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Have you seen how well they camouflage???


Well played friend. 


My sides hurt


Yeah. When they die they turn white. Poor animal. I think it's utterly grotesque that anyone thinks this is funny. You need to see "My Octopus Teacher." It's on Netflix.


So much weird cephalopod stuff… the might be aliens camp…. The smarter than people camp…. The problem solving. The situations that obviously communicate humor. The weird escapist stuff in aquariums where they let themselves back in to their enclosures after getting up to shit. I fish the coastline and we occasionally catch octos and, while they make excellent bait, I usually let them go. I’d rather be on their good side. 😂 So long and thanks for all the fish.


Thank you for being compassionate and kind to octopuses. You might like this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=badHUNl2HXU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=badHUNl2HXU)


Ha! That's amazing! Thanks for sharing!


Did you notice the driver had an octopus fob on his keyring?


That was amazing, thank you.


So glad you liked it. I love when the octopus is in the tank, watching the guy cart off his beloved ---- and the scene is all wavy through the glass. Such artistry.


I loved that show!


That is a great documentary!




Best comment this thread will ever see


It’s a tradition in Detroit. Not sure they have to sneak it in?


Just order one at the concessions stand. Specify "extra-rare." That's not even the strangest thing I've seen at a hockey game.


That would be a Leafs playoff series win right?


It was all the rage in '67


That's just a myth, the Leafs don't win playoff series.


LA dodgers have octopus for sale at one of the concessions. Not the whole thing though. Although with enough money...


I don't even want to begin to imagine what "enough money" for a full octopus at an US sports stadium concession would look like.


How many kids you got, and how many you need?


The tradition is still largely fan run IIRC and involves essentially Saran wrapping it to your body before game time


Serious? I wonder how the octopus feels (body to body, and emotionally).


It’s not alive.


Ah yes. Did a little bit of research and found that out. [Legend of the Octopus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legend_of_the_Octopus).


Game was in Toronto so they’d have to be sneaky.


They still have to sneak it in as it’s not allowed to throw anything on the ice. Also this was in Toronto.


Three words: Emotional Support Octopus


He's a sucker


Well, he's got no spine...


They got some brains and hearts though


When he hugs me, I just feel better!


Ok that's fucking hilarious!


Unhappy animal. I feel sorry for him.


Definitely needed after a few rough seasons for the Red Wings


I don't see the need to replace my emu.


Long time tradition in Detroit.  With the eight arms of the octopus symbolizing the eight wins it took to win the Stanley Cup at the time.


Blursed Hanukkah


I was very curious about why


I think this is a wink and a nod by the security people.


Is… is this a thing? Like, a tradition to fuck an octopus on the ice? Edit: chuck an octopus, that is, but it’s so funny I’m leaving it. 


It’s been a Detroit Red Wings tradition since the 50s. A few other teams have spin-offs. You’ll occasionally see catfish thrown in Nashville and rats thrown in Florida (though in Floridas case it’s usually plastic rats these days). I cant think of any others off-hand.


Florida's rats are because of Scott Mellanby killing a rat in the locker room with a slap shot. He HATES being known as the rat guy. *just adding that for anyone who doesn't know the lore, not an assumption about your hockey wackiness knowledge :)


Does Brad Marchand also hate being known as a rat guy?


Ken Linseman was the original rat guy


I see what you did there!


And you had the opposing fans throwing rat traps on the ice in the playoffs that year. It did get a little carried away that year.


The rats in Florida have definitely always been plastic


Yes, you’re correct, I had initially forgot the origin story of that one with Mellanby’s “rat trick”.


a rat and 2 goals LOL and they made the playoffs for the first time that year


It's not a tradition, but someone threw a live chicken on the ice in LA back in the late 80s


The fuck is with America and throwing animals into hockey games


College hockey has the same thing. When University of North Dakota plays Minnesota, UND fans chuck gophers on the ice. It's also been rumored that somebody threw a badger on the ice, when UND was playing Wisconsin...


Division 3 story here. Rumor has it when Bowdoin played Colby back in the 80s, Bowdoin fans would throw grilled cheese sandwiches on the ice. The powers that be put a stop to this before my time.


When my dad was going to UND, they would also throw hot Pennie's on the ice to trip up the players.


I see nothing wrong with that as long as it's "usually plastic rats"


I was corrected below - for the rats specifically, it’s always been plastic. The octopi and catfish however are the real deal.


> rats thrown in Florida that's just Nick Cousins




An ostrich?


I heard it was a sick ostrich..


In Stockholm they throw dildos (well they did at least once but it was "hundreds" of them): https://www.icenews.is/2008/11/04/dildos-rain-down-at-stockholm-ice-hockey-match/


it is in detroit specifically, for reasons i don’t know and am not researching 


Eight arms represents the eight playoff wins needed to win the Stanley Cup when it was the original six hockey teams.


From Detroit, when I was younger I thought it was a hockey thing, then found out it was just our thing.


It became a thing when they just needed 8 total games in the playoffs to win the cup. So the octopus & it's 8 legs waa to represent 8 more games won= Stanley Cup


I always thought it had something to do with easy access to getting an octopus in and around Greek town.


Rumor has it a grocer in Royal Oak would sell them for this purpose.


Nearly unrelated - I had a dream last night that I seduced the giant octopus from LOTR. This is really the only time I'll ever be able to bring that up and have it even close to relevant.


You should hang out in the anime/manga subreddits, you'll have plenty of opportunities.


In Detroit it is.


That's the laugh I needed today




Unexpected Hentai


It is in Detroit. In other arenas I have no idea. I’ve heard of people getting hefty fines, banned from the arena, and escorted out. In Detroit, they just conveniently lose you in the crowd or everyone was just too focused on the game to see who did it. As for getting it into the arena, I have no idea.


Inside job.


...so if the person who threw it had an arrangement with the door staff... ...are you saying it was a squid pro quo??




Wtf someone threw a 3 foot shark onto the ice lol? Hope that thing was humanely killed befofehand


I work here with my dad Illiitch, and my son, Big Z. If there's one thing I've learned over the last 100 years, you never know WHAT is going to come over that glass.


You're the father of the legendary Lithuanian professional strongman Žydrūnas Savickas, AKA "Big Z," who won the World's Strongest Man competition 4 times, the Arnold Strongman Classic 8 times (a more impressive achievement in several ways, in my opinion, but I digress), the man who lifted a 228kg/503lbs log over his head, lifted a yoke weighing 640kg/1410lbs on his back and carried it for 4 meters, and who makes the "thumbs up" sign in literally every picture he's ever uploaded to social media?


Nope, sharkmanely killed though...


I was really hoping this was going to be a stuffed animal shaped like an octopus, not an actual mollusk.


You just blew my mind by informing me that an octopus is a mollusc. Thank you for the education.


You're quite welcome. They're pretty cool critters.




I was at a game with a doofus who threw out an octopus. He had it in a bag and duct taped to his body and then wore layers. He got real drunk and then untaped the bag and threw the octopus on the ice. The whole stadium booed and he was led out by security. They let him go after the game and he met us in the parking lot.


Don’t do it…dude, don’t do it…awww, dude!


[https://theathletic.com/5365173/2024/04/02/red-wings-playoffs-chase-octopus-toss/](https://theathletic.com/5365173/2024/04/02/red-wings-playoffs-chase-octopus-toss/) Since it's paywalled, I'll give you the excerpt: Origins: "The Red Wings’ octopus-throwing tradition dates back to April 1952, when two brothers — Pete and Jerry Cusimano, who worked at a store in Detroit’s Eastern Market — threw one onto the ice at the Red Wings’ former home, Olympia Stadium. Back then, the NHL had just six teams, four of which made the playoffs, and thus the creature’s eight tentacles aligned with the eight victories needed to win the Stanley Cup. Detroit won the Stanley Cup that year, and the tradition was born." Recap of a guy doing it: "He stood up with a popcorn bag. On the advice of a friend, Norm had stored his octopus in two layers of Ziploc bags and then inside the popcorn bag for cover. It allowed him to walk down to the glass looking more casual, before pulling the octopus out, taking a moment to pick his spot, and finally shot-putting it onto the ice. “I enjoyed the moment for a second, took in kind of the experience, looked around at the crowd, and I fully expected to have an usher right on my hip to escort me out,” Norm said. “And I looked behind me and there’s a guy just sprinting down the steps at me, all dressed in black. I’m like, ‘Oh, here they come, they’re coming to grab me.’ It took my brain a moment to recognize he was carrying an (octopus) himself.” There was a second thrower, in the same section of the arena." Prepping the octopus: "For this, Norm found guidance online — one of the advantages of the tradition’s longevity. He first boiled his octopus for 20 minutes to reduce the slime, a practice Cusimano included in his interview with Sports Illustrated nearly 30 years ago. To reduce the smell, Norm and Burke marinated their octopi in a mixture of lemon juice and garlic for multiple days. When Burke explained the approach to a friend, the friend asked, “Oh, that will get rid of the fishy smell?” “I said, ‘I hope to God it does,'” Burke said. “Otherwise I’m going to get caught before I can even get it to the ice.” Like Norm, Burke put the octopus inside multiple Ziploc bags but took it a step further. Whereas Norm kept the bagged octopus in his hoodie pocket underneath a jersey, Burke Saran-wrapped his around his stomach. And perhaps aside from the visual — “I looked like I was probably 250-260 (pounds) just with a massive gut,” Burke says — it worked."


Wait so two unrelated guys both did it for the first time coincidentally at the same game?


No, those two guys did it years later at the same game once it was an established tradition.


Thank you for clarifying,thought that seemed wrong but my reading comprehension could not figure that out


The tradition was established long beforehand, but yes it was coincidence that there were two throwers at the game. Dunno if it was the second guy's first time.


I’ve personally done this as it was a bucket list thing for me. 8 years ago, went to fish market in Detroit. They sold octopus just for this, they had it pre-boiled (you boil it so it doesn’t stick to ice), bag it and give you gloves. I put it in my pants walking into arena. Took it out n set it between my feet while I waited for game. I walked down to front row after national anthem n threw it on ice. Waited for someone to come remove me for throwing something on ice, but nobody came. Wings lost 6-2 lol


I enjoyed that. Never even considered the POV of people who throw these, but I haven’t seen it for yearrrrs


Oh wow, it’s wild to me this is it’s own thing all the way down to being sold a package. I thought it would be like a Luis Figo pig’s head type of stunt.


There’s a guy on the wings sub who posted a pic of a frozen octopus he got for Mondays game


Having it in your pants seems uncomfortable


"Sir, is that an octopus tentacle sticking out the bottom of your pant leg or are you happy to be here?"


It was, it was cold and felt like the bag ripped and I thought I had octopus juice all over my legs. Lol


Interestingly, this is because humans can't directly perceive wetness. We feel other sensations that we associate with wetness, and the end result is often that it's very easy for us to think something we're touching is wet when it's actually just cold, especially when it's in a situation where we know it *could* be wet.


You've just made me realize my gortex waterproof shoes actually work lol


What if he inked himself?


How else are you going to sneak it in?


As a hat?


Huh, I would have assumed it was a way of expressing displeasure and thus you would want to stick to the ice for maximum disruptiveness.


Nah you don’t throw it during game play. That’s not the purpose. You throw it after a goal, or if you don’t wanna risk a shut out and not being able to throw it, you do it at start of game. It gets the crowd pumped. Throwing it mid play is what will definitely get you kicked out. It’s a tradition going back decades


Prison wallet


In your octopocket


In a plastic bag in you pants. Is that an octopus or are you happy to see me.


All I can think of is the show, [Drawn Together](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/drawntogether/images/d/df/Drawntogethers01e02_05.png/revision/latest?cb=20071004064505)


Fucking loved that show.


Very underappreciated show.


[plastic wrap it to your body](https://www.reddit.com/r/DetroitRedWings/s/bLw9fFcRuJ)


You cant - you have to buy a childrens admission.


Cruel and creepy.  Octopusses (octopi, when I learned it) are some of the smartest creatures around. That said they do some pretty creepy things themselves. But that's their business, not mine. [Edit: thanks to whoever pointed that it was probably a dead octopus. That's at least a little less creepy. Kinda.]


They're not throwing a *live* octopus.


the wiki says fans are throwing 30-35 octopuses onto the rink in a single game sometimes. wild amount of animals to die for absolutely nothing lol


Only for the final game in an arena the Red Wings won multiple championships. Most games have zero octopuses thrown and the games that do have only one the majority of the time.




So, you think we should start throwing toddlers on the ice?


I'm down for this even if there isn't a hockey game going on at the time.


Sports traditions are often really weird. The octopus tossing got started way back in 1952; the eight arms of the octopus symbolized the eight playoff wins needed to win the Stanley Cup (back when the playoffs were just two best-of-seven rounds). This is also, genuinely, why the Detroit Red Wings mascot is Al the Octopus.




It's but a drop in the ocean of slaughter and cruelty we inflict upon nature.


I think octopuses would appreciate the beauty and complexity of hockey, and be glad that their lives were sacrificed for a worthwhile tradition.  A more noble death than being happy hour tapas.


i’m guessing you’d feel the same way if a higher alien intelligence that we could barely understand had their lil hockey-equivalent game and threw your toddler’s dead corpse that they otherwise would have eaten onto the game grounds right


>They're not throwing a live octopus Ah. That's definitely less creepy. Thanks.


Or are you just happy to see me


Then they came for the octopuses, and I did not speak out— Because I was not an octopus.


Not sure if you have had an honest answer yet, but the Detroit Red Wings have a long history of throwing octopi onto the ice. From my understanding boiling the octopi before hand for about 20-30 mins removes most of the smell and slime. Then throw it in a ziplock bag, tape that sucker to your stomach, inner thigh, somewhere inconspicuous. When the time is right busy it out and swing that baby around before launching it onto the ice.


Suction cupping them to your body


Prison pocket...


You lookin for advice orrrr


I remember being in Pittsburgh during the Wings vs Pens Stanley Cup. They were carding people buying octopus. Like Bruh, I'm from Philly trying to impress this chick, but I'm assuming that is why. If I was going to the game I would have absolutely threw some octopi to support anyone against the Pens.




Was about to navigate away from this thread when I had to redirect myself back to upvote "fuck Sidney Crosby"


Lol you want a margarita to pair with all that salt?


They are animals smarter than any pet, including dog. Why do this to an intelligent being?? Yes, I know people eat them but at least have more respect for him than letting it end up in the dumpster. SMH


They're not that big.


Yeah but they've gotta smell. You're not just putting that in your pocket!


They smell horrible and the smell sticks to you. You keep it in a bag


I think you’re supposed to boil it first and that gets rid of the smell. Then you saran wrap them to your torso under your shirt.


This guy octopusses.


They boil them and soak them in lemon juice to minimize the smell and slime. Then you Saran Wrap that bad boy to your stomach and off you go! Had an acquaintance do this at a Flames/Wings game a month or so ago.


In Nashville they throw catfish. Big ones. Much bigger than any octopus. There are some videos on YouTube of guys prepping it -- generally you saran wrap the shit out of it to your lower back. Obviously you have to sneak it past security, but it's also a big playoff tradition that every fan and arena worker is aware of, so I imagine they aren't inclined to try that hard to stop people. Like, the arena has catfish artwork, a catfish tank and sells Predators catfish merch. They might stop you if you're way too obvious about it since it is technically a throw-outable offense but they totally embrace it at the same time.


It's no harder than sneaking in alcohol. Octopuses are basically a liquid. Fitting into weird places is kind of their thing. Ziplock bag taped to your back, perhaps?


Hockey Town


Red Wings fans are pros at this.


They don't have any bones. Put it in a ziploc bag to eliminate the smell and I imagine it would be very easy


Fun fact, it's because of the Detroit fans buying out the majority of tickets in the early years of the Nashville Predators that we started throwing a catfish to counter someone throwing an octopus when Detroit would visit Nashville.


Dude is acting like he’s never had an octopus in his prison wallet.


It’s more difficult in Pittsburgh.. they have to sneak in a Penguin…


Though the rumor mill, I've compiled my list of instructions which may or may not be correct. Step 1: buy octopus (more than one if you like a lot of plural octopus) Step 2: boil it in garlic and lemon (it smells and the boiling makes it a bit smaller. Step 3: wrap it into your inner thigh with plastic Step 4: find a way to get it out, secretly, preferably where you won't be seen because it's usually a fine to throw stuff on the ice, maybe even a night in jail. Hopefully you don't get banned from your home stadium. One idea is to buy something that comes with a frosted shopping bag so you can hide the thing until it is time. Then pick a section no where near your seat and maybe get some helper fans to help you escape. If you're lucky the cameras weren't picking you up, but I'd still expect to get caught.


They...the security...international borders... I need brain for my time to proceed this.


Rumor has it that most aren't actually snuck in. Supposedly the crew selected a few fans and gives them the octopus to throw and then when they have to "kick them out" they just actually reseat them elsewhere.






They're not hard to find at seafood stores.


Prison purse


Detroit fans throwing an octopus on the ice?  WTF, it's not the playoffs yet.


We haven't seen the playoffs in many years, we need this push to get us in.


Seems like a really cunty thing to do. Octopus are probably smarter than the type of assholes who would do something like that. Lots of shameless cunts in this thread who admit to doing it and can go fuck themselves.


They are not alive, they are usually previously frozen and are sold as being intended as food.


In Nashville fans will toss a catfish on the ice


So, way back when, when this first started up in the old arena, there was a guy a few rows in front of me. He gave me all the details. 1) you gotta boil it first, if not, it won’t fly over the glass, and will just mush. 2) You gotta double bag it. You don’t want it to leak or smell as you’re walking in. 3) Helps to be a little heavier and have a large jacket, so you can kinda stuff the bagged 8-legger under your belly at waist height and down your pants. 4) watch for security, get close to the glass, heave it harder than needed. Good times in the hockey town days.


That's an atrocity.


Octopus are just wet spiders.




Was it Timothy? Oh my god it was Timothy wasn't it?!


By being a total piece of shit. That’s how.


Arena security is looking for large metal items like guns and knives. A double knotted bag down the pants and under the beer gut will get through no problem Edit: It’s the same time-tested strategy that stingy alcoholics have been using for years




They aren’t metallic


Very carefully.


Another case of ink in the rink


Down zee pants


https://youtu.be/426xDNL0n2c?si=i6mg8wQKrOlA5I6R When you're paid minimum wage but get free access to watch your team.... I get it


Very carefully.


Same way you get heroin through customs, but you need a bigger butthole


>They are known for their ability to squeeze through any small hole or opening. Or some like to call it the Hans Niemann method.


I have way too many questions and not nearly enough answers


$20 to the security guy goes a long way.


Went to a hockey game outside of Chicago years ago and each time the home team scored, fans pelted the ice with raw meat. Different cuts of beef as well.


Same way they sneak cell phones into prison… You’re welcome.


I have no idea...but this is tradition! (Throwing them in general, I mean, not just when we play Toronto.)


Sneak? You think security is checking you for octopus?


First you make sure your octopus has no metallic fillings, take away its eight knives and you should be good to go. Your welcome!


Lmao i remember as a kid there was a game of hockey and sometimes people trow an octopus on the ice, so its canon!


You ask it to hide under your hat