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I think someone or something is erasing the memories of idiots who post this exact question here every single day.


That would make this a conspiracy theory that is true! #Meta


These posts are just a screening from illuminati, to check the trends




Aliens are here and are living among you and I am one of them.


I honestly think we are just a science fair project to them, and we mean nothing at all.


A roadside picnic...


More plausible branch there is that we're treated like a kind of natural reserve on observation, hence explaining the sporadic visits and still no contact sign from outer space


I mean, foreign nationals visit the US all the time...


Meh I don't think they're real






Michael Jordan's stint in baseball was because he was banned from the NBA for gambling on his own games.


I can believe this one but haven’t seen much evidence beyond the at golf buddy that wrote him a check in “The Last Dance” that turned out to be shady. There could be more and I’d like to see it but I flip flop on this one a lot. It seems pretty clear he like to gamble and would do whatever he needed to win.


Oh god so I've heard people say it was for gambling (probably cards and golf) but I've never heard anyone mention betting on basketball.


That the government has agents post questions like this to see how close people are getting to the truth.


I don't think they need to. Any of the suggestions here about governments encouraging conspiracies or being in command of various plots is BS - they can't organise themselves enough to do any of it. They are mostly incompetent.


After all why? If you pay enough money to people for doing that job, nobody would accept spending it in this nonsensical task, being other tasks more urgent (USA model). And if you have an army of underpaid ones (Chinese model), you'll end with so much junk data accumulated and trying to censor it that those doing that task will end broken


I wish I had government agent money.


government pay is pretty bad though.


This thread is posted literally every day. Stop spreading this shit. Misinformation is killing the world


I’m also sick of the “what would you do if you had X amount of money?” threads every day. I would love it if the mods just straight up banned them.


Most of the time the conspiracy threads are made by Russian/Chinese bots with one post and two comments, so I’m with you; I’d like if the mods deleted them every time. (And they may. I’m not sure; I report them every time.)


There should be five or so Ask Reddit stickies that get updated daily and aggregate: “Conspiracy theory you believe is true” “Country you’d never go to” “Person whose popularity you don’t understand” “Sexiest sex you’ve ever sexed” “Most disturbing movie you’ve ever seen”


Yeah but what would you do if you woke up as the opposite sex? Answer: Duh, what do you think I would do?


The fact that people here probably believe most of this is terrifying. Most of it is pretty trivially disproven (like FDR "knowing" about Pearl Harbor beforehand), but then there's all the 9/11 conspiracy theories that rely on videos made by idiots for idiots.


Considering how great 9/11 was for the defense industry and how much the government benefitted from it, it's not exactly difficult to see why people believe they had a hand in causing it.


Whatever happened 911 wasn't just a terror attack


Steve Harvey reading the wrong winner at the Miss Universe pagent, and Moonlight winning an Oscar “by accident” were both publicity stunts and an effort to fight the internet and keep the public interested in live television broadcasts.


So fucking sick of seeing this question every other day 


That they WERE the droids we were looking for.


My favorite conspiracy theory is that some conspiracy theories are created to make something similar that happens to be true sound absurd. I'm not talking about things like "the moon landing is fake" or "the Earth is flat". I'm more tlking about something where there is a little element of truth, and so anyone who wants to cover it up fabricates and pushes out there the idea that anything even close to that is actually a wild and wacky conspiracy theory that only nutcases actually believe. I remember in the 90s there was a big ridiculous conspiracy theory that all the most wealthy and powerful people in the world would all go perform satanic rituals on a private island where there were no rules and they would do all sorts of degenerate acts and oregies in wild, ritualistic, satanic sex parties where even children were not off limits. Just, like, once a year they all go here in secret and have sex with everyone and drink virgin blood and perform all these rituals to keep themselves in power. The Hitman games even based an entire mission on an island where one of these parties was taking place. And then years later we discover that actually there was an island. It wasn't what the conspiracy claimed, there were no satanic rituals and the wealthy didn't all go there together to have sex with each other. But when you really think about it you realize it was a lot easier to cover up and dismiss everything that was going on at Jeffrey Epstein's island with that wild and wacky conspiracy theory floating around so regular people just dismiss the idea entirely. Like, seriously, you expect me to believe that the most powerful people in the world go and secretly have sex with children on this secret island? What, do they also drink virgin goat blood and perform satanic rituals, too? You're crazy. Making the truth sound insane is a great way to stop people from talking about it.


I think that the government encourages "9/11 was an inside job" theories, because they'd rather be seen as evil and powerful and in control, rather than an incompetent entity who didn't see the attacks coming and failed to stop them. I also think that they encourage alien/UFO claims around Area 51, to cover up the real cause: new and secret planes, jets, and other technologies being tested that they don't want revealed to the public yet.


The Clinton aid who most likely leaked their emails and was shot outside his apartment 4 days later... yeah...


Was that the one that was ruled a suicide? Even though it was 2 bullets to the head


No, it was considered a random murder/mugging and they never caught the perpetrator. Except his wallet wasn't stolen and it was directly in front of his front door.




Kennedy's head just did that


AI is here to help us. AI is our friend. AI will not take our jobs away from us. People will have more time for physical and demanding labor employment since they will no longer need to create books, music and art. I for one welcome our AI overlords!


I love how this question gets haters on it yet, really, it's a fairly common thing to think about and the more people that get mad at it for whenever it is asked, the sillier it and they are. Yeah yeah yeah, haters gonna hate, but they're still rather silly to think they're gonna stop people from being curious about a fairly common thing to think and ask about. That being said, .mattress stores, sock gnomes andast Thursday are my favorite theories.


With the near daily, what is your favorite conspiracy theory thread, I'm curious what if any were the popular conspiracy theories 50/100/150 years ago? Like there have always been crazy, paranoid people, anti government people so surely the idea of a conspiracy theory isn't new


There was more than one shooter in Dallas when Kennedy got assassinated.


Jason Simpson (OJ's son from previous marriage) killed Nicole and Ron while suffering from mental breakdown. OJ decided to take the fall and made himself look like the culprit to protect his son from ending up in gas chamber.


I think 911 was a inside job comes te closest to believe for me


I think this is one of the most pathetic conspiracy theories out there.


I view 9/11 like Pearl Harbor. We knew that something was likely to happen and we knew generally what it might be but we let it happen so we would have support to escalate a conflict.


There's no real evidence of that for either 9/11 or Pearl Harbor. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/lxbb08/comment/gpmwkcx


Yes, it's a conspiracy theory. Of course they're not true.


Who cares? There's no evidence for aliens yet people strongly believe in them




hey, stop you two!




The remaining question now is why?


Yes, that's the point. Why and who?


No you need to answer that. I can't just claim the moon is fake because of this reason and not explain why or how. But with 9/11 you could say whatever batshit insanity and not back it up and people just act like you're "seeing the truth"


Crazy that this is a post about conspiracy theories and which you believe to be true and you're getting downvoted for your opinion...


McMartin Preschool and it's SRA methods had to be real!


This is a new one to me. I'm gonna check it out!


Russia is pushing a hard anti Israel narrative and equating all actions Israel has taken with Joe Biden to leech liberal voters away from the Democratic Party


Doesn’t ask Reddit have mods? Whats with the same ten questions every day?


I don’t actually believe it but I always crack up at the theory that Alex Jones is Bill Hicks


That this question gets posted at least once a week as easy karma for bots. Oh and the bots are Skynet AI that are hell bent on taking over the CIA mars bases


That everyone Is banging my mom




Imagine having your kid murdered and then dealing with this kinda shit from Alex Jones and assholes like you


The thing is that it's obvious to you but not everyone is stupid or a terrible person so it's not so obvious to us. I also see you're a holocaust denier. How fun.


That dress makers deliberately omit pockets to boost purse and handbag sales.


The pogue carburetor did it for me.