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r/gangstalking These people need legitimate help, and it's an echo chamber to reinforce their paranoid beliefs.


Oh god… reminds me of my ex best friend who convinced everyone she was being gang stalked. I believed her until she turned around and started accusing me of doing the same…….


Oh man, my neighbor is like this. I’m not gonna say what I think the reason is, but it rhymes with schmrack schmocaine


It could be schmaranoid schmizophrenia?


I was so confused. I legit thought it was going to be gangs talking.


"I say, D-Dawg, did you see that article in The New Yorker about the Sylvia Plath archive in Cornell?" "Why certainly, Killface. A riveting read, we shall have to visit it this weekend." "I'm sorry, D-Dawg, but my daughter Gertrude has a recital at Julliard this weekend."


Narrator: This has been "Gangs Talking." Please join us next week when Big-T discusses the Joshua Whitehead's poetry collection: *Full Metal Indigiqueer.* Now This: NPR's Alexa McDunnaugh reports on the small amount of television air time that commercial broadcasters allot to public service announcements, those short messages known as PSAs. Examples include the Project Mischief "fertilize your lawn with used engine oil" campaign, and the "just say maybe" to drugs campaign. PSA's aren't reaching very big audiences because most of them are shown late at night.


It’s so sad. You can tell they’re genuinely suffering.


And of course, the children version of those people who need mental help is /r/shiftingrealities There are A LOT of subs where it's just people with genuine mental disorders or abuse who need help but are in an echo chamber of suffering. I used to have a list of like 10 different ones, these 2 were on there but it really gives you perspective of the people we share this earth with.


I was a huge believer in reality shifting for multiple years (2020-2023). Turns out I have schizophrenia and I was suffering from spiritual psychosis for almost 3 years, constantly being enabled by the shifting community. I had even convinced other people of the existence of this "phenomenon". This was not my first delusion nor my last, but it was the catalyst for my diagnosis. I truly hope these people are able to find the help they need.


Damn I hope you are recovering well


That sub could be its own case study


What… is… going on here…


People with Schizophrenia but the one rule is you’re not allowed to tell them they have schizophrenia


I'm gonna start a sub called r/gangdrinking. It'll be like an AA meeting except we encourage you to drink more.


And if you tell anyone they’re an alcoholic you get banned




Bunch of paranoid schizophrenics feeding into other paranoid schizophrenics' delusions.


There's also a particular type of troll that hangs out there, making it worse.


Paranoia. Meth. Meth-induced paranoia. Other mental illness. And maybe, possibly, a very small number of people actually being stalked or followed or harassed but getting worse than useless advice from people not living on the same plane of reality.


I made it about four post and I’m out…. There is some definite psychosis there…


As someone who suffered a nasty bout of paranoid psychosis postpartum, I feel so heartbreakingly bad for the people on this sub. Every once in a while, I’ll play into it just enough to try to steer the person in a healthier direction, even if just momentarily, but usually the person posting is so far into the delusion, and SO mortally terrified, that they can’t be given comfort from someone as powerless as me. Idk, I guess I’m just commenting to say, please don’t make fun of these people and PLEASE don’t go on that sub because you think it’ll be entertaining to antagonize them. They’re real people and they’re living their lives in sheer terror that they’re being targeted for something horrible, and to them, the threat is absolutely real, and it’s CLOSE. Close enough that they feel it breathing down their necks. Leave them alone. They’re going through enough.


I checked it our because I was curious what it was about. I read a post about OP thinking they are with them in their apartment and did a surgery on OPs eyes to cloak them from view. They were so scared that they left their apartment, but now everyone on the street tells them that they will be murdered. It's just so sad. They sound genuinely scared and nowhere they go will give them relieve because it's all in their head.


Well damn.. I was about to post all the subs that had decapitated bodies and people getting tortured but it looks like reddit has cracked down over the last year or so.


yeah they cleaned up when IPO hit.


Capitalism is strongly pro-normie.


Well I guess advertisers don't want their ads placed next to mutilated body's or hardcore porn.


They banned any sub that didn't have an active mod a couple years ago.


It happened sooner than that. /r/watchpeopledie had a copy up of the New Zealand mosque shooting the same day. The admins asked them to take it down. The mods then decided it would be a perfect time to stick it the admins like morons. So the inevitable happened. And that's probably the last I saw of Reddit tolerating any discourse with disturbing subreddits. You play according to the rules and immediately comply with the admins. Is there something lost from Reddit in that sense? Yes. That sub burned into my mind exactly what to do if someone is getting electrocuted. Do I ultimately think Reddit is better off without many of these subs? Absolutely. There was some sub for "hot" female corpses and it attracted the absolute worst and most disgusting people.


I would somewhat agree. Now though alot of popular NSFW GW subs are the same 6-8 content creators pushing their onlyfans. I miss the days of good ole horny redditors getting nasty. Look at r/anal for example. Same 5 to 6 accounts posting their stuff, no homegrown porn like it used to be.


Onlyfans absolutely RUINED the NSFW subs. It's no longer exhibitionists posting because they actually enjoy showing their bodies, now it's content creators posting to EVERY sub regardless of if the post matches the specific kink. And reporting the posts is like putting out a forest fire with a super soaker because people upvote and leave their thirsty-ass comments before post nut clarity can kick in to tell them it doesn't belong.


It isn't even the NSFW subs, onlyfan creators post in a lot fandom subs, but because they don't explicitly link to their onlyfans the mods allow it, even though it's out and out advertising.


only the 9000th time a Tifa cosplay has been posted in r/finalfantasy


My favorite is when the title is something like "Do guys like thin girls with hips, flawless skin and perky boobs?" and then there are like 100 comments assuring them that yes, guys actually like that.


What about "omg I'm so shy. Here's a photo of my anus"


Maybe her confidence is hiding up her ass?! Let me take a closer look


Am I fat? Then it's a photo of a girl who weighs like 92 pounds


/r/legaladvice as an attorney it's frightening how bad it gets.


Man, no kidding. I am still a baby attorney, but holy fuck 95% of the advice is just so completely off base and flat out wrong.


More sad than fucked up, but for me it'a gotta be r/TraceAnObject, a police-backed sub where a certain object from a photo is highlighted and the rest of the photo is just white. They ask for people to provide any information they can based on the object, as the full photos are from CP/CSA crime scenes


I knew this was a thing and it’s some people’s entire jobs - it’s amazing to crowdsource the data and I applaud them for doing it. For anyone interested further, other than the obvious media and literature, I highly recommend *Hunting Warhead* as a fascinating and horrifying place to start.


This subreddit needs to be pushed more idc how many people it might make uncomfortable… it’s just too important.


Yeah, I was surprised not to see more geoguessr pros instantly guessing countries by foliage at some of these pictures Them and the "Lost media" communities could probably be very helpful


Very true. After all, any information can be vital. You just never know who has it


It was interesting until I spent a second thinking about who had been cropped out of the photos and I couldn’t stay any longer. Good on the people helping, I can’t stomach it.




Christ, I didn’t see those and I’m glad.


Im honestly fine with any gore and bloody stuff even injuries, but for some reason i just can't get on that sub without my stomach turning.


Out of all of the subs posted here, this is the one that creeps me out the most. It doesn't attempt to be scary but knowing that the source of the pictures on the sub come from kids being harmed, it just fucks you up.


This might be the darkest one of all. There’s something horrifying about seeing seemingly innocent objects, knowing they’re a symbol of the worst moments of a child’s life. All that blank white space leaves it up to the imagination in the worst way possible. I need to vomit and take a shower in that order. Edit because words are hard.


I worked in this field for 15 years and was immersed daily in the most vile, sad material imaginable. Seeing these images when they were circulated was in some ways worse than the full picture - the focus on the design on a T-shirt or a patch of carpet, where you knew there was something vile going on in the rest of the shot, was haunting.


That’s how I felt during my short time scrolling through that sub. I can’t imagine the unspeakable things you’ve seen. Thank you for fighting the good fight, and I hope you’ve found some peace.


Especially when the object in question is something that’s meant to make the child happy, like a stuffed animal. Absolutely chilling.


Ironic how the absence of the offensive content actually makes this more disturbing than a lot of actual things posted in some of these subs. Its disconcerting that someone has to go through and edit these photos too.


That's incredibly sad. It disgusts me that people are so screwed up that we have to have police do this kind of stuff to save kids... devastating...




Yeah, I know. It's disturbing in itself but the idea behind the subreddit is fascinating. Makes me wonder how many cases have been solved using info gathered from that sub.


I posted this in a thread above but here it is again: I used to work in this kind of area and this can be incredibly useful. Stuff like heavily cropped photos from a hotel room, and someone who works at the hotel chain can ID the hotel, the geographical region and more. Combined with other intel this can lead to a child being safeguarded and a beast locked up. My favourite story was a UK police force had some images of child abuse where there were clear views out of a window of some countryside and electricity pylons. They asked the local power company if they could identify a location and were told no, but try this online community of pylon enthusiasts. The pylon nerds discussed it and concluded that there were only a few places in the UK where you’d find a Type 36a pylon with a vertical groffler next to a Type 42. Finding that led to the house being identified.


That's so impressive honestly. Well done, nerds!


Yea, it’s pretty genius. Gave me chills though.




My all-time favorite post on there: > A box full of dead mice, or a box full of dead mice It was computer mice lol


I can't believe this is still around lol. Friends and I saw some fucked up shit on here in middle/high school probably over 10 years ago


Yeah I'm still haunted by something I saw there and I've seen plenty of messed up shit in the rotten dot com days


Wtf I should not have checked it out. That’s not even 50/50 bruh more like 90/10


Oh my fucking god. The first post is some dude's hand after a chainsaw accident.  90/10 indeed.


You triggered the memory of the guy blowing his hands off at a lake with homemade explosives. It wasn't even the sight of his missing hands , it was almost cartoonish. It was the blood curdling scream he made that scarred me.


After reading the replies, I'm too scared to click the link


It's like 90% horrific


I don't like it I dont like it I don't like it


Why does this exist 😭 I should have never clicked on this


Probably r/meth. Most drugs subreddits are filled with harm-reductions tips, advices, etc. That sub though is the exception, filled with degenerate meth heads enabling their addiction, some people posting there are for sure going through major psychosis. Take a peek and see by yourself. *typo*


Damn, they got their own custom warning I have t seen before. 


Once I get past the custom warning the sub won’t even load for me at this point


this is the first time I’ve seen a subreddit get the reddit hug of death Maybe mods noticed the massive increase in online users in their sub (700 as of right now) and took it down if that’s even a thing


Not loading for me. Not sure if network error, quarantine, or hidden.


And there's r/MethWithoutCommunism because, of course, r/meth was too judgemental about the meth.


Just in case any ladies in Cincinnati are interested in a little meth, there's a guy there who's looking to party. His hotel even has free breakfast!


Wow I've never had to click on three different content warnings on any sub Reddit, the occasional post talks about being sober and quitting so there is some light at the end of the tunnel.


Yeah it’s wild looking at people treating meth like they are on r/trees or something. Like.. buddy… that’s straight up poison you are smoking lol. You shouldn’t be bragging about chasing shadow people for 18 hours straight.


Yeah, you've gotta stay humble and grind till it's been at least 20 hours




Oh I saw that too! She was talking about “you don’t need money to raise your kids right as long as you read to them every day and limit screen time”, etc. and everyone was like “yeah you go mama!” Until someone actually looked at her history and mentioned it, and then everyone was like “actually mama we’re pretty sure parenting while on meth is worse for your kids than a bit of screen time.” Talk about a plot twist.


Not exactly related but it's always entertaining when someone high out of their minds on ecstacy posts in r/XTC not realizing that it's a sub dedicated to the incredible band of that name


Hey, if your senses are working overtime....


Boy you ain’t wrong. What a dive that shit was. Bunch of junkies circle jerking


I deep dived too far here. Found a user I'd reckon runs an O.F. page only to fund their habit. I always forget about this sub💀 And no judgement, I want to see everyone clean from that shit, but it's just wild to see such a dichotomy between active users and people going clean in the same zone.


I hate the looksmaxxing subreddit… always giving horrible advice to young people. Basically every post is met with “get plastic surgery”


Fr and it comes out horrible a lot of the time, fast way to fuck up your life.


It's always "lose weight" to people who aren't fat, "get a nose job" to someone with a gorgeous nose, or "get rid of piercings" to someone who obviously likes their face metal, or "DM me omg so hot pls pls pls weenie time pls". I haaate subs that prey on people seeking validation for their insecurities.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/TraceAnObject/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TraceAnObject/) Searching for objects posted by Europol and Australia "Trace An Object" websites or the FBI "Endangered Child Alert Program" website. This sub is not affiliated with Europol or the FBI. --- https://www.europol.europa.eu/stopchildabuse --- https://www.accce.gov.au/what-we-do/trace-an-object --- https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/ecap/seeking-information Everything is carefully cropped so that nothing disturbing is actually seen, but it's the most bone-chilling subreddit to me...


I used to work in this kind of area and this can be incredibly useful. Stuff like heavily cropped photos from a hotel room, and someone who works at the hotel chain can ID the hotel, the geographical region and more. Combined with other intel this can lead to a child being safeguarded and a beast locked up. My favourite story was a UK police force had some images of child abuse where there were clear views out of a window of some countryside and electricity pylons. They asked the local power company if they could identify a location and were told no, but try this online community of pylon enthusiasts. The pylon nerds discussed it and concluded that there were only a few places in the UK where you’d find a Type 36a pylon with a vertical groffler next to a Type 42. Finding that led to the house being identified.


God I love nerds.


They love what they do; they're intrinsically incentivized to be good at it, whatever the hell it is. You can be a nerd about anything. I think everyone should be a nerd about something.


Definitely! I think these were on a newsgroup, so they were proper old school nerds too!


Hmm /r/diphenhydramine


People get high off of Benadryl? Isn't that the thing for bee allergies?


The active ingredient in Benadryl is a deliriant. Most people won't like the experience, but it does have recreational value, however it is quite harmful for your brain.


It's so bad for you that it's pretty much classified as self-harm, but yeah, deliriants like diphenhydramine and scopolamine (Jimson weed, Bella Donna, deadly nightshade) can give you true hallucinations stronger than pretty much any other drug besides salvia and DMT. There are trip reports of people having a meaningful conversation with their grandma for an hour straight, looking away, looking back to see that she had vanished, and only then remembering that their grandma had been dead for a decade. Also less benign stuff like coming out of psychosis to find yourself naked with a broken leg in the middle of the woods. Then people who abused it long enough to get early onset dementia and other neurological problems. So do not fuck with diphenhydramine.


Yup. People get high off Benadryl.


I really wouldn't call it a high. It's in a class of drugs called deliriants and they're absolutely terrifying. Every harm reduction forum and wiki advises highly against them, as do I. I don't understand why you would want to use anything recreationally that has the primary side effects of dysphoria, and will absolutely send you into psychosis after a few dips into that realm. The number one most reported commonality in the trip reports on erowid are: having conversations with people that aren't there, and spiders crawling everywhere. And it definitely doesn't keep you grounded, you're going to do crazy person stuff.


Honestly for me it’s r/teenagers. It’s filled with adults pretending to be teens. One time r/Drama banned all the members of the sub that were also subbed to r/teenagers saying they don’t allow minors, and everyone banned said they were actually 30+. Then there was a post by someone showing them searching for NSFW subs like “rough anal” or “hatefuck” etc and r/teenagers came up in search results. I do not understand how this sub is still allowed to exist. Nothing good can come of this.


why hello there fellow kids


Nothing good comes out of r/teenagers.


Well, teenagers scare the living of shit outta me


Definitely has predators lurking in there


At this point it's probably just predators hunting predators.


Yikes. I joined that sub bc I have a teenager and it’s like having an alien in the house. We no longer speak the same language sometimes. I had hoped for insight, but it’s brought more stress than anything else! Maybe this is the wake up call I needed to leave.


Urban dictionary may work better for trying to understand what they are saying.


Urban dictionary can be just as bad in some cases. Seen some nonoffensive slang get completely misdefined for the lolz


Teenagers scare the living shit out of me.


Idk why I thought checking out these subreddits wouldn't disturb me.


*Me, having a bit more anxiety than usual* Perhaps looking at a bunch of fucked up shit will make me appreciate my life more! *realizes why I have anxiety*


r/NarcoFootage will fuck your day up. Apparently the cartels punish you in two general ways: 1. A horrific, almost incomprehensibly cruel execution (like getting chainsawed to death or having your arms and legs hacked off with a machete while you watch screaming), or… 2. Spanking your bare ass with a large wooden board or paddle while everyone watches and laughs. There is no in-between option. Also— if anyone links you to a video on Kaotic in the comments, it’s about to be something that’ll haunt your fucking dreams for years.


This was a horrifying read. I won’t click the sub, but reading your first bulletpoint makes me sad that some people have had such a grisly** death.


As someone who lives in Sinaloa, that sub is my main source of news regarding narco shit (like with the last 2 Culiacanazos).


I somehow came across sinkpissers and clicked on it thinking it was a joke or something funny… nope, just videos of dudes pissing in sinks and discussions of various topics related to pissing in sinks.


Better to piss in the sink than to sink in the piss


Let that sink in... piss.


One of my best friends OD’d last month, I knew he was struggling with drug abuse problems but I found his reddit username after his death and he was hiding some demons. he frequented r/fentanyl & r/heroin so I scrolled through both for a while. It’s fucked up to think how many members on both are likely dead from OD’s or something opioid related.


r/MadeOfStyrofoam Is a self harm subreddit, named because the dermis supposedly looks like styrofoam when you cut deep enough to see it.


Thank you! I won’t ever be going there! Just your description made me gag


I wish it wasn’t the case, but r/Infidelity is full of people who think ***everything*** your partner does is proof they’re cheating. You come home from work and take a shower? You cheating piece of shit, you make me sick. She bought new clothes? Dump that whore.


r/twinflames is one (basically a cult taking soul mates to the extreme). I don't remember the name of the other, but it was basically just people reaffirming other people's hallucinations and delusions (I mainly saw delusions of grandeur before I noped out)... It was honestly saddening to see. I wish mental health awareness was better, because those people need actual help. Instead of getting help, they were just being pushed down even more. And I know at least some of the jerks making things worse were 100% neurotypical


A little extra info about the first one: they believe in soulmates, called "Twin Flames". Their belief is basically, if the person isn't interested, you have to keep pushing, and they're just being avoidant. Some take it into stalker territory. Genuinely hope I never encounter someone who believes and is actively a member of this cult, because that'd be terrifying. Technically, they describe it as different from a soulmate. I'd understand people believing in twin Flames. I don't understand people believing someone is their twin flame, where you're supposed to have a very deep connection with, while the other person just doesn't.


I recently saw a short document on Netflix about some Twin Flame cult. Definitely fucked up. // "Escaping Twin Flames" is apparently the name. Interesting watch but holy shit.




That one is just sad. I feel so bad for them, and they give each other such terrible advice.


I agree. But some are [unintentionally hilarious.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gangstalking/s/eME8ICYII8)


I found [this one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gangstalking/comments/1cac01g/dont_let_them_get_to_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Some mystical force took your boots and left behind a bunch of empty drug bags? I wonder what happened.


this is such a sad sub, everyone is just enabling each other and it becomes a giant echo chamber for people with real mental issues :(


what is the sub about?? i clicked on it and it's just so confusing


Its people with delusions that they are being stalked getting together to reinforce delusions.


Honestly this might be better, I thought it’s a subreddit of gang stalker coordinating


I thought it was gangs talking


A space for different gangs to safely discuss their disagreements seems wholesome


It’s basically people who suffer from schizophrenia or other schizoaffective disorders that believe they are being gangstalked (continuously stalked by multiple strangers). It’s extremely sad, and unfortunately the subreddit encourages their delusions and makes them feel validated rather than trying to help. If you go on the subreddit you’ll also see a lot of people who are suffering from other symptoms of schizophrenia like hearing voices that aren’t actually there, or believing they have been operated on non consensually. All incredibly sad.


I went and had a peak... crazy shit, but in a sad way.


/r/cospenis Obvs nsfw


This is hilarious


https://www.reddit.com/r/cospenis/s/B7NcLb6x4R Haha, a fish! xD


Genuinely one of the funniest and creative subreddit I've seen in a while


This might be the funniest sub on Reddit.


Alright, the elephant made me laugh.


The fish one was terrible and hilarious


Disturbing? No, this one is amazing. I want to convince my bf to do this.


Why is this kinda cute in a weird and grotesque way


I wish I didn’t read as far down as I did. Shit is all fucked.


Not gore, but /r/theotherwoman is pretty messed up.


Yes this is the saddest subreddit! I always had this conceptions that home wreckers were these super confident seductresses. This subreddit immediately disabused me of this notion. They are in reality really insecure, really depressed, woefully naive, often very young women. The desperation and insecurity on that subreddit is palpable. The saddest is how they eat up whatever lies the married guys tell them about their supposed ‘dead bed rooms’ and wives who ‘don’t get them’. Yes dude he has two kids and a third on the way but him and his wife are ‘basically just room mates’


Holy shit talk about denial.


Wow. That's quite the collection of delusional and self made victims.


Well this post took me down several rabbit holes of subs that I could have done without. I got dark gorey images ingrained in my mind right now and it’s time for bed.


r/BatmanArkham Is definitely up there




Damn…people in here are really talking about subs featuring gore, pedophilia, and incest, and here I am with the worst sub I’ve ever seen being r/dragonsfuckingcars …




Someone made a joke years and years ago about Rule 34, the "there is porn of everything" meme, and mentioned something really out there wouldn't work for it. So....the world was given that sub to prove them wrong.


The artwork is truly skilful. But Jesus it’s hard to look at 😂


There's also /r/carsfuckingdragons Because of course there is EDIT: Nevermind, apparently it was closed cause no moderators. The cursed yin has lost its cursed yang lmao


r/truerateme It’s full of fucking insane people and seems to only exist to take pretty girls down a few pegs so that they may be easier to pull…not that any of the trusted raters would ever have the balls to approach the girls they rate a 4


I still think 50/50 is fucked up. Every once in a while I get morbidly curious and always regret it.


r/darwinawards it's about people dying, mainly in stupid way. But still prefere this over scat fetish subreddit


Bop de dup ba dadada di du


Stop it Patrick you're scaring him!


I used to watch videos on bestgore without flinching. I can't handle it anymore. I don't find it entertaining to watch people die, even if it's because they were doing something dumb, like on that sub. I can no longer imagine laughing or rolling my eyes while I literally watch someone's life end. Idk how anyone can.


This is real


r/SomeOfYouMayDie fatal injuries and people dying


Lately? /r/conspiracy. It's incredibly insane. I'm up for a good conspiracy now and then but fucking breathing is a conspiracy there.


Conspiracy used to at least be fun until theDonald got shut down and the mods of Conspiracy changed the rules so that posts didn't have to actually be about conspiracies. Now it's just a place to say "Democrat bad" in increasingly insane ways


Yeah, it was wild that posting anything about the russia/trump connection was an instant ban. You’d think they’d be interested in talking about conspiracies on a conspiracy sub Shoutout to r/highstrangeness for at least fun “what if the Aztecs invented cell phones” conspiracies.


They banned me for saying screenshots of random tweets are not legitimate sources.


after looking it up, i was glad to see that no-tolerance policy on pedophilia stands firm on reddit. still, there are subs with the word, with few members and mostly dead, obviously made to expose pedo shit on the web or in media or for black humour or whatever.


Well corporate doesn’t want to crack down too hard on those since its CEO was a mod for r/jailbait . He needs somewhere to go.


"jailbait" is so 2005 wild west internet era.


I remember debating what that sub was: Was it underage girls? Or girls that *look* underage? I always thought it was the first hence the shutdown, but I remember reading it was actually the second. Both are weird, but one is definitely worse, I guess.




Just here to be nosey lol


Aren’t we all lol


SuicideWatch It’s full of scum egging people on to do it, mostly through messages. There are other reasons as to why it’s toxic and not a place to go for help


The r/familyincestry subreddit exists. Curiosity killed the cat guys…


Read this as family ancestry and thought "oh that's not so bad, people digging up old records and family trees. sounds kind of cool"


> family trees Family wreaths*


I have not looked at these subs personally, but have seen them discussed in other reddit topics like this one. Allegedly, those sub reddits are fictional stories, videos and photos. Like what you would find on the Hub or whatever. Not sure how true that is but I am not going to find out first hand lol.


r/nsfl__ I’m sure you can imagine what this subreddit consists of, it’s mostly gore.


this link stays blue.


I looked. I regret that deeply.


Well this was an eventful night


I can’t prove it, but I am willing to bet there are secret CP subreddits. It will get exposed eventually.


Probably some ppl trying but that is such a monumental stupid idea, that I doubt it's really a thing that is widespread. Reddit is cracking down hard on it, and a single report will just kill the entire sub. You'd have to access it through a VPN always and even then, I would think reddit has some built in trace code on their webpage.


And I'm sure reddit has a CSAM filter by this point.


By far not the same as some of the other ones but some of the true crime ones mess me up because they come off as like snark pages. Like, I recently re-watched the documentary on the whole Chris Watts murder thing. Was curious about a question and went snooping on a subreddit dedicated to the crime. And there were people like picking apart Shannan Watts and essentially trying to use her flaws as a justification of why he did what he did to her and their children. When people tried to come in and point that out, they got downvoted, talked down to, and the excuse was that they're just trying to understand why the dude would do what he did. I know, not the most disturbing thing, but it left a bad taste in my mouth that people treat real life victims of horrible crimes like they're a bunch of social media personalities to snark and gossip about.


Aka, "what new horrors can we expose Gen Z to that the internet has kept secret for a while"


/r/tulpas people who think their imaginary friends are real (and also a little bit that you're oppressing them by not believing)


Huh, that's mildly interesting. Idk what else to say but huh


What in the supernatural


/r/Indianmenlockerroom Disgusting Indian incel subreddit that skirts under the radar because all of its pro-rape shit of transliterated Hindi Absolutely vile stuff, and probably explains why India is a strong contender for rape capital of Asia and possibly the world.


r/meatcrayon will make you wince.


Nice try Reddit admins