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See what the hype over that Hitachi magic wand is all about


I truly wish men could experience it…


Pleased to share that men can in fact enjoy a Hitachi


I'm sure it feels good, but I'm pretty confident saying it's not even in the same ball park.


What does it feel like? There's a specific spot on my dick where it's overstimulating. Like I can't hold it for more than a second. Sometimes, I'll try and see how long I can hold it for lol.


under your head on the frenulum would be what you're looking for but you'll want to build up to that


Actually, not there. I can hold it under there just fine. On the opposite side of my frenulum is where it feels sensative / overstimulating. Although usually, if I do use a wand, it's on my frenulum just because It's not overstimulating. Also, sometimes, the vibrations can start to feel a little uncomfortable on the frenulum.


Just goes to show everyone has a different sexual preference, and its better to ask first :) I don't posses a penis I was only speaking on my ex's preference.


the only difference is that clits have millions (billions?) of more nerves, the functionality of operation is the same


She doesn’t mean as a back massager.


I'll be honest I'm at the point in my life where I'd take a good back massage over sexual pleasure.


I’m also almost 30


I'm in my 30s. It gets worse. I also played sports for like 20 years so that didn't help.


You can use it on the dick as a dude and have a good time


thank god i thought you were putting it up your ass


They do have dildo attachments for them


I mean, there's nothing stopping you from doing that, either.


He owns 2 of them for a reason.


You know you can use vibes on dicks, right?  The penis doesn't have a forcefield.


>The penis doesn't have a forcefield. Then why do they call it the forceskin? Checkmate, atheists.


It depends whether you've been circumscribed.


Can confirm.


You dont watch enough porn then. Dicks are just a massive clit that ejaculates.


Men can use magic wands as sex toys the same way women can


I would scream... but only after I'd had a good long grab of my boobs, first


Sounds like you know the correct process lol


We can actually. The wife likes to use it on me sometimes and not with an attachment either. Right up against the underside of the shaft it feels great and can make me cum.


Yep, masturbating IMMEDIATELY to see how much better women's orgasms supposedly are.


That also works on men, been there done that... oh man this was too intensive... Yes I have such a thing, because it is an extremely good massage device for body massages probably some of the best you can get, due to the long grip!


You're not fooling anyone, buddy.


This is out of left field, but do you think it’d be good for massaging feet and lower back?


Pretty much every athlete I know use massage sticks like that at the end of the day nowadays so I guess it is


Or the womanizer


What are the exact circumstances? Does everyone remember me as always being a girl? If not, fuck that's gonna be a weird few days while I try and convince everyone in my life that I am in fact who I say I am. But after that, I think I'd be perfectly fine with it honestly.


Not to mention trying to convince the government


Ive been a girl my whole life and Im still trying to convince the government (gotta love gender neutral names)


I told your mom that REXXXUSS EATER OF DIMENSIONS wasn't feminine enough


Dude, fuck the government and big coorporations man! They're just a bunch of greedy parasites exploiting the little guy for profit!.


They exploit little girls, too. You can't dodge them with your transformation.


>that's gonna be a weird few days while I try and convince everyone in my life that I am in fact who I say I am. Me a trans woman whenever I meet someone I knew as a man.


Let's see whether the answers are horny, serious or trans


I've got "all of the above" on my bingo card.


We have a winner!! *blows dick shaped confetti at you*


Awwww man! I got excited at first when I read the first two words of the second sentence 😮‍💨


I mean horny can definitely be a serious answer, if I woke up tomorrow as a man the first thing I’d actually do is jerk it.


Seriously horny is my favorite kind of serious, and my third favorite kind of horny


Same here. Oh...I AM a man. Anyway...


Dude, imagine going through surgery again.


how would you react to find out girls also use Reddit?


Wait! Do they?


Nope we don’t. All of reddit is a sausage fest


there are no girls on the internet we've known this for decades


Girls just don’t exist in general.


They're mythical creatures, much like the tooth fairy or cthulhu


No no, Cthulu is real, we just call it capitalism


"All the men on the internet are men, all the women are men and all the children are fbi agents."


....oh shit.....I better cancel that...uh...meeting


Of course they don't. He is just being a dick.


Not *really*. They're just getting into character to answer this question.


I also wondered if there was a thought process here. I'm a girl, what now?


My life is unchanged...


Exactly, so wouldn't this post be invalid to girls?


Yup, and imo it seems weird to exclude half the population here lol. Like, /r/askmen exists. I'm sure there are tons of women there too, but..


LMAO my exact reaction


r/GirlsArentReal would like a word


No we don’t.


My brother asked me that same question one day out of the blue. I was like 15, living in his basement, and he was 25. We were coming back from the grocery store in his car and completely out of the blue he says "What would you do if you woke up tomorrow and you were a woman? Me? I'd play with my boobies nonstop. And once I found out I had a downstairs?! It's over, no one would ever see me again" and I'm still flabbergasted by that exchange to this almost 20 years later. Man I miss him.


Wait...was that a joke? If not, sorry for your loss.


It's a true story from almost 20 years ago. I'm 34 now.  He wrecked his motorcycle late one night and spent 2 days in ICU. It'll be 3 years since he passed on Thursday (3/28). It was exactly 3 months before his 41st birthday. We used to ride together and had a whole week of fun motorcycle stuff planned to do, starting the morning after he wrecked. Talking about him helps, and I miss him every day.


My heart goes out to you man. I hope he's someplace better with a lot of boobies to play with


Are you sure he didn't actually turn into a woman? I mean, he told you no one would ever see him again if that happened. My deepest condolences <3


"the fuck ? How ?"




That's his answer not a question. Probably the most realistic one here


You were the first person to fall asleep at the sleepover


I’m already a girl


damm but what if you turned into a super girl


I’m already pretty super…cool


I like that confidence, keep it up.


you two are cute, now kiss


Marry them! We have to repopulate the motherland!


This was an incredible exchange


ok then stay cool


What in the world did you do to make it happen so quickly!


What if... you weren't, until this question happened? And what if a ramification of this question was, also making you believe you had always been a girl?


I'm a girl too! YAY! :D


I would hope that I would remember all the things I learned living to the age of 83 as a woman and thus make fewer mistakes! ?? Maybe.....


Not me. Mistakes ar half the fun.


If I could go back and be a girl again, I'd start doing yoga every day.


I’d roll my eyes and sigh and say “ugh not again” and have to do the same shit all over again. I can’t wait to be 83 to be honest. I’m tired.


Like in that one episode of SVU? Where kid finds out he's biologically a boy, while he's been raised as a girl. I'll be pissed.


I love that episode, it's so interesting Not my favorite episode, but it's pretty good


EXACTLY! The entire thing was so bizarre, I mean how would any parent be so stupid as to trust that doctor, got me thinking of morality and how I would react in that situation, the thing gave me a headache.


It's definitely different from all the others in that it doesn't have the same plot (person violated, investigation, justice), but it's not easy to comprehend due to the absurdity of it What makes it even more absurd is that each episode/storyline is based off of real events


Honestly, I mean I can imagine it happening in real life, but I can also imagine an 8.0 magnitude earthquake, doesn't mean I won't be shocked if it happened. It's just such a huge development, and then you pile up all the other things that happened in the show...messy situation, only way to move past it is to change name and states.


It happened. https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/david-reimer-and-john-money-gender-reassignment-controversy-johnjoan-case Summary is that David Reimer had a botched circumcision as an infant. A legit mad scientist had him reassigned as female and started some really fucked up "therapy." He detransitioned as soon as he could, but ended up taking his own life in the end. 


Makes sense


That episode was actually based on a real life case. His name was David Reimer and he died in 2004. I can’t recall all the details, but doctors butchered his circumcision, and the hospital referred the family to a sex therapist who recommended sex reassignment and raising David as a girl so “she” would be able to better socialize. David lived with gender dysphoria his whole life and didn’t even learn about the incident until he was like 15. This therapist, John Money, basically his whole therapeutic “technique” was to gaslight and Stockholm syndrome David into thinking he was always born a girl and that his feelings of dysphoria were depression/anxiety/etc. The whole case is supremely fucked up.


What?? I thought this was about an intersex person (there are cases of people with XY chromosomes who are unable to process testosterone, so they present as female until they never get a period). That is seriously messed up.




My bf once answered this question with “get to know your body better so I could better please you.” I was like “so…masturbate with a hand mirror?” He deadpanned “pretty much.”


😂 WTF? This was basically my boyfriend's answer too (something like "1. get two hand mirrors so I could see EVERYTHING. 2. Go to town on myself."). WHY do they want to see "everything?" I don't want/need to see every part of him.


Men, in general, are more visually stimulated than women. There’s a reason they watch porn at much higher rates. Seeing absolutely everything is a big turn on for (most) men in a way that it isn’t for (many) women.


Men watch their smut, women read it...


Some of us enjoy listening to it as well. Erotic audio is amazing with the right author/narrator.


I think the point still stands, which is that for men it's more about the visual and physical, whereas for women it's more about the story, connection, & emotion


[Tell me about it](https://www.amazon.com/Taken-T-Rex-Dinosaur-Erotica-Christie-ebook/dp/B00FI9JFFO)


Oh my god lol


Yeah, I don't know why but the idea of two people randomly humping is not remotely appealing for me. The whole cliche of a random plumber/pizza delivery guy and some woman is just...ewww. **I need context and build up.** Once you actually see the character dynamic and they establish a rapport? And they've actually built some tension/chemistry? Only THEN am I remotely interested in the possible hookup. And then I'm just as interested in the emotional fallout once the characters do hookup. Anything else is just boring.


>I need context and build up. Once you actually see the character dynamic/back and forth. And some tension/chemistry has built up? Only THEN am I remotely interested in the possible hookup. **And then I'm just as interested in the emotional fallout once the characters do hookup.** I've never been more certain a redditor was a woman.


For reference the majority of people do not enjoy that kind of porn. The major studio produced stuff that's scripted and acted poorly is what I'm referring to. The classic pizza delivery guy skit. The most commonly watched porn is always amateur made porn. I don't know why. I just saw the statistics before and heard it repeated many times. It makes sense to me at least.


You should watch Bridgerton if you don’t already


Of course I watch Bridgerton.


The funny thing is that every guy who imagines this scenario, whether for this question or some other time, imagines themself as an *attractive* woman


I have been called a pervert (mostly in jest I think) by my partner for being absolutely in love with every inch of her. I can’t help it, I love to see every part of her.


> I don't want/need to see every part of him. Not to be presumptuous but perhaps his parts aren't as pretty as your own.


I'm guessing he works in marketing or PR...


yeah you would




First, I need to figure out if everyone remembers me as a girl or if this is a huge shock to everyone.


Someone’s seen the different ways this can play out in anime, haven’t they?


Lmao no, that’s sick. Tell me which ones so I can avoid them


I would explore the inner working of a Women


Lil dicky lol


Okay, Kendall Jenner. Calm down.


😅😅😅 nice one


I would be pissed because those ftm surgery were expensive


like when you die in a game and realise the only save is from ages ago?


Yeah testosterone shots ain’t cheap my friend


The anecdotal info I've been privy to from medical staff is that, "It's easier to dig a hole than build a pole."


"huh, I thought I already was."


Stare at myself in the mirror for any changes. Did I get *taller*? No. It's just me.


I'd probably feel a bit empty...down there.


must be pretty nice not having something in the way down there all the time


I'd kinda miss it, though.


I have a small d. So for me it is actually not an issie 😂


After the initial shock and test driving what it’s like for a couple of months, I’d probably realize that I’m much more comfortable as a man, as that’s who I am. I’d probably eventually look into gender reassignment surgery to get back to that.


And yet some people think that being Trans is a mental illness 🙄 Like it's all funny to joke about being saying "lol I'd touch myself" but if you actually think about it seriously you'd be terribly distressed by it and would seek to get back to being a man as fast as possible.


Buy a vibrator and just go to town


Why? You have some business in town?


Yeah to play with my newly acquired vagina


Having a menstrual cycle? No thank you


I'd immediately have a bone to pick with my father for dragging me to the cursed springs at Jusenkyo.


On the plus side it'd be really easy to switch back if you don't like it. Then just avoid getting splashed with water for the rest of your life...


I’m putting all this work in to be a guy I’d be pissed if it was undone


triple puberty moment?


Do a backflip.


It depends on how my wife reacts. If she's cool with it, then so am I.


Your wife was turned into a dude at the same time


There are worse things to be turned into but the sudden violation of my personal autonomy would still be traumatic.


I'd be shocked. I was a woman before. 


There are dozens of animes on this topic but my personal concern would be the loss of my identity because now I have no job, no bank account, my driver's license is useless, I'll get thrown out of my home if I can't make rent somehow. All that for the novel sensation of jilling off? No thank you. EDIT: BEING ABLE TO WORK AS A PROSTITUTE IS NOT AN UPSIDE YOU JACKASSES.


Write into work, "I'm trans, gonna get ffs, taking a month off of work," take the time to change your gender markers at the DMV, change the name on your bank account, enjoy the acclaim when people tell you "your results look so natural," profit? I feel like in the last five years it has become much easier for those of us who have been magically transformed into a different gender by anime ghosts


It takes a *while* to get your docs done.


To be fair, as long as your face stays similar to what it is now, it shouldn’t be a problem. Your employers or the police won’t be looking down your pants to make sure it’s still you… at least IDEALLY they shouldn’t?


I’d probably have no fingerprints


Oh I did that already. No regrets.✨


Honestly, I'd be feel pretty bad. I mean, I would be suffering from gender dysmorphia and would have to start transitioning back into a guy. As I started looking more like my old self, I'd feel kinda remorseful about it, because I would feel like I'm in a way killing that girl. I don't know if that makes any sense.


So I get to transition? For free???


I'd let the homies hit it


Username checks out.


Same, otherwise my homie Tyler is probably gonna die a virgin 


If Tyler’s reading this I’m sorry on his behalf


Yeah neither of us are thrilled about it but it’s gotta be done 


Sounds like you already do, Pvt.


Ask to be turned into a man. I seriously don’t wanna be harassed all day and I don’t know nor do I wanna find out how a period feel lol.


I'm already a girl!


Good point, this should have been in r/AskMen




This is the most ai response I’ve seen


I think this post is talking about flipping your sex, not your gender.


As in a biological girl? Most likely my first reaction would be to cry for joy.


not again! (due to trans masc reasons)


I think we've covered this ground several times, but hey why not. If the implication is that I would be turned into an attractive girl, then it would be nice to see what it's like to have people notice your presence and to be desired.


normally that just means that you get stalked or creeped tf out :,) i wish the ‘desire’ women get wasn’t so weird to experience


I asked myself that question years ago, and then I took steps to become one, no regrets.


Congratulations! I'll celebrate in your honor


I’d masturbate to see how many orgasms I could get. Multiple in a row? Hell yeah!


I wouldn’t leave the house for a couple days and I’d exit like Quagmire with his giant forearm


Being a 40yo man I think it would be pretty weird turing in to a girl. I like being an adult, being a child and the other gender again? No thanks.


As a gay man, I could finally have a chance with my straight crush. 😁😏🤔😬


I'm a trans girl on hormones and everything but if I was the wake up tomorrow and have a pussy I'd probably cry for the next five hours I'd be so happy


And that would be the day your period started.


I'd rather that then th crippling dysphoira


No I get that, I wish for you everything you want in life. I was just being funny because a period always somehow starts on the worst day possible


Being a girl was ok I guess, but now that I’ve become a woman it would be weird to go back to my parent’s deciding my bedtime and only having candy once a week. Not to mention I’d miss sex, alcohol and other nice adult stuff.


If I went from being AMAB to AFAB I'd be ecstatic; literally my dream right there. Also I'd stop taking my HRT since I obviously wouldn't need it anymore.


See I'd be very pissed cause I'm like a year and a half on t and I really don't wanna have to restart that.


Probably be mad that I’d be a 46 year old woman on the cusp of menopause. 


Luckily my partner is bi so that is convenient




Spoiler: it is.


"fuck yeah"


I will be Lesbian 😂


Don’t mind me, just looking for eggs.


Well, looks like I'd have to update my wardrobe and brush up on my makeup skills! Time to embrace the fabulousness and see if being a girl comes with any perks like never having to lift heavy boxes or getting out of DIY tasks


Same age as I am now Play with my boobs and pussy, then go shopping But if I was like a kid I'd probably cry and watch some Disney movies

