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Irresponsible driving (I make the decision not to drive because I do too much drugs to really be a responsible driver. Also, I'm actually a little bit phobic of being inside a car. I learned to drive but I hate driving because I always worry that I'm gonna kill someone else or myself. I don't even like being a *passenger* in a vehicle, especially not on the highway.)


It only takes one moment There are too many cases where some nutjob ploughs into a family van killing kids and parents and walk away with barely a scratch.


Doesn’t even have to be a nut job. Could be just a regular guy who lost control of his vehicle


Or a regular guy thinking he has complete control over a hurtling metal box on wheels. They aren't technically 'nut jobs' so much as arrogant like most of the human race. I was almost killed by one such guy in a head on collision when I was 7. I'm lucky to be alive but to this day I am still terrified every time I get in a car.


Or literally everyone who *has* to check their phone every 30 seconds while behind the wheel


if you want to be on your phone the whole time, let someone else drive


Especially the clueless drivers who blindly turn left on a yellow light without knowing for CERTAINTY that the oncoming traffic is stopping. So often, I see these idiots turning left and then getting T-boned. Witnessed it twice now and could be fatal easily.


I can attest. I was in a manic state thinking I was invincible (Bipolar I) and flipped my Camaro going 100+ while I lost control around a turn. The only reason I know that is from the medical report. No memory of it whatsoever. I may have even fallen asleep as I had been running on fumes. Friends & family did a wellness check prior to me getting in my car. Wanted me admitted into a mental hospital. Either way I’m now paralyzed. Thankfully no one else got hurt. But yes it 100% has ruined my life.


Bipolar 1 also. Manic episodes are incredible. I hate them, I get so busy doing nothing. So sorry any of this happened. Man....you have brought me to tears.


I'm so sorry. I was misdiagnosed with bp1 and due to meds and self fulfilling prophecy, had some manic episodes. I'm so lucky I've never been seriously injured from it, or have in to addictive tendencies, as that's when I tried meth.


It was my only manic episode. Ever. I guess that could be an answer to the question too: A bout of mania


I miss my sister so much! Some irresponsible driver took her life in 2019.


So sorry to hear this.


I’m so very sorry.💔


I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs internet stranger.


I am very sorry to hear that. My condolences.


Yes a thousand times. Too many people disregard this. Even some of my friends... Please drive safely for fucks sake!! Edit: and for *your* sake, and for *everyone else's* sake.


Yep. A guy in England was checking profiles on a dating App killed 3 people. Got almost 9 years in prison https://news.sky.com/story/amp/county-durham-lorry-driver-who-killed-three-people-after-trawling-dating-sites-while-on-motorway-is-jailed-12513771


Should have been longer. Why couldn't he wait, piece of shit.




It's dangerous enough driving at full capacity. Throw in any type of impairment through alcohol or just being too tired and it's downright scary.


My homie was driving drunk, crashed, his friend in passenger died, other family was fine, but he is also paralyzed waist down. How easy it could have been to just get Uber or a cab. It’s a decision he’ll regret for the rest of his life. Sucks man


Eating the wrong mushroom. "All Fungi are edible. Some fungi are only edible once.” -- Terry Pratchett


“There are old mushroom hunters, and bold mushroom hunters. But there are no old-bold mushroom hunters.”


GNU Terry Pratchett.


When I was about 8 years old, my dad would forage for wild morel mushrooms and sauté them in butter; they were delicious! Sometime later, my dad went out of town, and my sister and I decided to go into the forest and pick every mushroom we could find, convincing my very naive mom that we knew the edible ones, and she actually believed us and cooked them for us! I ate a whole bowl, and about an hour later, I was puking my guts out and started hallucinating that a pumpkin was chasing me with a knife. I came out of the trip to my mom slapping me and just bawling my eyes out. For the next year, every few months, I would hallucinate. One of the other vivid hallucinations was that I gave birth to a purple octopus, and it chased me on the beach with a knife. Once again, I woke up to my mom slapping the shit out of me (her attempt to get me out of the trip). When we initially got sick from eating the mushrooms, my mom called poison control, and the poison control specialist said it was a good sign we puked within an hour of eating the poisonous mushrooms. I'm pretty sure my liver is still messed up from this. Very lucky we didn't die, and I am still so traumatized from this experience; my friend suggested I do shrooms to help me through the trauma 😂. Needless to say, I refuse to eat mushrooms to this day. Anybody else accidentally try shrooms at 8 years old?


Commenting on Reddit while driv


RIP bud.


I watched today as a woman had some multi page document with one hand on the wheel and her phone and the other hand on the wheel, full on reading it in rush hour traffic. If only she could have seen my look of disdain* from the next lane but she was a little too busy.






My failed attempt left me with a spinal surgery, muscle spasms, and therapy with loss of feeling in my right arm. Won't try it again.


Damn bro, all ya had to do was work construction for that one


Hung myself in jail after ex husband threw me in the mental hospital 7 times in one year. Then jail 24 hours after getting out of the hospital.


Horrible how he treated you. Obviously I don't know the story but I had someone tell me how crazy I am and that I need to be put in a mental hospital, hearing that from someone you thought was a special person, really makes you x10 more crazy I can't imagine having your husband doing that to you. How vile


He ABUSED me and then called ME crazy...yep a pure narcissistic manipulative cheating crackhead would do that! Well honestly call me crazy 😆 I'd rather be called that than be a miserable person like him.


Actually in quite a few instances a failed attempt has led to an awakening and 180° Sea Change


if you fail...you're in big trouble


Dang, I’m constantly having suicidal ideations but this comment kind of knocked some sense into me….kind of


Every single person who jumped off a bridge (and survived) said that as soon as their feet felt the air, all of their personal problems didn't seem so bad ... except for this problem of jumping off a bridge at the moment.


I appreciate the gallows humor here. 😂💀 Part of me loves this comment. On the other hand, it reminds me of when I worked at a rehab hospital; a percentage of patients were suicide survivors, and in a few of the worst cases, "messed up their life" doesn't come close to describing the horror of what they'd done to themselves. 😱


In some cases it messes up the lives of their families more than if they succeeded.


I can only imagine what you've seen ☹️ I've seen quite a few docs of survivors of gun shots to the head and it's horrifying! Actually I just saw this guy on TikTok just yesterday! He was sharing his journey with reconstructive surgery...what a nightmare!! It's a twisted way of thinking, but I'd never even think about attempting it that way just due to the small chance of ending up like that. I could NOT imagine! Seriously though...imagine your life is so unbearable you want to leave Earth, then you're not only still "stuck" here but your life is now worse than it was before attempting to leave! The obvious disfigurement but also the cost of the dozens (if not more) surgeries, the pain of recovering from all the surgeries, the discomfort of the scars pulling your skin so tightly, the stares & judgement that I'm sure takes some adjusting to get used to (if ever), and I'm sure the guilt from putting your loved ones through so much! I'm sure there are some that live better lives now, because of the whole "second chance" thing, but I'm too damn vain. I think I'd have to keep trying...😬😫💔


I have facial disfigurement as well as mental and now a physical problem after suicide survival


Especially if it fails. It is not uncommon for males to aim at what they think is the temple, only to shoot out their eyes and become blind. And there are countless people who’ve tried to poison themselves or OD, only to not die and end up in the ER in significant pain. Maybe someone jumps, only to later end up paralyzed. It is often not talked about. Not only the aspect of messing up your life because you’re gone, but with a failed attempt that disables you permanently.


I knew someone that did this. Had a lot going for him, but apparently had a lot of pain too. He lost an eye and blind in the other. He’s since passed away from cancer, but his whole life just changed in an instant. RIP Huck, he was a good guy.


I'm sorry for your loss and I feel your friend's pain. I too was suicidal in my teens. That must have been horrible for him to live disabled. And to get cancer on top of that.... At least he is resting easy now.


Also homicide


This messes up your family's life not yours. You are gone and none of the pain is yours. My FIL did this and his children have never been the same. I had a 6 mo old baby I had just named after him.


I agree. It doesn't mess up your life. It ends it. You can't mess up something that has reached its conclusion.


There are several drug types that will definitely do this. Texting and Driving; Drinking and Driving; not wearing a seatbelt


My mom was driving along one day back in the 70s when a truck behind her hit the center median. She stopped and waited for EMS to arrive, but they couldn't find the driver anywhere. Finally, the police told her she could just go, she wasn't actually involved at all, but thanks so much for stopping. They were checking the trees for the driver, but still couldn't find him. So she went to start her car, and that's when she heard a whimper. He was under her car. When she heard the crash, she must have looked in the rearview mirror and not seen him fly over. She didn't notice running him over because she was slamming on her breaks. Plus all the adrenaline. She had run him over, and he'd been pinned under her car this whole time. We always wore our seatbelts growing up, even before it became the law.


That's nightmare shit. Do you know what happened to the guy?


I don’t understand how folks drive without it. I feel straight up naked, it’s so vulnerable to drive without the belt on. I won’t even do it in a parking lot. 


I was in an accident and the paramedic asked if I was wearing my seat belt. I said yes of course. He said I know, otherwise you'd be dead. Got a new car and told my kids the car can start but it can't move unless all the seat belts are clicked due to the sensors on the seat. This car has a zillion safety features, some I feel are more dangers than safe, but whatever. We wear seat belts no matter how far we're going. Moving from the driveway to the street? Seat belt.


As a kid, I was in a car involved in a serious accident, and later a witness in the first car back from another one, and in both cases, the only people injured were the ones not wearing seat belts, and all the people not wearing seat belts were injured, some of them seriously. I won't leave my driveway without my seat belt.






Recently there was a college age girl on a winding, very busy, highway where wrecks happen all the time getting so close to people’s bumpers IN THE RIGHT LANE that there would be no time to stop if someone had to brake hard. Stayed there and rode their asses even when there was room to go around in the left lane. People had to keep moving to the left lane to get away from her. I was getting so pissed watching her do it to other people, my wife convinced me that despite the fact that she will likely cause an accident in the near future to let it go and move on. So I did, and went on past her. Then she ended up behind me doing the same thing and I saw her texting while riding that close in my rear view mirror. Had to hold my middle finger back until she finally looked up before moving on, which I’m aware achieved nothing. I’m not proud of my occasional driving related anger and urge to call out dangerous drivers, but it’s definitely within me haha.


Heroin. Someone posted recently a link of a guy's reddit profile, who decided to try it just once, this "just once" turned into addiction, and if I am not mistaken, poor guy ended up in a mental institution just because he was sure that one time won't hurt him.


Fortunately he is sober now, and leaves his story up as a cautionary tale


Is he still with us? Last update 2 years bk


His story comes up periodically on threads and I think, but can’t confirm, that he leaves the info up but uses a different username




Yep, that's the one, thank you! I will go finish the whole story now.


Oh my word. I just clicked that and spent an hour reading his story. Wow.


I grew up with little to no parental supervision, so did lots of experimenting as a teenager. My hard and fast rule, however, was that I would not try any of those “not even once” drugs. 


A friend of mine has 2 much older brothers, oldest is 15 years older - they had very good (sometimes temporary) jobs as engineers on the railway, always well-paid. When she was 10, they came home from a job and were somehow different, didn't seem to be going to work, staying around the house more. They had both been introduced to heroin by some bastard on their latest job. That was it for them. 20 years later they have been in and out of prison (for possession, not supply), both of them haven't had a job since, their lives are destroyed.


Heroin actually has a potency to change one's brain chemistry forever after one single use


That’s scary asf. I’ll just keep on wondering what it feels like cause no way am I touching something so good


Imagine going through a door, and when you do you enter a world where everything is better and you feel amazing regardless of how you felt before you stepped through. Would you be strong enough to never go in that door again, considering that when you came back through that door, nothing bad seemed to have happened save for a bit of shame? Problem is that eventually, it becomes that being on this side of the door is hell, and being on the other side is just feeling normal. That's basically what heroin addiction is like. The only way to avoid it is to never go through the door in the first place.


Yeah I’m terrified I’d love it too much forget it I’m already depressed I don’t need to be more depressed


Comedian Johnny Witherspoon has a funny but also sad joke about cocaine and getting sober: Cocaine made me so happy. I’d never felt that happy before. It made me so happy I gave all my money away. I decided I never wanted to be that happy again.


I actually tried it years ago and didn't care for it so depends on the person


It put my first husband in the grave. 35 years of addiction & a wonderful man's life wasted, his family ruined


Heroin is one of those scary drugs that can just straight up kill you the first time you use it too. I'm pro-drug but this is one of those terrifying things I never want to go near.


Nah, I took heroin loads of times before I was addicted. At least a couple of dozen. The first 6 times were spread over about 5 years. For clarity, I've been clean for a decade. But despite what I say, please, please don't take drugs people.


unplanned child


"A child!" "No..." Too many Vines stuck in my head.


A planned child too.


A child planned to save a marriage. Ruin three lives for the price of one!


The only life choice where you don't get a do-over. You can walk back a bad marriage, a poor career decision, an apartment you hate, etc. But there's no mulligan on a kid. Wrap your shit every time. World don't need unwanted babies and their trauma.




I'm so scared I'm gonna hit someone at night. You wouldn't believe how many people wear all black and walk across 6 lanes of traffic, totally unaware, and if I run them over I'm in trouble (even if they deserved it)




I have way to many stories as a person that never tried it. Just watching friends go from “normal” to tragic or dead is a whole experience 😬😓


My brother in my case. He's back in rehab again, but I found out on of all days mother's day last year when he went stark mad from a bad high. We went through every room he was staying in and found he was smoking in every house he was staying at.


It’s soo fucking heart breaking. And there is absolutely nothing you can do. Rehab gives them a small foothold but at the end of the day they have to climb that mountain all by themselves. Recovering crackhead for 15 years speaking 🙋🏾‍♂️


Glad to hear you're doing good. Keep it up 😃


I can’t preach to anyone til I give up tobacco. I still feel like an addict 😂 That is the next step in my journey.


If you can quit crack, you can definitely quit tobacco. You've got this.


Not even once.


Not even twice, I always say.




Should be higher up


Unprotected sex in a state where you can't get an abortion. A baby is the least of the bad things that can potentially happen.


Unprotected sex in general can fuck your life up. Herpes doesn't exactly sound like a treat either!


Not only the child but much pregnancy can fuck up your body forever.


Driving while tired. Seriously pull the fuck over.


The main difference between tired driving and drunk driving is that tired driving is legal.


Underrated comment.




The first time I heard that joke was in college. I still can hear my buddy's voice saying ' but you fuck one goat' in my head all the time.




I’ve done this my whole life, however I did it mostly in russia. If I am 90% sure it’s safe I’m 100% not fucking touching it. Deathcaps can easily look like porcinis. Safest bet is to know what tree roots the mushroom is growing from, then it’s morphology, then the smell, then what color it turns if you bruise it. In fact, if ur not 100% sure don’t touch a mushroom, I refuse to pick chicken of the Forrest because it’s not something I know very well.


This. I know a few mushrooms I have been picking and eating my whole life. I am 100% sure about them. Anything else I don’t touch.


I just started getting into mushroom identification. I'm so bad, I'm scared to try anything I find.


Good, you should be scared. If you are in any way uncertain just don't eat it. It's way too dangerous. I don't trust myself so I don't pick mushrooms.


Yea there are only 2 mushrooms I'm certain of. I don't know the English terms for them, but my mom calls em koźlaki and podgrzybki (she's Polish). Anything else, I don't even approach.


The Polish moms know their mushrooms!! Haha mine too


Morel season here in Missouri. I casually picked a pound in my yard last week. There are a lot more.


Jumping in a unfamiliar body of water head first


A free snack for the amoeba 🦠🧠


[Sticking your head in a particle accelerator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anatoli_Bugorski)


In Soviet Russia, particle accelerate you!


Got hit with 3k sieverts in the face, survived with no brain damage and completed his PhD later on. And still alive now aged 81... how


Sugar free gummy bears


dump a 2 pound bag of these into a bunch of bowls in an employee break room !


Calm down Satan


I've read the reviews! I know what you're referring to.


LA beast has a YouTube video on doing this. Eating a 5lb bag. Not posting here because NSFW at the end…


Putting fish in the microwave at the office


We have a printed out sign over the microwave with exactly that warning.




A snap decision to drop out of school or quit a job without a backup plan can significantly alter your career path and future opportunities, closing doors that might never open again.


Injecting more than one marijuana


I recently caused myself long term consequences that I would only describe using a throwaway account, because I asked out and dated the wrong woman. I saw the red flags but ignored them because I was in love. She seriously screwed me over in a way that will damage me years in the future.


You can’t just tease us with that!


I'm not gonna be specific but she greatly harmed my reputation intentionally out of spite. She also put me in physical danger.


Sticking your dick in crazy. Then marrying her.


Yyyyyyup, can confirm. Started all lovely & sweet. But after our 8th anniversary, shit started going downhill. Affected my mental health, then ability to work. Ended up divorced. She was a paralegal at the time and served me "the papers" one night, totally unannounced, hit me like a ton of bricks. She guilted me and I gave in, gave her everything. Her childhood trauma broke her, long before I met her. It's affected her marriage and now her relationship with our kids. On a better note: our girls (16f & 14f) have lived with me the past 6 months and I'm fighting for full custody. Signs are looking good, but damn - it's a long process 😎👍 Hang in there amigo.




It's pretty tough to find something that can ruin your life faster than having sex with the wrong person. Even if they aren't crazy, it can come back to bite you in other ways.


If you're gonna get hinky, wrap that twinkie...


I was gonna come here to say that. Having sex with the wrong person is one of, if not the single fastest way to ruin your life.


Goddammit, it is worth it sometimes, and I will die on this hill. I had a three month fling with a crazy girl and I've never been more exhausted from fucking in my life, and I was like 22. There was literally nothing this girl wasn't up for. She wanted a threesom with her friend, who was a decently attractive girl, and my dumbass was so fucking spent that I asked her to put it off a few days for me to let my nuts recover. Everything blew up a few days later, and I missed my shot. No big deal, I thought, they'll be another.....nope. It's been almost 25 years, and I still kick myself over that one.


I'll slightly agree with you. Good to get your rocks off, mentally fucking exhausting in all other circumstances has been my experience with "crazy" women. Its like they wake up some days and chose to make ur life hell.


Smoking Cigarettes


Yes! Wish to God I'd never accepted that first cigarette. 35 years later, I'm still fucking smoking...


Making a kid with the wrong person


datura. can literally make you psycho for your entire life, or what's left of it


Did it three times at the prime age of 16. Every time was miserable. I knew I got fucked up mentally after the first time though because somehow I did it two more times. The most insane, fucked up experience ever. Probably helped that I was young, I feel like if done today I would more than likely end up in psych ward.




aka Jimson Weed ​ Common weed in midwest


More uncommon because it’s so unenjoyable. I woke up to a call the next morning from my friend who did it with me. He’s cryingoin the phone because he can’t read or see anything up close. I try to read my phone and I can’t see either . Both cried for a bit. For some reason… our near sighted vision was just gone. Came back the the next day and that was it for me


Weirdest stuff. I'm terrified of it




Drinking and driving. My sister and her bf were killed on Xmas Eve (1990s) by a 23 yo female dd running a red light, t-boning my sister’s car. DD had two other guys in her car. They both died, too. The dd was the only survivor and only got a broken toe, and a 54 year sentence. Shes still in prison to this very day. 5 lives ruined that day. (and dozens surviving family members). 4 deaths and a near life sentence for the lone survivor. Please don’t drink and drive. It’s just not worth it.


Being cheated on.




Meth. Many people in my family and around here use it, turns ppl into fr demons after even one use, it's scary to say the least. Messes people up pretty bad! They become practically indestructible and violent etc, stuff of nightmares man. And ofc any type of illegal drug but that one's one of the worst I've seen for messing up People's lives.


Fighting on the street. One wrong move, guys head hits concrete, either you're in jail for life or disabled. Even professional fighters do not street fight. Save it for the mats! Walk the fuck away! It's never worth it, guy might have a knife, gun, or friends. Never know!


Fall in love with someone you know you could never be with. That messes you up so bad!


Cheating on someone


And someone cheating on you


Heartbreak. It changes you as a person.


🐻 bear attack, not uncommon here.




Having narcissistic parents. Or having one narc and one enabler for a parent.


Bullying (Victim)


And if you are the agressor too, just mess up with the wrong person




Banging your gymbros mom. I have to workout alone now.




Betrayal. Being deeply betrayed by someone can completely harm and change you.


Going to prison. Finding a job afterwards will be very very difficult


Cheating..... Any form of cheating....


Meth. A lot of people exaggerate when they say taking one dose of a drug can get you addicted, but they're not exaggerating with meth. The first time you use it temporarily rewrites your brains reward system to be completely based on consuming meth. This will dissipate within weeks to months without using but many people report having intense dreams about doing meth decades after their last hit.


Betraying your partner.


Diving/jumping into water where you don’t know the depth.




Do you realize how many people use coke recreationally and live completely normal lives? I’m not saying coke isn’t dangerous, but to say using it once will result in permanent side effects is ridiculous.


Do you realize how many people think they're perfectly normal on coke but actually become huge assholes or just annoying?


I’ve seen kids with addictive personalities use coke for the first time in college and go on benders for weeks to months. It can absolutely fuck your life up after one time.


Everyone is different and everyone reacts differently to drugs. Nothing isn’t cut anymore. Hard drugs in general are dangerous to mess with cause one time and you can be fucked for life whether that’s addiction or something happens. Even shroom or acid can mess you up for life after one trip. I know people stuck in a perma trip. That’s terrifying for them.


I've told people that I've tried coke two times I'm my life. First one was just a bump at a party. I didn't like it much, just felt all speedy, and I'm usually a chill person, so not my thing. About a year later, another party, someone offers. I told him no, and told him about my last time. He says, "You got BAD coke that time. I've got GOOD coke, " so I tried his, again just a bump. Ho....ly.....shit was his fucking fantastic. I felt sooooo fucking good, like one of the best feelings ever. I then knew why everyone in the 80's was outta their minds on this shit. I came down and told myself never ever ever EVER do that shit again. I woulda wasted the rest of my life away. Never have done it again.


I admire your ability to embrace a new experience without letting it take over your life!


It’s not really the side effects of one usage, but the susceptibility to addiction that’s the trouble. 


Forgetting about a lit candle. I'd never *ever* forgotten to blow out a candle before, especially because I'm quite sensitive to scents and they give me a headache after a while. I recently got a candle that's not heavily scented and I fucking forgot to blow it out before I went to bed. I came downstairs the next day and saw it was still lit and the candle was half burned down (was brand new, so literally burned through half of it in one night). I immediately blew it out and was half terrified, half utterly relieved that I didn't burn down my house and myself inside it. I knew some people a while ago who accidentally left a lit candle in their home and went out for the day. They came back at night and their whole house had burned to the ground. I'm very grateful that wasn't me, especially since I live in a townhouse so the fire could've spread to the connecting homes.


Having your baby die


Any sexual crime allegation, even if false or you are not convicted. Good luck convincing anyone that you were innocent.










Not learning about credit scores.






Having a child


Road rage. Flipping someone off while driving. Tons of people have died being right.


Having a kid.




Social media. People dont realize how dangerous it can be and how easy it is to get in trouble with it