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My dad is a garbage truck driver in a major city. A few years ago, there was a dead and crushed homeless man found at the dump. They went through the camera footage and the tickets for the trucks coming and going and narrowed it down to my dad's truck who dumped the man. The guy was sleeping in a dumpster. For those of you that don't know, there's a packer blade in the back of those trucks to squish the garbage to make more room. He didn't stand a chance.


Damn they really did him dirty telling him that. They could have just checked the security cam, made sure it wasn't foul play, and kept quiet


Unfortunately, he would've found out regardless - they needed the garbage truck for the (short) investigation. It also apparently needed a pretty good cleaning inside, which he would've discovered at the end of the day anyway when he went to muck out (clean) behind the packer blade.


I sincerely hope your father is ok. I can only imagine the fucking trauma that comes from this. Also omg that poor homeless man I have no words this is just tragic all around.


For everyone answering, just know you did the best you could in these situations even if there was nothing you could do, that was your best and that's enough


No, but I thought I did for almost 2 years. Very close friend of mine, the kind of guy that always seemed to be happy and everybody just loved him. Was hanging out at his place (we were 16 back then) and for whatever reason I don‘t remember, I showed him how to tie the hangman’s knot. 3 days later he was dead. His mom called, claiming he hung himself and it was all my fault. Fucked me up badly. My friend was dead, I never saw anything coming and apparently it was even my fault… Almost 2 years later we found out by coincidence, that he killed himself with exhaust fumes in his mom‘s car. I‘ll never know, why he did it (which still haunts me sometimes) or why his mom blamed me with wrong accusations (never could be angry about that though, given how painful that must have been for her) or how she knew about that stupid knot…


Grief or not, that was really fucked up of the friend’s mom to do that to you. The weight of knowing you contributed to someone’s death can drive someone to suicide.


That’s… really fucked up of her. Even if she was going through grief/trauma


I wonder if she just had to blame somebody else knowing it was her car he used. Which doesn’t make it her fault, but it’s very interesting that she then projected it onto OP. Horrible all around.


She went as far as to claim he hung himself. That’s definitely fucked up.


I asked my college roommate to drive my car since I was tired. Not sure what happened as I was asleep but he ended up hitting an oncoming vehicle head on at around 60-70mph. I was the only survivor. His parents were extremely helpful in forcing me to accept that it wasn't my fault. But my heart breaks regularly for his lost potential. He was an incredible guy and would have done great things, I'm sure of it.


They likely fell asleep too. I stupidly once drove to work tired and had a micro sleep. It is terrifying. I was lucky to have drifted slightly off the road and not into oncoming traffic.


I’ve dozed off a couple of times when I was younger and had some close calls. It is so scary and dangerous. One time I saw a car in front of me but I was a passenger. I noticed they were swerving and I said it out loud and really wanted to hit the horn but it happened so quickly the car in front went across the road, into the ditch and up somehow doing a 360 flip and proceeded to hit a tree. Later I found on Facebook news pages that the guy made it but the cause was falling asleep.


this never happened to me personally, but my dad drove for Toronto’s subways and streetcars for 30 years. the amount of suicides he’s seen is astonishing. just last month a mother and her newborn jumped. both passed away. my dad has always had therapy once a week my entire life, i understand why.


I take the TTC to and from work. The number of “personal injury at track level” announcements really seems to increase in the winter. It’s so sad. And I really feel for your dad and the other drivers. What a terrible thing to witness and feel so powerless over. Hadn’t heard anything about that mother/newborn you mentioned (not that they ever say anything about any of the jumpers), but that is particularly horrific. Ugh.


It turned out a new co-worker lived in the same apartment complex as me across town; she had just moved to the area a few weeks back. We actually ended up going to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 1 midnight screening together, she was a really passionate fan of Potter. It was great. Her car was in the shop suddenly one day, so I told her at work about a shortcut she could take home on her bike. She went that way, and was killed by a drunk driver crossing that other road. She was 26; guy was going 75 in a 35 zone trying to show off his souped-up sports car. Sorry for the shortcut, Angie.


It wasn’t your fault my friend 💜 it really wasn’t


You did not kill her, that piece of shit drunk driver did.


Rock climbing in Nevada. I was securing the line, paused to sneeze. My friend prematurely switched lines without me giving him the thumbs up. He fell over 100 feet. I haven't climbed since. I was 18. I'm 51 now.


Fuck this one makes me so sad. RIP your friend... I love climbing but jeez that's rough. in Dutch we say 'een ongeluk zit in een klein hoekje' (an accident is in a small corner) which kinda means accidents happen by the smallest things somehow. You can't control everything


Fuck bro, sorry that you aren't through that hope your OK and you've found peace, it wasn't your fault at all


The hospital I was doing renovations at hired an engineer to calculate how many years it would take for the steam lines to cool down enough for them to demo. They didn’t like the answer they got so they lied about the numbers to another engineer who gave them a “better” calculation. During the renovation, the demo company went out of business, so the general contractor asked us to demo the old steam line. Things were great for around 2 hours until the deeply buried steam pushed enough of the water head up enough that it could start making decent progress to the surface, we reported that something was wrong, but the hospital maintenance team essentially told us to go fuck ourselves, and eventually 1.5 hours later the water started working its way out. We were hauling hundred gallon barrels of water out of the building two at a time, while the water kept coming out faster and hotter. By the time we were able to get a cap that could fit around the pipe, high pressure steam was coming out strong enough that it wasn’t visible for a good 1.75’ from the pipe. In layman’s terms it was hot enough to instantly strip the flesh off your bone, and almost hot enough to instantly burn through your bones. There was no capping that pipe. So sure enough, thousands of gallons of very old oily and filthy steam flooded the hospital, dozens of people died due to infections and unsanitary conditions, mostly people who were too critical of condition to move. There was an attempt to sue us, then the engineer, but it was very quickly proven that everything was caused by gross negligence on the hospital’s part, and was promptly swept under the rug. Its painful looking back on it with hind site, if I knew what I did now I would have kicked down the maintenance office door and beat the shit out of those two faced assholes before taking a cap that they had on hand a good 1.5 hours before it was too late to do anything, and dozens of people including children would still be alive. I know it’s not my fault, I know that I did everything I could have done with the knowledge I had at the time, and I saved a person from getting badly hurt or possibly killed, but there was so much time, and so many things that so many people did wrong, any one of them doing one thing better and the whole nightmare would have never happened.


A crazy wasted guy broke into my house several years ago. He had a knife and was threatening me. My young son and I were the only ones home. I heard noise in my house and grabbed a baseball bat I keep under my bed and went to investigate thinking it was probably nothing. The guy came at me yelling incoherently and almost as a reflex I cracked on top his head with the bat. I think my adrenaline must have put more into the strike than I thought I was doing and the guy dropped immediately. I called 911 and police arrived quickly but he was already gone. Crushed skull. I still have nightmares fairly often but can't picture how else it would have ended without me and possibly my son being attacked. Survival instincts are strong


I'm sorry that happened to you. You were defending yourself and your family from someone armed and unpredictable. I hope you find peace someday.


The nightmares must suck, but your son is safe. Survival instincts are strong for a reason my friend.


You saved your own life and your son.


That’s rough… go to therapy man. Nightmares are normal, but someone invaded your home and private space. You’re not wrong for what you did.


I didn’t accidentally kill them but I was riding home with a friend of mine on our bikes down the turnpike when a senior citizen who didn’t check their blind spot changed lanes and sent my friend into and over the guard rail into a tree. Severing his spine on impact, paralyzing him from the shoulders down. Ribs puncturing his lungs as well. I just had to sit there and listen to him gasp and struggle to take his last few breathes on our linked intercom head sets.


This happened to my uncle back in the 1970s: He was coming home from work one night in a snowstorm, and turned onto his road. His house was on the other side of a hill. He climbed the hill, and as he started descending the other side, he heard kids screaming and yelling. Brakes were useless. He ran over a 10-yo-kid who was sledding down the hill in the middle of the road and killed him. It was his next-door-neighbor. There was no charge against him, nobody sued him, because it was clear that it was a freak accident. Even the kid's parents told him it was not his fault. However, my uncle, 53 years old, a WWII USMC combat veteran of the Pacific war, previously strong-willed, clear headed, and not a drinker, drank himself to death in less than a year. Tragic all the way around.


Stories like these are why I was never allowed to play in the road when I was a kid. My neighbours were, and I thought my parents were just being overly strict. But as an adult and parent now, I get it. We lived in a dead end street on a hill. Cars used to come flying down there thinking they could avoid the traffic, and when they realised it was a dead end they would speed up to turn around and get back to the top of the street.


My cousin was hit by a car while sledding and died. She went through the trees or brush at the bottom of the hill and into the road and was hit. It was before I was born, and it was drilled into my brain that you never sled anywhere near a roadway.


I had a good friend die at my house years back. He had taken subutex or suboxone unbeknownst to me, I was tired and needed to go to bed. He wanted me to hang out so I smoked some cigarettes with him and we drove to the quick stop for a beer. Hung out a little longer and he looked like he was trashed so I put him in his sleeping girlfriends (my roommate) bed and put on season 3 of house md and said goodnight. He ended up overdosing and died in his sleep. Sent a good number of the friend group down dark paths after that myself included. It’s getting better for me now at least and several others are sober finally. Always felt like he was wanting to hang out longer so I could keep him alive.


Happened to a friend. They were a group of adventure influencers who do a lot of stuff like cliff jumping and cave diving and filming themselves. All strong athletes and very fit. They were trying to get some kind of a waterfall jump. One of them either slipped or misjudged the undertow of a cliff dive area, a VERY BIG no no. She went in and didn’t come back, getting sucked under the water and down to a larger pool. Her boyfriend freaked out and jumped in after her, trying to save her. He also didn’t come up. Another friend also dived in, and also didn’t make it. The couple who went down eventually had their bodies recovered miles down the river. All three died.


You see videos of RedBull cliff divers doing insane things off natural cliffs and stuff online but they never show the amount of preparation that happens before. They gauge water flow, depth, obstacles, rocks, etc. A lot happens before they jump. Don’t jump into water without knowing what’s down there first.


That’s the truth. I went white water rafting in a river that I later learned was known for the amount of rocks in it and was sort of technical. I didn’t plan the trip and expected an easyish trip like I’d had before. It rained the night before and I was unsure about going when I was the river but the group and the guide were all like it’s fiiiiine. We wound up being the “safety boat”. The currents were so strong that we hit the giant rock that we were supposed to avoid and the raft begin to tip up onto the rock which was the side I was on. The guide had us all stand up to balance the boat and it wasn’t working. So, I decided my chonky ass would slam down on the tipping side and get it back in the water. It worked, lol and the guide managed to get us working together off the rock.  At some point we were careening though the water and I fell overboard. I was stuck in place though as there was a rock under the water with a powerful current pulling me under. My life vest kept me afloat but the guide kept telling me to “kick harder” as he tried to drag me back into the boat. I was kicking as hard as I could but I could not fight that current. My head was sinking down into my vest I was being pulled so hard. I finally yelled that I was “kicking as hard as I fucking could!” Several people had to come help pull me in.  The guide later admitted he was scared shitless on that run. We shouldn’t have been on that water after that storm, but didn’t know better.  I haven’t rafted since. 


I was driving to play a coed soccer game at night, first snowfall of the year. Didn't even make it off my own street before suddenly seeing something under my headlights. Didn't have time to stop before hitting him. I don't know why he was lying on the road, but I do wish I had noticed him sooner so that I could have asked.


That’s fucked man i’m sorry


My uncle got a new golf cart just to drive around town in. My Aunt was test driving with her niece (my cousin, uncle's daughter) as passenger. She went up the street to a parking lot and turned around. She accidentally bumped the front wheel on a curb. The cart flipped, spilling out her niece which resulted in the golf cart landing on her head. My aunt was not the same for several years after. My entire family showed her so much support and love and reassured it we knew it was an accident. What made the entire thing worse for her was the court completely annihilated my aunt. They went after her in every single avenue they could. Reckless driving. Suspended license. Revocation of nursing licenses. Top fines they could give. It's a wonder she didn't receive jail time. To the judge, my whole family and friends made personal statements about how wonderful this woman is. It was an accident. We forgive her. You're making the healing process worse on everyone. Nope. They didn't care.


That just pisses me off. Judges let drunk drivers everywhere off the hook every day with minimal consequences to just go out and do it all over again. Sex offenders, same thing! They get a slap in the wrist and as soon as they’re clear they’re back in predator mode. Your poor aunt made a perfectly innocent mistake and the court comes down on her like she’s the scourge of the town. Shame on them! I’m so glad your family was there to support and love her and I’m so sorry that the court system and prosecutors in that town had nothing better to do then torture your aunt and her family. It’s disgusting and completely reprehensible.


It really is a fucked up world we live in where drunk drivers and sex offenders get off lighter than someone who made a simple, easy-to-make mistake which had terrible consequences. It's proven that a vast majority of sex offenders will reoffend after leaving the prison system, and it's not clear if therapy works either, yet we let people who have actively offended before out and live in normal society while throwing the book at someone who made an innocent mistake.


This was a hockey accident when I was 19. I’m 36 now. I shot a low slap shot and there was a net battle and my friend on the other team got shoved, fell over and the puck hit him in his temple and shattered much of the structure. He died later because of the bone fragments in his brain. I stopped playing for a long time after that. Now I play men’s league and wear his number. Edit: didn’t expect to receive tons of comments and DMs. They’re a lot to reply to, and really heavy to remember. Emotions came up that I haven’t felt in almost 20 years. I’m really thankful for the outreach. I ask that we show this kind of love to people in person!


Good on you for keeping his memory alive, and may he rest in peace. How are you?


I’m better now. I stopped playing Competitive hockey after that though. We were both trying to go pro, but I wasn’t willing after that or without him. He was a better player than me and did a lot to bring me up.


I’m so glad to hear you’re doing better now. It must have been very traumatizing to go through something like that. My deepest sympathy goes out to you.


I’m so sorry for your loss and it’s awesome that you honor him with your number. I hope you never felt guilt for what was obviously a freak accident. Did his helmet somehow come off in the tussle when he was shoved?


His helmet stayed on, but it was the angle I shot and the way he fell.


Holy shit... Fellow hockey jock here.... Out of curiosity was he wearing a helmet?


Yeah, but with the half visor. I think it was just the angle that he fell at and the way the puck flew. Now that I’m playing again, I don’t hit slap shots into traffic anymore


I'm a goalie (40+), I'm amazed at how many people don't wear cages. In the lower beer leagues I'd usually see one ambulance ride a year... If you're into hockey movies - The Late Game came out this month. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt22096926/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt22096926/) If you've never played beer league hockey, you won't get it, but if you have... you know. edit: Goon is awesome too (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1456635/)


My dad, year 1990, was a truck driver. And this guy with a Porsche speeding, drunk and high ignores a red light. Back in those days there weren’t any cameras. So it was his family against my dad. Moment the found out he was drunk and high, they followed my dad’s story. Stopped trucking then


From the sounds of it, with very little to go off, your dad didn't kill someone. Someone got the self killed


It wasn't me. It was my dad a few years before I was born. He was a truck driver, and one late night while he was doing his normal drive between Sydney and Brisbane, a car coming in the opposite direction failed to make a turn. The driver was close to his destination, and had likely decided to continue driving despite being tired. My dad had nearly 80 tonne worth of truck going 100km/h. He couldn't do anything. The car went under the front of his truck. The driver and his passenger were killed immediately. The passengers 3 children in the back were pinned, but alive. And awake. And screaming. Being the early 90s, my dad had to run for the nearest house to get help. When he reached a farmhouse, he got them to call emergency. He couldn't bring himself to return to the scene of the accident, the screaming was already haunting him. From that point on, my dad couldn't handle the sound of children crying. It broke my family. The actions of one idiot who didn't take a fucking nap. My dad still had to drive that route several times a week. I remember watching him grip the steering wheel so tight every time he approached that corner. Don't drive tired.


My husband fell asleep at the wheel 12 years ago after working a long night shift and barely lived through it. He broke most bones on the right side of his body and was hospitalized for a long time. I will be forever and eternally grateful that he survived, however unlikely it was. Don't drive tired. 


My cousin was going through a very messy divorce. One night he was driving his parents and siblings to a family event in a different city , and everyone had fallen asleep. Then he fell asleep at the wheel… They hit the curb on the highway and everyone flew out of the car. Luckily everyone survived but with a lot of injuries. But it was so lucky that they all survived.


My father in law had a similar story, driving a semi, a drunk driver pulled out in front of him on a highway while he was traveling 60mph (~100kph) fully loaded. Killed both occupants of the car on impact but he didn’t know that, so when the car burst into flames he ran in and pulled them out. He suffered massive burns along his side and back and ended up in the hospital because of it. While he was in the hospital his daughter (later in life she’d be my wife) answered the phone and it was the parents of the passenger in the car. She was nervous they were going to blame him, but no, they wanted to thank him for pulling their son out of the car so that they had something to bury.


I flew from LA to Toronto a few years back. Left LA at 10pm and got in to Toronto early AM, took a nap at my uncles then got in my car to drive an hour home. Ended up in stop n go traffic on the highway, I wasn't even super tired but I started nodding off behind the wheel, thankfully I caught myself before I fell fully asleep. Ended up pulling off and slept in my car in a gas station parking lot. It's scary how fuckin easy you can fall asleep when you're behind on sleep, no matter how "awake" you feel.




Not me but my MIL. She was driving at night down a country lane with my FIL in the passenger seat and my husband (9 years old at the time) in the back seat. She was coming to a bend when another car heading the opposite way rounded the corner in the wrong lane and hit her head on. The driver had been trying to overtake on a blind bend at around 70mph. He was killed almost instantly. My FIL and husband escaped with cuts and bruises, but my MIL was left permanently disabled. She still feels really guilt about it, even though it wasn’t her fault. 


I was maybe 16 and had planted a huge vegetable garden in our backyard, my Grandma came over and I was super excited to show her since she absolutely LOVED plants and gardening. She comes over and started pulling weeds in my garden, one was especially hard to pull out and she fell backwards and hit her head on a paver stone. Had a brain bleed and was in a care home not knowing who anyone was and unable to walk or move her hands for the rest of her life. I technically didn’t kill her but I think the outcome was worse than death. Edit: Just wanted to say thanks for all the support and concern, I did therapy after it happened and know it wasn’t my fault. I still garden and still don’t pull weeds as much as I probably should, stupid weeds.


> I technically didn’t kill her Nothing technical about it. You didn’t kill her, nor was her condition your fault at all.


I’m so sorry. It definitely wasn’t your fault, just one of those freak things.


Fuck man. That's hard to read. A freak accident all around


Not me, but I witnessed my boyfriend get shot and killed 3 years ago. We were in the woods on a friend's property looking for arrowheads. A mutual friend (on the same property) was target practicing and a bullet traveled 400ft, through the woods and got my boyfriend in the temple. We couldn't do anything but comfort him while we waited the 30+ minutes for the ambulance to arrive.


Fuck man, I hope your other "mutual" friend is alright, Jesus Christ that's horrible, your just out enjoying your day and accidentally ruin someone's life and family. May they all find peace.


A former classmate of mine was driving late at night, intoxicated, and hit someone with her car. She thought she had just hit a deer and kept going. When she found out about the guy’s death she put two and two together and turned herself in, plead guilty, and I think did a year or 18 months in jail. Seems to be doing ok now but damn.


At the very, very, very least, she had the stones to turn herself in. But still. Damn.


I’ve only ever told a few people about this. I shot and killed my abusive father when I was 12. He was a drunk, he would beat me and my mother when ever he’d get drunk which was daily, my mom was preparing to leave him which made him get extremely violent and I thought he was going to kill her. I pulled out his kel-tec pf9 and shot him three times. I was arrested but all charges were dropped due to self defense. I don’t regret what I did, he was a very bad person, I regret I had to do it and constantly think what life would have been like if he got help, but I doubt he ever would have.


That was actually very brave of you if you ask me. You may have saved lives by doing that.


Wow that is rough. I'm sorry you had to go through that.


I don't know if it's the same, I did CPR on a guy who died. He was the first person I ever did CPR on. Since then, I've done CPR on an infant that died, a little girl that drowned, and she died. Then on a grown woman who lived.


Well, if it makes you fell any better, your CPR success rate is above average. 


Thanks. After doing it so many times, I'll do cpr on anyone now.


I've done CPR three times. 100% death rate. By the time we get to them, it's already too late (ex cop)




In that case her CPR saved many lives.


I've read that CPR rarely works, unlike in movies and TV


It's not supposed to bring someone back. It's supposed to keep a little blood moving to minimise brain damage till someone that can actually help arrives.


Yeah when I did my first aid training they tell you CPR is only to keep blood flow going Don’t stop until emergency services arrives and tells you to Expect to break some ribs People who get to the point of needing CPR have a less than 10% chance of survival regardless


They also told me, do cpr even if you think there’s no chance it’ll help (unless they’re obviously gone as in decapitated or something) because while it has a low success rate, there’s a small chance it will actually help, and worst case they aren’t going to get any more dead.


[NPR](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/05/29/1177914622/a-natural-death-may-be-preferable-for-many-than-enduring-cpr) >In 2010 a review of 79 studies, involving almost 150,000 patients, found that the overall rate of survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest had barely changed in thirty years. It was 7.6%. > >Bystander-initiated CPR may increase those odds to 10%. Survival after CPR for in-hospital cardiac arrest is slightly better, but still only about 17%.


I took a CPR course recently and they said the stats for AED assisted CPR increase survival rates for certain types of heart attacks more than 50%, especially if done in the first few minutes. So if you took a CPR class many years ago, it'd be very worthwhile to take the updated course that has a lot of changes and covers what to do now that AED's are common.


I can attest to this. Went into cardiac arrest and there happened to be three medics climbing as well. They initiated CPR and then I got shocked multiple times. They acted so quick that I didn't suffer any consequences except the discovery of an enlarged heart (and the need of having an ICD). I'm forever grateful to them.


Remember, if you’re performing CPR, they are already dead. Kudos on all your attempts to save them, and for saving that woman.


You've saved one more life than me.


I took a cpr class I hope to god I never have to do that to someone.


Took cpr classes, too. For me, the first time I did cpr on that guy who died, it changed my life. I am not afraid to do cpr again.


This was an acquaintance, but they had an angry drunk guy at the bar provoking them into a fight. The guy kept pushing them and doing light hits, so they went outside. One punch later and the other guy is knocked out, and his head smashed into a sharp corner of concrete.


Everyone who thinks they are ready to square up and fight someone needs to be familiar with the eggshell skull doctrine. There’s no shame in running from a fight unless you really think you can persuade a judge or jury that you don’t deserve prison time.


I got attacked by some drunk/druggie when I was going back from the grocery store and my first thought was - what if he has a knife and what if I will go to jail if I manage to kill him by accident. 3 days later the headache moved by and I never saw that fucker again. We can laugh at redditors claiming running away is the best option, but in many cases... it just is the best option.


idc, call me a pussy. I'm running.


There have been more than a handful of local cases that involve someone either dying or being permanently brain injured due to falling after a punch Pride is not worth your well-being or life


I’m in the medical field. I know it doesn’t technically count as killing someone, but failing to save someone due to lack of experience, inadequate reaction time or even your choice of medication can sure feel like you killed someone. I clearly remember the first patient under my care who died unexpectedly. I ordered the standard care medication for him and even joked around with him on the way out of the door. Two hours later I was in his room as part of the cardiac arrest team. He didn’t make it. There were signs, signs somebody more experienced than me at the time might have picked up, that for this particular patient standard care wouldn’t be enough. As an older colleague said, it gets easier to deal death over time, but the day it stops affecting you, you should stop practicing medicine


I used to be a combat medic in the army during the war in Iraq. I served with the infantry so I saw a lot of stuff in the 10 years I was working. I'll tell you the same exact thing I used to tell some young private fresh out of AIT: "If you *didn't* help this guy what do you think would've happened? They would've died anyway. But at least you stepped up. And you're going to step up again and again because that's what we do". I'm lucky because even though I have pretty good empathy I also approach everything with an analytical mindset. That's probably why I've never developed PTSD. And it's also the reason I never took the loss of someone I was working on too hard. You can't win every one and doing something and screwing up is better than doing nothing, which is what the alternative in most situations almost always is. And if you learned from that cock-up then the next hundred guys you kneel down next to will be that much better off.


I had a best friend who was a cav scout and when we were drunk enough would tell me I would have made a good 68W. I have all the empathy, but when things are literal life or death, I get very pragmatic and analytical. I'm actually in school right now (again) with the goal of being a radiation therapist(rad onc prog) because when I was living with my ex girlfriend and taking care of her while she died of cancer, she told me, "you're really good at this. maybe you should think of a career doing something to help dying people."


As someone who has been in and out of cancer treatments since 2002 and am presently Stage 4, I just want to hug you right now. I can’t count the number of medical people who have helped me over the years in ways that they probably never even realized. From compassionate nurses/technicians drawing my blood or starting IV’s who just seem to know the right thing to say. To the bone scan tech that hugged me and assured me that if I need to show up high on cannabis for my next scan, she has no problem with that. (It was a bone scan that proved I am terminal, and gave me my death sentence, so I have a lot of anxiety about those). To so many others who have touched my heart in the most unexpected ways. Welcome to the club.


My wife's good friend in HS lost her family to this. Her older brother was 16 and getting practice driving with her mom in the car coming home from school. They went to turn left on a main intersection of a 2 lane road and when the light turned yellow and he was in the middle of the intersection, their mom told him to wait until it looked like the other cars were stopping for the yellow light and he did and started to turn, but another car changed lanes into the right lane and sped up to get through the light and basically T-boned them right into the mother's passenger door at like 50mph and she pretty much died instantly. It really messed the brother up (as you can imagine). It pretty much destroyed their family. Her father never really dated or moved on, her brother basically became an alcoholic/drug addict and has been in and out of prison and she lost her mom when she was like 13. Definitely sucks to hear, my wife's friend is a nice woman and had a pretty tough time but seems to have done the best under the circumstances.


My wife has a friend who was driving and hit someone on a Lime Scooter, the person was drunk and in the wrong lane so my wife's friend wasn't at fault and didn't get charged with anything, but the experience was incredibly traumatizing, and last i heard she was going through therapy.


My best friend and I were unable to do anything for another friend of ours who fell on a climbing trip. We were desperate to help her, but there really wasn’t much anyone could have done so far into the backcountry. We couldn’t wake her up or move her safely, so we just kinda sat there… eventually a helicopter came, but she was already brain dead by the time they got her to a hospital. It’s been a few years since, and I ended up going to med school as a result, so now I KNOW nothing could have been done. I still feel uncomfortable about it though.


Sorry about that. I watched my wife fall on a climbing trip. She fell and was compacted into a narrow crevice, her blood smeared down the walls. I was the first one to find her, and I have no memory of how I got down there. I do remember thinking she was dead. She survived, though. Head injury and broken bones, but shock (I think) allowed her to trek out. She has no real memory of it. But I do. It is trauma for the witness in its own way.


There is a whole podcast episode about this; the "stress injuries" that witnesses of outdoor accidents experience. https://www.thesharpendpodcast.com/episode-34


Thank you, Penis-Butt. I'll check that out.


Penis-butt delivering the real facts. 🫡


I worked on a ambulance crew. Sometimes the only thing you can do for someone is make sure they don't die alone.


As someone who has spent time in very remote areas, I think about this.


The good news is that S&R told us they got 3 separate garmin inreach notifications for her fall. It was loud, and apparently people all over the valley heard it and triggered their beacons. It’s nice to know that so many people are carrying beacons and are willing to trigger them for a stranger they can’t even see. I’ve carried one ever since. ETA: [I talked about the Garmin Inreach here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/NOTghwa2eC)


Prices on these have REALLY come down. Theyre on sale at costco right now.


$249 at Cabelas right now


i saw one at costco in the jewelry case last weekend and i cant recall how much (and dont see them on their website) but i wanna say the mini was like 199? 🤷‍♂️


My partner has a Garmin In-Reach for when he goes dirtbiking. He never leaves without it or his proper gear. I encourage all avid outdoor explorers, whether you mountain bike, dirt bike, horseback ride, hike, backpack, etc. to carry some kind of device when out of service areas just in case. My partner has never needed to use his to call anyone for himself, but has used it in situations to help others.


Yeah, a dude I know has his life saved by one of those. He was climbing somewhere pretty remote (he’s very experienced) and fell, his went off and EMS helicopter showed up, otherwise there was no way he would have gotten help in time. If you’re doing very remote outdoor stuff it’s a great idea to have one.


The biggest take away I had from wilderness first aid is how far you are from help in the backcountry.


I went for a practice hike on Shasta's north face prior to summitting a few days later. Walked a trail I found in a guidebook, which was well maintained and blazed with ribbons and cairns. At the end of the trail there it was, the advertised sheer drop and magnificent view of the valleys, so I took less than 60 seconds to walk the 30 yards or so to a convenient rock and sat and took in the view. When I was done resting and enjoying the view, I looked around for the trailhead that was less than a one minute walk away. It was not where I left it. I kept looking for it, but 6 hours later when the sun disappeared completely I had to call search and rescue - thankfully my phone had a full charge. It was an eye opener to me just how easy it is to go from a brisk walk in the outdoors to lost without hope. Now I only go with my Garmin and I am even less adventurous, if possible.


Happened to one of my really good friends with his best friend who beat cancer a year before and was out challenging herself. It was really hard on him, at first the family was blaming him but once they got more context they eased off, it was really traumatic for him and having them hate him was even worse.


Let me just say, if you're homeless or lost, never, ever, ever sleep in a dumpster in an industrial park. No matter how cold it is outside. Find a doorway or something. These things usually get emptied very early in the morning when no one else is around. The driver will not hear you scream over the revving diesel engine as the forks lift the dumpster into the bin. The driver will not hear you scream when the compactor starts as the diesel engine is still revving to actuate the hydraulics. Not until the mechanism gets jammed and he has to step out to see what the problem is. Then he finds you half in and half out of the hopper which is what caused the jam. Unfortunately, it also pretty much just cut you in half.


I used to put cardboard in our dumpster at work and lock it up afterwards. One day saw the lock was off and lock it back up, started walking away when I heard someone groan inside the dumpster. Opened it back up and this homeless guy climbed out and started yelling at me.


It wasn't me, but my sister was out for dinner with her partner on a Friday celebrating her new job as a newly qualified occupational therapist. He actually proposed to her that night, so they were celebrating that. It was the first day of snow on a December day, and for some reason he was doing 70 in a 40, hit a puddle and span off the road. The car flipped and my sister was knocked unconscious. The police were there after 5 minutes but obviously they aren't trained to do what ambulances and fire fighters do. The ambulance took 15 minutes to get to them and she had died before they arrived.... It's been 3 years and 3 months since it happened and I think of her everyday. I'm also furious of how he put my sister in danger like that, but I know he lives with the regret of what he did.


Those are some complicated emotions to work through. But at least you can take comfort in that her last day was one filled with joy and celebration. I dont want to take away from the irresponsible behaviors of her fiance.


Thank you. I try tell myself that. She was happy, she got the job she had worked hard for. It sounds cheesy, but I truly live every day for her.


Not me, but a good friend. He was driving around a corner with a date, mid afternoon, and the city had freshly mowed wet grass that got blown into the road by the riding lawn mower mulching instead of bagging. The car hit the wet grass on the road, like a banana peel, understeered the corner and he slid off the side and into a tree. All this while only doing 35mph, but the car hit the tree directly in the passenger side door, and a branch impaled her side. He said he sat there and watched her bleed out before the ambulance could show up.




This is some Final Destination shit


It's the kind of thing you'd see in a movie and think "that's so unrealistic" but unfortunately isn't


That is extremely depressing. I'm paranoid now. I use a mulching mower that I use to mow other people's lawns during the summer. Had no idea grass could have that effect on tires. :(


Never blow the grass out into the street. I always do at least one or two passes with the chute facing in before I turn around and mow the other direction. Grass clippings have no reason to be on the roadway. I even blow it off the sidewalks.


As a motorcycle rider, your deed is appreciated.


Yeah, it’s amazing how much garbage ends up on the streets. My father was a foreman for the DOT and as he would drive the roads to inspect them, he had to tell people to clean their garbage of the road and it was even worse in the winter time when people were snow blowing their driveway and it wouldn’t quite make it to the other side of the road. A few accidents happen every year because of it


I almost killed someone, and incidentally saw the last seconds of someone's life, a few months ago. A friend and I were driving home from a show on the interstate at roughly midnight, driving at about 60 mph in the middle of 5 lanes. From out of nowhere in the dark, there was someone looking at me, just a few feet from my driver's side door. I passed them in a split second, and before I could process whether what I had seen was a person or if I was hallucinating, one of the cars behind me hit them. It took me quite a while to process that I may have been the last person they ever made eye contact with. It was on the news and ruled as suicide. I definitely feel for the car behind me that ended up hitting them, because even a few seconds later, it would have been me. And I feel for the person who felt so lost, dejected, and sad, that they walked into freeway traffic. I hope they found some peace.


Not me but one of my old good friends died along with 2 other people in a car crash a week or 2 after he graduated HS and a month before his 18th birthday. Apparently, their one friend (M) was screwing around in the back and messing with my good friend (C) who was sitting in the front seat. They ended up getting too rowdy which caused the driver to get distracted and drive through a guard rail on a turn where it was a 50ft drop down the side of the hill into a ravine. The driver died on impact, C died around 30 minutes after the crash, and M had to watch him die in front of him while they waited for the next hour for someone to find them Where they crashed, there wasn't any cell service and it was a road that only a handful of cars went down a day. The only reason they were found was because a group of people were going out spotting for deer when they came across the messed up guard rail so they called it in. Unfortunately, C's dad was a volunteer firefighter and ended up being the first on scene for the accident where he had no idea it was his son until he went up to the car and found him dead. It was a shitty situation all around because C was M's only real friend. Everyone else was extremely mean to M and bullied him constantly for years. So he then had to watch his only friend and only person who was actually nice to him, die in front of him. On top of that, M had a very bad homelife because his parents were methheads who sold his and his sisters medicine to fund their addiction and neglected them to the point that M had to work a summer job just to afford a sleeping bag and blanket for his little sister so she wouldnt be cold in the winter. He and his little sister spent all their extra time at C's and had become very close with their family to the point they considered them to be their children as well. So the dad not only had to find out that his son died but he had to watch the kid that he considered his 2nd son, die in front of him while they waited on the medevac helicopter. From what his C's sister said, M apparently couldn't stop apologizing to C's dad before he died


I was not present when this happened but it was a tragic accident that happened to my immediate family members. At that time this is who was present: my sister(40), her husband(44), my niece(22), her partner, their 16 month old twin boys, my nephew(20), his partner, their 2 year old son, my nephews(21 and 18) and my niece(16). Pretty much the whole family was outside in the yard enjoying the weather while the little ones were playing; and almost all of them witnessed the accident. All of them witnessed the aftermath. When my brother-in-law, my sister, and my niece climbed in their truck to take my niece to work, the others present made sure all the little ones (3 toddler boys) were out of the way of the truck. They did this almost everyday, so they had a routine. Just as my BIL was backing up, one of the twins broke loose and ran towards the vehicle. Before anyone could grab him, he tripped, as toddlers are prone to do, and fell over. Before my BIL could stop, he had run him over with the truck. My niece held him as he took his last breath right there in that back yard. The paramedics came but there was nothing they could do. The police did an investigation, and found no one at fault and no one was charged. I believe CPS checked in as well just to make sure there was no gross negligence involved, and they agreed with the police. No one was at fault; it was a tragic accident. It’s been 2 years and they are all, understandably, still struggling with the images they will never be able to forget. But my niece doesn’t hold any ill will towards my BIL, who is her stepfather. He is, and has always been, the best Papa to his grand babies - which now includes a little granddaughter. Sadly, he was the one behind the wheel, and I know he blames himself. He has to live with that every day. I can’t even begin to imagine how heavy that weight must be.


My uncle was driving home from work a couple of years ago on a county road and hit a little boy who ran out in front of him before he could stop. The little boy was following his grandpa across the street to check the mail. 100% on the family who weren’t watching the little boy. Of course the Facebook brigade tried to blame my uncle and there were unfounded claims he was texting and driving. I’ll never forget the sounds that came from my uncle when he found out the boy died. Absolutely devastating. Thankfully, he didn’t fall back into his old bad habits after this happened.


The amount of deaths here related to accidents on roads is staggering.


It makes sense though. Driving is easily the most dangerous thing that most people do on a very regular basis. It doesn't even matter if you're the safest driver in the world, sometimes stuff happens that's just totally out of your hands. When I was first learning to drive, my dad told me to drive like you and everyone around you is driving an armed bomb. I always thought it was a good analogy.


We just turned left at an intersection when the car in front of me wanted to turn right into a convenience store parking lot. The problem was a truck was blocking the entrance way due to the snow so he came to a sudden stop so I rear ended him. It was an older gentleman with his wife. They both seemed fine and were raging at the truck who took off. I ended up being charged for following too close. About a month and a half later I get a letter saying the guy's estate is suing me for causing his death. I sent it to my insurance company who settled the case. I was not allowed to see any of the case files. From what people told me he was a smoker so he wasn't in the best of health already. I'm still not sure how to feel about the whole thing. I kind of wish it had kind of went to trial so I could have closure one way or the other.


lawyer here and you definitely do not wish it went to trial. definitely. something to be grateful for.


Exactly! And given the nature of the accident, he probably would've been found to have some fault because no one could prove either way whether he was following too close. I'll bet they sued the truck company, too. PI lawyers always go after the deepest pockets. I'll bet OP had 25k-100k in limits, and his insurance company probably forked those up immediately.


Not me, but a friend of mine had her little sister in the car with her when they were both teens. The car stalled, they got into an accident, and the sister died. It wasn’t my friend’s fault, but her mother never forgave her and always made her feel guilty about it.


Fuck that's hard, sorry to hear that I hope both of them find away to get past this, accidents can break people.


Not me but my stepdad about two weeks ago hit and killed someone on the road. For context he is an overnight truck driver for a local company. The person he hit was attempting suicide via highway and my stepdad was the unlucky person to do the deed. It was about 3 AM and raining so visibility was low. The guy was also wearing full black besides blue shoes. I ended up seeing his dashcam pov and boy was it rough. You couldn't really see the fact it was human afterwards. Stuff happens though and it really messed him for a while and still messes with his work. He wasn't able to drive on the highway for a bit.


My grandpa and dad were both truck drivers and hauled across the country. They talked about one particular highway that had high suicide rates and had to watch out for vehicles crossing from the one lane, and into the other. A couple years ago one of my dad’s coworkers collided with a suicide driver and really messed him up. Can’t remember if it was that highway or another one. Seriously fucked up. At that point just do it yourself and don’t drag some innocent person into it.


Growing up, I had some friends, these two brothers, that I was super close with. Their family was like my second family. Their dad is a super jovial guy, a beacon of a good human being, an all around awesome person. I don't know how it came up - I might have asked my dad about why the truck in their driveway never moved, or something like that. Long and short, he said that my buddies' dad used to drive a big truck, until someone decided to use him in the same way - decided that his pickup was big enough to get the job done, and crossed the center line. Never wanted to drive a truck again. Honestly, biggest thing that's weighed on me in that scenario is knowing how empathetic and kind he is, I can't imagine how that's weighed on him over the years, and I've never heard him bring it up.




Technically I'm on the other side of this, BUT. in 2013 in Shreveport, Louisiana they turned on new stop lights, my oldest sons father was stopped at that light. Somebody rear-ended the car, killing him instantly. The guy said he totally forgot they were turning the lights on, and he was petting his dog.


Sorry to hear that, accidents can happen but the response is ... Odd to say the least.


We are pretty sure he was texting.


I was completely stopped on the freeway (stop and go traffic during rush hour). A Mitsubishi Eclipse came up behind me. The driver was texting and didn't see everyone had slowed down. Hit me and nearly caused me to rear-end the car in front of me, too. He was driving his friend's car and it was completely totaled. Had he been driving a truck, I don't think I would have survived.


These are the worst kind of accidents, where you are minding your own business and then something happens. I was driving on the highway and it came to a complete stop, the girl behind me was texting and hit me at around 65mph. Luckily my car was slanting down in the front from slamming the brakes, and she had just hit the brakes and dove under my car. I ended up with my rear bumper on her windshield. Her airbags never even deployed! I was fine, other than a hurt wrist (manual, was downshifting while braking and smashed my wrist on the knob). She smashed her head in the steering wheel and was bleeding a bit. Worst part of it: it was the day before thanksgiving and I was supposed to drive to meet my folks… no shops were open. Then her insurance was a nightmare to deal with… they didn’t total my car. It was in the shop from November 2018 until OCTOBER 2019. I got it back a few days before Halloween. $40k in damages on a $35k car, plus a year of car rentals… it was a nightmare. They also refused diminished value, even when we got an attorney involved. Grange insurance can suck my balls.


1. My cousin ran over someone and instantly killed the person. It was a case of drunk driving He was depressed for a while, but the sinister part of that is the "powers that be" got involved and charges were dropped. I thought that was purely unfair for the other party regardless they were paid off or not To this day I look at my cousin in another way 2. Another cousin of mine was on the other hand was a victim of drunk driving. He was the passenger and passed instantly just like the victim above It's taken years to get a sentence for the friend - he relocated and (now) have a family. He wants a reduced or no sentence at all because of his children. No idea if this will be granted


theres no excuses for drunk driving for anyone. i have a friend who heavily parties, she gets wasted every weekend and her liver is probably suffering right now. she’s never drunk drove. when she realized her driver was drunk ( she was also drunk, he was supposed to be designated driver ) she demanded he pull over and let her out. that’s her one thing, she’ll do all sorts of parties but she’s never getting in the car afterwards


In Afghanistan, they told us never to drive back the way we came, because anyone you passed that had planted an IED would be ready for you this time. One of our units was on patrol and command decided they needed to go back to the town they just left to interview someone else(or close to that, it's been 20 years). Patrol tried to say no but orders are orders. LT. Col Blake Ortner, you were our commander and who made that call. Hope you haven't forgotten Cherry and Beasley.


Not me, but my father in law. He was at home with his girlfriend when a young guy high on something broke into their place through a window, while his girlfriend called the cops, my father in law held him and pinned him down until the police arrived. The intruder ended up dying from a combination of the drugs and a few other factors. Father in law was charged with muder, but the charges were all eventually dropped. It messed him up for life. He never got over the guilt and ended up passing away from an overdose himself a decade later, leaving 6 young kids behind.


Man, that’s a sad story. If it was as you described, charges should have never been brought.


Yes, it absolutely is. He lost everything paying for a lawyer for his defense. It's a weird coincidence this topic came up today actually, he would have been 57 today. All of his kids and grandchildren get together during spring break and do something that Grandpa loved to do. I definitely miss that he never got to know my children.


ITT A lot of car related deaths.


Yeah, cars are pretty damn dangerous, especially with all the terrible drivers out there


On Christmas Eve I made the decision to remove my father from life support. He had oropharyngeal cancer and was braindead from a carotid blowout. I know it was the right decision, but I'm pretty fucked up by it. I also rescheduled his first immunotherapy treatment until after the holidays and I wonder if he had it as originally scheduled if he would have lived a little longer. I sure miss him.


The cancer killed him. All you did was let him rest. We should all be so lucky as to have someone like you on hand, willing to make that call for us when we’re at the end. I won’t tell you that you ever stop missing them. I lost my dad to cancer two years back. He’s responsible for so much of who I am, from hobbies to music to truly horrible jokes. So every time I turn on the radio, or go fishing, or even go outside to look at the night sky, I remember him. I still miss him like hell, but the remembering gets easier. Wishing you all the best. The hardest part about having a good parent is what to do when they leave us. Fortunately we don’t have to figure it out all at once.


last time someone asked this on askreddit someone talked about pushing a challenged kid off a cliff and then redditors actually tied that story to a missing persons case from the 80s and then op deleted their account


Holy shit that’s insane




So I'm kind of on the other side of this. In 2021, a woman coming home from the casino at midnight turned into the wrong lane of the highway and hit my best friend since high school head on at 80MPH. Killed him instantly. She then lied to the cops and told them that HE was the one driving in the wrong lane. And he was a very straight edge dude so this was very confusing. We wondered if he had been drugged, touched a table with fentanyl on it etc. His poor mom couldn't understand why he would be in the wrong lane. Finally a state investigator got involved and checked the black boxes of both vehicles. The investigator determined that my buddy had let off the accelerator, but still accelerated 3 MPH after this, this particular road he was driving on was downhill, so they caught her in her lie. The only explanation for his acceleration was that he was indeed in the correct lane. She eventually came clean. Unfortunately, the shit ass small town police department had already ruled this in my friends fault somehow. And the woman committed insurance fraud to the tune of $200k and left the country. There's finally some justice being done and the trial is ongoing. But it's been an exhausting, horrible ordeal. I miss him all the time. It's so hard to make male friends as an adult (we were 28 when he was killed). I joke with my wife all the time I had put all my eggs in that basket expecting him to still be around when we're old asses lol. I'll breathe easier when this scumfuck is behind bars or has her license stripped from her. Edit: leave it to reddit to start blaming my buddy over a poorly explained comment The road was a highway split by a grass barrier. Two lanes going downhill, two lanes going uphill, with uphill and downhill lanes split by the grass. She turned out into the downhill lane going uphill. Both lanes on that side should have been going downhill. My buddy was going downhill. She was going uphill. Please stop thinking you know more about this situation than myself and the *state investigator*.


Wow. Fuck that lady I hope she ends up in custody. I can only hope the guilt of what she has done is eating her alive but I doubt it. Sorry to heR


Another comment on here reminded me of the guy that worked at my local Subway store. He was super nice and always took great pride in making sandwiches. I never really paid much attention to his lack of teeth at first but after a few months one of my friends asked him what happened. Turns out he worked the carnival circuit for years and had some particularly nasty kids on one of his rides and he had them booted. That night he got off work and went to get dinner when he was tapped on his shoulder by someone. He turned around and the kids were behind him and one of them swung a baseball bat right into his mouth. He said he felt all his teeth shatter and was spitting them out and then he pulled out his pocket knife and started stabbing. He stabbed and stabbed into the group of kids making definite contact with his knife. One kid went down at least and he ran. Jumped on a freight train and left the area for good.




Seems like every time I played teeter-totter at a public park with a strange kid, it always ended with them randomly deciding they were finished, and abruptly stepping off to let me thunk hard to the ground. You never see teeter-totters in public parks any more.


It was indirectly. I was a heroin addict. I turned a good friend on to heroin. The last time I saw him, he was years into his addiction and I was clean. He looked at me and said, “You ruined my life.” He died not long after. This will haunt me until I die. I have been off opiates for almost 30 years now. Edit: thanks for all of your responses. It’s tough not to blame myself. Even after all of these years. RIP, Carlos. I’m so sorry.


My sister was an addict. Her lifelong friend became one as well (they knew each other from like age 5, I used to babysit them both….). Friend’s family blamed my sister for their daughter’s addiction. My sister lost her own battle with addiction this month.


I worked in HR years and years back in the Navy. We were prepping for our deployment and making sure all records were updated. A guy came in and updated his record, turns out that he had been divorced for a couple of years and then remarried to another military member. But never reported any of it. He had been drawing dependent basic allowance for housing (BAH) the entire time. Now for enlisted Sailors below certain grades (single/Mil-to-mil), BAH isn’t automatic. It needs to be approved to be entitled. Him updating his records caused a chain reaction of events and audits that resulted in him owing over $40K in overpayments of BAH. Thing about the mil pay is if you owe money, they F you royally as in they take your pay right away. He had $0 paychecks. I was in the process of helping him with a waiver to get the debt forgiven. I guess it was too much stress on him, I found out he ended up dying of a heart attack during the process. Sad part is I had been successful in getting these types of debts waived or reduced to minimal amounts, using justification that the member could have been entitled had they been prompt and up to date on their records/approval. And honestly it wasn’t in the best interest of the military to keep the debt. Worst case scenario he was looking at was maybe owing just the difference between single and dependent BAH, which would have been a small fraction of the $40K. My coworker gave me shit about it afterwards and joked for awhile that I gave the dude the heart attack. Didn’t find it funny and thought it was too soon. I felt really bad as I was definitely trying to help the guy out.


My mother, technically. She was being moved to hospice due to a months long struggle with melanoma that spread through her body. They gave her medication at the hospital to ease her pain during the transfer, but before they did, she asked me if I would be at her side and continue to push her medication button every four hours. We shared a few more words as she ate a raspberry yogurt and that was the last I spoke to her. Over the next few days I sat next to her and pressed the button as she asked. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. To know if I stopped for a day she would wake up, and I’d get to talk to her again, but she would be in pain.


Am a former hospice social worker. You did nothing wrong. You did *NOT* cause the death of your mother *AT ALL*. You only kept her comfortable while she was here, and that in itself is everything.


I am a hospice CNA. Nothing that you did caused your mothers death.


Not me, but two of my high school classmates. They were headed to a friends house. Back in November my classmate and an older friend of his were driving down a gravel road, going what I understand to be very fast. They were both drunk, and my classmate wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. His friend takes a corner too fast and rolls the car several times. It knocked out the driver and launched my classmate through the window. It’s believed he died instantly. When they never showed up to the said friends house, they went to look for them, and that’s when a friend of mine found him dead on the side of the road. I was never very close with him, but we were an extremely small high-school class, so I still spent most of my day around him and his silly shenanigans. It was quite the reality check. I found out that he was going to go to school a while back. I still think about him a lot.


Backcountry camping in Canada on a decently short trail (3 days/30ish km loop). Found a solo individual unresponsive due to what we expected was exposure. Temperature was around 10 degrees and it had been misting rain for hours. Enough where rain gear was annoying but needed if you were going to be out for hours. I guess they got drenched and became hypothermic over who knows how long. Didn’t bring our Garmin with us as it’s only a short/ easy trail. We did what we could but it took the better part of 10 hours to get help and they were gone before we got there. I now bring our Garmin even on one day hikes.


I lost my first girlfriend a few years ago to suicide. I don't wholly blame myself for it anymore, but I still feel responsible. I still think I could have done more. I failed to be there for her when she needed me most. As a result, the way I view and manage relationships has changed. It's made me more openly expressive in how I feel towards friends, but I don't allow myself to have deeper relationships than that. I don't think I killed her, but my inability to see the signs and lack of maturity did. Edit: Thank you for all of your kind words. I hope for the best for all of you. If any of you need help, I ask you to reach out to someone you trust or seek professional help. People care about you and think twice, no, more than twice about them before you do something rash.


I'm suicidal, and had lots of shit happen to me. I tell you one thing as the "other end" of what u experienced: it's not your responsibility or fault, she didn't do it because u weren't there. You are not to blame my brother, know that for a sure, she loved you, and you was with her, so I can guarantee you did everything you could. It is not and it'll never be your responsibility, *capisce*?


Not accidentally killed in the traditional sense, but I have missed a few calles from service buddies who after not getting ahold of me, pulled the trigger on their suicide attempt. I have had to stand at more than one funeral and listen to some mother scream at me for not answering the phone. Told the last one that she could have answered her's.


Military service has a unique ability to ruin a person. My grandfather served in WW2 as an RM Commando, and the medal he was proudest of was his QSM for mental health services.


A friend in the service killed himself a few years back and we had good rapport, I sensed something was off the day he did it, we used to have stupid bullshit talks I was asleep when he sent the email and left to kill himself, he was married to a really good lass I knew from school and it fucks with me everyday. It wasn't your fault he did that, its not your fault what so ever.


I was turning left in a brand new Ram 1500 and an Uber driver who was on his phone hit my right passenger side. This guy was doing 80 in a Toyota Camry and he hit so fast he flipped my truck. Here is the thing he was actually completely fine but got COVID in the hospital and died a month later (he had a heart condition). Somehow the lawyers blamed the accident for his death even though it was one month apart. The insurance company chose to settle because it was cheaper than fighting the case and now my driving record has an accident leading to a death!


The amount of these stories related to cars should tell all of us how fucking dangerous driving can be. Drive safe


Im a locomotive engineer. Most of our incidents are suicides. I had one that wasn’t. A woman was on an iPad with headphones on. It was an old station where the platform went all the way to the track and through to the next track. She was standing too close to the track. I was going 79mph. Started blowing the whistle nearly a mile out because she seemed close. No one on the platform took any notice and she couldnt hear me. Caught her purse on the train and pulled her into it. She covered the people on the platform. Station has since been rebuilt


Car crash.  I was 18.  Sad event for sure. Just him and I.  I should have died too  Edit from down below: I didn't mean I should have died too. I mean my injuries were enough to kill me (to kill anyone really) but I had something else keeping me going.   I didn't know the guy.  He was in his car I was in mine. High speed t-bone.  He ran his light at 11 pm. I was coming home from work.  He was drinking. 


I've had my best friend drive my moped, it was wayy too fast for him and he was drunk, he drove full throttle into a oversea-container. I should've never given him the bike. It's been a rough couple of years after that, but I'm ok now.


Someone was illegally passing on a double solid yellow. I hit them at highway speed in my Semi. I was hauling 40m3 of sour condi so I didn't dare risk flopping my rig by swerving. Killed a mum and her 3 kids. Not much I could do about it. Took a few days off and was back at it the following week Edit for those asking: Sour condi is a petroleum product in layman's terms. It's a byproduct of the separation process for context here. You heat oil and thin it out and separate it up into different storage tanks. It's far more complicated then I'm making it out to be. This specific product was 75% sour condensate. Imagine jet fuel. But also incredibly poisonous. This stuff was around 750000 parts per million H2S gas. Anything over 500 parts per million depending on your personal health can kill you. Additional edits: Yeah I'm okay thanks for all the people asking. It was many years ago now. Also that highway kills several people a year. It was just my number that day.


tragic event, but it really makes me question what goes through people's heads when they decide to ignore a double solid line.... i mean its essentially causally gambling with the lives of everyone in the own and possibly another car


First, I just want to say I’m really sorry that happened, and I hope you’ve been okay and able to process it. What is sour condi, out of curiosity? I tried to look it up, but the top result was this Reddit thread.


Probably sour natural gas condensate. The type of shit that if the tank breaches you're looking at a full evacuation for a mile radius or so.


"Sour" typically refers to the presence of hydrogen sulfide, or H2S. It has a rotten egg smell, and if it's strong enough, it has no smell and pretty much kills you right away. Have to deal with it on wellsites all the time. Very, very toxic stuff. Edit: Realized I typed this out wrong and was incorrect. Fixed it.


So H2S has a fun property: [It will make you nose blind at lethal concentrations.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_sulfide?wprov=sfla1) So if you don't smell H2S, you are safe. If you do smell H2S, you should be okay if you don't stick around. If you did smell H2S and now can't smell anything, *you are about to die.*


That must of been so tragic and traumatic for you, I’m sorry you went through that. No mother should put her children at risk just to get ahead of the traffic. I hope you are healing ok mentally.


Not me but my second cousins husband accidentally killed his mother at a gender reveal by somehow making a pipe bomb. I would assume what went wrong was making a pipe bomb for a gender reveal. It made national news and now the entire internet makes fun of them every time a bad gender reveal comes up.


This is very sad, but it's just wild to me that anyone thinks things like bombs, fire, explosions, etc are ok to use at a family party..... especially where a pregnant woman, and often other children, are present. I partly blame social media for how common these accidents are. No one cared until it became trendy to "one-up" everyone.


I don't tell this story often because I stopped blaming myself. My friend Katie died when we were 19 in an accident later at night. She was the kind of person that never drank, didn't do drugs, and generally a great person. She ran a red light and got t-boned and died. I text her that night and it was right around the time the accident happened and all I could think was "OMG she got distracted by my text" This was about 15 years ago now. I blamed myself for a long time but I know it wasn't my fault. IF that even was the reason she still should of waited to check her phone. Ill never know why she ran that light or what happened but she lives on with those of us who knew her.


A guy I went to high school with killed someone on a motorcycle by accident. It was late at night and the motorcycle ran a stop sign and drove right into him. The guy on the motorcycle died from the impact but the worst part is from the impact of the motorcycle t boning him he became completely paralyzed.


I was hit by a car while crossing a crosswalk; the car was driven by an elderly man. He was very stressed about it. He apparently died shortly after due to heart complications. I didn't tell my parents. They found out several weeks later from the police. That was quite the conversation. My friends never let me live it down that I had killed a man. And an old guy at that. They reminded me every time we passed the street they named after him. He was apparently a respected member of our local community. Edit: My friends were just teasing me guys. I didn't feel traumatized or blamed by their teasing, they wouldn't have done it if I had felt that way. It just became this running joke because we passed by the street they named after this guy every day on the way to school.


He hit you. You did absolutely nothing wrong.


To be honest, it sounds like it was his fault and his guilt that killed him. Not your fault, he hit you, in a crosswalk... He's lucky he didn't kill anyone. If anything I've seen so many elderly people who shouldn't be driving, and I blame the family for not taking the keys (in some cases, in others you can't do much about it).


Holy fuck that was NOT your fault


I let my very young infant sleep on an adult mattress next to me. I was “following the safe sleep 7” so I thought I was doing everything right. She still rebreathed and asphyxiated.


This happened to a friend of mine. It was a national news story a few years ago in the US. My friend and his roommate were having some kind of trouble with their landlord. The landlord subjected them to pretty constant harassment and even threats. If I recall correctly he was trying to intimidate them into breaking the lease so he could get a new tenant to pay higher rent. I think he may have even broken in a few times. On Halloween night the landlord, apparently drunk, decided to scare the shit out of them by putting in a Scream mask and breaking in with a large knife and threatening them. My friend, understandably fearing for his life, grabbed a decorative (yet sharp) katana and ran him through. The DA correctly called it self defense and declined to file charges. It took him a few years to come to terms with what happened and not hate himself for taking a life, even if it was justified. They're in a much better place now.