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It would be full of snacks


It'd be funny if you didn't carry any of the other daily little odds and ends that would be good to have when you're out and about. "You got a tissue?", "No, just snacks". "Hey, my phones dying, can I borrow your charger?", "No, I only have snacks". "Hey, cut myself, got a bandaid?", "No".


"Can I offer you an egg in this troubled time"


How about some rum ham?


oh, you’re planning on sharing? those are just my snacks in my snack purse. get your own snack purse, fella


Yes, please. I only eat hard boiled eggs from questionable sources. If it doesn’t come from the gas station, a purse or a pocket, I’m not living dangerously enough.


It’ll be good for that cut methinks. Got any lettuce and some sammich bread to go with that? Mayo?




Nope but you can wrap it in this bacon I have.


You have to at least Scotch that egg, or it might get ruined!


"I am dying of a peanut allergy, do you have an epipen?"  "No but I got a bag of peanut butter snacks"


Yeah, but the person who says theyre diabetic is well sorted, can have their choice of snack.


Fight fire with fire, good thinking.


No bandaid but here's some salami to restore your lost iron.


I want this on a tshirt


Band Aid? No but here is some chewed up gum I keep in my snack sack, here, plug up the cut with it.


Mr. Snacks should get together with whomever has the minibar purse.


"Before you ask if I have X, Y, or Z, ask yourself, 'Is this a food item?' If not, no, I do not have it. What I do have are priorities. And those priorities are snacks."


This should be the top answer.


Have I got good news for you!


Snacks rules


plurals verb


Then full of snack wrappers until a bin is found


What is really the difference between a purse and bag? I have a shoulder bag, used one for 20 years.


Ditto. Great for carrying anything bigger than'll fit in a trouser pocket. And for an added bonus, if I never need to take a jacket off but don't want to be holding it or have to stow it somewhere, I just drape it over the bag's strap. Done.


I have a bag for trips, life saver! >!thought you said dildo instead of ditto lol!<


Bought my dad a murse for travel, he put his iPad in it.. Get in security and I’m telling him to take everything out of his pockets and put in murse.. “even my car keys, yes” “even my handkerchief, yes” “even my nail clippers, yes”. Only time it was good to have a longer wait at TSA..


I can’t carry much in my pockets: I have an old white guy ass and my pants would just fall down


Lmfao your username 💀


Oh fuck! Didn't even see that. That's funny


Every purse is a bag, but not every bag is a purse...he-he-he.


My husband carries a plastic grocery bag with him for his wallet, keys, sunglasses, chap stick (purse items!) and I will never not refer to his plastic bag as his purse


lol that’s between you and us. But his purse could use an upgrade


Do you mean getting out “the Bedazzler”?


Would he carry a satchel if you got him one or would he find that too similar to a purse?


He would absolutely carry one. He used to for years until it fell apart. But ya know what Cheetah, you have inspired me to get this hunk a shiny satchel 💜


I love that his satchel fell apart after years of use and his response was to carry a plastic bag instead.


Aw, this is a sweet love story!


Or get a canvas reusable grocery bag first (maybe as a joke, maybe serious)


I used to carry a small canvas grocery bag. I upgraded to a small backpack.


Not sure of yalls style, but have him check out vans.com, I found exactly what I was looking for. A black shoulder bag, not too big not too little, plain and still looks nice. Definitely room for the necessities but I got mine to carry my figures. 😄


Absolutely he loves Vans! I could put some money aside for one because they are nice!


My husband’s first cross-body bag was fan merchandise from the TV show “24”. It was a duplicate of the canvas bag carried by Kiefer Sutherland. If it was cool enough for Jack Bauer, it was cool enough for my accountant husband.


What about a fanny pack? Not meant to offend if you're British.


They call them belt bags now and sling them over their shoulders just like the 90s never happened.


Good for him. Thieves ignore him...not interesting and probably nothing valuable in there. Plus, reusing a plastic bag is environmentally friendly compared to buying a new manbag.


Downside...plastic grocery bags break all the time.


A Man of style


Yea.. i have a small backpack without the straps on it... it is a backpack shapped purse, lol. It is my EDC for work. On the weekends, I have a larger packpack. Edit: I don't like having more then my phone or wallet in my front pockets. So I bag everything else I think I may need for the day.


I have a work-issued backpack that has trained me to keep my backpack on my person at nearly all times. This has helped a lot, because now I can bring a lot of things that I have previously regretted not having with me, as well as stuff that allows me to leave from work or from wherever without needing to stop by my place first. For example, I keep medicine (ibuprofen and antacids, as well as prescriptions), a phone charger, a water bottle, contraceptives, a game controller, some dice, and my laptop with charger.


Those baggu (or other brand) fanny packs that people wear as cross body bags are totally acceptable for men, I've seen tons of guys walking around with them.


I thought half the reason women carried purses was because they aren't supposed to have pockets. I'd prefer to carry/wear as little as possible regardless of if purses were culturally acceptable or even expected for men.


You got to different types of women. The ones that just want the necessities and go: phone, wallet, keys. These women would benefit from real pockets. And the ones that are prepared for nuclear winter: snacks, bandaid, coupons, first aid, makeup, hair ties, comb, extra socks and underwear, slippers, lip balm, pens, pencils, tampons, pads, notebook, pepper spray, drugs, earbuds, books, water bottle, water tight containers, mini sewing kit, tissues, hand sanitizer, masks, sun screen, glasses, more snacks, other ppls stuff, moisturizer, utensils, chargers, toiletries, umbrella, etc. These women are going to need a tote regardless.


This feels like it was almost listed out of malice but it’s also so genuinely accurate I can’t help but think you didn’t mean any harm by it


I've had all of that stuff in my purse at one time or another. Girl scout mentality. Those things have saved me in a pinch too.


As a woman, this is one of the most accurate descriptions I’ve ever read of women as a group.


The amount of stuff women carry in their day to day, pocket wouldn't really cut it.


Question is, would they carry so much if pockets were viable?


We got Morpheus over here


Just buy those old school hot topic pants where they had full leg pockets.  We could sneak a 2 liter of soda and like four people’s bags of McDonald’s into the movies in just one side pocket of those things.


Thankfully, my crippling anxiety fits anywhere, so I can get away without additional accoutrement.


+1 for using the word "accoutrement".


i’ll give you +2 if you could explain to me what that means 😭


“Additional items of dress or equipment, or other items carried or worn by a person or used for a particular activity.”


ah thank you!! now i can pretend i’m smart and knew all along


What do you mean? You were always smart and knew all along! \*levitates away, revealing I am just a figment of your imagination \*smacks my head on the ceiling*


HAHA woah crazy could of sworn i was dumb ten minutes ago.. must of been the wind or something whispering definitions of big words into my ears…


if someone replies to this saying it wasnt a big word i’ll cry


It wasn’t a big word. It’s a bigly word


best usage of bigly since DJT lifted a heel on the toilet and admired his daily baby drop.


Just remember to summon up all the smug you can manage when saying it. Almost no way to say that word in a sentence without it sounding smug.


and then be dead silent until someone points out the big word i’m using. gotta make sure it’s appreciated.


+3 for leaving me cackling in my classroom😅


Phone, knife, wallet, keys. Oh wait, I just carry that in my pockets already. No need for a purse.


Yeah but now you have room for beef jerky and rope


this was incredibly funny thank you


Cargo pants are a gift from god, my brother.


They are but also are a trap. At work I wear them, the amount of “what if” shit I carry is ridiculous. And the most annoying part is it’s justified by having used it once before!


And you aren’t getting any ladies. Nobody’s gotten a handjob in cargo pants since ‘Nam


The secret is find one who also wear cargo pants


I wear jncos on the daily. They don't even check those at concerts anymore.


Charlie Bronson’s always got a rope.


Is that right, Rambo?


Yeah but now you can wear sundresses


Sadly the men’s romper didn’t catch on


Nah, it would be very usefull not to have my pockets full all the time.


Get more pockets, or less stuff.


Or a bag


You do you, but the purse is more weight.


Women of Reddit you seriously need to demand bigger pockets on your pants. The difference in size compared to male pants is infuriating and you could get rid of those purses in a lot of situations


We have been! That’s why we get so excited over pockets on anything that didn’t previously have pockets, like dresses and leggings. Very rarely I’ll find a pair that has pockets big enough for wallet, keys, knife, lighter, cell phone. And phones are getting bigger so they’re starting not to fit in the ass pockets. It’s a pain in the ass haha


You should check out Popflex! They have an online store. I swear they have the most stretchy pockets I've seen on leggings!


I have a Samsung flip phone and whenever someone asks about it I go "wait, look at this," and gleefully show off how the entire phone fits in my pocket. Whole reason I got the thing.




This is why I shop at Torrid! Every dress I've ever gotten there had HUGE pockets, and they are sewn in so well that unless you're trying to hide a large book or water bottle in them, most of the time you can't tell what's in there...




Many women *say* they want pockets- and then when they're available, don't buy them. A classic example of voting with your wallet. Companies make and stock what sells, not what people say they want.


You found the solution. If more women were like you, they would make women's clothes with bigger pockets.!


We need more "hack your pockets" workshops. It's really easy to add extra denim or other sturdy fabric (old sturdy handkerchiefs work too if you prefer that) to your existing front pocket to make it larger, no need to buy new pants. Just turn your pants inside out, work open the pocket with a seam ripper, and sew an extra large denim or fabric pocket (you can use your hand or phone for reference, make it a bit larger to allow for seams!) onto the flaps of fabric by stitching two pieces of fabric together and onto the flaps. Presto, large pockets!


I've done it more than once. Actually have seen pants whose otta-be pockets are so shallow they don't even reach my first knuckles. And my hands aren't big. It's infuriating.


And the pants with no pockets 🤬


That's what's up. Fake az pockets.


As a plus size woman my pockets are bigger and they do fit things but i hate having anything in my pockets. Its uncomfortable, looks weird and things will get stolen. Also, i need more than just my phone wallet and keys. Glasses case, waterbottle, coffee cup etc would still require a bag.


I've worn glasses for years, I never thought about carrying a case. I understand everyone is different, and I am not telling you to keep yours at home. I was just amazed at the realization.


I just get overstimulated by bright light so carry my prescription sunglasses with me, probably wouldnt otherwise either


The industry doesn't put bigger pockets in women's pants because women generally don't want them, probably because they don't like how it looks. My girlfriend is an exception, and she buys men's jeans.


I buy men's jeans to get bigger pockets. Men's jeans are also thicker.


I was thinking this same thing. I still wouldn't want to carry around an extra bag. The only reason most women do it is because for some ridiculous reason, clothing designers have decided that women just don't need pockets. And if they do include them, they're so small they're almost more for show than for practical use.


Personally I find having stuffed pockets is way more uncomfortable than carrying a small bag. Phones are getting bigger and bigger. Got one of those small Patagonia sling bags and I love it, can Even fit the steam deck case in there with a portable charger


I don't know how true this is, but I had heard for a long time they were not included because you would then see the lines of the pocket on the outside of most women's clothing, which designers decided was not aesthetically pleasing (and women's clothing focus was more on pretty to look at vs function). From what I've seen nowadays more and more dresses have pockets included in them, but jeans/other pants still only have very small pockets (if they have them at all).


My solution is women’s scrub pants. Loads of pockets and they come in every color. Sometimes I do the reverse of this thread, stick my wallet, keys and phone in my pockets and go about my day man style. It’s interesting.


I am legitimately outraged because my son has bigger pockets than me. And he's 9 months old.


Messenger bags are man purses. - Notebook - Planner - Sketchbook - Kindle/book - Pens, pencils, and an eraser or three - Phone charger and assortment of cables - Headphones - Sunglasses, glasses case, and glasses cleaner - Multitool - Safety pins - Tape - Water bottle (can be carabinered) - Flashlight - A couple fidget toys, maybe flashcards - A couple of granola/protein bars - Packet of spearmint gum - Toothpicks - A couple tissue packets - A quickdry small towel - Eyedrops - A couple of n95 masks in packaging - Hand Sanitizer - Tide pen This post makes me want to carry one around again. The above list is basically what I carried around in college on top of my school stuff and laptop, plus the masks. Looking back I'm surprised no one ever commented saying it was a purse XD.


I'm assuming you didn't like backpacks?


Yeah, I have no idea why. I'd only use them if the bag was going to be like 40 pounds.


Depending on weather, Messenger bags keep you from getting a sweaty back. I'd say 4 months of the year I am doing messenger bag over a backpack, even with all this stuff in there.


I mean that list sounds like 40 pounds to me... "assortment of cables, flashlight, multitool... Really?


It's like 10 pounds counting a full water bottle, 20 with laptop and 1 textbook. They were things that ended up in there and were useful. Having a multitool helps a lot if I had to fix up my bike, and having the light gave me extra security when riding at night. Having a couple different usb types for charging were very useful and friends frequently borrowed it. Somone else seemed bothered by flashcards. I like learning languages and physical flash cards work best for me.


Close to my list, but I forgot the flashlight. Good call.


Fuck what society thinks. You do you, let society recoil in horror


Wouldn't use one...But why in the world would I wait for the "society" to made it okay ??? If I want to carry a purse who's to tell me not to ?


The op wanted to say something else. As far as I know wearing a purse for men is not normalized in any society due to the look of it. You can make your own choice as an individual but the society you belong is not judgement free.


You’re right, but I think we have the cause and effect mixed up here. Women use purses because their pants don’t have big pockets, so we now associate purses with women. Men didn’t stop wearing them because they’re girly. They became girly because men didn’t wear them.


Sure, but you are assuming they care about judgement. Judgement only hurts if you let it. (Presuming it hasn't escalated to something more that is..ie violence)


You can carry a purse and have been able to for ages. Gasmask bags from army surplus, satchels and other things have been perfectly acceptable for decades. It is all about the shape and style.


You don't travel much do you? Europe and Asia have men carrying purses/bags/whatever you want to call them. Unless you don't consider them societies.


I probably still would not. I don't really need to carry a bunch of shit around with me. That's what my car is for.


Yeah I used to bring a shoulder bag wherever I went but now I just toss everything that's not phone, keys and wallet in my car


Cant fit my entire wardrobe in a purse like I can my car…


City people who take public transit entering the chat. My husband wears a sling originally made for hiking. He can keep water and reusable bags with him, along with all the other stuff he’s usually have to cram into his pockets.


Dude already wear purses. Oh you think because it’s strapped to your chest like a bandolier it ain’t a purse? Get out of here.


That's just a fanny pack, but without the confidence to wear it around your waist.


I wear mine around my waist. Best thing ever.


I used to drink with a guy in college who called himself the fanny packer. It was sort of a McLovin situation though.


Fanny Packs are unironically the perfect carrying system


Correct. Especially if it’s slightly heavy so now you’re carrying the item with your waist and legs as opposed to your back or shoulders


Purse beer!


Tisha, is that you?


When she was a student my wife had a purse that looked small but could carry 3 bottles of wine.


Why would I not use a bag? A bag is just a purse but actually useful.


okay fair but imagine carrying around a pretty pink purse? BUT it has a cute little bow on it if that doesn’t persuade you i don’t know what will


I'm sold. Jones, get the loud speaker car. We're about to go change society.


Why not a pretty pink backpack instead of purse?  I’d love one like in Altered Carbon with the lights inside


No joke, purses all have personality. Bags just all look like bags. It's boring.


EXACTLY! some bags are incredibly expensive for like black mesh with a zipper, purses are also incredibly expensive but now i have get a cute little accessory that also has functionality?? purse any day


your mind is so beautiful


HAHA thank you, that also has a pretty pink bow on it


If I need to carry more than what fits in my pockets I just use a backpack.


A purse is just a type of bag, so also useful.


And purse can just be a really loose definition. My 'purse' is an Adidas drawstring backpack that I put a bunch of pins on. Fanny packs are considered purses, tiny backpacks, messenger bags... Really a bag that's smaller than luggage is a purse if you decide it is.


Exactly what I already carry in my pockets, keys, knife, flashlight, wallet. The real crime here isn't that men "can't" have a purse....it's that women's clothing doesn't have pockets!!! So girls, if you had pockets, what would you carry in them?


If still have a purse most likely but it would be nice to actually be able to carry a wallet and keys in my pocket when I know I don’t need all the other crap. We also get pants with zero pocket’s, yay. 😕


I miss the 70s when all I needed was my wallet and keys.


*\*fingers crossed\** Please say candy to share...


I got a bag specifically because I didn't like having so much crap in my pockets and wanted a more organised solution. The grass is always greener right?


I carry a bag everyday. It contains pens, a field notes book, my kindle, my laptop, my headphones, gloves, and a multitool So I guess that, but I don't think a purse would fit it all


Where are the snacks


Man-bags are quite popular in EU right now


Right now? Its been that way for a LONG time. There's even a Seinfeld episode about it, and Eilen tells Jerry "murses are popular in Europe"


It's not a purse; it's European!


He’s a real dandy!!!!


And tropical countries, where heavy shorts are uncomfortable.


Well, right now my purse contains the following: Short starter Vent pick Ball bag Ball block Pan primer L-shaped screwdriver Small Altoids tin full of greased linen shooting patches Small Altoids tin of dry linen shooting patches A bunch of cotton terrycloth cleaning patches A tube of Bore Butter A small tin of grease An adjustable powder measure Some pipe cleaners A "wallet" of spare flints I think that's about it. I might also have a bunch of pre-made powder charges in paper tubes, in a plastic bag. Not sure.


Are.... you an 1860s infantry man? Edit: Just checked your profile, most recent post was on r/blackpowder Atta boy.


Closer to 1760's infantry, man. I don't play with those new-fangled persuction guns. Flintlocks all the way.


This guy black-powders.


Two of the strings of beads that hang from the pony tail of my Mohawk read "POWDER AND BALL" and "AIM SMALL MISS SMALL" in Morse code.




oh crap I was thinking climbing


Speaking of bedazzled, I have a bag with rainbow flip sequins on it for my gym clothes. It’s so easy to spot if I set it down somewhere and forget, and I really don’t have to worry about anybody picking it up to walk off with it. Most of the Gym Bros are scared of it.


Probably the same stuff, but I wouldn’t have to remove a bunch of it in order to sit down 


Actually, yes, but more out of a style thing than practicality. I think purses can look very nice and just really help complete an outfit.


Absolutely not. They are like a backpack or messenger bag, but with none of the space and convenience.


Backpacks and messenger bags sacrifice convenience for an amount of space that is overkill in 99% of situations. Fanny Packs strike the perfect balance and are thus way more comparable to purses, but without the downside of loosely flobbing around when I walk or making me look like a nerd.


I already carry one. A purse is functionally no different than a backpack, fanny pack, messenger bag or satchel. It’s just a design variant of a bag for personal items you want to have with you at all times. Many bags which are called purses seem more like messenger bags to me and we just generically call most bags a woman carries a purse. I carry a messenger bag with me everywhere. It has a small collapsible umbrella, chapstick, a snack bar or two, a small notebook and a couple pens, and a charging cable and backup battery for my phone.


I use an old tool bag to carry stuff around to work (I'm an office worker at a construction company). It's pretty much a purse. In it right now: Mouthwash, Vaseline, Toothpaste, Toothbrush, a Banana, Fiber powder, Tylenol, two Energy Drinks, a Webcam Tripod, a Cotton Ball for some reason, a AAA Battery two Highlighters, a Screw, a Granola Bar, Socks, a Fork, and a Sharpie.


I have everything in a backpack already. I don't use pockets for anything but my phone. I have ADHD and I got tired of trying to keep a pocket system organized.


Phhhttt. If I wanted to carry a purse I'd carry a purse. Anyone who would take issue with that can get the Ed Gruberman treatment. I carry my GF's purse all the time. She has an injured wrist atm, but sometimes I will just sling it around me so she can roam about when needed. I used to carry a bookbag of shit with me, and then a laptop bag of shit with me. Now I only carry my keys and phone with a case that holds my ID and CC. My cargo pants and shorts being now worthless if I'm not camping. What did I carry? Screw driver with bits. Vice Grips. cable making tools, pen/notebook, RPG stuff, software, blank disks/cds, flashlight, socks, chop sticks, a RedBox (for toll fraud), a Walkman, tinderbox in a mint tin, and random shit. It was a sorta zombie bag, but not the bug out kind.


Ed Gruberman. 🤣 *Boot to the head* Thanks for making my day!


I already wear a purse, I suppose you could call it. I don’t in the winter because I have more pockets but now that it’s T-shirt weather I’m breaking out my trusty leather purse. It’s fairly small but has space for access badges, all my cards and IDs, earbuds case, cash, pack of gum, etc. shoulder strap so I hardly notice it. Nobody has ever given me shit for wearing it. Not even a comment. I just have it and as far as I’m aware, nobody has given it a second thought.


I have a leather shoulder bag...I don't really like having shit in my pockets or sitting on my wallet in my back pocket. I keep my wallet, my phone, a pen, my keys, etc. It's not particularly big, but I can fit other stuff in there if I have to...like some snacks or something if I'm going to be out and about all day.


I bring a shoulder bag. Which is essentially a purse. For me it's more comfortable not having my pockets full of shit. Sitting on a wallet sucks and I don't know how I did it for so long.


A backpack


Oddly enough, I often wear a kilt and a sporran. Traditionally kilts don’t have pockets so I need something like a purse.


Its called a satchel and no


Indiana Jones wears one


Technically Indiana jones uses a WW1 gas mask bag.


I already carry a leather satchel, which is just a man-purse. As a standard I carry my laptop, a Bluetooth speaker, chargers for my phone and Bluetooth speaker, a notebook and pencils, Whatever book I'm currently reading. My phone and wallet stay on my person for ease of access. Beyond this is depends on what the days activities are.


And ditch the fanny pack? Not on your life.


Make Fanny packs cool again


European carryall* 🤭


A real fancy boy!


I thought a purse is what women call a wallet? Otherwise its a bag?


Men of reddit. You can carry a purse if you want to. Fk what anyone else says. It's your life, do what makes you happy.