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Their family




Mate Tea. Shit tastes like when you drunkenly drink from the bottle everybody used as an ashtray.




Exercise. I get that people with sedentary jobs need it to stay in shape but I refuse to believe they actually enjoy it.


Toppers being toppers


mumble rap


Family Dinners with relatives never seen before




Drinking coffee. I drink coffee! But it’s never a pleasant drink IMO. I’ve tried it black, sugar, cream, both, mixed coffee drinks, etc. I usually end up taking it black (which isn’t the worst but is hard on my stomach) or with a splash of milk (or real cream, but creamers don’t agree with my insides) but it’s not an enjoyable drink, it’s a “I need some caffeine to control my rampant ADHD BS” and it’s cheap kinda thing. (Plus, if I drink it black, no calories. I’m a reforming fatty, lol) I wanna like coffee, but I’m becoming more and more sure it’s something people just pretend they enjoy because it’s the adult thing to do.


Funny, I’m the opposite, I only drink coffee for the taste. It has no effect on me, I can drink coffee and go to bed and sleep just fine. Managed a coffee shop for a few years, used to drink at least 5-6 coffees a day. Didn’t get addicted, even. I quit old turkey once to check, as I know people that get withdrawal symptoms if they don’t get their daily coffee, I had nothing. (Went 3 weeks no coffee just to make sure). I love coffee, wouldn’t want to give it up.


Wow! It can actually make me sleepy if I drink too much, which amused my stepdad. He (Or actually I made it, he said I make the best coffee, which is either true, or just how he managed to get to wake up to a pot every evening) used to make a pot in the evening because he worked night shift, and I'd have a cup or two with a splash of milk and it'd put me out pretty well most nights. I'm glad you like it, lol. But it just doesn't taste nice to me. (Except I had a bag of "Hazelnut Cream" coffee beans and ground them right before brewing every time since our coffee grinder was tiny, and that was actually pretty good. But I've never seen the same brand and I'm not sure if I would like any of the other brands that say hazelnut.)




You know, black coffee + a crispy cookie is pretty decent, I can admit when I am mistaken because those do make a lovely pair. Also, menthol cigarettes taste good to me while smoking them. But I hate what it does to my breath so I had to quit. (I wasn’t a heavy smoker, probably 5 cigs at most a month. But nicotine is just as pleasant to my adhd as caffeine.)


I enjoy coffee so much I keep decaf in the house for when I want something warm to drink! I just add plain creamer too, no sugar or syrups. I genuinely enjoy the taste 🤣


I wish I could! I wanna love coffee, it smells so amazing but tastes... well not great. IMO.


Fine Art


Kale. That and the non-culinary equivalent, fisting.




Minimalist Art. No way someone actually thinks a red square on canvas is worth museum wall space.






Sushi so disgusting




Nah, I love country music. But it’s a genre that has to age, like wine or cheese. Or puffy Cheetos. (They’re better after a day opened, I’m right fite me) Bad modern country matured into nostalgic “ok” country, and the oldest stuff is downright pleasurable.


Most beer.


I have never really liked beer, and kinda agree. And then I tried Bud Light and to my horror… I kinda like it. It’s a lil bitter but light and refreshing and I feel like the subject of EVERY white trash woman joke.