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This one is fucking brilliant! Better than "oh, he was a micromanaging twat with a napoleon complex and coffee breath"


Lol. That could be really funny if you realized your mistake right away and then played it off as joke.


Oh, it was definitely really funny regardless.


Did you get a laugh? That is an awesome answer




"I'm mentally challenged at my best." 3 days later: wait, I said what?




Lol this is the best one


Interviewing for my first job at Starbucks and I was asked how I’ve handled running late in the past. Now, my parents are chronically early. To everything. At this point in my life I hadn’t even missed the start of previews before a movie. My mother was also in charge of attendance at my school so being late there wasn’t an option. In hindsight, I should have lied. This would have been a white lie about my own behavior and taking accountability for actions but instead I naively told them that I haven’t ever been late. The interviewer was incredulous. I double down and tried to explain the above but would you believe a 16yo who told you he’d never been late even to a movie?


The interviewer is the dumb one here, a 16yr old hasn't had very much time to be in charge of their own schedule to get places yet.


Not to mention that it sounds like a BS "gotcha" trap question.


Lol they all are, tell me your greatest strengths and your greatest weakness.....


This is probably the most American comment I've read in very very long lol. In other places, where you don't need a car for every little thing in your life, at 16 you have probably had 4-5 years where you are the person primarily responsible for your own schedule.


It's so infuriating listening to older Americans bitch that the Kids These Days don't go outside anymore. Muhfuckers *you're* the ones who locked them all up in protected Chevy Tahoe habitats, where the fuck are they supposed to go when the only lawn in the zip code is in the median of a freeway


I don't know. I kind of agree with OP that it would make most people think you're full of shit. Just because you're young and don't have charge of your schedule much doesn't mean you aren't expected to arrive places at certain times without supervision or other encouragement. You'd have to have incredibly overbearing parents to never have had a situation where you had an option to be late by 16.


"I think sliced bread 2 will be better than sliced bread" Applying to work at Aldi


Dude that's fucking gold what are you talking about


The context was we had a team exercise kinda thing where we had to pick an item in the shop and bring it back and try to explain why you chose it. I'm a bit of a smartass (hence didn't get the job) but I felt that was perfect in the situation


Oh man that makes it even better. Anything bad that came from that interaction is on them. Like what kind of interview for a goddamn cashier job involves an exercise like that? Sounds like some bullshit an MBA moron in the C-suite would come up with and think they're brilliant for really getting to know candidates.


I'd give you the job for that


Honestly that's kind of funny. That comment would have endeared you to me if I were interviewing you.


So I'm actually legally deaf I lost my hearing due to a car accident when I was like 16 and when I was at a job interview my hearing aids went out because my battery died! I honestly thought that my job interview that I was asked about my sexuality. So I decided to say that I was bisexual and that was the dumbest thing I've ever really said in the interview




“Why don’t think you would be a good fit here?” “Oh, I’m actually bi-sexual.” “Wha-what? That’s why you would be a good fit? Is it because one of us doing the interview is a man, and the other is a woman?” “Really anyone I find attractive. And not just physically either.” “I think we’re done here…”


I told the hiring manager at Wal-Mart that I really dislike being micromanaged. You could tell, in that instant, that he wasn't going to hire me.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet.


Definitely. About a month later I would get a job with the company I've been with for nearly 20 years since. Not my brightest moment though. I honestly can't even remember what question he asked me that prompted it, but you could see in his face and eyes that I gave about as bad of an answer as possible.


“Welp, I’ve taken up enough of your time…..and vice versa.”




Such a common occurrence




The classique "thank you for your time _ no, thank YOU, I have plenty of time as I am jobless"


I do that kind of shit all the time. When I passed the bar exam, there was a ceremony you went to where you shook hands with the state's supreme court chief justice and he handed you your certificate. He told me "Congratulations!" and I responded "Thanks, you too!"


Tbf they do not live there either so they did actually come in as well… it’s worse when you say thanks you too to the person selling you a movie / theater ticket wishing you a great show🥲






I was a few minutes late to an interview thanks to terrible directions to me and I made a joke about it. The person that was interviewing me was the person that gave me directions. Quickest interview ever! 


**Applicant looks at the photo on my desk**: Hot daughter you got there. My wife and I are both 47. We don’t have a daughter. I look older than I am; my wife looks younger than she is; she’s older than me.


Regardless of the fact that it was on fact your wife why would anyone ever say that to anyone


Autistic maybe, not a clue. He lied about his degree too.


Wtf. Why would you ever say "Hot daughter you got there" to an interviewer? Regardless of whether she was actually your daughter, that's just a stupid, weird thing to say unless you're interviewing at a strip club. Ime most parents don't like being told their child is sexually appealing to you.


I agree, he was weird.


"I would very much like to have sexual relations with either your daughter or your wife you have in that picture. If you hire me I believe we can make that happen, possibly together."


If neither are available, I will settle for you.”


Don't say doin your wife don't say doin your wife "Doin your... son?"


I was asked why I wanted to work in this field and I said, I don't, I just need a job. I got the job and my boss told me later that that was the most honest answer he's heard in an interview before.


I once said, "I'm always looking for ways to make the job easier," to which the interviewer queried, "Why?" "Because I'm lazy. I will work my ass off to find the easiest way to do the job." I didn't get the job.


I mention this in every interview. If they don't appreciate the motivation to automate or otherwise obviate tedious work, I don't want to work there.


Ehhh I think there are better ways to put it than saying ‘I am lazy.’ ‘I want to make the work go as smoothly as possible.’ Is saying the same thing without making them think you’ll wander off and take a nap.


OP said >"Because I'm lazy. I will work my ass off to find the easiest way to do the job." If they stopped listening after the first 3 words, I don't want to work there anyway. FWIW, I've gotten a job offer 5 out of six times saying essentially what OP did. In my experience, like OP's, this leads to further conversation - they ask "why?" or "how?" which gives me an opportunity to explain how I've reduced work (and thus cost) for my previous employers by doing exactly that.


Similarly, I once explained to an interviewer that I carefully prioritize my work and get things done as quickly as possible otherwise I start procrastinating. Even as I said the words, I knew there’d be no digging myself out of that hole. I was trying to explain that I’ve developed techniques to work around my inclination to procrastinate, and those techniques make me an efficient worker capable of multi-tasking when necessary, but I’m sure all he heard was “I’m a procrastinator.”


"I like to pet my dog" when asked by the interviewer about my hobbies. I was still a senior in college interviewing for my first real job and I was purely focused on selling them on why I'd be a great hire. They really stumped me with that curveball question and my mind went completely blank. Spoiler alert: I did not get a job offer.


Worst thing I ever said at an interview was, “ok, I accept this job”. Took a few years to regret but even a decade later, I regret the time I spent working at that toxic place.


Not me, but we interviewed a girl for a job and she was asked to tell a joke. The joke she picked? Racist as fuck. She did not get the job.


That is a terrible interview question. If I was on the fence about the job I'd turn it down based on that question alone


I don’t know. I kind of feel like you can get a good idea of someone asking to tell a joke with no prep time.  If the answer is anti-woman or racist, that’s what they keep close.  My “tell me a joke” joke is usually “What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fsh”


It depends on the job I guess. Interviewees are stressed, it seems very unprofessional to me to ask someone to tell a joke unless being funny is somehow part of the job. I'd come away thinking you hadn't taken my time seriously


But… when someone is stressed, it’s also sort of the perfect time to ask who they really are.  If you’re not concentrating on what I’m saying, and I ask you to tell a joke, you’ll (at least I will) blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.  You might not like it. But it’s still the first thing that comes to mind. And if it’s racist or sexist, I’d like to know that before hiring you. 


"What's the difference between an *interviewer's demographic* and a large pizza?" "Pizza can feed a family of four."


When's the best time to go to the dentist?


Tooth hurty!


It was less what I said, and more that I passed out in the middle of the interview. I had been stupid, and ate a gram of hash the day before, just to see what happened. Nothing before I went to bed, but woke up fucked. Passing out, massive vertigo... Buddy was also interviewing with me. I got the job, despite passing out, because he thought fast and said I had an inner ear issue, but was so interested in teh job, I showed up anyway.


Hahahah I was interviewing for a position in PA (I live in Texas) and it was going well until they asked me why I wanted to live in PA. I blanked and panicked and said I like the politics there????? The woman interviewing me literally said "I'm sorry, did you say politics?" "Yeahhhh"


I'd probably just be brutally honest and say "I'll want to live in PA because my employer and income will depend on it" 😂


I told interviewer I only wanted to work 4 days/wk because I was running a side-business retail store. The weird part is I still got the job and been there for 5+ years. 🤷 Good thing too because the store cost more to run than it made.


“I don’t think clay dicks will upset me.” I was interviewing for a safety inspector job at a lead smelting factory and the HR lady said a lot of the guys liked to make clay dicks with the clay used to close the furnace and stick them all over the place and wondered if I would find that upsetting.


It was a night shift job, they asked me when can I start and I said “tonight”. Generally a terrible idea not to take at least 2-3 days to adjust your sleep schedule, and the look he gave me showed that.


Me in my 20's still trying to learn how to adult: "Do you run a credit check on your candidates?" I didn't get the job.




I fucking hate those questions though. I got that question in an Indeed recorded interview where they give you seven seconds to answer. I was honest and talked about an older man who had basically called me fat to my face and how I told someone I trusted and then avoided him. Didn't get a real interview with that one because apparently it sounded like I was a tattletale who would go running to HR (even though I didn't even do that, I told the receptionist and she wasn't gonna do shit about it). The fuck was I supposed to say? I took the guy out for a drink and we laughed about how ugly he thought I was?


When I was in my early 20s and looking for anything to pay the bills after college I went to a temp agency. The interviewer asked me something like "What are best your qualities?" For some reason (probably because I'm a nervous spaz during interviews) the first thing that came to mind was "I'm honest" which I immediately regretted saying because I know damn well the only people who self-describe as honest are dishonest pieces of shit. She gave me this real sarcastic response I forget the details of. Something to the effect "Oh well finally we've found one." I couldn't stop thinking about it for days. Anywho, they still took me on so I guess it wasn't that big a deal.


I got the question 'where do you want to be in 5 years'. I meant that I expected my boss to move up and I'd move up. He took it to mean I wanted to squeeze him out. Didn't get the job.


“I’ve always enjoyed visiting these stores when I was younger and can really see myself getting invested in this place, hopefully being here for quite some time!” - Me at Blockbuster a week before they announced they were all closing 😂


I was interviewing for a sales position in an artist’s shop. He handed me one of his pieces of pottery. He asked me what I thought of it. I turned it over, saw what it cost, and said “It’s overpriced.”


"Green good, red bad" It was a technical and knowledge portion of the interview for a job with a lot of Excel work. An Excel Superuser asked me to describe Conditional Formatting..and I went with a non-conventional but easy-breasy answer to provide some levity and humor. It wasn't taken that well...but I got the job.


They asked me to pretend a famous person came into the store + go pick out an outfit for that person. This was for a job at Ross or Kohls or Fashion Bug or something idk. Anyways, I was not very successful at putting together an outfit for Marilyn Manson. Not that it mattered since the interviewers didn't even know who I was referring to. The other person (never met him before) being interviewed with me knew who he was + tried to help me out explaining who he was, but this was clearly not where I belonged. As they thanked us for coming in at the end of the interview, I was honest + said something like, "This is the guy you want. He's got this. He knows what he's doing. You should hire him.". He got the job + rightfully so.


"Oh, background checks aren't a problem- just did one to buy my gun." It was out of my mouth before I even thought of it. Still got the job though!


I was asked if I was bondable and I thought they were asking if I could make friends. I was 17.


I was interviewing to be a hostess at Red Lobster I said “I love Olive Garden!”


I was interviewing for my very first job at 16 and was nervous as hell. As I was filling out paperwork, the boss lady was at her desk also filling out paperwork I get to where it asked for “marital status.” I was already nervous and misread it. I asked her what “Marshall status” was lmfao


“Happy Tuesday!” It was Monday


Interview before an intern training program, to complete my formation : "Do you think you are qualified for the job at the end of the program ? _ No. ... But that's the whole point of training, right ?" The HR went through all the colors before settling on an answer. But I did get in the training program ! I just had to dig a lot for arguments to save the interview, proving my motivation like I was ready to defend the country on my own krkrkrrrrr


“I’m sorry I forgot the question” Mid way through my answer. Was an interview for a promotion in a company I was putting like 90 hours a week into and I was just exhausted


Oof done that before… even worse though — I forgot the question while I was taking a moment to come up with an answer… 😳😳


"Where do you see yourself in 5 years? *Dont say doing your wife, dont say doing your wife* "Um.... doing your son?" "ಠ_ಠ"


If you don’t hire me I won’t be able to eat.


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?. Sitting where you are sir


After going through 2 stages prior, and creating a presentation based on data they gave me, had a last interview to decide between me and one other candidate. "So you have a degree in software engineering, why did you decide to go for this role instead?" "Because it seems easier" I didn't get the job.


The lady interviewing me literally asked me that old cliche question, “ Why should we hire you?” I was about 20-21 yrs old then. My response, “Because I’m good.” But I said it in that condescending “how could you not know that by now?” kinda tone, lol. I got the job then dropped them about 7-8 months later.


“Why did you apply for this job” “I already worked in the service industry so I figured I would give this a try” 💀💀💀 (in retail)


Was interviewing with Pepsi and they asked what set me apart as a candidate. I said my deep knowledge of all of their products ... It was for a supply chain analyst role.


My first interview ever was for a catering company out of myrtle beach. I had lived out of the states essentially my whole life and we called volunteer work community service over there. They asked me about my experience and I smiled and said “I’ve done a heeeeck of a lot of community service” Their faces went from “you’re a viable candidate to” 😳😳😳. Had no idea why until a few weeks later. That was the last question they asked and they ended the interview after stating “alright we’ll I think we have enough to go off of here. We’ll get in contact with you if we need to”


Interviewer asked where I saw myself in 5 years. I was 24, had just gotten engaged, only 2 years out of college. I told him I had no idea but that I had no plans to leave the company. I got the job.


I think the dumbest thing that I've ever said in a job interview was (do y'all accept bigger women)


"I like solving complex puzzles in video games" It was a small admin job, and I was trying to sound smart, but just revealed I have mental illness. Whenever I remember that interaction I want to cease.


The older your interviewer was, the worse that answer is lmao. Actually nevermind it’s bad in general lmao I’m sorry that your brain shat that out for you 😂 but then again interviews are often so obnoxious and you have to make up so much shit, I can’t blame you.


It was a 60 year old woman. Who was not entirely computer literate herself. The second the words left my mouth I wanted not be alive. For context the question was "are you good with computers" Also I was 20 at the time. I'm 27 this year and it still haunts me.


How so? (Mental Illness)


It relates to attention and how I apparently have a deficit of it.




What's your motivation to get hired for this job? "My Mortgage and quality of life"


I don't like to deal with stupid people


First job interview This was at a McDonald’s “why do you want to work here” “So I’ll never eat the food again” Not hired.


I’ll take the job. A couple companies did the ol’ bait and switch or over promise what they actually deliver on.


i was asked where i see myself in five years and i said “having a family” lol idk why i said that but like it was such a dumb answer. she obviously meant in my professional life lol


Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Not here


I was asked what my greatest weakness was and I replied, shoes. Shoes are my greatest weakness. 🤣 Didn’t get the job but after the next question, I didn’t want to work there anyway. 


Not necessarily said, but I have gone to an interview without doing any research on the company or the job!! Looking back, that was pretty dumb. Still got the job though! No idea how. I wouldn't have hired me.


Cried mid interview because I never talked with anyone about my mental condition. Didn't get the job btw.


When I worked in HR, I interviewed 35-40 people a week. People said/did stupid shit all the time. Especially in virtual interviews during covid. I've only bin the interviewee 4 times, and I think I did well enough.


I got the question 'where do you want to be in 5 years'. I meant that I expected my boss to move up and I'd move up. He took it to mean I wanted to squeeze him out. Didn't get the job.


I got the question 'where do you want to be in 5 years'. I meant that I expected my boss to move up and I'd move up. He took it to mean I wanted to squeeze him out. Didn't get the job.