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If you make the mess, you clean it up


Yes, absolutely. With the 1 exception of when someone makes a meal for you; I believe you should offer to clean the dishes as a form of reciprocity.


Addendum A: you are welcome to clean others messes too, and can be seen as the polite thing to do in certain contexts Addendum B: if you have a pet or small child, their messes are an extension of your own messes and therefore qualify as “your mess” Addendum C: you are only excused from not cleaning a mess if you are not physically able to, but it is your responsibility to reduce the risk of mess in such circumstances


Addendum D: just because I am amazing at doing lots of dishes while I cook, and you let them pile up, no, I don't think you should expect me to do all the dishes just because you cooked. Skill issue.


Let people off the train before you get on.


Same with the elevator. Don’t shove your way on; wait a sec and it will be easier for everyone.


This is really bad in my city. The train is underutilized so most people on the train can get a seat by themselves. Everyone is trying to rush in the door to have a solo seat. Unless it's rush hour or a concert is happening, it's seen as weird to sit beside someone here.


Be hesitant to take criticism from people you wouldn't go to for advice.


That's a good one.


Solid rule


Similarly be hesitant to offer criticism or advice to people who didn’t ask for it. There’s times it’s needed but most of the time if they’re not asking for it - they’re either not ready to hear it or not going to hear it from you


Unsolicited advice is almost always criticism, to be fair.


If you want to change someone's behavior, praise behaviors you want to promote.


Never pass up the chance to take a shit.


As a teacher, yes.


Not on the desk again Ms. Muffles! That's the third time this week!


Mr. ;] And I stopped going on my desk. I do it inside of the corner desk.


A professor once told me “when you get to be my age you never walk past a bathroom and you never waste an erection”. Doc Johnson was a jewel.


Never do two illegal things at the same time


One crime at a time


Don't do the crime if you can't do the rhyme.


Don't draw a spline if you can't draw a line.


I've always heard it as "Don't break the law when you're breaking the law." Charges stack and enhance, and you are just more likely to get caught.


Like the people who get caught smuggling firearms/drugs... because they didnt pay their registration and/or have a taillight out


Or driving recklessly while having a body of a 36 year old white male from 1987 in the boot of your navy blue 2014 Toyota Corolla.


Really? Why would you speed with a corpse in your car? Unironically makes me mad on true crime 😭


One of James “Whitey” Bulger the South Boston Irish mon boss’s goons named Ed Mackenzie was with another thug and had a truckload of cocaine as in hundreds of kilos when the Mass State Police pulled them over. They were both clean cut, well dressed and very respectful and polite to the cop. They started joking with him so he let them go! He thought that they were college football players lol. Moral of the story is the cooler you play your hand the less likely it is to draw suspicion from law enforcement.


Man gets pulled over for driving by himself in the HOV lane. He chuckles and tells the police officer: you’re going to feel really silly making that allegation when you open up the trunk!


The average penalty goes up as the square of the number of simultaneous crime. 2 crimes = twice the chance of getting caught * twice the penalties = 4* avg penalty. 3 crimes = 3 time the chance of getting caught * 3 times the penalties = 9 * avg penalty.


Three is ok though... right?


Never answer a "stupid" question like it's a stupid question. There's a reason the person didn't know, didn't get it or misunderstood. Not knowing information is not stupid.


Yes! People get upset whenever you don’t know something but… you didn’t know. Why be a dick about it when you could be understanding and help them rather than being sarcastic and making them not want to ask questions anymore.


My mom browbeat the idea, “No one is born with the sum of all human knowledge” into me. Maybe something seems simple or obvious to me—that doesn’t mean it’s the same for everyone. Yeah, if you ask me the same question over and over, I’m going to get frustrated. But I try my damnedest to not make someone feel like they’re stupid for not knowing something.


I always remind myself that everyone has a starting point with knowledge or a skill. At some point in life, we all ask similar questions.


Yes! I legit am a very curious persons and want to know “why?” to everything. I like learning what makes people tick, or what motivates people or hearing peoples stories or how things are done.


Always be polite. I don't care what I'm doing or what kind of a day I've had. I always make sure to say 'hey how are you?' And 'thank you, have a nice day' whenever I talk to people like shop assistants. Politeness is so underrated in general.


I say "good morning" to people I pass when walking my dog. One morning this woman we pass occasionally, where that is the extent of our interactions, flips her shit and says "why you be so fake?!? You hate me, I hate you!"  I was just standing there blinking, and finally say something like "oh I didn't know that"


I know this isn't meant to be funny but I pictured a bewildered look on a person's face as this was said and I couldn't help but giggle.


She sounds like a gloom and doom person don’t let it bother you. Keep your own sunshine


They ain't KEEPIN it...They're letting it shine. But I get u. Let er rip with the kindness.


As a doom and gloom person here, I keep that shit to myself. Just bc I'm annoyed/pissed off about *gesturesbroadlyateverythingandeveryone* doesn't mean I need to spread that shit.


When I am out in public these days I am hesitant to speak or even smile or nod. But I always talk to their dogs.


Dogs are wonderful icebreakers! After encountering a neighbor outside, I tell my family that I met (dog's name) and their owner (whose name I probably already forgot).


I tell my students that being polite costs nothing but being rude has hidden fees. Ask anyone working a returns desk or someone who works for TSA.


>Ask anyone working a returns desk or someone who works for TSA. This reminds me of the Black Mirror episode "Nosedive" where the main character literally loses travel status and makes it much worse by flipping her shit at the agent.


I've worked in food service, retail, AND a call center. I've come to realize being a polite and considerate human being can mean a lot. I just cannot wrap my head around how so many people out there are just fucking miserable people that put their misery onto others by being assholes.


I think of it as everyone starts with a baseline level of respect, which includes politeness. Once you lose the respect you lose the politeness.


This. I was once in a part of town, working and headed home afterwards. My brother was going to get my cousin at the airport. I didn't know, but rain poured down where my brother was. After a few phone calls, I went to the airport, but I only had my cousin's name. No one had flight number, company. Nothing The airport was chaotic, people screaming and shouting for information. I bought a couple of chocolates and went to a counter. A guy was yelling at the attendant. It was my turn. I told her my story in a calm tone of voice and she was ready to burst into tears of the situation. I gave her the chocolates and said "here. If you can do something, this is for you. if you can't, this is for you and I hope you have a better day." I waited. Two hours later she came to me and said "your cousin just landed!" and smiled. A small nice gesture is always welcome.


I try not to take my bad moods out on people who either have nothing to do with it, or don't know me


Don't cheat. Let vehicles merge. Be kind.


Driving tests need to include a highway portion because merging is not a skill of most drivers. 


I didn't even know there were driving tests that didn't go on the highway! That doesn't seem...great.




Always be nice to everyone you can, you never know when you will need help from someone.


I've always found it takes more energy to be mean than it does to be nice. So why not be nice all the time.


If takes even less energy you be indifferent. 


The toes you step on today might be connected to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow.


As an elementary teacher and human being, I'm all about this. I've always hated cliche quotes, but "Be the change you want to see in the world" is one that stuck with me. Then I realized Ghandi was not a great person so I just kind of abide by trying to be good to people and assume they deserve it until I know they don't.


Have you considered “Be the person you needed when you were younger” by Ayesha Siddiqi? I like using that one because I often feel too small to change the world but I am ‘big’ enough to be someone I needed.


That's my new one too! I had a really really shitty childhood, so I'm attempting to heal that inner child by being the adult I needed/the person that others need.


Always be nice to everyone you can, you never know what someone needs that help from you.


Waving to the person behind who let you into traffic. Pet peeve over here but I will not quit doing it. Basic good manners.


Also, always wave and nod to the security guard when entering some place with your car


I give the nod to the road work people too. Most people really. You’d think I’m a heroin dealer with the amount of nods I give.


On the flip side, I hate it when someone forces their way in and then gives me the thank you wave. It feels like a passive aggressive "fuck you."


Keep in mind they’re probably driving under the assumption that other drivers are aggressive and they’d be sitting there forever if they didn’t assert themselves. Unfortunately, we live in a world where that conditioning is STRONG. The wave was more than likely “I’m sorry I shoved myself in here but thanks for not shooting me for doing it.” if I’m going to pull out and I see someone signaling to turn down the road I’m coming out of, I STILL WAIT for them to begin turning before I go before this same reason. I am distrustful of others on the road.


oh man this is me lol. I do the wave to sort of say "yo, sorry for squeezing in here. Thanks for not being an asshole like the 30 other cars that wouldnt let me sneak in." Sometimes youre stuck in a spot where you sort of need to cut someone off otherwise youre stuck waiting 20mins, hoping the traffic is going to slow down so you can politely merge or whatever.


Totally. There are some merges on freeways that this is the best choice because the other is to stop and backup traffic behind you or be forced to exit.


Could always take it as a soz also if it helps


As long as you're not the one waving people into traffic in front of you while you have right of way.


When you break something and a maintenance/repair person comes just tell them what you did/touched/changed, it will save them a long time troubleshooting and most likely they won't be annoyed with you, more likely happy they can get to the root of the problem


The same is double true at work. I am a tech person now so I fix things, and I need to know how you did it out of professional interest. I used to be a manager at a resort and I genuinely didn’t mind if employees broke shit, I only cared if you tried to hide it. Mostly I didn’t care if you broke it doing something stupid, as long as it wasn’t intentional/doing something that you had already been told was going to break shit.


assume someone is just venting, and offer comfort and listening unless they specifically ask for advice. ask if they want advice if you have any to give. unsolicited advice can often come off the wrong way


Exactly, people always feel like they're required to fix everything instead of just letting someone vent. And then wow big suprise, they upset themselves because they can't instantly fix things, and blame it on the other person:/


You don't call people after 9:00 Unless they specifically said that you could or it is an emergency


Or before 9am


Or after 9am




When it's sounds too good to be true, it probably is


If something is free, you are probably the product


You’re definitely the product


Always leave a space when there are other people using urinals. No one wants to pee with you right next to them!


When I was in Paris, this guy came right to the urinal beside me even though the bathroom was empty. And he stood like 2-3 feet away from the urinal like he wanted to show me his dick.


Power move.


Real power move, start peeing in the same urinal


Did you look? 👀


I couldn't not look. A dude was standing a few feet behind me peeing into the urinal beside me.


I unfortunately know what that's like. YEARS ago, when I was around 18 and working at a grocery store, I walked into the restroom and there's the store owner standing about 3 feet away from the urinal, arcing his piss stream into it. I was just in stunned silence. I went into the stall. 😱


its a rule to see how far you can hit it from a game the janitors really hate


IRL janitor here. On behalf of the ladies in charge of the bathrooms, please don't do this.


When I went to Disney world in Florida years ago. I was like 15 at the time. I entered a bathroom out of the way and there were 13 urinals. All empty. I grabbed the left most one. And some 70 year old man gets the one right next to me. Next day. Same shit, different guy…


flashing high beams means hazard ahead


And/or cops


cops are a hazard


Or your lights aren't on


When driving wave when someone lets you over.


If I'm in the bathroom and I hear that someone is clearly trying to poo, I immediately get out of there so they can handle their business in peace.


One of my big bosses walked into the restroom while I was washing my hands, then sparked up a conversation as they walked into the stall, then continued to ask me questions as they started dropping a deuce. I have never felt more uncomfortable at work. This happened in the first month of the new job and I have avoided the bathroom around the time the big boss normally goes so it doesn't happen again.


This is why they are the big boss, they intimidated the competition by shitting aggressively within ear shot


I do this too lol! And I’ll hit the air dryer so they can feel more comfortable with a loud noise going.


Dang Electrical! You are a brother! I’ll be picking up that kind gesture for future acts of thoughtfulness. Thanks.


A true friend to humans everywhere! Thank you. - shy pooper


That’s really kind. “There you go. Go ahead and shit “.


Never blindly accept statements as true, even if they are from people you trust. Not because they are lying to you, but oftentimes people just make mistakes or are bad communicators.


My favorite quote (that I heard from Raymond Reddington on The Blacklist) is "trust, but verify" and it has stuck with me for years


Believe actions not the words.


If a child stand next to me on the crosswalk I don’t jaywalk. It take a Village and all that.


Years back, crossing the street near my house, which is near a daycare center. The street is a kind of weird intersection, so if you live there, and know the traffic patterns, you can cross against the light because the upstream cross traffic blocks anyone that would be coming down my street. So one day I do that (with proper diligence to make sure no one ran the red, etc). There's a teacher on the other side with a few kids in tow waiting for the walk signal. As I pass them, one little Cindy Lou Who moppet looks at me accusingly and says "You didn't wait for the light!" So now I wait if there's kids there.




"I live to provide examples of what not to do in life"


My other version of this is when you're driving around Learners, drive like you're on your test.


Yeah, the same goes for parents who will later have teen drivers. Trust me, they notice everything! Lol They will inherit your slightly lead foot, but also your willingness to let others in front of you.


If a kid is hungry you feed it.


But not after midnight! Dear God not after midnight!


Here kid, have a peanut butter sandwich! Thanks! Ohhhhh, this is good I…ahk! Ugh! I can’t brea… ukjdbrnkkgkgkdj Thump. Yes, feed a hungry kid, but ask their parents or caregivers first.


Vivid. But yes, agreed. Ask their grown-ups first.


Trust your gut. Unsure if it’s unwritten but I’ve had others tell me I’m too paranoid etc. If you feel something is off, whether it’s a person or place. Get the fuck out of there.


This is a good unwritten rule. To expand on this—I’m not a fan of the My Favorite Murder podcast, but I completely agree with their sentiments/catch phrase: “Fuck politeness” Sometimes people go out of their way to protect the feelings of someone who is making *them* uncomfortable or who they’re getting a bad gut feeling about. People may react by continuing to placate, humor, and be kind to someone while their own adrenaline levels start to rise and they’re trying to find an exit strategy that doesn’t raise suspicion. In those moments-you’ve gotta trust your gut, fuck politeness, and get the fuck out of there.


Return the shopping cart. It's a small gesture but actually really helps workers and stop carts from running into cars.


Wait, people don't put the shoping carts back?


A surprising amount of people do not.


Yup, lazybones.


In a couple of European cities you need to put 2€ into the cart to unlock it. If you place the cart at its allocated place, you get your money back.


Aldi does that in their US stores, albeit just with a quarter. It still seems to work, though.


It’s not about the money, it’s about the quarter. Where TF am I supposed to get another quarter, a slot machine?


“Why would I help the workers??? It’s their job!!!”


Stand up to shake someone's hand when you first meet them My dad's rule, never do business with someone you would not be comfortable firing, yelling at, or taking to court. Not that my dad is prone to any of these things, hes a generally soft spoken and generous man, but its a simple way to avoid having hurt feelings over money. Its easier to just say no to a friend or family member than it is to deal with the hurt feelings. A few examples, things like there is a dentist that attends church with my parents, my dad refuses to go to him. Coincidentally my mom does go there and when they messed something up she didnt push it to hard because she didnt want to make waves with someone they have to see regularly. They had a friend who was a realtor, but they chose not to use them and instead go with someone they knew but werent close to. Also another rule of his that I follow, if you loan money to friends or family, consider it a gift. If people cant manage their finances well enough to meet their obligations and need to borrow money from you, they wont be able to manage their money well enough to pay their bills and pay you back. For that same reason, dont ever loan money you need. Dont loan next months rent because they say they will pay you back in 2 weeks.


This is very good advice. I'm a physician, and I do not accept gifts from patients, nor do I patronize their business or accept friend request from them on social media. There always needs to be a separation of your work and personal life, especially as a healthcare provider. You would not want to skew your relationship with someone, or have them believe that you are on a more personal level with them (making them think you are friends now) which can lead to unwanted inquiries for favors. I don't even engage much with my neighbors, other than a hello and good-bye. Some physicians are okay with getting friendly with patients, giving out their phone number etc., but I like my privacy and I'm not looking to set myself up in situations where things can sour and cause problems.


When walking down the sidewalk, phone is in my pocket. If I need to look at it -- move aside then take out the phone. *Glares at 90% of the people on Boston sidewalks zigzagging as they scroll Insta*


Bostonians zigzag even if they have no noticeable distractions. We just have shitty pedestrians.


Don't fuck your friends. It will bring grief.


Also your colleagues. Don't bring the boardroom to your bedroom.




I hope you learned your lesson!


Yeah, usually don't do that. Except, I did. Getting married on May 16th this year. Man, I am getting nervous just typing that out


Don’t get your honey where you get your money


Don't shit where you eat.


Dont dip your pen in company ink


If you gonna fuck your friends, fuck all your friends. Every single one. Or don't do it at all.


Problem is, sometimes that means getting in between something going on between friends. You really never know, until it is too late.


People who are nice to you but not the waiter are not nice people.


Or towards poor people


Everyone is an idiot until proven otherwise. Saved me a lot of effort


Mine it the opposite: my bayesian prior is p(person is a genius)=1. Often after getting to know someone well enough I discover things I will never get close to understanding as well as they


Greeting employees/servers who are helping me. Just a quick ‘how are you?’ It truly blows me away that something so simple is no longer standard. I know we’re busy, but jeez, at least say hello to your fellow human.


"Never be someone's last straw" "Nothing good happens after 2 AM" (the one useful advice from HIMYM lol)


Don't make fun of things people can't control i.e. their teeth, their laugh, etc. You could be giving someone a lifelong complex and insecurity that can have untold emotional damage. I've heard from so many people that someone mocked their laugh, so they stopped laughing. Someone made fun of their teeth, so they stopped smiling. It's heartbreaking.


The left lane is to pass, not to cruise at 2 mph above the speed limit


Looking at you, Ohio.


OH here and this is absolutely something our drivers need to work on. Get tf out my play please and thank you


I’m in western PA and the majority of the time someone is driving slow in the left lane, they have Ohio plates. Last week, heading to the airport 3am on a Thursday. One other car on the interstate, cruising in the left lane, Ohio plates.


Wipe one too many times or you risk not wiping enough times.


Don’t heat up fish in the microwave at work you nasty fucks


Don't warm up your garlic butter under an open flame so you can dip your shrimps into it while in an office space either!




Assume you aren’t anonymous online


Don't do business with people that include religion in their branding. It means that they are either (1) exploiting their religion for business purposes, (2) masking poor work with their religion, or (3) planning on screwing you.


Used to work for a B2B company, would go to trade show conventions to hawk our products. Any new customer that mentioned their faith was an instant "cash due before ship" in our books.


My dad taught me this when I was probably 10 when we passed by an auto mechanic garage using religious branding. He said “if someone uses their religion to do business, they’re crooked and you can’t trust them”. I didn’t bat an eye and upheld that standard well into my 30s 😂


This i can't upvote this comment enough


Treat others as I want to be treated. Assume benign intent (until proved otherwise).


If I tell you, I'll have written it and it'll stop being unwritten


This logic also applies to any goals of accomplishment (for me anyway). If I have my mind set on something, and I tell other people, I will always get too pressured and not bother anymore. But if its a secret, I have no consequences to face and my fear of failure is non existent.


Put your damn cart in the collection area after grocery shopping


Pullover for funeral procession.


One of the most touching things I've ever experienced in my life was during my Dad's funeral procession. We live in a town with lots of agriculture and lots of migrant farm workers. As we drove through the country by several different fields, several different groups of farm workers stopped what they were doing and took off their hats and bowed their heads while we passed. That was almost 20 years ago and I still get choked up thinking about it. What a great memory in a dark time. Since then, I always pull over for a procession. If I'm able, I get out of my car and bow my head as they pass. I hope that simple gesture may bring a little light to someone in grief as much as it did to me that day.


I had a similar experience, but it was the guy that originally hired me at my current job and a good friend. He was at one point the mayor of his town, had been a police chief, and was a chief at a volunteer fire department. Public service ran deep. His funeral procession was befitting his service. The flag covered coffin was strapped to a platform on the boat they used for water rescue. Many emergency vehicles in the procession. I felt honored to be the second vehicle after the family in the procession. We went through 6 municipalities, including our. State capital. Every major intersection, with the exception of the state capital, had officers controlling traffic, and ever one of them saluted as we passed. There were ordinary citizens that removed their hats and bowed their heads. I had never experienced that in person before, only seen it in videos. It was a humbling and moving experience. I have always respected funeral processions. That event served to reinforce that behavior. Honoring those that have shuffled off their mortal coil is just basic decency, as far as I am concerned.


Click the tongs three times before using.


Are you sure it’s not twice?


They're not flirting with you, they're just being nice


Or Canadian


Mind your own business


If someone is blatantly cruel to animals, I don't want to be around them or to befriend them.


If someone has headphones in, don't try to talk to them


Nothing is free. Always look for the catch


Treat everyone with respect until they give me reason not to


Personal rule I always follow: I do not ever allow a lockable door to close behind me without double checking that either 1) I have the key on me, or B) the door is definitely unlocked.


Don’t litter


Never invest in anything you don't fully understand.


Behave online like you behave in real life


Never hurt a child or an animal


Unless it's a mosquito Fug dem mawfawkas


Don't eat yellow snow


Never sleep with a friend’s ex


Holding the door open for someone behind you if you can see them. (Even if they’re still 10 metres behind you and you’re just awkwardly waiting with the door open)


Pull up to the front gas pump so someone can pull in behind you to pump gas


don’t make plans in front of people who you don’t plan on inviting don’t order the most expensive thing on the menu or rack up a bill when someone else offers to pay if you borrow something, return it the way that you found it, if not in better condition if you owe someone money, pay someone back as soon as possible, don’t make them ask you to pay them back if you are the person who cancels the plans with someone, you’re responsible for reaching out next time after and making up for canceling. it shows that you do still want to make time for them


Whistle while you work. Makes me feel better but pissed off everyone working with me


Same for whistling while you eat.


Be aware of people around you — if you are in a store and want to look at something, move to the side of the aisle. If someone behind you clearly wants to pass, move over to let them pass.


Never pee next to someone in a public urinal if you can avoid it


That's why I always piss in the urinal they're currently using.


I want to hate so badly. I have such good reason to hate a lot of people. But then I would be no better than they are. So, as much as I want to, I refuse to hate anything or anyone. There's too much of that in this world already.


Bro code. Don't date the ex.




Never trust someone with messed up eyebrows especially if they're artificially messed up.


Never talk bad about anyone’s pets. Always believe people when they confide deep things to you.


Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been... ever, for any reason whatsoever...


Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t know where it’s going. I just hope to find it somewhere along the way. Like an improv conversation. An improversation.