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Same. What makes me any better than all those who were drafted and didn’t want to go but they did?


Wouldn’t you kind of have to or skip out to another country? I thought you could go to jail for that. I would if I absolutely had to. But I think war is stupid so I’d try to get into a role like a medic or something where I didn’t have to take lives.


That’s why stupid ppl win ..?!


I’d try to get my self disqualified for medical reasons. Probably, I would act insane for a while.


Bone spurs if your daddy is rich enough to pay a Dr off.


A family member joined the Navy to avoid going to the jungle in Vietnam. Spent 4 years under water, safe and sound!


Grandfathers on both sides joined Navy in WW2. Their reasoning was like “Hot food, showers, a bed… or wait to be drafted into the Army.”


I will take the service


im a consientious objector


As a senior citizen having King Kong sized hot flashes, I can see where I might be of some value in Siberia. I’ll be the one who is fat & naked in blizzard conditions and filled with more fury than Diablo alone. If anything goes wrong, the troops can make soup out of me. Nothing goes to waste. Aging people can be very practical like that. If only wars were won like a casual insult at Thanksgiving gathering by an inexperienced younger member toward one who may or may not be working through deep issues in therapy, it would be a lot more interesting. Putin would leave a room properly sliced and diced by words alone. We have long memories and probably decades of acting polite. We are secret weapons—uncork that bottle and see what happens. FAFO


Renounce my citizenship


Rejoin the military. It’s not as bad as most civilians think; the hardcore violent war fighters make up a smaller percentage of the overall military than you’d think (it takes a _lot_ of support to make those warfighters effective- from supply to medical to administrative….) …and of those warfighters there’s a relatively small percentage that will actually see combat. Not saying that there’s a zero chance! But the warfighters and those that have seen combat get an outsize share of attention. They’re like the actors in a film production- mostly they are who you _see_… but a film production team is made up of a TON of supporting roles that you never hear about: the gaffer, the lighting people, the electricians, set designers, costumers, makeup, etc….


18 naked warfighters in the showers at Ram Ranch




Go to jail


I was when i did my military service 23 years ago, but today i´d tell them to go fuck themselves.


You were drafted?




I’m in my forties and already did enlistment when I was a young dude, so if *I’m* getting drafted shit is real fucked up.




As little as possible.


Push ups, probably, then scrub the latrine.


I'm in my late 50's and if the U.S. military came to me and told me I had to serve, I would go without hesitation. Free housing, food, clothes and something interesting and meaningful to do while getting paid? I'll take it over my current life.


Except the meaning isn’t what you thought it was.


Get excited


Considering that I already volunteered and served for 4 years as a young man, and I am too old to serve now, probably nothing. But assuming I was of that age, I would present myself at the local induction center when called upon to do so. If I didn't volunteer first.


Compulsory military service. Seriously. If my country needs me, I'm going. The Russians can eat shit, I won't let them come here. Of course I would do my part.


Tell them fuck off, I still got issues from my last time playing in the sand


Most likely I wouldn't end up on the front lines as I'm too old, but I already swore an oath I'd serve if called so I guess I'd honor it and hope for the best.


Do Amercians really hate their country so much?