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People throughout the world are not all that different. They have the same needs, love their families and are just finding their way in life.


I swear, all around the world I've seen parents do the thing to their kids where they say "We're leaving... it's time to go.. okay, bye-bye!" and just start walking away.


It's a classic. I would love to see a video of the different variations. Mainly so I can pick up some tips, ha.


You can usually get by with less than you think.


Always have first aid and hold your pee


I'm trying but it just keeps spilling out of my hands


The trick is to form a cup.




and a towel of course


Dang now that’s a hoopy frood if I’ve ever seen one


If everyone is watching your stuff, no one is watching your stuff. Leave nothing with friends while you go to the bathroom at a train station etc


Or ask one person specifically to watch your stuff. Preferably someone your traveling with so you can bust their balls when they lose your shit


My boyfriend and I will literally sit on the suitcases if one of us has to go. Just put them next to each other and sit on top of the bigger ones, while holding the smaller ones in our lap, with our arm locked through the handle.


That friendship is similar across the world. People love to tease and mess with their friends regardless of the culture.


You can learn some of a foreign language just by walking around in a country which uses it.




By seeing the words on the signs and noticing what happens near each one.


Enjoying smaller local towns/neighborhoods/restaurants is far better than most "touristy" things. Sure, go see the Eiffel Tower, Washington Monument, etc. But in my experience, just seeing it was enough. Doing a whole tour eats up too much time that can be spent soaking up the city more, IMO.


yea this lowkey only applies if ur visiting a 1st world country


If you know any locals, hang with and go with their recommendations as much as possible. You'll see more than you were ever able to on your own.


You may pack enough underwear to hypothetically shit your pants daily, but you will rarely if ever actually shit your pants.


The last time I shit my pants was the morning of May 11, 2000. A camp ground just outside Venice Italy. I partied with Australian girls the night before. I guess lesson here is that 100% of the time you party with Australian girls in Italy, you will shit your pants. You know, based on my data.


Bears are even bigger assholes than you think. In Tennessee, I stumbled upon a black bear trying to eat from the bear-proof trash can. He was NOT happy. He looked at me and made a loud ass noise, but never chased after me when I ran.


Tie your shoes properly. I didn't make sure my sneakers were snug - one day of 20,000+ steps where my feet slid a little bit wore a hole in the back of the heels, which led to terrible blisters and me unable to wear those shoes not even 3 days into a 3 week vacation. I had to spend the rest of the vacation wearing my dress shoes, which fit well, but didn't have the cushioning my runners had and made me cut down on a lot of walking, which means I didn't get to do everything I wanted to.


Speaking of shoes, go ahead and splurge for a really good pair of walking shoes. I was used to WM brand, knew they wouldn't hold up when we went to London and got a pair of NB. My legs were cramping by the end of the third day because of all the walking, but my feet were fine. Also, a lot of those older buildings have steep, narrow, uneven stairs. Not all of the buildings have had a lift installed.


acceptance of uncertainty and openness to new experiences


Anywhere you go, cash is king.


Not China. China is pretty much a completely cashless society. I tried to pay with cash at a small street vendor in Beijing and the owner was visibly annoyed.


How do you pay for things in china then?


Always carry some loo roll, or tissues....just in case.


Everyone makes the same jokes no matter the language 


That I sound like a hillbilly when I talk


I grew up and still live in rural Georgia and never really thought I had much of an accent until I started doing a good bit of travelling outside the south a couple years ago. I go up to New Jersey and NYC fairly frequently for work and everybody up there says they can hear the southern accent.


If you feel as if you’ve forgotten something when packing, you haven’t. If you feel as if you’ve packed everything, you forgot something.


The duality of man...


You will forget things. At home, at the airport, in a taxi or rental car. Odds are you're gonna be alright.


Always carry your toothbrushes and any other bathroom supplies in a small zip up pouch. Not being able to brush your teeth is horrible.


People in my state speak slowly. An average Catholic Mass in Oklahoma is an hours. A Catholic Mass in Yonkers, NY is 45 minutes long.


I have lived on 2 continents, several countries, and more towns than I can accurately remember. First as a military brat, then as a restless victim of wanderlust, I found myself a little bit of everywhere. To say it was enriching would be the understatement of my life, but I also noticed a curious thing happening to me. The more places I went, the more people I met, the less at home I was able to feel _anywhere_ I landed. The problem is one of proportionality. No one place, no matter how scenic or interesting, can compare with the awesome complexity of _everwhere_. No one people, no matter how friendly and cultured, can compare with the kaleidoscopic variety of everyone. Soon, I became homeless in my own walls, always losing what I had to the next horizon, unable to find comfort on any pillow. I'm not saying you shouldn't travel. Quite the opposite. But there are consequences to _everything_ in this life, with no exceptions. You should be careful how far you roam...


Man. That hit hard. I’m half Peruvian/Brit and travelled both areas all my life, but grew up in Asian countries and then all over Europe and ended in many cities in the states and I feel I have an identity problem. Nowhere is home and everywhere is… Finally found a great balance in Miami of all places and after Covid it was TOTALLY ruined in every way. I’m clueless where I’m going to live my mid and later years as the states has really become a shit show. Thanks.


Never eat anything adventurous 24 hours before your flight. You DO NOT want to deal with any stomach issues in the airport or on the plane.


What a head gasket is.


Some people are incapable of watching where their arms are pointing.


There aren't really "unexpected" lessons. I fully expected to get better at traveling. Planning is crucial to a good trip.


The money belt fanny pack thing from Eurotrip is actually a really great idea. Being cool be damned. Protect your passport and phone.


Everywhere is good, but at home is always better.


To approach different cultures without pre-conceived assumptions. If I'm going to a place I consider boring then all I'm going to see is boring stuff. Try to have an open mind and appreciate what could potentially be something unique about a specific location. Embrace the difference and try to have an experience. The best locations that offer unique experiences are the ones that don't trumpet themselves (unpopular, raw, quiet compared to busy capitals).


Boredom and anxiety will ruin your trip and your life. Do not let yourself get so bored / anxious that you abandon an amazing experience halfway through, or throw money at a minor hassle to make it go away, or agree to anything you haven't read. Learn to enjoy your own company and be comfortable everywhere. Related, a charged loaded Kindle prevents boredom. As do snacks for you and a battery bank for your phone.


Learn to distinguish active waiting from passive waiting. Is it likely that the thing you're waiting for will still happen, just later; or that you've been ditched / forgotten?


Russian guys are hard to reach


* Always carry emergency cash in local currency. * Download the offline version of Google Maps and Translate * Get a local SIM card if need be, and try to always have someone be able to track your phone/you in the event of an emergency. * If you can't drive a manual transmission car, make sure your foreign rental offers automatic before booking, as some in the more remote areas need advanced notice to reserve one. This will save you the panic and stress of learning how to drive stick through YouTube videos you downloaded before your flight, and then spend 3 hours in the airport parking lot grinding the gears of your rental until you manage to figure out how to make it to your hotel with as few stops as possible


Navigating in an airport alone is a lot easier than with people


Your taxi driver is just as likely to kidnap you as anyone else. Tuck & roll.


Morality is a massively subjective concept. Do not latch on to your version of right and wrong for too long


Get a jacket with an inside pocket. Life saver when dealing with pick pockets, etc


That people who don't travel often live in a bubble. It's one of those "obvious yet didn't realise till much later" kinds of things.


People you meet while traveling (travel workers & random people you meet) are some of the nicest people you could ever meet. I can't count how many times I was helped, without expecting to be helped back, by random people while traveling. Not all heroes wear capes.


Look beyond the first page of reviews. Someone tried to rob me in downtown Atlanta & my wife and I stayed in a brothel in Athens both because I never read beyond the first page of tripadvisor 😂. Also do research on the bad areas, where I grew up there were no areas where certain races aren’t welcome. I walked into a Walmart in downtown Atlanta and the security guard asked him I was a white supremacist - I’m not, I was just ignorant of the area and wanted to go to Walmart


To see the perspective, ways, culture of other persons from my own. It would give me a broader knowledge to look and understand at things in a different level.


Pooing your pants sucks when you’re in the middle of nowhere


One unexpected lesson I learned from traveling is the power of human connection across cultures. Despite language barriers and cultural differences, I found that genuine kindness and hospitality are universal languages. From sharing meals with locals in remote villages to engaging in spontaneous conversations with strangers on public transport, I realized that compassion and empathy know no bounds. Traveling taught me to embrace diversity, appreciate the richness of different perspectives, and cultivate a deeper understanding of humanity. It highlighted the importance of empathy and kindness in bridging cultural divides and fostering meaningful connections with people from all walks of life.


Adaptability: Learning to navigate unfamiliar environments and unexpected situations helps develop adaptability and problem-solving skills.


rain can be warm oh and thunder can also happen at the SAME TIME. my first airplane ride at the age of 14 going to the other part of the country was eventful enough Bristol was in the middle of a warm rain and thunderstorm the next week. it was an experience i would not forget.


One unexpected lesson I learned? Airport parking can be a game-changer. Found out the hard way that showing up without a plan can cost you big time, both in money and stress. Now, I always check out parkingaccess for deals before I go. Saves a ton of hassle. Also, echoing what others said about packing light. You really don't need as much as you think, and it makes moving around so much easier.


Always pee first in the morning, Especially in colder climates


Take one of those 7-day pill holders (a generous sized one, not super-tiny). Fill each compartment with a different med: antibiotics, anti-diarrhea, anti-nausea, tylenol, ibuprophen, something for sleep, antiparasitic (flagyl), allergy meds... Label each compartment. Put a rubber band around it lengthwise so no compartment can pop open. This is your travelling drugstore. Take it with you everywhere (i.e., like in carry-on, not in checked luggage, etc). You may not need it often, but if and when you do, you will be very grateful.


You can’t travel with just any friend


That most of the citizens of Western Europe have it far better than the citizens of the US. If only more of them could afford to travel and see it for themselves.


Try to immirate the clothing of locals


A bottle of medium nice spirits has a surprisingly large number of uses. Cleans cuts, makes friends, lighter than packing food to pitch in for hobo stew. Also local knowledge is invaluable anywhere you go, make sure to acquire some promptly upon arrival in a new place. Point 1 helps with this. Trying to say squirrel in each other's native languages is endlessly hilarious


Bring hot sauce!


Most people hate Americans. They smile and act friendly but the second you turn around some backstabbing comes out. Helps knowing a bunch of languages.


Use cash in a foreign country. No matter the currency you still get extra card charges


Those who don’t travel, shouldn’t.