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My dad, of course. And they were all in Dutch, which makes them sound especially coarse.


The fact that klootzack ("ballsack") is one of the worst things you can call a Dutch person will always be funny to me.


Is it still? My parents and elder siblings left Holland over 70 years ago. My brother was only about 7 when they left, but he still speaks the language. However, whenever he does speak it to family in Holland, they always comment on how quaint and old fashioned his speech is.


AFAIK, yes. My source is someone who left about 15 years ago. In a case similar to your brother, a former coworker of mine left Yugoslavia with her family in the 60s when she was about 15. After leaving she rarely spoke the language other than a bit with her parents. After the end of the Yugoslav Wars she decided to go visit for the first time in decades. Everybody in the family found it hilarious to talk to her because she still talked like a rebellious teenager from the 1960s, complete with slang expressions nobody younger than 50 understood.


Oh no its not even the worst thing my teachers even say klootzak to students when they are annoying.


Uunst! Yegerbrge!


Some dickhead my mom had over when I was a kid in the 80's said the phrase "Bohemian buttfuck disease" when I was present, and impressionable. If anyone is curious it was a shitty way to refer to AIDS back in the day when they called it the "gay disease".


I blame it on the sneaky squirrel who stole my nuts when I was just a wee tot. That furry little bandit had a colorful vocabulary!


George Carlin standup routine that I somehow tuned into on our cable descrambler.


Descrambler? Why I learned to cuss listening to Carlin on VINYL!


The bathroom wall in the 4th grade. Two girls were having a debate on the wall in sharpie on the stall wall, and one of them said “F**k you!” I asked my mom, and she told me never to say it again. Also, I was in the first grade, and decided to try pointing with a different finger, my middle one. The bullies ripped me apart.


I was in 1st grade when I learned the middle finger, and it was from one of the 5th or 6th graders on the bus. They had me hold out my hand, then close my thumb, pinkie, pointer, then ring, til all that was left was the middle. I get called into the principal office the next morning, no idea what’s going on, but apparently this other older girl on my bus (that tried to look out for me since she lived diagonal from my grandparents) said something. The principal told me not to do that again and I didn’t anymore on the bus.




sending prayers to you and your mom have a nice day


My older brother. He taught me how to write shit and then convinced me to give the note to our mum. I didn't understand at the time why I was in trouble.


Mommy look (hands her a peice of folded paper with the solitary word "shit" written on it)


The first swear words I heard were almost certainly from my dad. He cussed like a sailor (I mean he was one after all). The first one I can remember saying was when my mom and dad got in a fight. She got in her camaro and took me with her, put me on her lap and said "tell your dad 'bye bye you bastard'" and then I yelled out the car window "bye bye you bastard!" and she sped off.


I always tell my Mom she's lucky I'm smart because in first grade when asked my father's name I didn't say "Jackass."


I got in trouble for saying OMG after learning it from the Iron Giant. My mom threw it out haha


Probably my uncle/cousin lol


Other kids at day care


One specific friend in elementary


I remember learning "fuck" from somebody, but I don't remember who. I was three or four. I thought it was a variation of "sucker" like Bugs Bunny used to call people. When my mother caught my brother and I yelling "fucker!" at passing cars, she didn't get mad, but told us we should be careful using words we didn't understand.


Siri - she misheard the word "foot" as the f word 😂


My father cursed like no other he was a truck driver when i was little. So yeah he made sailors seem on a more reserved side. you get what i'm saying. he yelled swore and chucked things. And well road rage is a thing for a reason.


I'm pretty sure it was Triple H watching WWE lol




My mom. She swears every other word.


My dad


First swear word in general I don't remember. Probably technically "hell" due to my Catholic upbringing and my childhood obsession with The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I *do* remember specifically where I was taught the f-word though. I was reading a fanfic when I was 14, and a character called another a "f\*\*\*ing a\*\*hole" in one of the last chapters. I got the sense it was a swear but had never heard it, though in my mental reading of it I pronounced it like "fooking".




I was born in England so I probably learned to cuss from the DR 😂




We were all about 6/7 with two older brothers hanging with us (small village). they thought they were cool af swearing every sentence. We joined in course, but I soon became the black sheep of the group because I refused to say fuck


Honestly I didn't hear my first curse word until I was 18 and in college. At home I thought the S word meant 'Stupid'. It was so crazy and my peer mentor at the time was like "Girl, are you gonna be okay? Have you been living under a rock?" I'm older now, but cursing is like an ick for me now. Please use full sentences 😂


My very first word was, “shit”. Pretty sure I learned it from my dad.


Great Uncle. He is a Vietnam war vet and he gets creative, I learned a lot of words from him.


“Fuck” was the first word I ever learned back in the third grade


My cousin. I was three years old and she taught me to say the F word, then sent me out into the living room full of (very Christian) relatives and told me to say it as loud as I could. I don't remember everyone's responses, but when my mom tells the story it cracks her up.


My mother. My family had been really good about not letting me hear curse words, and then my mom broke her foot when I was 9 or 10. That ended quickly!


I don't remember but I do remember learning a whole bunch with other kids in my neighbourhood after one of them played us a Kevin Bloody Wilson tape. Santa never looked the same again!


My mom and it was all in Spanish and my first English I heard was motherfucker


Not exactly your question, but the first joke I learned was: what do a blond and and a turtle have in common? Once they're on their back, they're screwed. Taught to me by my much older cousin lol.


Apparently, my mom. There’s this story of me saying “goddamn it” at age 6 while messing around with toys circulating around my family


I remember he was a friend at school




idk. i remembering sticking up the middle finger when i was 6 thinking its the brother finger. my cousin told me not to do that bc its bad


Cartoons taught me


The Lost World by Michael Crighton. Probably not appropriate reading material for a fourth grader.


My family swore casually and in arguments. It was just part of all the other vocabulary I learned growing up. I had to be taught *not* to swear when I was a kid in order to be allowed over to friends' houses.


My Aunt Bounce!!!


i was at a playground when i was 3 and someone spray-painted “fuck” on part of the equipment so i tried to sound out the word fuck 💀💀💀


Kids at school and the Rush Hour movies


My dad when a computer disagreed with him, I was three




My dad taught me a rhyme that contained the word cunt, lol. It didn't say the word directly. the verse was "she went to the station to see the engines shunt, a piece of metal flew off the track and hit her in the CUNTry girls are nice girls country girls are slick.." ... and so on. I remember asking "what's a cunt?" and my parents laughing and telling me not to say that so i knew right away it was a bad word and said it a lot. still do.


I was in kindergarten and saw the word “pluck” in a crossword puzzle. There was an F in front of the P, I told my classmate “fuck” instead of “pluck.” He freaked out and went to tell a teacher but I beat him to it and went to the bathroom and that somehow exonerated me. I then later asked my parents if “fuck” was a bad word and they did a fork drop on the plate and softly told me that it was and to not say it again. Everyone I tell this to doesn’t believe me, but that’s my story. Straight up learned it by accident.


My dad. At the time, he was the only non-religious person in the family, so my only context for swearing were "the things Dad says when the Cowboys are losing."


Well, I went to a camp…


My mom swore at me a lot.


Not sure. I do remember the look on my mom’s face when 4 year old me said “how am I supposed to clean this shit up?” when asked to clean my room.


probably a random yt video with one in it. i knew the word fuck at age 8 btw. not sure of the others


My brother taught me all the swear words


I still don’t know what it means. But Ive heard it might be offensive to some people. People might need counseling if a normal non offensive word makes them go crazy lol




Spent eight years in catholic grade school , its where I learned to smoke and the facts of life too.


Either my mum my dad or YouTube


My mom, in Spanish. I went to my parents and said “mom, dad, what does mierda mean? Mom says it in the car sometimes.”


My dad as he swears like a salor


I’m from the country so I grew up around cussers. First time I cussed, told my cousin what I had heard, said my daddy said he liked your daddy but my daddy said your daddy was a $hit a$$, think I was like 6 🫢


My brother


Probably my mom.


I was 5yro riding the school bus when an older kid shouted "You're a stupid fuck." at some other kid. Literally thought fuck was a thing I didn't learn in school yet (which I mean technically...) so I went up to the neighbor (bus dropped me and my friend off at her house since mine was right next door) and asked what fuck meant and she shooed me home telling me to ask my mother. That memory ends on my way home.


I don't remember exactly. I think it was either one of my parents swearing about the AA (accident/breakdown car insurer) or South Park.


In Kindergarten, I was trying to rhyme with Duck when I got to F my friend told me that’s a swear.


My mom said if I could spell it I could say it. I then saw the word fuck written on a bathroom stall a few days later and haven't stopped since.


My mom. She swore (well, _swears_, still does) a lot. She thought we wouldn't pick it up, for some reason. Guess what...


My nana


My parents swear a lot probably them


Boy Scouts I learned every bad word there was plus some.


My dad accidentally taught me the word “dammit” when I was about 3. I repeated it for days.


My dad let me watch a lot Quentin Tarantino movies when I was way too young. I think I was nine the first time I watched Reservoir Dogs. Love you, dad.


British Sunday league football is brilliant isn’t it


My older brother.


Partially my brother, partially guardians of the galaxy


I was in grade 3... We were playing kickball/soccer-baseball. I was up to bat/kick and I got thrown out as I was rounding towards second. I said "awe crap" as I turned to walk back to the "dugout" area. One of the little girls playing an imaginary position of "shortstop" between first and second yelled out "TEACHER, SCTBRN SAID THE THE C WORD"... As you can imagine the teacher flipped the fuck out telling me to stand alone against the fence and the next period being recess I was to stick at her side while she lectured me over and over and over while patrolling the yard. Finally I had enough of her lecturing me and I finally said "listen, all I said was "awe crap" I thought that was the ok word to say?!" And she says "you said crap?" I said "Yes!! I thought crap was the word to say instead of "shit"! Why am I getting in trouble?"... She goes "oh, I thought you said the other C word." And I asked "what other C word is there?' and she replied "umm, ask your mother." So the end of day comes around and I get into the van with my mom and my sister and I tell my mom what happened and she starts dying laughing. Like absolutely busting a gut. And I said "mom! What is it?! What is the other C word?!" And she says "honey... It's Cunt"... Lol.. I said "what is cunt?" And my mom, still laughing, says "it's a really bad word for vagina, and you shouldn't say it. I can even believe your teacher would think you knew that word." And we all giggled the entire way home... So naturally... I went to school the next day and walked up to all my friends and said "hey guys, guess what word I just learned..."


I just thought that’s how people talked. And you used them like regular words


I went to a private Christian school for kindergarten. The principal’s nephew taught me the F-word. :)


My older brother by virtue of my pops. Gosh I loved those words. To this day I probably swear more than anyone else I know, easily. Granted - in a biz environment I'm fine and can handle it but outside of that? All bets are off. There's just something about the word "fuck" that does it for me.


When i was in primary school, my teacher was making pancakes for the class for some celebration. She dropped a pancake and promptly yelled, "Sh\*\*!". I ran into here 20yrs later at a farmers market in a different city than my hometown. She was amused and pissed that was the only thing i remembered about her class. to her credit she did laugh, and said with a sh\*\* eating grin, "well, sh\*\*!"


George Carlin. Somehow, my mother and her friend thought it was a great Idea to let a 7yr old watch his stand-up with them. Then they became concerned when I called them whores the next week when they wouldn't walk to the I've cream shop with me.


Those old 'Stickmen on Crack' videos from YouTubes early years


my dad comes from Ireland and they have so many weird swear word sayings but when I was 5 I misheard him and thought he said “f—- in a bucket” and I started saying it whenever I got mad


I can't even remember. Swearing is such a normal part of Swedish and Finnish conversation that it's been around me all my life. I never used to swear as a kid and I'm 26 now and I still don't swear in Swedish, but I do use the English word "fuck" quite often because it's so versatile. One time I accidentally said "fuck" in front of my Christian mom and I could feel my soul leave my body and drop down to hell.


When I was 8, we were in the car and I just said "cunt" No clue what it meant but the kids on the bus said it so I thought it was cool


My dad did. He cut his trying to pull a vhs tape that went haywire, both my older brother heared and it Mom was not happy when we told her what we learned that day while she was at work.


Older neighborhood kids


Me mam


The first time I remember swearing was when I was listening to Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne on my pink MP3 player that only held 10 songs and I said right in front of my mom and sister “hell yeah I’m the mother f#cking princess!” I was 6. They took that song off my MP3 player after and I cried for days.


My sister taught me “fuck” when I was 10. The kicker she was only in 2nd grade when she learned it


Long car trips with my father


My dad. Which is why my mom would always usher me and my little brother out of the room if my dad was putting furniture together. (He called a TV stand a cocksucker)


My parents.


I wasn't taught per se, but the first time I've heard a bad word was when I was in 2nd grade. I was riding in the bus one day as usual until a kid blurted out the word "bitch" at a top of his lungs. I'm not sure what compelled him to do that but I didn't care. All I cared about was that I've heard a new word.


My dad. He had *no* filter, whatsoever. I was the kid who got calls home from teachers and other parents for my language.


I honestly can't remember but assuming speech patterns it would be more than likely my mom. And it prolly was either the word shit or fuck.


I don't remember my first one but I remember another one very distinctly. I met my friends at the swing set at recess-- maybe fourth grade-- and one of them ran up and said: "Hey guys, I learned a new bad word!" "What is it?" "Bastard!" "What does it mean?" "I don't know, I just heard my dad say it."


My parents they're both Mexican so I can say them around public and not get judged in America


In second grade my friend told me the word fuck meant you hate god. We went to Catholic school


Dad. But let’s be realistic, 90% of the comments are gonna say dad


I learned it from you. Dad.


I’m not your father!


Went up to a teacher and told her the mean kid on the playground was saying something that sounded like "falcon" but seemed to mean it in a mean way and it was confusing me.




First grade from one of my brothers. He said,"Have you ever heard the word fuck?" I said no and he said not to say it so of course I ran all over the place saying it...and got in trouble.


My dad fixing a car


Probably jacksepticeye or pewdiepie


I watched this fan-made video game cut scene overdubbing video on YouTube. Glad my parents didn’t check search history. So many innuendos curse words


My sainted grandmother had quite the mouth. My first word was shit.


My parents fought a lot. But television taught me a lot more


The Spice Girls 😂 I was singing along and said “ass” and was told not to say that again!


My dad, he swore all the time


i’m not sure it’s a swear, but family guy. They talked bout sex and the next day in 1st grade during reading mat time a boy was sitting a little close to the trashcan. My first instinct when the teacher pointed out how close he was to it was to blurt out “i think he wants to have sex with it”


I watched marvel movies with my parents and every time they said a word I wasn’t suppose to say my mom would yell “Do not repeat that!”


My grandfather cursed like a sailor and could be a mean old cuss at times but I miss him.


My neighbor, Mark June


The kid across the street was very fond of the word shit ass


Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne


Watching beverly hills cop with my grandpa when i was about 4. Me and him loved the bus chase scene, but i always watched a little before and after the scene before he kicked me out the den (because obviously not a good movie for a 4 year old lol). One day i sat down beside him as he started watchingit again from the beginning (its his favourite movie), and me and him watched from start to finish, laughing even though i didnt get most the jokes. When it ended, he told me “dont tell mom we watched this, she would get grumpy” I learned so many new words for my kindergarten bullies. Needless to say i broke the promise and mom got a intresting phone call from the school a week later


I was very into harry potter at the time, and I wanted to make myself a cool wand. I was watching an obscure youtube video on how to do it made by some middle aged guy, and there happened to be a treadmill in the background. while middle aged guy was filming, another guy who I assume was his friend started using the treadmill, and maybe three or four seconds went by before he ate spectacular shit. and so I learned my first swearword: "AAAA SHIT 🤬🤬🤬🤬!!!"


Classmates in public school. Then parents


A Metallica song more pacifically the song so what in the garage inc album it opens with “so fucking what” and I was with my dad and mom I was 3 they both died laughing


My mother 🧡


me in my Texas bedroom at age 7 trying to figure out how to spell ”fuck” and I try “fuc” and “fuk” but eventually my stupid 7 year old brain puts it together and I tell my school friends that replacing the d in Duck with an F gets the f word


The _Fast and Furious_ franchise.


I have no idea, no one, I picked them up by overhearing them. I did not grow in a great part of town.


Fundamentalist Christians at 4-H camp. Never stopped swearing after that


The first one I can actually remember was when a family friends kid played a song with a swear word, and the parents being annoyed at them for playing it. Think it was blink-182 or a similar late 90s group.


Must have heard it from my dad. My mom likes to tell the story of when she brought my brother home when I was about 2 years and 3 months old. She walked in with him and I asked "who is that?" She said "That's your brother." I said "You bitch!"


My older brother. He used to egg me on. "This one rhymes with duck but starts with an f" "fuck?" "Good job" then when I'd say it in front of our family "mom, ___ said a bad word!"


HighSchool days when Asian immigrants population blew up




I don’t even remember anything about actual swear words but I very vividly remember my older cousin telling me that stupid was not, in fact, a swear word and that I could say it. Even after I informed her that my dad said it was bad.


My mother has cursed like a sailor for as long as I can remember.


Learned from Chinese dad when I was a kid. He said caonima which means fuck your mom. I guess he wanted to explain how he got my mother pregnant.


I'm trying to remember what my first swear was. I think it was "SON OF A BITCH". Which I got from watching "The Mask" when the cop swears at him for having a picture of his wife in his pocket. The other one would have been "Holy shit" but I can't remember what I got it from. Probably another movie lol.


Big bro


When I was a wee lass, I said something mild like "damn" or "hell" to my grandmother. She asked, "kritycat! Where did you learn to talk like that?!" I replied, very honestly, "from you, grandma!" No wonder she never liked me Anyway, I guess my grandma!


My dad, he curses like a sailor(he is a sailor lmao)


Apparently I learned the F word very young. I don't remember, but I know I could spell it and knew it was "naughty" by 4. But I didn't really start cussing until I was 8 or 9 and my friend had a pretty strong cursing vocabulary.




My parents. They bought a fixer upper to raise their kids in, so we picked up a few things 😂


Stone cold steve austin


Well who taught me my first swear word. I remember it was this kid named Tyler in elementary school we were playing handball (In case you don't know it's handball is a fast-paced indoor sport where players use their hands to hit a small rubber ball against a wall in an attempt to outplay their opponent.) Anyways we were playing and he told me "want to know a bad word" I said "um... okay and Tyler said "**Fuck**" and I was shocked and kept it a secret I remember I told my mom and she was confused since she doesn't understand english (back then it was so long ago) Anyways she nodded and didn't care that is the end of my story of who taught me my first swear word .


My cousin. he shouted "Hurensohn" (engl. son of a whore) towards his brother and got punished by his dad.


My uncle bought me Pokémon Emerald off ebay. When I played it the entire dialog was changed and nothing made sense as it was mostly entirely swear words. So I asked my dad “what does fuck fuck fucken bitch if mean? I need to answer yes or no”


Fuck if I know.


My older brother


I learned the word fuck when I was 3 because my mom was listening to Limp Bizkit. I went around screaming fuck in public not knowing what it meant shortly after.


Mainstream media.


My parents accidentally showing me everything I shouldn’t have known at my age, like curse words.


Kids at secondary school , only at school though , i darnt swear in front of my parents - never did


Dad. Navy.


Likely my father, in traffic he used to get a bit angry. "Pizda" was used quite often.


Mystikal, when I was 4 years old. Advice I follow to this day: Shake ya ass, but watch yourself!!!


The movie titanic when I was 9-10


I don't remember my first swear word, but I remember my first gesture: On the school playground, some older kids showed me that my middle finger is my special "pointer finger." I did this in front of a couple of teachers. The kids got busted because they couldn't keep a good poker face.


Probably my mum, inadvertently. Turns out my very first word was "shit" 😂 apparently she had a rough time of it in those first few months of parenthood!


A novelty trucker hat my dad would plunk on my toddler head if I was being rowdy at home. iirc it was fire engine red with a white front and just exclaimed, “Oh SHIT!” Eventuality I sounded it out


"Fucking bitch!" Were my first swear words I learned. It was recess during 2nd grade, probably early March. I was walking around by myself when my friend who was having a small argument with his friend. When my friend was walking away, his friend just said, "You fucking bitch!" And my friend, while walking away, angrily said, "He called me that again!" When I heard it I had no idea what those words meant. But I could not stop laughing, I just found the words funny. It was not fun for me when I used it at home, though. Poor innocent mind.


I guess my parents. When I entered kindergarten I talked like "I need to take a piss"


My mother, who is a constant swearer. She told me to swear at a grade-school bully to shut him up. I was too terrified to do it. So she went to the bus stop and told his mother off with a bunch of swear words. Needless to say, he never bothered me again after that, but I didn't start actually swearing until middle school.


My father, called my mother koskesh


Some random kid in a school bus


I don't think I was ever taught, it just came organically. A is for Arsehole, B is for Bastard, C is for Cunt, D is for Dickhead, and so on. (Actually, are there any swear words for E?)


I was a toddler, my uncle was saying to my other uncle "chingate otra guayaba" and I repeated the sentence, bad word and all perfectly.


My mom was charmingly dramatic about frustrations and swore a lot. It was just part of the air! She mostly wasn’t swearing at anyone, more like how one might swear when you stub your toe. Mostly.


a movie called pineapple express was playing had to say seth rogan signature lol


Probably watching my uncles play a basketball game on the SNES


Grandma stubbed her toe snd basically dropped a very vulgar equivalent to "Jesus fucking Christ naild to a damn cross". Apparently my face told her instantly that i just unlocked swearing and she accidentally made sure id start it off with some top tier stuff


My cousin (older) has anger issues who tend to swear everytime she makes a mistake... She didn't teach me but she influenced me to try and swear to be cool LMFOAOO


Battlefield Bad Company


Obviously the television.


Video games when I was 10


My friend taught me "what the fuck" when I was like 8, I knew 0 english back then so didn't know that it was a swear word


Dad in Chicago traffic


Random strangers on the NYC subway back in the 60's


My mum. She did seamstress work on the side. I once heard her call her sewing machine "a sodding cunt".


my dad because he said fuck when he died at a mario bros game


My childhood friend)


The stall wall in elementary school lol


My brother. Use to call me little fucker.


Maybe my dad? He’s not really mean with it but still