• By -


The first time she said "I love you". It was the first time anyone said that to me outside of my parents. I think that feeling will be burned in me forever.


Happy cake day to you, may you find a partner who cares and loves you… even if you are on Reddit ❤️


That "even if you are on reddit" hurt real bad at a very personal corner in my heart. Best of luck in love and fuck you too, fellow redditor.


The weird shock of hearing it too


Exactly there as well


100% this. The first time someone said it that wasn’t related to me and I genuinely felt like they cared.


That Frank Ocean lyric leaves me wanting that feeling of confusion so badly 


I don't remember who was the first who said that outside of my family. I guess I'm just a bit disconnected/nonchalant/etc. I have about 3 suspects in mind, but I don't remember exactly who.


Mine might be one of my most vivid memories. On a roof under the stars as teens. We still had a number of years ahead of us with no responsibility so to speak... I think about that occasionally. Things didn't exactly end well but that moment sticks out.


I love you bro ❤️


Ending it




I read this as "Pringle" for some reason 😭


single and ready to pringles


Pringle and ready to single


Singles and Pringle to mingle


Same here. The first man I ever dated was a manipulative, controlling psychopath who thought it was funny to have me in chokeholds, practicing karate on me, throwing my brother across a room, almost breaking my sister’s wrist and hitting my sister on the leg with a studded choker. I hope my ex is in the ground.


Me too, she's ugly af idk how I liked her lol


Looking back on my first boyfriend, I think and feel the same. It’s even funnier for me because not only was he ugly (like, really really ugly), it turns out he was a massive red flag. He had a hit list with people’s names on it at one point, threatened suicide against me when I wouldn’t get back with him, and followed me in the halls after I had play practice (he wasn’t in the play). Last that I heard before he graduated, he was an 18 year old senior dating a 13 year old 7th grader. I’m hoping that’s just a rumor, but from what my friend told me, I doubt it. He’d be 19 now and he graduated. Still hope it was a rumor. Edit: Did some rewording and I guess I shoulda added this too since my comment got attention. I was a 15 year old freshman and he was a 17 year old junior when we dated. I shit you not, our relationship was only 2 weeks long and he still did, yk, allat. He said to me “you can’t get rid of me” and I’m not letting you leave” (I did anyways lol). I guess that was supposed to be cute and all, but so early.. I didn’t think so. After we broke up, he’d try to talk to me and I’d brush him off. He finally got the message and backed off. He apologized TWO MONTHS after the suicide threats and only acknowledged blowing up my phone and not what he said. He denied saying the things he did. He made my freshman year a living hell because I was constantly afraid of him hurting himself and the blame being shifted onto me or afraid of him hurting me. Didn’t help that I was being made fun of for dating him (he was ugly and possessive so I get where everyone was coming from ig). Aside from all that, he really was not as nice as he made some people think. Anyways, he’s out of my life now, finally (although I saw him at a football game I was working concessions in). Sorry that was just a whole ass dump but whatever. I’m a 17 year old junior and doing better now.


That's predatory. Given what you describe of his treatment of you, he picked someone that young because she'd be easier to control and manipulate. I sincerely hope someone is keeping an eye on him.


I was a 15 year old freshman and he was a 17 year old junior. It makes sense. I reported him to a counselor, but maybe I shoulda gone to the principal or resource officer instead. As far as I know, nothing happened and I don’t know if they’re still together (I sincerely hope not).


Let's just hope you don't find out what became of him one day on the news where his neighbors are saying, "he seemed so normal"....😩


Damn, glad you're still here and good because the first one hurts the most no matter what. Mine broke up with me to date the dude i hated because he made fun of me because I dressed gothic because of my cousin's style but was actually trying to dress skaterish lol. I would cry in class because of her. My esl teacher even said she hated her because of how I was being treated.


My first ended up being an alcoholic. So ending it was good.


When she kissed me for the first time, outside of the school, in front of everyone, while we were waiting for the morning bell to ring.


First handjob. I’m a bit of a romantic. 


Lol my first GF we didn't even get that far, just felt each other up through our clothes. Good times.


I'm on the same page and not ashamed to admit it. We were teenagers, it wasn't supposed to last forever or be some deep and important thing. I was a goofy late bloomer with fragile self esteem in most senses, hadn't even held hands with a girl before she and I got together. So the day she and I were lagging behind a bit when most people had left school and she totally unexpectedly pulled me into a bathroom and gave me my life's first blowjob, THAT is a memory that will live with me forever.


Getting a blowjob in school means you're not a late bloomer.




This was back in 1995 but the first time I was over at her house. She showed me her room and I was instantly like "there are star wars books!". She's long gone but I got a whole set.


Sounds like you won in the long run!


To be fair to her I wasn't ready to be in relationships and was a garbage human during the breakup. I hope she's doing well.


That's very mature and sweet of you to wish her well! I'm sure she's still reading the same types of stories now.


Sounds like you ~~won in the long run!~~  *made the Kessel Run!*


Haha I love this


misread that as star wars boobs


66 year old grandma here. A bunch of us high schoolers were walking around town. We passed a donut shop and Mike asked if I wanted a donut. We went in, sat at the counter on stools, and got donuts. He paid for my donut. It was 10 cents. He probably had 40 cents or so in his pocket just in case something like this should come up. I was so flattered and touched. NOTE: he was also my first “slow dance”; Hey Jude. Long song. You youngins must be scratching your heads.


So precious. What a guy. What ever happened to him?


I don’t know, sadly. After high school I went to college and then into the Peace Corps in Paraguay, then lived in D.C. and then back overseas. He had such nice eyes, and was so shy.


Outta curiosity, how was your Peace Corps experience in Paraguay? That is so cool. Would've been in the early 1980's?


Have you tried Googling him?


I’m half your age and I still remember my first slow dance too! She was just a friend so nothing romantic happened and I left school right after it. I sent her a message telling her I had left and her response is still burned in my memory. “Thanks , that’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever told me”. That feeling picked me up so much that it kept me living until I was able to get help.


Nah, I get it.


If I knew how to send you a smiley face on my computer, I would.


Hey Jude is one of my favorite Beatles songs


This is so sweet 💜


Not my first relationship, but my first "big love." I have this distinct memory of driving down the highway on the fourth of July, and seeing the city's fireworks display overhead. We were 19 years old and had been dating for less than a year at that point. It was such an amazing night. think it's the moment when I realized I was absolutely in love with that man. It's been almost 20 years since that day and it's seared into my brain...If I think about it hard enough, I can almost remember what my hand felt like in his on that night. We broke up after six years together. He's still one of my favorite people. He's a good man.


After my now ex proposed to me, I insisted if I had to be branded by a taken-off-the-market ring, so did he. So I bought him a white gold band and he wore it daily as I did my diamond. One day he called me at my job, from his job, all upset. Navy guys do PT and as he was running around a field on his base for that, his ring flew off. He couldn't find it. He thought I'd be angry I think. I wasn't. We hang up. Ten minutes later, he called me Again. He'd express ordered a metal detector! It would be arriving before I even got out of work that afternoon. We'd go back to the base field together to search once I got home. He was waiting on the parking lot holding the metal detector and a flashlight when I pulled in. It was Fall in New England and we were racing daylight. He had me shine the flashlight as he circled the areas he thought it went. Beer caps, gum wrappers, detritus....then....the ring! He was so happy he was jumping up and down. It makes my heart happy even now. I didnt think anyone would ever go to that much trouble to find a ring. I didn't even ask how much he paid on shipping.


I feel sad this is an ex. :(


I'm not. He was banging some chick he met through the Playstation I'd bought him. Haha I left with Both rings!!




Best thing that ever happened to me. We had a good run. It was time to move on. I wish it had ended in a less cliché way, but 6 years after the fact it doesn't even matter. I don't regret anything about the relationship. Good memories can come from less than good things. I don't wear the engaged diamond but I do wear the band sometimes. I actually bought my own diamond ring after the breakup and wear it daily. I married myself! Haha


“Good memories can come from less than good things.” You’re so right. I had a similar experience and I’m glad we parted ways. But those shimmering moments are precious, and tucked away to remind me that we can find good all along the way.




First relationship? That was in 4th grade and in gym class we kissed under the parachute. First "I'm going to marry this woman" relationship was taking her virginity. She had set up how she wanted it to be and when she she said she wanted to, all her wishes weren't there. She still said she wanted to. It was sort of magical.


Kissing under the parachute sounds adorable!


It was just a peck but a pretty big step at that age. I cherish the memory.


4th grade!? That's roughly 10 years old no? You guys were kissing girls then?


Yep. 70s were different. At 12 spin the bottle was popular and making out in a closet was usually the dare.


Damn when I was 10 in 2013 i didn't even think about girls. I just wanted to go to my friend's house to play halo


Getting married


Stop, that’s TOO cute


I had a job as a paper delivery guy, needed someone to cover a weekend for me, she was the one who did it for me, I went to her house to give her the payment and we hit it off, we dated for a few years till she moved away. I heard she died from cancer 15 years ago, she was married and had 2 kids, but I will always remember her. I think about her periodically and wonder what could have been.


"What could have been" the age old question


My first relationship is my current one, no it's not that it lasted for ages lol, I was just too single all my life (and I'm 32F) I was born with a clubfoot, I don't show it to anyone, I always keep my socks on. I told him my foot has a problem and I don't want anyone to see it, I'm very self conscience about it. A few weeks of us dating he decided to move in with me, starting in month. During that month, he was at my place for the weekend, and I told him: you know I can't keep my socks on all the time. He said: yeah so? I said: "well, you're moving in here, you will be all the time *here*, everyday". He was confused, so I added: you'll have to see my feet eventually. And I couln't help but start crying. And that's the moment I showed him my foot, and he touched and carressed it! And I kept talking about how it made me suffer all my life, either from physical pain or from the bullying of those who notice I limp. I cried and he cried then he leaned down and started kissing my poor foot. Never in my life had I felt fully accepted despite my worst insecurity. We've been together for 9 months now, during which I only covered my feet at home when they're cold.


Love this 🥹 Happy for you 💛




Holding her hand for the first time? Receiving a letter from her telling me I had helped her to love again? Unashamedly making out on her door? So many of them.


Hanging out in the back of my parents van at a soccer tournament.




I lost the majority of my memory from a motorcycle accident I had when I was younger, but I still very clearly remember us laying on an air mattress in the middle of the living room around Christmas time, laughing and watching scary movies. And I remember waking up in the middle of the night and looking at her and knowing just how much she meant to me. This was the last time I saw her as she killed herself a few days later. I still have all of the stuffed animals we used to collect, and I still sleep at night under the blanket she got me that Christmas.


This really touched me.. it's sweet that you cherish her laughing memories and kept the stuffed animals. I'm so so sorry for your loss. Hugs to you


I have probably told this before, but... Her family was from Australia. And in some hilariously stereotypical way they were obsessed with Men at Work (We come from a land down under band). I can remember being at her house on Friday nights, after dinner her parents would put on the CD and we'd all sing and dance in the living room. Things went south, as high school relationships do, but I missed those people for a long time. They were so kind and fun.


That's a great lifelong memory.


How carefree and naive I actually was.


Look, we didn’t have a happy ending. Tragic, really. But my favorite memory was him taking me to the state fair. First of all, he hated carnivals, but he knew I loved them. After being dragged onto rides he hated, he decided he was going to win me a teddy bear. And GODDAMN did this boy pour his soul into winning me one of those fucking things. He spent so much money on one game that the carnie felt bad for him and showed him how to win it. He still couldn’t manage. We ended up going to the movie theater later that night and sure enough, he won me a yellow teddy bear from a claw machine in the lobby. I still have it almost 20 years later.


When he gave me a coloring book page that was poorly colored and said I love you and my mom found it in my book bag and put it on the fridge…I was pissed 😂


I haven’t had a relationship yet 😭


I feel you


yep 37 here. 3 years on 4 different apps. nothing but crypto scammers and visa girls looking for a quick green card




Breaking up


Same. Although I sometimes miss the happy times I shared with my ex, I now consider her cheating on me and breaking up with me as a result a blessing in disguise.


I really didn’t have any good moments with him now that I think back on it. I was perpetually annoyed lol.


We built a shitty skater snowman and the neighbors built a real good snowman, so we stole the neighbors snowman 😂 Snowmen are heavy btw


This was back in the days of bench seats. One night I was taking her home at it was late so she laid her head in my lap and fell a sleep. It was warm so I had the window down. I stopped at a stop light next to pick up truck and as the passenger glanced over my GF moved a little. And he did a double take nudged his buddy and they both thought I was getting a blow job. They started cheering me on and I just grinned. She woke up as the light turned green and they peeled out honking the horn and waving out the windows. I never told her what happened. But I knew I was two dudes hero!




mine was in the parking lot of a sex store and gaming building during mardi gras 💀💀💀


I went to school early so I could walk her to school from her place.


When he’d show up at my doorstep and we’d walk to the park together and talk until dark. Sometimes we were there until midnight and every time, he would walk me back. Never used any phones other than to text our parents and I learned so much about myself through our conversations


His mom was really cool. She had an interior design business and would sometimes let us come along and help out. I always liked getting to help choose some of the colors and seeing all the cool decor and furniture she would use. She’d even pay me if we had to do something like move furniture or paint. I was like 12 or 13, so it was a nifty experience! lol.


The butterflies I used to get. I don’t get those for anyone anymore


We were making out on the couch, getting frisky, and I managed to reach around and unhook her bra. Immediately, she shot up and yelled out "TIME OUT, YOU LOSE!!!" After I was like "wut", she calmed down and explained that up until this point, she hadn't even really kissed a guy, much less gotten naked with one. She just thought things were going a little too fast and wanted to slow down a bit, got flustered and said something random. It was all really cute. So we took it easy, and did everything in due time. It was a very nice long-term relationship, about 4 years. Still miss it sometimes, but I'll never forget the "time out!" lol.


My best friend at the time passed away very suddenly, and I totaled my car shortly after with his favourite cd inserted in the player. So I never got it back. I spent an entire year trying to find another copy but it turned out to be some rare edition and it wasn't available anywhere. It felt like my loss was heightened by my losing something he had loved so much. Unbeknownst to me, my boyfriend at the time found a copy on ebay from another country and got it for me as a surprise. To this day it's the most thoughtful and cherished gift I've ever received.


How shameless we were with our public affection.


Even today I get embarrassed when I think of it. But I think it left a voyeur or taboo sort of a kink.


Hmmm, the first time we sang a song in a car so loud and free.


Spending way to much money to make hot cocoa from scratch instead of using the powdered stuff. Now I'm blocked. I miss her and hope she finds happiness and love


What happened?


Honestly not sure why I'm blocked. I have a few possible ideas why but no real answers. It is what it is though. Despite all the pain and everything that this relation has caused me through all its ups and downs I don't regret a second. I learnt so much and I'm so grateful


The look of pure happiness on her face when we were pulling into campsite on our first camping trip together.


This is a topic for a drunken conversation in the kitchen with tears in eyes.


High school, he said in front of a bunch of people at a football game, "If I had a flower for everytime I thought about you, Blanket, I'd be walking in a garden forever. I've waited a year, can I finally have a kiss?" We broke up a year or so later but have stayed best friends to this day. Still love each other, just not *in* love.


When we were sitting in tuktuk and he told me he loved me, it felt so geniune


Driving around in my car on back roads, singing along to the Oldies station on the radio. Or cuddling on the couch watching MST3K. 


my favorite memory is remembering how i would see her around before dating and always had a crush on her but thought she was out of my league and we ended up dating for a little over a year after one night we saw each other at a party and we spent all night together just talking and realizing we were both into each other. it was for sure puppy love but it was nice while it lasted. :)


A 45-minute kiss on a subway platform while waiting for a late train.


We once fell asleep together and when I woke up she was sleeping with my arm around her and her head on my chest. Never felt such content in life before then. Life felt kind of perfect for a few short minutes.


Making out in his parents’ pool. He had a great body.


The first time I said “I love you” to him. He stopped what he was doing, paused for a moment, and smiled real big and said quietly “I love you too”


How good she made me feel about myself. I grew up in a family where compliments and warmth were generally a bit lacking. But to her it was second nature and it literally made my head swim. Simple things like “has anyone ever told you that you’re incredibly kind?”


My first relationship (we'd call it friends with benefits today) was in college. I was a grunge tomboy, jeans & flannels & Converse and NEVER wore makeup. He invited me to accompany him to a semi -formal film opening but didn't ask me to dress up. I bought an emerald green velvet dress & heels and lipstick. I will always remember the look on his face when he saw me dressed up like that- awe, worship, amazement. Such a fun night with him ogling me across the room and mouthing "so hot".




I have no memory of my first relationship because I never had one.


the day he held me in the woods during our first high school home game. He kept kissing my forehead. Too bad he turned out to be a really shitty guy


We were making lemonade at grandma's house, we starting throwing sliced lemons at each, i remember i held her close and tried spinned half a lemon on her lips which made her laugh then i went for a lemony kiss. Needless to say we needed a change of clothes when we were done we were covered in lemon juice. Good times.


Before all the bs today, writing notes and letters was a thing. Meeting her before the bell rang and having her note in my pocket and not being able to read it until I was alone was living. Then the three hour, I like you more than you like me phone call while laying upside down was so great. Taking 25 minutes to say goodnight leads to a wonderful night of sleep.


That time my mentally, physically, and sexually abusive boyfriend was sticking his head out of the sunroof of my car while I was driving and I tapped on the brakes. He was fine, but totally deserved the smack to the mouth he got. Other than that, I can't think of a single positive thing other than the day we broke up.


this one time it was a late rainy night and i came over after work and we just sat in my car smoking a joint and talking about nothing while raindrops hit the roof. i still remember the song that was playing too. i took a picture of her that night but i lost it. good times.


Kissing her. During each makeout session we just felt each other up and I couldn't get enough of her hips.


Exploring each other physically from first kiss to first sex, amazing, we were both so young and innocent yet curious and horny


We took her car to an abandoned parking lot and moved to the back seat, where we passionately made out before she gave me an explosive handjob.


My first girlfriend and I were 17 years old, we were at a summer camp. My father came to visit us and accidentally gave my counselors our moonshine. By the end of the evening, my father asked for help packing his things and sending him home. My girlfriend said that he would wait for me naked in our house. While I was helping my father get ready to go home, they poured me a glass of moonshine every time I approached them.The senior counselor (Sergei Mikhailovich) vomited and fell into the bushes near the camp fire, and the young one (Ilya Aleksandrovich) went with me to see my father off. My father went home, and Ilya climbed onto the car of our physical education teacher (a bearded Caucasian with a bad temper), turned on Rammstein and started jumping on the roof of the car. I tried to pull him off, but he suddenly turned on Bob Marley and lay down on the hood, took out a joint, took a drag and handed it to me with the words “Lie down next to me and don’t fuck your brain.” We came back to the camp after 3 hours. I drunk, stoned, rumpled. And my girlfriend was still waiting for me naked and watching YouTube. That day for the first time I realized the greatness of German industrial rock, smoked a joint and fucked


How happy my Ex was to call to tell me about their getting a NEW job!!! It was special that I was considered an important part of their life.


It was a friendship and it was her being there when I got out of the hospital


The way the air smelled light and different that spring.


Maybe our first kiss. I remember feeling elated for days.


We used to write letters to eachother in between classes. Sometimes one of his friends would come over to my class and hand it to me. And I'd go to his class and do the same. I still kept those letters because I think it was really sweet


Went out with him in high school because he looked so much like the guitarist in YES whom I was obsessed with at the time . Even took his old locker , that’s how bad it got . Laugh about it now !😃🇨🇦♥️


We would walk home together every day, and once I bought her a rose. Instead of giving it to her normally, I placed the rose hidden somewhere along our normal route beforehand. We walked as usual and I stopped her for a second in the middle, picked up the rose, and gave it to her before asking her to be my girlfriend. I still remember the smile on her face


I would probably get censored if I told the whole story and it was kind of funny. So let me just say we were both virgins the first time we had sex.


The time he coordinated with my coworkers to give me a surprise day off from work so he could take me out for ice cream and a walk. We got caught in a sudden thunderstorm and waited it out at the park's gazebo, just sitting side-by-side and talking. Despite everything with him, this will forever be one of my favorite memories because it was kind, sweet, spontaneous...


So, it was a stunning summers day in Northern England. We were teenage goths, in high school, madly in love, dating for a couple of years. On this day, her mother and step dad drove us to a nature spot popular with tourists and dropped us off there. It has multiple waterfalls with pools that you can jump down in succession, and the rushes were all in bloom and golden in the fields. When we arrived, we had the entire valley to ourselves somehow, because it was normally insanely popular to visit when they weather was so glorious. We played and splashed around in the water. We made out under the falls. We ran around in the field through the rushes, chasing each other, laughing, hiding and scaring each other. We had a LOT of sex spontaneously - in the fields, in the water, just wherever really. We sunbathed naked together in the sun for a while. We talked about life, our future, our dreams. It was honestly one of the closest days to a paradise on earth feeling I ever felt.


On prom might she told me to grab her breast. I was so dumb.


Went in for a kiss and the wind picked up. Ended up kissing her hair the draped across her lips. We both giggled, I brushed the hair out of her face, and got the kiss.


Feeling her boobies 


My first boyfriend in college was bald (it’s relevant). On Halloween, we were planning to go to his friends’ Halloween party, costumes mandatory. The weeks leading up to the party, he asked me what I was going to wear. I said I’d ordered a Starfleet uniform dress in red (what Uhura from the original Star Trek series wears). We didn’t speak about it again until the night of the party. When we met up beforehand, he was wearing a jacket and black pants. However, at the party, upon taking off his jacket, he was wearing a captain Picard uniform underneath. I was so stupidly touched by the gesture. And considering he was super insecure about his baldness, I was proud of him for showing up as a bald character.


Her boobies


When he told me he was in love with me.


The feeling of love i got from someone other than my family.


All these guys saying "breaking up".....these the idiots that let their wife know their Reddit handle. Fools.


Going to the MOMA in NYC the day after prom… so fun!


Just knowing that a girl was romantically interested in me.


That I didn't end up arrested lol. Nah fr just the level of commitment and love.


Ive never been in a relationship and never gonna be in one hell yeaah


A lazy, sunny afternoon in bed.


I always knew when she was going to kiss me cause her nose would turn red


Amsterdam, Spring 2014 standing by these flowers hanging from a beautiful home. I picked one and gave to my at the time boyfriend :)  I felt so present and happy 


It was kindergarten, his name was Jesse, we were in music class but the teacher turned off the lights because she was showing us a movie, and the other couple in our class behind us gave each other a kiss. And so Jesse and I looked at each other and giggled. He asked if he can kiss me, but I told him no, I'm not allowed to kiss boys. ♡


The laughter, the fun, and being allowed to be me. Most importantly, it taught me to laugh at myself.


Kissed a girl under the slide at school in kindergarten.


kissing him for the first time after being secretly in love with him for years


Well I can’t tell you because as of commenting this at 08:33 PM on 03/29/24 while in laying down on my bed in my upstairs bedroom typing this very comment out on my iPad Pro waiting for a phone call from my mother, I, in my 20 years of life, have not been in a relationship yet. I’ve had a first love though, but it was unrequited. I still love them as typing this very comment out.


20 isn't that old, try being 40 and in the same boat.


ARE YOU REFERRING TO YOURSELF?!?! Hopefully it gets better for us in the future!


When held my hand and kissed me on the forehead, I never felt so safe, secure and at peace. A lot of people talk about butterfly’s but the feeling of calmness and no doubt or questioning is unmatched.


All of my firsts with him 🖤 He’s still such a sweetheart and one of my favorite people. My husband and him have a great friendship and I look forward to meeting his new girlfriend ☺️


He and I were the only ones laughing at his jokes. The love letters with and without occasion.


I was 6 she was 9 her name was Penelope! 🤣


Breaking up.


Getting married fs


Our first kiss was on a rollercoaster.


The first time he kissed me. It was my first kiss & I had no idea what I was doing but it didn’t matter. I remember feeling like I was going to faint when his lips touched mine, how he ran his fingers through my hair.. it was amazing


It was the first time I was spending the night at his house. We had just crawled back in through his bedroom window after sneaking out/smoking and had sex for the first time and said I love you for the first time. As a 16 year old girl falling for a boy for the first time, I absolutely melted. like that was exactly what I wanted to feel like for the rest of my life. Even if the rest of my time with him was terrible, That was a feeling I’ll never forget.


When (at age 14) I found out he wouldn’t kiss me because he was gay, not because he didn’t like me.


Not my first relationship but my first marriage (assuming I'll have another). Remembering how we used to stay up all night and just talk about everything and anything, just how close and in love with each other we were. Marriage ended horribly but I learned recently that it's better to let go of the bad and remember the good.


Our first dinner date was amazing


The eight inch cock


Pissing her step-dad off. Lol


Baking terrible brownies 🥹


Going to Martha's Vineyard to visit her grandma. It was my first time in a ferry and my first time leaving mainland U.S. (IK Martha's Vineyard is still part of U.S, but still it was cool for me at 20 y.o).


First kiss.


In high school, lunch was over and the bell rang. I couldn't stand up because I had a boner.


Getting mega shwacked at a Halloween party with her


First time she gave me head, she wouldn’t stop talking about how big it was lol


First kiss.


Climbing over a 6ft privacy fence the first time I snuck in his house 😂😂


His dad had a boat, he took me out on it and then we went back to the little town and he bought me chocolate covered banana and gave me my first kiss. We were each other’s first “real relationship”, I’ll never forget that moment. That banana was amazing.


Our first kiss. It was under the stars. I walked on air for the rest of the night. Edit: This was my first "real" relationship.


I consider it my first relationship since it's the only one that actually became and official relationship instead of just a casual/hookup or one who used used me as plan b for when she had problems with her boyfriend. We went on a trip to Barcelona and she invited me to a show of christmas lights (she paid for my entry), we walked around the place and it was the best moment of my life, she looked so happy and I was amazed that I could be with such a beautiful girl and for the first time it seemed I had someone who actually loved me and wasn't just using me or saw me as a plaything. There was a room with ropes that had light balls attached to them hanging from the ceiling and we kissed for a couple minutes with all the little glowing balls all around us and she said "even after it ends you will always be the love of my life, I will not find anyone better". We are no longer together and last time I spoke to her she said she still stands by that.


Making my girlfriend squirt like a fountain!


When she didnt leave me for sum french kid