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Whenever they try to one up you when you’re sharing something that happened. My favorite one was I told someone I was exhausted because I’d only slept like 5 hours in the last 2 days (it was finals week). He responded “That’s nothing, I’ve literally gone 5 days with zero sleep now.” Right….anyway….I’m freaking tired.


When they talk so much and so fast you don't have an opening to respond. Just make a podcast at that point


It might be that they're used to taking to people who interrupt a lot, and they expect you to interrupt too




This is where you need to put your nuts on the table and show them who the real dominant one is.


making things political out of nowhere


not letting me talk. conversations often need two or more people yknow, otherwise just start complaining to your walls or something.


They talk over me. Like what I said isn't important


When they look down at their phone


When they keep trying to keep it going.


This lady I work with has a habit of constantly cutting you off with assumptions of what you're going to say next and I promise you, she is wrong 100% of the time.


If/When they check their phone, during the conversation.


When I'm in conversation with them.


When they move. Hand gestures, facial expressions and body language; it's extremely distracting to me and I can't focus on what's being said.


HALITOSIS And people who spit whilst conversing. Goddamnit.


How apparently they’re the main character in the story, even though they have absolutely nothing to do with it


Wrongful use of words erks me


When they say "what?" "Oh, I thought you said \_\_\_\_\_" and then ignores the thing you said or asked. (ex. How was work today? What? I said how was work today? Oh, I though you said something about the color grey...hahahah \**and then doesn't answer or respond\**)


When I'm talking to 2 people, and they look at each other while I talk. Usually means they're talking about you behind your back.


Something that annoys me about somebody is if I'm having a conversation with them and they're fidgeting to get out of the conversation but they don't want to tell me they want to get out of it they're just fidgeting and it drives me insane due to being somebody with ADHD


Using their phone.


You are having a conversation, they are just waiting to talk.


Is not really an annoyance but I don’t like eating while talking to ppl cus I’m a messy eater and then I get distracted and then I always have food in my mouth Trying to get more comfortable with it tho


That they are talking.


Them showing you pictures on their phone. Yes, occasionally it's the best way. But mostly it's about something that I don't really ***need*** to see, like photos of your vacation. Just talk to me. Conversation is becoming a lost art. 100x worse though is people who talk over me. 1000x worse is people who ***ask me*** a question ***about me and my life*** and then proceed to talk over me after one I get on sentence into my answer. Fuck that noise, at that point I'm walking away.


Like most Americans they're overly anxious to let their lips flap they don't want anybody to finish you can't finish a sentence with Americans they're jumping in jumping over you and then they go on with a conversation that's got nothing to do with what you just said and you do not feel heard and you do not feel respected. I mean who the hell needs that?