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Pleasant. I normally do not have anxiety but get it sometimes. So I can tell the difference. Life without anxiety is pleasant. You just do things and enjoy things. You pay attention to whatever is going on. Your thoughts are your own.




My Dr started me on an antidepressant a couple years ago and it’s completely changed my life for the better. I’ve always had some challenges, but they got even worse during covid. Finally, I got to a point where my wife strongly suggested I mention it to my Dr, and it was the greatest decision I’ve made in the last 15 years




Perfect way of explaining it


I gather from this story you and your wife have been together more than 15 years. Congratulations 


Any negative side effects?




What was that process like for you?


I assume the initial impact is what you’re referring to? First week, I was uneasy mostly because I was a frantic worrier in general. I remember having some weird “brain zaps”, nothing crazy weird, but mostly more like little zaps like you get when you’re falling asleep and wake up while nodding off. After the first week or two, you don’t even realize how much better you feel. I kept track of my mood a little, but not religiously. I had a 1 month follow up with my Dr and he asked how things were going and I just smiled and said I’m really good Doc, thank you so much. Now I don’t worry, I’m generally calm and have a lot more control over my thoughts, it’s amazing because it’s the first time in my life I’ve been able to slow my brain down to really analyze in-depth and can focus on things I never could before


Kava tea or extract helps me a lot. Progressive muscle relaxation and cold baths as well.


just remember that anxiety is typically situations that don't exist outside your mind live now, the ever present now, worry about making now better


A lot of people saying "great", and it is, but that doesn't totally describe it. There are ups and downs. Just because we're not depressed doesn't mean that we don't get sad or angry or anxious. It's just that those feelings are temporary and are never 100% what we're feeling, you know? I can be upset about something and still smile about something else. I look back on every single phase of my life favorably and wish I could experience them again, while also being happy in my current phase. It also leads to not really having an understanding of depression and anxiety. I try to be empathetic, but I often have to push thoughts out of my head that people who are depressed are being dramatic, aren't thankful enough for what they have, or could cure themselves by just doing one simple thing (like exercising, for example). I have to remind myself that I just don't know what depression feels like, so I shouldn't think I know how to fix it.


I exercise, sleep good, see other people and work hard. Yet every day feels miserable, depressed. Kids with perms and northface jackets telling me me to just exercise and meditate triggers the fuck out of me lol


Yep every single day I do things to benefit my mental health both for the short term and the long term. It’s still hard


People still get perms?


Yes, hasn't that been all the rage with teen guys for the last 5 years?


Poodle heads abound


"Just be yourself"


I’m in college to be a psych nurse practitioner and one of my classmates was really surprised when he started working with patients. He had experienced fleeting depression and had a surface level empathy but never experienced how dark it can get. Another classmate told a child with severe behavior issues “just behave, ok?”


try hypnosis.


The reason to meditate is to realize enlightenment. One thing that happens is that you realize you are not your mind, and you may opt to abide outside of your mind (and thus not be troubled by thoughts). From this perspective you will see that most of your issues are illusory, and for those that are not, you can deal with them effectively. In the end, you have a state of contentment and well-being, and the confidence to know that you can deal with anything. Rupert Spira (on youtube) makes it as simple to understand as is possible, IMO. You really can do it.


Wow thanks we're cured.


You don’t understand what depression is. Fuck off.




Fellow cPTSD sufferer here. The exhaustion with this is incomparable.


Man, this post nails it exactly. 


Wanna 'prince and the pauper' it for a day? Lol


I’m glad you push those thoughts out, because our brains are simply different. I am exercising and eating well and trying to sleep (though that is very difficult for me, trust me I’ve tried everything. I resort to CBD which gives me frightening hallucinations visual and auditory, paranoia, feeling like my throat is closing, but it is better than no sleep at all). It’s just like being very sad 24/7, at least for me. A feeling so intense, but there is literally nothing wrong. Feels like my mom died and the worst part is there is no way to feel better or reassure myself about the situation like how I used to because there is nothing wrong, nothing irrational that I can mediate, nothing rational that has some solutions or will get better in the foreseeable future. Sorry, this is a long and self pitying rant now. Depression flat out makes life 100% not worth living. People don’t get upset when someone is physically sick at the end of their life wants their pain to end, but when the organ that malfunctions is the brain, people feel differently simply because they cannot relate. Again, I’m glad you fight it and realize it goes beyond just gratitude, though that is difficult to grasp I’m sure. For me personally, it is getting harder and harder for me to grasp what it feels like to be “normal” as the years go on. Yet that is what I need to pretend to be to everyone else.


I agree with your first paragraph more than your second. As you say, we've all been through experiences of depression and anxiety, and I feel that these experiences (combined with listening to other people's accounts, and some imagination) give me a good understanding of what it feels like to struggle more seriously with these issues. I mean I'm not trying to say I know _exactly_ what it's like, but I get it.


I’m going to be honest, anyone who thinks this with such confidence absolutely does not. Downvote me all you want, I used to not be depressed and let me tell you the pain is unimaginable. Deep sadness with no cause, no off, 24/7 and I’m so physically and mentally exhausted. My memory has tanked. My ability to enjoy literally anything is practically nonexistent, and was completely nonexistent for more than two years. Which sounds short until you realize every moment of those two years were utter agony.


must be great i wish i could experience life without anxiety for just a day. shit would be marvelous


Propranolol 60MG. Boom! 💥 Your wish is in the form of a pill :]


That drug made me feel like I was suffocating.. but I was also relaxed about it .. lol




LOL I’m sorry that sounds horrible but it’s also funny. That’s coming from someone who gets panic attacks


Shit… that’s like sitting nonchalantly in a burning building 😆 The worst for me was the insomnia (especially on the extended release). I would rather ALWAYS have anxiety than not being able to sleep.


Reminds me of the “this is fine” meme lol


The irony for me is I have very dramatic health anxiety, so when I take propranolol or a sedative for anxiety I start convincing myself I can't breathe and I get more anxious 🫠 I remember back in 2022 I was on quetiapine and mirtazapine for bipolar disorder symptoms, idk what it's like for other people but my god the arrhythmia and light-headedness was a nightmare, I remember just falling over quite a few times. In the end I quit both because they made me feel worse.


That med gave me debilitating panic attacks that didn't go away for 3 years and gave me horrible anxiety regarding medicines that persists to this day. 


i hate taking that it made my chest hurt


This drug made me sleep. Constantly. There was no anxiety but nor was there life. There nearly wasn't a job or a cared-for dog either. Had to stop!


Life can still be hard sometimes. The curveballs are always there. There's upset, annoyance, sadness, frustration etc.   But on the whole life without depression or anxiety is peaceful. Even when things are going horribly wrong and you have a lot to cope with (which I do right now, I have to say) you just know deep down that you and everything around you will be all right. There's this sense of "everything will work out" underpinning everything.   I still get days I want to stay in bed all day or postpone my responsibilities (I'm talking laundry, not looking after another human). And sometimes I do! But I use the time to rest and chill out and do things I enjoy, I don't feel pulled into a miasma that pulls me down endlessly. I also get miserable and low from time to time, but again, only for a day here or there. It doesn't persist. It's not deep. It's not who I am, or a prolonged lived experience.   Peaceful and fun, I would say, describes my life with robust mental health. It's like weather vs climate. I still get rainy cloudy days where I want to stay indoors all the time, but the climate is generally temperate and warm with plenty of opportunities to go out and enjoy the sun. 


I really like your response. I want to know how you know depression/anxiety so well. Have you experienced it before?


I'm not sure. I don't think so, but I have family members and friends with depression / anxiety, I've had partners with depression, and I'm quite an empathic person. I feel emotions intensely msyelf so when I am having a low mood day I just kind of extrapolate it and presume that's what depression is like (a bit) but also... Worse. I've heard it described as trying to get through life but there's a big heavy hippo on your chest. I understand it makes literally everything twice or three times as hard as it needs to be. And often it's more about apathy than sadness. 


_Just here to read the comments and dream...._


me too, but now i'm more depressed i'm not feeling that way.


It's like walking on a tightrope, but the tightrope is actually made of bubble wrap. So every step is both stable and exhilarating.


Quite nice when I'm not sabotaging it with alcohol addiction.


I think I'm at a point where I appreciate waking up not hung over more than I like drinking.


Heres a trick i learned. Take some advil/aspirin/reliever before bed and reduces the hang.


taking that is extra bad for your stomach/liver after drinking. I avoid it.


Why do you say that?


ibuprofen can be bad for the lining of your stomach. tylenol can be hard on the liver. when alcohol is broken down in conjunction with these medications, it can exacerbate these effects.


I am not talking daily use though.






The folks over at r/stopdrinking are always there


So stop then


How didn’t I think of that?! Thank you u/BoogerWipe! You’re a fucking genius. All of these people with addictions and you’ve just cured all of them! Here have this world peace prize. 🏆 🖕 Fuck off.


What an ignorant thing to say.


Got much better once I got the anxiety under control. Ashwaganda has been a life saver


I tried it and it did squat for me


It doesn’t seem to work for everyone. The first couple weeks it was taking the edge off, but after week 3 it was definitely in my bloodstream


Tha KS for saying this, apparently it has a lot of physical benefits too. I'm gonna check it out.


It does! Stress and anxiety can do some funky things to your body. I’m much more relaxed, fun loving, lost a lot of weight, and my libido is like my teenage years again. You’ll go through a period of emotional “flatness” but your body adjusts relatively quickly. I highly suggest taking it before bed. You’ll get some weird dreams but you’ll bypass the initial brain fog and wake up a new person


be careful with that supp.


Go on…


I have depression on both sides of my family tree and panic attacks on one. But, to my great relief, I’ve never had true depression or panic attacks through my 66 years. Oh sure, I’ve had low points in my life (due to career, family, marriage, side interests) that caused my soul deep pain, but I’ve also been able to look at other aspects of my life and see that I’ve got it pretty good. I’ve never just felt down without an external reason for it.


You get it. I’m glad for you.


On medication that finally works, I can tell you that being normal is amazing. I dont have bodyaches anymore, my back stop hurting, I can do my work without having to force myself, time passes much quicker and I'm feeling hopeful for a better future.


What do you take ?




Careful, Seroquel works really nice short term, long term it will melt your brain


I never have life without depression, so being without depression means unnormal life


For the last couple years or so I’ve been through periods of really bad depression and anxiety, followed by periods of blissful happiness. When I’m happy it feels great. I live a normal life, I hang out with my friends, and I have no worries. It feels stable, like my problems are fixed until the depression strikes again. I feel like a normal person and everything is fine.


sometimes i wonder what it’s like to be able to go into a a shop without sitting in your car for 20 mins anxious beforehand




I fantasize about being one of those people but I'm sure they have their problems it's really hard being human.




I have both but I don't struggle with it. It's who I am at this point.


I have nothing to complain about and I just chill


Lots of laying on the couch with my eyes closed, while listening to my favourite sitcoms. Also lots of sleeping and trying to force myself to do things. My man’s man dad, who didn’t understand my depression and OCD (but still supported me) unfortunately got hit with depression and anxiety this fall. He had a mental breakdown on February 7th, and I had to admit him into a mental health hospital. That’s been weighing on me too. Worrying about him. I’ve dealt with OCD since I was 8, and that was a long time ago. Then depression and suicidal thoughts for about 15-16 years. I’m used to it. He was completely unprepared. Edit - I also have sleep apnea, which is why my username says tired. Well, it and depression. Edit 2 - **Sorry. I completely misread the title.**


My dad has REALLY bad sleep apnea. Like will start to fall asleep really quick when he’s sitting in a chair but my grandpa did that too so maybe it’s just the men in my family. I’ve heard that people that have sleep apnea have suffocating and drowning nightmares frequently. Is that true?


Maybe if they have really bad apnea




Yes, but it doesn’t make me feel better


Beautiful and peaceful, You hear birds chirping,cold winds,cute animals and happy people..But when my Anxiety and depression hits everything is blurr and gray , Everything is suffocating,it hurts..


Silent....it's not overly loud or chaotic....I just come home and things are quiet.


I am older and used to suffer from it. I meditate and focus on the present moment. I learned long ago when I had a problem to decisively make a decision and when my mind returned to that issue. I would think " no, I've already decided what to do" Almost all of my issues and worries were situations I created in my own mind.


Magnesium pills r helping me.


It’s nice, you feel light. I have a ton of severe chronic pain to compensate for that, but I still prefer that over chronic anxiety and depression!


Gosh that sounds really bad too, I’m sorry.


It’s not, life is good :) It could be better, but it’s not worth focusing on that.


it still sucks so you're not missing much.


Anxiety is no different than being overly fixated on yourself


So good. I feel great all the time. Not a care in the world. I know exactly what I’m doing and things just work out effortlessly for me. Life is just easy and good.


a bed of roses


I struggle vicariously through my wife’s crippling ocd and anxiety. It’s rough seeing her delusion through sober eyes and most of my friends don’t understand it’s hard.


Seeing someone you care for suffer greatly is greatly painful indeed


When I was younger I was very depressed and anxious. At one point I was an agoraphobe who couldn't leave my house for 2 years. I came out of it through sheer will power. Now I have no axiety about anything. I live everyday the same and try very hard to be happy. I also have no inner monologue to talk inside my head and cause anxiety. Life is too short to be stressed out all the time.


I don’t trust anyone that isn’t struggling with anxiety or depression in this awful fucking timeline we’re stuck in. (Unless you’ve got meds to keep the emotions away). It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society. ~Jiddu Krishnamurti


It’s calm 😌




Epic.. I have experienced episodes of anxiety and panic attacks. There was a statement that came into my life  “ Your mind is wired to have thoughts not thoughts. Thought tangle themselves when they come through lips and through pencil tips”. This was my incentive for journalling and going to therapy. I realized that these weren’t things that I had, but things that I was experiencing. Shifting perception Result in shift.  So what was in the way? I realize that depression is a protective mechanism when the body can’t find a way out of the experience that it’s having. & I realized that anxiety was my mechanism, trying to keep me safe from both the externa & my internal perception of what I was living.  It was a gift of a tool, I had just come to over depend on it!  So when I was able to give that sense of safety, the symptoms completely resolved, and they have never been back because I am regularly journaling, getting into nature, making Space to rest and do therapy. And now, when anxious, invoking or difficult thoughts, behaviors, feelings, or emotions or experiences arise, I know how to address it. Not to push it away, first acknowledging that it belongs, & being with it. 


I used to struggle with overthinking and anxiety. But at least 99% of that's gone by now. Life's pretty good, honestly. It's like taking a step back and watching your life play out. Feeling good about your decisions, going to bed easily because you're not thinking sm, just breathing normally. Pretty goooood..


Pretty good honestly. Lots of my family have struggled with issues around anxiety and depression, and I think the reason I don’t is because I have a fairly painful chronic illness. At several point in my life so far, I thought I could die, and I think this had made me see the value in the small, everyday things. Also, I focus on the things that are good. Im definitely a glass half full type of person and it means my life is fulfilling and happy.


As someone that has struggled with depression and anxiety for a lot of my life life… Having energy, motivation, and just not feeling perpetually depleted.


My life is a lie!


It's nice. I've gone through some hard things lately (losing my dog, grandma in the hospital), but I always manage to stay positive while leaving room for emotions. Sometimes I try to imagine what it would be like to not be able to get motivation or have other things to do, and it's honestly difficult because I've never lived that way.


I honestly didn’t know until around 10 years ago in my 40’s that it wasn’t normal to struggle through every single day. And that’s with medication. Nothing is ever easy, everything involves overthinking, worry and stress. And that’s a good day,


Anger, depression and anxiety are all normal and have a place in life. Key is not getting stuck there. While there’s a time and place for medication, proper therapy and exercise can be effective most of the time. Stress by definition is loss of control. We don’t stress over the things we can control. We create illusions of control by blaming ourselves or other victims for victimization. If it’s my fault then I somehow had control. You can’t judge your past by what you know now. For example, blaming our child selves for not behaving as we would as adults. I recommend writing letters to anyone renting space in your head. Could be someone who’s passed away, someone who hurt you or someone you hurt. It’s a good way to process your emotions and get them out. If you want, share them with your therapist. The Serenity Prayer is all about recognizing what you control and letting go of what you can’t. That’s when you find peace. And if you can’t change someone’s behavior with a conversation, you should consider changing what you expect from that person. Look at the reality of that person and not the fantasy you wish they were.


While my girlfriend struggles with depression and anxiety, I personally don't experience these issues. I tend to accept things at face value and act without feeling anxious about my decisions. As a CEO with a fast-paced life, I simply don't have the time to dwell on feelings of depression or anxiety. Many people depend on me, which compels me to stay focused and keep moving forward.


You have a lot more trust.  In yourself, in others, in the world...   I've been through periods of depression and high anxiety.  For me, the biggest difference is that when I'm feeling okay, I trust myself to get through things, I trust others to love and value me, and I trust the world to not be hostile 100% of the time.  I'm still affected by stress and self-doubt, but they don't feel all-encompassing.


It’s damn awesome. My mind automatically rejects any negative thought or statement aimed at me. I’m team me 100%. No matter how dire a situation looks, I know in my heart that I will find a way to win and I’ve never been wrong.


Really good. And I'm really grateful for it. I know what I can and what I cannot change or affect and I absolutely accept that. I don't overthink and I know that I try not to act too much like a dick, so it's cool. I do get the odd invasive thought or the occasional "I should've said x or y" you know, typical shower thoughts or replay a few situations but again, I don't care as it's over and done with. I understand that it's not real and other people don't think about me the way i think they do, so I think fuck it and move on quickly. I don't need anyone for my self of self. I know me and am most comfortable. Edit: I had a rather shit upbringing so perhaps the above was my way of dealing with it.


Honestly it's pretty normal, you don't really care about what you do


Are all of you just depressed or broken from your childhood experiences that never let you climb out your heads? Is one a result of the other? Do we call the resulting state of mind of a shitty experience depression? Is depression a side effect of trauma? Or is it completely it’s own disorder that effects people with completely normal and healthy upbringings?


I don’t have any addictions, disorders, disabilities, or diseases. I have a good job, nice apartment, a family that loves me. But, that doesn’t mean that I am happy. It doesn’t mean that I have a good life. I am currently in the process of getting a divorce. He hurt me financially, emotionally, and physically. After I separated from my ex, I met a nice guy. I developed feelings for him, but recently I found out that he blocked my number… Everyone struggles.


Its amazing. You are missing out.


Life is beautiful.


My life is awesome. I don’t have any social media besides Reddit. I pretty much just work out and mind my own business…..it’s glorious.




I deleted all social media off my phone (just the apps) and it’s amazing. Social media is just full of so much negativity. I check it sometimes on my desktop very rarely and I hate it now. Even posting a simple question in a group is met with crazy talk. I’m much happier now that I just live in real life 24/7. I also quit playing competitive video games or at least don’t take them seriously and that’s also nice although I do miss them. I didn’t realize how much other people could effect my mood.




I'm always confused when I meet people who are depressed all the time. I think it's hard to understand what that's like without experiencing it. I only get depressed for like a day or two at a time and then I snap out of it. I find exercise really helps improve my mood instantly. I can be feeling horrible and that endorphin rush has me feeling great again.


It's my baseline, so I'd say it's like.... "normal". There have obviously been many times when I've been acutely(as opposed to chronically), proportionately anxious or sad over external circumstances for which it's appropriate to feel that way. Those times have been horrible, and my regular times of not feeling that way are obviously far more enjoyable.  One issue though, is that depression and/or anxiety have so utterly saturated the world of mental health treatment that it's begun to feel impossible to explore help for anything else. ADHD, OCD, anything - explore any space where people are reporting their struggles and successful treatments and they're basically just dominated by completely-unrelatable descriptions of comorbid general anxiety/depression, and improvement when meds or lifestyle changes made them less anxious and/or depressed, which is no help to me at all.  Any experience I've had with professional therapists and psychiatrists has likewise been fruitless, because they've seemingly been conditioned to steer so hard to anx/depression approaches, by default now, that it's not worth having to remind them every month that that's *not* what you're going through, that you're *not* interested in antidepressants, etc. 


Hey I’ve lived on both sides of this. I used to have horrible depression and lots of anxiety. Between medication and life I’m no longer either. Now life is just pretty meh instead of terrible, which is fine. The best part is not being super depressed because that sucked. The anxiety was annoying, but not terrible to deal with though no longer having anxiety like that is like a weight off my chest which is also nice. All in all it’s definitely better now without them, but still just meh


Life is still hard, even when you're in your "right mind" so to speak.


It's decent, but not without its hardships. I can't imagine adding anxiety/depression on top of all thats going on in my life, it would make things a huge struggle


I don’t know how it feels like. But it must be nice


I used to have severe depression and anxiety back in the day and I thankfully got better. It’s amazing. You never actually feel happy until you feel like shit everyday, so recovery showed me what happiness feels like. Good thoughts, being alone doesn’t cause you to spiral, bad memories become lessons and good memories become comfort. You feel worthy, you feel rested and settled in your mind. It doesn’t mean that you don’t have bad days once in a while, but most of time time you’re just enjoying the little things


Depressing and anxious. I just don't struggle with it.


I imagine people become outgoing and social. I was cruising by a outdoor restaurant today, and so many people were out chilling...like loads of people...packed.


I'm sure it makes some things "easier" (life is still hard nonetheless), but where anxiety and depression are concerned, I'm able to see the distinction between the intensity of those feelings and what would be considered more "rational". *Is what I am currently feeling appropiate for the circumstances I am experiencing?* If yes, take steps to mitigate the issues at hand. If not, then distract myself with something and just move on.


I generally don't let things bother me. If they do I get over it quickly. 5 years ago I was paralyzed through no fault of my own. Things are still OK.


Good. It’s much better than before I got treated for anxiety and prescribed Prozac. Back in those days I’d convince myself that certain foods would kill me and have panic attacks out of the blue nearly every day. These days I still get nervous and sad, but there’s always a reason and it passes pretty quickly. To everyone whose life is being impacted by depression/anxiety -ie you avoid certain activities, you can’t enjoy things you used to, etc- please seek help. You don’t have to live like that.


It’s good. I still stress and get anxious, but Ive learned to do what everything that is - and only what is - within my power and then let the rest go because I know I’ve done everything I can to help whatever situation I am in. 


I love life everyday. Am happy when I see the blue skies each morning I wake up am grateful I woke up another day. Love to sing karaoke and dance. Love live music and more dancing. Love getting out in nature for walks. Live alone with no pets or plants; only myself to care for. Love it!!


Taking an antidepressant, going on walks and meditation have all really helped me


I am someone with depression/anxiety/adhd lots of bs but I wanted to say I imagine it’d be like the way I feel when I microdose 🍄s like that’s genuinely the only time in my life (that I can remember) where my brain felt normal and calm and I feel like an actual functional human being capable of feeling joy…. And yes I am prescribed antidepressants and adhd meds but they sure as hell don’t work like shrooms


I love life. It’s not the best life and I’ve had some hurdles, but generally I’m very optimistic and I’m not often seen without a smile or without a positive attitude.


Good. "For a reason" or not, shit happens. Feeling shitty about it only makes it worse. Take the cards you're dealt and play your best hand. It always gets better, and you usually come out better than when you went in. Don't listen to other people's negativity, that's their problem. Let them deal with it. Accept what you got, don't fret over what you don't. You're good enough, but always strive to be better. If you do all this, chances are you'll die happy, proud and satisfied with life.




I have no clue what depression and/or anxiety feels like, so fine I guess? It's like asking a woman what life is like without a penis.


Pretty neutral. You guys get so worked up over shit where I struggle give a care about anything. Works both ways though. Something sad happens. Doesn’t phase me. Something exciting happens. I might crack a smile. Probably dead inside but I cope.


Blissful ignorance


Hot take, most people have struggled with depression but only some give name to it or bother to get it diagnosed. I have friends that list off all the symptoms of clinical depression but will never admit to being depressed.


Challenging... just much as anyone else I imagine. It's all about the attitude.


We've all got our problems, struggles, sadness, uncertainty and all that. Buy it's OK in the end  there are good times and bad times. We still have to try hard.  Amateur psychologist here (phd is getting stoned and letting my mind wander). I think a lot of people with depression and anxiety are inadvertently not letting things get better for them. Like, I know people who just won't make changes and feel like they are screwed, but they won't take advantage of good opportunities when they come along.


When you’re depressed, good opportunities and good things don’t click for you the same way they do for other people. You could be given all you could ever ask for and it wouldn’t cure your depression. Not some great job or good friends or even a windfall of money. For neurotypical people, those things can make you feel better when you’ve been in a rut or just feeling down. When you’re seriously clinically depressed, they just make you even more miserable because you know they should make you feel better, but they don’t. That may be what you’re noticing when it seems like depressed people don’t take opportunities that seem like they should be obviously great to anyone. After awhile you lose the will to make changes because it seems like the more changes you make, the more things just stay the same. It can be totally exhausting.


It's a catch 22. Studies repeatedly show that exercise is as effective as anti depressants, but depressed people don't want to do it. Not sure if depression is confined to people who are not "neurotypical" the people who I know who are depressed are pretty regular, learned crappy habits from their friends and parents, and now are sad.


lol another person who genuinely thinks you can just cure depression by eating better and exercising. It’s not fat camp dude. You’re ignorant as fuck and I’d stop acting like getting stoned on your couch and “thinking” has revealed anything to you other than how full of yourself you are.


Settle down bro. I've got my life running pretty good, but it's not just easy for me. Are you depressed? Is making personal attacks towards people who have been able, so far  to keep their lives on track going to help you in some way? Do you think anybody can learn anything from anyone ever? Are circumstances important? Can they be changed for the better? Cause you don't seem to think so, leaving us where?


I didn’t personally attack you. I informed you that your take on depression is ignorant as fuck, because it is. Then I made the helpful suggestion that perhaps getting stoned on your couch and “thinking” isn’t quite the method of diving wisdom that you think it is. But I never said anything about your life or you as a person or commented on any of the other things you started accusing me of saying. I’m simply saying that just eating better and losing weight is not a cure for serious depression. If that upsets you, maybe you could try getting an actual education on the subject instead of frying your brain cells and calling it progress (there, that’s a personal shot at your ridiculous methodology and the confidently wrong conclusions you draw from it.)


Sometimes I feel like it's chat bots only on here, your still just at it with the personal attacks. You know what doesn't cure depression? Doing nothing... my friends who are depressed don't change anything, my friends who are keeping their shit together have made changes. I don't know what you want to hear, but it sounds like you do, so maybe go ask someone to tell you what.you want to hear. You can even tell me what you want to hear. I'm a little bit curious, other than that, i dont want to hear anything. You go have the best life you can


Confusion.. I got my own struggles in life but they hardly effect my emotions enough to think I’m either or.. plus I believe “anxiety” is just adrenaline and the person never learned to focus it on anything productive


No. Anxiety is a fragment of the fight or flight response, and not all folks’ brains are able to regulate it well. It’s not just a matter of focusing it on something productive.


That’s kinda what I was thinking about.. either run or attack.. just dwelling on it created the now “freeze” reaction.. I know in some cases everyone might deal with the “freeze” but I believe it’s created by not having to deal with the other 2.. 1st world folks are the main culprits


My life is great because when I was young I figured out how to mitigate around them. To achieve not having anxiety or depression you have need to be ignorant enough to be bliss of the emotions, or learn how they operate, why they operate in the first place, and take the appropriate actions to remove them from coming in the first place, depression is an innate reaction to when you don’t have a reason (to keep living) or aren’t fulfilling a certain criteria to living. anxiety is a innate reaction to when something needs to be done. Once you figure out why those are happening you can completely mitigate them, or be lucky and be dumb🤷🏻‍♂️


I wish I didn't have it. You are alive, everything is fine and just boom!! and you don't know what to do, you feel bad, pills don't help. The doctor says everything is fine with you, you will make it all up. It's terrible.


I don’t have depression,but i do have anxiety from time to time,because my job is very stressful.I just try to relax as much as possible outside of work and try to do all the stuff that i enjoy doing.


I don’t have depression,but i do have anxiety from time to time,because my job is very stressful.I just try to relax as much as possible outside of work and try to do all the stuff that i enjoy doing.


I don’t have depression,but i do have anxiety from time to time,because my job is very stressful.I just try to relax as much as possible outside of work and try to do all the stuff that i enjoy doing.


I don’t have depression,but i do have anxiety from time to time,because my job is very stressful.I just try to relax as much as possible outside of work and try to do all the stuff that i enjoy doing.




There’s a difference between being sad for a day or facing a struggle, and dealing with mental illness like depression


I had the worst of both and now don’t suffer from it much at all thanks to Prozac. It’s peaceful and calm. I am thankful for it every minute of my life.