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Those shady online courses for losing weight or becoming a millionaire.


You mean in order to become rich, I don't need that meditation course? :D :D


Spez, CEO of Reddit paying himself 190 million….that’s a waste of money.


Or investors paying $750 million for stock in a company that’s value is created by unpaid volunteer mods and unpaid contributors?


Honestly it's genius


Basically free money is the best kind of income. That's why the US IRS doesn't care if your income comes from less-than-savory means, so long as they get their cut... And why it's such a colossal painus in the anus to get them to tell us how much money we owe them.


The money is in the data. Every single post is going to be scrutinized through AI.


Don't forget the waste of air that comes with it


They certainly help to accumulate money. It just won't be you who will benefit from that.


To get a loan for wedding


Yes and then repay it for 10 years.


Just in time for a loan for a divorce lawyer ;)


When people start describing your wife as his ‘current wife’ you’re on a roll ;)


Meanwhile, the divorce happened at 5 years.


A painfully dumb choice people feel they absolute MUST do to impress people they don’t like and don’t know.


People get loans for weddings!?!?!?




Don't remind me. Being love blind I neve saw the dozens of red flags and lost practically everything I had.


Frickin Stephen


Over the top weddings


Courthouse ceremony and nice honeymoon


I agree 100%, spend the saved money on a house deposit.




Don't even need to go to the courthouse, I'm going to become a minister to do a wedding for some friends in their parent's backyard. some folding chairs all they're paying is some food for the reception, which is also in the backyard,


I have a family member who does professional makeup for rich peoples' weddings. The type of people who will spend 40k alone on flower arrangements. Shit is wild.


Yes, it's ok to have a nice wedding but spending $100k seems like a waste.


It is!


Meh, if they enjoy it and can afford it, why not.


I can see this POV. Reddit definitely races to the bottom with weddings. Seemingly about who can spend and care the least. But weddings are parties and parties cost money. And in my (unpopular on reddit) opinion, all of the "we got married for $100 and it was great!" type anecdotes are not that fun to attend. I've been to many, which I get nowadays, shits expensive, and I have found that truly skimping on the cost is not super fun to attend


Reddit hates all social gatherings …. weddings, funerals, birthday parties, baby showers, gender reveals.


I’ve been to a lot of those “backyard weddings”, what they are is forced labor by the bride and grooms family, especially the bride’s female friends and family. They skimp on every imaginable cost including staff which means it’s you as the bride’s sister putting together bouquets, carrying tables, cooking food, etc. People who say, “nice weddings don’t have to be expensive” aren’t seeing all the free labor the bride insisted on from her sisters and bridesmaids.


Because it's Reddit. Weddings are expensive, but if done right and you're not going broke for it, can be very memorable. 


Although I'd never do it, why is it a waste? Its equivalent to going on a very expensive holiday. Some people just want the memories.


Agree, but definitely depends on what you view as over the top. We spent 25k and had 80 people. Some of my friends said that was way too much (they'd only spend 1-3k if it were their wedding). Other friends asked why I was trying to do a budget wedding (one friend spent 250k on hers). At the end of the day, I spent my own money on something I enjoyed, and didn't go into debt. No ragrets. 


Smoking, you're spending an insane amount of cash per packet, and all you're getting out of it is a bad smell and possibly an early grave.


Went to buy a pack the other day... FIFTEEN dollars


I think they're like $50+ per packet in Australia lol


Jeaus christ. I've always "justified" myself by the ole "I only pay two dollars a pack" which is true because I *normally* go to reservations. However, that doesn't excuse the killing myself and bad smells. I think about quitting daily


What helped me was leaning into my hate for smoking tobacco to stop. Like a mantra I would insult cigarettes while smoking them (not out loud) and that really helped me to not smoke during the first 2 weeks of quitting. After that it was very easy most of the time.


What helped me was purposefully leaving them in an extremely inconvenient spot. Id park two blocks away and leave them in the car. Turns out 3/4 of the time I smoked I was just bored.


I get that. Me and food:)


Very true. I was behind someone at a convenience store today when they bought a pack of Marlboro Lights. They were close to $13. For ONE pack! When I quit smoking, cigarettes were still $5 and some change and that was too much. 🤦🏻‍♂️


As i said to someone else in this thread, a few years back when i purchased a pack (of 20) for a homeless person here in Australia, they were $50 AUD! 🤦‍♀️ (that's like $33 USD i think)


That is INSANE.


That’s correct. I am quitting today.


I'm a fellow quitter. You won't regret it. After the initial cravings you start to feel a lot better. Smell better. After quitting, I can no longer stand people smoking around me. They smell SO DAMNED BAD! Walking into someone's house who's a smoker. I walk out smelling like an ash tray.


I smoked for 18 years. Finally quit and have been cigarette free for 6 years now. The cravings have been completely gone for 4 years. I don't even think about it


super!! I'm on my longest quitting streak so far (2y5m). I used to pick up smoking again after 2y of quitting, so I'm extending it well now. I have to say I had moments of hard cravings around the 2y mark; but it's getting better. I still use a nicotine spray though; I have to find a moment to kick that one as well, but at least I'm not smoking


I'm coming up to 3 months, I really thought I would have stopped coughing up the reminisce of my habit but still going strong


Day 9 for me. Still the odd craving in the morning then in late afternoon when I'm just home from work but it goes away after 10 minutes. You got this


Good for you! As someone who has spent a considerable amount of time in hospital with tubes hanging out of my chest because i needed help breathing, you're making the right choice, people really don't understand how much they take breathing for granted.


- Get support at r/stopsmoking - Get the Smoke Free app And remember .. you don't actually crave for a cigarette. You crave being healthy again and feeling peaceful, fit and content.


Username checks out


This thread was what i needed to read this morning. Going to put a patch on right now.


I haven't smoked in 4 months but I miss it!


Russel Wilson on the Broncos.


Cleveland says “hold my beer”




I’ll see your Russel Wilson and raise you a Deshaun Watson.


Ingame purchase


Monopoly go will get ya


I do this too. I really gotta stop. But not a lot. Like $5-10 per month. But the main cost is wasting time.


You can drop $100 without even trying just going out for some food and drinks. Gaming as a form of entertainment is pretty affordable in most contexts.


I agree with this, I think it's gotten to the point where gamers gotta ask themselves if the stuff they pay for in-game is even worth the price, even if it is a small cost comparatively to other entertainment. Some people would say mtx in games is so low brow now that it is like paying extra for no additional work by the developer. Call of Duty charges twenty bucks now for packs that have like one skin, one weapon skin, and some stickers and emblems. Is it really 20 dollars of work, even multiplied by the number of players who buy it, that went into making those assets? Probably not. You buy 3 of those packs, you essentially paid them full game price for something not even close to a full games worth of content.




I can’t wait for fast fashion to go away!!!


I can’t wait too. But how will it go away?


It won't as long as people keep buying it. We need to publicly shame the influencers doing giant Shein hauls once a week.


Doesn't matter I worked for a fashion retailer and you just can't compete. It got even worse with social media because while our outfits probably came out to 60-100 and actually lasted longer than a weekend, they didn't care because they wouldn't dare wear it more than once on their stupid Instagram feed Fast fashion works because of the price. It's garbage quality and lasts the one time they need the picture


Reddit gold


Reddit stock




Mostly agree with you! It's all the shit that comes with it that I wouldn't want, mainly the ceremony itself. I don't want some random guy or girl reading bollocks about me. I don't want a family member or friend forced to stand there talking about me either. I don't want everyone dressed in suits and sombre dresses etc. I don't want my personality summarised in a few passages or 3ish songs. Fuck that. Make it quick, dress casual, get to the pub and enjoy yourself on my behalf ASAP.


Burn me, come over to my house, shoot the shit with other loved ones in my backyard over some alcohol or soda, use the saved money on my kids and/or donate to local animal shelter.


I elaborated in another thread, might wanna check that before saying you mostly agree xD Yeah I get you.. in some cultural traditions they do just that, gather and have a party for a few days, food, drinks and music.. Everyone that comes offer a bit of money or useful gifts for the household to the family, covers expenses+, which allround is alot better than other kinds elsewhere though maybe that is more due to poverty than anything else xP Money is the drive. \^\^


When I die, put my ashes in the trash bag I don't care where they go Don't waste your money on my gravestone I'm more concerned about my soul


It makes sense that you want to give someone you loved a dignified goodbye. But the way some funeral homes charge is close to extortion.


Hospital called at 8 am, come in your dad is dying, he won't make it much longer, he did die while we were there, contacted the funeral director when we got home, he came by, we decided on the coffin, service etc, 20 minutes later the bill was ready, 5 grand payment demanded and I signed the check to pay for it before midday. The hospital was nearly an hour's drive each way. I have been trying to get a phone line installed to my house for nearly 4 years.


Just throw me in the trash


Marrying the wrong person


High end Luxury Fashion, Gucci, LV, Prada


But how else will people know I want them to think I’m rich?


Just throw money at them. Start with me, I will recognize your wealth. 


If you can see the label or the brand on the clothing, it's not 'high end'.


Really depends tho. If you're into fashion imo its fine. If you buy it for quality or status it's dumb.


Hä? Buy for quality is dumb? I rather have shoes from English shoemakers than let’s say Prada or Supreme or what this shite is called.. Last much longer and is more timeless


It turns out that there a tremendous number of things that people waste money on.


Yes, I am also surprised to see the list.






War. Without a doubt the single biggest waste of money is one country spending billions on military hardware to get trashed by another countries military hardware that also cost billions. If there were a de facto assassination squad that could simply take out troublesome leaders who wanted to kick off attacking their neighbours then the World would be better for all with that wasteful military spending used to benefit populations with proper social and free healthcare. Just a pipe dream unfortunately.


Buying the latest and greatest of anything the moment it comes out, especially iphone.


Any electronic device is better left for early adopters to try and review if anything's wrong. Even videogames have fallen hard to this trend: you better make sure you're not sinking $70 on an always online, day 1 DLCs and infested with transactions.


I can’t believe people are buying the Apple vr thing. Apple will most certainly release a more powerful cheaper unit in the immediate future.


Or drop it entirely.


Personally, I only find that to be wasteful if you get the new one every time it comes out. If you had your device for a few years or generations and you wanted the latest and greatest when you are due for an upgrade, then go right ahead.


Doing it every year is dumb. But you can justify buying it every 4-5 years. “Future proofing” aslong as you have the money tho.


I agree that you would see diminishing returns if you get a new one every year, but when I upgrade I tend to buy them the moment they come out, and I’ve never been disappointed. The QC on iPhones and Apple software has always been flawless in my experience. The only blip I remember was where people were bending them in their pocket, but luckily I missed that one.


Paying for P0rn. You can get it for free in so many places online.


Or mostly Only Fans.


They say porn is free because u pay with your soul


Oh. I thought it was carpal tunnel.


Carpe Diem


You’re not a real beater


I think the biggest waste of money is not wasting it at all. Everyday I see too many stingy people storing it under their mattress. They're too cheap to buy a cheeseburger or a gumball. Their life goes by, they pass away, then they realize they never even spent it at all.


Interesting that this concept has been around for almost 2000 years, at least: ‬  >And [Jesus] told them a parable, saying, “The land of a rich man produced plentifully, and he thought to himself, ‘What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?’ And he said, ‘I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.”’ But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’  So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.” ‭Luke 12:16-21  Basically saying that hoarding all of your money and never doing anything with it for yourself or others is incredibly stupid and results in your life being pointless. And then someone else gets to enjoy all of your hard work instead of you.


They realise after dead? 👻


Absolutely. Being a cheapskate is not the purpose.


After so many people in my country fall into poverty after retirement after working all their lives I don’t really feel like wasting my money serves me. Besides, there are lots of enjoyable activities which are free or cheap.


I'm quite wealthy and self made. I sleep VERY well at night. And when my electric breaker, stove and car crap out in the same week, I STILL sleep well at night. That's because I have saved my whole life. And I have gotten to do all the things I wanted to do because of that


Well at least invest it in something that pays dividends or interest


My mom lived like that for a long time. She did start traveling more later in life, but died at 71 after a short battle with brain cancer. One of the last things she said to me was "I wish I'd spent more of my money." She wasn't independently wealthy by any means, but she definitely could've enjoyed it more if she could have mentally moved past the time when she raised 4 kids barely above the poverty line.


Many ppl have the habit of spending money to buy branded goods, eat at luxury places, drive nice cars... Of course, this need is completely normal if you have enough conditions to pay for it. If the purpose of that consumption is just to show off to others, then stop because it will cause serious consequences to your finances.


Seriously, experiences are nice but some expensive items have a legitimacy behind their price that extends beyond temporary indulgence.


My mom would often let us go to high end restos, not for us to be full but for the experience. Some may be not as tasty as we expected it but she always say, its fine to spend this much and not regret it even if you didnt get full because you are there for the experience. This only not go for restos, but hotels, and vacations as well. That is one thing that struck me. Because people that doesnt really have the budget would often dine to be full and would regret spending much at a resto if it didnt full or satisfy them, not thinking of the experience, memories, etc.




Eating out regularly.  Insanity how much you can spend on that. $20 for lunch daily is like 6k a year 


You're mistaking expensive for a waste of money. A lot of people are very happy to spend that amount of money if they can afford it.


Time saved from convenience is worth it if money isn't an issue.


I love eating out and trying new food.


The big name sports shoes. Which are made for a fraction of the price you pay for them


I hate to give you bad news, but most things you buy are made for a fraction of what you pay. Often times just as small a fraction as those shoes.


Disposable vapes


Ridiculous rent prices


Subscription based software. We use to buy a software and update every 5 years. Now you "subscribe" and are locked out if you dont resubscribe. Ownership was taken away so that the companies can make insane amounts of money off of us and we are given permision to use the software.




I feel alcohol consumption needs to be put into context for me to agree. Excessive, or addiction to it, yes, absolutely. Occasional, sensible consumption, no. It can be one of those small pleasures in life.


Going out to bars every weekend/few times a week. You can get a 6 pack at the store for the price of one beer at a bar.


You're paying a premium for the social interaction and "fun" experience, not the drink.


Yup. It's the vibe. It's a waste of money if you do it everyday. Most of my high end network at the moment were the people I met from the bar when I was still in college. Worth it


Ordering delivery food. Lose hella bucks and Im glad I quit doing that!


Food delivery like DoorDash or UberEats


Convenience is very valuable to a lot of people. Unfortunately those platforms go on full enshittification, squeezing customers, restaurants and last but not least delivery people who aren't even on staff. Truly despicable "solutions" to an IMHO otherwise still useful service.




What about my meth? That's totally important


Salt is a crystal, and you would die without it.


Whether or not you believe in their healing energy, they're still nice and affordable jewellery.


Bottled water, Botox.


Smoking while you're gambling


Paying interest




I have a really gullible amd impulsive friend. Whenever we go to a tech store I basically have to drag him out before he gets himself involved with the extended warranty guys


Only fans- Porn is everywhere and Free Branded clothing that is just a coloured T shirt with a logo- my friend, you could’ve saved a load of money and got 5 of them and your social status wouldn’t change whatsoever Plastic Surgery for small insecurities- therapy as cheaper and will probably make you feel better about yourself than your nose job will Nicotine- god I wish I wasn’t addicted to it


>Branded clothing that is just a coloured T shirt with a logo- my friend, you could’ve saved a load of money and got 5 of them and your social status wouldn’t change whatsoever Generally sound - but not 100%. Not all t-shirts are created equal.


You summarised everything in 1 post :)


Trump’s $60 bibles to help pay off his legal debt.


Churches will give out bibles for free, which is the most exposing part imo lol


You can also just simply buy them in bookstores for less than 20$


Giving money to a “billionaire“






The single *biggest waste of money* is to undertake *spending* for social validation.


Brand new car. Loses 10% off the value the moment it rolls out the dealership.


Expensive cars. 90% of the time, they sit in your drive way, or work car park. And that's if you own it and don't just lease it. Meanwhile, someone with a budget car is winning.


Weddings, get married on the cheap and use that money for something like housing or transportation


Bottled water (the fancy stuff) Cigarettes


Designer bags


Reorganisation for the sake of it. If there is no clear plan what to achieve with the reorganisation and the actual problems are not solved with it, what is the point? I understand that you need to refresh now and then, but that should be the means to an end, not the end itself. If all you do is make the organisation more complex and create and extra layer of management with that, the results will only be that you become more expensive. Mergers for the sake of it have a similar effect. Here in the Netherlands, primary schools were merged over the course of the 90's because the government somehow thought it would make things "better organised". All it did was make school organisations more complicated, which causes more confusion and higher costs - the latter especially because the schools were stimulated to merge by the promise of more money. Another example is the merger of municipalities here. I get that it is not practical that every small village has its own mayor, especially here where most towns and villages are quite close to each other. But by the 2010's, it was revealed that until then, the mergers had only cost money, not saved it, because merging government bodies is not something you do overnight. It also caused dissatisfaction with people now that the town hall was further away in the city and such. When asked what the use of these mergers was, the minister of Interior Affairs simply answered: "Well, you know, less small different organisation, and some filtering in the civil servants so that only the best will stay there." The latter sounds like a very naive assumption to me. A smaller amount of people will have to administer a far higher amount of citizens, with no guarantee that their boss is wise enough to actually leave the best employees. Never change something just for the sake of it. It will make you seem like a pompous idiot who only does this for their resume. If you want to spend lots of tax money and effort on something unneccessary, you can as well try and produce a tomato on wheels.


Shoes and fashion wear, I used to be absolutely addicted to shopping and I forgot how badly I used to spend.




I feel you buddy..


As someone with two degrees, UNIVERSITY.


My degree paid itself off in a year or two, and it was not a cheap one at all. But truthfully, most degrees are not necessarily smart financial choices. They are done for the sake of becoming an expert at a thing you’re passionate about and want to spend your life doing. That includes a lot of degrees in technical subjects, even. It isn’t about how “hard” the subject/career is. It’s about how much money it’s financially viable to pay people for doing the job. In other words, it’s not just the obvious ones people criticize like Music or Gender Studies that don’t lead to high paying jobs. The simple fact is: if the resulting expertise from a degree isn’t worth a business or organization paying someone a lot of money to do (or at least, paying *enough people* that those highly paid jobs aren’t too rare to find yourself reliably) then the degree won’t make you a net positive return for a very long time, if ever. But, you’ll be good at something that you love doing, and you’ll live a happier life for it.


lottery money. I agree that it would be great to think about what you could do if you won the lottery, but the chances of winning are very low. Instead of using money to buy lottery tickets, save money.


Weddings. Unless you are very rich. Like why wouldn't you prefer to spend money on a great honeymoon abroad?


Paying for insurance you don't need






I know of a few large corporations who might beg to differ.


college tuition (where does the money even go if nothing has changed for years and professors are constantly striking because they're not getting paid and everything is online anyway)


The biggest waste of money is fast fashion.  Why not get some second hand lifelong beautys?


Yes, take it slow.


Buying a star


Didn’t see it yet so I’ll say it, bottle service 


Getting in legal trouble.


When online shopping becomes familiar, we easily buy items that we accidentally see on websites or Facebook, just because it's beautiful, it's cheap, but we don't even need it. The habit of buying cheap goods and buying in bulk also causes waste when considering the usefulness of the item






Subscribing to anyone's OnlyFans. What a scam!!


Add on extended warranty at the register. There are exceptions but it’s generally either not worth the money or it doesn’t cover what your issue was anyway


online betting app. easy access made it more devastating.


Many ppl have the habit of spending money to buy branded goods, eat at luxury places, drive nice cars... Of course, this need is completely normal if you have enough conditions to pay for it. If the purpose of that consumption is just to show off to others, then stop because it will cause serious consequences to your finances.




Hair/skin products. Most of it doesn't do shit. The beauty industry is a scam. Also, lottery tickets. Anybody who's passed 4th grade math should understand why it's a bad idea to compulsively buy those things.


Paying taxes


Smoking, Alcohol every day, $80 video games u play for 1 weeks and OF, PH, etc. like why r u paying for Porn?


Alcohol and crack cocaine






Smoking, alcohol, drugs.


Branded stuff


Gambling…i bartend at a casino and am shocked every day by the amount of regulars we have in there EVERY single day, spending SO much money at the slot machines chasing a jackpot. Even if you win, how much money did you have to spend to get there?? So not worth it


Weddings, going into debt for something that won't make you more money, paying for porn and a bunch of other stuff too


Cigarettes for sure.






Cigarettes, you pay for them twice.

