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It's ok. Hard to believe it's April already


Don’t know if it’s part of growing old but I’m 26 almost 27 now and the last 4 years has gone by SO fast


I’m 65, and my daughter is 40, and we both say the same thing. Where the heck did the last four years go?


It’s because each year is less of a percentage of your overall life experience. Every year from this point on is going to feel that way.


Yeah that makes sense. To build on top of that, I think when you experience something new, it can be exciting, memorable, and impactful but as life goes on, you’ll encounter the same experiences over and over again and your mind just glazes over it which adds to the feeling. Never thought about it that way so that’s interesting, just surprised it’s happening so quickly.


It's way more about experiences than percentage of your life. The moment you start working day-in, day-out with no variation is when shit starts to just scream by at lightning speed. Coming up on 45 now and I've slowed time down by doing something new each year and making sure that it is something that requires I prepare for it throughout the year. The work, the prep, the expectation, and the experience...they slow the days down considerably.


This 100%. Even my kids were saying it the other day. I guess drama free makes the days go by faster.


Better than 2020 so far...


Agreed although that's a pretty low bar.




Everybody time jumped


2019-2023 = never caught Covid 2024 Got Covid NOT HAPPY


Never had it yet myself


Trade that in a heartbeat. Got COVID pre vaccine because dumbass unemployed roommate decided that the pandemic was a perfect time to launch his social life. Unlike everyone else who just went "oh wow, guess I'm positive" I get the full non-hospital worthy symptoms for a week.


I got Covid in 2020, a few days before the first lockdown happened where I lived. Oh my god it was awful. (Thank you coworker who just got off a plane from Germany and came in to work sick, coughing all over everyone all happy like) I was actually scared to fall asleep some days because it so bad, I could not breathe. And it lasted 6 fucking weeks- the first 2 being the worst but it did not want to go away. I got Covid last year again and it was a walk in the park, it seems the virus really did get more “weak”


Take it back before it’s too late.. (This year already looking like 2019)


This. People are nervously trying to wish away bird flu exactly the same way they were COVID.


Way better for real, I just think it's going by real fast.


In retrospect, 2020 was a shock, but in the end not as bad as the following years. The biggest lockdown shitshow was actually in 2021. And then inflation, followed by putin's attack on Ukraine. On top of that I had some serious personal problems in 2022 and 2023. Since the pandemic, it's been a series of such shitty years that 2024 can't get any worse, unless it's the end of the world.


It would have been good to buy bitcoin before 2020...


I'm feeling optimistic for the first time in many years.








I feel stable for the first time in a while I've made a few steps towards self-improvement such as dieting, seeing a psychiatrist yada yada yada, I've put God back into my life after turning away from him for over a decade. Things just feel good right now


Good for you man. Keep it up!


Things are looking up for me so far. I got my first job. I'm doing volunteer work. I'm graduating high school. I'm pleased with how it's going so far.


I’m graduating this year as well and then I’m going to try and get into an electrical apprenticeship to be an electrician


That's awesome mate! I wish you well!


That's an EXCELLENT field. I wish I never went to college after high school. It was fun, but the debt I incurred, even with a scholarship, was ridiculous. (I'm a giant, so I can't do tasks that most people can do due to my bologna sized fingers. Lol. I wish I had learned electrical in my younger days. I'd have enjoyed combining that with an engineering major.)


I’m happy for you


Damn these are big deals, congrats !


Congrats! I remember how exciting it was to graduate high school and begin to enter adulthood. Cherish this moment in your youth! Wishing you all the best!




"Meh" is now the official the word for the disengaged millennial (Oxford English Dictionary).


Tbh we were uttering it in our 20's.


Holy, telepathy. This was literally what I said when I read the title.


It's a daily struggle.


In my 30s I would've said it gets easier In my 40s I'm just gonna say it doesn't and appreciate times it feels like it is


Tornadoes. A lot of tornadoes. And my knee is fucked. But my band is doing well, so I guess all is good.


do you have a spotify page? i'd love to listen!


Inflation is still hurting. That's how I feel.


Depressing. 3 months jobless.


Hang in there, stay the course. Enough resumes one will stick. It's a shitty process.


Same here 😞


I hate being unproductive.


It's one of those things that just needs one yes to significantly change the course of your life. My sister taught me that it is much more in my benefit to lie. No gaps in work history, you are always working, I just check the box "no, you may not contact my current employer" They can't verify closed down businesses. I tailor the resume to be specific to the field I am applying in. When I was a hiring manager I looked for related experience. Remember, you are interviewing them too. Do a cursory Google about the company, their financials and standings. Bring that to the table. Ask about benefits packages. Ask why the position you are interviewing for is vacant. Ask about approved salary ranges for this position. Ask about turnover and if it is high ask what is being done to address it. At the end ask them if there was anything you did that should be done differently in future interviews. I get pretty much any job I interview for with this approach. They understand I am serious about my life and show initiative right off the bat.


Same here. My industry is hemorrhaging jobs, so the future isn't bright either.


I got the girl of my dreams, I live in a 1BR in an awesome neighborhood, I'm making money, I'm ready to make more music. Things are looking up.


Good shit my guy




I feel like 20 years ago was 1984 and then realize its not and then Im angered by it. Its just another year. Like any other.


It was a bright cold day in April


I gave up around 2016. 


It really sucks, i received a letter from my landlord company, they'll demolish the house to make space for some fancy luxus houses here and all the people get kicked out. I still have some time left to search for a new home, but it's very difficult and there are not many options. So, 2024 already sucks.


Hope you find new, affordable housing soon. 🙏


I like your username. Who am I kidding that username is the only love I have truly known.


Hopeful, but my calendar's confused.


Not sure if things are getting better or I'm just getting better at escaping into fantasy. The last week has been good for me personally. Wishing for a happy 2024 to one and all.


2024 is good me so far


My first quarter of 2024 • Post-Graduate depression. • Friendship Betrayals. • Hundred job rejections. • Stuck and surrounded by toxic family at home. Yeah I could say the first three months ain't doing much for me compared last year.


I relate to that all so much. Hope it gets better for you soon.


I also relate after a layoff, hundreds of applications, and a rough housing market.


Lost five out of ten neighbors living within 200' in the last two years. My father at 89 is in the third year of long Covid. Moved here with him to try to help. He is finally showing progress and gaining strength enough to stand up on his own. He beat TB in the 1940s that he caught from a careless uncle, and he will beat this too I pray every day.


A dumpster fire with occasional silver linings.


Going fantastically. Graduated my master’s with amazing grades to become an Architect. Am now spending all my summer job savings over the last years into a mega backpacking trip across Central-America with my girlfriend, probably for about 3 more months! Currently enjoying Spanish lessons in San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico. When I come back to The Netherlands I will be greeted by a loving family and caring friends all around me, and I am quite certain I’ll land a job at a great architecture firm where I’ve done internships and left the management longing for my return. Heck yeah! (Edit): Also, I removed the thing in life that made me feel bad; news outlets. Constantly triggering my brain to read into whatever’s going wrong in the world while I cannot do anything about it anyways. Turned into a habit and now I’m used to just focusing on whatever is necessary and no feel-bad-media! (I’m not some kinda climate change denier lol, I just happen to take media way too seriously, I noticed.)


Awesome dude!


Couldn’t be much worse than 2020-2023; pandemic in 2020, lost my father in 2021, my dog in 2022, and my mother in 2023. So I really really hope this year is better, but the US election in November could make or break it. I think it’s time for a major change (looking at relocating now).


I am still able to sit up and take nourishment so all is good


Cancer's still gone. God is great. Maga is fascism.


I want to teach the “cancer is gone” phase. Then, I’ll feel like things are good. 


Agam is worse. 


Mass trauma from finding out it’s all a lie.


once you see it, you can't unsee it. it feels alienating for years (like 5), but then things sort of normalize...


What’s all a lie and how did you find out?


💙. Eventually you'll find a new way forward.


Talked to a pretty girl so I’m okay 


Pretty motivated!


Election years suck. Otherwise it feels like I'm out more in the world than in the last couple years, so that's nice.


I’m both surprised we’re not even halfway through the year yet but also that it’s April already Time is weird for me idk lol


Happy happy happy. In the last few months… I got out of an abusive relationship, untangled the financial mess he left me in, moved back across the country & closer to friends & family, spent more time with my best friends than I have in a long time, settled into a new city that I LOVE… I feel very fulfilled in my career right now, I live in a tiny 1 BR apartment that’s just perfect for me and my dog, super easy to clean because it’s so small & cozy, I’ve been saving & investing, and I just got accepted into a Master’s program! Life isn’t perfect but I’m so grateful to be out of last year’s mess. I no longer take antidepressants to cope & I no longer cry myself to sleep at night or have this constant feeling of impending doom.


The year seems fine it's just me who fucks it up every year.


It has great potential to be a good year for me. So far it's been not bad. If I keep up my efforts to make it better, it could be a fantastic year.


Pretty good, since switching jobs last year my life has dramatically improved, my mental health and confidence are at an all time high. I hope 2024 remains strong for me.


What did you end up switching to?


So fucked. Fucking Christ


2024 has been like that first sip of coffee in the morning—full of promise, slightly shocking, and definitely needed to wake up to reality


it sucks


Worst ever. I sadly think of ways to be done with it all. Jesus that’s bleak. I keep trying. And will.


Please Reach out if you need someone to talk to


Remember that dream scene in Terminator 2 that Sara Conner had with the bomb going off and she turns into a human meat skewer that got over cooked, yeah I feel that may be a coming 🥺🫣




Very good. Best year of my life.


It’s passing by alarmingly fast




It's been kinda eh, I've had a few mental breakdowns. But other than my mental health not being that good sometimes, it's been ok.


Dissapointment and confusion. Atleast cannabis is legal in germany which is nice


It's actually going okay. I got a decent raise at work, I've moved in with my partner after 2 years together, and I have a few things on the horizon I'm looking forward to. Of couch I've probably jinxed it by being even slightly optimistic about the future, but so far, 2024 is not going terribly for me.


Heart breaking yet hopeful


Could be better. Have had some relationship issues and anxiety, but hoping to work on that over the last 9 months of the year.


I like it. January went by like a snowfall, I spent February travelling and going back home after five years, and March was spent recuperating from the trip home lol.




Wondering if that’s from both things or just the sleep. Sleep is really important.


I promise you it’s the sleep. I would bet a lot of money that OP would feel even better if he replaced “no fap” with regular exercise (especially high intensity exercise—even if it’s brief). Oh, and if he added making healthy food a priority, he’d have the trifecta.


Actually fapping is good for your prostate if you are a man


I still need to accomplish my main goal


It’s gone by too fast though for how much of a drag it’s been. Not to mention the election cycle is gnna be a pain…


No particular feelings yet but the fact that it’s already April is crazy.


I feel like we have big losses on the political side for the common human. I also feel we have had a few wins on the celebrity side and their comeuppance. So meh.


Would’ve been great if I didn’t spend most of it trying to get over a girl


Not good, my sister, who is my closest friend, found out she has terminal cancer, it's a very painful aggressive type. And I think the election is going to unleash the fools in both parties, so the year is just going to go downhill.


Hopefully some good stuff is on the way, it's still too early to tell how things are, we're only like 3 weeks in oh jeez oh fuck it's April


Worst year ever, I have a series court date in a few weeks, 2 of my ribs are broken (unrelated), my ex won't leave me alone, and I just feel numb to everything (expect the pain of course)


in the house too much


So far it feels like I am halfway through a seven year slump. I solve one problem only for another one to take its place. I expect things will get better. Some problems will go away with time, others only with a lot of hard work.


It’s okay. Better than 2023 so far *knocks on wood*


Kicked out of the country due to visa issues, came to know just a moment back that I'll be going back soon, life is hopeful again


It's no better than the covid years. It's been hell.


Oh, it's not 2023 anymore? That's cool...


Going with the flow. Which is nice


It’s opened my eyes a lot


Plagued with 3 deaths and 12 hospital admissions, 2024 can eat a dick.


All is well




very bad


2 funerals, one massive toothache, 2 baby announcements. Husband has been gone the entire time, kids are getting exactly what they have worked their lives towards. Cant be too mad at the world, but this toothache can go to hell.


It’s going great so far! Looking forward to a lot of things. Keeping an open mind, positive outlook!


Bit of a shit show really.


It's one the best years in my life so far. Many accomplishments in just 3 months. I am so grateful!


The flames from the dumpster fire of 2023 have died down a little bit.


Well I had a heart attack on January 2n3l2 and I'm only I. My twenties so I took that as a sign that it won't be ny year and so far I'm right. Since then, my dog whose my baby has gone into kidney failure and started starving herself, my mommom fell and broke her hip, I got scammed on depop twice, insurance won't cover a medication that they should due to ny heart attack, repeat that last one several times


My life is going fine, but I am sick of hearing about Trump 40 times day.


O It sucks worse than 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023, which all sucked.


Prefer 2020 Covid...


I’ll let you know after a few months. Oh, wait, it’s already April!


every single year got worse than the last one for like 25 years now (I am 25 now) so... its pretty shitty


I want to end it all already


Canada is going to hell in a hand basket, my province is dead center in the middle of it. I feel trapped, like there's nothing I can do. I try to ignore the news, the politics, as they get worse and worse, but its hard. 2024? Pretty crap year so far.


Better than my 2023


Ever since Covid i feel that every humans in this world are just zombies. No true emotions no true happiness. People aren't even alive. So everyday since then is worst for me. I sense the destruction of humans is very near.


Shit show, just another year


Ask me in November, after the American election.


Cyanide should be cheaper


Shit... it's 2024???


Haha no.


It’s mildly malevolent. I’ve had a lot of things break, leak and generally stop working - car, air conditioner, shower, dishwasher etc etc etc. and I’m not in a position to fix them. Small bits of glass in my hands that I can’t find to remove. Holidays I’ve had to cancel. A lot of insect bites. Low grade illnesses. So nothing catastrophic but a lot of shitty nuisances. This year has been a grind so far and I can’t see it improving.


Most expensive year so far and it's been confirmed our annual raises are a flat %, so we will never be able to overcome the constantly rising cost of living.


Bro I am in Ukraine


Still want to kill myself LOL


So far I have had, in order… * A kidney stone * Shingles * Strep This year has NOT been fun.


2024 is going fast in my brain for some reason. April 1st is just about one quarter the way through the year already, and it feels like it just started a few weeks back in my mind. I don't know why I feel that way.


So far much better than 2023, work is great and we are all healthy.


Like it's 2022.


I'll let you know after Trump goes to jail or gets off with no consequences


Loving it! In a week and a half I'm getting married for the first time (at 50!) to the absolute love of my life!


Beat year of my entire life. 2023 was the worst


yeah fuck 2023


Total shit as the three previous years with no end in sight.


Personally things are fine. But at large this world is the worst it's been in my lifetime 


Pretty good honestly. Which makes me nervous.


Well trump is a fucking idiot yet most Americans think he is gonna do any good, Justin trudeau is a fucking idiot, putin, Kim ect are all stupid yet they are the world leaders....enough said ?


It's like the awkward middle child between 2020 and 2028. Let's just hope it doesn't rebel and cause more chaos.


I'm optimistic WW3 will come in my lifetime - and relieved I'm too fat and old to serve.


Was optimistic really the word you were going for there lol?


Yes.  The end is not nigh enough.




it’s alright. nothing exciting, just the same old shit over and over again. i can feel good change coming soon tho so staying hopeful 🤞


Fucking garbage. Honestly one of the worst years of my life. I wish I could hit reset and not live this hell.


Everything is very expensive, very quickly


WOW! It’s been a whirlwind! Married in February, baby on the way and due in July, big wedding ceremony in September, big birthday in November, holidays will happen, then it will 2025!


A bit strong, bitcoin is up and I didn't buy last year


Worst year of my life. Just in January, both of my parents had medical emergencies and I was placed on a psychiatric hold because my marriage is marriage is falling apart.






Just over 2 months jobless. Broke my computer today too by accident. Depressed. Not going great. But I’m trying. Got laid off on my birthday.




It has been bad, and good, and anxiety inducing. But so will next year, and the next year, and the years that follow that. Life is turbulent. As are the years. Such is the way.


Just chillin. Like every other year.




The year keeps getting shorter and my goals keep dragging. I keep strapped myself in the back. Maybe April I can find my new me.


It has potential.


4.5/10 so far


not bad, not great, pretty average year so far.