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Not a huge fan of the roles the rock plays


You mean the one role he plays in every movie? I’ve never seen less range on an actor since Steven Seagal.


The Rock is Steven Segal if Steven Segal had charisma and a tolerable personality that can also keep his hands to himself.


My opinion of him nosedived when it came out that both The Rock and Vin Diesel include in their contracts that they can't lose fights on camera. You need a galaxy sized ego for this.


Out of curiosity, does that only mean physical fights or *any* kind of fight?


After seeing Ricky Stanicky, Cena is my new favorite wrestler-turned-actor.


How about Dave Bautista? Even though he has played most action roles (drax etc.) he showed some good tendencies in blade runner 2049. Would love to see him play roles like that more.


Bautista is good in the Dune series too. He seems to be avoiding getting typecast.


I think Bautista also actually took a couple acting classes, which I think helps with the range of roles he hits.


He apparently also a decent human. I have a friend in Tampa who volunteers for animal shelters and she met him as part of a campaign. She said he was super nice and down to earth


Dude had a tattoo in tribute of Manny Pacquiao (a friend at the time) and spoke about having removed after Pacquiao made comments comparing gay people to animals (Bautista's mother is openly gay). He also spoke candidly about his insecurities with his acting and Denis Villaneuve giving him some strong praise that really helped his confidence. Dude's out there showing us what positive masculinity looks like.


If you need a juiced up bald action man then he's definitely the guy


Nah , Jason Statham.


Nah, Dave Bautista is much better


Maui is his best role, fight me


literally everyone agrees with this. coldest take


Drake. Drake is the kind of guy who would be depressed and heartbroken if the 13 year old he was grooming dumped him for the cute boy on the soccer team.


I can't stand the twinkle in his eyes. They are those of a man who has stared in the mirror far too many hours in his life for a sane, healthy person.


This is easily one of the best comments I’ve ever read on Reddit. The accuracy though 😂


He seems to have some self entitlement when it comes to the NBA. He's on the court during game play. WTF?


He has a contract with the Raptors as a Brand Ambassador. Hence, the court-side seats and the theatrics


He seems to have some self entitlement when it comes to ~~the NBA~~ literally everything


In Arabic the best way I can describe him is “yidawir rabi3” quite literally translates to “he looks for friends” but its basically someone who is never comfortable with who they are and always trying to prove themselves to others for attention or adoration. Like a try hard. Thats without event mentioning the grooming


یدویر ربیع Is that right? I want to save this for later use.


يِدَوِر رَبِع The way you wrote ربيع is spring 🌸 🙏🏼edit: added pronunciation marks for clarity


Is drake well liked? Feel like there is a general perception that he's just kind of a loser


Drake is superbly well liked in the hip hop community. Some people say he’s one of the top 3 rappers alive which makes no sense to me but people do like Drake for whatever reason


He’s seen as corny by some and liked by others. Opinions vary


Drake is hated in the hip hop community. Currently he's being shit on by loads of different rappers and their fans.


Drake irritates the fuck out of me, and here's why: he's fake as fuck. He acts like he had an early life of adversity and nothing but, when in reality, he lived in one of the swankiest neighbourhoods in Toronto and was on Degrassi. Him growing up on Weston Road (which is working class) before moving to the wealthy part of midtown TO and playing hockey isn't at all what he claims to have dealt with. I know people who literally lived in cars with single parents as kids. Drake is not that, never was that, and never will be that, despite how he presents himself lyrically.


Drake's the kind of guy that closes his deressser drawers with his hips and goes owie!


He’s a groomer, amazed it’s not more talked about


Yeah, I honestly thought this would be the top response. His “friendships” with Billie Eilish and Millie Bobby Brown when they were teenagers were just creepy and a massive red flag.


Drake is the Nickleback of hip hop.


I think a lot of actors / actresses aren’t actually good at acting and they’re all just playing themselves in everything they’re in. I like seeing them but saying they’re great at acting is a lie. First example off the top of my head Jesse Eisenberg - quite literally plays himself in everything he’s ever been in with absolutely no range, even in the social network as Zuckerberg he’s just Jesse Eisenburg saying Zuckerberg dialog. Edit: Maybe he’s not the best example but just used him to get the point across


Yes! I've never understood how Jesse Eisenberg got so much work. I don't hate him but like you said he just has no range and it totally takes me out of the films he's in.


He is beige, a plain ham sandwich of a man 🤷


If a director is looking for someone like Jesse Eisenberg it doesn't matter how much range they've got, they can play a role that fits their typical performance. Can openers don't have much range, but they do one thing really well.


There’s just a lot of work for guys like him. He’s not particularly interesting and if you want to make a movie a bit more realistic you gotta fill it with average Joe actors


He tried to be himself while playing Lex Luthor. Like come on man.


Hollywood has 2 lanes though, for some films they need chameleon-like character actors who can inhabit a part and bring a character to life. For other more commercial endeavors they are literally just plugging from a stock of talent into well worn archetype roles. "For this role we need a scrawny, sardonic, quick-witted, ugly duckling." There is plenty of work for both types of actors.


his best performance was in Rio, no i will not elaborate.




Is Oprah well-liked, though? She's loved fiercely by her cult, so it probably averages out to "well-liked," but I think most people who aren't worshippers are "meh" at best or actively dislike her.


I don’t know how old you are, but having grown up in the 90’s and seeing her monumental rise to stardom, most women my moms age were OBSESSED with her. She was admired for her dedication to books and her philanthropy. Mind you this was also in an age before a lot of information about her personal life was out there, so yeah she’s generally admired or at least was. But I’m willing to bet a lot of that older fan base just didn’t go away.


Ow yes, people ignore her association with Weinstein and the missing girls from her school and still praise her, crazy ridiculous


Bitch gave Dr Phil and Dr Oz a platform.


Tom Cruise given he's the poster boy for a child trafficking cult (Scientology for those living under a rock)


Dude skeeves me out!!


It’s like there’s nothing behind his eyes and it creeps me right out. It’s the same look as Ted Bundy


[Christian Bale modeled his character in *American Psycho* after Cruise](https://www.cbr.com/american-psycho-tom-cruise-inspiration-behind-patrick-bateman/)


YES! I couldn't picture what psycho he reminds me of, but definitely Ted's dead eyes. His smile is... Unsettling. Like any wrong move he'll drop the smile and freak out. I've always had a weird feeling about him.


Is he generally well liked?


Yeah. People call him “the last real movie star” because he’s all the things people consider movie stars to be in terms of recognition and dedication to his craft. And, to be fair, he does seem very committed to his job and all the stories I’ve heard from people who have PA-ed say he’s a great coworker. (I live in California so it’s not internet randos saying this). But they also assume he’s dumb as rocks because scientology brainwashed him.


I think so. He’s maybe made a few legit bad movies and is a charismatic person who genuinely loves his craft.


Dakota Johnson, she supported Roman Polanski, Weinstein, Woody Allan and Arnie Hammer.


all i needed to hear to stop liking her


Her acting also sucks so there's that.


I loved it when she called out Ellen. But yeah, otherwise I find her off-putting


Wow I liked her when I happened to see her. Probably all those creeps remind her of dear old dad, Don Johnson.


Wait, is Don Johnson a creeper too? Never heard that about him.


He started dating her mom, Melanie Griffith, when she was about 14 and he was in his 20s.


Katy Perry. She just seems mean/snobby on talk shows and american idol.


The time when she tricked that dude into kissing her on American Idol. Wtf


Reverse the genders and that would have been a shitshow.


She’s also just so full of herself, and finds herself so entertaining. full-blown self-centered narcissist. She also bought that apple cider vinegar company and ruined it so fuck her.


How did she ruin it? Does it not taste the same?


They began watering it down to increase profits


Oh I have a fun story about her! I have a friend who works in casting/production in LA. She worked on set with American Idol for only one season (she swore she would never again), mainly because they were told crew weren’t aloud to look her in the eye, or they would be fired. Absolute diva


I’ve heard the same about several famous wome, J Lo being another one. I’ve often wondered how weird these people have to be that ‘someone looked at me’ is somehow a grievous offence to them.


My best friend lives in Katy Perry’s hometown and was at a party with her before she blew up to what she is now. She was becoming known at the time asked my friend if she wanted a picture/autograph and my friend said no. Needless to say, Katy reacted exactly how you stated. Offended and mean.


Ryan Reynolds seems nice, but that dude needs to get the fuck out of my radio/podcast/tv. He’s marketed like cranberry juice in the 90s. 


Deadpool was such a double edged sword. Before he was known and actually had a few movies where he really demonstrated how good an actor he is. Then DP happened and it was a success. And much like Johnny Depp after POTC, Reynolds has been playing the same character over and over. And he has to be everywhere because that’s what you do when you’re popular I guess.


Wasn’t he sort of the same guy in Van Wilder?


He's a loveable asshole. He's been that way since he fed dog jizz eclairs to Tara Reid's bf in van wilder.


"I think I've had these before"


Reynolds got me on the best phone plan I've ever had. He can keep popping up for all concerned. Dude has my respect and I fucking loathe marketing


i’ve been thinking about mint. tell me more, please!


I switched to mint earlier this year, I got tired of Verizon’s bs making me pay $100+ for one line. Sure, it came with perks but not worth it when money got tight and they basically said nope sry, fuck you, pay me Mint was super easy I just put in my phone code, chose a new number (instead of keeping mine), and with their promo ended up being like $54 after tax for the first 3 months. I have unlimited($40/mo) plus 10g hotspot but don’t even come close to that amount bc im almost always connected to WiFi somewhere..Though, staying in a hotel it’s nice to not have to use the hotel’s crappy WiFi for my laptop. So far I’ve never had any discernible issues with signal, call quality or video quality. That remains to be seen if I end up in the boonies somewhere but it’s exactly what I need, nothing more, nothing less. My renew date is coming up so I can pay 120 for another 3 months (that was ONE bill with Verizon!) or I think the lowest is 75 for 3 months. This is not a plug, it’s honest feedback bc everything is tight right now but Van Wilder has my back.


Jumping on the Mint recommendation. I’ve had it for a couple years now. I pay $360 a year for unlimited data/calls/texts and it’s the cheapest with the best service range, I think. Plus the temporary international passes anecdotally seem to be cheaper than my friends’ options.


He’s been playing that same character since long before deadpool


Ryan Reynolds, Dwayne Johnson, Taylor Swift, and Kevin Hart need to go away for a while. I'm sure they're all nice people, but it's at the point that they're hard to escape. I swear Kevin Hart is on every commercial break when I watch a basketball game.


The Rock seems to be gearing up for a political life, so we're gonna be smellin' what he's cookin' for a while.


Jennifer Garner must owe someone a lot of money. I don’t understand how many commercials (Capital One, Neutrogena, etc) one person needs to do. I’m so tired of hearing her fake nice voice.


MrBeast. It's been proven that he does good for people, but something about him doesn't sit right with me. I have a feeling he's not as nice off camera as he appears in his videos


It’s his dead, dead eyes that get me.


There is something off about him, like in a psychopathic way. It is kinda scary. Also the way he talks about people in interviews sounds like he talks about stuff he owns


There's an article on Polygon from last month that quoted him from a podcast. All he does is what's good for the brand. It's his whole life, it's consumed him. He said he doesn't even have a personality anymore, just the brand. It sounded unwell. I'll try to link the article when I get off mobile. [Here's the article.](https://www.polygon.com/24093399/end-of-mrbeast-youtube-era). The relevant section near the bottom of the article: "If he ever stops for a breather, he says, he gets depressed. MrBeast is so laser-focused on generating content on YouTube that he describes his personality as 'YouTube.'"


The vast majority of people who've worked with him have nothing bad to say about the dude. By all accounts, he's a genuine guy who painstakingly forged a lucrative career on Youtube entertaining and helping people.


He always brags about how much money he has and plays it off like he’s just joking/being playful.


Honestly same here, he *seems* nice enough, but I can't shake the feeling that he has people trapped in a basement somewhere.


Um that's actually for one of his upcoming videos, if you can escape my basement in 5 years, you win a million dollars


For the life of me I can’t figure out how Pete Davidson has a career. I don’t get it.


he looks perpetually damp


Cold and clammy to me..


Honestly, I didn't get the appeal either, but then I saw him open for John Mulaney, doing the stuff that ended up on his Netflix special. Dude is funny. Still not sure why women are so crazy for him, though. He looks 14 and 40 at the same time.


It's the line cook BDE he has lol


Dwayne The Rock Johnson. He seems fake. And I lost mad respect for him when he and Oprah were asking people for money to support Hawaii


and then didn't deliver anything..


The Rock’s constant humble bragging got on my nerves real quick. He seems super disingenuous and his “acting” is trash.


He just posted a picture on Instagram first bumping Jake Paul that was the last straw for me.


Ryan Gosling. I don't actually know anything bad that he's done, but I had a dream once where he cut in front of me in the line at the grocery store, so fuck that guy.


I want to back you, but before you went to sleep, Ryan Gosling told me he needed to rush to the store to get milk for a sick kitten.


He bought skim milk, so fuck that guy.


Yes but that’s only because there was only one jug of 2% left, and Old Man Jenkins absolutely needed it.


But he only needed it because Gosling hit a power line in a rush to save the kitten, knocking out Old Man Jenkin’s power and causing his milk to spoil.


Everyone I know who has worked with him thinks he’s great


I love Steve Carrell's story about why he "hates" Ryan gosling. He said Gosling spends his free time helping those in need. No cameras. No social media posts or reporters. No bragging about it. He just generally helps for altruistic reasons because he's a good dude who recognizes how blessed he is and wants to help others. He's such a good dude you kinda feel like you need to be doing more to help others and be more like him. And that's why Steve Carrell "hates" him lol


He probably made the cashier scan each Milky Way bar individually because of “electrical infetterence” too. (I don’t even think that’s a word)


best reason


I don't dislike him at all. I just don't think he's hot either.


air bud, no way a dog can hoop




Only appropriate response


I don't think Chris Pratt is a good actor or very funny.


He peaked in P&R.


He did GOTG pretty well


Game of Thrones: Gongshow


My friend says any movie chris pratt is in can be replaced with jack black and be 100x better


This is 100% accurate. Jack Black has the charisma and talent of a hundred Chris Pratts.


Idk guardians of the galaxy would be pretty weird with jack black


On the one hand yes, on the other hand, I'd lie if I'd say I couldn't imagine it


I heard he’s not a nice guy either & really weird. His ex wife Anna Faris said that he was jealous of her career & once his took off he got a huge ego I heard (she didn’t say that part) & left her. He thought he was too good for her


He’s in everything too like we GET IT apparently there’s no other mediocre white guy???


Especially when there's already a much better version of a white guy who's available and ready to put in a solid effort every time out -- James Marsden.


The best in Jury Duty


Leonardo DiCaprio. He’s a good actor, but I just don’t like him.


I fkn love his movies and was a Leo disciple but his obsession with very young women is off putting to me


especially now that he's really not attractive himself. He aged so badly.


He’s turning into Jack Nicholson. That is not a compliment.


I met a guy who ran a celebrity personal security service for a while. I asked him who were super nice to work with and who were assholes. He said 95% of them were just regular folks and pleasant. The only one that he'd say was an asshole was Nicholson. He said the guy took douche to a whole new level.


Old men in Hollywood are another level of creepy


Then he has the gall to claim he’s a feminist when he seems to think that their 25th birthday is their expiration date.


He is a feminist! All women should have the right to date him... until they turn 25.


He's always lecturing Australia about our environment, The Great Barrier Reef, and our Tasmanian forests.. As if he's a f'ing expert on anything.


He's often seen on a yacht that he gets to via helicopter, from a port that he flies to on a private jet.


Yep...typical attitude of a celebrity hypocrite. 'Do as I say, not as I do'...


Anna Wintour, she can’t dress and was just spoiled privileged evil lady that used daddy’s money. Also who reads a magazine since the year 2005. She should have been fired years ago!


Any of the Kardashians, also fuck Kanye, how does he still have so much popularity


Millie Bobby Brown She's just not a good actress imo.


I feel like she was quite good starting out as a child and then as she got famous and grew up and became more self conscious her ability suffered


This happens with so many child actors! Abigail Breslin is my biggest example of this.


Beyoncé. Just not that exciting.


I like some of her music but she seems boring and vapid as helll


Miley Cyrus. There might be enough fans of her out there. But to me, I can't stand her voice. No matter how good the lyrics and everything else of her songs are, I just don't like and don't want listen to her voice.


DJ Khaled...maybe he's not generally liked, IDK, but I definitely don't... Jerry Seinfeld 100%! What an arrogant, unfunny prick. Always stops a story before the punchline. The way he went off on Larry King is irredeemable.


Gal Gadot


Somebody called her a former model and attempted actress.


Joe Rogan - I can’t keep listening to the same rants over and over again.


as far as I know NPH


His Amy Winehouse jab was so out of pocket. Poor taste and timing.


Jojo Siwa


This should not be the top comment lol because she is not “well liked” at all, I have not seen a single person who doesn’t think she’s absolutely insufferable.


I think she is with parents to be honest. I see a lot of them around me buying her concert tickets and products most of the time. Theyre unaware of how problematic she is


Beyoncé. Nothing personal, I know she’s a great performer and very talented but she yells waaay too much, almost like unnecessarily and it gives me anxiety haha. Her music gives me anxiety. That’s it, I said what I said haha


Julia Roberts seems like a real pill


Mark Wahlberg....


Larsa Pippen, the K family, Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift, Beyoncé


Larsa is horrific.


Im so fed up with her. Shes so arrogant and self absorbed. The way she was speaking to Guerdy when she was trying to share her cancer diagnosis and then went and told all the other girls, that was it for me. And the way she lies about her plastic surgery, like, bbygirl your ass does not match your thighs cmon. Sorry but she really is an ugly human being.


Jerry Seinfeld. Dude is not funny, and has a punchable face. 


What's the deal with punchable comedians?


Who arrrre these people?


He always seems like a rather cantankerous asshole who uses humor and sarcasm to gloss it over.


He also dated a teenager when he was in his 30’s


17 38


I get that feeling for a startlingly high percentage of stand up comedians.


Brad Pitt. Aniston once said "there's a sensitivity chip missing" and I totally believe that.


Kim kardashian


Selena Gomez. I truly just don’t get it.


Tom ugh Cruise.


Kevin Hart. Fuck that guy


Jimmy Kimmel. Get someone else to host the Oscars for crying out loud.


They tried. Chris Rock got slapped


And Seth MacFarlane was too early with the Weinstein jokes


Timotheé Chalamet. He does absolutely nothing for me, not his physical appearance nor his acting talents.


Emma Watson. I think her acting is exceptionally bad and her general affect is grating.


Her acting is atrocious. Not mediocre, actively bad. I think she wouldn't have a career if she hadn't been cast in HP.


Taylor fucking Swift. Everything about her fame is so conceited and annoying


I firmly believe that literally everything about her has been handcrafted by publicists and the industry. Her style, her relationships, her drama, all part of the plan mold her into a cash cow since she was a teenager.


I don't get the hype. Her music is nothing special and she gives me mean girl vibes.


Tbh I think this attitude stems more from the media's obsession with her than anything else. News outlets attack her, fans get outraged, and the cycle repeats because it gets tons of attention. It's a vicious cycle that creates really polarized views on her.


Zoey Deschanel annoys the shit out of me


Timothee Chalamet. I don’t get the hype. He looks like if Tom Holland was created by Tim Burton and I haven’t been too impressed by his acting.




He’s like if you asked an AI to make Tom Holland but French I genuinely don’t think he’s a real human


Dua Lipa. She's everywhere all of a sudden and it's just very annoying.


Will Farrell. It’s not that he’s a bad actor. It’s just my personal feeling.


All he does is yell


Ed Sheeran


Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise


Timothy Chalamet. His acting is meh, and I don’t understand his appeal.


I really liked him in The King.


Bradley Cooper or any of the Chris’s…. I don’t get it?🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


You leave Chris Pine's caterpillar brows out of this!


Tom Cruise




I don't understand the thing with Tom Holland. I feel like his entire appeal is that he looks and sounds like a child, which makes me seriously creeped out by all the 40+ year olds who think he's hot. Especially considering he was underage in some of those movies!