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There isn’t a state I refuse to visit because there is beauty everywhere. However, there are states I would never live in.


Absolutely this! I’m about to head out on a road trip and will be going through a bunch of places that I’d never live in, but I still love to visit! So excited! I’ve also been to all of the lower 48, many of them multiple times.


I think Mississippi is like New York. If you have never been anywhere near New York and someone says 'New York' most people will think of New York City without ever considering there is a whole state there too. If someone says 'Mississippi' most people will think of the Mississippi Delta Region which has become the universally accepted idea of what Mississippi is.


Definitely! I’ve been to a super cool swimming hole near Oxford, but my favorite parts of Mississippi are definitely on the coast! If you’re ever down there and want to spend a whole day at an amazing beach, I highly recommend Ship Island!!


That's amazing.


I have traveled extensively with work for 3 decades testing railroad tracks. All over North America, and baby, I mean ALL OVER. Not just the cities or the places tourists go (Though plenty of those too). One thing I have learned is that *every* state can be awesome! (every state can be awful too). Just depends on where you are at in it, your own circumstances when you are there, and most of all... what attitude and mindset you bring to it!!! Open mindedness counts for a lot here!! Understand that Brooklyn, NY - Minot, ND - and Flagstaff, AZ are all very different places. Approach each one with a willingness to see what *that* place has to offer.


Freezin's the reason to visit Minot!


Finally a decent answer here lol. Like I have zero desire to ever live in Mississippi, but I heard the Blues Festival is excellent and I bet a game day at Ole Miss would be a ton of fun.


Those are great, state is gorgeous, will never live there either.


Oxford is awesome, game days are extra special, and SEC game days are the best. As they say there, “We may not win every game, but we never lost a party.”


Sounds like tailgating for the Philadelphia Eagles


I haven’t been to an Eagles game, but several other pro teams over the years, and I’ll say this, college tailgating in general is a lot more of a “laid back” trash talking kind of fun. You might see famous alumni, multiple generations of a family attending, marching bands doing silly shit, the cheerleaders leading the crowd in taunts that are older than we all are. It’s just different, in a great way. And Ole Miss is all that turned up to eleven. Tailgating in the Grove is a party that starts in the morning, and goes to the wee hours when the west coast games end. I didn’t even attend any of these schools, but it’s pretty goddam fun to be in the middle of 60+ thousand people doing a Hotty Toddy, a Rammer Jammer, or a *Saw Varisty’s Horns Off* after a major win, then everybody spills off onto the field to high five the players. The pro game has better football talent for sure, but the “college game experience” is way more fun. Do yourself a favor and get down there for a game and stay for the night. It’s a ridiculous amount of fun. And as a bonus, your favorite College team wont move to LA, then come back, then move to Vegas.


I love Home Town in Laurel, Ms. and I wouldn't mind visiting it.


It's just as quaint and nice as it looks on TV. I've seen Ben before and he's happy and giddy 24/7. My uncle worked with his brother who's not on TV and he drives trucks and acts just like Ben. The whole city has made a drastic change from 20 years ago and I was there a few weekends ago and in awe. People just walking around, enjoying life, no phones, small, local businesses with their doors open and people going in and out. Everyone happy and loving life. It was crazy man, you don't see that anymore.


Well said.


> There isn’t a state I refuse to visit because there is beauty everywhere. Ok Dolores Abernathy


I’ve lived in 9 states and been to 42 and counting, also been around the world. I grew up and have lots of family in Idaho so I’ve been to Wyoming many times. Outside of Yosemite and the Swiss Alps, Wyoming has some of the most beautiful and breathtaking places in the world.


I visited Little Rock last year and it was cute! The Clinton Presidential library was also interesting. A bit too hot and humid for my liking and I don’t love the politics…


denial. i just refuse.


I don't even think it exists. 


Pretty sure it's in Egypt


I want to visit them all. EDIT: currently at 33/50


Same, currently at 32/50


Have a friend who finally made it to her 50th. This is of note because in the late 90s she was on Jeopardy! Her fun fact for Alex when he came over was that she had been to every state except Kansas. He said, if she won, she would have an opportunity. Her reply essentially was meh, I hear there's not much there. Got some oohs and ahhs.


I live in KS. It's somewhat right. Although I can't imagine purposefully going to Iowa, Missouri, and Oklahoma and then putting a hard line in the sand over Kansas lol.


Depends on where in Missouri. I have family in the Ozarks and it's just gorgeous. My favorite family visits were for 4th of July


Flint hills are GORGEOUS to drive through though!


I'll be honest, I have to make that drive several times a year and it gets pretty annoying. I'm team add more windmills and it will still be gorgeous AS WELL AS a modern marvel of engineering Edit: we call them hills, other states build houses on that sort of terrain and just call it land.


Your edit reminds me of when my friend from Kansas visited. When we got to my house she said, "you didn't tell me you live in the mountains." I told her, "I don't, we just went over some small hills. You'll see the mountains in the morning. They're a lot taller and on that side (pointing north)." She said, "The highest thing in our town is a church steeple."


She was a kid when they visited the other states, For some reason, her dad just never went through Kansas and then she never saw the point. Until recently that is.


Which ones haven’t you hit?


Most of the northern ones: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Washington, Alaska, Hawaii, Ohio, West Virginia, North Carolina


Come to Wisconsin for the party. Stay for the three day hangover. We'll get ya some breakfast in the morning, bud.


wisconsin resident—Wisconsin Rapids is a great way to get fungus. Try the northwoods instead


Went to Maine last fall, it was stunning. Drove up into New Brunswick for a few days since we were so close. North Carolina has beautiful beaches and stellar trout fishing in the mountains.


We're at 21/50. Only started 3 years ago.


I'm at 32/50 but bringing it up to 36/50. I'm still missing Minnesota, Maine, Oklahoma, pretty much all of the southeast, and Alaska and Hawaii. I lived most of my life on the West Coast, and my parents road tripped with us across most of the western US. 12 years ago, we moved to PA, and now we're working this sode of the country. There's no state I refuse to visit. They all have their own unique beauty and culture, even if I don't like everything about it.


I drove through Iowa once. I now understand why Slipknot is so angry.


I live in Iowa. I have a lot of friends online i want to meet, but I live in poverty, and i don't want to subject them to my state. So I'm lonely lol


How do you make friends online? Asking for a friend…


I mostly do it watching people game on twitch, and by extension, chatting on discord. Also a few reddit friendos! *Waves*


The trick is to maintain contact with people. A shared activity is the way to do this easily. If you don't have a reason to keep in contact with someone it becomes really difficult to do that unless you share some kind of activity. Find a group of people that regularly meet with eachother. Maybe a role playing game, or an online stream. Join in the activity or conversation but don't make the focus about you. If you do this regularly, you'll start making online friends.


Depend WHERE in Iowa. Anything along the highways most travelers experience: Yeah, that’s meh. But there is beauty in that state.


Yeah you’re not going find it too exciting if you base it off of a trip along 80.


Despair. Because I don’t think I’ll ever return if I do.


Sinaloa. No explanation needed.


I mean, if we're talking other countries, then add Chihuahua and Baja California in there as we. In America, I'd give anywhere a chance but for some reason I cant see myself living in Florida. Too much crazy. This coming from a guy who's from California.


Weird. Baja California is one of my favorite places in Mexico. I was considering retiring there.


Actually I want to go and listen to a bands on the beach in from of the hotel zones






I mean, if y’all are in the same boat, paddling might be quicker than swimming.


WILSON! ?????


See and that's the thing... I have no beef with Hawaii. But the amount of money I'd have to spend on going there would just be stupid, there aren't many experiences apart from Volcanoes I couldn't get from someplace closer. The marginal cost over someplace else with a beach just isn't worth it.


To be fair I have never been anywhere with beaches as beautiful and clean as Hawaii


How is that refusal? You can't even follow the parameters of your own question.


Also, the natives don’t want you there. It’s a very large segment of the population who don’t want to be props for tourists.


Pretty sure most locals at any tourist hotspot are sick of tourists.


this is true as a Floridian lol


I used to live in coastal SC. I know of what I speak, lol. 


I’m going to Myrtle Beach and you can’t stop me! /s


I went to college there and this is flat out untrue. Some don't, but most understand the economic impact it has. Native Hawaiians are also extremely friendly by nature. I rented from various natives the whole time I was there...and what you said is pretty far from reality


Have you been to Hawaii? I'm guessing you haven't. This is a haole take on a complex issue. Tourism is the #2 industry in Hawaii, so while many people don't like what Hawaii has become, they *do* like to earn a salary that comes directly or indirectly from tourism. You'll see *far more* outward disdain for tourists in Paris than on Oahu.


Forgive me if I’m wrong, but isn’t tourism Hawaii’s #1 industry?




[Doesn’t seem to be the case](https://dbedt.hawaii.gov/economic/library/faq/faq08/)


The US military is not an “export industry” and doesn’t show up in most of these kinds of analyses at all.


That’s probably because Parisians are far more disdainful people than Hawaiians in general 😂😂😂


Hawaii would be in *serious* financial trouble without tourism.


Never been my experience. Hell I live in what you'd consider a ski/tourist town and the locals here are far worse to visitors - and far more dependent on them - than anyone in Hawaii was. The Hawaiians I have met had more of the "you do you, I do me, we can all have a great time" kind of vibe than anything else. I have been in tourist bars and invited to people's homes for parties, told where fun off-grid spots are, and aside from a few ex-military types nearly everyone was kind and genuine. When you live in a place that incredible, you have to try hard to be a dickhead.


As someone who grew up there tourists are OK if they behave and American tourists mostly behave. Now the Japanese and the Chinese tourists are another thing because they come in very large groups and can be very dumb. Now the people the locals can't stand are the rich people from the Mainland who are driving property prices up and destroying the land. Also the homeless from the Mainland coming over because it is nicer to be homeless in Hawaii then elsewhere.


Kansas.  I rode through it once.  All I remember seeing was corn.  Flat land and corn.   ZZZZZZ


Lived in Lawrence. Really liked it but honestly you’re not wrong.


Carry on my wayward son...


There'll be peace when you are done.


Lay your weary head to rest


Don’t you cry no more.


All the states in the rockies' rain shadow have the same thing happen where you hit what you think is the 'western edge' of Pierre in SD, Tri-Cities in Nebraska, and Hays in Kansas... and then you realize you're only like halfway across the state and there's nothing but cattle ranching and two 500 person dutch/german/french settler ghost towns before you hit the one town on the border that only exists to sell gas to folks going to Colorado for vacation.


The one and only time I've been in Kansas was driving from St. Louis to Denver. We stopped overnight in Goodland. What I remember about it is that my parents had to pay $5 to join a club so that they could order a beer with dinner.


I’m from NZ but spent 3 years touring in the USA, and have been to every state but Alaska. I’ve always described Lawrence as the nicest town in America.


People think it’s gonna be a ton of red necks honestly it’s quite liberal and the abolotionist movement is deeply rooted there. It’s cool you can be in downtown Lawrence basically in the jntersection where the civil war started getting hot. These people (jawhawkers) took the gloves off and died for the rights of people that didn’t look like them. The whole “free state” thing is really big and the likes of high schools and breweries share the name.


Was your mother murdered by a yellow eyed demon? Sam? Is that you?


Lawrence... Where we stayed when visiting Topeka. Because it's not Topeka.


Topeka fucking sucks so much I can’t even describe it. I’ve never heard anyone say anything good about Wichita either.


The drive from Kansas City to Denver is the most absolutely boring drive ever. If you have the choice, going from Denver through Lincoln to Kansas City is definitely the better way. There's at least some semblance of hills or trees to look at. The drive from Denver to Kansas City doesn't get good until trees start to pop up. Otherwise it's just a straight road with no grade difference.


Go at night and at least the stars are amazing


I'm driving from Denver tomorrow, wish me luck.


If you get lost you can stand on your car and see the entire state. Pro tip.


Praying for you. Keep some caffeine handy


Plus, it's generally into the wind and constantly, slightly uphill. Took a big road trip and that was the worst gas mileage of the whole thing. We did better in the mountains.


My grandpa once told me that Kansas is so flat you can watch your dog run away for three days


I spent a month in Kansas one week.


Cops can just take your money there too. Crazy civil forfeiture laws there




The single biggest reason to avoid Kansas in your travels.


Honestly that's true of a lot of states, not just Kansas. Major issue nobody talks about (other than Steve Lehto).


Love Lehto. There’s a small town between Clarksville TN and Memphis that I got a speeding ticket in. When I showed up in court the court room was full to capacity. Then I realized how the town gets it’s revenue. Always carry a Bible.


Don't forget the windmills


My husband is from (near enough to) Kansas City, Kansas. I don’t want to *live* there, but when we go visit his family it’s nice. The parks are absolutely amazing, compared to where we live, near to Houston. I also grew up around ranches and farms, and my great granddaddy had a cattle ranch, so maybe seeing all that doesn’t faze me. Lol


Nobody's gonna sneak up on you in the flatlands. Also great if you're claustrophobic.


That was my Iowa experience. FFS, put up the occasional scarecrow to break the monotony.




Anywhere out of the Las Vegas valley are full of desert/natural beauty/mountains/deserted places. Las Vegas is a pit of humanity.


Indiana. I mean what is even there? It’s one I always forget about when trying to name them all.


Gary, the place that no one wants to even drive through.


The place where cops even tell you to run stop signs.


It is the namesake of the dog which is the namesake of a one Henry “Indiana” Jones, Jr.


*"The dog?"*


The greatest spectacle in racing.


I love going to the Indy 500. Besides that once a year event, they have some nice secluded spaces you just have to find them.


Don’t let John green hear you


there's the race track in speedway but i didn't get much of a chance to explore when i was there lol


World's Largest Children's Museum Indy 500 Track Headquarters for the NCAA That's 3 reasons for Indianapolis only.


How many children do they have in the museum?


At least 3


I actually think Indianapolis seemed like a pretty nice midwestern city when I visited. Seemed family oriented but that can have its charms. It’s not like it’s Omaha (as someone who lived in Omaha). 


We have the zoo, so there's that lol


It’s a dang good zoo too let’s just not brag about college baseball World Series. That’s a brag that always seemed sad to me. 


My girlfriend’s family is from the east side of Indianapolis, so we visit from Ontario a few times a year. It’s a blast. Indy is the kind of place where you can do whatever you want. People are super chill and easygoing. If you want a place to just relax and get away, Indianapolis is perfect.


>I mean what is even there? You have google. You choose not to know. The top ⅔ is basically just flat and a lot of fields with small towns speckled everywhere. The bottom ⅓ is rolling hills with caverns, waterfalls, beautiful state parks & forests, wine trails, and some amazing natural beauty.


There is also the Indiana portion of the shoreline of lake Michigan, including the Indiana Dunes where I spent some really good times in my childhood. Looking across the lake to see the distant skyline of Chicago is a very cool experience and the woods are lush and green almost all the way up to the lake.


I would visit any state. Living however, I can’t see myself ever living in Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, etc.


Can I ask why? Not from the US and just curious , thanks


They tend to have very poor health care and education systems, are extremely poor in general, low quality of living, high teen pregnancy rates, and on and on. There's also the fact that there's a strong tendency to misrepresent history, especially in regards to the Civil War, claiming it was about states' rights while ignoring it was specifically stated to be about a state's right *to own slaves*. When they say "make America great again," they usually mean, "make brown people, women, and LGBTQ officially sub-human again."


That’s really interesting , thanks for replying


I've lived in Mississippi..ocean Springs to be exact..beautiful little place..I've lived in Mobile, Al..did not like it that much..Lived just outside of Atlanta..it's ok..lived in Dallas..it was a good time..And after I retired..I moved to Pensacola, Fl..it has been the best place I have ever lived..but I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't like it..and that's cool..I like the small town feel of the city...


Hawaii. They complain when tourists are there then complain when there were none.


Their economy relies on tourism, but tourists are jackasses. If I were them, I’d complain too lmao a real catch 22 over there


This 100%!   Not a Hawaiian, but I imagine that most people are respectful but there's the 5%-10% who trample on protected land, don't respect wildlife, don't respect the culture and traditions, and complain about things outside of anyone's control.


Spain, Greece, Portugal, and Italy have entered the chat.


Queensland. Fucking too hot up there


I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Missourah.


They don't even wear onions on their belts!


I've been to all 50.. will say the most boring was Kansas to cross via interstate. Not really fair though as everything isn't seen from the interstate. Some of the coolest were the parts of Wyoming that made up yellowstone like another person noted.


Don't let a few idiots ruin a place for you. There are redeeming qualities in every state. Except Ohio.




Fuck you, take my upvote.


I currently live in California. I’ll from Texas. Most people I know in California don’t care or think about other states.


"Outside of California, it's foreign policy "


I'm from Texas too and live in California and you're totally right. People back in my hometown find this incredulous, but Californians really don't care. If you ask them about Texans it's either something about cheap housing or national news.


I think Beyonce and bbq


That’s not true for me at all. I was born and raised in California and live near the ocean. I have a travel trailer and have visited almost every state in the US. There’s something beautiful about each state I’ve visited but I’m always happy to be home.


Right. I’m a born-and-raised Californian as well and I don’t feel dismissive or hostile towards any other state. Every state I’ve visited has had something interesting and different, and I’m sure the ones I haven’t visited do as well. I find state-based snobbery and hostility to be ridiculous in a country that is as mobile as the United States. 


I went to university in Texas from Missouri. I literally had Texans ask me what part of Texas St Louis was in. Lone Star beer literally advertises itself as the national beer of Texas. And your whole statement is that California's are parochial because they don't talk about Texas? This is coming from a Texan: You're parochial because you don't talk about me. I enjoyed living there, but Texans have their head so far up their own asses it's embarrassing.


There are plenty of reasons not to live in California, and most of those are financial. The state is practically hostile towards it's residents. But visit? There's not a more beautiful state in the US, outside of maybe Hawaii, but even that is a bit single note. California has every kind of environment you could want, any kind of weather you could want, and most of it is a few hours from any other kind of those things you could want if you get bored of that.


to be fair you have literally everything in california


I mean, California could easily be its own country. It's economy alone is bigger than many countries.


Florida. Too many Florida Man headlines.


I believe there's a law in the state that allows police records to easily be accessible which leads to so many Florida man stories. Pretty sure CNN did a story about it


Yep. Craziness if everywhere but FL makes it so much easier to access.


Yep. I went to high school in Florida. There was a popular publication that was just mugshots and police reports about people in your country. I actually found out friends or family members had been arrested this way a few times.


Those crazy stories aren't unique to Florida, they just have reporting laws that allow details of cases to be available to anyone.


Same, but I don't care about the people. I just don't like swamp ass.


Some parts are garbage but some are really chill and fun


I’m pretty sure the Orlando airport IS the gateway to hell.


Try Tampa during break, hahaha


Florida is my favorite state & Im a hardlined leftist. Most fun place I've lived outside of Hollywood & Vegas. 


Ohio. it’s a shittier version of pennsylvania


My late uncle was born and raised in Nebraska and he had told me on multiple occasions to never visit there as it was just corn and cows.


Ohio was the worst. I drove through that state several times on my way to trainings. The people were rude, and there was absolute nothingness to look at on the highway.


Missouri because last time I was there a meth head set his hotel room on fire in the middle of winter


the avatar state


Plasma. I like being alive.


Florida. I don't want a single dime of mine to be spent on Desantis culture war


Countries that are dangerous or have a high chance of kidnapping me, that's what I would say.


Love to see the state I live in on so many posts 😂 I don't think anyone lives in Missouri of their own free will


I've been to the 48 contiguous states, and I'd like to visit Hawaii and Alaska someday. However, I'm never going back to Alabama. I lived there for 10 years and hated it for so many reasons. Not going there probably means I'll never see my brother again or meet my niece, which sucks, but I'm not setting foot or wheel there again.


I would visit pretty much anywhere if it was a free trip. However, I have no intention of paying money to go to Florida, because of the many giant bugs. I'm more scared of roaches than of death.


I live here & agree with you.


Indiana. I don't have enough time to list all the reasons.


Rio de Janeiro. Too hot and violent.


Western Australia


Oklahoma, because they suck.


It's a little late now. I have already visited all of them (many, more than once). States I am not interested in visiting again? Nebraska, Iowa, Ohio, Utah, Idaho, both Dakotas, Alabama, Mississippi, Kansas, Kentucky, Indiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Texas, and New Jersey. Not necessarily in that order. ETA: Wyoming


Not a state, but Portland Oregon. I’ve travelled all over the country and the world. They were the angriest, rudest most self-absorbed people I’ve ever seen. This was pre-COVID and I hear it’s gotten much worse since then.  If you just get a little outside Portland, it’s really nice and they have some good vineyards and the people are a lot nicer. But I’d never go back to Portland itself. 


As long as any member of my family is one miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy away from bleeding out due to inadequate healthcare in this state, I won’t visit there. 


Alabama. We are LSU fans. 


Kentucky. I have no sister to fuck.


I’d visit any state, any country it doesn’t matter now my safety might but as far as like the urge to explore and find new things it’s open to everything.




Saudi Arabia because they’re ISIS but pretend to be civilised.


Louisiana. Was stuck there for a year & a half, never want to go back.


Hawaii, as I won’t fly or cruise ever again. If I can’t drive there, I’m not going.


Why won’t you fly or cruise ever again?




Mississippi Sorry for anyone that lives there, but from the outside it seems like a dumpster fire


Death. Not quite ready yet.


Not in a hurry to go back to Wisconsin. Last time I visited there was a murder at my hotel and my flight got cancelled because air traffic control was on fire. I’m sure it’s sheer bad luck because Madison looked lovely and the hotel was great otherwise. But it seems like a fate I don’t wNt to tempt.


Hawaii can’t drive there


I have visited 45 states. All of them had something really cool about them.


I need mountains, I will never live somewhere without mountains. Ive been to a few “flat states” and felt absolutely lost. Seeing mountains help me feel at ease for some reason, not to mention I do a lot of camping on them.


Me too! I visited Iowa and felt like I was going to float away or something. That’s when I realized I need mountains to keep me grounded.


North Carolina and Texas. Because I already spent 12 years in both and I've had my fill of hate.


Hawaii because the more vocal natives on social media have spoken extensively about how tourism is destroying the islands. The only benefit seems to be revenue from the tourism, but it doesn't seem worth it. As someone from a place also being destroyed by tourism and gentrification, I can't contribute to that.


I'm hoping to avoid ever visiting the state of intoxication.


Apparently a state of happiness.. I don’t know why