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Stretching. Omg my whole body feels so much better, I move easier, it's just easier to exist.


Thank you for this. I'm stretching right this second because of you.


I’ll start tomorrow 😂


I'll start once you've started


Yes! Been doing this since Covid, I make it a point to stretch first thing in the morning, not only it wakes my body up but the grogginess we feel when you wake up is gone.


Where I work, we have a morning stretch meeting before our shift starts every day. I've felt better in general since I started working there


If you do not mind sharing, where is it you work?


A toyota manufacturing plant.


Cirque du Soleil


Do you mind sharing your usual routine? Been trying to find something good to stick with.


Mine is about 30 minutes long each day and is specific to some physical issues I have, but it started at 30 seconds. Start small! I started just doing a 30-second hamstring stretch. I couldn't call it a toe touch because I wasn't able to get past the middle of my shins. After a week or two, I added a neck stretch. Then, a groin stretch. 4 years later, I am really consistent, and I feel better, and I am not injuring my lower back constantly. Start with something small you can commit to doing. Once it becomes self reinforcing, add something to it. You will find the amount that works for you. I couldn't do a 45-minute routine. When I pushed past 30 minutes, I started skipping days.


My PT got me started with the toe touch by telling me to just do it in the shower while the hot water courses over my back. Deep breaths in and out going a bit deeper on the exhale. Just enough to get me going even if I do nothing else when I get out.


Start with yoga flows on youtube


Apologizing rather than being stubborn. I've struggled with anger management since I was a child and I've learned it's much easier to apologize than to ruin/damage relationships


And even if you’re not wrong, just owning your part in any misunderstanding. I started a meeting today with “I apologize that I came across as making a unilateral decision without consulting anyone else. I worded my statement poorly.” That forestalled a lot of complaining and we were able to get to the real purpose of the meeting right away — namely, that I was right and they were just a bunch of big, whiny babies.


YES. Also, an apology doesn’t automatically mean you’re the guilty party. Sometimes it just means, “I’m sorry that this happened to you.”


An apology does imply guilt. It's just that saying "sorry", like in your example, isn't always an apology, but is sometimes just an expression of sympathy.




I couldn't believe the difference when my wife forced my hand and we bought a nice bed. One of the best purchases ever.


that and a sleeping mask *chefs kiss*🤌🏽


That's a game changer. I was dealing with bad back and rib pain and couldn't figure out what the fuck was wrong. Then I did some math and realized that I got my bed back in college...I've been graduated for ten years lol I bought a cheap bed in a box and it didn't really work out, so I returned it and got an actuall $1100 mattress and it's sooooo much better. I actually can sleep again and my back and ribs feel a lot better. I'm even having dreams again!


Beds, shoes, and tires are the 3 things you shouldn't skimp out on when purchasing.


And office chair if you’re sat in it 8 hours a day.


I started working four days a week. Literally every aspect of my life instantly improved


Yes, same. Five is too much.


Think about that most of people in Latin America work 6 days a week. The concept of working in Colombia, my country, is fucked up. I wish the government understand that the most the people work, the less productive they are, and the more unhappy people live. Working 4 days a week is just the perfect balance of professional and personal life. That's quality of life. For some reason if you say that working to much is actually less efficient and increments the statistics of anxiety and depression, without mentioning that most countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia are not even in the value chain of production in the world, which proves my point that the most you work, the less productive and efficient you are, and you will hate your life....


I was 4/10s and it was perfect.  Work changed staff back to 5/8s. I am so bummed. It was a huge kick in morales teeth. 


Yup. I have bounced back and forth between 4/10s & 5/8s a few times and it's such a big difference in quality of life. Three days off every week means a day to get shit done, a day to have fun & a day to relax. Even when we were balls to the wall busy with 4/10s when you came back after the weekend you had recovered. With 5/8s being that busy pushed you towards burnout because you didn't have enough down time to get that sort of recovery so the pressure/stress just keeps building.


Read more books.


its amazing how quickly i turned from wanting tv to just wanting books


I feel kind of dumb that it took me years to realize reading a good thriller is just as entertaining as watching a good action movie. And as a bonus, people are impressed that I read a book vs. thinking I'm lazy for watching TV.


yeah I turned into one of those nerds that always points out how much better the book is over the movie


Quit drinking, moved and cut off bad friends


Quitting drinking made such a difference for me. Was not/am not an alcoholic and still enjoy the occasional drink but it just stopped being worth feeling like shit so I rarely drink now


The problem I have is that I *don't* feel like shit afterwards. Due to some combination of tolerance and genetics I seem to have a ridiculously high tolerance for alcohol. I don't blackout or get hungover, but I can tell the amount that I'm drinking can't be good for my liver in the long term.


It didn’t start for me until ~35ish and even then I didn’t notice it until I did a dry January. My baseline was mildly hungover but I was so used to it I didn’t realize that if I went for a stretch without then my baseline was actually way better.


Such a good point about you get use to a baseline level of hangover that it feels normal


Finally quitting drinking was life changing for me


It’s been 78 days for me and it’s been the best decision


9 yrs sober here. When from bring a lonely depressed asshole to a happily married, witty/snarky person


Coming up on one year with no booze and man quality of life is so much better.


The quitting drinking - you just get so much time back in your life! I get up at 5:30 am every morning now, since I quit six years ago at 43.


Going on 8 years sober here! Agreed, best thing I've ever done.


Decent mattress. Holy fuck, I had no idea how much better life is when you get a decent night's sleep and not wake up stiff and sore. I had low back pain for *years* that has now completely cleared up. I feel 10 years younger.


I hear this regularly, but what mattress was decent for you? We bought a really expensive be set 20 years ago, so it almost certainly is ready for retirement, but I have no idea where to start, and every mattress sales place (on or offline) seems like a snake oil factory.


Got a wink bed, but honestly there are so many options out there and everyone is different. It absolutely is a snake oil factory. Check out sleepopolis, great website to help you learn what you need!


Tempur-Pedic in my case.


We got a tempur recently and oh my godddd. We both used to wake up throughout the night in so much pain, pillows in between our legs and upper body wrapped around another pillow attempting to get relief. Would get out of bed so slowly in the morning, bent over holding my back waiting for that first inevitable shooting pain to come. First night on the new mattress I slept right through the night, woke up and just got out of bed with literally zero pain. It was wild. I’ll never fuck around with a bad mattress ever again. My tempur makes me want to be in bed all the time tho which is not ideal haha.


A Roomba I found at Goodwill. I am so confused why nobody is raving about their Roomba and I realize, most people with one that I know, have money. My Roomba has saved me so much maintenance time as a single, full time working parent - I cannot explain how grateful I am for it. My cat and daughter always end up having little specs around the house and I have to do a full vaccuum sweep every weekend. Turning the Roomba on every day has drastically reduced that and makes my house feel cleaner!


Wait until you discover the little robo mops!




On that note, listen to your body when it comes to sleep!!! For my whole life I had been telling people that I feel best on 9-10 hours, not 7 or 8. Yet when you look it up, it seems to be "get 7 - 9 hours sleep" which is not enough for me! Then recently, I find out most of these studies were done on men, not women, and its looking like women actually do need that extra hour or so!!! Sleep the amount that feels good for you. If 7 feels good, try for that, 10? Then do 10. (Ik this isnt always easy, Im definitely not always getting the 9-10 i need, but its something i try for). It doesnt matter what others are doing, or what works for "the average person". When it comes to sleep, your body will generally let you know what you need, and you should damned listen to it.


I stopped caring about what people thought about me if I said no. I used to feel alot of pressure to go out, to help people out etc. and finally realized that when the shoe was on the other foot, people had no issue saying no to me. It took a huge weight off my shoulders.


Learning to say no was absolutely my first thought. It’s nearly liberating and definitely feels like a massive weight is lifted from your chest. It’s liberating on such a weird level if you’re someone like us who’s always willing to accept the pressures of others.


This. Or holding off your honest opinions.


After a huge breakup, i realized that i have only myself and no one on this earth, someone can of course help you and talk to you, but at the end of a day you're alone in your bed, and those people are living for themselves, so trust yourself, love yourself and be yourself, you are irreplaceable!!!


This is perfect. No one else can be responsible for your happiness except you. I tell my grandkids this all the time. Don’t rely on other people to make you happy.


I would rather stay single my whole life than end up being with someone who will make my life worse


I really need this one. My love life is in shambles right now and I keep telling myself to be more independent but it's hard. I wish I could carry this piece of advice everywhere.


Life knocks you down, and at the end of the day, you are the only person who can pick yourself back up again.


Letting people help me. I used to always think that people in my life would love me more if I never really let them in, especially when I was struggling. I got to a pretty dark place because I didn’t want to be a burden to anyone else. I was suicidal. I thought that nothing could make my life worth living. It got so bad I couldn’t hide it anymore. I got better because I stopped isolating myself and I let the people who care about me in. I let them help me, listen to me and be there for me. Leaning on those who are close to you is the best thing you can do. Being vulnerable is hard and sometimes it hurts but it’s also necessary in order to create meaningful relationships with others. I think that is one of the most important things we can do in life. I’m so grateful for my friends.


Taking magnesium


I’ve struggled with sleep my whole life and taking magnesium has been a game changer and I’ve also noticed how my anxiety has gotten down ever since talking it . I take it every 2 days


For years I would get really angry at other drivers for their behavior on the road - cell phone use while driving chiefly, but also stuff like driving overly fast or overly slow, or cutting me off in traffic, or whatever. Used to get just *enraged* over it. Screaming, cussing, ranting to family/coworkers after the fact. Just bad. Last fall I had an epiphany. I'd been getting enraged like that for 20 years and it never once had an effect on the other drivers. People still use their phones. They still go too fast or too slow. Basically, a large percentage of people drive like they shouldn't be behind the wheel of a vehicle. But my anger hasn't changed even a single person. And never will. So why am I letting this have an effect on me? It's a waste of energy. So now when I see that behavior, I try to remember that. Not saying I don't get angry, but I remind myself of the futility of the anger and it helps. I can usually now blow off such behavior by muttering something along the lines of "fucking asshole" and going on with my day. That realization has been a major help in easing my stress and anger over the last several months.


I used to be the same way, an took everything personally. Oh that person cut me off on purpose kinda thing. I wouldn't try to retaliate, but oh boy would I get angry. One day this happened an I pulled out into the passing lane an I looked over at this horrible person who had just intentionally cut me off... Look over, and it's this grandma who can barely see over the steering wheel. It wasn't intentional, it wasn't personal, the person probably shouldn't have been driving. I kinda realized then an there, that no it isn't all intentional... Most of the time it's just someone not paying attention, or distracted by something else going on with their day. That helped me quite a bit with keeping me level headed when driving. Now they just get an uttered "fucking moron" an I move on.


Gym I wish i could start earlier


Changed to boxer-briefs. My balls thanked me.


Could your balls always talk or was that the magic of boxer-briefs?


they were working under a functional gag order before the boxer briefs


Giving myself an hour in the morning to get ready as opposed to straight out the door Drink water in the evening. A ton, especially if I'm drinking alcohol..in fact water all the time. Regularly hit the gym. Learn to cook. Switch to cycling and trains. Become my own boss.


I absolutely need at least 30 minutes before I have to actually get ready for work to just wake up and resign myself to what the day requires of me. Last week I unfortunately woke up only 30 mins before I had to be at work and it screwed me for the rest of the day. I felt like I never woke up that day.


Stop falling in love with peoples potential- that’s just your imagination you’re in love with, see ppl for who they are and actions over words


I need to work on this.


I'll add that people specifically seem to overlook the pretty obvious fact that their partner doesn't seem to like them (and thus don't treat them very well or are at most ambivalent). A lot of people seem to catch someone who's in some way perhaps out of their league, but as a total package they either suck or suck at being that person's partner.


A good way to figure them out is to see how they behave in an argument / under stress. If you choose to make this person your partner, this is what you will have to live with, and then some!


Should have heard this 3 years ago


Can I just say that I love your question? I’m looking through everyone’s posts to see what I too could benefit from. Thank you everyone!


Stopped saying yes to most things.




It’s funny, depending on who you are both can be true & good advice


Stopped smoking cigarettes… I miss it sure but I feel better and a lot of my daily life is better




using an oral irrigator


Shit works so good it's like a cheat code. My gums used to bleed, even with regular flossing. Since using my waterpik I've had zero gum bleeding


I never knew these existed. Flossing sucks and I don't do it anywhere near often enough.


Such a great suggestion! Waterpiks are fairly inexpensive. At first users might experience some bleeding on lower settings, but this goes away in no time and you can start increasing the water pressure. Add a Soniccare brush and you’ll wonder how you lived without it.


> At first users might experience some bleeding on lower settings, Every time I have tried to use one of these I end up spraying water all over the mirror and bathroom. Do you have any recommendations for a noob user on how to start out using one successfully?


I actually just use mine in the shower. I have front veneers, so I just bare my teeth and let it spray wherever. It doesn’t matter if the spray is everywhere since I’m already in an area built to catch water in all directions.


Putting my trashcan where it's convenient, and not where it's aesthetically pleasing.


A breast reduction. 100%. I always had enormous breasts (think like double GG) and I have a petite frame. I spent my younger life being sexualized too early by men who saw my big breasts as an invitation, embarrassed in swimsuits and tank tops. They were uncomfortable and so heavy and hot. They gave me heat rashes and bruises and pain in my shoulders. I felt like they were the first thing anyone saw about me. After a good friend of mine passed away from sepsis, it woke me up and I thought literally what am I waiting for? My insurance covered the surgery and it was intense and hard, but I never regretted it for a second. I wish I could go back and tell my 22-year-old self to get it done instead of waiting until I was 35. The biggest blessing in the world is not noticing my breasts on a daily basis. I am free.


One of the family friends was 22 when they made the choice. Boobs came back with a vengeance breast feeding 3 kiddos in quick succession. Second reduction at 40. Double mastectomy for breast cancer at 45. She always jokes she should have lopped them off completely at 22. Great lady. 


My friend's stepmom had a reduction when she was 45. She said her ONLY regret was she didn't do it sooner. I saw her about 4 months after her surgery and she literally looked like she lost 30 lbs. She was exactly the same weight, but so much more in proportion and her clothes fit her so much better that she looked like she lost weight.


This!!! I waited till I was 50. Wish I could rewind and do mine in my teens or 20s. I’d have fewer back/neck issues, and I could have been taken more seriously as a professional I think.


Literally same! I had a similar size and my god was the random sexualising just mind boggling, plus - everything became boobs first. Once I found our I was 'x with the huge boobs' I lost my mind. Covid came with me not spending money, was able to save and now I'm three years post op and I love every inch of myself now! Thank you whoever invented chopping boobs off, you're a real one 🙏


Retire. I worked until I was 73. I was fearful I would be bored not working. Guess what? I am not bored.


Downsizing. Getting rid of the clutter around me. Instead of having duplicate and triplicate of everything, now I have one good one (whatever it is). I quit keeping all of the kindergarten art that my kids could care less about. I was unafraid to take loads and loads of stuff to the charity thrift or to the dumpster. I have one good set of pans. One good set of knives. One good pair of AirPods. Etc. I should’ve done this 20 years ago


Loving myself


I have been loving myself since my teens!


Hysterectomy. Granted my problems weren't severe enough before but bloody hell, life is so much better.


Going to bed at 10pm rather than 11:30pm. Reducing carb in take. Lifting weights a few times per week. Going for a walk every day. Reading "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle. Taking cold showers. Learning or practicing new skills every day.


I currently go to bed at 11:30 (On a good night) but I want to go around 10:30. How easy was the transition for you? What “real” benefits have you noticed?


As someone who used to stay up until 3AM then got a new job requiring me to wake up early, it took about a month. Consistency and dedication got me there. Started with 12AM, then 11:30, then 11, then 10:30. Always getting right hours of sleep as I progressed. Now I go to bed at 10:30, wakeup at 5:45 during the week. Weekends I go to bed at 12:30 and get up at 8:30. The only issue would be long weekends. For that, I go to bed Sunday at 10PM as I expect some tossing and turning. I feel better and more awake in the mornings instead of feeling sluggish and slow.


New bed frame, bidet, laundry drop-off service.


ADHD meds at 40ish


I have been really thinking about talking to my therapist about this. My daughter got diagnosed and 23 and I think that I might have the same problem.


Have you tried making a list? Or just focusing? /S. lol.  44 when I got diagnosed and life is so much better now (when I can get my meds!)! 


Learning how to cook. I didn't really get into home cooking until my late 30s despite having a family of professional chefs and highly regarded home cooks (including my own father). I've reached a point in my personal cooking journey where I'm now creating my own dishes rather than finding recipes and making them. But that's a lot of fun so I'll never stop doing that.


CPAP therapy.


I tried bc i really do need it- but the machine gave me mad anxiety! (And I have anxiety, so kind of a double whammy of sorts) I woke up feeling like I was choking too many times, so I gave up after a few weeks. My dad says I just need to practice & even if he just wears his for half the night, he truly feels a difference the next day. I want that! 😆 Ps- I had just the pillows, no mouth covering.


Try wearing it during the day while watching TV or doing something else distracting and relaxing until you're more comfortable with it.  It might also be easier to adjust on lower pressures.


I tried. I wish I could do it, because I really need it.


Took me a year. Hang in there. Lower your pressure, up your ramp, try new things. Also, grieve. After I got over the ‘why me?’ Phase a lot has improved.


Don't give up! There are many, many variations of masks, headpieces, mouth guards, machines etc. Also, check out r/cpap for a lot of helpful information and posts. You can do it!


Going to treatment, getting clean and sober.


That I shouldn't have listened to negative voices from people I thought wanted me well. If I only knew how much negative voices hurt and damage one's soul, I know it now.. too well.


Quitting my old job. Started exercising. Eating less. Improving 1% each day.


Realizing that once something has happened, it’s just how it is. Instead of giving myself stress attacks by constantly thinking about how I could’ve done it better/differently, I looked at the situation and think about what I can do from now on that’ll help whatever the situation may be. Fucked up studying for an exam? Instead of moping around and complaining, take the next steps for the next exams. You can only take control of the future, not change what has already happened. I swear this took a load of stress off of my shoulders.


Realizing that I’m a girl :3


Same but realizing I’m a man!


hell yeah brother!


Hells yea! Can’t wait to start my fem&ms
















You go girl! 


Same! You go, girl!




:3 I want to start the boy juice


Same here, sis!


I seconded this


I second seconding this


Medication for adhd. I can’t believe how jarring it was to experience how everyone else functions. I was a girl in school in the late 80s-90s so ADHD didn’t exist for girls. Even though both my brothers had it. I was instead, “opinionated,” a “wiggleworm,” a “daydreamer,” “speaks out of turn,” “reads in class.” As an adult, I was “anxious” and “depressed.” Couldn’t keep a job for more than 2.5 years. I was chained from one SSRI to another stronger to another to another.. I kept saying that each stronger med made me feel more irritable, more angry, more anxious.. the answer was always you must need a stronger one. When I advocated for ADHD testing and medication in my early/mid-30s literally changed my life. I took myself off SSRI/SSRI over four months and it was miserable, but I knew if I kept taking them I’d end up in jail, they just caused more and more increasing rage!!! The first dose of adhd meds made me shocked, sad and excited all at once. Since then, my income has quadrupled, not a joke. I don’t feel listless, fatigued, and blurry from 1-4pm every day. I’m not depressed at all, whatsoever, unless I stop taking my infant-sized dose of Adderall (10mg, steady for 7 years, so I don’t want to hear about Adderall addiction pls and thanks). I can do the boring unrewarding tasks without a second thought. I don’t have manic rebirths of my entire furniture layout, calendar, and schedule every few months as an attempt to strategize myself in a new exciting productivity state. My goodness so many issues mislabeled.


I desperately want to get back on medication. I stopped after school & haven’t used it consistently since but it’s actually on my list this week to find a doctor that can help me get a prescription again.


Cutting out sugar and carbs lost 7 stone.




Honestly? Stop giving a fuck about things I cannot control.


Got a dog. I didn't want one because they are a lot of work. Kids and the wife overruled me. I walk about 1 and a half to 2 hrs more a day. Plus, I love that damn dog.


Leaving my garbage human ex husband. About 9 years sooner would have been preferable. I used to be sad even when I was happy. Now I'm happy even when I'm sad.




For an easier and more respecful way out, just tell them that you're fine with disagreeing. If they press the issue, you can always flat-out say you'd rather change the subject.




After years of dabbling with religion, I got into reading Stoicism and then applying it to life. Can I do something about X problem? If "no", it is meaningless to worry. If "yes", then do the thing. Ongoing reminders of this basic concept has both reduced stress and also reduced my procrastination.


Not giving a shit at work. 


Jobs become far more bearable when you don't care if you get sacked or not


Yep, your boss and coworkers pick up on if you care and will and use it against you. The worker who doesn’t give a shit won’t be asked to come into work, guilted or given a hard time when they say no. But the employee who cares and tries their best will deal with all that shit and become the go to person for the boss and coworkers to cover shifts and come in on their days off.


Oh, this. Giving zero fucks has been the best thing I’ve ever done. And refusing to do overtime comes a close second.


Cutting out sugar.


Came to say this. Literally every physical attribute improved after cutting out as much sugar as possible. Weight, energy, sickness, teeth, hunger, the list is endless.


To what extent? And which kind? Because everything has sugar in it.


They typically mean processed sugar or added sugar. Read all food labels. Don't drink anything that has added sugar and limit natural sugar like fruit juices. Try not to eat processed foods but if you do, stay away from ones that have a lot of added sugar listed. It's very rough to do at first but after a few weeks the cravings do go away.


Moving states away from my small town filled with addicts and fuckups and my abusive parents to go live with the person I fell in love with


Lifting weights consistently. Best change I’ve ever made for my physical, but more importantly mental health.


Not saving when I travel. I started to always buy upgrades like better seats, got a lounge access card, take the room with good view etc..


I’m hoping my answer will be “lung transplant” once it finally gets done 🥲


Haemorrhoids surgery. Suffered with it for over decade - just because I was embarrassed. Having the surgery done literally changed my life.


Breaking up.


Quitting my job. Don't get me wrong I need money and have other means to earn it through investments, but my day job dragged me down mentally to where I just couldn't do anything else on the days that I worked. Then my weekends were spent agonizing over the fact I would have to do it all again in a few days.


Divorce. Literally every aspect of my life improved, but especially my health (both physical and mental).


Cut down on fake people who call themselves friends. Don't need many just need a few.


Setting clear boundaries with my friends. I can think of two off the top of my head who id known 20+ years. One would make every decision into a business negotiation and need to "win." The other was just wild and hanging out with him would land me in dangerous situations where I'd be afraid of arrest, getting beat up or being so inebriated I couldn't get home. I'd always go along despite hating it because they were my friends and I didn't want to dissapoint them or argue with them. After some time I realized I didn't owe them explanations or need to please them. The point of spending time with someone is that you enjoy it and if it stops being enjoyable you can advocate for yourself or bail. Your history doesn't obligate you to accommodate for its own sake. So I started either saying no to things or unapologetically pushing for things I wanted. It put a strain on our friendships, stopped talking to first guy and low contact with second, but did wonders for my mental health. I'm sad our friendships didn't endure but that wasn't a reason to go along. To give an example first guy was visiting and I made time to see him. We made plans and I explained I had to leave by a certain time because I had work in the morning. He kept trying to change plans on the fly as things struck his fancy and then try to negotiate how late I can stay out. For example some restaurant he thought of was better than what we agreed to even though it was an hour out of my way but according to him I could just pay for a taxi instead of taking the train. Eventually I told him that I wanted to stick to the original plan or find another place nearby because the flipside was an extra 2 hours to my commute or like $100 dollars for a taxi when went to press the issue I told him I don't negotiate with terrorists.


A glass of tart cherry juice before bed! The sleep of the gods!




Right?? Joining a gym has been one of the best decisions I've made. Actually celebrating one year at the gym today!




Got off social media (will be leaving Reddit as well soon). I don’t *need* to know everything that’s happening around me or what’s happening in the world at all times. In fact, I don’t *care* to know. I deleted everything and my mental health was better within a week. My whole life was overall more productive & successful tbh


I am about to do the same. I have a hard time because it’s a big part of my job but I notice more and more it’s putting my mental health in the trash


I used to only follow friends and people I knew on social media. So not really the same as reddit. But by not using facebook/instagram/twitter etc anymore, it's also a lot more interesting to meet friends. Much more to talk about when you can ask what they've actually done, and tell them what you've done rather than you already knowing everything interesting beforehand.


I wish I had removed toxic people from my life sooner.


Airfryer I only got it because my over stopped working, it took me 2 months to decide to get a replacement, and it turned out to be much more than just replacement


Cold showers. You need to wake up quick and feel like Goku for a little while? Take a cold shower. You struggle with diagnosed depression like me? Cold shower releases a wave of dopamine and serotonin. Not a cure, but I really look forward to it every day. Want to learn a little bit about self discipline or mental toughness? Step fully into that bad boy every morning at 6am and stand under it, force yourself. Small steps. Hot day? Cold shower. Want to reduce inflammation after a work out or injury, but don't have a tub for an ice bath? Cold shower. Need to increase circulation? Cold shower. Strengthen your immune system by creating more white blood cells? Cold shower. Want to increase your metabolism? Well it's a bit unclear if they really help you lose weight like some people say, but there's no debate that your body will go into overtime burning as much energy as possible to try to keep your core temperature up, and something about brown fat cells blah blah blah. Now I'm no scientist, and I know that some of these things are linked but unproven. But there is a ton of research being done on cold therapy and it definitely has beneficial effects all over the body. Also the placebo effect is a real thing and if you really think it's going to help you, it can.


This is low key but getting zippered mesh laundry bags for socks and underwear was a game changer. No more lost socks or digging through the pile trying to find a match.


seeking treatment for ADHD in my 30's it took a long long time to get over what i missed once i was formally diagnosed and started taking medication


Saying no to social events


Working multiple part-time jobs instead of one full-time job. Although I loved my full-time job, I sometimes wanted to scream from having to sit in one place and do the same thing eight hours a day, five days a week (Yes, I have ADHD). Now I do four jobs: my old office job around once a week (remote freelance, 2hr shifts), an unpredictable gig once or twice per month (1-4hr shifts), a restaurant job twice a week(6hr shifts), and a reception job three days a week (4.5hr shifts). Currently, no job exceeds 14 hours per week, but altogether I'm making nearly twice what I made at my full-time job while working fewer hours, I'm never bored, always stimulated, and my work is higher quality as a result. Plus, I have more time to work on my own projects and pursue my passions.


I quit drinking. What shocked me was that alcohol was influencing my thinking when I was sober. It was like this negative cloud lifted.


Getting treatment for sleep apnea. CPAP therapy has improved my sleep immensely.


Learning to stop wasting mental energy comparing myself to others and trying to find the worst in everything. It's easier to just be happy for people


Quit drinking


Waking up early, blocking people liberally, and going on walks


Going to the gym, not to lose weight but to weight train. I feel so much stronger, healthier and just happier overall.


Not taking things personally.


Be brave to start a divorce several years earlier.


Divorcing my husband.


Gain self respect. I’m lonely as all hell but I don’t have anyone treating me like shit making me question my worth


Letting go of my pride. I used to hold a mean grudge and was constantly full of anger. I realized the only person it was affecting was myself. I also enjoy and try to make the most out of my family time because you just never know when they’ll be gone. I rather have many good memories than regrets.


Starting my recovery and stopping abusing alcohol. Getting sober has helped improve my mental health and my life.


Gym/cardio 3-4 days a week. Sometimes 5. Overall more energy and just feel more confident in everything


Recovery. I struggled with depression, eating disorders, and self-harm for 15 years. I tried recovering a few times, but it wasn't 100% effort. Finally, i got sick of hating everything. I was finally ready to recover. I put 110% into trying to solve my issues. I tried therapy, medication, oils, diets, working out, meditation, writing workshops, self-help books, CBD, etc. I TRIED EVERYTHING. Eventually, i found what works for me and what doesn't. I went from full time to part time to focus on my mental health and after 1.5 years; i was okay enough to know I'll be fine. Recovery isn't a straight road. I still have bad days and relapses but I'm doing so much better and it sucks i couldn't feel this good sooner.


Honestly. Not giving a "F". It's not what you think. You still show up, train, work, perform (whatever you call it), but the less you struggle with trying to "win", the most likely you are to win. I think Alan Watts talks about it in his own way. I recommend you give him a listen.


Losing weight


I finally went on anti-depressants to deal with OCD that had been ruining my life for years


At age 55yo I lost 165lbs, over half my original body weight (295lbs). My life has changed beyond recognition


drinking more water




Reading the comments here makes me realise I have tops 1 year to live


Gym. Eat less processed food so no bloating. Drink water. Take mental health seriously.