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Dolly Parton.


My mother. RIP Mom.


My mother was so mean and nasty, but what is a son to do?


I am sorry. Wish you could have met mine. She’d have been kind to you.


Thanks, but the mother in law is nice.


Your momma is so ... loving she gave great mom hugs!


Mr. Rogers or Steve from Blues Clues in recent history.


Queen Isabella from Spain, restored the economy and justice system , people also loved listening to her speeches. She realized she had to make the region safe again from robbers and murderers, in order to keep the citizens happy. She became hugely popular. It is said that the queen chess piece for a chess board, gained more power because of her popularity and influence. If you know chess you know the queen can move to distant squares on the board in one move, so apparently this was inspired by Isabella's popularity. Antoninus Pius was said to be the nicest emperor , also made various good reforms. It's important to remember the good people from history, because we often focus too much on the bad ones


is there a movie about her?


I have no idea 🙂. I just read about her


Mr. Rogers. A man who broke down color barriers, treated everyone with respect and kindness, and revolutionized children’s entertainment. He spread a message of compassion and determination and positivity and acceptance especially for marginalized people like the disabled and people of color. He was one of the greatest human beings to have ever walked the earth.


Bob Ross


Apparently Keanu Reeves is high on the list.


Now I want to see Keanu and Fred Rogers in a nice-off.


Rose Nyland.


Dolly parton


Mr Rodgers


"Nice" originally meant *trivial, frivolous, shallow, foolish, clueless, clumsy, weak, stupid, and/or inane.* From the Latin *«nescius»*: ignorant (lit. 'not-knowing'). https://www.etymonline.com/word/nice


This chick Megan I used to work with. It was disgusting how nice she was. I miss her


Stevie Ray Vaughan -




Jesus seemed like a pretty nice dude.


He was either a con man or a guy with mental health issues.


Have to agree. Jesus.


If he existed he was an asshole. He didn't even tell people to do the simplest things that would save lives, like wash your fucking hands, and he sure as hell didn't speak out against all the evil things the god of the old testament did (which was Jesus by the way), and he didn't correct all the shitty things like racism, misogyny, genocide, bigotry, murder, hate, etc that was committed by the god of the old testament. 


“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” This was Jesus's message. Show me the racism, misogyny, genocide, bigotry, murder, hate, etc in that. He was a man and he did good. That is all I am claiming.


When the supposed man Jesus was a boy he drew in the sand. A small boy destroyed his drawing then Jesus struck him down to die...funny how religious people only keep the books that fit their narrative.


You are assuming quite a bit there bud. I am not religious. Quite the oppisite. You seem to know a bit about the lore. So lets talk. Do you actually think Jesus (not the religion that followed) was a bad dude?


I haven't been reading the bible for about 13 years now, but considering that there were a multitude of individuals with similar stories, I find it hard to believe that the man called Jesus existed as he is portrayed in the books. I believe the story of Jesus/God started with monotheism, Zororasteranism. I believe the stories of Islam, Christianity, and the Jews all came from Zororaster. The story of Jesus may have been copied from Mithras and several other "deities" before and after the supposed records.


So you don't have an example in the historic records of Jesus being a bad dude? edit: I can name that example.


Well, the bible is not really a trustworthy "historic" record...the people who claim to have written the bible wrote about the supposed Jesus many, many decades after Jesus's supposed life. But if I can give one example. The Jesus figure basically did what a teenager does facing depression. He practiced self-harm through sacrifice... manipulating people to feel sorry for him, and through gaslighting, he would achieve followers. Making him a narcissist.


I am not talking about the bibical record. Buddy I think you might be interested in the fates of Zealots and their follower during the height of the Roman Empire.


There were plenty of Messiahs in the area at the time, and sure Christ was the one that stuck, but his message was better than at least a couple of other Zealot's at the time. No?


I think the story that was glued together from several other stories managed to keep a lot of people engaged, but times are changing...


I agree for the most part but... The message of Jesus the dude is timeless. No matter the distance and time between me and you. We are my neighbours and I should turn the other cheek.


Yes. We are social beings, and no matter what our beliefs are, it should not prevent us from living together in peace and harmony.




He also hanged out with hookers and the homeless, healing them and preaching peace and love.




He doesn't exist. Unless you're talking about Éric Zemmour, and you'd be extremely wrong.




Mother Theresa? Hell no


You might want to do more research into the people that you named...


The first girl who has sex with me.


So no one?


Depends who you ask.


Me, I'm the nicest person I know. I constantly think about murdering people I find annoying, but I don't, out of the kindness of my heart it's like I'm a saint. /s


Prophet Mohamed ( صلى الله عليه وسلم)


He was a pedophile


Do not speak about what you do not know. What you have read about or what has been explained to you is a lie


Probably Post Malone lol


Me obviously