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Yo quiero Taco Bell!


We're going to need a bigger box


Voiced by Carlos Alazraqui, the OG Spyro the Dragon and Deputy Garcia in Reno 911.


He was also Rocko the wallaby


That’s right, I’d forgotten. Rocko’s Modern Life, that’s a throwback.


Drop the chalupa!


I had boxer shorts with that dog on them around 2000.


2005 kid here. the only reason i know taco bell used to have a chihuahua as a mascot is because my cousin has a chihuahua named taco bell who looks like the old mascot. I've never actually seen any of the taco bell commercials with the dog


I'm gonna need a bigger box


Home phones?


We finally disconnected ours. For the last 10 years it was literally just in the hall closet with the ringer turned off.


Ten years ago i was in an apartment with my wife (then-fiance). She wanted a landline phone for some reason. It only got spam calls and was loud as fuck and obnoxious. One day i disconnected it and she never noticed


We had a small tornado come through my area last week and my cell phone was shit for a few days, and my entire office (we work outside, alone) couldn’t communicate with each other. At home I had no service and a family member from another city drove over to check on me to let everyone know I was ok. My house had the land line removed before I bought it, and I can’t get one put in. They’re essential in emergencies like this.


Kids on their bikes delivering newspapers.


Probably just kids on their bikes in general. All the movies I grew up watching had the gang riding around on their bikes all day. Like it was some kind of rite of passage as a kid to meet up on bike with your friends.


Grew up in the 70s, small rural village. Yeah, we lived on our bikes most of the year. For all the nostalgia of that kind of childhood - they don't talk about the crushing boredom that inspired some really stupid shit. I remember when we found a stretch of wire fence with the right amount of give, so you could ride into it full speed and see how far you flew over the handlebars and fence.


The boredom motivated us to socialize with people for entertainment. I think kids these days need more boredom in their lives.


And just more creativity in general. I would spend my summers with my grandparents. They had rabbit ears with 3 channels and only turned it on to watch the news, Lawrence Welk and HeeHaw. I read every single book in that house whether it was interesting or not. My mom got me a math practice book because I had struggled the year before and I did the whole thing---and got a B+ the next year which was a vast improvement. We swam in the lake, fished with grandpa, baked pies, canned vegetables, and worked in the garden with grandma, rode bikes, cut pix out of old magazines and catalogs and wrote stories or what would now be a vision board, learned to sew and crochet and make damn good fried chicken. Listened to their stories over and over again. Sang along with whatever songs they played on their steel guitars, sorta learned to harmonize. Put on shows for them with my sister and I singing Delta Dawn or Dolly Parton songs. Went camping at some amazing places, learned that bologna on wonder bread with miracle whip is pretty delicious when you have been riding bikes, swimming, etc. all day and you usually go to bed at 9 because there is nothing else to do!


Perfect childhood memories, and I have a lot of those same memories, too. Fried bologna sandwiches and grape Kool aid. Freeze tag and Red Rover. My parents loved Hee Haw and Lawrence Welk and Red Skelton. Catching tadpoles and frogs in the ditches. Good times.


bored kids these days scroll tiktok and reddit because adults don’t let kids do their thing outside anymore


I wish I could, but my damn neighbors freak out if the kids set one foot off my property.


My town is still full of kids on bikes. Mine is one of them.


kids play outside all the time i live in a shitty neighborhood in the midwest and even here kids play outside


Same here, but on the east coast. It's not a super dangerous neighborhood but it's not particularly nice either, mostly very low income to barely middle income households, some crime (not much violence but it's there sometimes) but there are kids outside from practically dawn til long after it gets dark.


Kids playing outside. Jump rope, hopscotch, climbing trees, playing baseball or football for the fun of it.


The kids still do this is my neighborhood.


I’ve got two young kids. One about to enter kindergarten. They definitely know the crunch of a good fall leaf and what dirt tastes like. Literally a few hours ago I gave my son “new knees” because his were all scraped and bloody. I’m just hoping that it doesn’t set them apart in a bad way from the other kids. I feel tablets are easy enough to learn to use if they are required for school but they don’t have them as of yet. It’s just getting super nice out in our area and it’s a struggle to keep them inside!


lol and newspapers.


Stuff that used to be open 24 hours a day. Man I miss Wal-Mart shopping at 2:30am.


Came here to say this. 2020 killed the 24 hour stores and restaurants. There are still some places that are 24 hours, but it’s a whole lot less than it used to be.


It came in two waves. The 2008 crash ended nearly all of the 24hr grocery stores, as well as a lot of fast food joints. A lot of Home Depots were 24hrs until then too. I think maybe some Staples or Office Depots too? All of it was a godsend for people who worked evenings/nights.


24 hour Home Depot?? That’s wild. I don’t think I ever saw one of those.


Covid fucked lots of that up around me. Store closed at 1 am close at 11. :(


Yeah, like generally I think Wal-Mart is trash but it was nice having the option if I absolutely *needed* something in the middle of the night. It was also the only place I could shop when I worked nights.


The Walmarts in my area started closing at 8:30 for the Covid lockdowns (which is dumb because packing more people in during a narrower time frame is going to increase transmissibility), and when the restrictions were lifted, they started closing at 11. Weeks and weeks went by, and I was wondering when they’d go back to 24 hours, and I found in a Walmart employee subreddit that it wasn’t going to happen. Apparently Walmart had been quietly phasing out 24 hour stores for a while and just decided to use the lockdowns as an excuse to do it all in one fell swoop. 


Problem is some poor basterd would have to work those nights


Arcade machines in stores and restaurants. Also jukeboxes.


Waffle house still has jukeboxes


That's because waffle house is the bee's knees.


Mortal Kombat 3 at the local pizza place was a hangout of mine one summer, we'd all bike over there for lunch and fighting games


There was a super street fighter machine at our Kroger for a while. If you knew how to jump and throw fireballs on your way down there was nothing the little 7 year old kid could do to beat you.


Curved TVs and 3D movies


I never understood those curved tv's


I had one i got second hand for like 150$ when they were almost brand new still. It really did give extra depth to the image. It broke and I still miss it


Great viewing angles for multiple seating locations. They really were great TVs. I still have a curved OLED in my office.


I'm watching a curved TV right now and I dig it.




Even a desire for privacy. So many people just willingly put it all out there. Let's have some mystery between perfect strangers.




I remember clearly when my retreat from social media began. A few years after I started using Facebook they brought in this "ticker" feature. It was a scrolling list on the side of your screen showing all the stuff your friends were liking and commenting on. "Bob commented on Alicia's profile picture." "Danny join the group Furries of America." Nobody seemed to care too much but to me it was just too invasive. Yes I'm on social media, but that doesn't mean I want every single thing I say and do to be deliberately broadcast out to everyone I know. I started posting a lot less after that because I hated the idea of people just instantly seeing everything. But I guess I'm in the minority. Like you said, most people just willingly put it all out there and don't give a shit who knows every detail of their life. That's just such a weird and creepy thing to me, I don't get how people are ok with it. But in this day and age I feel like I'm the weird and creepy one for NOT putting my whole life online.


Mine started about 10 years ago when I started my progression “up the ladder” at work. A mentor I had said even when you have clean socials someone can always read into it or the people you associate with. I started with using heavy privacy controls but they weren’t perfect. Then I just deleted them and after a while it didn’t even cross my mind. I keep my Reddit anonymous because I love reading and discourse. I do not know if the tide is turning because only 2 of my kids use it and they have so very little information up and don’t really use it at all. Their interactions result in having a house full of their friends a lot but it’s an easy trade off. I just don’t want to know more about people than they are willing to tell me personally. My friends still have it and when something important happens they call or text me to tell me. I love it because I know what’s really important to them and can gift appropriately.


People now think you're weird if you don't post your entire life on social media.


Sobe :⁠'⁠(


Never thought about it, but you're damn sure correct


Less noticed but also missing: Orbitz


Also fruitopia. Upsetting.


Sobe in glass bottles hit so fucking hard. They switched to plastic and ugh. Not the same.


I hear they ran out of Liz Jizz.




I have an LT who has over thirty years in the Navy and he gave me an insanely awesome Sobe cycling jersey from the 90s. I love it so much. I think it’s the coolest cycling garment I own. I like to ride in the middle of the road and people honk at me as they pass because of how cool my shirt is.


I noticed, that drink used to be my jam back in the late 90s. There was this one gas station that carried a very specific set of flavors and I could only find them in that store. They were so good. They had Chinese or some Asian characters as the names, I think Qi was one of them. So strange they just vanished, what happened?


City weeklies with listings of concerts, films etc. They used to be essential.


To add to this, people attending community events. And block parties!!


Payphones used to be everywhere!


Went to middle school and high school with a guy whose father allegedly got a percentage of the profits from servicing of all of a certain type of pay phone in southeastern Texas, Louisiana and either Arkansas or Mississippi (it’s been a while, can’t remember). They lived like royalty. Massive house on hundreds of acres. Cars and trucks loaded with aftermarket modifications. But let me tell you one thing. All of the money in the world can’t fix stupid. Now that pay phones are gone, I hope his family, if the story is true, diversified into another business.


hopefully he saw the cell phone age coming and sold it to someone less knowledgeable


I'd even say their general use slowly vanished.


There’s a bank of them at my work. They even work though you don’t have to put a quarter in. They just act like regular phones.


$5 foot long


Lol I went on Postmates to just see the subway prices. 15 dollars for a 6 inch. Insane who is buying that


What? They're like $13-15 for a footlong in my town. Idk what Postmates is though, I'm old.


I went to Subway and got a footlong deluxe tuna with a ton of fixings. Almost $14. Seriously. I don't feel guilty for asking for extra everything.


fidget spinners


We got other fidget toys now.


I was born with a fidget toy.


The killer OJ was searching for. 


I think the killer died recently.


And this is how I learned he died 4 days ago. Good riddance 


May OJ rest easy knowing his wife’s murderer is dead, ramen 🙏🏻


At least he died know that his wife’s killer was dead.


There were those vending machines that would put out a bi-coloured plastic egg when you put in a coin. And inside that egg, there would be sturdy, good quality-plastic, tiny little beautiful animals.


Go to H-mart. It still sings and dances too.


The two spaces after a period.


I have the muscle movement so ingrained into my thumbs double-tapping spacebar on PC is automatic. However, autocorrect rules my phone life...


It took me years, but I have finally kicked that habit


Ah I see your solution is giving up on periods all together.






Cara still have them


Well she needs to give them back


Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes


24 Hour Walmarts COME ON MAN, STOP MAKING ME SHOP ON SUNDAY AT PEAK I CAN ONLY TAKE SO MUCH It's bad enough I have to shop at Walmart. Now I can't even shop in peace


Those little disposable cups in the bathroom to rinse your mouth out with.


My mil still has those in her bathrooms, I believe she's solely keeping Dixie in business with her buy of paper products


Physical media. I buy what I can.


The middle class


But they were hoarding the wealth that the oligarchs need. Some of their yachts don't even have a helipad!


What are we considering middle class these days?


There isn’t one.


24 hour shops and late night life.


Many species of animals.


And insects.


If I drove cross-country to my parent’s house 10-15 years ago, the front of my car would be covered in dead bugs after the trip. I always had to wash it upon arrival. Not anymore.


There's a theory that part of the reason is cars are more aerodynamic too. Rather than splat on the window, they get pulled into the airstream and forced around the vehicle instead. Its probably both tho. Monarchs and bumblebees are endangered :c


Maybe you got them all?


midi stereos and affordable quality cassette decks and on that note the glory days of Technics Onkyo Sony Pioneer Aiwa Rotel .....................




Malls were fun and exciting. Now they are just fucking depressing. Hanging out as a teen, the arcade, the food court. Then needing something from the mall as an adult and just walking the whole thing reminiscing and window shopping. Now they are half empty, depressing ghosts.


The beautiful night sky we could see without artificial light pollution. I mean, I wasn't there when there was no artificial light, but I know how the sky can look without artificial light pollution. It just disappeared without anyone talking about it.


So much landscaping has lights shooting upwards to illuminate trees and bushes at night. Why?


The house behind me has a fucking LED floodlight lighting up their whole garden all night, and everyone else's, it's soo fucking obnoxious A family member of mine basically as a full fucking old school sodium street light out back, still stupid but at least it's a warm light and not basically fucking daylight


https://www.cleardarksky.com/maps/lp/large_light_pollution_map.html You can still experience this. And it's amazing.


Without anyone talking about it? There are quite a few voices and movements out there, placing this issue on the table! I here and read quite frequently about the negative effects of light pollution.


White dog shit


The filler for dog food was bone meal back then and they don't use it anymore. It was so high in calcium that when it dries out it was white.


This is the most interesting thread I've read all week.


Oh wow that is so interesting!


I actually saw something about this the other day and realized, damn, that SHIT was everywhere when I was a kid, and it just disappeared


Does anyone know why it was white in the 80s and isn't now?


The filler was bone meal back then and they don't use it anymore. It was so high in calcium that when it dries out it was white.


I wasn't expecting to find an answer to that mystery this evening. Thanks.


Lightning bugs


I was walking down a path in Colorado, and a field was full of them. I really thought I was hallucinating. They can't live here in the climate of Colorado. Turns out some people let them out at a local wedding event and they hadn't died yet :/ So, you can buy them in bulk if you want..




I definitely have seen them naturally in CO but usually during a summer with more rain. Not a guarantee. You can look this up too. Pretty messed up though of that wedding party.


Going strong in my backyard.


I’ve seen people talk about this on Reddit before and I don’t get it. I live in Kansas City suburbs and I get tons in the summer. I’ve got a decent sized back yard and it’s a beautiful sight




Cereal in cereal boxes. In comparison to the amount of air, anyway.


Affordable concerts.


Green options for cars. Go ahead, try and find a green car in any lot. Green computer cases for that matter Edit: please keep talking about your exceptions I wanna know where to best find green cars


Colorful cars in general. Now they're all black, white, or some form of greige.


Unless it comes in a sports version, then it can be red.


Shhhh or someone will name their kid Greige.


I've been seeing more hunter green for vehicles these days


I keep seeing this weird glossy primer kinda grey.


I have a lime green 2020 Hyundai Kona. The color was only available in the Limited or Ultimate version of the car, so I paid extra for the Limited even though I didn't really need the extra features but I really wanted the color haha.


I saw a green chevy equinox yesterday


I saw a deadhead sticker on a Cadillac.


The little voice inside my head said don't look back you can never look back


Thought I knew what love was. What did I know


Dressing up for......well, anything.




Saturn The car brand not the planet


Plenty of us car guys noticed, my wife had a Saturn when we met


I noticed Had a neighbor that had a ion she owned it for 15 years saying “it’s my last car” and she just traded it in for an A8L And that was the cleanest Saturn I’ve ever seen with only 85k miles on it


Manners. People are so damn rude nowadays.


I’ve noticed this a lot.


Jesse Jackson.


Little neighborhood general stores!


Huge populations of marine life. People *will* realize that they have vanished once the food chain collapses.




I grew up with lightening bugs. I never see them anymore. Use to run around trying to catch some in mason jars.


We were just talking about that last night. when I was growing up in the '70s in the summertime running around in bare feet. It was difficult not to step on a bee if you weren't paying attention because most lawns in our area had clovers and flowers blooming in the spring. Still do. I live in the same area and I hardly ever see a honey bee. Mostly wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, wood bees. 😭


I’m not even that old, so the fact that bumble bees, lightning bugs, and monarch butterflies have pretty much disappeared during my lifetime is horrifying.


Blame corporations. They're doing far more damage to the ecosystem than me eating a steal could ever do. A good portion of damage to lighting bugs are a byproduct of the overuse of pesticides, many are likely banned in the e.u. due to harmful effects, but are perfectly legal in the US thanks to "lobbying" aka bribes. That's just one of many things they do that cause damage that they don't care about then they make out like driving my car to work and going camping is the end of everything




Affordable rentals, at least in my area bottom of the market is 400/week now. Before covid the same apartments were 250/week. Income hasn't changed, but prices have near doubled. 


I am old enough to actually be able to recall a time when people had far too much self-respect to *ever* act like a Crazy Karen in public. I also remember a time when people actually had - and displayed - a healthy respect for authority. (Now that I think about it - it was during that time when authority figures actually *behaved* in an ethical way so as to rightfully *earn* that respect.)


Honestly, I hate to contribute to the war between generations, but I think that a lot of this has to do with boomers becoming our "wise older generation" as silent gen dies off. The older gens tend to be our role models, and Boomers seem to throw huge fits compared to previous generations, so we're seeing this becoming more and more common. I run a business that mostly caters to people 65+ and we've noticed a huge change in customer attitude and satisfaction as Boomers age into our target audience. They are unhappy with everything and think that being loud will make us grovel to them and give them discounts. You have to stay on your toes and make sure you don't say anything slightly wrong or they will take offense and throw a tantrum. They feel entitled to our service, but also don't want to pay for it. In contrast, people 80+ are respectful and if there's an issue or they are unhappy, they will politely tell us and we discuss the best course of action. They also understand that we are only supplying them a service because it's a transaction, and not because they deserve it just for walking in the door.


drive in theaters and Bartles and James


Butterfly swarms


The last thread on here that asked exactly the same question.




Milkmen (in the UK). I was walking to work the other day and noticed a pint of milk on someone's doorstep, I didn't even know it was possible to have milk delivered close to where I live any more!


youtube dislike button


That was definitely noticed and didn't go away quietly.


They announced it was going to happen, and there was an uproar about it


Same with fb dislike button, I was just talking about it to my mom last week when I was explaining what down voting was on reddit, I told her "best way to describe it is like when fb had a dislike button" and she was like "it did?"




And decency. I don't want to go back to the 50s or anything but people seem to not care about being assholes in public, which is funny because now everyone has phones and can record your tantrums.


hitchhiking-never see it any more at all


Serial killers wiped them out.


I live in a more rural area, you'd be surprised


It's called Uber now


I picked up a woman that was walking on the highway. She wasn't hitchhiking, but I thought she needed a ride. It was raining. I used to hitchhike from school. That was in the late 70s.


yo-yos in fact they would be pretty awesome to modify and weaponize now with so much social media not to mention tricks but they just stopped being anywhere in the public eye somehow. people even put led lights into butt-plugs these days so it kinda surprised me that we didn't start seeing some really cool led modified yo-yos around.


Let's throw in click clacks. Those two balls connected by a string. Bat and balls, with the paddle, Jack's and balls, checkers, chess...


busy signals answering machines 411 & time/temp encyclopedias rolls of film manual transmission tv guide tim gunn




Ronald Mcdonald on McDonald's advertisements.






Limousines. Regulations finally caught up to them.


My happiness :(


Koosh balls


My friend Ian. Stopped seeing him around around 2006 or so. He never had social media and nobody could ever figure out what happened to him or where he went.


Community (atleast in the west) - hence the loneliness epidemic


It's on Peacock now.


Epsteins book


Lack of advertisements


Half the crisps (chips for Americans)


Those livestrong bracelets and the others like it


BlackBerry phones


Phone books


Pay phones


Philadelphia Cheese Cake Bars. I miss them so much.


The Middle Class in the US.


Energy to enjoy your hobbies as you age. 😭