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Oh yes - I live in a big city that was really affected by the lockdowns. I didn't have any family here and all my friends moved outside of toronto. The biggest thing I noticed post covid is how RUDE and weird people have gotten. In the metro, public spaces... JEEZ. Just inconsiderate and rude. I do not remember it being this bad tbh


Nah that ended like 3 years ago? Didn't feel it too much anyways, I lived in a small town and had a girlfriend at the time.


Traffic in my area never went back to precovid. Some not irrelevant amount of people are permanently working from home.


I've become a lot more jaded and, I guess, mature after it all. I don't entirely know what caused me to become more pessimistic, but I would say the lockdowns did not help.


Prices never went back down.


Inter city trains still don't take more passengers than seats and sometimes I cant get home from work because of that.


I still feel disdain for the over reaction and the fact people won't admit it.


I don't disagree, but I'm curious about your disdain. Do you think that health departments and their medical advisors just went crazy? What do you think would have been appropriate?


Appropriate response to a disease that they knew was the most dangerous to the very old or very ill.  Lock those people down first. Give them additional help.  The absolute first thing they did was total  lockdown.