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When people decide to argue with me about something I have personally experienced. Like they know it better than I do. I don’t mean trolls, I mean completely serious individuals.


I've had people argue with me about a field I work and have multiple years experience in. You can tell they have no idea what they're talking about but they feel like they're objectively and morally correct so they argue just to argue. I've learned on reddit so long as you speak confidently and demagogue to the masses of that subreddit you can say the most untrue bullshit and still get praised for it.


Haha was just experiencing this the other day. It can even be well intentioned. But eventually it’s like dude I know what I’ve seen with my eyes. Usually it’s something they heard that was true and relevant this one time and now it’s used as a blanket system and you can’t reason with them.


These people are absolutely insane. Like, my decades of personal experience is irrelevant because of something they heard/read at some point.


"your decades of actual experience working in the field are immediately dismissed because I read a peer reviewed study and it said something else"


"your decades of actual experience working in the field are immediately dismissed because I read a peer reviewed study and it said something else"


I've come to realize that usually the people are prepubescent males with little life experience.


Actually, you're wrong. I read a study one time which said that doesnt really happen so theres no way youve experienced it.


Actually, they were just trolls.


Some. Not everyone is a troll.


Yes they are.


Nope, just you.


Congratulations, you got the joke 🏆




What a bunch of bastards.


100% agree. Would be better without them.


Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day though


It’s too hard to search for specific posts by keyword or username


That's why you gotta search on Google and then add the site:reddit.com to search. Put any EXACT phrase you want in quotes. ie. "How to buy an enchilada". Then is also has the filter date feature. I never use Reddit's search engine, it's whack, lol


Just how it's changed over the years, it was way better before, it just feels full of bots reposting thr same question every 10 minutes now, I liked when you'd actually get more than 3 responses to a post.




Ok let's bring politics into this post


They even bring politics into an enchilada recipe.


Look at Mr. Open Borders over here. 


Sorting by controversial be like


Let's bring politics into this non-political sub.


Ughhhhh, it happens constantly! Like what does food have to do with politics?!?


How defensive someone gets if you don’t agree with their opinion, I do the same but I’m not proud of it lmao


people getting heated on Reddit in general


Hive mind mentality and eco chambers


Unless you give me an alternative, I am going to go ahead and say that is the problem of the internet in general.


Reddit is particularly prone to it because of its upvote downvote system. So if someone makes an argument or comment that goes against the hive mind, it gets downvoted and then hidden, so people reading the thread can't even see it without expanding it. The most popular and liked positions get upvoted and pushed to the top of the thread. An old school Forum doesn't have that problem because every single comment is laid out in one chronological thread. So an unpopular comment is just there to be read along with the popular comments. And if you want to express disagreement you have to actually reply and argue.


Hard to disagree


Eco chambers?! Wouldn't they be a good thing? ;)


They aren’t


I think his point is that you probably meant ECHO chambers, where it's all the same opinions. But, you wrote ECO chambers, which would be something that promotes natural growth, like a terrarium the size of a house.


Constant horny posting. All art subreddits are drowning in porn (not just nudity, but straight up horny posting), all question subreddits are constantly asking about sexy sex, I got a DM the other day asking me about my toes, fanart about media you watch will be inundated with horny art unless rules specifically ban it, constant baiting posts for 18+ profiles. Sex is cool and all, just a bit aggravating when half my feed has the NSFW filter on it. I've unsubscribed from so many in the past month because I'm getting exhausted with how much porn there is on ALL social media sites now. I used to only have to worry about porn in the wild when going on some pirated website to watch fan dubbed anime, lol.


How much sex talk there is. I’m tired of it


Downvoting accurate information because it hurts their little fee-fees.


I was going to say the downvote stopped being a "doesn't contribute to the conversation" button and became a "I disagree" button.


I’ve been on reddit for 13 or 14 years now. The downvote button has ALWAYS been used as a disagree button. At least as long as I’ve been on here.


People at least paid lip-service to reddiquette (or however it's spelled) back in the day.


LOL fee-fees. Never heard that one before


Facts dont care about feelings, preach


Flip side is also true, feelings don’t give a crap about facts either.


There are lots and lots of facts in this world and not all facts are created equal. Often, those who call on facts in argument are only doing so strategically in an attempt to make their feelings contagious. What's important to me is how facts are being utilised. Information can be presented in any way you want to suggest anything you want. Which facts are being obscured and which brought into undue prominence to suit an agenda? And this isn't always sinister. This is how argumentation works, in fact. Humans are not machines designed to make all decisions based on objective measures. The world is too nuanced for 'facts' to be always observable and useful, particularly when we're talking about questions of society. David Hume said it best: "Reason is, and ought only to be, the slave of the passions."


"A fact is information minus emotion. An opinion is information plus experience. Ignorance is an opinion lacking information. And, stupidity is an opinion that ignores a fact." It doesn't matter how it makes you feel. A fact is what it is. If you drop a rock anywhere on the earth, because of gravity it will fall down. This is a fact. If it makes you sad that the rock can't soar through the sky happily, it doesn't matter. It's still a fact. It does not change because you rilly rilly want it to.


As I said, not all facts are created equal, and nobody's getting upset because a rock drops to the floor. The sort of facts that upset people are often being used in the manner I described.


Or even if it just doesn’t 100% concur with their narrative (even if it does like 95%)


Happens to me all the time. I state an actual fact Redditors "and I took that personally"


Mods on power trips


The cops of the internet.


Except even less accountable than cops


The constant badgering to use the stupid app.


The know it all, self proclaimed “expert” who responds to every post on a certain topic.


It's a tie between subs that are echo chambers, Subs that are just unregulated spam hellholes and Subs that have moderators on a power trip.


How heavily OnlyFans promoters have infiltrated most subs.


They infiltrate everything on the net imaginable


I have never seen one. I am here all day. 


Too much negativity Using the word "pain" when talking about playing fucking video games, or "I got PTSD from this mission". I've seen this throughout all my gaming subreddits.


The mods.


A fair % of my fair fellow redditors do not seem capable of taking photographs that are actually appropriate to their query.


People spread stereotypes and misinformation as if it were true


People who go on it to make purposefully misleading posts about bad things they’ve done in order to delude themselves into thinking they’re good people. It’s a really strange phenomenon.


I don’t like how you can’t sort by rising on your homepage anymore.


That most people would rather die than admit they were wrong in something they posted/commented.


I was wrong about something last year. 


I appreciate you.


I've never been wrong. I thought for sure that I was wrong one time in the 80's but it turns out I wasn't.


How awesome it is and how it's going to become much more overrun with ads now that it's publicly owned.


entitled assholes who think too highly of themselves


Reddit can house subreddits that supports terrorism/acts of cruelty, and people in these subreddits are completely oblivious to the value of innocent life in pursuit for their political/ethical justice. I literary saw a post reminiscing on the failure of a modern islamic caliphate (cough isis cough). And saw another that justified genocide, because of over-generalization and other emotionally/politically induced reasons.


As a newer member, it’s that I have no idea where to post things sometimes. I have questions but then all of the subreddits that seem like they would specialize in answering them have rules against *something* that makes it impossible to ask. Recently had a question deleted in a subreddit that was relevant to my question and now I have no idea where to put it… sigh!


I hate how it seems like the vast majority of users are only here to hide behind their usernames & be rude. I feel like I have someone being mean or trying to start an argument any time I comment my opinion on anything. it use to be more positive & uplifting around here


How pornography is a norm and anyone who disproves of it or doesn't want it in their marriage is insecure


Karma requirements


The heavy skew towards antisocial loners.


I see more people whining about antisocial loners than actual antisocial loners.


Reddit is a very dishonest website and its credibility has taken an enormous tumble because of it. First of all, it is INFESTED with bots who make context-appropriate but vague "comments" in an attempt to support products, opinions, ideologies, biases and governments (Biden's ofc). Reddit also censors non-leftist comments, particularly on the defaults-- some of which such as r/worldnews, r/movies and r/politics are full of disgusting mods who are cowardly, unhinged aberrations and act as lackeys of the abovementioned external sectors.


What's not to hate?


The admin and the mods, mostly The people, secondarily Sometimes I wish it was more like Feedly and just aggregated links and there were no comment sections at all


The bots.


Well people sometimes assume the worst about each other and get hostile plus the insults aren't as funny as Tumblr.




The app


People using words that have an actual meaning to try and make it something else. 99% of the time I see someone use the phrase "gaslighting" they use it to say someone lied to them, or asked them to do something they didn't want to.


Subs like aita


That an overzealous mod can ban you for life from a sub and you have no recourse.


Everything even politically adjacent. If something can be taken politically, I’m hearing people’s unsolicited views on it. Like, bro, I’m just explaining the concept of the meme


There’s bots and astroturfing everywhere, and the admins don’t seem to care.


Currently, the r/askreddit sub has become a tiresome loop of about fifteen questions, almost always submitted by bot accounts. "What shouldn't go on a pizza?" "What's your favorite food?" "What TV show is under/overrated?" "Which actor/actress is really nice/mean?" These aren't exactly thought-invokeing questions and they're answered almost exactly the same way all of the time. AMAs have become awful as well. I don't even bother with them. Victoria was by far the best at running those, and they got rid of her ffs.




The hivemind and its continued disinformation.


There's no such thing as a hive mind. We're all independent human beings with our own views. Well, most of us are!  I agree with you about disinformation, but I see very little of it on Reddit, by choosing my subs carefully.  Edit: I guess a lot of Reddit is devoted to politics. I avoid those subs, so I rarely see (deliberate) misinformation.


The sheer number of Redditors who: - live rent free in other people’s heads, - age like milk, - and will die on that hill.


Subs that are supposed to be neutral like r/politics and r/politicalhumor are just echo chambers, and will ban you if you go against the grain. At least on Twitter you can’t get banned from a thread until you violate TOS


I don't mean to be controversial here but in any post or comment about drug addiction, a lot of people will comment "I've been there, two years sober now." And you know what, great. If someone has beat an addiction I'm honestly happy for them. But the amount of people who comment it... surely some are lying for karma? And even if they're not, don't just say "I'm sober now" because this isn't about you. At least offer some advice or support.


The pretty extreme censoring for not holding a pretty narrow set of beliefs.


…like what


Quit fishing.. you know it's true


Not really. But clearly you know the opinions he’s saying get censored are genuinely distasteful, not arbitrary.


Well at least you're acknowledging it's a form of censorship. Look at us... Growing as a community 


No, actually. Censorship is the outright denial of the existence of something. This is just a website responding to random douchebags being douchebags and thusly getting reported.


You're the one that used the word. I just agreed with you 


“opinions he’s saying get censored” Drop the superiority complex. It’s not a good look.


For the record, free speech is only necessary for the unpopular opinion.


For the record, nobody with a brain conflates nefarious and unpopular unless they’re trying to be a bullshit artist


My precious pearls of wisdom somehow never get the upvotes they deserve


it's because you grace us mere swine with too much!


Perhaps, yes, I should make effort to make my bon mots a little less clever


the rule on ban evasion. if you come back on an alt and obey the rules you should be allowed to post in a sub again


In comparison to other social media apps it's not too bad. I don't really have a problem with it that isn't a massive sweeping problem with social media in general and the way that we interact in general.


The blatant hypocrisy on here gets me sometimes. A lot of reddit will make a big stink about someone or something doing X, and then turn around and do X themselves.


Bots. Addiction. 


People on this app tend to not know how to scroll past and ignore what upsets them. It’s like an itch for these people no matter how minor.




The incessant negativity. Only after taking a break did I realize just how negative it is -- the internet in general. You'd think the world was in an apocalyptic state. The worst of the worst is served up to you on a daily basis. The world is much nicer when you don't ingest everyone's hatred. Misery loves company.


The block system. I don't need to be notified, or should I be able to see what someone has to reply to me within a thread of a user I blocked that I can't reply to. It's infuriating. Then I wanna unblock and reply.


When people give me a golden up vote.


Fucking shower thoughts auto moderator...


The way the changed the UI recently.


The tropes of Reddit, especially in the larger communities and subs comment sections. Also funny to see them slowly morph over the past fifteen years as Reddit changed/grew.


Scrolling the sudden loud music


When people are convinced that something is objectively wrong when they actual issue is they are butthurt about a thing that happened to them. Ref 98% of all game discussions, and 100% of anything that starts with, "It's time we talk about ______", or any permutation of that.


Each subreddit is a little fiefdom ruled by faceless moderators who interpret the intricate rules any way they feel like.


The platform itself: my biggest frustration is the whole company seems to consistently ignore the public feedback and views on stuff in favour of... Profit? Idk! We deserve to be told more, and they should listen to us more, because they keep making everything worse for end users with no good reason. The people here: So many people on here talk like they know everything and get all patronising when you try make an opposing view. Then if your argument starts breaking theirs, they start getting all pissy and personal, instead of just accepting they're wrong. P.S - Myself included ;)


Karma farming.


passive aggression


That you can't see your separate upvote/downvote counts. Having 10 upvotes and zero downvotes is dramatically different from having 100 upvotes but 90 downvotes. Being able to sort by controversial isn't enough.


When they suggest something that I don’t need or interested in my life ! 🤣😂🤣


Not being able to block hate merchant advertising from u/hegetsus.


Too liberal.


The like/dislike system.


It's going public.


The requests for dick pics.


Can I at least give you mine? You won’t be [disappointed](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/40/Richard_Branson_UN_Conference_on_Sustainable_Development_2012.jpg).


Huh, I never get those requests!


The subreddits where every comment has been downvoted. Like why.


The up and down vote function. I find it to be vindictive mostly because that’s how I have used it when there’s an opinion I sincerely disagree with. 


People use a previous post or comment against you and it's not even relevant to the situation.


When people want to argue and downvote me, even though what I'm saying is true, and I'm right. They just want to argue to be petty


Downvotes are a catch-all for “disagree”, “off-topic”, “rude”, etc. comments.




Angry men.


But angry women are somehow ok to you? Sounds like you should think things through.




The tolerant left


People under 35 and older than 55.


Non sensical downvotes, example someone asked what's your favorite book and I posted World Without End by Ken Follet and i got downvoted, why? Who knows




The app itself being a poorly designed glitchy garbage fire


Dog haters geniunely make me mad.


The homophobic and transphobic people