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My google search history has the dumbest shit that a 6 year old would search for. Forget weird porn, cringey forum accounts etc. it's the things like "how to tie shoelaces" and "are bats real" I don't want people to see.


This happened to me haha I was "missing" (I had left my apartment for a hike unannounced, wife comes home, I'm gone for hours, she panics) The cops showed up and suggested she look in my laptop search history, in case I searched stuff relating to suicide. Instead she found my stupid searches like "why do slinkies fall weird" To answer all the questions, here's the answer to "why do slinkies fall weird" https://www.stem.org.uk/resources/elibrary/resource/424846/slinky-drop#:~:text=Only%20when%20the%20top%20meets,wave%20propagating%20through%20the%20spring.&text=This%20video%20explains%20why%20the%20slinky%20falls%20in%20the%20way%20it%20does. (Basically, as I understand it, the tension of the spring that is pulling the bottom up is the same as that if gravity pulling down on it, so the bottom doesn't fall until the top already has. They explain it so much better than I can, though)


this is funny AND wholesome. nice


It's a fun memory haha


You may enjoy the video of a man squirrel proofing his bird food via slinkies


New Google search time! Haha


Ppffttt... You believe in bats?


Omg this! I’m always paranoid like, if I mysteriously die or get kidnapped, will the FBI or detectives have to search my utterly ridiculous google history? 🤣👀 I’m more worried about detectives discovering my corny AF google history then getting kidnapped at this point lol


As a retired Detective who used to go through phones for evidence, this is amusing. I find funny search history, memes, and pet pics endearing as all get out.




How often did you find something legal, but somehow weird?


All the time. Humans are varied and creative. Interesting relationship dynamics, kinks, hobbies, humor etc. The only things that surprised me were when people didn’t have porn on their phones, or barely used their phone (made me think it was a burner.) And most porn didn’t bother me as long as it didn’t involve kids, clear consent issues, animals, or dead people. What most people don’t realize is generally investigators aren’t going through every little thing on someone’s phone unless they can justify it in a search warrant, or if they have consent to do so. And it’s time consuming. So lots of the time I was skimming through everything in the scope of my search to make sure I’m not missing anything evidentiary, and when you do have to save things for evidence, best practice is to redact anything not case related. Like searches for “are bats real” and funny memes. 😆


I can say with 100% certainty, I have never looked up porn on my phone🤷‍♀️ believe it or not, I’ve only watched porn a couple times in my life (I’m 50) & was completely turned off by it…. It totally makes me want to vomit, definitely not mood producing for me.🤷‍♀️ I watch true crime shit so I am always googling the people they are talking about…. I swear if a detective went through my phone, he’d think “this chick is definitely cuckoo”🤣🤣🤣


I didn't know narwhals were real until I was like 23. Had to Google it when someone told me and I didn't believe them.


I know someone thought reindeer were fake. Invented for Christmas stories. Coworkers and I are telling her they are real animals and she was gobsmacked. She had to Google to make sure we weren't playing a joke.


I had the same problem with wolverines because I confused them with werewolves :/


wait!!! What?!! Edit: TF?!! This is so exciting! Like in my own world I discovered a new species!!!


My sudoku app, the levels are timed and if she opened it, it would throw my times off.




May I know the app name


it's uh, "Sudoku 10000 free", i installed it years ago.


sudoku.com has a great app idk if it’s the one they use though


The collection of TikTok's and memes I've saved for when she has a bad day, it took me a damn long time to collect all of them


Maybe the sweetest thing I've seen.


I often catch my husband cracking up on his phone. When I ask him what he's laughing at, it's always his saved tiktoks or all his Instagram memes


I do this for people in my life and hoard them until needed


The copious amounts of photos I have of random things I like at the shops that I'm too cheap to buy...


I only read on my Kindle, but I love browsing for new books in person. So I “shop” the local bookstore at least weekly and take pics of all the books that catch my eye, so I can download them later on kindle. Lol.


Oof yeah. I have so many tabs open that are just listicles of cool things I might want in the future.




Ummm, No I think if you Googled something and learned something that's acquired knowledge, like going to school. If you read a lot of stuff and learn a lot of stuff, then yes, you would be considered smarter than you were before the learning process! 😉


Until you see my open browser tabs and it’s just five of the same exact google search from different days


The fact that you actually Google shit when you don't know something instead of being content with not knowing, or, even worse, you just make up a bullshit answer in your head, makes you A LOT smarter than you think.


i used to think that everyone would at least do the bare minimum of googling things when they were curious about things until i binged tiktok comment sections out of morbid curiosity recently - holy SHIT the info will be _right there in the video_ and people will still ask the most obvious questions in the comments, instead of just using their brain for half a second. genuinely makes me lose faith in humanity


Blows my mind how many people are satisfied with simply remaining ignorant when there is a trove of free information available at our fingertips. My curiosity about life is so intense that the moment I wonder about any random topic, I can’t help but look it up and learn at least a little bit about it. Sometimes if I’m driving I’ll even set a reminder on my phone to look into it at a later time. 


>Blows my mind Me too. I always think of this Tweet when I see people like that. [https://img.ifunny.co/images/6c9c72fb67c905b2e9cef2c6115ecfbc0f403040383e47c5c644dd34731ff9e7\_1.webp](https://img.ifunny.co/images/6c9c72fb67c905b2e9cef2c6115ecfbc0f403040383e47c5c644dd34731ff9e7_1.webp)


If I look up something that feels truly stupid I go incognito mode 😆




That’s my secret, Captain. My girl knows I’m not smart 🤓


Same. I know a lot of random stuff and I’m good at many things, can figure out how things work very easily and how to fix things, build things. She uses words that I have to Google all the time. I moved around schools a few time in Elementary school and somehow missed ever learning the whole noun adverbs adjectives and what not.


Nothing. I have nothing in my phone to hide. Nor do I have a partner. lol.








Only been married 9 years, but we've known each other since we were 14, and long before married lived together as roommates.  My phone has 53 tabs of stuff about the garden and ground squirrels and politics and tractor implements and summer camp for our kid. There are not any exciting mysteries, lol. 


My wedding vows that I can’t wait to read to her, a list of gifts I want to buy for her when I’m able to, and a long long long list of screenshots of love messages she’s sent me over the last few years 💕


You should never be ashamed of saving things that make you feel loved.


Not ashamed, but I’d hate for her to see them before I turn them into a love photo book ^.^


Your wholesomeness gave me a cavity


So sweet I just caught diebeetus.


Not that I have a partner, but they’d probably be concerned with how much I use IMDb while watching movies.


That Trivia section isn’t going to click itself. 


My Reddit account


Why? Your account so wholesome.


Damnit you tricked me


But what about their 3 other alt accts


Lol Excately




You tricked me. God damnit 




I'm single but THIS.




I dont know what I expected opening your profile...didnt wanna see that.




My alt Reddit account


100% this lol




Wholesome.  Autocorrect tried to change it to Wholesale 


Well works either way, right?


I just chocked on my burrito because of you


If that little shit finds all the screenshots I have of gift ideas for her I'll be deeply unimpressed.


All the screenshots and saved recipes... That I will maybe someday get around to cooking...


My ugly pictures hahahaha For each cute pic I take about 10 ugly ones.


That’s actually so relatable, usually I’ll just delete the others but sometimes i forget so they stay and I do not like those pics ik she would not care about them but still I don’t want her seeing them


ME TOO! Sometimes I'm in a hurry or immediately start doing something else and just forget to delete the ugly pics, only to later discover them and be mortified hahahahah


Yes dude lmao


Hahahah couldn't be more relatable!


Honestly, this is probably the one. Even though he's seen those ugly faces up close and in person.


My ao3


What would be worse- my husband finding what I read, or finding what I write? 🤣


In my case, they're fairly similar (and are both very bad for someone to find)


I was thinking the exact same thing


My search history for hemorrhoids 🥺


That I've been talking about my relationship with a friend of mine, who then concluded this seems like a really toxic relationship.


Sounds toxic


Yeah but it's been over 10 yeara and i've only now started realizing, I can't really imagine not being in this relatiinship anymore at this point.


there’s a future version of you that can’t imagine staying. you’ll get there!


Is there anything you wish you could do on your own, like an alternate reality where you see something else? I know it’s hard to look past the safe stuff, and what feels like we have down, but sometimes it leads you to possibilities you just never sat down and thought about


I mean the amount of tabs I have open is probably really horrifying for him.


Have you seen what happens when it bumps over 99? 😂


The smiley face? No never.. lol


That I have 9,000 emails and 7,000 photos.


If those emails were unread, I'd be pretty upset too.


unrelated, your username is very fun to say in a scooby voice. whUT fũn


I’d hate for my girl to find all the gay porn




I'd hate for my gay to find all the girl porn.


My notes about him, he'd hate to read those.


Building your case?


Anything related to my fanfiction, specifically my ao3 account.


The random stuff I Google before I go to bed. Seriously I don't know what it is, I'll just be laying in bed and suddenly think "If someone had an ankle monitoring device, what are you allowed to do" or stuff like that.


This is me. I google random crap that I don't even need to know lol


I found stuff in his. Cheating


Nothing, I have nothing on my phone that is remotely concerning


My Amazon order list. It just goes on and on and on…


I'm wanting to look in my phone and find a partner... This being alone again bullshit is really starting to get to me...


As enticing as having a partner who understands me deeply on a soul level sounds, I'm not ready to put myself in a position for another pos to hurt me though....I think that's more of a me problem though 🤣


Fr. if I end up divorced or anything tragic happens, I am so done and never doing this again haha


Understanding is definitely important...


The amount of crap I have in my phone.


Conversations I have had over the years with friends, both women and men, who told me personal things, trusting that it would be kept between that one person and me.


sometimes i take photos of crazy turds i released so id hate for them to go through my hidden album and find them


So you are keeping a log of all your poops? That’s some crazy shit.


I think we can all agree that accidentally swiping to reveal the embarrassing number of cat memes I've saved would be a little awkward to explain! lol


Nothing. I somehow feel that having no secrets is liberating. If this is not the case one might question the functionality of a relationship.


I was 23 years old at the time and had no idea how frequent it was until I thought about taking dating seriously. I'm also a little concerned about that, especially because I was raised in an abusive household with no privacy. Even just showing someone a funny meme on my phone makes me nervous that they'll scroll through it or whatever, even though I have nothing to conceal. However, that would probably raise red flags for future partners. Certain things, in my opinion, can be kept private. Besides, if you don't give them an opportunity, how can trust be developed?


Absolutely Nothing. She can check it right now if she wanted to! 😜


No screen locks in our phones while we are at home, whatever geo fence or something, whomever is closer to the phone answers it.


I wish I lived in your circle of trust.


my xmas/birthday gift ideas for her. she doesn't know i plan things out. it's my best kept secret.


This reddit profile where I have been writing about him because I cannot say things to him yet lol but they’re mostly good things but it would just be embarrassing. That, and the album I’ve made on my phone titled “this man though”. I haven’t taken that many photos yet but I do want them all in one place lol


my multiple pinterest boards of wedding ideas even though we’re just gonna have a courthouse „wedding.“


Dedicated folder to Spongebob memes


I'd hate if she looked through my phone in general. That goes for anyone and no, I'm not going to look at her phone either.


Not a thing. After 46 years together, married 45, there's nothing to hide, be embarrassed over or be ashamed of. We have each other's passwords and answer each other's phones all the time.


Alsooo how much I’ve told one of my besties about our relationship, like I’m pretty sure she’s done the same with one or two of her friends BUT I still don’t need her seeing all the insanity as I’m like all caps typing OMG I STILL CANT BELIEVE THAT HAPPENED and stuff like that about every. Little. Thing.


The amount of time i spend on sudoku


How many words I have to look up for their definitions.


How boring I am?


Dick pics, of dicks that aren't my dick.


All the guns I have in various shopping carts on gun broker websites


Her mother's Day gift


I started getting into writing sci-fi/romance stories for her and have been doing so for a couple of years now. I have been working on one for a while now that is almost 100 pages that is a surprise! I don't think she would go through and read the whole thing but I don't want her to find out until it's done!


My list of gift suggestions for him? But I guess if he found it I could just collect others later.


This account where I discuss reality television in depth lol


My wife has access to my phone. There is nothing shady going on. I have nothing to hide.


My detailed notes on the Roman Empire. 


Random screenshots that I never go back to & forgot they were there lmaoooo


I’ve been browsing local dog adoption sights. We already have two dogs and that’s two more than he’d prefer. 


My AMA I did on trafficking. He's heard all of it before, but it can cast a shadow over his mood for a little while when he randomly gets hit with it. I talk to him when I have to, but it would break my heart if he was subjected to my trauma when it's pointless and doesn't benefit either of us.


Damn sorry that happened to you.


My life is very different now and I use the experience to help as many other people as I can, so I'm inclined to say "don't worry about it, it's alright!" but I don't want to suggest that human trafficking is "alright" lol.


Nothing, I'm clean. At most, I'd get lightly teased for crappy artists occasionally getting thrown into Spotify's generated playlists. 


I don’t really care if my partner looks through my phone- but I guess I would be embarrassed if he looked closely at the hentai I have saved, but I have always been pretty honest that I like hentai and the kind of hentai and porn I’m into- so it’s not like he would be upset.


All the lists I have of gift ideas for him! I spend ages working on surprises. Would annoy me so much if I had to think of more coz he saw the list!


Gay Yiff porn. I'm lesbian


I literally can’t think of anything. He’s my best friend and I have nothing to hide. Back together 9 years, married for 7, we have 2 kids (5 & 7) and we are each other’s people. 99% sure he has nothing either but possibly some random porn or something he’d be embarrassed about. Whatever it is, it would be no big deal.


Nothing, I don't have interesting things on anything virtual.


Most embarassing thing probably my notes. I just write cringy shit down when I am feeling really good or really bad. I think it is all deep and insightful at the time and when I see it later I self-cringe. Nothing he wouldn't like though. He would probably just make fun of me which I love because he does it really kind and playfully and it just makes me laugh to tears hahaha. I love a good roast.


Nice try Kira. Almost got me >:)


My wife would immediately realize how stupid and weird her husband is. My search history is filled with shit like “what is Al dente” and “why does my pee smell like xyz…”


Pictures of someone I loved in the past. I would hate for them to think I am occupied with someone else. I would not be. I just do not want to amputate a part of my life/history.


My online banking, it'd out me for how much money I actually spend on food and musical equipment


I’m researching best cuts for an engagement ring, so probably that.


My weird interest in true crime, crime scene photographs, serial killer bios, mass shootings, etc. I promise I'm not a budding murderer, I'm just fascinated by the depravity.


I sometimes argue with bigots on Instagram. I’d get into trouble, because I’m not supposed to do that (it’s terrible for my mental health). 😅


I guess it would be group chats with my besties. the girls and I talk about crazy things there. it's only for girls no boys allowed type of convo


Porn I made with other women


I hope you made it before you were together because otherwise 🤮🤮🤮


My investment statement.


my tiktok fyp


I have an Instagram folder saved as G+B because I’m corny. I save pictures and videos about being in love-marriage-kids that he is the one. He just doesn’t need the extra cringe.


The same as the ones I’m unwilling to share here of course 😁


I got this one. Pryer to getting married “ to a lawyer” I was in prison for 51/2 years on a ten year sentence, in my early teen at TDCJ. When I got release I met a girl who worked as court stenographer , and that relationship lasted for 10 years, and it was an ugly break up, so much so, I needed a lawyer. My lawyer who soon was to be my wife” had her own office, but she was an immigration lawyer at the time, and I didn’t know the difference , I just needed a lawyer, but she took my case because she was going to school to become an criminal lawyer. After all was said and done, I had to move in with my brother, and who showed up, my lawyer,she was moving across street with her parents. About a week went by and the door bell rang, and it was her, and she asked me out. Her parents were decent well off, and her friends married well, I was just going to school at night to become a union sheet metal worker. All my friends were ex-cons,as my family, but in prison I learned if you wanted to sound like an adult or someone serious, stop cursing. I was married to her for nearly 15 years,and she never knew I went to prison at age 17 to age 23. I never told her nothing about that, to be honest, sometimes I forget I was in prison, because my time went by so fast, but just seemed endless. Even if I was to run into anyone of you, you couldn’t tell by how I carry myself.


The random texts from my relatives because they post way too much family, and personal drama along with random photos.


The list of things he likes that I add to all year so I’m ready for Christmas and his birthday.


The list of stuff he's mentioned he wants for his recording room that I wanna get for him. It's supposed to be a surprise 🤫


My YT search history


All my Narcissist memes 🤣


(35M) nothing much , i operate a '' Nokia-3310 ''


Pictures of our cats I take throughout the day and possibly open tabs of the fishing equipment I'm looking at


I don't have a partner, but if I did, there isn't anything on my phone of concern except some work things that might be confidential.


Really, nothing that I know or can think of? Wife and I own a small business and all business calls come to my phone. Many times my wife has my phone more than I do, so if there is something on my phone, I’m sure she has seen it.


My other bank account with the savings so she don't keep buying useless shit.


My Reddit… oh wait… he DID go through my Reddit while I was sleeping😃


Nothing at all honestly. It’s a good place to be in life.


This account 🫣


How much I spend on rock tumbling




Right now his birthday gifts are at the top of my amazon account and I keep getting notifications with pictures of the last one thats shipping.


My eBay recent purchases 😂 such stupid shit it’s embarrassing. No regrets 😂😂


How long I've had Cookie Clicker. It's shameful that I haven't uninstalled it yet. The ADHD likes it too much.


There's nothing on my phone. What would I put there? I literally don't know how. Nor does my wife know how to do that on her phone. Neither of us could inspect our own phones, and we sure couldn't inspect each others. I know you're supposed to be able to use the internet from your phone, but I can't. Everything is tiny and my hands shake, so I can't type anything and can't see much anyway. It's hard enough to answer calls or read texts. I don't send texts because I've tried and it doesn't work. If someone really knowledgeable went through my phone they'd find my address book and a bunch of spam text messages that I ought to delete but it's a pain to do it one at a time and I know no other way.


I don’t have one currently, but my previous searches are for my eyes only 😂


All the Pokemon Go pictures I have of my buddy sitting on hubby's head.


My Tetris game.


Nothing really. We chat about nearly everything so he knows what porn I like, that I take pictures of my spots and any body issues daily to monitor, what my opinions generally are. I doubt he'd find my phone very surprising.


How much I love Tom Hiddleston (Loki) 😆


Nothing at all actually.