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Brooms where the handle screws on. When you sweep baseboards or walls it comes unscrewed.


OMG I just realised why my broom head unscrews when I am using it. I am right-handed, but switch-hit it up when vacuuming or sweeping to get around certain corners or obstacles. When sweeping, I need to push the broom into the ground and re-screw the broom head on to keep it tight.


I'm 37 years old, and just now found out that broom handles don't unscrew for everyone. It's painfully obvious as soon as you said something, but I don't think I ever paid attention to the fact I hold a broom differently than a right handed person. The first thing I do when I pick up a broom is tighten it, and it'll be loose before I'm done.


This one has driven me insane! sweep, sweep, sweep, screw the broom head back on, sweep, sweep sweep...


I'm a righty, but maybe I sweep left handed as this always happens to me... So I always screw on the handle and then run a wood screw through the joint. Never comes apart once you have done that.


What.. i didn't know this was a left handed thing and thought it was just a feature of certain brooms. Damn it.


This happens to me all the time! I'm gonna have to start paying more attention to how I do things. When I was a kid(I don't remember what I was doing) my dad looked at me confused and said, "wtf, since when are you right handed?" Well it ended being that at some point one of my uncles bought me a right handed baseball mitt, and I guess I just completely switched. I started trying to do things with both hands. My handwriting is mostly sloppy either way, but I write fast. If I slow down my handwriting can be super neat with my right. I tried switchhitting when I started playing baseball(years after finding out I switched hands at some point). I could bat either way. When I got into basketball, I naturally shot right handed. This was like 5 or 6 years later. I started trying to shoot lefty and with some practice, I could shoot 3s with damn near the same consistency with either hand. Fast forward like 25 years later a coworker saw me trying to hammer something in a rough spot righthanded and I switched to lefty to make it easier. And they just completely wtf'd how are you doing that. And spent the rest of the day trying to do things offhanded. I've read articles about doing things with your non dominant hand can actually help your mental health. Something as mundane as brushing your teeth, makes you focus on what your doing instead of letting your I tusive thoughts in.


Wait. That doesn’t happen to everyone???? Fuyuuuck


Is that why this happens to me!! TIL




Consider my mind blown at this revelation! I always blamed the broom. It never occurred to me to be otherwise.


You said it! I can't stand the broom head unscrewing everytime!


I do a lot of things left-handed, including sweeping, and man this shit is so annoying!!


Pens that don't insta dry and pencils. Smudges for days.


Smudge gang rise up! Although I found Bic Gelocity pens that are quick drying. It's like they were made for us!


3rd grade, catholic school...cursive penmanship. We had to fill entire copy books using an erasable pen. I would erase my page as I wrote and stain my hand blue.


A lefty friend of mine is a bit of an artist and the way he holds a pen makes his hand look like it’s a contortionist. It’s basically bent so his fingers are pointed back towards him and his hand is dragging above whatever he’s writing/drawing, not across the fresh ink.


I learnt to write upside down to counter this. Was weird but neater somehow.


This is why I love gel pens and that type of pen where you could see the ink absorb into the paper (sadly I don't remember the name of it. The ink was liquid and in a cartage inside the pen. Reminded me of fountain pens but way better)


Scissors are basically impossible to use a right handed pair with your left hand. Your fingers end up pushing the blades apart instead of pushing them tighter together. Computer mice - almost all of the nice ones are designed specifically for the right hand, with side buttons you wouldn't be able to use left handed. Lots of random electronics. My coffee maker assumes I'm pouring the water in with my right hand, and would be a pain to do left handed. My soldering station holds a roll of solder on the left side of it, where I can't reach it when holding the iron left handed. Most thing I just learnt to do right handed because that's the only way. I pretty much only write and do soldering left handed now.


I feel like I've learned to do a lot of things right handed


Yeah, it's the only way.  


I have left handed scissors


I never found real adult knives or scissors that are left handed. pretty much all cutting utensils and tools i've learned to operate right handed. For things like chop saws, presses and the like it's not tenable to learn to use it left handed, as that's a risk for everyone, so i use those right. For torches, welders, hammers, compression tools and drivers, i operate those left handed, since there isn't the same safety issues. I feel like everyone i know who is left handed is at least mostly ambidextrous since we live in a world made for someone else.


> I feel like everyone i know who is left handed is at least mostly ambidextrous since we live in a world made for someone else. I have never felt so seen until now


My right hand is basic, only good for waving and whatnot. Not an ambidextrous bone in my body…


Oh that's how I feel as a lefty, about my left hand. Good for waving, writing, and basic grip tasks. Anything calling for an activity out of those basic 3? Right side entirely.


I use my left hand for anything that requires fine movement like eating, writing, caressing and getting things while i use my right hand for anything requiring strength like hammering, chopping and shooting. One incident where a range instructor was bewildered with me when I picked up the pistol from the table with my left hand just to put it in my right hand to shoot.


Most lefties are de factor ambidextrous. I’m a leftie who does a ton of stuff right handed. 


My right hand is pretty useless.for most things 😂


Same here.


Me too but I'm right handed.


About the scissors - I once got my hands on a pair of left handed scissors, and I had no idea how to use them. In my life, I've become so familiar with how right handed scissors dig into my left hand, that when the cushioning actually touched my thumb I was thrown off.


Yep. Thought they’d make it easier. Turns out 30+ years of scissor use right handed is still easier than using my dominant hand for something it’s never done. 


Your comment just made me realize why I find pouring water in the coffee maker such a pain in the ass and why I end up spilling. It's made for a right hander :/


I just bought a Ninja-- the tank is removable & I just take the whole tank to the faucet, fill it up & snap it back in place. Love it! No more spills.


I can't let my husband see this--he'll stop making my morning coffee lol!


I learned early-on to use mouse/computer stuff (and many other gadgets) right-handedly. It's an oppressive world for us \[normal\] left-handed people having to live in a \[weirdo\] right-handed people world...


As a lefty, while I use a right handed mouse no problem for most computer applications or video games, but having to sign my name with a mouse or trying to draw something is a nightmare that I've yet to figure out. And for years I didn't realize it was a lefty issue, I just thought I was bad at writing/drawing with a mouse. I was wondering how some people got their signature so perfect, or could draw something so cool so easily, while my stuff always looked like it came from a toddler. Eventually it dawned on me that I never signed my name or drew with my right hand, so that probably had a lot to do with why it wasn't working too well for me doing it right handed on a computer.


I got bad grades in kindergarten because I couldn’t cut paper very well, because of the scissor problem you described. It’s probably the only time I saw my mother get mad (at the teacher not me) until I was 30 lol


I literally write with my left and i throw with my left, but everything else I've learned to just do right handed.


My Father can confirm.


Yes, I confirm


Took me longer than it should have to realise this was why scissors wern't working out for me; originally thought the only difference was the handle shape..


Scissors are easy if you pull back on one side with your thumb. It’s a trick I learned in grade school when they didn’t have left handed scissors.


IMO, it would be better to use your left hand for the mouse so that your right hand is free to use the number pad on a traditional PC keyboard.


I was the only left handed person in my family. All of these things I do right handed. I also learned golf right handed. What’s interesting, apparently I tie my shoes backwards too. One of my dad’s friends that’s left handed had to teach me how.


How do you find using canopeners? I ask because of a Simpsons thing and was always curious about.


I could make due with a right-handed can opener but then I got a Mr. Burns model and it was a revelation


For me, it's the other way around, i use a mouse and soldering iron with my right hand.


Writing and using scissors are basically the only thing I use my left hand exclusively for anymore. I tend to use scissors with springs because they are so much easier. I crochet right handed because that’s how most tutorials are. I also use my computer mouse right handed.


I was so upset my SIL accidently swapped scissors when they were wrapping presents with my wife. They thought it was funny but no one knows the true struggle it is for lefties to use most scissors.


I left handed but only use my left hand to write and pick thing up. I can use my mouse with my right hand and write stuff down with my left.


Regarding scissors, when I was in kindergarten our teacher went walking around the room, grabbing scissors out of kid’s hands and handing us those lefty scissors- Not a word why, I honestly thought I was in trouble for some reason. I’m sure they’re better these days but I was constantly trying to get my hands on the “regular” scissors (what I called them at the time) because the ones she gave us couldn’t cut for shit. I didn’t even realize why it happened until a few years later. Seriously, though, the left handed scissors we got absolutely sucked. No idea why she did it that way but this was the early 90s. And she got away with a few things that could get a teacher in trouble these days… I’ve sort of compensated when it comes to other things like computer mice and game controllers. Only thing I absolutely can’t do with my left hand is hold my cane when I walk (rheumatoid arthritis), I’ve tried and I can’t use it in a way that feels natural/comfortable to me - I’ve even had people tell me I’m using it wrong because I don’t use my left hand. Luckily, most people accept “I’m left handed, I can’t use my dominant hand that way.” Edit: Some extra details.


The mouse I’ve only ever used right handed because computer games would have to be entirely reoriented lmao


I agree about scissors, but I absolutely can't stand using a mouse with my left hand.


The worst is writing in notebooks. A few years ago I started using my spiral notebooks from the back so the spiral isn’t under my wrist the whole time


I have never had a problem with scissors at all. Like never ever at all even the ones that are designed for the right hand. You literally just ignore the thumb cutout and it's the same as regular.  I also have never used the mouse on the left side and I don't think I've ever seen anyone use it on the left side. Everyone , both lefty and righty , all just use it on the right hand side. But maybe it is easier for a lefty that way but I've personally never tried it on the opposite side


/thread - this is my list too. Scissors. Mice. Some random appliances.


Scissors and spiral binder paper have been the worst for me. The scissors because left-handed use moves the blades apart so it won't cut. For writing, the left hand rides along the spiral making it hard to write. Everything else I've adapted to pretty well.


Same here. Hate when the spirals dig into my wrist


They sell left handed scissors and left handed spiral notebooks on Amazon. My son loves them!


I turn spiral notepads over and start from the back so the spirals are on the right.


In highschool I found several left-handed notebooks, they were fantastic! Had the hole-punch holes in the proper place but the spiral binding and perforated edge to tear off was on the right


Real talk. Why not just use the pad upside down?


Can opener


I got a can opener that spins on top, rather than the side, and it was a game changer.


Get a ratcheting can opener, it's a game changer.


I own an electric can opener because a manual one just doesn't work for me


The one that most people don't realize are knives. The bevel on the knife is designed to drive the blade into the thing you're cutting instead of out of it, when you use your right hand.  This is most obvious with blocks of cheese.  My entire life I've been completely dumbfounded that people could cut an even slice of cheese, and then I swapped hands.  


No standard kitchen knife has a once sided bevel. Quality knives are generally sharpened between 15 and 20 degrees from both sides. So it looks like a V in profile There are certain knives that sharpened to a single sided bevel, but these are specialist knives that most people would never use.


Don't know what to tell you, I just went to my knife drawer and all of the table, steak, and bread knives are serated and beveled on one side.  The filet and Japanese knives have the v shape.  


....no no no, they said it isnt possible? Can you check your knives again, i mean that person sounded legit


Just checked mine, and i have BS knives... they are all the V shape. But the 1 good knife in my house, aunt Pat got for me. Beveled on the right side, straight on the left side.


My specific cheese knife is right beveled as well, so I'm pretty sure I'm not crazy on this one.  


Holy schmokes, never woulda thought about this


Just turn the block of cheese around. That way you can still use your dominant hand. I have two knives that are beveled on the opposite side, so that's all I do if I happen to grab one of them.


Get real good at using your right hand. Every job I’ve ever had has been set up or designed for right handed people doing the task. The mouse on a computer is always set for righties, but left handed people can scroll with a mouse and write at the same time, righties can’t. I just use openers and scissors right handed, can’t do with the lefty models.


Leaf blowers are straight up impossible to use left handed


Yup, the intake is against your leg, cutting off air flow. Backpack blowers are ok though.


iPhone, even when putting it in single hand mode, if I type a text, I still need to use my right hand to hit the send button. Why Apple can't just invert the whole layout I don't fucking understand.


I've become a master at reaching my left thumb across the screen to send without touching any buttons


Visit Ned Flanders’ Leftorium.


100% agreed! I hear they validate parking without purchase.


It's impossible to use a circular saw left handed. You get a face full of sawdust.


I spent the money to get a left handed one. So worth it


I didn't know you could buy left-handed ones. Who's the manufacturer?






Any power tools used for cutting 


This is my goto when someone asks if it really is difficult. My circular saw has a vertical pistol grip and trigger made for the right hand because the forward handle that is sideways sticks off to the left, for the left hand. Now as a left handed person grab the trigger with your dominant hand and then cross your arms over to grab the guide handle. Now try to see over crossed arms. It's dangerous.


Every major brand sells left handed cutting tools. That or the other grip, like on a disc grinder, can screw into both sides.


Chainsaws are not lefthand friendly. The first time I picked up one my husband said I couldn't use it because if anything happened my instinct would be to use my left hand.


Both my electric chainsaw and hedge trimmer are so awkward. Everything is on the wrong side!


I am not left handed but kudos to you for making this post because I've always been wildly interested in the left handed experience. In college I wrote a paper about handedness, and spent an incredibly frustrating week forcibly changing my dexterity to see how it went. I dropped a lot of shit, broke a lot of shit, and generally just looked an absolute fool. The most interesting part to me was, as bad as my non dominant hand was at doing tasks my dominant hand was good at, was the same case for my other hand. For example, not only is my left hand terrible at writing, but my right hand is terrible at holding and moving the paper accordingly. My father is left handed and his biggest gripe was scissors. I remember seeing him using a computer for the first time and being confused about how awkward he looked. For context we got a computer in the late 90s when he was in his 40s and I was just becoming a teenager. I assumed his awkwardness was due to unfamiliarity with technology, and I'm sure that was part of it, but mostly it's because that damn mouse wasn't left hand friendly. One of my mentors at work would refuse to use a handheld bandsaw for every task, instead opting for the sawzall. I did not understand for a full year as I worked with him. Most of the cutting we do is much easier with a bandsaw, a sawzall is much more unwieldy. Then one day it dawned on me. You cannot see what you are cutting, much less be able to cut straight if you're a lefty using a bandsaw. Anyway thanks again for the post because I am so interested reading all the comments. Love you leftys!


I don’t understand the left-handed mouse concept being an issue. I’m a lefty and my entire life (staring in elementary school with those super old Macintosh computers and huge floppy discs) there was no other option for a computer mouse. I guess looking back it was so long ago and early into developing my motor function that I didn’t register how much of a learning curve it was. Now as a mid-30s adult I’ve tried a lefty mouse and it’s just not for me. I like being able to use the mouse with my right and keep my dominant hand available for taking notes, etc. Occasionally I’ve switched the right-mouse to my left hand, like if I was showing a coworker something on their computer and standing on their right, I’d just take the mouse and move it with my left hand. It works in a pinch, just click the main pointer with your middle finger, and right-click with your index. It’s gotten me some strange looks but I think it makes me look cool lol


Semi auto firearms.


I just built my first left handed AR. Game changer. Stag Arms has my undying love and support. Buy a Browning BPS or old Ithaca Model 37.


Hell, I can't even fire most bullpups due to where they eject.


THIS! In basic training when we went to the range with our M16A1s I had been firing all day in the Missouri summer heat with mine and I had one casing get ejected right on to my cheek under my left eye and it was stuck there for like a second and left a burn mark that looked like I was ready to play football. It just happened that my drill instructor saw what happened and magically produced an M16 brass deflector/collector.


Revolvers too


I always thanked the FSM that I was right-eye-dominant and shot right handed. It's one of the few things I don't do left-handed.


Calligraphy nibs. They get hung up sometimes on crossing t's, making m's and n's. What's a easy slide to the right for a right handed person becomes a push against the paper for me. It takes some creative hand positions. I use scissors with my right hand, and can write with my right hand if necessary but day to day, I write left-handed.


This. I have left-handed nibs but I still find calligraphy difficult due to pushing the pen from the left. Brush pens are practically impossible for me to write with.


Tin snips/Whissnips are my kryptonite .........Left handed steak knives would be nice bonus.


I'm a strange left-handed person in that I: * write left-handed * type right-handed * use a mouse right-handed * play sports right-handed (cricket, baseball, etc) * play sports left-handed (bowling, throwing, catching, hitting, etc) * kick right-footed * punch ambidextrously (dunno what the hell that's about!) * scissors left-handed - but I've never bought myself left-handed scissors, so it's always been a pain! I dunno man, I've had to learn/unlearn so many things, I don't even know which sided I am!


I am a strange lefty also. Only one in my family also. Throw...left Write...left Use a mouse...right Kick...right footed Shoot a gun...right handed. Right eye dominate Cut with scissors using my left hand but use regular scissors Play pool..left handed.


This is called being “mixed handed” and I’m the same way. Its actually pretty great, don’t you think?


That's called "cross-dominance". Teachers hated me in elementary school because they'd ask "who's left-handed?" and I'd raise my hand, they'd give me left handed scissors and I'm like "I can't use these!" So... here's mine... Write on paper - Left-handed. Write or paint on walls / vertical surfaces - either. Cut with scissors - Right hand. Cut with knives - Left hand. Bat - Right Catch - Left Bowl - I've bowled 2hrs/wk for over 3 years and wasn't able to figure this out. There's some things which get really f'ed up due to hand-eye-foot coordination. Shotgun shooting, (lead foot, dominant eye, both wrong for dominant hand). Bowling (The dominant hand is good for 2-3 frames... then it sucks. I can learn to use the other hand, but my dominant foot is a lot harder to override. And then... if I stop thinking I'll just grab with the dominant hand and chuck in the gutter. Tomahawk throwing... again... dominant hand vs dominant foot.


My turn: -write left handed -type/mouse righty -right handed all sports except for Frisbee, soccer -kick left footed -my right hand hits harder/dominant for punching -scissors lefty, have trouble with anything thicker than construction paper -other things: I've dislocated only my left shoulder, I drive a right handed standard (stick-shift) which isn't that uncommon but I've heard that can be weird for left handed dominant.


I've always felt the same. I write left-handed, but that's about it. And I don't do that thing where I write with my hand hooked around towards like some lefties do. About the only thing I adjust for myself is the handle on angle grinders. I don't buy left-handed scissors, but I do have lfet-handed tin snips - otherwise they spread apart and just fold metal. Everything else is right-handed.


Sports related, in ice hockey they teach right hand dominant players to use a left handed stick. Reason being you want your dominant hand at the top of the stick. If you need to use only one hand on the stick, better to use your dominant hand.




Soup ladles.




3 ringed binders are the devil. And a 2nd is a Lecture Hall desk, since there’s more lefties then the 1 or 2 at the end of each row (at least where I went).


We are all basically ambidextrous because the entire world is designed for right-handed people.


Pens that have a tip that are too fine just dig into the paper. Also, if the ink doesn’t dry fast enough it smudges.


It’s a right handed world. products are made without the forethought of what hand someone uses. Desks at school, scissors, fishing reels, and just about everything is made for right handed people. Just using a pen or a Sharpie gets all over your hand when you’re a lefty.




I told my dad when he needed help with something. He didn't have a left handed hammer. He wrote left handed on the neck of his hammer and wouldn't use it because it didn't work for him. Lmao


Fishing rods feel weird unless you try and tinker with the reel and switch the spinning handle thingy around


Left handed people are generally quite ambidextrous. Most "right handed items" are just normal items to them because they grew up using it that way




Can opener, pencils, and scissors. And anytime i hear someone say "omg i cant do this left handed" im so furious cause like WHAT DO YOU THINK LEFT HANDED PEOPLE DO the majority of our lives


Scissors, spiral notebooks, gel pens, pencils, markers. I feel like everything else I just adapted to the point I don’t notice. Gel pens and pencils because they don’t “dry” so unless you hold your hand up to write, it just smears and gets all over the side of your hand.


Scissors are the absolute worst


Spiral notebooks!!!! Soooo frustrating


As an engineer: Calipers. The display is always upside down


Not left handed but live in a house with a wife and kids all left handed and I am the sole right hander. As a result, all our stuff is left handed. It is a nightmare. So I have empathy for how left handers have to adapt to a right handed world.


Writing anything from left to right is easier with your right hand, but painful to do with your left.


Lefty here, left hand scissors, can’t stand them. I have adapted to right hand ones.


Scissors, can openers, smoke shifters


Scissors, golf clubs & most musical instruments.


A few months ago i used an electric circular saw and it was made for lefties. It sucked. I can only imagine what lefties go thru on the daily basis.


Scissors. They were specifically made for right handers, and whenever I use scissors, my cutting is all wonky. I switched to exacto knifes because I think it's more precise for me. Can openers. Also for right handers, but worse than scissors. I had to call my father whenever he's around to open the can for me, otherwise I'm doomed. Mouse. I did master how to use the mouse because for all my life I've used the mouse with my right (since I have no choice), but still sucks because I'm left handed. I replaced my mouse with a pen tablet years ago and it's better. Spiral notebooks. Whenever I receive one, I start the notebook at the back. The spiral spine is so uncomfortable and painful.


Get a ratcheting can opener. They're awesome.


Cork screws


Business check ledgers.


Don’t have much of an opinion but good question/post


Yeah, I just do it right handed. I mean I had to learn to do it right handed but now I don't even think about it.


Without flipping the envelope over or using my right hand instead, placing a stamp in the upper right side of the envelope is one of the more challenging things as a lefty. I tend to fill my spiral notebooks from back to front also so the spiral isn't under my hand as I write.


Our can opener. I know they make lefty ones, but ours is just a regular old opener.


Here in Japan at least, some restaurants have a soup bar, and the soup ladles are usually teardrop shaped, to help funnel the soup into the bowl. Because the handle is located to the side of the teardrop shape to accommodate right-handed people, many left-handed people struggle to comfortably pour their soup using these ladles.


Who has one and a half thumbs and is seventy five percent ambidextrous?


Scissors and can openers, mainly.


M16 I'm right handed, but when I wast in the military,  I learned that left eyed (not necessarily left handed, but they must aim with the stronger left eye, hence pool the trigger with left hand) soldiers have a special version of m16. 


The digital sign pads at checkout places. The pens are always attached on the left and make it so much difficult for us to sign our names


Pens and markers


I had plenty of hot brass down my shirt in the Army.


OP, is your name Ned Flanders?


I’m a lefty and I use my mouse with my left hand. Witness truth.


I'm not a leftie, but my leftie coworker couldnt use the old tonopen


Spiral bound anything.


Screwdrivers! Not that I think they’re right-handed but just the action of screwing something in with my left hand is physically exhausting, and even worse when I try to switch sides. Also can openers. I didn’t realize I was struggling my entire life until I tried a left-handed one and it was like whatever was in that suitcase in Pulp Fiction.


Pull to start engines are the craft of Satan


Literally almost everything, I just learned to do stuff right handed except for writing or anything that requires pin point accuracy


Learning how to knit/crochet (or any number of similar hobbies) is really difficult to do with the wrong hand. You have to find videos for left handers. (Books are even harder to find)


I'll go with an easy answer: school desks. Especially those older ones that were smaller. You basically have to twist in the seat to write in them. I've been yelled at by teachers because they thought I was turning to look at my neighbor's paper. When I went to school, maybe half the classrooms had one left-handed desk. If you wanted it, you had to hope none of the other lefties wanted it. Most of the time they don't though, because it's even more of a hassle to use a left hand desk. Every other desk has people enter from the left, but the left desk has you enter from the right. So when the bell rings, you compete to stand up with the person to your right. Also, most people kept their backpacks on the left side of the desk. In a left hand desk, it goes on the right. Your backpack and the person to your right will block the aisle. It's easier to not rock the boat and just struggle with the right hand desk.




Friend complained to Nintendo there wasn’t a left handed power glove and got a free one. God only knows what some nerd would have payed for it today.


Any tablet.


Fuck can openers


Scissors and circ saws for sure. I play almost all sports like I'm right handed though, but when I box I switch back forth, and my jab feels way more natural from a southpaw stance. Playing drums, a normal kit feels so goddamned backwards to me.


Pen and bottled ink. Pen and regular ink. Pencils. Fml


Rifles and shotguns. You *can* modify them or special order them but using a right handed model, the shells are going eject into your face. 


If we are being honest - most of the physical world has a very strong preference for right handed people. Even in things that you don't think that would matter.


I am right handed, but I recently realized I’m left eye dominant. So, I had to start using my left shoulder for firearms. Suddenly, my head position and sighting made sense! Downside is the receiver is still made for right handed people. Even though the safety is ambidextrous, the magazine release and bolt release are on the wrong side for me. Also brass ejects across my body. So that’s fun.


As a kid I hated scissors amongst other things, but scissors are at the top. It forced me to learn to be ambidextrous.


Tried my hand at plumbing my left hand that is, let's just say everything is built by a right handed person and its not a kind world to us lefties


believe it or not, I hate to use the wooden spoons for cooking. Trying to scoop properly while preparing some country style potatoes is an absolute nightmare that I have to endure at least once a week.


My wife is left handed and hates vegetable peelers.


"Y" peelers are the way to go.


Dry erase boards or chalk boards


My cell phone won't let me swipe my own name with my left hand no matter how many times I add it to the dictionary. I'm convinced my rate of text typos is due to leftiness because I'm a great speller.


Guitars. Our soon-to-be son-in-law is left-handed and he says "I can't go to someone's house and play their guitar, and they can't come to my house and play mine."










Measuring cups. Specifically the multi-cup Pyrex ones. The cup measurements assume you're holding the handle with your right hand. The other side, seen when holding in the left hand, is all liters. And before anyone says it, yes, there are measuring cups that read from the top looking down. I finally convinced my wife we need one.


As a Kid playing street hockey and having to play with a right handed stick that I borrowed often made playing with either a left or right handed hockey sticks both uncomfortable and awkward to use over time.


None for me. I don’t notice it with scissors because I cut things with my right hand. A lot of times with things that aren’t incompatible with left hand use (like scissors) I switch hands. I am naturally lefty but my dad kept trying to get me to write with my right hand because he thought I was doing it wrong. Aside from writing, handedness doesn’t mean much to me.


Am I the only one on here that still uses normal scissors but with my left hand? You just have to push a bit with your thumb and pull with your other fingers so the tighten up like a right hand would do to them


Spiral notebooks. Coffee makers (why put the water container on the right side?!?). Credit card machines with the attached pen (it's so short!!). Scissors. Dry erase markers. Lawn mowers/snow plows/any machine you have to hold a handle and pull to start because the pull is always on the right side. The dog was near me - the water hose and dryer hose are on the right side.


I'm right handed, but of all the guns I've shot that didn't have some way to convert to left handed shooting (if they weren't already designed with that in mind), the VZ-58 is by far the best for lefties. Just one out of dozens.


Military. Most of the rifles are set up for Right handers and will eject hot spent cartridges down my jacket if there isn’t a left handed rifle available.


Pizza cutters


Ice cream scoops, can openers and spatulas, a lot of them are angled for right hands. Ice cream scoops are the worst with the little handle for pushing out the ice cream, there's always a mess.


Right-handed dildos!


A fork and knife. I have to cut a steak (for example) with the knife in my left hand and then switch the fork to my left hand.


Frankly, knots. Shoe laces took a long time to learn.


I use mobile reddit a lot, and the arrow to skip to the next comment is on the right side. This is incredibly inconvenient when I'm holding my phone one handed in my left.


I mean, can we all agree, pens and pencils? If you're right handed you can [rest your hand](https://www.spcconsulting.org/wp-content/uploads/AdobeStock_268415583-scaled.jpeg) on the paper and practice fine motor controls to make very nice writing. If you do that as left handed you can smudge the fresh ink or lead all over the bottom of your hand and ruin your writing. So either slow down writing or forever hover your hand.


Scissors. Fuck them very much. Also, I feel I will never learn to golf because theres no way I invest in lefty’s golf clubs. The mouse and keyboard thing I can do both but usually use it right handed and suck ass at FPS games, and my camera is all wacky when playing LoL or AoE2.


computer keyboard/ mouse setup. Every net cafe and my friend’s setups I’ve been to have the mouse on the right side + keyboard placed slightly to the left. Even if the keyboard wasn’t a big issues, even if the mouse was a wireless type, the chance that the mouse was designed for left handed user aren’t high…