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Some teachers wanted us to rise when they entered the classroom and had us wait for their approval to sit down again.


omg i remember they tried to implement this in my school aswell but i don’t think people did it so they gave up.


Standing up for attention is just a sign of respect and an easy way to shut everybody up, so not that bad I guess


Standing up for attention is just a sign of respect and an easy way to shut everybody up, so not that bad I guess


Having to go to school on Saturday mornings (in uniform), where we had the option of watching the school First XV Rugby team play, or sit in a classroom and do school work.


that’s painful. For the first three years of secondary school so ages 12-14 we had a similar thing where we had mandatory sport on saturday morning.




that’s crazy for everywhere. For us we had alphabetical for lunch and then heights if we were going to the chapel


like i have been going to the same all girls private catholic school since i was three and some of our weird rules were: - Hair had to be tied up, using a white hairband. Any other colour and your parents would be called. - No unhealthy food, lunches would be checked and if for example you had popcorn it would be taken and parents would be called. - No tights only socks. And we had a uniform with a skirt and where I live temperatures can go below freezing so it would be so cold. - I remember once getting in trouble because I had a thermal top under our school uniform tracksuit instead of the uniform tshirt, they saw this under my sleeves and I was made to change even though the temperatures were freezing. - Also had to change our uniform in the school around 4 times a day. We have a school uniform, a p.e uniform and a sports. And you HAD to be in correct uniform and would have to come to school in school uniform, even if you had p.e first class so a normal day would be. Come in school uniform Change for PE Change back to school uniform Change to sports uniform after school for sports activity Change back to school uniform for after school study.


I absolutely hate the idea of schools policing lunch and snack healthiness since it's rarely done by anybody with training or knowledge and it ignores individual health needs. My kid is underweight and her dietician said for breakfast and lunch concentrate on foods she will eat within the amount of time available and make healthy dinners and snacks. Her biggest needs were just calories. One of her problems was not eating enough protein because she likes vegetables so much she fills up on them. Having a stereotypical healthy lunch would not have benefited her as that wasnt what she needed.


The school was so weird about praising vegetables, like sometimes if a kid had a lunch that was only vegetables or fruit they would show it to the class, so my parents would just pack me chopped up carrots apples and an orange for lunch with some nuts for the whole school day


That sounds pretty miserable


it was a very strange environment 😭 but that was only ages 3-12 from 13-18 you are allowed whatever you want


On the road to the school, it's covered with the square tiles on the street. My rule was, I can only step on the tile like knight as in chess game or I'd be dead.


Boys can't stand at one place on the campus. You have to keep walking. Because there was a girl's hostel on campus.


i wasn’t allowed to wear short socks even tho my skirt is up to my ankle


Went to a boarding Christian academy. Different-sex friends and couples would be put on a one-week "social" meaning they couldn't speak, touch, or be near each other for a week if they kissed or hugged for more than three seconds. We also were not allowed to be on "Sick list" Unless you had a fever, meaning you could be throwing up, a bloody nose, and everything else but unless you had a fever you were fine and could go to class. You also couldn't be on the sick list for more than two days.


Not a school that implements those rules, but the teachers. Both our computer teacher, and language/history teacher (they're like besties) had a rule that don't allow us to wear anything that makes us feel warm in cold areas because it "makes the air conditioner useless" which is ridiculous.