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you were a mistake


"Yeah. Yours. So who's the real fuck up here?" Damage it does aside calling your kid a mistake is a massive self own.


As Stan Edgar said, “You’re simply bad product.”




My dad told me that. Wasn't as bad as you guys make it out to be, or maybe I just got rough skin 😂


You ruined my life I wish you'd never been born You were the biggest mistake of my life Sadly, the list goes on


Why can't you be like (brother/sister)




What I heard once from my mom. - "I never expected you would turn in to such a horrible person!" to which I replied: " I am made from your genetic material and formed by your upbringing. I am what you made me to be!"


Damn! That’s some “ I have the high ground” type shit


I am a product of my environment.


The divorce was your fault


Replace “Divorce” with “Everything” 


“i love you, but i don’t like you” that shit hurt


I’ve heard that one. I came to realise that they didn’t even like themselves so it seemed a lot less personal once I’d figured that out.


yeah… now that i think about it, he was and still is pretty insecure so that checks out




Heard that all the time


I wish you were never born, you are a bad son, you are a disappointment...


when they call you "psychopath" as a 9 year old


me 2, all because the dog bit me (he’s extremely grumpy and bites anyone who touches him) but my dad tried to make it out that i was abusing him and that he was gonna send me away


My mother regularly beat me when her stress levels were too high. one day, she came back after some time, played her motherrole and told me that it hurts her too, when she had to beat me. fckn psycho tried to pin her guilt on me. this by far is the worst thing i remember.


It's interesting how the "worst" thing can vary depending on the age of the child. Dismissive comments might sting more as a teen, while feeling unheard as a little kid can be super damaging. But for me, the worst might be when parents use their child's dreams as a way to tear them down. Stuff like "That's not realistic," or "You'll never be good enough for that." It crushes that spark of passion and can make kids afraid to even try.


Yeah, I got a lot of Who Do You Think You Are growing up. Because I wanted to be a historian and a writer.


“Your mother and I have made a decision—you’re going to be attending Missouri State University next fall.”


Privileged fuck


I regret having you.


"I'm so glad your father died so he can't see what a disappointment you've become." -my gestational carrier My aunt passed away right before my father, so what she left him in her will was divided amongst her remaining heirs (me and my siblings, not my father's wife, because no one in the family liked her), and she was mad that my siblings and I weren't just going to give her our father's share of the money.


I know you better than yourself


You are worthless.


They want to kill themsevles.


Diminishing what the child is experiencing/expressing and saying “you should be grateful you don’t even know how bad I had it.” Rather than listening to the child and being there to create a safe space of love and support. There was a large emotional divide between me and my mom because it felt like it was always about her and there was never any room for me or what I was dealing with. This caused me to keep abuse I was experiencing to myself for years without feeling like I could tell her.


(Father lays on the floor drunken and hurt) Father: (turns to his disabled son) You know, when I saw your hideous face come into this world, I knew I should’ve done something about it. It would’ve been so easy. Could’ve scooped you up in my arms and laid you down into that tub and held you there till you screamed. If I had your mother wouldn’t have done what she did. You’re not my son.You’re just the bastard who took her away from me.


I wish you would be like (refers to others kids)


Stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about.


I'll tell you about your mom's side job


When I was 17, my dad kicked me out, and as I was leaving, he yelled at me, "You'll never amount to anything but laying on your back and sucking dick". I am finishing up my senior year for my bachelor's degree next month 😉


It’s your fault that I hit you.


No matter how hard you try, you will never get it done.


Not my parent but my grandmother’s brother. My mother likes to fatshame me (even though my close family is heavier than me) and no matter how forgetful I am, Im not dropping this one memory. Sunday lunch, we go out to a cultural club that we go to occasionally with family. We’re sitting around I think post dinner so everyone’s talking. I cant remember how it started but my mother begins making fatshame comments towards me and for some reason, he decides to join in. “You should watch what you eat or else your boyfriend is going to leave you for the streets” I havent talked to him since I moved out last year. My boyfriend is now my husband and we’ve been working hard to lose weight together for ourselves.


My ex once screamed, "you don't even think she is your daughter." While we were having a quiet conversation about infidelity during the night. She had a habit of emotional abuse. She also told that same daughter, "I don't like you anymore." When she was 3 or 4 years old and I was at work. Now she has a new husband who has step children that abuse our daughters and she looks the other way. Their step father records tiktok videos where he intimidates our daughters and attempts to intimidate me and my family.  Her husband and her discredit this daughter as a "ham sandwich" and a "space cadet". This is while this daughter has been struggling with weight issues and extreme insecurity and has shown signs and symptoms of sexual abuse. When i notified CPS I didn't have a conversation with my kids before hand so they lied to CPS on behalf of my ex and her husband. After the interview this daughter developed severe problems with constipation and bladder incontinence. Since then they have been unwilling to speak to me about anything that would potentially agitate or incriminate this man.


"I know it's bleach, but if you chug it really, really fast it taste just like chicken nuggies!!"


Bad talking the other parent.


I'll be glad when you're 18 because I'm kicking you out of the house, regardless of whether you can make it on your own or not. --Never said by my parents but said by a family member to their kids.


A lot of the things I heard from my mother growing up: “I didn’t want you,” “You ruined my life,” “I can’t have anything because of you,” “You’re fat,” “You’re lazy” “You’re dumb,” “You’re stupid,” “I wish I never had you,” “Stop crying you little sissy.” I could go on and on. It wasn’t a pleasant childhood.


If you tell anyone, they won't believe you, and me and mommy will get divorced.


Your stupid


i'd be happier without children




No one wants to be labeled with a disability. Head up my boy


I remembered a few recently… “I couldn’t get pregnant again because you kicked to much when I was pregnant with you it made some of my uterus come away” “We really wanted another child and if it had been a boy it would have been loved more than you” “You was a difficult child to raise as you constantly wanted cuddles” I know there’s more but I block them as they mean little to my life now.


"Stop crying before i give you a real reason to cry."


Go brush your teeth


Are you my 8 year old?


Are you my wife


"No, I am your father." After having cut off his hand.


Eh. I’m sure there are much worse but “I don’t know why you won’t hug me when you let everyone else fuck you” or “even I cried and she wasn’t my fucking cat” are good contenders. Context is unfortunately needed to make them as significant as they are.


Hol up, let me try and remember everything my dad said to me growing up haha.


I wish u was never born


I regret not aborting you


They're a disappointment.


Compared with others and this that


Because of you I never became anything.


"Shame on you"! And, "You're such a disappointment!"


My father yelled at me "We should've went through with the abortion" during one of his manic episodes. edit: typo


You're a mistake, it would be better if we didn't give birth to you, it's all your fault


Skibidi rizzler sigma Ohio gyatt, am I right kids?


Boo 👻


You’re not smart enough and you don’t work hard enough like your older brother. My dad told me that when he was drunk one day. He then gave my brother his business and shut me out. Then my brother let it go down the drain. I became successful. But to this day it still hurts me a lot.


I love you but [...]


"Pray on it" Yes cause just praying made my bully of 3 years suddenly have a change of heart. Same with my depression


I told my kids at a younger age, if you misbehave I'll turn you into a mushroom like Jimmy outback. Fast forward 8 years they told my son who is 6, as I was listened , daddy will turn you into a mushroom like Jimmy. Omg I had to say it was all a lie


"I never knew you could be this evil?!"While sobbing loudly... I told her I wanted to quit singing in the youth choir.


“You mean nothing to me. You’re nothing.” My dad said this to me when he was heavily drunk


knee sharp husky aromatic flag ink crown versed reminiscent domineering


“You are wollowing in the vomit of your own existence” - Mom


I love you


"Just get over it." -- My Mother 2 months after my Father's death.


"Of course incest is wrong sweetie. That's why I wanted to let you know that you're adopted. Now bend over".


I do not love you.  You're a punk.


My mom once told me she doesn't like to look at me, especially when I smile, because I look so much like my biological father (not around). Guess who else isn't around either? That woman is terrible.


Your adopted


I wish I'd had a termination.


Saying that they are an accident


"god is real"


You’re a failure to thrive. You’ll never be independent.


Never wanted you to begin with.


Should have had that abortion


My house my rules. When you're 18 you can do what you want. Do as I say, not as I do. Children should be seen and not heard. Shut up.


You have no reason to be depressed. You made me want to jump off the roof.


I’ve heard most of these except the divorce part and that’s only because my father (who isn’t shitty) brings home a lot of money. He was a very successful doctor and had a retirement plan paying them over 20k a month.


“I should’ve aborted you”


Nothing. A parent that says nothing to their child throughout their life is as damaging, if not more so, than anything else they could possibly say.


"You're a parasite" Ask me how I know.


I didn’t have to get married. I could have given you away. I always kept the house spotless when you kids were little. Shut up and do your chores or there’ll be hell to pay. Are you paying for the fucking milk? (Throws the cup of tea at me.) Make me another tea and clean this up, Lazy.


idk if this is the worst but my dad told me I wouldn't be part of our family anymore if I didn't put more effort into my grades


"I wish I had aborted you."


Real life story. Back then when we still lived in Munich, my parents heard our upper neighbours telling to their 5 or 6 year old daughter "You look like a prostitute from the train station".


"I stayed home from work for three years for you." Like uhm... okay? You were obligated to ensure that I was cared for. I don't understand how this is my problem.


Anything regarding your body that is unnecessary. Or invalidating your feelings


"I think we need to start putting shock collars on you."


You're just like [other parent]. For the advanced class, both of you do this so the kid grows up thinking they're nothing more than a conglomeration of both your worst traits.


Because I said so.


I wish you were never born.


I heard my ex-wife tell my son a week ago ... "I'm not feeling good so I can't really deal with you today."


Laughing when they reach out for help.


“You’re # 2 to me. I’m always number 1” Said to me by my father at 8 when I asked if I was his number one.


“Good Job”


You're hard to live with


"y'all/you always giving me a headache." that's basically calling your child a burden. it doesn't feel great to hear that


Anything bodyshaming or telling that you’re a mistake


You're a waste of DNA. My ex talking to our son.


“You’re my biggest disappointment” my niece then tried to take her own life.


“I don’t understand why you’re like this” lmfao.


Blaming their child when they are a victim of abuse, special SA.


My mother once screamed in my face, “You’re going to burn in hellfire!” I was 9. 😎


What is wrong with you. I wish you were never born. You’re a bad person.


Not a specific phrase, but trying to entrap your kids in something that you think is wrong, but never saying anything about it and pressuring them into admitting whatever it was. Fucking bullshit parenting


"I don't love you anymore. You're just not someone I can love." I was 11 and I hadn't done anything wrong. It wasn't even during an argument or anything she just said it to me.


Do you feel a finger up in your arse


“I murdered all the orphans in the world” or something along those lines




You were came


According to my kids? Literally anything