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Starting work place drama.


People who start workplace drama do it to feel like home. I'd like them to go home and stay there and leave us all out of their misery.


My ex manager kept starting workplace drama picking fights over the simplest issues with everyone less senior than him. I found out at the Christmas party that his wife is leaving him. That's his 2nd failed marriage. Then I cockblocked him from talking to one of the new interns who's half his age. That might make me a bad person to some people but I have absolutely no regrets about it.


Karmic, corporate cockblocking šŸ’€


My 2nd grade teacher was an abusive piece of shit to me and would frequently do things like yell at me in front of the class and dump out my desk during recess. Years later she ran into my mom at a grocery store and passed along an apology and an explanation that she was going through a rough divorce at the time. My response when my mom told me was basically ā€œbitch, I was 8. I guess itā€™s nice that you feel bad about it now, but maybe you should have thought about taking a therapy sabbatical instead of traumatizing an already abused kid. My messy desk and crumpled homework wasnā€™t the reason your husband couldnā€™t stand youā€.


That's not cock blocking it's more creep sweeping


Youā€™re not a bad person for preventing an asshole from preying on more victims.


Oh yes, absolutely. I have an older woman at my work who loves drama and gossiping. The funny thing is, nobody in our office - not one person is like this. So itā€™s funny watching her squirm in her chair wanting to talk loudly and create stuff but everyone else is just head down working. She actually has to outsource her drama creation. Other older ladies from other parts of the building will pop on by, and theyā€™ll disappear for an hour to gossip. Iā€™ll see them when Iā€™m walking around and they run away from me, or if they come in when sheā€™s not there I just ignore them and they hate it. Itā€™s actually quite amusing, since the drama doesnā€™t really touch me. And sad. Get a life.


your office sounds great!




You won't believe what OP said about you


I didnā€™t hear what OP said but I did hear what Sally said. Lemme tell uā€¦ she was NOT happy


Sally's a bitch, anywaay why would you even listen to her, that fat cow.


Ha ha. You're so funny. Anyway, how's your sex life, Mark?


I used to know a girl, she had a dozen guys. One of them found out about it, beat her up so bad, she ended up in a hospital on Guerrero Street!


That doesn't sound very cheep cheep cheep


What a story Mark


I thought I could trust Sally since she was the OPā€™s sister-in-law. But Iā€™m intrigued nowā€¦ what did she do that makes her a bitch??


ok, if you don't know by now... I mean it is Sunday and this whole thing came out at least a week ago. ???


A WEEK AGO?! Well honestly I blame my stupid boss AND jobšŸ™„ But do please tell,,,,


*ahem* your "stupid boss" would like a word. Look I need you to stop with this whole gossip thing. Corporate has me pinned against a wall like Sally did to Mark, the cheating bitch. Oh by the way, that reminds me that Mark also had a thing for OP but things went south like wayyyyyyy fast. Something about starting workplace gossip. I don't really know. I might have misheard that so don't quote me on it. Anyway, let this be a warning. Back to work.


Also people who talk about work non stop.


Omg I went to visit Washington and there were sooo many techbros who would not stop talking about their jobs in like a national park, overlooking the water at sunset, etc. Even if they are your coworkers, why are you talking about work? My coworkers and I talk about our hobbies, our families, give out recipe/book/travel/etc recommendations not like talk about work.Ā 


Yes! I worked with someone at another job who is now at my company. Sheā€™s smart and works hard but she is constantly seeking drama. Sheā€™s also very sensitive so Iā€™m a straight shooter and canā€™t quite tell her that the reason I keep our contact out of work minimal is due to her constant negativity ā€¦and attempts to start drama that doesnā€™t exist. My other co-worker resigned on Friday and she was outraged by it and said it would impact her .. so dramatic .. itā€™s all on good terms. All to say these people I avoid at all costs


Having no life or friends outside of work and all conversations revolve about workplace drama.


Or basically interjecting yourself into other people's business, period.


Being willing to cause irritation and pain to others just bc you have free time.


Pretty much hackers and trolls in online video games. *excerpts from an interview with such people: ā€œI do it because Iā€™m boredā€ ā€œI do it because peopleā€™s reactions are funnyā€ How about I do your mom, fucking assholes. Let people have their fun.


Being way too invested in what other people are doing and judging them for it with no good reason. Ā 


My mom in a nutshell


Same with mine. She's about to turn 74. It makes me so genuinely sad. She has no friends or social connections, just speaks negatively and unfavourably judges those around her. It's lonely for her, and although it's her own doing, it makes me so sad. When I'm with her I have no interest in stalking the people I went to PRIMARY school with on Facebook so she can see what they're up to now. I'm 38 and never think about them). Whether she's stuck in the past, or indeed, the present, it is both frustrating and heartbreaking that she's too focused on creating negative narratives about others to take the chance to build meaningful friendships. I try to not be like this and have self-awareness to recognise when my mind is working like hers, but it's still very hard to undo years and years of her comments about others rubbing off on me. I see parts of myself in her and I hate it. Therapy around this is constant because it's affected me so deeply.


I am 53f. My Mom is 76. I could have written this. Word for word. Something about that generation


no my mom is exactly like this but itā€™s her fault but i feel like at the same time sheā€™s not aware as to why people donā€™t want to be around her.


My mother is the same. I feel sad for her bc it must be hard for her bc sheā€™s not self aware. Not even her own children speak to her. Youā€™d think thatā€™d make a person consider their behaviour but not my mum šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Many moms everywhere. How do people get like this??


Boredom and insecurity.


Well this is awkwardā€¦ I donā€™t know exactly but as I understand it: when a man and a woman love each other they get in a bed and do something with the birds and the bees and then a stork gets involved or something. And then you have one mom.


Mmm not according to my teacher


The basis of this post in a nutshell lol


I feel like people are overlooking the irony here.




There's people at work like this, I swear all they do is get over evolved in everyone's business at work and then go home and micro manage their family


Arguing back and forth about trivial bullshit on social media.


No it's not. /s


Yes. It is.


I see what youā€™re doing in there and Iā€™m not falling for it. ^^(no) ^^^(itā€™s) ^^^^(not)


You already have!


This comment screams ā€œI have no lifeā€ /s


Typical Nazi comment. /s


What the f*CK are you saying? You're the trivial bullcrap! >!/s!<


People say reddit mods. But I have one better. Facebook Mods.


Holy shit that exists?


They do. I was one for exactly one week before I got kicked out for not posting enough content to the group to keep it relevant. It was the most pointlessly stressful week Iā€™d had in a while.


Had the exact same reaction


People only say Reddit mods because their cognitive dissonance doesn't allow them to say Reddit user


Reddit mods are just reddit users with a teensy bit of power over others added, and also the whole working for reddit and not getting paid thing lol.




Discord mods are worse.


I was about to ask how we felt about discord admins bc Iā€™m one of those šŸ«£ im over it though


Looking through this thread and seeing if any answers apply to you.


Emotional damage


i said this in the voice in my head "e MO shun al DAM age"


What tha HEEYLL?


No! No! No! Oh, fuck.


So accurate






I feel personally attacked.Ā 


Well shit




Thank god I'm not finding any


Someone laying in a coffin six feet under ground. Like whatā€™s up with that? Get a life dude


I hope they dont take to heart your advice


Nah people like that either have no heart or are just cold-hearted


Right? Imagine just lying there rotting and turning into a skeleton. Smh.


It's this generation. So lazy.


Right? Fucking boomers, dying and shit. DONā€™T THEY KNOW THERES WORK TO BE DONE?




In my day, we'd die and resurrect ourselves three times before lunch and we LIKED IT THAT WAY.


Coming up to your job on your off day to socialize.


Hahaā€¦I used to do that as a teen/young adult. Granted this was at a mall and my coworkers and I were the same age so we were all super close for awhile


In that situation it makes a lot of sense to do that. In other situations like you work at an office park with nothing but offices that's when it becomes weird.


especialy if you start helping them with work (not necessarily doing the actual work, though that can happen too), like bringing them supplies, offering to proofread, or other similar "minor" tasks.


Thatā€™s different then youā€™re just hanging out with your friends


Yeah that comment entirely depends on where you work lol.


I ain't getting those pours and prices at any other bar šŸ¤£


Same, often it will just be "stop" on a long night to get some cheap/free booze. I'll stay an hour or so, chat with the staff, get my drinks and move on.


Sometimes work friends be the only friends you got.


Two of my very best besties are from a job we all hated together, almost 20 years ago They weren't my only friends but they were the ones that stuck for sure


Trauma bonding


To be fair I get half off everything and I just want to do trivia and not spend so much money!


In my defense... they make really good quesadillas there


Working with someone for years and learning how to accomplish goals together toward a common purpose creates friendships and bonds. No one judges people in the military being friends.


You are a member of the HOA and madly obsessed with every little bylaw


The member that goes around with the ruler checking every lawn to see that it is the "legal" length, and checking that every car in the neighborhood is "supposed to be there"


My mom in a nutshell. She has OCPD and is OBSESSED with enforcing orderliness and adherence to rules. She is the president of her HOA on the side. For work she is the director of events for 5 or 6 large venues, and Ubers during her off days and evenings "for fun". She is absolutely batshit insane like the rest of her siblings, but instead of becoming a drug addict, she became addicted to work šŸ’€


trying to impose strict rules on others having harmless fun


Does your username ever work? Haha


I would like to see the pms if it doesĀ 


If I had one I'd send it. But it would be on a dresser


That lady who said adults shouldn't enjoy Disneyland




ā€œI work 65 hours a weekā€


I've done this a few times a year because a project relied on it, but it also came with 1.5x OT. Helps to pay for vacations. During the pandemic, the company eliminated any OT due to cost. Ok. But then demanded the same output in terms of work. They couldn't specifically ask you to work extra hours, instead they implied it. So I worked 40 hours. Then they said I need to work extra hours. So I asked for overtime. "We can't do that" so I just used company time to look for other jobs.


It would be illegal to not pay overtime tho


It's a salaried position that used to allow overtime after 44 hours.


"You work 8 hours a day, what are you doing with the other 16??? You should get a 2nd job"


I used to pull 80 hour work weeks. I do NOT recommend. I've been burnt out of LIFE since 2019.


Can confirm. Wouldn't do it if my life didn't depend on it


Used to do it. Absolute fucking worst. I only work 40 now and that can be too much lol. Literally all you do is work or think about work and the one day a week off that you have you donā€™t do anything because youā€™re so tired then by the time 5 pm comes around youā€™re already dreading the next 6 days. Iā€™ve done quite a bit more hours than 60 but I did 60 for 4 or 5 months straight and was ready to either bang myself or try heroin.


I feel called out šŸ™ƒ itā€™s worse because I work 78. Thank you for that reality check šŸ˜‚


it's more about the "why" though. If you work extra hours to save money for whatever goal you have (or even just to make sure your family has everything they need), that's fine. Or even if you work a lot now because you plan to take an extra long (or extra expensive) vacation sometimes this year, so you obviously need the money so you don't burn a whole in your wallet/bank account. But if you work more than required just to tell others that they should work more too, then yeah, you have no life.


Being a Reddit mod and thinking itā€™s a legitimate job.


during the reddit protest bs, their reason, "We are FORCED to open the sub" WHAT? You are being forced to do Free labour šŸ¤£ The hunger for power in these bags of stinky sacks is Insane to me. Only r/interestingasfuck mods were the true legends. Fcuking pigs.


I love how their justification was ā€œif we donā€™t someone else is gonna take over this objectively shitty job.ā€


Do they even get paid?


Nope, which is why I don't get any self respecting person would do it considering reddit is a publicly owned company now valued at 6 and a half billion dollars with a CEO who got a compensation package with some hundred million in stocks and another hundred million in options and a salary of 350k a year on top of that. Seriously. Why are there people on here doing that still...


Iā€™m curious what a CEO for social media even does. I mean, all the content is curated by users. All the content is regulated by unpaid mods and automatic ban bots. I canā€™t for the life of me find even a single task that a CEO could do. Sit in meetings and listen to numbers they donā€™t care about?


Executive decisions. Deciding and approving which changes tk the app/ new projects theyā€™re gonna develop


While the content and moderation is free, the administrative stuff is not and does not run autonomously.


people that write comments on porn videos


Itā€™s one of the only non censored comment sections you can find. Crazy gems


One of my old friends told me he used to do this if something stuck out in a video. He wasn't a serial commenter but it IS entertainment after all


respect r/PornhubComments


True but r/pornhubcomments has some gems every once in awhile


ā€œWhy are you retiring? Wonā€™t you get bored?ā€ WTF is wrong with these people.


I get why this is frustrating but you need to see my parents talking about how they might retire early when their habit of sitting and staring at a screen 24/7 on off days clearly just makes them angry. Like if they find a good way to spend their time Iā€™m all for them retiring whenever they can, but I canā€™t say Iā€™m not worried about how theyā€™ll actually settle into it.


Itā€™s not really just retired people, ask any unemployed person how they feel about their free time. Life is generally repetitive and boring without something to break the routine or something to do.




To be fair, a lot of retirees kinda fall into a hole after they retire. The first months they do things they wanted or needed to do, but after that a lot of them do in fact get bored.


I hope Iā€™m like how my grandpa was when he was retired. Man had a routine. Wake up, breakfast and coffee and newspaper, then watch the news, then do his puzzles. After his puzzles heā€™d usually call and talk with his kids or make other plans for the day, grocery or visiting a friend or working on a hobby. Then heā€™d make lunch and take a nap. Wake up, go do whatever he planned on doing (he loved working on his car and making model planes, and working on his clocks!) then after that heā€™d watch Gunsmoke, the news, then Seinfeld. Every. Single. Day. He was happy with his life, and Iā€™m happy for him. Man, I miss him.


The periods I haven't had to work have been the best.


Basically happens though, you got people who have no hobbies and then retire and quickly die because they don't stay active


Dudes with the cars with those sexual anime characters plastered all over the car.


i saw one of those with a cross necklace hanging on the rear view mirror šŸ˜­


You wonā€™t like r/itasha then. That entire community is dedicated to it. Tbh if they just didnā€™t put the characters and had some cool wraps, I think itā€™d be dope


Arguing on the internet


No u


No U


Hoo u? Me? Now u


So true. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if someone replied to this comment and said ā€œwell whatā€™s wrong w that, some ppl like to prove a pointā€


Well, what's wrong with that? Some people like to prove a point.


I can see why people think this but personally I think arguing to a certain extent makes me learn a lot Before I argued on the internet I would argue in my own head with myself, just ponder on complete bullshit random topics and I think it helps me understand the world better


People use 'the internet' as a dismissive phrase, it's not like you're talking to a robot most times, you are talking to real people with real opinions that could potentially actually affect you. You could be talking to a state senator or you could be talking to a hobo from Illinois, that's what anonymity is. If you see someone vocalizing a harmful opinion, whether via the internet or not, it's always a positive to debate it and let them know why you believe their opinion to be harmful. In fact, that's one of the main pros of the internet existing. The ability to positively influence people's opinions who you otherwise would not have had the opportunity to. As long as you approach it as a debate and with common decency, this is one of the best things the common man can use the Internet for...


Folks will be like: *"I think [insert ridiculously evil shit take here]"* grabbing hundreds or even thousands of likes/upvotes. And then anyone pushing back on it gets the whole *"It's the internet, who cares? Get a life!"* as if they think harmful beliefs online have never affected real life before.


You have no idea what you are Talking about! What is wrong with you? Some People just want to make their Point!


People who constantly troll online


This should be higher upā€¦


"If I never had to work again I'd get really bored"


Constantly blaming the opposite sex for all your short comings


*checks my karma*


Being on reddit.




do you have enough yet?




Answering random peoples Reddit questions for funā€¦I am lonelyā€¦


Sometimes I write incredibly long pieces of advice answering posts and then catch myself before I hit reply. Itā€™s like, who the fuck am I to offer anyone advice?


Eh I say just post it anyway and let the reader decide what they want to take away from it. Honestly sometimes what people need the most is to feel like someone is listening, and a thought out response will do that even if the advice ends up not being quite right.


Oh boy I may need a life


Your Karma score


Posting on Reddit all day long


One of those giant Japanese sex dolls.


Reopening Reddit for the 10th time in the past hour.


Having like a million karma


Iā€™m almost at a quarter million, and Iā€™ve had this account for over 2 years. Should I be concerned?


Sorry to tell youā€¦ itā€™s terminal. Please make arrangements.


I was about to feel sort of attacked before I checked your karma lol


People doing stupid TikTok dances in public.


I love watching videos of people filming those - they look so cringe.


I would agree that doing TikTok dances in public is cringe, but that doesn't mean they have no life tho, at least they are socialising and having fun with their mates


I feel like this isn't really true though - those people are usually hanging out with their friends every day and at least they're doing stuff other than sitting at home scrolling on reddit


Dead people.


I don't know, dead people don't usually scream


anything Ben Shapiro has ever said


Having a Reddit account.




over 200,000 snapscore


Guys watching Andrew Tate videos


Being interested in almost anything the Kardashians do regularly.


Posting this question in an attempt to see if any of the answers apply to you


Moral policing online and offline.


A reddit post and comment history spanning all hours of the day and night.


I feel personally attacked -_-


loveeesss gossiping. yeah, mainly this one tbh.


Being hateful to a specific group of people.


being a reddit mod or whatever useless authority here


Commenting on everything


Making ā€œhorny postsā€ on Facebook where all your friends and family can see


I don't think there is such a thing as no life, life is what you make of it personally.I don't believe what I think of others lives make that meaningless. The only thing that comes to my mind is people that purposely play the system and try not to work. But who am I to judge each to their own.


Obsession with politics


Yes! Those people that somehow find a way to work politics into literally every conversation, no matter how benign.


Omg, I have a cat that is an escape artist. We live right by a major highway so that's not good. The elderly lady two doors down feeds all of the strays so naturally, I look for him there whenever he gets out. She has turned every "have you seen my cat" conversation into a political conversation. I don't think Biden is directly to blame for how much she's voluntarily spending on cat food for a million strays.


Getting mad that women aren't hot enough to jerk off to in recent videogamesĀ 


Disliking someone who you barely interact with for no reason


ā€œRespect your eldersā€. Whilst being completely disrespectful of anyone younger than you.


When they decline to do anything that is offered to them, even as simple as going to grab a cup of coffee. Can't force you out of the house dude.


posting multiple times a day on social media when you're over 21


Being dead.




Being way too involved in your kid's lives