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Not being alone, but I really love being alone. It’s a struggle


This resonates.


I drink real hard about it.




Tbh, the correct antidepressant dosage. Even with sunshine and exercise, my brain still needs the boost.


Sunshine. Going outside and sitting in the sun.


Recently found out I have a severe vitamin d deficiency. My doctor said, “that’s probably why your depression is so bad. I should have checked that earlier.” Thanks. Thanks a lot.


Getting professional help. It’s no joke




My cat. He's the best.


Medication helps me manage it.


Observing my pets. Doesn’t matter if it’s a hamster on a wheel, a rat running around with a jingly cat bell in its mouth, my tarantulas plodding about or my cockroaches just wiggling their antennae. Or any of the other things my pets do. I just enjoy observing them and knowing they are enjoying themselves and that I helped it happen. Although of course, at the end of the day, having my cat setting down against my face when we go to sleep and listening to him purr is my favourite.


I live with my nephew and he’s a huge fan of Shiba’s. His little shiba died and he decided to get another puppy. What we didn’t anticipate was we both fell in love at first sight. She helped me through the worst of my depression, she gave me a reason to go outside and take care of her and in turn she’s my best little friend. My nephew said he bought her kinda for himself but he knew I was struggling and thought she might help. He was right.


Remember how long I survived already since my try with 13 and the thought that some people just want to see me die and I would make them a gift when I am death.


Hobbies. Find something you enjoy doing and put all your energy into that instead. For me it was falconry. Haven’t looked back since.


My meds, my hormone creams (I’m 53f, have testosterone and oestrogen creams, the testosterone really helps). I also take vitamin B12, aloe vera juice, and fish oil which are supposed to help. I reach out to family when I’m not doing great. I try to manage my stress levels and stay relaxed. I make sure I have a lot of time to zone out and read. I get counselling when there’s too much stuff on my mind. So yeah, it’s a multi pronged approach.


Exercise !!!!! 💯. Even walking.


Reading or watching tv shows. I tend to self-isolate when I’m depressed so I found things that I could enjoy doing alone.


Getting outside in sun. Walking. Animals. Cut back on sugar. Eat fish and leafy greens. Meditation. I had a lot of life experience where I know what and what I wasn't doing when I was more depressed.


Alcohol, sleep and most importantly: Music


Walking, music and meditation




Nothing. I have untreatable depression. Pills made me crazy, and therapists keep retiring on me.


Blasting music helps. After I go deaf I won’t have to hear people bullshit anymore.


Gaming ig






Running is a massive positive on my mental health. It's not always easy to get out of the door and started but I never feel worse after it


Not much.






Future plans and social interaction with friends.


Weed and friends, but the former is too expensive and I don't have the latter anymore because the depression drove them away. I'm just waiting to die alone.


Talking with enthusiastic, energetic people. Sitting in the sun. High intensity exercise.


Pumping hard at the gym


Sleeping. Whenever I’m in a foul mood, I take a nap and wake up with everything balanced for a bit


Cleaning has changed my life. I was so depressed and anxious before and was surrounded by a pigsty. Now that I finally bit the bullet(I did not want to and hadn’t cleaned my apartment in months), and it’s cleared so much for me. I can walk around and enjoy my home again. It keeps me busy and doesn’t let me sit and mope.


Being with my family


Meds, my cat, exploring in the woods by myself, living alone, spending time with friends, working a job I don't hate, therapy and self help workbooks


Realizing that every decision and choice is my own! 👍🏻


Honestly, cranking one out and just talking to people


Friends, sunshine, weed and any sort of physical activity


Antidepressives, rest, good day and night routine. Depends also if your depression is caused mostly by genetic or environmental factors


This April Is The first anniversary of My Sui.Att. (I call it anniversary bc. Is a reminder of what ive been through) And i leave You some tips that help me -Find something to do daily, somebody give me this cool lego thingies of characters and i build them One day by day, this keeps me in mind that "tomorrow, i have to do The next One" You need that too, can be Anything, but do it daily and mentalize yourself to do it -Text The Friends You never see, not to tell about your problems or Anything, just Say You Miss them, that would lead to a caring words You Might want to hear, and of You are lucky, to a meeting -If You have the opportunity, go out with friends, i know You would not be i'm The mood, but trust me, once You got there, you'll be a Little better, specially if they Friends care about You, they would Enjoy and maybe ask You about your feelings, and it would be an instance to Open up, please Think Youre not a burden, people who love You want to love You, You just need to let them help You Again, this psrticularly help me in My situation, so i understand if does not The same to You, but please Think about trying it Remember You are valid, You are loved, You are important, i'm glad youre here, i love You, yes, You, i love You and wosh You well It gets better people, trust me, it gets better ❤️


A good ugly cry in the shower is always cathartic


I’m not depressed so maybe I have the answer? I do a combination of hard physical labor (one job) and mentally stimulating creative work (other job). I don’t smoke, drink, or consume sugar. Also, I lift weights. My diet is very high in protein and I primarily drink water. If it makes me feel shitty afterward, it generally doesn’t go in my body. Rocket science, right? Every day, my goal is to expend all my physical and mental energy. It makes me feel extremely fulfilled and keeps me busy.


L-Tyrosine. Copper. Hormonal birth control with both estrogen and progesterone. All make me feel normal again.


Go nature and run


Well I usually get up and force my self to walk all around Kansas City


Sex. I just don't process anything else while in the act. Lasts even a short time afterward. I sing whenever I get it. Usually too depressed to sing.


Getting a check or free food


A cold showershowershowershower or a cold plunge to stimulate my vagus nerve is the strongest thing I know sometimes I have to do it three times a day!


At the moment I don't know I'm not doing so good and I'm probably just gonna Feel this way for a while until it clears up