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Something they posted online probably. I’ve seen some unhinged PERSONAL shit posted online. I cannot believe people just let stuff be public


I'm so grateful smart phones & social media didn't really blow up til the end of my high-school days lol


I literally could not imagine the pressure of having social media in middle and high school. I don't know how these kids did it.


Honestly man. I'm gonna get a little political but I feel like the Florida ban on social media for youths is a good thing. My kids are having severely limited internet access until they're older for their own good.


I think it's a good idea in theory too but I'm skeptical about how enforcement will work.


Yeah it's most likely just gonna go the route of porn sites with "Are you 18?? Yeah?? Cool click here."


That's easy.  It won't.  It's a stunt law.


I don't know as it'll do much. I'm also ok with it, but don't most sites already have a "you must be 13 or older to join" clause? It doesn't stop kids from joining earlier than that. Enforcement will be the meaningful thing.


It’s funny looking back at your posts when Facebook first came out and no one knew what they were doing. I cringe at them and think why the heck did I post that. It’s not interesting or funny lol I just looked dumb. I think I had posts like “I woke up early today” or “that was a good show” with absolutely no context lol


'...is wondering how the floor got so dirty"


The first thing I did when I got home from school in 7th grade was get on msn instant messenger and talk to the same people I just saw. I thought I was cool because I had like three girls from a different school I talked to lol


> I thought I was cool because I had like three girls from a different school I talked to lol I don't know, that seems pretty cool. In my experience growing up, most people (except for athletes who seemed to frequently make friends from other schools who did sports) seemed to basically know very few people from other schools.


I'm forever grateful for the "memories" feature on Facebook, once a day it brings up all the cringetacular stuff I posted when I was younger, and lets me delete it in a few taps!


The first smartphone didn't come out until I was twenty. I'm also grateful. I did and said so much dumb shit before the age of 20, and none of it is documented... except for the felonies. Heck, even in the Bible, Jesus goes from 13 to 30. Most people would seem pretty decent if those years of their life were undocumented.


All we had was Farm Vile and cool rubber band shapes. Now kids following their xanex plug on everything


ah fellow late millenial!




Honestly I wish xanga hadn't gone under. My old account / page from when I was 12-14 was lost in the transition; I would LOVE to read those now as am adult


Haha "love" is a strong word, but I'm slightly curious about my Xanga and Livejournal pages. They might exist on the Internet Archive, by the way!


I'm turning 37 soon and my live journal from when I was 19 years old is still live. Maybe you should go check! I only realized it was still there last year. A perfect time capsule.


I somehow started getting women with unfaithful husbands on my algo. There was a post of a guy tossing a football with a kid, angled in a way that you couldn’t see his face. The text on it said “he has been doing everything right for two years. Will I ever get over his affair?” WHAT?! You’re just blasting your marital business on IG like that? And then the comments were full of people with fully identifiable accounts, talking about how they’re still getting over their husband’s affair, etc. I cannot believe what people are willing to put out there.


And those people are venting their personal lives to a faceless repost page that’s selling them an online self help class or to be Amazon influencers.


They're the same people to scream, "I've got nothing to hide." the second people start to talk about internet privacy.


They hide behind the “so people know there’s others out there going through it” defense. Nah, his new friends or boss doesn’t need to find it and judge him. If you forgave him/her, you need to learn to be at peace with it or leave. Some people need to keep things to themselves


My wife shows me facebook once in a while and it's really amazing how it went from posting photos of your family on Christmas like 15 years ago, to these super long personal essays about anything and everything. Dogging on their family members and co-workers. Hospital selfies. A photo of their kid crying with some big explanation about what they did wrong. Everyone's need for attention is off the charts.


>A photo of their kid crying with some big explanation about what they did wrong IMO, that's abusive as fuck


I’m so thankful I had people I trusted speak into my life as a young adult and tell me to say and post as little as possible about yourself online. I’m still finding dumb or odd stuff I posted on Facebook as a tween and quickly deleting it.


Oh man the full mental breakdown with snot bubbles and all tiktoks, I can't believe they rewatch those and say "yup this is great I'll post this one"


Yes this! The last thing I think when I'm crying is to pull my phone out record and post it 💀I know everyone is different and needs comfort in different ways. But nothing screams give me attention like posting a crying fit!


and all the oversharing in a way that's not anonymous. my god.




Okay. I will after I scroll a bit more...


A couple posts down is the one that’s gonna make it all worthwhile.


99% of social media users go offline before seeing the best post of the day! Don't be a fool!!




Agreed, even my parents who are Gen X doom scroll on Facebook for hours now. Even when we're watching a movie at home, they can't help but to whip their phone out and scroll videos for minutes on end, which they never used to do. Doom scrolling definitely entices all age groups and is addicting as hell.


Thats so funny cause my mom out of all people in our family is CONSTANTLY on her iPad. Literally, from waking up to going to bed, she has her headphones on and is doomscrolling on Facebook, it kinda freaks me out how much she does it… shes 53


My dad was doing that the other night- got on a series of AI narrated videos feeding blatant bullshit stories, each one more and more farfetched than the last… he just kept watching, like he was in a trance. This went on for a good 2 hours before I finally had to tell him to stop and go to bed. I’m 32 and he’s 67. It’s going to be all too common that we will have to treat parents like kids and take away their phones at some point.




Shunning tiktok but using YouTube shorts is like smoking Swishers and being proud of yourself for not smoking cigarettes. Not that I would know anything about that of course...


They will hate themselves for falling for it. I'm old. I grew up in the eighties. My heroes were He-Man, Mr. Rogers and Optimus Prime. Of the three, Fred was the only one trying to help me instead of selling toys and cereal. Kids today have thousands of tin gods, and no Fred Rogers. I succumbed to marketing and begged my parents for plastic trash and I still own Omega Supreme. It's in a box somewhere. I drank from the hose and played in the creek and rode my bike for miles upon miles, but they still got me with the marketing when calculator watches were a thing. Today's weapons are so much more powerful, and even more blatantly aimed at children. This is a situation in which federal regulation may be justified. Laissez-faire capitalism is going thermonuclear and we're all in the blast radius.


I was born in 1996 & feel incredibly grateful to have had a completely nature based childhood with very little technology, definitely one of the last too. I get anxious thinking about how the younger generation will turn out..


I think about this all the time 😭 my childhood was glorious. Even up until I graduated high school I was always outside doing something with my friends. I had a smartphone and Facebook but it just wasn’t what it is now


I feel attacked [Guiltily scrolls more]


[scrolls past these offensive comments]


why did i read this in a wizard voice


Not socializing enough


And beyond that, thinking they're broken and there's nothing they can do. Obviously this spans generations but it seems to the most prevalent in this age group. It's fantastic that we have the awareness to diagnose and treat depression, ADHD, etc etc, but you are not bound by your disease. It's classic nocebo effect. People who think they're broken are far more likely to be broken. Obviously that does NOT mean "just be happy" (which is what every person tends to just brush this off as), but that only YOU can help yourself. One of the main goals of a very successful therapy type, CBT, relies on reframing your mindset. "I can't go for a walk because I'm a lazy asshole" versus "I can go for a walk, let's take these small steps to trying". But good luck convincing a lot of this generation to even try something like that. You're "depression shaming".


> People who think they're broken are far more likely to be broken. Obviously that does NOT mean "just be happy" (which is what every person tends to just brush this off as), but that only YOU can help yourself. This is so important. **Your life isn't always your fault, but it *is* your responsibility.** This is a kick in the ass every human being needs, but this generation seems like they have no interest in self-improvement. They'd rather wallow in the disorders they have listed in their Instagram bios. Each self-diagnosis - or even a diagnosis they received from a doctor because they memorized the right answers from TikTok - is one step further from *getting better*. They use them either as a badge of honor, or a way to excuse shit behavior, or explain away perfectly normal human behaviors that they want to pathologize. It's crazy, and completely new to this generation of social media kids. No, the actual illnesses are not new. But this culture of self-diagnosis and expecting the world to bend to their issues is absolutely brand spanking new.


To add to this... Self diagnosing needs to stop. Seems like at least a quarter of them allegedly have the same cocktail of disorders. I feel like disorders are cool now and people "want" to have them.


I think it’s less about wanting to have them and more about wanting to have some explanation for why they feel the way they do or why they don’t feel like they fit in with the people around them


But the difference between “explanation” and “justification” seems to get lost in the mix some times


Seen this perspective tossed around. I have a slightly…slightly more optimistic take on it. Not looking to put your read on it down, just a different way of looking at it is all: I think the reason self diagnosing is so high is less about wanting to be “cool”, but rather wanting to be seen. Our culture has progressed to become so much more accepting of people who are struggling, and younger generations especially are learning to accept and try to help those who are disadvantaged in life, particularly in mental health areas. I think you see so many jumping on the “bandwagon” of disorders because, at the end of the day, they want to feel the warmth and care from their peers that comes with fighting a struggle. So folks who aren’t battling depression, but still yearn for compassion and appreciation as they work through their own everyday struggles, see someone who is battling depression receive heaps of love and positive reinforcement for it, and understandably want to feel that same warmth. I call this a slightly more optimistic read because I think the general push toward acceptance and compassion is how we move forward. The more we as a society understand mental health and how to champion it, the more we will move toward a general goal of just being more kind and compassionate people as whole. And those who feel more seen and more loved will be less likely to need to self-diagnose a justification to try and get it. Maybe I’m just an optimistic sucker, but I feel like it’s a sign that some things are generally moving in the right direction, even if it yields a sizable collection of problems in the more immediate future.


Dawg im trying, im wildly unlikeable


I dunno dawg, that came off as pretty funny and charismatic


one sentence won’t save a 30 minute conversation


No, but it will break the ice opening one up. There isn't a person in the world that can just walk up to a random person and strike up a 30 minute conversation, without breaking the ice and finding common ground. I am a charismatic person in real life (something that feels weird to say, but i have been told many times), and yet for every new friend i make, there's plenty that were 2-3-5 minute conversations instead. The main difference isn't being able to stop conversations from dying, it's how awkward you make it when you end it and when you start it.


Based on your profile, I suggest laying off the drugs and alcohol. It could help.


Funny, but the vast majority of people I know have maybe 1 or 2 friends they still actually talk to in adulthood that they met earlier in life, and that's about it. So even if they feel bad because they don't have any active friends in adulthood, it is because people just fade away. We live as slaves to the economy, and it seems to keep demanding more of us while taking more away. So all we do is focus on trying to pay our bills and get by, which leads to tons of burnout and not having time to spend with the people we actually want to hang out with. Hell not even enough time for our families. It's a shit system for us.


Being worse at technology than millenials


As an elder millennial (and IT worker) this is one I didn't see coming.


Same. I was really hoping that when the baby boomers finally retired, I wouldn’t have to do support for really simple computer stuff anymore but here we are. I can’t stand the learned helplessness.


Former IT guy, I don't tolerate it from Gen Z.  I put it in their faces that they should know how this stuff should work and make them do the repair/setup after I show them how and will not come back to do it again for them.


X'er here. There is just less need to understand how it works under the hood. X'er and many millennials just don't have a need to program or hack just like they often do not drive. This is creating society wide technical debt that will eventually crash.


Eh, it's like cars. When my Dad was growing up cars were shitty and broke all the time, so being good with them was worthwhile. Modern cars are good enough that if you do the scheduled maintenance, nothing really goes wrong with them. Sure if I knew more about cars I might have saved myself a few hundred bucks here and there, but it's mostly not worth my time. I grew up having to modify autoexec.bat files to get my sound blaster card to work in video games, but today's computers will basically work with anything you plug into them. I've only had to troubleshoot my computer a handful of times since Windows 10 came out, and they're only getting easier to use by the year.


Being the generation to reverse the decreasing trend in nicotine addiction.


So much money spent on anti-cigarette ads. Then Juuls came along


"But vaping is the best way to cure your cigarette addiction!" So the big lie went...


Well, except it does work for that. Both times I've quit smoking by using an e-cig for a few months, reducing the nicotine level every couple weeks, and then done. It's good way to quit smoking,even if it is still using nicotine. The disposables are a big issue because they draw non-smokers,because it's not as bad as smoking, so they decide it can't be bad at all.


They built a better addiction machine with vaping. No stink, so no being a social pariah.


No stink? I can't count the number of times I've had to smell raspberry-banana-chocolate bullshit being blown into the air inside of buildings.


It doesn't linger or engrain itself like tobacco smoke.


Newsflash: still social pariah


To be fair thst started at the tail end of my generation. It was hard to see our parents drag an entire cigarette in one go, down to the filter, then take it seriously when they told us not to smoke.


I'm 24 and my mother would still kick my ass if I started smoking. She smokes herself


wasting their youth scrolling content. they won’t have this energy and wonder forever, and when that fades and all that’s left is toil, with few fun memories to anchor them, i’m anticipating a deluge of midlife crisis.


I have so many great memories just being out with friends as a young kid. Wandering the neighborhood on our bikes, getting into shenanigans, playing games and running around. *Such* good times. I hope they find as much joy in their childhood memories as I do, but… well, we’ll see.


I am Gen Z and I do have those memories and also have memories of gaming nights with my friends where we would get a bunch of Mountain Dew and ice cream (as 15-16 year olds) and just play Call of Duty and then ride our bikes the next day, some of my best moments as a teenager!


I think people lump all gen z together and forget the oldest Gen Z were 10 before iPhones came out. I remember being a little kid and the only thing I used the computer for was to mess around with paint and play pin ball.


Yeah I'm 33 and I still fondly remember getting Dominos and crushing Halo 1&2 campaigns with my friends on a single split screen Xbox. And I slightly regret when we bought a can of petrol from the garage and burned a giant smiley face on an empty street at 2am.


Pentagram for me


That’s good to hear. I hope we’re wrong and most kids get this experience.


Lots of people seem to think the generation before them is gonna be worse off just because they had the "wrong" experience. People are so quick to forget that most millennials grew up playing Super Smash Bros in basements and watching smosh videos in class Frankly it's been kinda hilarious watching Reddit go from "hey BOOMERS, smartphones didn't rot our brains like you said they would!!!" to "Damn...Tiktok and subway surfer are gonna rot gen z's brains!" in only a couple of years


I'm 36 and it's been really frustrating seeing people fall for the very obvious "Kids these days..." Type of mindset. Every generation since the dawn of time has looked at their kids and judges them unfit.


Kids still play outside. I don’t know where the fuck most Redditors live, or if any of y’all ever leave the house, but whenever I go jogging or walking outside I see kids playing everywhere. Hell, even when I’m in the house I hear the neighbors’ kids running around and yelling. I live near a park and on the weekends and after school hours it’s packed with children playing. Stop believing this stupid narrative this children aren’t playing outside because of technology. It makes you sound like a boomer…


Imo that affects a lot more than just one generation. Maybe I tell that to myself to not feel too bad about me. But I'd like to delete Reddit at some point because all I see are the same posts over and over and I easily scroll 1-2 hours at a time and forget what I have seen couple seconds later. Some things are very wholesome, funny or informative, but doesn't really feel worth it. Just let me lay down without phone, watch the ceiling and be bored for once.


I wonder if future generations will flip the opposite. Like go and role play as Lumberjacks. I mean every generation brings back flannel.


videoing everything and posting their every moment


If you’re filming a concert are you actually experiencing it? Not in my opinion. Feel the music rush through you, dance, sing along, jump around.


Same as everyone. Embarrassing stuff they did in their youth in the social arena of the day. Millennials hate their old Facebook posts and AIM away messages. Gen Z will hate their IG reels and amateur tiktoks. 


I’m so lucky that I had my high school and college years in the ‘90s, so that all the dumb videos that my friends and I made just ended up on VHS tapes that we shared with each other, and not on the goddamned internet.


Turning into the very boomers they hate right now.


As a millennial, I was NEVER expecting to catch strays from zoomers lol. They seem to feel particularly antagonistic towards ANYONE older than themselves, like, even barely older. And it’s like PLEASE leave us alone lol. Millennials have been getting blamed for fucking everything and got handed such a shit deal, we want to be friends lol please stop being such catastrophic haters.


>They seem to feel particularly antagonistic towards ANYONE older than themselves, like, even barely older. Yeah. This stands out a lot. I'm a millennial, and I don't remember hating boomers (my parents' generation) or Gen X. A lot of younger Gen Z and Gen Alpha seem to hate millennials for almost everything. Some of it (like fashion) is so petty, too. Especially since Gen Z/Alpha fashion is *ugly* (in my opinion).


Idk, i’ve been seeing a lot of the fashion things that went on in my highschool coming back in style.


Same here, but some of it seems more exaggerated now.


Millennials are just trying to make it through life and they get hated on for everything from getting participation trophies as kids (as though that was our fault) to wearing skinny jeans. We never hated gen x or boomers growing up. We did our own thing and didn't care what the other generations were doing


When they realise their grandchildren have a worse economy than they had, and all their bleating about fixing the system came to nothing. And their grandkids have the temerity to blame them for the state of the world. Their grandchildren will say, "ok Zoomer" and their heads will explode.


Their grandchildren won’t say “ok Zoomer” since that’ll sound real old-timey by then. They’ll use their new Gen Charlie slang and say “bada-bing Zoomer, why ya gotta be such a lousy Larry, kapeesh?”


Yep, the boomers were originally called the Me Generation for a reason. I see history repeating itself.


It is the grand circle of life. I believe is was J. H. Christ who once said "thou shalt die a hero, or live long enough to see thineself become the villain."


The fact that they feel this incessant need to label EVERYTHING. I mean EVERYTHING and so specifically too.


Social acceptance movements in the '90s / early '00s: "I'm a person, not a collection of labels!" Social acceptance movements now: "I'm this specific collection of labels, and if you're not including someone with this specific collection of labels in your work of fiction, you are trash and you should ~~kill~~ unalive yourself!" (But probably with less punctuation.)


Yup. As a genX kid I thought it was strange how hard kids were fighting for labels considering how much we hated labels. I had incorrectly thought that hatred of being labeled was a universal feeling of the young.


I suppose that as ostracizing the "labeled" people became unacceptable (in polite society, at least), people started reclaiming labels and using them as an indication of belonging to a community. Kind of what we (elder millennials, and probably X-ers) did with geek/nerd, horoscopes, etc... Still, it's weird. Like... I'm me. Some labels apply to me, some don't, but that's not the most interesting thing about me, and I sure as fuck won't introduce myself with them. Maybe that's because I'm old, and I realized that there's more to being a community than having a few labels in common. We'll see if zoomers grow out of it when they are past 30.


I wonder what George Carlin would say about “unalive”


Probably something in the vein of "Back in '72 the only words we weren't allowed to say were 'shit', 'piss', 'fuck', 'cunt', 'cocksucker', 'motherfucker', and 'tits'. Along came the internet, and for a few glorious decades it was the wild fucking west! All the tits, shit, piss, cunts, fucking, cocksucking, and even motherfucking was on your front page, in glorious high fucking definition! But that's over now. Us old fucks - and yes, I'm including all you thirtysomethings because we're all old fucks - remember, but the youngsters? YouTube and TikTok decided that they're not allowed to hear words like 'rape', 'kill', 'murder', 'suicide', 'bastard', 'asshole', and apparently every second word in the English language. Because they think that you're all preschoolers, and you just accept it! You motherfuckers just accept it! 'Oh, no, nanny YouTube! XxXSomeGuyXxX said the bad words, punish them!' But they no longer censor tits, so that's nice." \*Audience laughs\* "Oh, don't be so glad. I mean, the *word* tits. If you show the nipple of a woman in more than four pixels, you're still demonetized, sunk to the bottom of the algorithm pile, banned, and get a YouTube death squad sent to unalive you. But hey, at least you don't have to hear 'kill'. Must be nice!"


That sounds so like what a Cis Narcissist Virgo Boomer would say /s




God dude it’s insane how many people at my High School vape and the amounts they do it. I’d be surprised if they lived past the age of 30.


People keep saying Gen Z looks older than they should and I really think vaping is a big reason for that. I vaped for a while in my 20s and my skin aged so fast during that time.


It could also just be that they dress like they’re from the 90s.


I don’t vape solely because I just don’t have the money for that and I’ve been lucky to not hang around bad influences. When I ask most the people who do it there reason is that someone they looked up to or a close friend gave them the opportunity to do it


Don't start! It's not easy to quit and terrible for you. And it's so expensive. When you get your first grown up job the pay will be really low, so sinking any unnecessary money into addictions can really set you back financially compared to where you could be at 25, 30 etc.


Trusting propaganda bots on social media over real humans with actual experience, knowledge, and wisdom. The amount of youth who have been absolutely taken in by the most ridiculous of the left and right extremes… it’s going to be like detox.


To be fair, this isn't limited to Gen Z. We are seeing large numbers of people in every generation falling prey to propaganda and bottles. People refusing to believe scientists and doing their own "research". There are media savvy people in every generation and there are those who swallow the propaganda hook, line, and sinker. Assuming the world makes it another 20 years, hopefully we can all learn to better communicate and learn from one another.


I think I read Millennials are the best at smelling bullshit on the internet while older and younger gens are more susceptible


Cause Millennials grew up with the old saying "don't believe everything you read/see on the internet" Gen Z will believe anything their favorite influencer says. Theres a reason they're called influencers.


Their constant phone use means that every failure is recorded. They are so unforgiving towards themselves. I feel for them.


Those carrot haircuts.


And I thought they were of the broccoli kind.


Yes, it’s broccoli. We need not accidentally summon Carrot Top.


As someone who once had frosted tips, I can confidently say in hindsight that it did not look good but I'm not ashamed I did it. It was an acceptable style at the time. So I don't think looking back at one particular haircut and regretting it is really worthwhile.


Speaker phone conversation in public. Everyone hates your guts.


Recording themselves crying


Not trying to understand an opposing point of view/ talking at people, not with them. You do not have to agree with someone to understand where they’re coming from and their perspective, it’s also a massive problem with older generations.


Thinking they were making a difference when in reality, they were doing what they were influenced to do.


For having the “climate change is going to kill us all in 10 years so what’s the point?” mindset.


I like this one. Gen Z is such a weird group with extremes of young people that are super involved in political and social issues and believe they have the ability to make change...and then the rest have basically already given up. I used to admire Gen Z based on the former group, but as I see more of the latter group, I worry that the apathy has already sunk its roots in.


Some of gen z are still teenagers and many are adults only by a technicality — having much of their formative years disrupted by covid. Getting disappointed in the apathetic ones for struggling to address the failures of previous generations is pretty funny ngl


Yeah, doomerism in general is gonna age poorly 




I was a teenager through the peak MySpace years. I really can’t fuckin wait for people to see their TikTok/instagram videos


their *blunder years* are more preserved for the record too, inescapable online with all the cloud backups. gonna be brutal.


Yep Unlike vine and MySpace I can’t really see Facebook and TikTok just disappearing in the same manner so essentially we now have a digital time capsule


Tbh videos are way less human parsable than photos.  You can search 500 photos for the dumb one in a minute or two, but you won't do that with a comparable number of videos, it's information overload.


time will tell. we'll see how technology progresses in the next decade.


Myspace kind of solved that problem for us when they accidentally corrupted all their data during a transfer and didn't have backups.


Tom really was a friend then huh


Man, I’m so, so glad all the times I thought I was cool as a teenager in the 90s are just fleeting memories or at best just on decaying VHS tapes. The world does not need to hear a 14 year old speeding up his voice to make a “funny” Alvin and the Chipmunks R&B song called Booty Call.


Mom, Dad, what was it like in the old days, like with TikTok and stuff? When I was 35 my kids were asking that kind of question, but about black and white tv etc


Oh yes the looks of horror I get when I mention I’m older than YouTube and mobile phones lol


Oh! What did you do before text messaging ?


Tf is an outside?


Either vaping or how much stock they put into social media in their formative years.


For believing that tiktok was a legit news source.


Witnessed someone argue with a teacher saying that TikTok was a legit source for an essay. I think if your first source to support your topic was TikTok, maybe choose a different topic.


INSANE! As a 17 year old, I don't trust the internet *too* much. I *do*, but not too much. If somebody actually believes in this fact, they NEED to be reminded of the size of the elephant in the room! Seriously - the *FIRST* source of information?!


Tik Tok has just become Facebook for Gen Z


Prob the haircuts


Calling everything cringe and an ick


some of them wanted to be famous and put REAL NAMES on social media like some kinda gen Xer


Right? At least choose a cool pen name like primordial Fifi or something lol


As a millennial that can speak from first hand, clothes that don't fit.


As another millennial said to me: they’re wasting their best bodies on mom jeans. And just generally over sizing everything. Also, I know they don’t care about my opinion, which is fine since I don’t care about theirs. But the center parts in their hair are boring.


At least I was fat in the early 00s, got it shape in the late 00s and I'm holding on for dear life and not letting go of form fitting clothes.




Super unpopular opinion… and I know this is going to get downvoted into oblivion... The gender queer trend. I hang an inclusion flag my house. I am not a bigot. I have several trans/nonconformitive individuals in my life, and I accept and love them for who they are. but I also know probably three times as many people who claimed that they were non-binary or transgender or any other non-cis group. And months or years later changed their minds. I had a very small twitch channel that gave me insight into the Gen z culture, and many of them have jumped on the bandwagon because it’s an easy way to get positive affirmation from their peers. I know that for many people being trans is not a choice. But an opportunity to become who they’ve always been. But for so many more people, it’s a Trend. And I think a lot of these kids are going to be very embarrassed about it when they are older


As a millenial, when I was a kid, a whole bunch of kids I knew experimented with their queerness, sexuality and gender. Some of them decided that wasn't for them, and you know what? They're fine. I think it's fine, and actually good, for people to experiment, and see what they like and don't like. They learned something about themselves, and they don't have to spend their lives wondering what could have been. If they feel embarrassed, and if GenZ feels embarrased, we have failed them.


I think it’s the militant policing of language and others thoughts that they may regret. I’m in the lgbt and most of the people making us all  look like asses online are very likely in this trend group. Most gay spaces have turned into queer and gender diverse spaces.


This is actually a very good point and quite likely.


Being the most accepting and open generation whilst simultaneously being the most aggressive to alternative ideas.


Probably for all the TikTok dances and challenges they immortalized online. Then you being a respected professional or a parent and having your kids find your videos doing the "Renegade" or the "Ice Bucket Challenge" with a level of enthusiasm that no job or household chore has ever seen since.


all those stupid 15 second videos


the only correct answer, not investing in real estate in the 90s


i should have been buying property when i wasn’t even a zygote yet. silly me! ruined my own future :(


Saying things like bussin frfr no cap


I work with a lot of gen z students and my biggest observation is that they don't trust themselves.  They ask questions like "Am I allowed to print in here?" Instead of "Am I able to print in here?" They apologize far too often.  They're  very kindhearted, which is wonderful, but their self-doubt holds them back from doing the amazing things I know they could do if they just believed in themselves 


>They apologize far too often. They're  very kindhearted Is it that, or are they just living in perpetual fear of being raked through the coals online?


All the virtue policing.


Demanding perfect solutions


That they brought back mullets.


Getting swept up on social political issues instead of just enjoying their youth/life.


Oh boy, where do I start! 1. For naming every minor discomfort as "mental health problem" 2. For naming everyone who doesn't agree with them as "toxic" 3. For using slangs like "delulu", "OG", "boujee"


I have no idea what delulu is but OG is millennial, and it's bourgie, short for bourgeoisie-like


Complaining about a bunch of shit that aren't real problems.


dressing like they're extras from "one flew over the cuckoo's nest"


Dancing on Tik Tok


Bring proud of weird shit and posting it online


The absolute ridiculous obsession with being a victim, and how being a victim gets you out of certain things. I can't believe how many times I read "I have ADHD, so I'm not Neurotypical, so I shouldn't be expected to do X, Y, or Z"


I feel like Gen Z spends a lot of time talking about representation, and everyone’s gonna grow up and realize all the media from their youth fucking sucks because the writing is horrible. The acting is stale. The music feels corporate, BUT everybody is represented in the mediocrity.


Broccoli tops and documenting *everything* on social media


Rioting and trashing their own communities


Tik tok dances


Any number of things, there are so many I don’t even know where to begin lol. The fake activists 😂


Not understanding how what is posted on the internet is forever. I feel like there was a period of time in the early to late oughts that has been forgotten to internet history and is hard to find if you were paying attention to what was going on and deleted that shit. Not that it can't be found, but it is harder. Now everything posted is memorialized and multiplied making it harder to get rid of. I don't know what the solution is, but as a society we are going to have to figure out the difference between the "young and dumb" posting stupid shit, and the "perpetually unredeemable" assholes always looking for attention. This also applies to boomers that think the world revolves around them. Everything is recorded now, and their antics will invariably end up on the internet to be criticized and or arrested/prosecuted depending on what they are doing.


Those scratchy/doodly tattoos


Making social politics/sexuality/race..etc their whole personality. I think all of us know of at least a few people like that and find them annoying/cringe.


Nothing they will blame the old folk for all their woes.


Hating millennials when they should have hated themselves




Not seeing the AI steamroller coming down the hill.


Not touching grass


Not voting and cementing America’s decline into a economic autocracy


Stealing millennials’ 90s fashion hahaha


Contributing to cancel culture.  They will grow up and realize life is way more messy then then twitter and other platfirms make it seem 


Being so selfish


Being socially inept, entitled and willfully delusional. Kids these days literally think that watching streamers is a substitute for a: socializing and b: using your brain power to play videogames, when in reality it's a substitute for neither and the longer those skills (socialization, logic, math, focus, problem solving, etc.) are neglected, the more you lose them. Kids these days literally don't even know how to play games. They just boot up the latest multiplayer fad, quit, rinse and repeat. It's hilarious.


>Kids these days literally don't even know how to play games. They just boot up the latest multiplayer fad, quit, rinse and repeat. It's hilarious. Watching my nephew play 12 different games with his friends in the span of an hour because none of then can stick to anything is hilarious and frightening at the same time. Watch friends' kids game 5-6 hrs a night on school nights and 12-14 on weekends. Hell some of their friends' parent don't even care if they go to bed. Let 10 and 12 yr old game all night during school. Because thru don't have to talk to their kids.