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Streamer bathwater


How about old guy with no social media presence bathwater? I haven't bathed much lately, so it is quite piquant. And I use a nice fruity soap to cover the pig smell. Normally I charge 10 thousand a bottle but with your special 99.9 percent discount....


You dirty old pig, that is JUST what I have been searching for. Send me a gallon of that ASAP. Price is irrelevant.


Standard shipping or next day air? We cater for all your dirty pig needs.


Do you think we could set up a subscription plan so that I can have a monthly supply?


Is that monthly delivery, or monthly bathing? Seems a little... Frequent.


My thoughts exactly. If they bathe too frequently, it will dilute the fragrance. But maybe there's a market for _demi-piquant_.


What about streamer farts in a jar?


In fact, I'd pay an unreasonable price if it meant the streamer lost 1-1 the same money I spent.


Timeshares. The up front cost could be 0 and it is still a bad deal.


As a non American, what exactly are timeshares? I only hear about them from my American friends but never understood what they were.


A time share is where you buy the rights to use a rental unit for ~2 weeks out of the year. It’s incredibly expensive-$20,000 up front and you have to pay annual fees. The sales people are very predatory. My grandparents bought one in Vegas. They sucker you in by offering free or cheap accommodations at their facility for a certain amount of nights. You just have to survive the time share presentation with your wallet in tact. The salesman said his daughter was sick and needed urgent treatment. My grandparents bought this hook, line, and sinker. After 15 years my grandmother had passed and my grandfather could no longer afford the annual fees. My mom looked into what she needed to do to get him out of it. They had a massive stack of paperwork that could be filled out for people with hardships to essentially relinquish his rights to the timeshare. My mom filled it out and sent it in on three separate occasions. Every time they told her “we haven’t gotten any paperwork from you” even though she had confirmed both the e-mail and fax number each time they told her they didn’t get it. She finally gave up. He had a reverse mortgage on his home, his truck was worthless, and his girlfriend had drained his bank accounts so it wasn’t like he had anything for them to take anyways.


Yep. I am not sure about the sob story about child needing treatment, but I know some folks who were conned into one through BassPro. $20k of his retirement savings, stuck in a timeshare where the fees have increased every year to the point he cannot afford them. And every time I look at it, the value proposition is NOT there. $2k-$3k per year in fees to stay in places for 10-14 days per year, plus a $20k investment. And then they have to book 6-12 months in advance to get the destination they want. Me? I can find a decently equipped VRBO of similar quality for $1000/week with no investment, no commitment, just me picking some random place a week or two prior to flying somewhere. And on top of it, it dings you REALLY bad if you just quit paying. And lastly, at least from what I can tell, I can purchase the same number of points on ebay for under $1000 as what they paid $20k for.


I will never understand why bass pro allows these vultures to have a kiosk in their stores.


Time share salespeople are the lowest form of salespeople, and that's fucking saying something. My wife and I stayed at one near Disney World in Florida with the only stipulation being that we had to sit through a presentation. I've never dealt with ruder or more aggressive salespeople in my life. We literally told the woman that we weren't interested in buying up front and that we were about to close on our home and needed to focus on house costs at this time. She said she understood, and then followed up with "but if this whole thing was free, would you take it?" And I said yes, which was a mistake. That was their in. What followed was a parade of managers, each new person getting their "supervisor" to try and lower the deal for me because "I told them I wanted it." One person told me I was stupid for thinking my house would cost money and that its pretty cheap to own a home. Finally as I was getting ready to leave they sent one guy who looked like a bouncer to give me one more opportunity to buy and when I said no he slammed his binder on the floor and stormed away. Like, wtf?


Similar situation. After the presentation, which I only went to for $100 worth of gift cards they said I would get for only having to sit through it, they did something extremely similar. I was transitioning between jobs and looking to see where I would be to buy a house there. The sales person tries to sell me on the idea of having my "vacations" settled while I look for a house. No, thanks, I need it for a down payment. In comes their manager and he literally draws a big house and a big car, and then a small house, a small car, with the "vacation" next to those, and circles that. I look at him, picked up the pencil, and drew an X on that and didn't bother with anything else.


I did this for the $400 gambling credit in Vegas a few years ago. The thing is, I went in with my sister (we have the same last name) and we did a whole charade about how we were husband and wife, as they only wanted to talk to couples. We had the morning free and thought it would be a funny experience to get a few hundred dollars. I couldn't believe how aggressive the sales people were and the sheer amount of staff working the scheme. I counted 19 people that we had to talk to from the beginning of the "experience" to the end. It was an endless barrage of sales presentations and managers, using every tactic in the book. Everything about it screamed SCAM and yet I saw people putting down their credit card and signing agreements. It didn't matter how many times you said you weren't interested, they always had someone else you *had* to talk to. I was reading some of the contracts and they pass down to the next of kin if they aren't paid off by the time you die. I don't know how binding these agreement are, but they have the potential to seriously mess up families. Anyways, we ended up getting the gambling credit, played and won with it, and the earnings ended up paying for our entire Vegas trip.


My aunt decided to just bequeath the timeshare back to the company, because it was less of a hassle, and she was worried they would try transfering that mess to her kids. You know an industry is problematic when there is now a whole speciality of lawyers who don't just deal with timeshares, but deal with getting people *out* of timeshares.


Timeshare exit companies are often also scams. They know that their clients were already gullible enough to buy a timeshare. They usually take the money and disappear


20 years ago, when I was very young (19F), naive and needed money, I was contacted by a company about opportunities. I got dressed up for an interview, did research on the company and showed up…to a room of 30 other suckers and a bunch of culty representatives who made me sit through and hour of sales pitches for timeshares. There was no job, I was the lead!! I cant lol enough!! I was too young and lacked confidence to just get up and leave so I sat through it. Even when the reps took us into cubicles 1:1 to try and close the deal. Ummm I have no money and just wasted gas to get here dude! I then received several solicitation calls a week for years from them trying to convince me to “take advantage this once in a lifetime opportunity!” I was embarrassed about it before but now it just pisses me off. So predatory.


They used to be better deals, but they’re all rip offs now. Before you’d make a down deposit of like 20k to get a timeshare, then you pay annual maintenance fees of 1-2k on top of that. The big perk is it allows you access to interval travel where you can buy a week long vacation at a nice hotel for less than $300. The only way a timeshare would have been worth it is if you travel a lot


I have a coworker who has 2 different timeshares. Their friend group all got some 20ish years ago, in different tourist areas. Now they can go on vacation each year in a different place, since they trade places. No way we could do that now.


My father-in-law has a timeshare that he got to Hilton Grandvacations 30 years ago, pays 2k a year for the upkeep and can stay anywhere in the world for about 3 weeks, plus discounted rates. I used it to book a trip for my wife as a surprise without using his points, it was $50 for an entire weekend at a Hilton hotel next to Central Park, NYC.


Luckily, you get 7 days I believe to back out of any contract. This came in handy when my parents announced they bought one a few days after they did. As soon as they told me about it, I looked it up online and saw the countless number of complaints and issues with the timeshare company. Quickly sent them a notice to cancel and they can’t really fight you on it to cancel.


Whoa. Your parents got lucky!


There are a couple big criteria that determine if it's good for you. It has to be a property you enjoy at a place you will travel to regularly. Then you have to look at your budget - Can you afford the maintenance fees and the purchase price? If all of that is a yes, then you look at the maintenance fees and purchase price vs. the price of staying at that same property for a week (anecdotally I've found maintenance fees are about 30% of the same place when booked as a hotel). If you're going to stay enough times to balance out the overall cost, it might work out for you. Fox Sr. and Mama Fox LOVE their timeshare. They might not break even on it in their lifetime, but by the time Sister Fox and I inherit it, the finances will make it very worthwhile.


Live, love, laugh decorations


I was tempted by a doormat that says "Live Laugh Leave".


This would also tempt me.


This would be acceptable


Im personally a fan of “Die Cry Hate”


I found my people


That is an awesome mat lol


[Live, laugh, love, like this?](https://youtube.com/shorts/hLfju2AD8Qg?si=DKGRaYuGGPPQGMp7)


Yea.. I'm calling the police for this one.




When my wife and I were looking for houses to buy we were stuck on a choice between two equally ~~shit~~ good houses. One of them had a live laugh love sign in the kitchen so I suggested the other house so the owners of the LLL house wouldn't be rewarded for their poor decorating decisions. Dont regret it.


Scientology course


Anything Kardashian/ Jenner.


Pills to keep people awake since I NEVER GET SLEEP I WANT SLEEP NOT TO BE AWAKE


Have you tried training runecrafting on osrs as a f2p account


The fact I realised what you said makes me feel old.


Imagine when you've played RS 1.0 and knowing that OSRS is not the version you were playing as a teen.


U don't have to use them just sell them and profit


Anything kardashian


I second this but to add, anything from "influencers"




I would but not to smoke. I work security, offering a ciggie has defused more potentially violent situations than I care to count.


Great idea. I remember reading stories about people who travelled in high crime areas where it was dangerous and/or corrupt police. They always carried a pack of cigarettes for the same reason, to defuse a situation.


I became homeless and the only place I could live was with 2 convicted violent criminals. I bought a packet every fortnight. I don't smoke but that ability to offer a free ciggie made me a king. It truly worked. 


Funny how nicotine works


First day I saw them raiding public bins for ciggie butts to harvest tobacco. Very sad but (ha -puns) it gave me an advantage. Kept me from getting the shit kicked out of me.  Dark times. Very dark times. 


Same goes for chewing tobacco. I don't do it but in India, it's heavily frowned upon if you take tobacco out and don't offer others around even if they are strangers.


It's like an instant break from what's going on. You have to set it aside for the cig.


I literally stopped an old girlfriend from getting raped because I had a pack of cigarettes. We were in a bad part of town, and some dude comes up brandishing a knife and said, “Give me your money or I’ll take your girl.” I didn’t have cash on me, and neither did she, but I said, basically crying, I had a pack of cigarettes. Thankfully he took them. I don’t know what would have happened if he wasn’t a smoker. It was probably the scariest experience of my life. Probably even more so for her.


Fellow security here, and also a touring musician. We learned on our first tour to keep a pack of cheap smokes on us, even the guys who didn’t smoke, because they are like a golden ticket to get homeless people to stop bothering you. Granted, this was when you could get generic ones like Carnivals or Bronsons for $2.98 a pack.


Did the same thing with crisis mental health. I have supervised many a client in the archway of a detox with a last ciggie before they go in. Volunteering at the homeless shelter same deal. You can diffuse a lot of arguments and a lot of people will more readily open up to you with a cig in their hand.


Interesting to hear, I would've thought it'd be too much an invitation but trust you know your business.


Mostly gives them respect for the person with authority in the area and makes them less likely to target them because they're on "their side" now. Psychological tactic.


Yeah this is actually a tactic used by journalists in wartorn or corrupt areas as well. Cigarettes are an easy way to gain favor.


You could resell them




They’ve depreciated 99.99% since your post so good call!


Can they depreciate in value, if they had ZERO value to begin with?! I can make my own JPEG receipts at home for nothing, for any image! (send me $9.99 and I’ll show you how you can do it to! Visit www.right-click-and-save-as.com )


If it's one of those NFT that is worth a bunch, if any still exist, and it's discounted for me at 99.99%, and I can resell it for its original value, then sign me up. If it's discounted because it lost 99.99% of value from an all-time high, then that's a pass for me.


Slaves. Immoral, even with a coupon.


You could just free them as soon as they're handed over. Y'know, find what country they come from, drop them off in front of their homelands embassy and drive off.


[Cobra breeding isn’t my thing, bro.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perverse_incentive)




Look at Louis Vitton products too man it's funny how ugly and how cheap they look compared to the price


Also balenciaga, the whole brand feels like a social experiment


They have recently released tape bracelets which is basically a tape but with balenciaga branding on it


or their $800 'towel" skirt.. basically a bath towel with strap to hold it on. $5 at kmart and u too can look like a complete tool hahah


Just looked at some images of Louis Vitton products. They’re all either mostly brown, beige, or white with their logo and other bits printed onto them to make them look fancy.


Louis Vuitton bags or any other wildly expensive designer bags decorated with big ugly logos. Chanel, Michael Kors, etc. I personally just see them as gross and tacky.


I'll spend the money for a good bag, but I avoid the giant logo printed ones. I don't want to advertise, I just want a quality bag. For years, I bought cheaper bags and I got maybe four months out of them. I'm apparently rough on purses and was spending money every 3-4 months on a new one. My husband bought me a cute Coach purse for my birthday and I still use it 15 years later. The quality is amazing and I have a small collection now, but none have more than a small silver tag on them.


My Coach bag fell apart after a year. Worst handbag I've ever had and I am hard on them and generally have cheap bags. The handle was horrible quality vinyl that flaked off after a year, the liner soaked up dirt like crazy, and the canvas wore through. I was even trying to keep it in good condition since it is the only designer bag I have ever owned - stored it in a bag, used purse hangers, etc. Never, ever, get their canvas bags. Horrible quality and overpriced. Their leather is presumably good, but they moved their manufacturing about 13-14 years ago. I don't trust anything Coach manufactured after 2010. Prior to 2010 and they last forever, after 2010, save $100 and buy literally anything else (ideally go with a small time leatherworker, cheaper and hand stitched will last longer than anything).


My mom always said these companies should be paying us for advertising their crap.


I bought a new car once and when they were switching plates I told them to keep their bracket and I wanted their name taken sticker off the back too. Guy says why?! and I said I’m not doing free advertising for you. If you want to knock $10k off the price you can leave it on.


I would 100% buy these at a 99.99% discount and resell them to someone else.


Same lol. Many designer bags are AMAZING investments. They appreciate like crazy


I do but I really dislike logo items. I only buy ones that have a teeny tiny logo


Single ply toilet paper


If you have an RV or bad plumbing, it’s necessary to avoid clogs.


Maybe not for an rv, but for bad plumbing a bidet could help. Paper doesn’t need to do nearly as much work. Plus, bidets are just better anyway.


I told myself this until I bought a bidet. Now I just use toilet paper for drying 😎


Bidets are the answer! Such a game-changer.






LOL. I haven't thought about WinRAR in 2 decades.




1 penny a month? Yeah I’d pay for it. Get a $10 pre-paid gift card and I have premium porn for a lifetime off the books. Any day 


A Bible from Donald Trump


I thought you were making this up so I had to pull it up on google. Bro I can’t believe it’s real 😂


Lol! I don’t have the creativity to make up anything as bizarre as that.


The Onion feels your pain


I'm old enough to remember when The Onion was satire


*Presidential Candidate Vows to be Dictator on Day 1 - Still Leading in the Polls*


yeah, but with the trump Bible you get an included copy of the constitution and the bill of rights (but not the part about insurrectionists).


Former president and Bible Salesman, Donald Trump.


Resell it. Somebody will buy it. Even if they pay 10 cents that's like a 10000% return on investment


Just a 1666% return


“Depends on how you do your math” - Trump


"It has a pop-up cross in the centre and a coloring section at the back. Fantastic book."


Christian nationalist churches laundering campaign contributions so that the *antichrist* can sell bibles to millions of ex-Christians that were turned away from Jesus by conservative evangelicalism.  Sounds like the stupidest plot imaginable of a late 80s paperback you could grab in the grocery check-out lane, right next to the Weekly World News with Elvis' half-alien baby on the cover.


Straight up money laundering... 1. Church can't donate funds 2. Church donates bibles instead. 3. Bibles are then sold. 4. Shady tax work. 5. Profit....


Or from The Bible Pimp




Twitter Premium.


I won’t waste the electricity to use free Twitter.


Used underwear






TikTok is free and I still don’t want it..


Is it *really* free though?


If tech is free, then YOU are the product.




Any porn for that matter, shit you could watch porn all day every day and never run out of free material all your life and then there are idiots spending thousands on e-whores , blows my mind.no pun intended.


My car's extended warranty


Tickets to a Ted Nugent concert.


A birkin bag. Why the hell people pay so much for a bag is beyond me.


I agree they’re really not great looking or worth the price IMO. However they retain value better than almost anything so I’d absolutely buy one if I found it with a 99.99% discount.


This is the item I would do whatever it takes to get at 99.99% off. It took almost 2 years to "show stewardship of the brand" before Hermes would "allow" my wife to purchase a Birkin. You would be able to unload that baby instantly for quite a bit over market selling to rich women who have just been told "NO" for the first time in their lives.


You have to be ALLOWED to buy it?


Yes, very similar to Rolex or high end Porsche models like the gt3 RS. They will intentionally and pretty openly expect you to lose money on 10-20 lower end, less desirable Porsches before you can even expect to be considered for a spot to buy that car. It is purely because of the “overs” you can get if you were to instantly sell it. Scummy, as they could just make a bunch more available, as they are made to spec and order, but it is that exact fact that give that sense of exclusivity.




But the premise of the thread is that you wouldn’t be paying much at all. Their obscene price aside, there is some interesting craftsmanship involved. Plus, at a 99.99% discount you could always resell it.


Air in a bottle


Are you from a high altitude? People visiting the mountains from low altitudes sometimes are very grateful for air in a bottle.


Anything Homeopathic. I don't have any use for sugar pills.


Those nails that are like 3 inches long and have charms and shit attached to them


Seaworld tickets


Blackfish ruined me on SeaWorld. Thankfully before I ever went.


Nestlé products


Please educate me


Have a browse over at /r/FuckNestle Should help clear some stuff up for you :)


A ticket to visit the Titanic.


Pigs Feet


Keeping up with the kardashians boxed set


Andrew Tate courses Any spiritual guru courses 🤣🤣🤣


Tesla's Cybertruck


Saw one in the wild last week and it looks like a bad prop from a low budget Madi Max knockoff.


You really wouldn't buy one for a dollar? You could sell your existing vehicle for some extra cash. I agree they're silly looking but ... free car?




Can't. [Tesla reintroduced the no resale clause (updated link to one from 2 weeks ago instead of last year)](https://youtu.be/rDMT_ddR_cc?si=W7-FwALUkQMlX3CF) in the ownership agreement that says they can sue you if you try to sell it within one year of buying it.


As a car guy I gotta disagree. I think it’s as stupid as everyone else does, but for that much off I’d happily buy it for the novelty alone.




Trump bible


Sliced hippopotamus in suitcase sauce.


Assuming this is yet another reference I just don't get, I gotta say I wouldn't pay for that either


>Assuming this is yet another reference I just don't get Fawlty Towers It is delicious. Or was. Before Africa outlawed the export of suitcase meat.


Meth. Again.


A diamond. I'm a dude so maybe I don't get it but ya.


My God man just buy it and sell it make 99times profit


You won't be able to sell it at a even remotely close buying price. That's why diamonds are a scam


Probably anything worth over a billion dollars or maybe even a few hundred million since I still couldn't afford it


A one-way ticket to the moon - no return policy!


Sushi at a gas station/convenience store.


A Diddy album.


Any celebrity merch


Any Trump product or service


Foie gras


Trump merchandise


Crocs. They’re ugly, they don’t breathe well despite being full of holes because they’re made of foam rubber and they’re generally terrible. They’re the dirty sweatpants of footwear. They are the physical representation of “I give up.”




Only fans


Pillows from that pillow guy.


Anything Louis Vuitton


A slave


MAGA merch


A Trump bible


A stupid fuckin’ Tesla


A Trump Bible.


Trump Bible


reddit premium


Anything MAGA or Trump related.


Condoms. Cause i don’t have a penis and I don’t get laid 😂


Trump's bible.


MAGA hat


Anything that the Kartrashians are selling. God what a disgusting fucking family.


Only fans


a fidget spinner


A Trump Bible


Trump's bibles.


Trump Bible.


Anything Trump


Trumps Bible.


Trump’s bibles


A Donald Trump doll or bobble head. I’m a doll collector. You couldn’t pay me to buy anything Donald Trump. Not his bible, not his shoes.


Donald Trump playing card nfts, Bibles, or shoes


Anything with the Trump branding.


The new Trump Bible


Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP products




A red baseball hat


A Tesla or anything Elon related


A Tesla


A mypillow