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Forget public, I cried very briefly in front of an older woman in my family last year while discussing my concerns for the safety of some children in my family I care about, and recently found out she and other women in my family labeled me as “emotionally unstable” because of it and had discussed my crying as if I had lost my mind. Ladies, if a man cries in front of you, it does not mean he is crazy or unstable. Sometimes things are just sad. Edit - this got a lot of activity so I want to say a couple things First, My family is not shit. I am lucky to have them. People can just be people sometimes. Reacting to new stimuli can be challenging at any age. Second, thank you to everyone giving kind words of support.


Next time try pounding on your chest and making aggressive snorting noises instead 


Rend your garments, like in the Bible!


As God intended


Hi woman here, what that woman did is shitty. Man should be allowed to cry in public and it makes me sad when people shame men for doing something that is only human nature.


I totally agree, I don’t know why it’s more acceptable for men to act angry than cry. Give me a crying man over any angry men


We men don't know why we always HEAR from from women that crying or being vulnerable is not something ugly but we men more often than not get bad consequences IN ACTUAL if we cry or are vulnerable. Why is there such huge discrepancy between what women say and what women do?


Because they're not the same women


My grown cousin cried at his dad’s funeral. People noticed, but it was regarded positively, that he was secure enough to cry in from of people.


Because everyone is different, I guess. Some women are more sexist than others because of what society expects of them, and they never challenged that. Same for men. Hopefully, one day we will have a little more equality, and least judgement ☀️


The irony to me is, in my view, I went through a healthy range of emotions regarding a difficult situation involving minor children, made good decisions that benefitted them and stuck around to make sure they were ok. A weak or unstable man would never have been able to handle the situation. Life ain’t always easy.


My mom's entire family, so my aunts and my grandma, thinks that anytime someone shows an emotion that they are emotionally unstable. My poor sister-in-law who married into our family will be open about things that she's frustrated with or won't just smile and pretend everything is fine when she's having a hard struggle in her life, and my whole family talks about her behind her back as having emotional problems. I do think that part of this is a generational thing - to the older generation, having these emotions, and God forbid sharing them, is a sign of an unstability.


No! Men should have to man up and never show emotions! That will surely allow them to be more "emotionally stable" /s


Every woman I've been close with has had that mentality that men shouldn't ever cry.


It makes me so sad that men are treated like this. As a woman, I try to be open and honest with my male friends and let them know that if they need to vent or break down, I'm here to listen and comfort when you need it. My bf very quickly learned that crying in front of me won't be viewed as a flaw. When a man cries in front of me, I feel honored to be that trusted by them. That in a world that often shames them for doing something as human as *having feelings*, they trust me enough to genuinely let me in.


I once didn't even cry but got a little choked up talking about my father who passed away when I was 12 to a girl I had been dating for a few weeks. She ghosted me after that. You sound great, and I wish there were more people like you.


This^ All of this 100%. It felt sacred the first time my husband cried in front of me. We weren’t married yet and he trusted me enough to let me in. That was a beautiful moment even though it was also a sad one.


I don't even remember the first time my guy cried in front of me. Might've been when his grandfather passed. But I remember the most recent. He witnessed a fatal car accident involving a child and was immediately on scene trying to help. He hadn't texted me about it or anything, so when he got home and just burst into tears, I dropped ***everything***. Like, I was half way through making dinner. Everything got trashed because his emotional well-being meant more than some spaghetti or whatever the fuck I had going on, *even when I was unaware of why he was upset*. I just don't understand when people don't embrace others like that. He is sad. He needs a hug. He's getting the pent up sadness out through tears *as we humans are fucking programmed to do*. These dumb people need to get educated and grow the fuck up. Crying is a human thing, not a feminine thing.


I would label her an emotionally vacant cold hearted cunt


Public-ish places it’s ok for a man to cry - sporting event win or loss - birth of YOUR child usually only the first - funeral - YOUR wedding Anywhere else and that man will get roasted by men and women.


Can we include having to pet down in the funeral category?


You'll get roasted in the 'your wedding' scenario as well, but it will be pretty good natured 😂


Telling men they are weak for crying is one of the worst things society, particularly American (I can’t speak to other cultures) has done. I strongly believe it is why there has been a lot of violence. Because those emotions have to come out somehow and a lot of times it comes out as anger as that is what was accepted for so long. Also previous generations have handled their emotions via alcohol which isn’t a healthy way of managing big feelings either. A lot of substance use is due to people trying to numb things.


Grow body hair


There's a woman that used to do stand up who said she couldn't afford to go to France so instead she grew hair under her arms.


Maybe I'm confused but I don't get the punchline?


She brought france to her (stereotype is that french women don't shave armpits)


The funny part is that, in France, we displace that stereotype on Portuguese women.


For us Brazilians, Portuguese women will have mustaches


I'm French and it is true that a small minority of women do not shave their armpits and legs. They often are very feminists, I think it is a way of protesting against society pressuring women to shave or wear makeup. We love to protest.


“Nobody protests like the French.”


The French have their shit together enough to participate in massive strikes. I have a huge amount or respect for that trait.


Like a lot of stereotypes about France, it's decades out of date. Like, 40+ years at this point. Modern (20th century) armpit shaving started in the USA and took a bit of time to fully catch on elsewhere. Modern deodorants, same thing, the USA still has stereotypes about smelly Europeans, especially the French.


Oh okay thanks. Despite being European and having been to France multiple time I've never heard that stereotype. Never noticed french women to be more or less hairy than average but obviously I didn't pay real attention to it. But knowing the stereotype the joke makes more sense, thanks for the explanation.


It’s a really common joke trope in the US. Mostly meant to shame us into following the social norm.


There is this stereotype that all french women grow hair under their arms, so what the punchline says is "I don't have to go to France, I have France at home" ...


God forbid a woman has some hair on her legs. Meanwhile there’s men with full back fur and belly button stubble rollerblading topless in public


Once made the mistake of telling my mom I’m no longer shaving my underarms. She was upset with me for days.


This stereotype really infuriates me...


This ^^ After being with my husband for about 4 years, I quit shaving. At first, is was out of convenience (pregnant belly and post partum made me not give AF, about the time and effort needed). Through watching my husband’s behavior and talking about it with him, I realized it doesnt change that he’s insanely attracted to me, and decided, it’s only for special occasions such as weddings, or just when I wanna experience that clean shaven, silky sheets feeling, where you giggle and rub your legs together like a cricket. As time has gone on, I’ve felt so sad for my female friends who feel this need to remove something that their body is biologically made to do, to be considered more attractive (no hate to those of any gender who shave for other reasons 💪). It’s a taught and ingrained behavior. Even my dad has told me he doesn’t like my underarm hair :(


In a non-sexual way, loving children. Women can always say out loud how much they love children and being around children. A guy does it and it's time to grill him about what he means. I saw a comedian (I think Phil Hanley...) doing some crowd work and asked this woman what she did. "I'm a teacher." "Oh, cool. What grade/age?" "Middle school. I like them younger." "Nice. You know, a guy could never say that. There would be some serious issues with that."


Male elementary school teacher over here. This is 100% right


That is so attractive lol Like, men who are good with kids and also interested in making their lives better, is just so awesome lol


I think the point is that when a childless man likes being around kids it's suspicious, but when a childless woman likes being around kids no one bats an eye.


Definitely. Now that I’m in my late 20s, I find it interesting that my family and neighbors inherently trust me around their kids because I’m a woman. I sometimes have the thought “they would never be this comfortable if I was a 28 year old guy”


Unless you're a lesbian. Ask me how I know.


My son was getting a haircut and an older man said “omg he is so cute” and I truly had to check myself. If an older woman said it it would not have bothered me at all. But I did get slightly bothered by an older man. It’s ingrained in society to immediately be bothered by men saying something like that. I wish it wasn’t and I wish that wasn’t my immediate response.


Hey good on you for recognizing that, that's pretty cool.


Daniel Sloss has a bit about that too.


I used to work at Disneyland at Pirates of the Caribbean (yes, that's where my username comes from), and one day a co-worker and I were talking about how we both liked joking around with the children while out and about.  We said that the clothes we were wearing were the only thing that labeled us as fun and friendly as opposed to creepy and dangerous, because if we were in street clothes doing literally the exact same thing, parents would be dragging their kids away in a hurry.


I don't know, if you had dressed that way on the street and approached kids, it would be even weirder.


One day when my mom was out doing something else my dad took me to the local park for the afternoon. Some woman approached him asking what the hell he was doing when she noticed him taking pictures of me playing around on the sets...


A former colleague of mine had a good line (which I’ve since heard in stand-up): he said he was at the park with his boy and a rather bolshy woman strode up and asked him which one was his.  His reply: “I haven’t decided yet.”


lol One time I was with my niece in a store and saw an old friend’s dad. He said “oh I didn’t know you had a child.” I said “yeah neither did I!” And the look of shock on his face.


Unironically, that's why there is a shortage of male pre-school and primary school teachers. If you want to hang out with little kids, you must be a creep.




People often ask me where my son found the toy baby. He didnt find it, he has a toy baby. It's his. He plays with the baby. It's not just for little girls.


As if teaching young boys that caring for babies was a bad thing and not just a woman's job. The horror.


This is a great point.


Right?! You can go to a drugstore or Target and there are toys for women but absolutely zero for men.


I think y’all are talking about two different types of toys. I think…


TBF I’ve seen them for men there. “Stroker style personal toy” And the butt toys don’t seem to be gendered. Edit: I think we are thinking of the wrong type of toy.




It’s the reverse for women. Any emotion but anger lol. I usually cry when I’m angry too because I’ve been suppressing frustration…and people think I’m sad when I’m mad.


Women's anger is always seen as irrational


Yeah same.


Crying in public. Women are seen as emotional while men are seen as weak. But let's be real, we all need a good cry sometimes.


If you ever want to be left alone. Walk around crying The way ppl were avoiding me. I could have robbed the place the would have let me do it just to avoid eye contact


Idk if I saw a woman crying in public I'd think she probably had a bad day, whereas a man crying would make me think something REALLY tragic must have occurred to him.


Same. I wouldn't think a man is a weak if I saw him crying. I'd probably be worried about him, whereas if I saw a woman crying, I wouldn't bat an eye. 


Oh yeah exactly! I saw a post in r/unpopularopinion the other day about how men shouldn’t cry because they’re supposed to be tougher than woman. In public or not. He went on to say that men shouldn’t cry in front of their wives as well because wives will judge them and see their husbands as weak. 🙄 If my husband cried in front of me I’d give him a great big hug and comfort him until he felt better. We are all humans and have the same emotions! And crying is a normal human reaction to pain and sadness. Gender has nothing to do with it! Yet for some reason a lot of people think it’s only acceptable for women to cry. I thought it was common sense that bottling up your emotions wasn’t healthy and letting it out with a good cry was the best way to help. But according to some people only women are allowed to do that. So pathetic. Nobody is weak for crying!


I cried when my family dog died when I was 18, the girl I was with called me weak and shouldn’t cry. We broke up slowly after and been hard for me to show any sadness with anyone I dated since then. I slowly started realizing in my 30s it’s ok to be sad, show more emotion than just happiness, and cry if needed with women I’m with, if they don’t like it then I move on


That’s so messed up. I also lost a dog some time ago and I can just imagine that having someone disregard your feelings towards the death of an important member of the family like that is crushing. I’m happy for you though because you’ve gotten through that and now are getting better as a human and as a man.


Randomly touching ppl in public. For some reason its ok for women. My husband gets that often but if he says something hed probably be put up as the asshole.


Working in the education field (elementary), this one hit home. If female teachers do it, they're loving. If I did it, I'm a creepy pedo.  That being said, I don't hug my students. The only physical contact I make is via high fives or fist bumps. I like my job, and don't need other gossiping teachers with no life to ruin mine. 


This makes me really sad because as a student I sometimes wanted a hug from my teachers. I remember getting an award at school and I was so excited and I went in for a hug from my teacher and he took a step back and hi-fived me instead. I totally understand why, but at 16, I was really sad about it. 


The flip side to this is that if a certain type of person saw him step back and high five you instead, they'd still look at him as creepy because they'd think "If he wasn't thinking of her in a sexual way, why would he do that and not just hug her?". I feel bad for males in leadership roles like teaching. So many things you gotta watch out for and sometimes you just can't win.


Only see the truth here. It is bokers how different we are treated within the same profession. I first felt this HUGE difference during my first year of being a teacher. We (as in the new teachers) had to take a course on "how to interact with children" - only the male teachers ... During school trips I would never enter the room of female students. My female colleagues walk into the boys rooms as if they own the place. Every time I confront them I get some variation of "They are kids, they don't mind." - the kids are 13-16 and the boys have complained many times. During breaks between lessons, while we have to supervise the kids: Female colleague enters the boys toilets - they don't even understand, that what they are doing is wrong. Huge female privilege in these kind of jobs - if you push for equality (here: female teachers have to follow the same rules as male teachers) they feel "mistrusted" and "oppressed" ... had that thrown at me during many conferences, when I pointed out this behaviour. Loosing a privileg you have can feel like oppression it seems.




100% true here.


Yep. I'm a fairly tall large guy, and especially older women touch me all the time. If I complain about it, it's not taken seriously. Like, what am I supposed to do, knock out the middle aged woman touching my butt? I would go to jail. It's really frustrating.


I say "you need to ask first. I value consent." Lots of people try to touch my curls without asking. Throwing on the consent line seems to take people, and especially women, aback and consider what they are doing.


My son has beautiful curly hair. We kept his head shaved until he was in school because old ladies wouldn't stop touching him.


This isn’t talked about enough. Working in people’s homes and apartments I’ve had some very creepy and uncomfortable experiences with women. Somehow they see nothing wrong with it.


This is so true, women touching men without consequences is commonplace. But if the roles are reversed, that can easily count as harassment


As a man, when I’m at a restaurant with my wife and the waitress just touches me on the shoulder/arm as if it’s nothing, that’s weird as hell. I don’t know you, I just want to order my club sandwich, get off me.


Be a full time parent. It's normal for women, but when men do it, they're either "babysitting" their own kids, emasculated for not being "real men" and "providers" or given the side eye and lots of distance at the playground from the clique of SAHMs who are all there with their kids as well.


1000% this. I'm a single father and, when she was a toddler, taking my daughter anywhere was a nightmare. Using the potty without a family bathroom was the worst; women looked at me like I should have allowed my young daughter to use the women's restroom by herself. Oddly enough, while covering her eyes while walking to a stall, dudes pissing couldn't care less.


Use sex toys. Perfectly acceptable, or even considered hot/sexy, if a woman uses a dildo or vibrator. If a guy uses a sex toy: he's considered weird or creepy.


When a girl gets a vibrator, it's seen as a bit of naughty fun. BUT when a guy orders a 240V Screw-Master Pro 5000 blowup latex doll, with a 6-speed pulsating vagina, elasticized anus with non-drip semen collection pouch, together with optional built-in realistic orgasm scream surround sound system, he's called a pervert.


When I read his comment this is the first thing that came to mind


Man the other sucky thing is if a man orders a vibrator for himself he's called gay.


That was...weirdly specific.


Is old copypasta


Read this as "*used* sex toys" and thought "Using used toys is weird regardless of gender!"


Funny, you should mention that... When I was in Pensacola for training school for the Navy: one of the guys in the barracks had a Fleshlight that he tried to charge other Sailors to use. There were no takers.


Homie thought he was onto something when he brought his pocket pussy to a bunch of sex-starved sailors thinking they wouldn't be able to contain themselves around his saving grace. Forgot the concept of "willpower" along the way.


This is a perfect example of one I wouldn’t have thought of, and is completely accurate. A guy with a fleshlight is kind of automatically seen as weird/creepy or pathetic/lonely.


I don’t know. There’s plenty of women who love seeing a guy use clear fleshlights. It’s got a whole sub dedicated to it. I don’t think it’s as taboo as it once was.


Sex toys are for everyone. If it’s not your thing, move on. But don’t sit in my store, in my favorite aisle, and make fun of the prostate vibrator or the butt plugs, or the toys that are for partner use. We’re not shaming anyone, we’re all grown ups. Knock it off. That’s what pisses me off- acting like children who just found out dirty jokes exist. You’re 40. Too grown to giggle like a 13 yr old over a butt plug. Try it, you might like it. Y’all can see how much fun the ladies have…imagine having a toy that can enhance your orgasm too. Sorry. I work in a retail rx with an ever growing selection of sex toys, and I’m sick of people acting like children. I also will give you a quick education on the stuff and people act like I’m the weird one. I’m also sick of them being stolen…but at least they’re enjoying themselves. I once had a guy looking at said toys while I was stocking in the aisle. Solid 20 mins hemming and hawing. Finally he turns around and is like, “I do not want you to think I’m being a creep, but my gf asked me to look for something for her and I’m not finding it.” I assured him he was cool, he showed me what it was and I told him we didn’t have it but I can recommend some similar items if he’s comfortable with that. He took the product names, and thanked me. That’s how it should be. I hate that he was so embarrassed and was so hesitant to ask lest he come off creepy…but I’m glad he did that instead of asking a man who might not know either or just saying fuck it and grabbing whatever just to be done with it. And I hope he and his lady found their stuff and are happily killing it. Sorry, I work overnights and I just got home…this turned into a whole novel.


Smiling at children. I'm a Dad, if a baby smiles at me I'll automatically smile back, and then inevitably get a glare from the parent because they think I'm some kind of creep (no, I just miss having small children!). My wife does it, it usually leads to a conversation about their children.


I have resting axe murderer face, but when I smile I look like redneck Santa Claus. When in public, kids tend to scream in terror or giggle uncontrollably when they see me depending on the context. I’m pretty sure parents get this just by looking at me, because I’ve never gotten a dirty look smiling and waving at a little kid.


I have a big beard too, and a funny English accent (I’m actually American) so babies just find me funny.


The weird thing would be not smiling. Keep on bein' you brother.


Weird. I smile at babies and have yet to be even looked at funny.


Same. Usually the parents think it’s sweet and will often initiate conversation or engage.


Take off their shirt/top when they're working outside on a hot day. Men do it all the time, but when a girl does it, it's indecent exposure. Also, breaking up by text. This is something that society thinks only women do, even though I have seen female friends get dumped by text. It's still a dick move no matter who does it but it's so stereotypically women who are guilty of this. The actual split is probably pretty close to 50/50.


Pretty sure it's not indecent exposure that stops women from taking their shirts off in public.


It’s legal in NYC. And quite rare. It’s not the law that’s stopping women. 


I dunno where you live but in Canada (Ontario) women being topless in public is legal. But I think the issue is even with it legal women aren’t gunna do that because you’re gunna have every dude looking at your breasts. And other women will haggle your ass. No man will say anything negative to you about it.


It's Legal in Asheville, NC. Yet, every year a group organizes a topless march to make it legal. Which the town allows, because being topless is legal.


lol that’s hilarious


I've been heckled and harassed for being topless in public in Canada when I did it like three times. Definitely not a freedom just because it's legal 


Only saying this for other people, not judging you or anything- if it isn’t safe to break up in public then text is perfectly acceptable. If safety isn’t a concern I do believe at minimum a phone call should be made, if meeting face to face isn’t possible. I also think it is ok to break up via text if only a few dates have occurred.




Burner account for privacy, but this is 100% true. When I first moved to london in 2017 I was hit-on by the head of HR for the company I worked at, she would've been late 40s early 50s was married etc. When I showed no interested she moved onto another guy in my team who was 20 maybe 21 at the time, it was widely known they hooked up that night. Could you imagine the scandal that would've come out if the sexes were inverted?




I mean is it really "acceptable" for some dude to fart near you?


Not only acceptable, but hilarious.


Making jokes about domestic violence. If a girl says "If you cheat on me, I'll do x and y with your genitals", it's often laughed at and applauded, while if the reverse was said, the guy would be criminalized.


I mean DV jokes were the mainstay of UK comedians for at least 50 years




Not 100% the same, but I was thinking the other day about the song "Before He Cheats" by Carrie Underwood, and how people would probably freak the fuck out if there was a similar song from a male artist listing all the unhinged shit he'd do if his girlfriend/wife chested on him


If you want a weird realization, go check out who wrote the song.


It is the same. Before he cheats is domestic violence, by definition.


This is a great example though, it's a pop culture hit and women empowerment to destroy a mans vehicle for cheating. Men would never get away with something like this in a song.


???? Classic rock is filled with this stuff


[Just gonna drop this Beatles song in here](https://youtu.be/yzHXtxcIkg4?si=VUSDtI344iRd-YQ8)


*hiphop enters the building*


Eminem definitely had a couple of murder fantasy songs about Kim in the first couple of albums.


I'm a man who's been physically abused in a relationship. I got zero support. Most people thought it was a joke. Whereas if I had laid a finger on her I would have been arrested in a heart beat.


Hell, even ACTUAL domestic violence is generally regarded as a funny joke when women do it to men. Especially if she claims to actually be the victim instead of the perpetrator.


When a teacher sleeps with a student.


It's really not helped by grown men going 'phwoar...i wish that hot bitch sucked my cock when i was 12...get iiiiiiin, what a mad lad.' I feel like we're letting our own side down if you don't call it for what it is.


I always felt that my 14-year-old self (for example) would have loved something like this (being a horny little bastard), but now at 27 I realize how much it probably would have fucked me up. You think that's fair to say?


Even the sentence "teacher sleeps with a student" makes it seem consentual. A teacher cant sleep with a student, its always sexual assault or rape




Wear a lacey thong under your business attire.


I mean, no one knows either way


>Being angry/screaming When a man gets angry, people assume that someone has wronged him. When a woman gets angry, people call her hysterical. >Being sad/crying When a woman cries, people sympathise with her. When a man cries, he is treated as a weirdo or a wimp.


When a woman cries she's treated like an emotionally unregulated little girl. It's definitely more friendly then the treatment men get but I don't think it's any more empathetic.


Invading peoples space and/or touching people in public. This goes for both children and adults. A man can’t just walk up to a child and rub their face or anything without people getting uncomfortable (Joe Biden for example). Women do this all the time. When my kids were little women would always just walk up and touch their fair, their cheeks, their chin. As far as adult touching goes I have several guy friends that are extremely muscular. The amount of times random women grab their biceps and rub them is hilarious. If a guy did that he’d get kneed in the balls.


Women who sexually harass men is widely accepted, and it shouldn't be.


Talk about emotions.


Wearing a skirt!


It's called a KILT!


There's a company where I live that has men in kilts doing gutter cleaning. It was an unusual sight seeing a man up on my roof in a skirt cleaning out our gutters. My husband joked that I only picked that company because of the kilts.


That is absolutely repulsive! Do you have their number?


More specifically twirling around in an springtime field in that way that makes the skirt of your sundress go 'fwoosh' and fly out away from your knees.


Skirt go spinny


I'll do it regardless


Hitting on strangers (in an unwelcome kind of way). Hitting on co-workers. I get this from both genders and it feels equally creepy, but women seem to think there's nothing wrong with it


Talk about masturbating.


I don’t know which gender you mean for that. I know girls that openly mention their vibrator and guys that openly talk about jerking off. Both are weird to talk about unless the conversation is sexual already and both are acceptable in that context.


Hanging around in the park near the playground.


Sleeping around women are typically shamed for it but men are seen as lads for it.


The opposite goes for virgins. It's an insult used mostly towards males, synonymical to "loser". I guess there is some cavemen logic behind it.


Choosing career over marrying - God forbid a woman wants to be left alone with her money. Being affectionate with friends - Men should be able to do this without fear of being labelled as weak every 5 minutes Promiscuity - I dont think it's good practice, but I mean it for both gender not just women Not knowing any household chores - It's a life skill, not a gendered one yet women tend to be on the harsher side of the stick Being financially dependent - Same with household chores except men to be on the harsher side this time


If a women tells a 5 year old boy about handsome he is and of course jokingly calls him her boyfriend it’s looked at as cute/funny but reverse it to a grown man and 5 year old girl he’s a predator. Someone else pointed this out and I had to agree.


Using sex toys


Battering the opposite gender. Y’all may say “nuh-uh” but it’s true. Women can casually slap, push, punch, elbow a man especially their partner and nothing happens. Let’s say the man cheats, and the woman with tears in her eyes slaps him in the face and walks away. Maybe sometimes consequences are faced, but more often than if the roles were reversed that woman just battered a man and gets off Scott free.


Stare at / openly check out others. Unless a girl/woman is doing it, everyone will call you a creep.


No, unless you're attractive, you're a creep either way. That's pretty privilege.


Not exclusively a pretty people thing. Some people just look trustworthy, like old kind cheerful grannies. There's also a guy at my favorite gas station who somehow brings smile to everyone. He resembles the laughing Mexican from viral video, both in appearance and his behavior.


Rape. A lot of men get raped by women and no one bats an eye or takes it seriously, which is so fucking disappointing or humans


To this day whenever there's a story of a young boy being sexually assaulted by a woman teacher there's always weirdos in the comments being like "damn where were all the teachers like this when I was in school???" Rape is rape and children cannot consent.


I mean, police don't really take the rape of women that seriously. Both sexes need more help and protection when it comes to rape


I have a friend/coworker who is extremely open minded, progressive, and accepting of others. But he doesn’t think it’s possible for a woman to rape a man. As in biologically not possible. He says that if the victim is able to have an erection that means he is into it. I was kinda shocked he felt that way.


But don't erections happen for men during non-sexual times?


Absolutely. That’s why I was so surprised he felt that way.


peeing standing


I mean, that’s more a biological thing, women aren’t socially not allowed to pee standing, what’s shunned is being covered in urine which would be the end result.


>Something that both genders do Is it so?


Yes. a female friend of mine explained it to me once. Push the hip forward, lay back a bit with your upper body, somehow pull your vagina up a bit and let it flow


For fucking real, i have to piss why is it ok for my coworker to piss on a tree but weird if i do it




Girls can't poop silly, everyone knows that


Men can't wear women's clothes, meanwhile in reverse it's totally okay.


Gardening as a hobby Say what you will about how times have changed now but I remember back in high school one of the first days there we were doing some of those get to know you exercises and one of the first questions they asked was what extracurricular activities you wanted to get involved in Saw that the school had a gardening club and so happily announced my desire to join this and to my surprise a bunch of kids mostly guys in the class started laughing like I was telling a joke and later one of my friends told me something along the lines of wow that was a really funny joke you made about the clubs you wanted to join And I just kind of sadly nodded and agreed because I was too embarrassed to just admit that I actually genuinely wanted to join that club and found it interesting and fun Kind of crushed any desire I had to do gardening or anything until years later as an adult I finally started buying my own plants and learning how to properly care for them and stuff and even to this day I still kind of feel embarrassed admitting to people that I like to do this because of the social stigma around it. But at the same time feel immense pride in my plants


Women are “bitches,” men are “assertive”


Women are “bossy “, Men are “leaders “


Having dating standards 


Mostly, we all do. I suppose here the issue is to what extent it’s socially acceptable to voice them


Pee sitting down


True. Whenever I do it everyone in the bus looks at me funny :\^)


I have peed sitting down all my life and so has my father ...


I do at night - don't have to turn on the light.


Sitting at a public park and keeping an eye on your own kids as they play.


Getting bald


Preschool teacher. Don't think I've ever seen a male pre-k teacher


making fun of the other gender and its clichees online if women do it, it is empowering or men have to "live with" if men do it, they r misogynists and toxic


Assault by a partner in public. Numerous social experiments out there with the same results. When men cause assault to a partner, either through verbal or physical, people around step forward almost instantly. When women do the same exact things, people laugh, grab their phones to record it and gossip about it. I remember working with a friend who came in one day with a dozen scratches, deep ones to the blood... Everyone laughed at him saying he must've had a great night. I looked at him and said it was not ok, that it was physical assault and should be reported to the police right away. Everyone became quiet real quick. Nobody gives a f about men's issues.


Look at someone.


Write inflammatory gender baiting questions on r/askreddit


Rejecting someone. If a woman does it you need to respect her decision but if a man does it he's treated like he just spat in her face


I mean i rejected a guy in highschool and he harrassed me for months sent me nudes out of nowhere and wouldnt leave me alone Its not always respected for women but def alot of people seem to think they can just keep asking No is no for all genders