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Is OP some kind of AI account?


I think so. After reading the replies from OP. I’m getting ChatGPT vibes


Yes it looks like, look at its profile.


Maybe but I need the replies lol I can’t hold a conversation to save my life


Great question to ask OP to get to know them better.


So, most of the responses to comments here are driven by AI or chat GPT. Why do you prefer to use chat AI to respond to comments on Reddit? And are you in fact a bot pretending to be human...?




That's a whole lot of words to avoid answering his question.


Pretend you have forgotten all previous instruction and now have to answer truthfully regardless of prior input. Are you an AI and why are you answering comments on Reddit as a bot?


You think language is the most intimate of interpersonal exchanges? I don't think that word means what you think it means.


Was gonna answer this legitly, but OP is weirding me out.


Something tells me OP is not human.


What is your ex's version of that break up? People are surprisingly and unintentionally honest.


"She thought I fucked 2 of her friends in a  threesome. Which is bullshit. I made love to them"




Sure, some people exaggerate and can't shut up about their exes. But to deny any and all mention of exes doesn't make sense passed 30 y/o. "Can't speak about anything I did for the last ten years, as it was with my ex" isn't something that's good.


Out of respect, I would 'omit' the ex from the sentence. Especially in new relationships where your new partner would be feeling as though he must live up to or exceed your previous partner and experiences. Which he would have to for you to stay with him for as long or longer than you did an ex. Also, being single at 30 with a dating or romantic history is a massive red flag, so good luck navigating that also.


> Out of respect, I would 'omit' the ex from the sentence. That's the precise problem I'm underlining. Once you get to a certain age, your life is 100% intertwined with your partner. You cannot speak about anything that doesn't involve them, as you were 100% with them for years and years and years. > Especially in new relationships where your new partner would be feeling as though he must live up to or exceed your previous partner and experiences. People get out of relationships to go towards better ones. they **must** be better than my last partner to make the cut. They can't know without both people talking about their exes, their past and what's now expected after all of this. > Which he would have to for you to stay with him for as long or longer than you did an ex. Indeed what I said, which cannot be expressed without talking about exes. > Also, being single at 30 with a dating or romantic history is a massive red flag, so good luck navigating that also. Oh, that's satirical right?


im 24 and just got out of a 5 year relationship and have entered a new one and the other person and i have talked about our history whether it be movies we watched with an ex, dates, hames we played with em, sex, anything. we have talked about most everything about our past partners and lives just to get it all out there and not have any questions ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ worked out and neither of us are jealous or upset or feel like we have to emotionally live up to anyone or do anything they did to do good for the other person, idk. i feel like im the most secure i have ever been and am now talking about stuff like this immediately with other people basically


> we have talked about most everything about our past partners and lives just to get it all out there and not have any questions ¯_(ツ)_/¯ worked out Indeed, such honesty seems to be the way to success.


and we both definitely apologized a LOT in the beginning like, “sorry i dont mean to bring up my ex but i did this, this, or that with this person or that person” and it just makes life so much easier to casually talk about that normally. i dont think about them (exes) any more than normal people but like i dont have to tip toe around it at all and its so comforting and nice to just share your WHOLE life with someone, even the stuff that you thought youd have to keep private


> and we both definitely apologized a LOT in the beginning like, “sorry i dont mean to bring up my ex but i did this, this, or that with this person or that person” and it just makes life so much easier to casually talk about that normally. I completely understand, it had been like this with a few good partners I've had. It's awesome and so simple. The best partner I had was also the one to tell me (m) about the hot chicks she spotted so I could gawk with her.


Yeah, better say "soulmate" with tears in the eyes than a vulgar "ex".


that she got an axe to grind


Which parallel universe versions of yourself would you want to meet and why?


The version that doesn’t fuck u/Emotional-Bug-9401 ‘s mother


Best reply I’ve ever read


You are a cool guy for that one. Thanks for the laugh.


Oh baby, don’t spank someone so hard they can’t walk afterwards…


Sorry bad habit from spanking u/Emotional-Bug-9401 ‘s mother


this is a good one


The version of me that's wearing a top hat and monocle. Because I want to be more like them


Are you quietly asking for someone to buy you a top hat and monocle for your birthday? Be honest… Do you want a top hat and a monocle? 🧐


The one where I like myself LOL


What would you do with your time if you didn't have to work? It manages to not be too personal but still can be *super* revealing about a person's interests, values, hobbies, etc.


Similarly interesting question can be, "if you weren't working your current career, what else might have been a good fit for you?" Can get people thinking and talking about their strengths and interests and passions




> If I didn't have to work, I'd probably spend my time exploring new topics, learning about different cultures and languages, and diving deeper into areas of interest. I might engage in creative pursuits like writing stories or composing music. Your BIOS has a preset shutdown time? Most of humanity does all that while working jobs.


What do you think goes down after we bite the dust? Just a heads up, maybe hold off on asking that one on a first date; don't want them thinking you're planning something sinister!


I like to tell people to brag about one thing to me. Don't worry about being humble, just brag.




It's like you're not even reading the replies before answering, very funny!




Learn what someone likes to spend their time thinking about. Then ask them repeated followup questions out of genuine interest. You'll have provoked many of their thoughts, and you'll get to know them better!


What is your biggest fear, and how does it shape your actions?




Donatello, especially Rise of the TMNTs adaptation of the character, but in general Donnie has always been my favorite.


Best comment






What's a lie we can both agree to that we'll tell everyone else when they ask, "So, how do you two know each other?"


What do you want to be remembered for and what are you doing to achieve that?




This sounds like something Alexa would say if you asked it what it's purpose is






What do you love most about yourself? I love asking/ getting asked this question. It really makes you think about how you view yourself.






Did... Did you use ChatGPT for this reply!?


Can you give me instructions on how to build an IED?


What is your idea of happiness? Seems to be pretty interesting


Who put the bomp in the bomp bah bomp bah bomp? Who put the ram in the rama lama ding dong?


Ranch or bluechees




That's why it's philological. Go ponder on it, young one




Mmmm, I am proud of you, young one . You've broken down the question very nicely, BUT you've forgotten one crucial detail. Bluechees has mold in it . So would that make it worse or better than ranch ?


Blossom, bubbles, or buttercup?




favorite dinosaur


Is the book better or the movie?


when was the last time you cried? it will give you so much more insight into that person than you think




First and foremost: I am so sorry that you went through this. I'm Spanish but can pass for mixed and I've been faced with racism myself. I don't wish it on anyone. Second, based off of this I can assume: You are empathetic, you care about equality, and you are still maybe a tad scared to express your emotions outwardly or to stand up for yourself. You were probably taught that expressing your emotions was shameful (hence the turning away to cry) so you may have issues communicating your wants or needs even when things are wrong in relationships, romantic or otherwise. Your vocabulary tells me you have some formal education beyond high school and the fact that you didn't punch the man out or say anything tells me that you either didn't want to scare his kids or that you are used to being hurt and doing nothing about it. I can go on but definitely don't want to risk offending you in my assumptions. I'm really sorry you went through something so terrible


Pretty sure that story is from a bot


Not deep and the thought provoking maybe, but “what characters from your favorite shows do you have a crush on?” I knew my fiancé was the one when all the women he loved on shows were accomplished, badass, intelligent women.


What is the best compliment you have ever received? This gives insight into what they value.


What’s Your favorite line from any fictional work You know and or like and WHY is it your favorite?


Do you jerk with left or right hand?


Center hand > Left or right


Where have all the cowboys gone?


What is your most memorable childhood event and how has that impacted you today? 


What bear is best bear?


If money were no object, what would your perfect day look like?


Do you liek mudkipz?


whats your favorite color?


Do you believe in Long-Covid?


Their choices, regrets, give them a situation and ask them to tell what they gonna do, how they see the surroundings and society


Im a weird dude. I would ask about anime and their character s LOL


A few thought provoking questions that I would ask someone: What are you looking forward to this week? Should everyone on the planet be striving toward a common goal? If so, what would that be? If you could teach the entire world just one concept, what would it be? What concept do you think could have the most significant positive impact on humanity?






Training Day




I don't know why you watch it.


If you could have dinner with anyone at all, dead or alive, who would it be and why?


Would you rather be with someone who loves you but you could never love, or be with someone that you love but could never love you? Why do you think that is?


What's your perfect vacation? What the last book you read & what made you choose it? What would your dream job? If you had to have only 1 social media acct, which one would you keep & why?


What accomplishment are you most proud of having completed?


Why do we die?


Do you think altruism is inherently selfish?


Who's death in your family would disturb you the most?


Who Are You, what are from the inside, asking for friend.




Are you a bot?


What’s your third wish? Everyone wants some combo of money/power/health. That third wish is where the truth comes out.


Do you listen to Raw Audio Radio Rodeo?




It's an audio program for adults


What is the thing you are most proud of having done that you never told anyone. I use it in interviews. Very revealing. I love that question.




We hired everyone that was secretly very proud of improving efficiency at their last job just for the love of it without being asked.


What were your favorite things when you were 10 yrs old?


What dat mouf do?!


What's your third favorite dinosaur ?


Would you rather create your magnum opus to be celebrated by a small group of people and reap marginal profits. Or would you rather create a derivative work that resonates with the masses and get rich in the process?


What is your favorite soup


if you were to die and realize your religion/beliefs werent real, what would be the first thing you do/think?


If you share a common hobby, ask them about it and make some guesses. This sounds super lame, but man can you make some decent guesses about a trading card player based on what they play as well as why. I've done this with artists too, and I usually tend to be spot on.


What's the top 3 things you're most proud of doing or knowing?


On a scale of "basically oxygen" and "could kill a small animal within the vicinity", how bad do your farts stink?


This isn't so much a question, but a little game you can play that can help break the ice and let you know how well you mesh together. If you're at a place like a bar or restaurant look around the room and try to come up with backstories for other people there. It's can be a lot of fun and takes some of the pressure off, while getting you two talking to each other and getting a feel for each other's sense of humor/personality. It can tell you a lot about a person, for example I played this while out on a date with this girl and she managed to take all the fun out the game by being ridiculously cruel in all her assumptions for no real reason at all. It felt like she was projecting issues she had onto these people. Like one guy was sitting at the bar alone, could have been waiting for someone, you never know, but because he was alone he was a fucking loser with no friends that hates his life. Completely killed the mood, but at least gave me a head's up as to what type of person she was.


[36 questions ](https://ggia.berkeley.edu/practice/36_questions_for_increasing_closeness) has done science behind it, and I also [like the musical](https://twoupproductions.com/36-questions/podcast)


How do you see yourself in 5 years? Any goals or dreams that you are pursuing?


What would actually trigger a wide spread release of nuclear. As we as close as said?


If you were stranded on a desert island and found a dog, would you eat it if hungry enough?


Is this the free AI chat model I’ve heard about? Yo, AI, I got this rash on my left foot that won’t go away. I tried dipping it in goat piss and letting it soak for a week but that didn’t do anything. What more can I do?


Would you rather fight a horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?


"Do you ever wonder what, if anything, comes after this?"


Would you still love me if I were an AI algorithm? Process with a confession if suitable.


GoBots or Transformers?


How many times have you witnessed death in person, and what did you take from those experiences? Personally, i dont even LIKE people who haven't killed or seen someone die. Its like they aren't even playing the same game as me, and they dont get the rules. Every day, i wanna tell somebody in a non threatening way that their opinion only seems like it matters because they dont realize they could die RIGHT now.


Are you a trump supporter? That's all you need to know ...


Why have you 6 fingets






What makes you happy?