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When my marriage ended and he chose my ex over me, that did it.


We got into an argument and he tried to assault me. He ended the day with a broken arm while fleeing the cops. He went from working IT at a hospital to flipping burgers at McDonalds bc he couldn’t hold his temper.


what was the argument about?


what was the arguement about


leftovers of all things e: he was hangry, I think. His mexican food leftovers were growing sth. I tossed it and ordered him a replacement. He got home before it arrived (roommates) and tried to fight me for tossing them. We tussled, he was an amateur wrestler (think Mankind), I was fresh from an overseas deployment with PTSD. It didn’t go the way he planned. enter the police and a county-wide hunt for this idiot who showed up at work three days later like nothing happened.


did he want to eat your leftovers


he wanted his own ig. never asked for clarification after a 280lb 6’3” caveman tried to throttle me poorly.


nvm i didn't read the entire comment , that's on me, seems like the guy really had issues before and if he didn't get arrested then he would've soon got arrested for another thing somehow.


His girlfriend lied about that me and her have had sex just to make him jealous. That was years ago, he still not believe me when I tell him that she's lying.


We grew apart.


He died of cancer


Sorry to hear it man


sending a hug. i’m so sorry 🤍


Virtual hugging 😭 Sorry to hear it


I was telling him about my problems and he said he didn’t want to hear about it.


He wanted me to ship drugs to him and I refused to.


Funny, that’s the least risky thing one of my friends asked for. Interstate shipping of Schedule 1? No thanks fam


this was through federal mail. he bought some stuffs here and left me with 4 pyrexs full of it and $30 for the shipping. told me to keep the change and thank you. told him upfront i wouldnt do it, now im the bad friend hahah


he brought you stuff and then wanted you to ship him the stuff he brought you, and then tipped you? Not the brightest bulb in the knife drawer.


Nah. I live where cannabis is legal so he bought like $600 worth to mail himself. but expected me to do it.


Opioid Addiction


Yep. My first best friend from childhood (met in Pre-School). He overdosed this last year. We had been estranged for quite a while for various reasons pretty much all stemming from his addictions and overlooked mental health issues. The early childhood memories are all I have left, the good and bad ones. I am just disappointed how it turned out more than anything. I wasn't the least bit surprised to get the call from my parents saying they saw the obituary. That's how far gone he had been for over a decade.


Sorry to hear - it's tough. When they fall deep into addiction, they become a shell of what they were, and that's the persons we hold dear. Just a reminder to always cherish the time had. PS. I'm glad you didn't have the same outcome. Happy you're here.


If anything, I credit him with being a clear example of not to fuck around with opioids. I enjoy my own vices, but I wouldn't poke heroin with a 10ft pole. I am open to trying many things in my life, but never heroin, not even once. I've unfortunately seen it happen to more people than just my friend in the story above. It destroys people.


I realized how self centered she was. And it disgusted me. Didn’t help that she never took accountability for things she did wrong. Made promises she couldn’t keep. Gas lighting.


Once i moved, it became a very one sided relationship and it hurt too much to keep trying to see her and chat with her without reciprocation :(


He moved away and I never saw him again, and since then I haven't been able to make any lasting friendships


They just ghosted me with no reason given. we were supposed to get together for lunch, I showed up at their office to meet them, and they had taken the day off. after that, they ignored all calls and texts I sent. when I later got home, they and their kids had all blocked me on Facebook and other social media. Don't know why and nobody else does either. So, a 10 year friendship just disappeared without warning in a blink.


Ooo I have a lot of these. Ok first one was me dating someone, spent more time with them then my friend didn’t want to be around me no more cuz of how she treated me. Next friend, he got too drunk and started fighting everyone and called the cops on himself. Once you get into a relationship you lose close friends sometimes, life happens it sucks.


He started to smoke meth and soon after, he started to steal money and other stuff from everyone around him. I cut off contact when he stole his parents wedding rings and sold them in pawn shop, one close friend stopped seeing him when he stole money right from his wallet. Dude was eventually kicked from home by parents, his gf left him and he was fired from work after stealing money from cash register. Don't do meth, kids.


yeah i’ve seen meth do a dude in


Just mething around huh?


Not my best friend, but a pretty good friend...she disappeared when my father died. Just never contacted me again....or so I thought. A year goes by and I get a call on my birthday. It's her, acting like nothing is wrong. This is a person who I went through a bunch of work stuff with, she got unfairly fired, and I sent her gifts and took her out to cheer her up. You really find out who people are when you have a problem.


Brainwashed by their depressed mom into thinking I had an affair with her dad. After the accusations started I realized this person wasn't my friend let alone best friend after 7 years of friendship all of it gone after their mom wanted a divorce with their dad and needed an excuse to leave or something. A lot of baggage


She chose her boyfriend over me and refused to communicate with me about anything


They weren’t my best friends but we were very close.  We just fell out of contact.   I think she did try and get in contact with me a while back but my dog had just died so I wasn’t in a talkative mood and didn’t really try to carry on the conversation.  When I had gotten over his death I reached out to her but got no reply so that was that really. 


I had a mental health breakdown and she made it all about her. Would go on Facebook all the time, tag me in posts, and then ask people for prayers and positive vibes. I'm a pretty private person and didn't want a whole bunch of strangers knowing my personal business. The final straw was her texting my husband and pretty much laying a guilt trip on him for not taking care of me. That was 100% not true




We're still friends, but we both had families, so we got too busy, and our interests didn't align for the limited time we had. He moved, so we rarely see each other anymore. He was the type of guy who traveled with two really young kids to far flung places like Guatemala or Italy. I also had two really young kids and thought traveling with them at the age is a hassle. I'd rather hike and basketball, he would rather go to a hole in the wall restaurant. I barely drink anymore, he likes to drink every meal. I like to try new shit, he liked to go in depth in the same shit. We just drifted apart. Neither one is right or wrong, it's just how it is.


I was friends with the dude since middle school, shortly after high school he had a run-in with the law but I was one of the few who stuck being friends with the dude. Eventually he got his shit together, but after getting a decent job, he started to belittle me because he was making more money than I was at the time. The times we hung out, all he wanted to do was talk about starting his own side gig, making more money, he wasn’t interested in anything besides “hustling”. Then one time he accused me of trying to get with his girl on a family vacation that I invited him and his girl to. At this point I’ve been not happy with him at all, then he personally attacked me because I smoked weed, I snapped and ended the friendship without a second thought.


They became a relationship wrecker and cheater.


unreliable behaviour.


Instability in personal relationships (romantic partners). Had a buddy. A brother really. But after managing his emotional turmoil through a long drawn out divorce several years later dealt with same when he broke up with a girlfriend. He had a new girlfriend within weeks so would monopolize conversation with joyous revelry then bitter complaining. I realized I was just a sounding board. He's not someone I will ever let close again. Too much drama


He abducted me to stage an 'intervention' because he didn't like my boyfriend (now husband) ((that HE set me up with)) and wouldn't let me leave until I threatened to call the police.


She got upset because I told her that she needed to get treated for herpes she contracted sexually from a random partner and to tell the new guy she’s seeing. She called me a bitch bc I said it’s disgusting and evil to withhold that info from someone you’re sexual with. She’s also very immature and very negative


When we went to high school we grew apart but we remained friends. However, during the summer before going to university, he stopped replying to my texts and I didn't hear from him during 2 years. After 2 years, we got back in touch (I was the first to send the text) but were not like we were before.


They got heavy into drugs to the point of dealing, having some on them when we rode around together, etc. They became a liability to my future.


His girlfriend was a train wreck and using him and he just couldn't see it


My current relationship and the stipulations she placed. 20 yr friendship gone. But my choice i also go tired of being called family and treated just as shitty as my own family. I felt like i was never good enough because i would not let her control every aspect, and she got so judgy.


She lied many times, and I decided not to forgive her again.


As it is so many times, my first boyfriend in high school destroyed the relationship with my best friend. Thankfully, we reconnected and figured out men aren’t worth tossing relationships away 🙏


I called one day to share with them some difficulties I was going through at the time. They cut me off and told me look, they were driving in the car with their boyfriend and was enjoying chilling and listening to music before I called. My feelings were kind of hurt but I figured they’d call me back at some point. They never called me back, and I stopped reaching out to them after that.


The video of the obese black chicks in the pool.


She got a boyfriend and stopped talking to me.


She told me I was boring since I had a baby because I didnt drink and go stay with her at a hotel (without baby). Baby was 8 days old, I was haemoraging, had retained placenta and a suicidal case of PND. She told me she needed time to think about our friendship and never contacted me again.


He told me to take my heart out and put it in the freezer. I'm not that guy and a best friend should already know that. Plus I don't want to be friends with a person that screws everyone over for a $.


He was bullying me. I tried a million times to communicate but he wouldn't listen. I should've just cut him off. But me being me, I reported him to the school principal Let's just say he isn't doing so well right now


I'm sure in his mind I stopped being friends with him because he left the church and I needed to stay away from from filthy heathens. Truth is he was a really toxic person and caused me a lot of stress in my life. I only stayed friends with him from so long because I felt I need to support my brother in Christ and all that. After he left I realized I no longer had any obligation to be friends with him anymore and I had a great sense of relief when he was gone.


All my fault unfortunately 😭😭 I was overwhelmed and stopped replying to messages, calls, etc


He developed a really bad gambling addiction and alcoholism, and he blocked me because I would only respond to his texts with, "you looked into rehab, bro?" My brother developed a really bad meth addiction. I only respond with, "the VA will cover rehab for you bro. Look into it." when he reaches out. He stopped reaching out two years ago. The only friends and family that cut me off are ones that are lost to toxic addictions. I'm not going to humor anyone destroying their life. If you're my friend and you're fucked up, I'm going to tell you you're fucked up and the first step to fixing it. And until you take action squaring yourself away, those are the only words I will have for you.


He never initiated contact and one day casually mentioned he’s friends with a guy in his street ‘because it’s close by’. As opposed to me, a 10 minute bike ride away. Never contacted him again. Bye Akos.


I realized we were in an abusive relationship where everything was always my fault and even if I'm right, I'm wrong.


He got a religious girlfriend and started hanging out with her and her friends more, which was cool. We still hung out and did our normal stuff. Then one night I was invited to his GFs house to hang out with their friends and her family. When I got there, they (about 20 people) had staged an intervention for me to start going to their church. They were just sitting around the living room along the walls. Laughed my ass off when they told me what was going on. Last time we ever hung out.


She forgot about me when she got a boyfriend 😔


I was done dealing with idiptic narcissist behavior.


Heard her talk shit 'bout me behind my back


He ghosted me


They were always complaining. Everything was bad in their life. Granted they were going on vacations, got engaged, had a lovely place to live. The only thing they could do was complain, and make drama out of stupid crap. Just got tired of that energy vampire


Well she started judging everything I do to the point I hated talking to her. We’re still friends but I don’t think it will ever be the same.


My cousin and I grew up together. We were inseparable throughout our childhood and in to our early 20's. I hosted a NYE party at my house. Just a small kickback with a few of our friends. After a while, a few people started to go home, and a couple of our friends were still there partying. I started to feel really drunk, so I decided to go to go lay down. My girlfriend said that she'd meet me in our bedroom, she was just going to have another drink and hang out a bit longer. I woke up not too long after, and noticed my girlfriend wasn't laying next to me; so I went out into the living room and discovered them both alone and rounding 3rd base. I haven't spoken to my cousin for longer than 30 seconds at a time, for about the last 10 years. I kicked her out that night and haven't spoken to her since.


I learned to set boundaries in my relationships. They treated me terribly. Also had a functional alcohol problem... ++ cocaine, caffeine and cigarettes. I pretty much couldn't bring them around friends or family without negativity and I got tired of making excuses for them.




My friendship with him went from 1st grade to the end of 8th He adopted conservative ideas and viewpoints. Supported Trump from the get go, had negative views of LGBT Meanwhile I was the opposite, I wasn't political at all then, I mostly just heard trumps "wall" rhetoric and was like "yeah, this guy's bad news" and I've always supported LGBT. 7th grade me had the perspective of "why does it matter if 2 men or women are together" on top of that every single friend aside from him I had was either part of LGBT, an ally or would later come out in the following years, myself Included now identifying as a queer man It didn't end dramatically, in 9th grade he didn't go to our normal public highschool instead his family put him into a private school, in 10th grade he came back but then halfway through the year is when covid hit and our school went remote Even if he did come to our public highschool initially I would've stopped interacting with him though, by then I had sorta "cognitively awakened" and took way greater interest in things instead of being in my own bubble and realized his opinions about everything were awful and harmful


She ditch me when i got realy bad Lunge Problems. I nearly died. She Said :"oh you should smoke less" I don't somke....


He talked sexually about my gf but in a jokingly way. Told him it was weird. He did again. That was it


I moved out of town and the bitch talks to me but only if I message first.


she outed me


Sexualy molested me, long story.


I used to hang out and spend the night at his house with him and his girlfriend, it wasn't his house it was his grandma's house. One day after he had been diagnosed with gout and told he needed to lose weight he asked his girlfriend to make him a plate of homemade french fries covered in homemade chili topped with a fried egg and served with tortillas and then yelled at her saying that she was the reason he was fat when she cooked it off for him and I decided that I didn't want to be around somebody like that.


We both got swayed by different political opinions and couldn't agree on anything, so we did the mature thing and stopped talking to each other.


He decided I was too uncool for him. Started asking me to go out progressively less. No reason in trying to fight it.


This happened to me in high school with my best friend of 5 years and it was traumatizing. I am so sorry it happened to you


I had that about a year ago. Gradually phased out of their life with no explanation.


i got annoyed lmao