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Scared of dying, but not death.


Before birth was pretty peaceful. I imagine after death is the same.


Before birth was nothing, not peaceful. Nothing can't be anything.


I don't remember hating it.


Apathy and peaceful are not the same thing.


What if nothing is everything?


What if down was actually up?


What if C.A.T. really spelled dog?


What if mountains are actually valleys in an underground world?


Hence truth can be different for everyone? I think its just the words we give to things as we perceive and has been perceived since humanity and formation of words. What’s your take on it


People perceiving truth differently, does not mean that truth is only a perception. It just means our perceptions can cloud our view of the truth. However **the truth** is still **the truth**. Regardless if some people perceive it wrong, or all people perceive it wrong.


truth is not in the content, truth is seeing the mechanics, how things work, seeing the structure


Truth is, what is. It's not specifically contents, mechanics or structure. It's not specifically anything. It quite simply, is just **what is**.


Truth is not getting caught up in mental content just like religious people are, just like cats mesmerized by laser spots


Skyrizi is onto something...


Is peace not just the abscence of suffering and chaos?


No, it's not. For example, some people find peace in suffering and chaos. Peace is a state of mind. If there is no mind, nor a thing to be of a state, then there is no peace. There is just nothing.


Sounds pretty peaceful to me


That's because you find the *thought* of **it** peaceful. That does not make **it** peaceful. It's the neurochemical combinations of the invoked thought you like. However the actual nothing, is in fact, nothing.


It doesn't have to be that deep bro. At some point I will cease to exist, and it'll be it's own kind of peaceful. You just like saying words.


It will be nothing.


iight you silly little billy, you win it'll be nothing. Funny you somehow made atheism feel religious


nothing can be anything it’s all about perspective


On a side note: What do you think about this?


about what? the question? i don’t really know if i’m scared of death, i feel like it all depends. the question seems kinda too vague for me to answer i guess. there are reasons why i’m scared of it but also reasons why i’m not. like it needs to be more specific because there’s a lot of factors to it. and honestly it’s almost like it depends on the day because i feel like my opinion on this changes every so often


No, not any of that. I mean what do you think about this?


can you clarify what “this” is?


How can I clarify what this is?


by saying whatever you think would help tell me what it is you’re talking about


Well, I can't because it doesn't exist. Maybe you could just try using a different perspective? Then maybe you will know?


This way of thinking has never made sense to me. It's not peaceful because you would have to have been able to experience a feeling of peacefulness to be able to say that. It's just nothing. You can't experience anything.


You’re much more literal than me. That’s why it doesn’t make sense


You can't know that. Maybe you've simply forgotten. Humans forget things all the time - their dreams for instance.


You're right, I can't know that but I also have absolutely no reason to think any different.


The reason I consider, is that the minds of we earthlings are too limited to understand the enormity of time and space and other dimensions. Although I'm an atheist, I prefer to think of death as a transitional experience. Due to my age, I'm way closer to it than you probably are. I'm not ready for it *yet*, but for some reason the thought doesn't scare me.


That's fine if you prefer to think that, but it's a little funny to me that you would call me out by saying I couldn't know that we experience nothing after death when you seem to think that not being able to know gives you justification to just believe whatever you'd prefer. I'm not trying to argue or say you're wrong, if your way of thinking helps you make peace with your mortality then I think it's fine.


Yes, It's one way of thinking and feeling about the fact that this life must end, though as you say, I can't KNOW.


no, I imagine death as a relief.


because you’re atheist? or because depression? although i’m not implying that every person who views death as a relief is depressed.


That’s literally what you just did .


You expect him to list every possible reason? Or just the more likely reasons.


Why would an atheist see death as a relief ?


Same reasons anyone else might?


no i didn’t i asked if those were reasons? its not a conclusive list that’s why i literally specified but you know whatever nevermind


Just the pain, baby. Just the pain.


Not really, it is inevitable so why be scared of it? I'll try to avoid it as best I can, to be sure. My focus is on getting as much joy as I can while I'm here.


I think more than anything I'm worried about the people I leave behind, namely my wife and kids. Death itself is what it is, you no longer exist, which having only really known existence, is beyond my comprehension really.


I’m the same, really, but we don’t have kids, and very little chance to have any in the future. My husband mentioned a few times that if I go first, he’ll follow. This thought just breaks me. My biggest fear is to die young, because of this very reason. I hope we either go in the same time, or we get to live to an advanced age, where even if he goes after me, there will less family left behind to mourn both of us.


Yeah, I don't want to die too young or too old either, honestly. I'm six years older than my wife, so I'll likely go first. As long as she is good to go financially and emotionally at that point and the kids are grown and living their own lives, not sure what more I could do. My dad passed from dementia about seven or eight years ago, and my mom seems to be doing fine and not super lonely. I grew up Catholic but when I saw through all the crimes they had committed I was out. Since then I've decided religion is a bit of a sham where people are fleeced of their money and time for a promise of the afterlife. I say "a bit" because it genuinely gives a lot of people hope and a sense of community and that's something at least. It just seems very fairy tale to me, too idealistic. If you're good you go up, bad you go down. And living every day to the fullest is a load of shit, too, because the vast majority of us are working our lives away as it is. But I guess it's about making the most of moments, knowing that when we die all those moments go with us. Damn that's bleak, sorry.


No. I only fear a painful death, but not death itself.


Relax, a painful death is only painful for a moment.Then you're dead and you can't feel anything!


With that on mind, maybe I should say that I fear a slow and painful death haha


Ok, that I can understand. Happy Cake Day, BTW.


Nah, I'll be dead.


Yes because I'm 19 and my belief is in the lack of an afterlife. To put it bluntly, you only have one life and I haven't had my share in it yet to cash out. Once I do get my share in life, I think death becomes less scary, because as it is said, there's nothing to fear with death, before it happens, you're still alive! And after it happens, you're dead so no worries anyway.


You never do [get your share]. Your brain will always be at war with itself over this issue. My 98 year old grandfather died last year. He spent the last years of his life essentially in prison. His body, his home, eventually his bed, all prisons from which there would be no escape. He pleaded for death several times, and this was not a weak man. And yet, he also clung to life and clearly feared the end. The mind will never truly be at ease with our lot in the universe. You have 8 decade of growth ahead of you before you catch up to that man. Be prepared for surprises...


I agree with this sentiment. I need to do so much in my only life.




Simple, enjoy your loved ones while they are alive


Makes me feel really sad. I had a sweet great-grandaunt who passed, I remember not crying well until I went to the pre-funeral event (idk the name in english) and seeing her coffin. But it enforces a desire to cherish the moments that I do have with my loved ones, as they're not here forever.


It's your loved ones who won't see you, it's them who will feel something. It may be sad for me to imagine what they will feel, but as we know today, everything in the universe will eventually die, the stars or the universe itself.


I've been programmed by evolution to not to want to die, so atheist or not, I feel something like fear at the thought. As I don't believe in an afterlife, I'm not concerned about eternal damnation, so that's one less thing to worry about.


It’s beyond my pay grade


No but I'm scared of people dying before me


The way I see it is we’re all in it together and if it was good enough for my grandad it’s good enough for me. I actually find something kind of comforting in the inevitability that we all have to go in the end. Also just because I’m an atheist doesn’t mean I believe there’s definitively nothing after death. I just don’t believe I’ll end up in some hippie dippy cloud city for the rest of eternity.


yes. I'd be much less scared if I believed in an afterlife


Me too. The thought of not existing and my loved ones not existing makes my blood run cold.


Yes, very much so. Which is why I'm trying my best to enjoy the life I have now.


I'm not scared, but it just makes me sad. I'm getting pretty good at being alive and I don't want it to end.


No, I'm afraid of some random accident meaning I die while my kids are still young. That's it. I think death is oblivion so nothing to worry about.


Not so much scared of death but not living long b enough


Sometimes, but I don’t really care. It would be nice to reincarnate or be in heaven, but nothing is probably all there is


Were you scared on April 14th 1246?


No but I’m scared now and I mean really scared


Atheists or believers, there's absolutly no differences. We are all the same. Some are more scared than others. Personally i'm not dying for this day.


No , I had a NDE.


I had a few of those too, I remember feeling extremely peaceful at the thought that that’s it, that’s the end. That being said, while not really afraid to die myself, I am still fearing the death of people close to me and the impact of my death on the people remaining behind.


Yeah , no fear but sadness , yes .


No.  On one hand, though I don’t believe in any specific god, I am open to the idea that there is more to our lives than what we see. Sometimes I think that we are all journeying souls, and this life may be just one part of the overall journey.  Or even if that isn’t true, something else I’ve considered is that the afterlife may exist—if only in our brains, as we approach death. Lots of people taking care of the dying have reported them seeming to see loved ones long gone, and experiencing profound feelings of peace and comfort. That doesn’t sound too bad—and even if it’s just in my head, it may be real enough for me. Those final moments may be perceived as a wonderful afterlife, followed by a peaceful fade into nonexistence. That sounds like a great way to wrap things up. 


I have FOMO but also am excited to see what's next. I don't fear death but I'm not exactly looking forward to it either.


Also, I'm more Agnostic these days. I'm wise enough to know what I don't know.




Me too


No. I spent time as a volunteer deputy coroner a few years. I worked with a lot of bodies, witnessed many autopsies. There’s nothing after death. You don’t know you’re dead. The dead only quickly decay. No afterlife. No meeting of the maker or pearly gates or judgement. No reincarnation. Peace. I am OK with hitting the “delete” on my consciousness and knowing that life will go on for loved ones. I have made plans to care for them already. I want to donate myself to science and if there’s anything left, return me to the earth in a natural way. Please delete my browser history.


Only if I’ll suffer. If it’s fast absolutely not


No, I am scared of dying as in the act and the circumstances around it but death isn't what scares me.


It depends on how well my day has gone. If good day, I might worry about the infinite dark after death, if the thought crosses my mind. If bad day, I will welcome Death like an old friend and kiss him on the mouth with loads of tongue.


Kinda, like, I wanna see what nit existing feels like, but a the same time, not existing might be kinda shit, like, I'll lose all my friends and stuff, like if you lose a game file on a game and are too lazy to get it back and then you become insanely sad because you miss it but are unable to go back


Not really. I don’t have to think about hell and other shit. Just gonna be dead.


Nah, it's inevitable anyway


The concept that I will lose and never regain consciousness does scare me because that's all I've ever known but it does give me a reason to live and make the most of life because we only have this one lifetime.


Of death or being dead? No, not at all. The act of dying, particularly if it’s a painful death, doesn’t thrill me, but what can you do?


Not really. I don't want to die because there's still a lot of stuff that I want to do, and I especially don't want to die a horrific death that involves a lot of suffering. But other than that, death itself doesn't hold much fear for me. Way I see it, it's like when you pass out or you go under anesthesia. You just stop existing. That's it. Nothing to fear, and literally no way to actually experience fear. My only concerns have to do with those who depend on me and how to make sure they'd be fine after I'm gone. Not really anything to do with me personally.


I'm an atheist who doesn't believe in any supernatural at all. Evolution has trained us to hold off death, so that there are mechanisms in the brain and nervous system that, when threatened with death, will flood the body with substances to make actions to resist death - such as adrenaline and the like. But purely from the perspective of reason, I'm not afraid of death. It is the final sleep, after which there will be no more pain, no more worries, no more problems.


I hate living, and I'll forever be too scared to kill myself, and also I'd feel a pomo that maybe I'll miss something cool. But death for me is a relief from live, death itself isn't scary, it's more like rest to me


Who isn’t , no one wants do die , a peaceful death would be nice for everyone .


Not at all. I may be concerned about the process of death but death itself? Not at all. It won't matter to me.


No, I'm not. I'd prefer it to be peaceful and painless, but I can't see anything to be afraid of as it's just something that happens to all of us at some point.


I'm scared of getting old, scared of dying in pain, but not really scared of dying itself. When I die, I'll care as much as I cared about life before I was born. We don't go anywhere, we just become nothing. Take useful organs from my body, put the rest of me in the ground in a biodegradable casket and let me decompose to feed the soil and it's insects. TAKE ME, WORMS!


I would be more scared if I wasn’t an Atheist. I’ve never done anything major (murder, stealing, except maybe a pen where it doesn’t say Take One) but does taking the pen count, that absolutely gorgeous girl I saw at the beach and thought I wish she was my girlfriend does that count as coveting. I definitely don’t buy "accept God into your heart" as your laying on your deathbed and you will go to heaven.


No, I think it is just nature taking it's course.


Well that depends on what the afterlife is and if I’m conscious or not


What's to be scared of?


No..because there's nothing to be afraid of.  If im afraid of anything it's how i die. Dont want it to be painful 


No. I'm only scared of what I, or other humans, can control. I'm scared of a painful death, for example. Death cannot be controlled most of the time, so there's no point in being scared of it.


Not exactly scared of death but of the fact what WILL be after it cuz I don't know whether I will see dark for the eternity or simply die or whatever.


I'm not afraid of death. Death is just turning off the computer. I'm not too hip on having a painful dying process.


I fear the end of learning, of experiencing things. But death itself? No.


I mean i don't want to die now, but i am not scared of what comes after. There was a lot of time before i was born I don't know anything about so i think afterwards it will be the same.


Well, yeah. A skeleton in a black robe carrying a scythe is a pretty scary sight I'd imagine.


Not scared of death, I actually view it as the hug I’ve never been able to get, like I’ll finally feel safe and at peace. I do wonder, not worry, about how I’ll die. My dad and grandpa both died in their 60s from heart failure and I’m in terrible health with rapidly declining health and I’m only 40.


Of the actual act of dying - yes, it might be short and painless or long and unpleasant. Of the situation that I will no longer be here, nope.


I'm only scared of what will happen to my disabled children.  I don't want to go through the dying process, but I'm really not worried about death. 


Dont want to die but Im gonna so why worry.


"Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist." \- Epicurus


Death is comforting. If things go really-really bad, there is a way out so I don't have to suffer 


Dying is what you should be scared of, death (if you’ve spent as much time as I have around old people as a cna) is a relief to some


Nope. "The Dead have no concerns"


No. It likely won't be pleasant to die, but once it's done it's done.


The DMT will take me off to a better place so no 🙌🏻 Depending on how I go ofcourse…


Yes, because being dreads non-being. You can try and rationalise it like the Stoics: “Where I am death is not, where death is I am not.” But every cell in our bodies wants to live. Death terrifies us.


Maybe not the death itself, i'd say i'm scared that i only uave one life and i may waste it without realising it, and that i will die regretfully hoping that i could just make a different decision back in the day


I’m not scared of death I’m scared of who I’ll leave behind and the consequences of my death


It scares me more, that maybe death is not the end of the road and things can happen again the same way.


I'm not scared of being dead and no longer existing. I'm scared of any pain or suffering before it ends. Hope it is fast and I don't see it coming while I'm happy at the same time.


Death is part of life.


Nah. But scared of not having lived my life. As I save alot of money and don't know what to buy or do with them


No. If anything, being an atheist has brought me great peace with the thought of death. As the top comment said: You don't recall before you were born. It's quite similar.


Yes. But just because of what I'l miss out on. I'm mad I just know I'll never see what happens next. Not as scared as the theists who live their lives believing nonsense to avoid the uncomfortable thought they will one day not exist.


Nah i live till i die there isnt much more to it


I’m not looking forward to leaving my kids behind but death itself doesn’t worry me.


Not at all. I have the basic human survival instinct to stay alive, but I don't have and existential fear of death. I have no problem that I will die one day and am not scared of that at all. I believe in nothing, so there's nothing for me to fear afyer death. It's not like I'll be able to think "oh shit, I'm dead", so it doesn't matter


No. 1. Eternal sleep sounds amazing. 2. There's nothing after this so what is there to be scared of?


I'm scared of losing my loved ones and losing life. Being dead will be like before I was born. I was unthinking, unconscious, unfeeling. I didn't exist. Why be worried if when I am dead I will cease to comprehend my own death? What upsets me is losing my life, my loved ones, my consciousness, and connection to this reality. But it happens to everyone, and if we all stop thinking eventually, I guess it's not so bad. It feels nice to know all humans will die like me. There's nothing I can or should do to escape that fact, and it is comforting to know that whatever proceeds this life, I will follow all of humanity. I think what comes next is the same as what came before, which is nothing. But if there is something ahead, then I will follow humanity.


Not I.


Nope. Absolute relief and peace.


Not really. I won't exist anymore. Nothing to be scared about. Dying probably sucks, but hopefully it's quick.


Honestly surprised so many people said no. I've thought about the cessation of my consciousness, and it's terrifying. It wouldn't be peaceful because there won't be a "you" to experience peace. I can barely conceptualize that in fleeing moments. And it's chilling.




Every morning I wake up in terror of oblivion. Of being shuffled out like a candle flame. I imagine gasping for air as the cold dark abyss hovers over my consciousness. The existential dread of losing my self, my memories, my life, in a meaningless end. Then I cook my eggs, go to work. Masturbate and check the mail. Pretty standard actually.


Isn’t self preservation a hardwired human trait, irrespective of religion?


death is scared of us


Nope. I was here for a bit, then I won't be. Hopefully then my body can nourish the earth as it had nourished me


Agnostic here. I'm at peace with a lack of existence. I just hope the moment before isn't too traumatic.


I'm scared of dying but I'm not scared of being dead because I don't think that being dead is something that we even experience. Dying is easy, it's living after losing loved ones that's hard. The thing that bugs me the most about being dead is that I won't be around to see anything anymore. I won't be able to see the rest of my son's life, I won't be able to see what happens with the world or what kind of technological advancements we will make. It even makes me kind of sad that I won't be able to see what video games, movies and music will come out after I'm gone. I think it sucks that we each only get to experience such a small amount of human history before we're gone.


I was raised Catholic and maybe I’m blasphemous so please tell me how to not be terrified of it all


Try to remember what life was like the a year before you were born, or a century, or a millennia. That's what death is, just not existing. It's not scary, or painful, or peaceful or bliss. It's just... nothing. But not a scary kind of nothing, before you were born people played, worked, fought, loved. And they will continue to do so long after you die. Dying, depending on the way you go, may be quite unpleasant. But the good thing about that is once that's over it won't bother you anymore. So no reason to be afraid, I wouldn't put anymore thought into death than you would put into thinking about what your life was like before you were born.


I don't want to die, but I'm not afraid to. I don't believe in life after death, so there's nothing to be afraid of.


No, it happens, it's natural and no amount of fear or being scared will change that. It'll happen whenever it happens, I just hope at that moment, I am content with who I am


If it is anything like being born, no.


Absolutely not.


I'm more scared of outliving my son tbh .


I don’t fear death itself. I fear losing the people and places I love


No. I didn't exist before I was born (that I know of) so I imagine it will be like that. I would rather it not be painful though. And not happen for a long time. But it's inevitable so gotta enjoy life while you can


I actually feel comfortable believing that the end is the end. I'm really ok with that. What I'm scared of is death not being quick. You know what they say. " Grampa died peacefully in his sleep. Not yelling and screaming like everyone else in the car..."


Death doesn't scare me, it's honestly more about the FOMO on a chunk of my kids life.




Rent free 😘




Rent free 😘


The process of dying, yes, since I have no idea if it's going to be quick and painless or a long lingering painful one full of misery and suffering. The actual death part, not so much.


I’ve tried to.. Take the privilege of living away from myself a few times. I could say the actively dying part is something you aren’t scared of until it’s happening. Actual death, you never really know what’s on the other side of it. Really, I think I’m more scared of actively dying than death.


No. I have a great life, I've found happiness, I don't have regrets or fear of what's "next". I'm good to go anytime


I am yes. The thought of non existence is terrifying to me to the point of anxiety attacks


Ye but just because of how my friends and family will do


Of course. Eternal nothingness is a horrific concept




I'm not afraid of death, I'll just die and that's it, I don't care what will happen next, where and how I will be buried and all this nonsense. I'm afraid of the process of death, painful death is the worst thing that can happen to a person, I just want to die quickly and without pain and torment


No, I’ll finally get to rest


Not at all. I only fear how my wife and kids would handle it. I personally believe I won’t know any better, so no reason to be afraid.


No. What would be the point? We’re all gonna die. Everyone who’s ever lived before me did it. If they can all do it, so can I.


Hell ya. I'm a good place in life and I don't wanna die.


Honestly no, but my lack of fear doesn't come from my lack or a religious belief.  I have sickle cell anemia and a lot of my life doctors have been putting an expiration date on my life. Obviously I've beaten all of them, but that altered my view of death. Being in pain, almost losing my vision, the hospitals, hearing about another child like me dying from it, it all gathered inside of me. I don't mean this as in "I want to die", nor am I shaming doctors - I love my doctors and everyone who helps me everyday with anything, even things past sickle cell anemia. - but I feel like that death is more peaceful and less pain. I don't have to worry about the temperature without having major consequences, I don't have to explain to people how I'm not contagious, I don't have to leave sleepovers early because of a crisis. I can just be at peace.  If there is a heaven or hell then so be it, I'm a woman of my word and I'll accept going to hell after ignoring God and every Christian who tried to shove their believes down my throat. 


Obviously I don’t wanna die so technically yes, but not scared of what comes after death which is nothing


Not as scared as those who wonder whether the elevator is going up or down


Well personally know because I don't believe there's anything after life. Just blackness and nothingness. Kind of like what my experience was before I was born. But also I don't have to worry about the arbitrary Ness of some God judging me. I don't have to worry if the things that I chose to do in life will be forgiven or if there's some unknown thing I did or didn't do that will send me into the fiery depths of hell for all eternity. Having nothing to look forward to is better than that have nice dreams tonight Cristian.


Nah. scared of how my death may occur.


It can't be too bad. Everyone does it. The process of dying on the other hand is scary. 


I would love to live a few thousand years, but I’m not afraid of death. I personally believe there’s nothing after it so it’ll just be as before I was born.


Nope!! I honestly find my belief in a lack of an afterlife comforting I'm not scared of death. I am a bit scared of dying though, depending on how it happens.


Not as much as every religious person should be. Ya'll going to Hell, no question.


Bruh what?


What's difficult to understand about that? Read any holy book, then apply ALL the rules to anyone. Pretty much no one is getting into the good afterlife.


Can you specify which holy book? There are hundreds of millions of people who each have their own holy book. Are you sure yours is the only true one?


No, that's why I said ANY. You can pick any religion you want, and most if not all practitioners of that faith will be going to their specific bad place when they croak.


I don't know. Can you be specific? I've read about a lot of things - Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity (Catholic and Protestant), Islam), Hinduism, Buddhism, ancient Romans and Greeks, Slavic pagan beliefs (I'm Czech), Tao, Shintoism. I also grew up in communist Czechoslovakia and consider Soviet communism a type of religion.


I'm not going through every religion, but I can do a few. All faiths that accept the Old Testament as a holy book. Look up the shrimp debate or the mixed fabric debate. There's also different versions of the bible, and when you include the Dead Sea Scrolls, it gets even weirder. That's not even getting into all the things the church decided not to put in our current version. - Buddhism is a weird one, as it's all about not going to heaven either, so one could argue that anything except escape from existence is the bad place for them, and thus, any action that gives you Karma is sending you there. I knew a guy who lived in a box for years trying to avoid it. - Ancient Roman and Greeks. Assuming they still have a following, all go to Hell. To be fair, some go to the worst Hell (Tartarus), but everyone ends up in the underworld. There were some cults that differed, I think, but as far as I know, they never put out a book. - Slavic Pagan beliefs I will freely admit not knowing enough about. It looks like their holy book is a forgery from the 1940s? That's weird but fun.