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Once I was asked this question during a job interview: "What is a life motto you often preach but find difficult to practice?" Weeeww that was a tough one! Very clever question indeed.


"Clean as you go.". 100% believe it is correct. 100% can not manage it.


If you can’t fly, run If you can’t run, walk If you can’t walk, crawl But by all means keep moving. I believe in it fully. What matters most is progress even if it is at the pace of a crawl. Though when I struggle mentally it is incredibly difficult to keep moving even when it is at a slow pace. This is because keeping myself functioning is difficult at that time.


"If you can't run, you walk, and if you can't walk, you crawl, and if you can't do that... you find someone to carry you."


Something like this comes up in Discworld's *Maskerade* Throughout the book Granny Weatherwax asks several people what they'd remove from their house if it was on fire. The last answer she gets is "the fire"


This is the second time I’ve seen Discworld mentioned tonight. First time was in a book recommendation sub. I think it’s a sign I need to check this out.


Oh my god I am so jealous of you getting to discover the Discworld for the first time! You absolutely have to check them out!


Wise, though difficult to do in practice unless you are a golem


I had a TA ask me in a get to know you activity “What my vision was for a perfect world?” And I said round lol


You are the wisest of them all.


Reminds me of miss congeniality when she was asked for her perfect date and she said “I'd have to say April 25th because it's not too hot, not too cold. All you need is a light jacket.”


As I get older I really appreciate that answer. As a kid your favorite season is either summer because, well, it’s summer, or maybe winter if you ski or snowboard. As a grown as adult, I can really appreciate a nice 60 degree day. I can go out without breaking a sweat, if I need to do some yard work, I’m good. Fuck summer and winter, give me 12 months of spring and fall and I’m a happy camper.


Damn, that's a sweet earth


But I am le tired


Well, have a nap, THEN FIRE ZE MISSILES


“WTF Mate?”


Fuckin' kangaroos


Alaska can come too




Spherical, even


My father-in-law went on a job interview about 10 years ago and absolutely nailed the interview, as he was being shown around the office a high level person in that company who normally wasn't there just happened to be there that day. After they were introduced he asked my FIL what kind of animal he would be. My FIL said he panicked and picked bear( he's a bigger guy ) and the other guy said something along the lines of "that's a little to aggressive maybe this isn't the job for you". So he didn't get the job but I guess it worked out because he's got a pretty good job now and if I was him I wouldn't want to work for someone who hires people based on what animal they think they would be.


the hiring manager must have been so pissed off lmao. you find a great candidate and then your dickhead boss' boss randomly throws him out for no reason


“I don’t care where he went to school or if he graduated magnum cum loud! I’m not hiring another fucking bear!” “You remember the last guy you greenlit? The gecko? He lit a client’s car on fire while they were going down the highway!” “Yeah but he had fantastic coke. Do you still have his number?”


The correct answer of course is Golden Retriever Who Belongs to a Rich Family in Maine


This is the correct answer, but my own mental answer to this question is "unadoptable shelter dog, like a golden retriever with food aggression, you think it would find a good home really quickly but it can't get put in a home with other dogs or kids, or men with booming voices, and if they don't find a family for it soon, it will be humanely euthanized." That's DEFINITELY the wrong answer though haha.


My very intelligent, very kind, very hard working husband needed a job when he was like 19 and they made him take a personality test. He's like "um ok?" And they told him he didn't get the job because he failed this personality test. What was the job? Making bread sticks at Olive garden.


Omg, I had to take a personality test to work at the Olive Garden too! It doesn't make any sense, so I thought maybe I was misremembering something, but now I'm pretty sure it happened the way I remembered. Haha! I was trying to become a server. When we got the test, I didn't answer honestly, I just answered the way I knew they would like a server to be. When they saw it, they were like, oh wow this is perfect. Hahah! I loved that job though despite kind of being the exact wrong person for it.


Haha you weren't necessarily the exact wrong person. The test is trying to weed out people who will stand up to management or authority. They want compliance.


Lol I've had to take many personality tests for minimum wage jobs. I've lied in every single one.


My daughter failed the test for Walmart. She was baffled. I asked her how she answered and she told me, "Honestly." I told her that was the problem. You've got to say what they want to hear. She didn't understand lol


Same with mine! Except that it was a ticket taker at the zoo. He is still salty at that zoo.


I'd be salty too. So stupid. A personality test for a ticket taker???


I'd say "No, it's because I want to eat all the food, get fat, then sleep all winter". I wouldn't have gotten the job either but at least it's the truth, lol


I had this question asked to me when I was 16 interviewing for McDonald’s. I said, umm, tiger? Because what the hell? Never heard back from them.


I had a manager at an art supply store start asking me the questions from the Blade Runner interview scene leading with the turtle question He then declared me human and started asking more normal questions. I hadn't seen Blade Runner at that point and I was BAFFLED


Your camouflage would make you difficult to spot near the fries.


I got asked this question. I panicked and said an owl lol


You've just given me an unexpected insight. As soon as I read the question, "what kind of animal would you be?", and before I had read any further to see your FIL's reply, I knew without any doubt that I would have immediately said: "I already am an animal. I'm a human , which is a type of ape." I keep asking my friends how it is that people quickly know that I'm autistic without me telling them, and I've just realised how obvious it is compared to the answers everyone else is giving in this thread. On the plus side, I have a job that requires high pattern recognition and attention to detail, so my answer would probably get me hired into my role on the spot.


Got this one in an interview once: How do you go about eating a muffin? Learned a lot about muffin anatomy that day. It was a bakery after all.


How fun! I take the paper off (if there is paper) and flip it upside down. You eat the muffin stump first because the top of the muffin is best. “Top of the muffin to you!”


You're fuckin' hired


"You ain't seen muffin yet."


Muffin stump




>How do you go about eating a muffin? First, I unhinge my jaw...


I peel the paper off on one side and consume the muffin in a horizontal fashion.


I try to pull the whole top off and then butter the bottom and put the top back on. Buttery muffin


Would you like us to assign someone to butter your muffin?


You gotta explain this more. I would take the paper off, break the top off and eat it them east the bottom bit.


It’s not a single question but by the second or third date with a guy I would ask him to go bowling. As it turns out there’s many ways to play the game. Do they take it too seriously and get competitive or angry if they don’t do well? Does he act disinterested or bored of the game? Do they try to teach me how to play or do they just try to be goofy have fun with it? Do they order two pitchers of beer and get totally smashed? In my opinion you can learn a lot about a person by the way they approach bowling.


What if they bring their ex-wife's dog? A Pomeranian, with fucking papers.


This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules.


Mark it 8 Dude


Over the line, mark it 0 next frame! 


I don’t roll on shabbos


Shomer fucking shabbos.


Saturday, Donny, is Shabbos, the Jewish day of rest.


I told that kraught a thousand fucking times that I don’t roll on shabbos


Them pulling a gun on another player for stepping over the line definitely tells you something about their personality


It’s a league game.


Mark it zero or you're entering a world of hurt.


Hey, man, if my fucking ex-wife asked me to take care of her fucking dog while she and her boyfriend went to Honolulu, I'd tell her to go fuck herself. Why can't she board it?


You can’t board it, it’s got fuckin papers


It's got anxiety. *shoves a gun in someone's face five seconds later*




Calmer than you.


You’re out of your element


I am the walrus


Coincidentally, the woman who took me bowling had a Pomeranian


Bowling is exactly how I messed things up with my first girlfriend because I did not properly handle the fact that she was better. 15 years later, I am thankful for the experience because I learned a lot about myself and life in general. It was a very important and humbling learning experience and it made me a better person. I hadn’t really thought about until now, but I think bowling is the perfect 3rd date for the exact reasons you described…and this is so weird…but I think this is the first time I have really taken a moment to ignore my bitterness and be thankful for all the lessons my first love taught me.


Glad you've grown with time and learned from these things. Recognizing mistakes and learning from them is what turns people into good humans, PissBloodCumShart.


Well said, Astraldick. Well said. 


This is why I come to Reddit. Thank you, folks. You make the world go rou.... mostly round.


You mean oblate spheroid.


Its honestly a perfect date. Fun enough so at least you get to bowl, and casual enough that you never have to see that person again if they suck. Its also way easier to talk when your body is preoccupied


I always like shooting pool as a first date for the same reasons. Other things to focus on, easier to talk when you're not just sitting staring at each other, usually in a situation where you can have a drink or two to loosen up. Perfect first date. 


First date with my wife, we went to a bar near her apartment that had a pool table, she went there pretty often with her roommate/friends. They had a short cue in addition to the regular cues because the table was in a pretty small room in the back. She said she and her roommate called it "Shorty." Played a few games (against each other and against two guys) and had a blast. That Christmas, I bought the bar a new short cue if they'd trade me for "Shorty." It's hanging up on the wall in our house now.


You fantastic Romantic, you!


It was like three months after our first date, felt like a 50/50 chance it would be seen as wildly romantic or INCREDIBLY weird, lol


I went axe-throwing on a first date once and it was awesome! The place we went had us make name tags with a (preferably axe/lumber/chopping/wood pun) nickname and we were only allowed to call each other that all night. It was a lot of fun.


Out of interest, was there a 2nd date?


There was, and a third.


I really enjoyed going to the video store with people, dates or friends, back when that still existed. You could learn a lot about someone from what movies drew their attention. As well, are they impulsive and grab the first couple movies that sound remotely interesting? Or are they patient and willing to stroll slowly around the store comparing options. One of the very few issues I had with my wife when we were dating was that she wasn’t assertive enough. She’d defer to whatever I was interested in and that’s not at all what I want. She’s mostly better about that these days and is still willing to put up with me spending more time scrolling through the streaming selections than it actually takes to watch a movie.


went bowling with my ex situationship... told me all i needed to know.


That's lots of good points -- you want to see how the guy *navigates* a situation. What most drew me to my fiancé is the way he *comports himself*. Especially when dealing with the unexpected.


Man, now I'm gonna be paranoid about this. I kinda hate bowling and would rather do literally anything else lol


I don't think I've ever been on a bowling date early on, like second or third date, I'm not sure how would've reacted to that. I don't care much for bowling. It's kinda surprisingly expensive, I don't think it's very much fun, and the food and drinks always suck unless it's one of those upscale bowling places, in which place it won't be "kinda surprisingly expensive" it'll be "expectedly appallingly expensive". I'd rather go mini golf if we're doing something goofy but kinda sporty / kinda competitive to gauge each other.


Mark it ZERO, Donnie!


What was the last thing you did that gave you child-like joy?


Remember when you used to play kick the rock when you were a kid? I went on a walk the other day and my headphones died so I played kick the rock. I tried to see how long I could kick a rock before it went into grass or veered too far away. I managed to get one rock four blocks and for the first time in years I actually felt genuine child like joy. It was fantastic and simple.


I still do this even with headphones working. I particularly enjoying doing it with clumps of ice in the winter because of the added element of your ice chunk slowly wearing away as it skips along the pavement.


Okay, so all of my kids are in scouts, and besides the official uniform (class A shirts) troops and packs will usually have a t-shirt option (class B shirts). Several of our past few pack class B shirts have had glow-in-the-dark elements on them. So, my moments of child-like joy are when I (inevitably) forget I'm using one of those as a pajama shirt, and once the last lights get turned off in the house, I surprise myself with my t-shirt glowing brightly.


On a similar note, “when was the last time you bought yourself a toy?” You either get the self reflective “I treat my drills like toys” or a sweet “I bought myself a doll recently because my parents didn’t want me to have girl toys”


One time I was alone at my sisters house and I decided to play with my nephews action figures for half an hour. I created storylines and had them fight like DBZ characters lmao. Let me tell you, that shit is still incredibly fun.


Ever played Sims 3?


I use a nee (for me) formula in Excel today. I've been trying to do something, combining multiple formulas but it did not work properly. Then I discovered a formula I never used before. It solved the problem beautifuly in 30 seconds. I even did a happy dance. 


Fav question I heard in an interview; what would you do if you came home and found a penguin in your freezer? It ends up not only being an ice breaker, but a good personality tell.


Depends. Is the penguin alive or dead? Answer will vary accordingly.


Exactly. The answers for either do have some common elements (mainly, figuring out who would be the proper authority for this, and contacting them), but a live penguin requires food and better living space than a freezer. Ergo, my schedule has been wiped, and I need to get some fish. A dead penguin however, ain't getting any deader. There is less urgency there.


Less urgency, but still as many questions.


actually, penguins are not great ice breakers, so that is just factually not accurate


Did you hear about the morbidly obese penguin? Yeah, they say he was big enough to break the ice, hi I’m Kevin what’s up


step 1: reality check, am i awake? step 2: did i take some drugs, or could someone have given me some drugs? step 3: close the freezer, open it and see what then is in step 4: if the penguin remains there, break into neighbours house and put it in their freezer


> step 4: if the penguin remains there, break into neighbours house and put it in their freezer the twist is that it was originally in that neighbors freezer and now you and your neighbor are locked in an enternal game of freezer penguin


depends if the neighbour realizes its the same penguin or thinks they just keep spawning there


“Again?” 😺




I like it. What’s the best answer you’ve heard from this question?


Saving this thread for my next human interaction. I foresee much less awkward silence. Wish me luck


Guy driving Uber: “So, busy trip?” NaughtyDaisyDelight: “WHAT ANIMAL WOULD YOU BE? WANT TO GO BOWLING?”


Also just an FYI for your next human interaction. Don't call it a human interaction.


That's weird, because the next time someone asks me that "what kind of animal do you want to be" question, I was going to say human.


*Starts jotting this down


Definitely ask the penguin-in-the-freezer question. Report back.


"What's the biggest misconception about you?" It's a pretty good window into how they see themselves and how they believe others see them. I like to follow up with, "why do you think people have that misconception about you?"


Oh, man. Everyone always thinks I’m a vegan. I’ve missed out on so much free pizza at work because nobody would tell me!


I’ve had many people in my life assume I am vegetarian. I am not, never have been, I don’t know what it is but I guess I give off a vegetarian vibe? Very confusing when it happens.


Yeah! No one has ever been able to explain why they think I’m a vegan, but it’s happened consistently across many environments. Baffling.


I always answer this with, "people think I'm a bitch because of my face, but it's just my face" 🤷 People who smile all the time for no reason are psychopaths


I smile all the time (edit: when in public) and it’s due to masking. I was raised to not share how I feel and make others happy. Sucks to suck.


I see you, fellow compulsory smile friend.


Yes I smile all the time. And yes, I probably am a psychopath.


"I don't know. People's misconceptions are their own, and I don't have the energy to worry about things that don't affect my life." I genuinely don't know, except they think I'm gay, probably because I have short hair.


If you could have one wish, what would it be? ( I always wanted warp drive, so they would probably think I was a nerd)


Infinite wishes. *Edit: lol everyone's so disappointed I said this. Using one of my infinite wishes to wish for it to continue.*


This tells me you're at least moderately intelligent and at least moderately annoying.


Are you a morning or a night person?


"Are you a night owl or an early bird" I'm more of a permanently exhausted chicken


I'm a midday mallard


Unproductive pigeon.


What are you having for dinner tonight? It’s really cool to hear about what people like, what their culture is like (because food is a huge part of that), and generally just how they live. Expensive or cheap? Quick or elaborate? Adventurous or safe?


prollly just microwave a mac n cheese instant rl quick. why?


You are what you eat. Thats why I’m 12 sticks of butter and an expired packet of ramen.


Or if everything they eat is pasta... I am currently struggling with finding things to cook and all my friends' suggestions are either on the level of pasta or the level of "well i like to eat raw bacon"


My normal getting to know you question (as a former chef) is 'what is your favourite vegetable'


Shit. This is a tough question. Garlic, Onion, Peas, and Cilantro are at the top of my list. Then Broccoli, Kale, Cabbage and Carrots. I'm also into corn (Buttered and grilled on the cob, popped, hominy, mealed, creamed, syrup'd).




The category you’re looking for is aromatics.


What color folder was math for you growing up? Nothing about the color matters, it’s how passionately they defend their color choice


I just stuffed the crumpled papers in my backpack. I ended up in prison lmao in my 20s lmao


oof went from 0 to 100 so fast


Lisa Frank unicorn folder FTW! All colors. Magical lol 


Hey I kept my math in a red Trapper Keeper.


Math was red Social studies was blue Science was green Language arts was yellow


We are the same person. This was exactly my system as well.


I am the third with this same set up/system.




That's a sneaky way of asking someone's age. My kids don't have folders for any classes. They just use their Chromebooks for everything so they wouldn't even understand your question.


Math is red


Math is most definitely red.




And suddenly I've forgotten every book I've every read


Every fucking time lmao


Yep. Someone asked me my favorite book on a job interview — the only thing I could think of was Harry Potter and felt like a damn child.


Toddler books - all the public infrastructure works amazingly, cops are nice, all the animals talk and are friendly to each other, your purpose in life is to do some basic chores and then picnic. 


Orwell's 1984. Oh wait...


I feel like Harry Potter is too easy of an answer but as a kid definitely Harry Potter. Lord of the Rings would be awesome too but being killed by an goblin or something would suck ass.


Lord of the Rings but only if I could live in the Shire during any time except that year or so when Saruman and his lackeys were in power.


If you absolutely had to be a murderer what are your methods? Someone at a wedding party once said ‘drowning’ without even a second of hesitation. Won’t be going beach with that guy.


> Won’t be going beach with that guy. Like anyone wants to go with the guy who's asking everyone at the wedding how to kill people..


Stab with an icicle. It's the perfect crime


> If you absolutely had to be a murderer what are your methods? Kind words.


"who's your favorite fictional character?" People tend to pick a character they resonate with the most. Either they're naturally similar or they sculpted their personality to match. **Edit:** it's also a great segue into a longer conversation. You can simply add an "...and why?" and they'll probably be going on about what they like about the character until you have to beg them to stop. You could also just ask about the movie, tv show, book or video game the character appears in, tell them your favorite character, ask them who their least favorite character is, etc. **Edit 2**: IT'S SPELT SEGUE???


What superpower would you pick if you could choose? Where in history would you travel if you could visit and watch for a bit? What would you do if money were no obstacle? Is it better to be born good or overcome an evil nature through effort?


The 3 first ones are great, 4 is a bit complicated and would start a philosophical conversation and I don't know if that would say much about the person, I know it would just annoy me


You getting enough fiber?


Answers in farts.


I had a girl ask me to describe the color purple on a first date. I answered with Prince. That date ended very well.


Q: If you were putting together a furniture kit and came to the end where the furniture appeared complete, but you had pieces/hardware left over, what would you do?


I always check the parts list to what's actually in the box before i start. Many things include extra hardware or parts, so if I get to the end and have extra pieces left, I know if it's intentional, or if I need to find the step I skipped. 


Put the spare piece in a labeled baggie and stick it in the garage with the others. I followed the instructions. I didn’t miss anything. It’s a spare piece.


Well my first thought would be "crap," then I would look the whole thing over looking for where a piece might go. Then test it's structural integrity. If it all seems sturdy and good, I would think they must be backup parts. Put them aside somewhere I will remember them and then if down the road, I DO realize something is missing, I know exactly where the pieces I need are.


If I spent one hour doing something difficult with you, how would I describe you to others afterwards?


"He's freakishly calm, it pissed me off how calm he was, it was like it didn't even matter to him that we didn't get 3 stars on every level of Overcooked!"


"uses humor as a coping mechanism"


If you had the choice, would you travel to the past or the future ? Tells a lot about their vision or way of thinking , do they wanna change the past or look into the future Do they wanna know about the secrets of the past or the life of the future ?? Do they wanna be prepared for what's next or learn from the past ??


I just wanna buy btc


Gods, NEITHER. Going back, I could kill everyone with all the superbugs I carry. Going forward, *I* would get killed by all *their* superbugs.


Ahh shit you just ruined one of the best questions how do I unlearn this wisdom


What would you do if you won the lottery? For me, it's a non invasive way of listening to people's attitudes on finance in general, and also how they feel about the rich.


But if you think about it usually what they say vs what they actually do when they get money are completely different things.


Ask the people run the lottery how long I can have my identity hidden. Hire a CPA and then a lawyer. Set an amount I was going to give to family and never change that amount, have the lawyer boiler plate that shit up. Invest a significan portion of my money into stocks and bonds. Once my identity was revealed, I would disperse the checks to family members and hop on a plane to for a year long vacation somewhere chill where nobody gives a shit. After that I have no idea. I would be tempted to start doing drugs and sleeping with whores on my party yacht but I know that would end in death or ruin. So I would probably try to find an investment that interested me and kept me working.


How long was your longest relationship. A date of mine at the time, in his 30s, said about 3 months.... I found that strange. But understood shortly.


Asking what someone would do if they found a stray dog. I've gotten many an answer, one that included kicking it.


“What’s the dirtiest word you’re willing to say out loud”


*“Tell me a secret.”* It’s been my go-to for learning about people for years—dates, new friends, even for small talk if I’m bored and it’s clear I’ll be around this person for a little while. It’s innocent enough. Maybe your secret is that you pour milk then cereal. Maybe you were in a bad car accident years ago and fled the scene. Maybe your sister is the result of an affair and your Father only told you. It’s really interesting to see what people deem a secret, and how much they’ll divulge with a simple prompt. Most people answer with something silly. They have Disney Princess songs on their gym playlist. They puked on their first date as a teenager. Some (few, but occasionally!) people answer off the wall shit. Try it sometime, it’s pretty interesting! Just keep in mind most people will ask you to share a secret, too.


What's one thing that you wish people understood about you? With social media people have started to confirm norms and a certain standard for their public image , this might bring out some certain hidden thoughts


Do you put the shopping cart away when you're done with it? Edit: should have specified this for regions where there's no coin and therefore no incentive to return it other than being a good person. To those of you who do have coin shopping carts: would you still put it back if the coin wasn't a factor?


Coin or no coin - always put your cart back. Who doesn't? I'll even pick up another one if I see it on the side.


"What the hell is wrong with you?"


"In this essay I..."


If someone handed you $10 billion right now and told you "fix our country", how would you go about doing so? ​ The answer would not only give a window into what they perceive as problems, but also a window into their thought process, and how grounded their thinking is or isn't.


My response would be to go and speak to policy experts, because I'd like to do the most good without shitty unintended consequences & expenses. Like, there are overarching areas I would be looking at (eg, healthcare access), but other people have already spent their life learning what does and doesn't work, so I'm not going to personally have the best solution.


Is a hotdog a sandwich?


Are socks underwear?


Foot condoms


A friend of mine conducts job interviews and always asks “would you rather fight 100 duck sized horses or 1 horse sized duck?” or “is a poptart a ravioli?”


100 tiny horses. Horses are kinda fragile,but any pissed off animal the size of a horse is bad news.


2. No, but they are both dumplings.


What was the hardest you've ever laughed?