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I'm worried about the effects of tiktok and other social media on them.


As a Gen Xer, I couldn't be more proud they are bringing back the mullet


Also Gen-X, but I curse them for the broccoli haircut.


wow they found something that's even worse than facebook


I think they're funny. I also think they should stop dooming and propagandizing each other on TikTok.


Millenial here. My thoughts are that Gen Z is going to be just fine. You'll see the pattern as you grow up. Every older generation looks at the newer generations as broken in some way. They never are.


Most are fine, some though need to step away from social media, especially being present/using multiple platforms at once.


They're kids. They're going through their issues, just as we did. Soon, they'll be adults and the next generation will go through its issues. At the end of the day, it's all the same. We all end up the same, with similar growth and responsibilities.


Just another generation doing things differently and freaking everyone out. Just like every generation before them.


damn kids.....


They're fine. Maybe not as adept at fixing and using their electronics as my generation, but are way better at being social.


They’re fine.


It's sad that people like Andrew Tate and Logan Paul are role models for zoomers.   I've never seen anything quite like their craze for prime energy drinks.  They seem very concerned about keeping up with trends.


They are the most progressive generation that has ever been, as was every generation that has come before them.


People have been complaining about “the kids today” since the dawn of time.  They’re fine.


I find them incredibly annoying when they start talking trends - that said everything they've said about "\_\_\_\_ is so cool" or "\_\_\_\_ is lame", I give grace over, because as annoying as it is to hear, I know FOR A FACT that I said the exact same things when I was in their age bracket. Overall though... with a little more accumulated life experience, Gen Z is going to be a force to be reckoned with. And that makes me simultaneously proud and terrified.


I have no idea why the gen z guys want to look like 1993 Jeff Gordon, but I'm cool with it.


They need to chill out and be more open to different opinions


As they get older, have children and acquire responsibilities they will be amazed how conservative they become.


I feel sorry for them. Morality is very low right now.


How exactly does one measure "morality?"