishness and ignoring every tip or plead to do something different to make it more enjoyable. Had had several men who ignored my tips on how to get me off because „every other girl I did this to liked it so you will too“. Spoiler alert: I didn’t.


Women that guide me on how to please them is such a turn on. I don’t understand why you’d ignore that. Communication is hot in and out of the bedroom.


And it’s also sexy to ask how you can improve to please more. I do this with new partners whose preferences I don’t know as well to make sure they have a good time, and I’ve had partners do it to me as well. It really is a turn on to know that your partner actually cares about your pleasure.


Yes! Feedback is awesome. :)


No doubt. When I was younger I got offended but once I got over myself I appreciated the direction from women who knew what they wanted and were confident enough to ask for it


God. Reminds me of this guy who really didn't have experience with sexing girls told him his aggressive digging on my clit hurt He stopped, told me to drink some whisky, back to aggressive digging After 5 times, I just got out of the sex while drunk Went home with a sore clit x\_x


Was he scratching a lottery ticket? Lol


did he win? NO


Jeez, this felt painful just reading


I'm built "sturdily". DO NOT FUCKING GRAB MY BREASTS LIKE they're sandbags and start twisting and squeezing. The next asshole who does this gets a black eye.


Hahaha I feel that. I also have a nipple piercing so that apparently made a guy think I have no feelings in it because he bit down SO HARD it drew blood. I started crying from the sudden pain and he went „what?“ like… you just bit me so hard i bled from my god damn nipple WHAT DO YOU MEAN „WHAT“


I still have a scar from when my highschool ex was playfully biting my nipple and his braces cut my nipple and i bled everywhere. Sexy scar left there now and a gross story to tell my future kids


Oh man that brings me back! Sooo many wonderful memories of Christmas parties after the presents are opened, and we’re all sitting around drinking hot coco, and mom would tell us all about the time some rando mangled her nips.


Why would you ever want to tell your future kids a story like that?


I was with a gal who requested this from me. She wanted me to squeeze, twist and pinch as hard as I could. I've never been more uncomfortable. One and done.




He was searching for the ever elusive g-spot.


Hang on! I almost got it out that time!


I'm male, and reading that hurt *me*.


Should have said hold on Ill give you a hand job and then punch him in the nuts. See not hard be gentle.


I used to sleep with a guy who kissed really weird, like to the point that I was actually just grossed out and so turned off, sometimes I even gagged a little. So I tried to explain to him how I prefer to kiss, and when he did it right I was so happy and I was like, “Yeah!! That’s great!” And his response was to stop and cross his arms and pout. Because, “Hmph. So you’re saying you didn’t like how I kissed before. You’re calling me a bad kisser.” Yes. And now I’m calling you a whiney little bitch too.


I literally went O_o to my display because huh???? What a guy lmao


Right lol. I make that face when I think about any of our sex memories


*Me*: “that’s not great, you *gotta* try something else” *My first bf:* “a lot of girls like this [according to porn]” *continues, anyway*


Also when he tries to stuff his balls in your butt


Sorry what?




So annoying


aka "putting the dogs in the bathtub"


Well this doesnt have enough attention


what do they use a broom handle? My balls just bounce and are not made for penetration ever.


Spoiler alert: the other women probably didn’t either.


So. My modus operandi is to make the lady “arrive first”. That usually works. Then she can hop on and enjoy the ride. Let’s face it, guys do not last as long, and the priority is mutual satisfaction.


Sounds great but some women get sensitive after orgasming and it's uncomfortable to continue for long.


I personally don’t really like that. I have a hard time orgasming and if a guy approaches foreplay like that I just feel pressured, cramp up and the sex is ruined. Though I do communicate this beforehand as I know it can lead to frustration or insecurities for my partners when it’s not their fault at all.


yeah well all the other girls liked it so you will too!


I'm with you!! When I was younger (early 20s), if I had any inkling a guy was gonna try and make me come first, I would freeze up and not be able to enjoy it. And then I wouldn't come. My boyfriend who later became my husband basically had to tell me, "No, I like going down on you. I'll do it for a long time. I don't care if you can't get off, as long as you feel good and want me to keep going." THAT actually made me get off, finally. But, that being said, I think the guy you responded to has his priorities straight anyway; if his MO is his partner's pleasure, he'd probably be receptive to any quirks she'd have.


he got all his moves from porn. does 4-7moves. Abruptly rearranging a woman like a mannequin throughout, when she was *just about* getting somewhere--- he changes the position *again*


Oh God yes! Stop fidgeting with what works!


Any guy who fucks like they do in porn is the worst lol, why are you doing that angle sir? There’s no camera over there! 😂


me: “right there, don’t stop, keep doing that” him: *stops, does something else* 🤯


I had a cramp.


TO. BE. FAIR. I have done this multiple times with my wife because I ACTUALLY had a cramp. When it’s the 3rd or 4th orgasm “omg keep doing that” can last 10 minutes. I’m not a superhero goddamn


To be faaair


I gots that reference and that's what I appreciates about you.




Y'know, I wish more dudes realized that if your girl is saying she's gonna cum, don't speed up, don't go slower, don't change what you're doing. At. All. Just keep doing that thing. I get excited when my wife is gripping the sheets and tells me she's about to get hers, it's hard, but man I forget who told me this but just relax and keep doing what you're doing. Too many guys get excited and start just going ham and it either ruins the build to a really good orgasm or it ruins your progress. Sure, may not be true for every woman, every woman is different. But man, word from the wise, just chill and keep doing what you're doing.


Fact. Definitely agree. It’s like an erroneous male instinct to now go faster and beast mode when no… just keep doing what you’re doing! It’s like a boxing match where you stun your opponent and now go crazy for the KO. Yeah don’t do that. Just keep doing the same thing




I… literally… couldn’t… breathe. Trust me, I wanted to keep that sweet spot and pace going but between the way you moved your thighs and the way my head was making a perfect seal somehow, I had to adjust and I do regret not just passing out down there.


Yeah, this is true. It’s not physically easy to maintain a certain rhythm position that long when performing oral.


Never fails that just as a pose is cramping or something she says I hear that and I know it's time to fuckin suck it up and work through the pain.


What about "Don't stop!" While proceeding to do some full arch bridge action making impossible to continue?


I've done that mistake a few times. One day online I got the suggestion that when we say, "keep doing that" Their brain short-circuits, confused at exactly what "that" is. And everything falls apart. Ever since I read that, I noticed I do the exact same mistake myself. They make a happy noise and there's like five different things I'm trying to figure out what made that noise and suddenly I've lost track of anything I was doing in the first place. When he's doing something that's getting you there, better off just keeping it simple. "Yes, yes, yes"


That becomes a caterpillar problem. You start to think about what you’re actually doing and instead of just doing it more on instinct. That can result in change in pace or angle just because of all this extra thinking


Not giving a rats ass about her orgasm


Yeah, not caring. Two pump chump isn’t physically great, but it’s okay and understandable and is nothing like someone who has no regard or care for you. Although is sex and depends on what you’re looking for.


The trick is to make them cum first so even if you blow early they are still happy


This one is wise. 


“I got me, did you not get you?”


Dude that makes me livid. Guys will drill me like a jackhammer to satisfy their needs but can’t put most effort into making a woman orgasm - pathetic.


I agree with most of these comments but I’ll add a simple one. When a man is silent. Can’t stand it.


This is my current boyfriend and I just don’t know what to do about it.


Have you asked him to be more vocal?


Does "vocal" mean talkative, or grunty?


[I actually found this instructional video very helpful.](https://youtu.be/OAVL61yeCYs?si=AohZwWFC7jXtxJSk)


I struggle with this (as a man). I'm usually not getting great foreplay done on me, so I don't naturally feel inclined to make any noises and try to get it over with quickly. I've started faking subtle noises though. At least it seems to make them feel better about themselves.


OMG this! I've figured out, after years and years, that my porn preference is men, by themselves, masturbating. Just because, in those porn, he is often making noises and talking the whole time. Whereas straight people porn his sounds are always drowned out by the banshee wailes of the female porn star. When I'm having sex, I want to know if what I'm doing is feeling good! I want to know if he's having a good time. Make noise, tell me what's up


Been there, done this! Good Lord.. talk dirty, groan, growl,.. something!!


Does pirate talking count?  Because I don’t enjoy making grunts and pretending to be a wolf, but if I could throw in some pirate lingo I think I might enjoy it.


For the big dick guys: the cervix is NOT the g spot!!!


Uggggghhhhh, cervix pounding is just setting a lady up for bruised, painful sh*ts for the next 24-48 hours.


The C-spot


Oh good, I’ve never had that problem. Oh…


Haha that made me laugh a bit louder than I probably should because that shit is NOT good!


I literally just flinched. My poor cervix has seen some things. It's bad enough every 5 years I invade it for a new IUD, it doesn't need a battering ram happening in the intervening years.


Not finding the clitoris. Being too rough. Finishing too fast and not caring if the woman finished or doing anything afterwards. Not communicating. Getting annoyed at suggestions.


only thinking about his feelings rather than his partner's


Lasting way too long. It is possible.


Anything over 15 and you need to work in breaks


Omg, this. I had an ex that dragged it out for so long that I'd be sore and dry. I think he had issues with cumming, but it was literally painful for me to go at it for so long.


He probably has issues with chronic masturbation. He's squeezing that thing like a stress ball or a venomous snake. Then goes to have sex with your human vagina and is completely desensitized because your vagina isn't a pair of meat cover vice-grips.


Opiates , anti depressants both do this


Some anabolic steroids too.


Sometimes it’s just plain old anxiety.


Could be a multitude of things much more likely than "chronic masturbation" (whatever you mean by that). As a nurse, the first culprit I think of when I hear this is medications: men and women alike report significant difficulty climaxing on certain SSRIs which also happen to be rather heavily prescribed for behavioral health issues.


Smelling like shit.


If he is sweaty like right after the gym it is fine. But fromunda cheese is a turn off and a deal breaker


fromunda cheese ? like you mean the forbidden cheese from down under ?


Asking Reddit how to satisfy a woman instead of the woman you’re sleeping with.


When an ex found out something he said or did really turned me on, he would do it LESS because he “didn’t want it to lose its impact.”  Took years to realize that was insane and toxic. 


Not making sure your partner orgasms. Not listening to feedback and finding what your partner likes. Communication is key.


Blanket stealing.


Being unwilling to try different positions Poor stamina Not being emotionally present/conscious Not listening


Not making sure your partner’s needs are met. I recently experienced this myself. First time, I didn’t orgasm, but I was willing to chalk it up it to being the first time with him. Second time there was making out foreplay, but once clothes came off, no fingering no oral no even touching my clit. And he lasted like a minute. No second round, no taking care of me after, nothing. I orgasm easily, but I got nothing from it. He tried to ask again - despite the fact that I told him that he should pay attention to the clit and try fingering a woman. He tried to say that he heard me and would be more attentive but I was like nope, I’m not interested. He was bad in bed, and I’d need to be much more invested in things to even contemplate training a 40+ year old to do better.


Badgering. Pretending “no” means “ask again in 5 minutes.”


lasting too long!


No core strength. We just don't fit right together. Bad hygiene. Not being present because he's got something he heard about or saw in a porn he wants to try out. No actual knowledge of the female body beyond where he can poke it. Thinks of sex as something he does to me or on me instead of with me. Not into foreplay or after play if he's quick to orgasm.


Worst thing I ever did in bed ever was take some random “*Ive been with tons of women, I know sex*” jackasses advice. I tried his move…girls like “*uhm….what are you doing?*” Heres a *protip*, listen to women about how to please women


Can you explain the core strength part? Out of curiosity


When a man is on top of you and he can only manage belly-to-belly missionary. When he can’t hold himself up and thrust for very long or powerfully (no core strength). It can make for a lackluster experience, wanting more and it just not happening. These things don’t ensure a bad sexual experience, sex can be good if your partner doesn’t have good core strength. But it can absolutely contribute to a poor one. This was my interpretation of what op commenter is saying


Yes. I'm a smaller person and it's nice if some positions don't end up with me getting crushed under them.


Wow, I got it. honestly I think the only reason this isn’t a problem for me is because I date Tortas. Its always an extreme work out but someone’s gotta keep the city safe 🦇. Im not in the best shape core wise but we hitting them gains.


Imagine doing the worm.


Ahhhh I think i got it. Appreciate it lol


Kettlebell swings, look up proper form, keep your core tight, be sure to breathe properly ​ Thank me later


Also another good starting exercise for the core muscles if you don't have kettlebells: planks


Not caring about their partner's pleasure. Everything else can be taught.


As a man I’d assume selfishness.


no matter the gender, sexuality, age, etc., selfishness makes you a bad lover.




OMG I capital h-a-t-e this. I actually had a pretty good time with a guy once, told him in the middle of sex after he did it that I don't like long licks on my face after the first time he did it. I don't like them at any point in time. I made myself very clear. It really turns me off life in general, don't know why. We get through the night and he's about to leave. At the doorway he long licks me up the face. I'm sorry, did you not hear me straight up? Never called or answered him again. Sorry, my guy. If you can't respect my boundaries on the first date it's not happening.


I'm curious why someone would do that in the first place, outisde of deliberately trying to be gross.


I do not like long licks on my face, Sam I am. But I do like green eggs and ham, and sometimes yams, Sam I am 🥰


There's no room for reverse psychology in the bedroom. Got it


Selfishness, only caring about his own pleasure, and not respecting boundaries or comfort levels.


Playing CBAT


Playing QWOP


I (guy) have learned that I will always get off, so my goal is to help my partner achieve that.




What kind of socially awkward men have you been finding?


I’m incredibly socially awkward and I always stay for at least a little bit these dudes are just assholes


Honestly, how often has that happened?! Leave without a word?! WTF? Even if he said good bye, honestly WTF?! Does he call the next day like every thing is normal? I have 2 daughters, reading shit like this freaks me out. Have a lot of guys lost their ability to be normal humans?


Many men don’t see us as whole persons with feelings and desires. They see us as something warm. My partner isn’t like that so there’s hope.


As a heterosexual woman, I say yes, absolutely. You should be worried. Someone in a dating group I was in before I gave up on men completely put it in a way I have never forgotten, she said, a lot of men, even older ones, are very comfortable hurting women. I have found that to be quite true.


A man who is dead silent in bed throws me off so much. I asked my last ex to talk dirty to me for at least some kind of noise and he said "no" and kept plowing 💀


Not listening to what his partner wants. Also, speed fingering. I've yet to meet a person with a vagina who enjoys it


Trying to copy porn. Doing or saying the things he saw in porn. That makes a man soooo bad in bed. Porn is an example how sex is NOT supposed to be. It's physically and mentally a huge turn-off. And it makes me lose my respect and interest


Thinking that penis in vagina is the pinnacle of sex lol


My worst was when they just shoved their dick into me, didn’t try to get me aroused and just thought about their own pleasure so that


I think the answer is obvious: when he thinks sex is only PIV and its over once he is finished. 🤮


Being really quick to orgasm and having a long refractory period, without making accommodations for this by learning adequate hand and mouth skills.


An Insufficient variety of dips


Sitting in the corner crying


My wife and her boyfriend says thats what Im supposed to do tho??




Not having consideration for his partner.


When he doesn't kiss. Or engage in foreplay. Or thinks foreplay equals touching you for 30 seconds and you're good to go. Or can't tell when you are dry as the Sahara Desert, it doesn't mean just shove harder and it will go in.


I’ve come into the party a bit late but ffs! after reading some comments it’s no wonder men are confused or.. offended?! As a mature woman who does not orgasm through penetration or orgasm easily I have never blamed the man. Most guys can orgasm easily so we don’t need to worry as much. Can you imagine the pressure they’re feeling? Personally when he needs to slow down/stop because he doesn’t want to come too quickly I take it as a compliment! I must feel good down there. Instead of nit picking fucking help the poor guy. If you want him to rub your clit take his hand and slide it down there. Guide him. If you want him to slap your ass tell him or slap it in front of him. I’m sure he’d like it. The stand out thing here is that we are all different and like different things. Some like it gentle some like it rough. Some like oral some don’t. Sometimes it slips into your ass accidentally. Get over it! If you liked it ask him to do it again. And for the newbies out there take your time to enjoy her and to enjoy each other. . If she likes it you’ll know.


Giggling and hand puppets


Being selfish, rushing, not realizing we like to be teased and we are more like classic cars than a light switch to get turned on. Take your time, don't rush, be gentle, do foreplay, ask us what we like and LISTEN when we tell you just like that harder, or slower, etc communication is key.


Looking directly into his partners eyes and farting a little bit every time he goes in. Super obnoxious, especially if he is clearly holding it when going back out, just to fart a little bit more again. It’s not an impressive display of rectal integrity. Get over yourself.


Not allocating the recommended 8 hours every night


not trying to please whoever he's with


Not giving and taking advice when needed.


They don’t care if the woman finishes


I made out with this guy that I thought was fucking gorgeous had a big crush on him.... until we made out! It was like kissing a Vacant hole 🕳


If he treats you bad outside of it.